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Good News!

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Katy, That's great news! If you find that she does all that you need done, we'd love to add her to our list of surgeons for Canada. Hope it goes well! Pattythesuddendeparture <thesuddendeparture@...> wrote: Hi Ladies,Sorry I haven't been posting much. I have alot to catch up on!! I think I have found a surgeon who will do my explant properly here in Ontario!! I am going for my second consult on Oct 11th because she wants to make sure that all of my questions have been

answered and that I have total peace of mind about my surgery. She will do a total capsulectomy for me and use drains and is completely open to whatever I feel is necessary. I told her about this group and Dr Huang, Dr Feng, Dr Melmed and Dr Kolb. So far I have been really impressed by the service I have received by this surgeon and her staff!!Right now I am awaiting to get the green light from my Dr to go ahead book surgery. Please cross your fingers for me!!xo Katy:)

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YIPEE!! This is such great news. I will pray for you! How exciting.

Hugs, Lynn

Good News!

Hi Ladies,Sorry I haven't been posting much. I have alot to catch up on!! I think I have found a surgeon who will do my explant properly here in Ontario!! I am going for my second consult on Oct 11th because she wants to make sure that all of my questions have been answered and that I have total peace of mind about my surgery. She will do a total capsulectomy for me and use drains and is completely open to whatever I feel is necessary. I told her about this group and Dr Huang, Dr Feng, Dr Melmed and Dr Kolb. So far I have been really impressed by the service I have received by this surgeon and her staff!!Right now I am awaiting to get the green light from my Dr to go ahead book surgery. Please cross your fingers for me!!xo Katy:)

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Fantastic Katy!

I am soooooo happy for you. Keep us posted.

Love Traci


> Katy,


> YIPEE!! This is such great news. I will pray for you! How exciting.


> Hugs, Lynn



> Good News!


> Hi Ladies,


> Sorry I haven't been posting much. I have alot to catch up on!!


> I think I have found a surgeon who will do my explant properly here

in Ontario!! I am going

> for my second consult on Oct 11th because she wants to make sure

that all of my questions

> have been answered and that I have total peace of mind about my

surgery. She will do a total

> capsulectomy for me and use drains and is completely open to

whatever I feel is necessary. I

> told her about this group and Dr Huang, Dr Feng, Dr Melmed and Dr

Kolb. So far I have been

> really impressed by the service I have received by this surgeon and

her staff!!


> Right now I am awaiting to get the green light from my Dr to go

ahead book surgery.


> Please cross your fingers for me!!


> xo Katy:)


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HI Katy,

I havent been on for the past couple of weeks, busy with school and

work but that is wonderful news. You have been looking for so long

you must be thrilled. PLease keep us posted. Did she just agree to do

what you want or does she believe this should be done for a reason?


> Katy,


> YIPEE!! This is such great news. I will pray for you! How



> Hugs, Lynn



> Good News!


> Hi Ladies,


> Sorry I haven't been posting much. I have alot to catch up on!!


> I think I have found a surgeon who will do my explant properly here

in Ontario!! I am going

> for my second consult on Oct 11th because she wants to make sure

that all of my questions

> have been answered and that I have total peace of mind about my

surgery. She will do a total

> capsulectomy for me and use drains and is completely open to

whatever I feel is necessary. I

> told her about this group and Dr Huang, Dr Feng, Dr Melmed and Dr

Kolb. So far I have been

> really impressed by the service I have received by this surgeon and

her staff!!


> Right now I am awaiting to get the green light from my Dr to go

ahead book surgery.


> Please cross your fingers for me!!


> xo Katy:)


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  • 3 months later...

Congratulations, That is great news.JJ


> Hi everyone! After days of stressing out over the possiblity of


> a manipulation, I went to my post-op appointment today and the doctor

> said that I am doing great!! I was able to bend my knee at 95 degrees

> and he said that was really good considering where I was at with my

> other knee at the same time frame. So, now I'll be going to


> therapy three times a week for six weeks and he said that whenever


> ready that I could drive and go back to work!! Praise God!! So, those

> of you who think that you can't do it.....you can!!!


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


Just as important if not more, be sure

this doc will agree to remove them enbloc......

that means with the scar tissue intact around

the implant. This will make sure all the junk

is removed, as well as the contents of the implants

not dumping into your body.

God Bless YOU ! Awesome things are now

on the road to being healthy again !

Hugs N Prayers ~ DedeWondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food.

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Wonderful . . . Every bit as important has having drains is getting the complete capsule removed! . . . The preferred technique is called "en bloc" . . . That means they will cut completely around the capsule and remove it with the implant still inside to prevent anything from spilling into your chest cavity If at all possible. At the very least, the doctor will remove every last bit of capsule. . . then use drains.Make sure your doctor commits to doing it this way . . . even if he doesn't think it's necessary. Get him to put it in writing.Most plastic surgeons think it's OK to leave the capsule behind, that the body will absorb it. WRONG! It becomes it's own toxin-brewing

factory . . . constantly delivering a dose of toxins to you for the rest of your life. . . Hugs,Rogene Good News!

I went to my Endo today. He doesn't really believe in implants making

women sick but he gave the okay to have them taken out before trying to

take out my thyroid. At the present I am not stable enough to have

surgery but he said about 6 to 8 weeks till I'm stable, which is what I

was planning on. I have my explant consultations set up so now I just

have to choose the doctor. I am hoping to have my original PS explant

but I will only use him if he will use drains. My consult with him is

this Thursday. I am just so happy to be taking the steps to regain my

health! I've been ill so long I can't remember what it feels like to

be healthy! Have a great day!!!

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That is great. I will have to go check it out when I get a chance. Thanks for sharing.


Good News!

Hello,Just wanted everyone to know that Hanger just put up a new website...and under "The Patient Experience" click on "Pediatrics".YEAH, they have dedicated a whole page to Plagiocephaly and are spreading the awareness. 7 weeks ago when I first was referred to Hanger this was not there.Anyhow, kudos to Hanger.

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PS Click on "plagiocephaly" it has info.

Good News!

Hello,Just wanted everyone to know that Hanger just put up a new website...and under "The Patient Experience" click on "Pediatrics" .YEAH, they have dedicated a whole page to Plagiocephaly and are spreading the awareness. 7 weeks ago when I first was referred to Hanger this was not there.Anyhow, kudos to Hanger.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Isn't that a great feeling ???

Congratulations on your health news - keep up the good work.

Kinda gives you a wake up call and appreciation for life - the things we took

for granted before learning of this disease and then the blessings we receive

from such good news.


[ ] Good News!

Got my 1st labs after PBC diagnosis back & saw the Doc today & they are

1/2 less than they were before ~ alk phos ~ 749 - now 466, AST 103 -

now 62 & ALT 102 - now 65 - still high ~ but oh so much better!! The

Doctor was very happy! He increased my Ursa to 500 i BID.

Grace 54 SB,Ca - PBC, Stg 0/1 - 4/2008

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> Got my 1st labs after PBC diagnosis back & saw the Doc today & they


> 1/2 less than they were before ~ alk phos ~ 749 - now 466, AST 103 -

> now 62 & ALT 102 - now 65 - still high ~ but oh so much better!! The

> Doctor was very happy! He increased my Ursa to 500 i BID.


> Grace 54 SB,Ca - PBC, Stg 0/1 - 4/2008


HOORAY! always grand to hear some good news!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> I called to see if my third opinion doctor had a cancellation and they

moved me

> up 3 weeks! I go next week! This is perfect b/c the day after I am

scheduled to see the hand

> specialist.


> I will keep you posted,




I love good news, and that is great, perfect timing for your appts.

Good luck at both, and have a pain free day.



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> I called to see if my third opinion doctor had a cancellation and

they moved me

> up 3 weeks! I go next week! This is perfect b/c the day after I am

scheduled to see the hand

> specialist.


> I will keep you posted,




That's great you are able to see your new doctor next week. Hope both

that appointment and your hand specialist appointment go smoothly. Best

of luck to you!


Debbie L

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


That is good news!



> Even though I'm still on prednisone (6mg compared to 15mg) I have

> lost 5 pounds. Yeah! And when we move at the end of the month to a

> place where I CAN walk safely daily, I know I will lose more.


> is hop yet to getting back to my normal size....


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Oh, Jeanette, that is good news - I'm happy for you!! I would love to

get back to a smaller size, but right now I know it is more important

to work as closely with the doctor as I can to just get this pain under

control. I had to walk about a 1/2 a block today with my daughter to

get her HS ID and I didn't think I was going to make it and was wishing

I had brought my wheelchair. But, all in good time (I pray). Think of

me when you go for your walks in your new safe neighborhood - maybe I

can lose some weight through transference *LOL*....Doreen :)


> Even though I'm still on prednisone (6mg compared to 15mg) I have

> lost 5 pounds. Yeah! And when we move at the end of the month to a

> place where I CAN walk safely daily, I know I will lose more. There

> is hop yet to getting back to my normal size....


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Hi Jeanette, Doreen, and Group

i am the same way.  i gained some weight with prednisone and all other meds but

i feel that once this pain is under control i can start working on the outside. 

first i need to feel human then i can work on feeling better.  i tried to start

walking a little bit but then my feet start killing me so i will wait then get

back into shape. 

[ ] Re: Good news!

Oh, Jeanette, that is good news - I'm happy for you!! I would love to

get back to a smaller size, but right now I know it is more important

to work as closely with the doctor as I can to just get this pain under

control. I had to walk about a 1/2 a block today with my daughter to

get her HS ID and I didn't think I was going to make it and was wishing

I had brought my wheelchair. But, all in good time (I pray). Think of

me when you go for your walks in your new safe neighborhood - maybe I

can lose some weight through transference *LOL*....Doreen :)


> Even though I'm still on prednisone (6mg compared to 15mg) I have

> lost 5 pounds. Yeah! And when we move at the end of the month to a

> place where I CAN walk safely daily, I know I will lose more. There

> is hop yet to getting back to my normal size....


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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 9/24/2008 4:45:50 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, sapphyreonalosingstreak@... writes:

Amazingly, I'm down 2 more pounds! 5 more pounds and it's goodbye 240s and hello 230s! I'm so happy!

CONGRATS Sapphy!! Keep up the great efforts!!

in WALooking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.

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That is awesome !!! Keep up the good work.

From: Sapphyre <sapphyreonalosingstreak@...>Subject: Good News!"100Plus List" <100-plus >Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 6:44 AM

I was going to wait two weeks to weigh since I've slacked off so bad during IKE and the week before, but I just couldn't wait so I weighed this morning. Amazingly, I'm down 2 more pounds! 5 more pounds and it's goodbye 240s and hello 230s! I'm so happy! >>>>does happy little Snoopy dance<<<<


"You can deprive the body, but the soul needs chocolate" -Sapphyre


"Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine".-Buddha


"Giving Up Is NOT An Option." - Sapphyre


"Whoever Said 'Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels' Obviously Never Had A Jalapeno Double Cheeseburger ..." - Sapphyre


"Don't Dig Your Grave With Your Own Knife and Fork." - English Proverb

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That is great!


> I was going to wait two weeks to weigh since I've slacked off so

bad during IKE and the week before, but I just couldn't wait so I

weighed this morning.  Amazingly, I'm down 2 more pounds!  5 more

pounds and it's goodbye 240s and hello 230s!  I'm so happy!  >>>>does

happy little Snoopy dance<<<<



> *~*~*~*

> " You can deprive the body, but the soul needs chocolate " -Sapphyre

> *~*~*~*

> " Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like

the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine " .-Buddha

> *~*~*~*

> " Giving Up Is NOT An Option. " - Sapphyre

> *~*~*~*

> " Whoever Said 'Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels' Obviously

Never Had A Jalapeno Double Cheeseburger ... " - Sapphyre

> *~*~*~*

> " Don't Dig Your Grave With Your Own Knife and Fork. " - English



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  • 2 months later...

That's great. They never told us what 's measurements were. Keep up the good work Lucy!!

Ronda, mom to in DOC Band since 12/1

In a message dated 12/11/2008 7:05:31 P.M. Central Standard Time, mdrewapnp@... writes:

Lucy had her one week check up yesterday with our orthotist and she is making awesome progress! We started at 11mm just 8 days ago on the first helmet day and today..... 7mm!!!!! I can't believe how quickly that happened. I hope the rest of treatment goes like this. I can totally tell the the back of her head is much more round and even - her forehead is still bulging a bit on the right and her ears are still off a bit. He originally predicted 2 months - so, hopefully this will keep up and this will all be a memory soon! Hope all of your kiddos are having quick results as well!Meg, mom to Lucy (6 mos) STARband for 11 days. Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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  • 9 months later...

..what fabulous news about Chloe!!!! I am thrilled to hear that there can be an end to this long road..! Wyatt is not quite there.. yet, but his second look in late August didn't show any new Ctoma growth-- but his hearing is still quite diminished. We'll know better next month.

Best wishes for a continued C-toma free ear!!!


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