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Re: Floorwork and a little brag

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Hi ,

Welcome to the list!! I do the basic tapes and I usually work out 3 to 4

times a week. Now and then I throw in AL5 for the floorwork. Everyone is

different and so you have to find what schedule works best for you. I find

if I work out 4 times a week, I don't suffer from burn-out and I get good

results. It will happen for you! Just keep kicking!

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<< That's great news, ! You've had some exceptional results!

Happy Tae-Bo-Versary! >>

Thank you Ann Marie!! The anniversary slipped right past and I didn't

realize it until last night! The changes in my body have been so gradual

that I still see myself as overweight and flabby. Last night I noticed

muscle definition in my arms that I hadn't noticed before. I never thought

I'd find an exercise that I would stick with long term. Thankfully, I found

and Tae Bo :-)

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Congratulations on that brag, that is awsome and inspiring..no doubt you put

alot of work in to get where you are today, and I'm glad you are reaping the

rewards..there is nothing better then putting on a pair of jeans and having

them feel loose, to me, that is more of a reward then jumping on a scale and

seeing 5lbs gone....keep up the good work...I'm soo excited for you and it

helps to hear your news to push me along in my own personal journey and



Who is thrilled to share in others good news as much as she is to get her own

good news....

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I think what said makes sense..I'm just reading Blanks book and

he says that working out w/ Taebo even 3xs a week you will see results..right

now I think I got myself on the Overdo track..Meaning I have been doing Taebo

EVERY day, sometimes 2xs a day for over 1 month..I am on my 2nd 21dc..I'm on

day 4, and once this 21dc is over (I have to complete it to have peace of

mind)...but once its over I plan on doing TB 5-6xs a week giving my body some

time to rest as I've learned from this list that muscles need resting time to

build..I didn't know that before..I've always been in the mind set that i

have to push myself to the max to see maximum results..but, I don't want to

burn myself out cuz I want to see TaeBo stay a part of my life, and I'm

realizing at the pace i'm going now..eventually I would burn out...I think

you really have to see what fits into your life and fits for you...If you

don't have 's book I would recommend it...very good reading...


Who looks forward to getting on a better workout schedule w/o killing


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In a message dated 09/28/2000 11:36:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

ceejaec@... writes:

> I find

> if I work out 4 times a week, I don't suffer from burn-out and I get good

> results. It will happen for you! Just keep kicking!


I'm so relieved that this is what has worked for you cuz worried when you

were asked how many times *a day* you worked-out for your results.

Phew am glad *less* worked better than *more* in your case


who reminds folks on aol and some other email servers to drag the mouse

cursor with the left mouse button depressed over the text you want

quoted/highlighted in your response before hitting reply

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The mirror can be a friend and it can also be an enemy...When I was severly

underweight (80lbs at 5'5), I still saw flab and fatness in the

mirror...Thats probably cuz my mind was mixed up and now when I look back at

some pictures, I realize I looked sickly and disgusting w/ bones sticking

out..Yuk....It takes alot to break that habit of seeing what we " used " to be

in a mirror, versus the reality of what we are now....So, when you look in

that mirror give yourself positive affirmations...I often say..You are doing

great Kathy..Keep going...but otherwise, I pretty much shy away from looking

too much!!!!!!


Who knows that sometimes the reflection in the mirror is not reality, but a

vision..a past memory...a sabotage..but once our inner radiance and

confidence shines thru it is then that we will see the real reflection of WHO

we are....

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In a message dated 09/28/2000 11:48:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

ann.marie.kleiber@... writes:

> From time to time

> we need some little, but great reminders!

I had a great one this morning

though the tape measurer didn't confirm it,

my outspoken son said:

" wow, your legs look much thinner today! " .

This is the same kid who usually wonders why do I do Tae-Bo all of the time

since I'm still fat (told ya he is outspoken)


who does feel like I'm burning fat and getting more muscle even though the

scale and tape measurer don't see the changes as much as I feel them

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<< I know you've struggled some over the past 6 months, but whatever you're

doing...it's working, so keep on doing it :) Congratulations! >>

Thank you so much ! I have struggled, but finally seem to be in the

groove. I really enjoy working out now and that hasn't happened in a while.

I seem to go in cycles of enjoying the workout, and then having to force

myself to do it. I am not giving up no matter what! LOL! I know without a

doubt that if it hadn't been for everyone's constant support and

encouragement, I would have quit a long time ago. I owe each of you a great

big " thank you! " for keeping me going, even when you didn't know you were

motivating me to keep going. I am so thankful to and Tae Bo, and also

extremely grateful to everyone on this list. You guys are the best!

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<< , I've been doing Tae-Bo for a while and I STILL think I'm overweight

and flabby. My husband keeps pointing out that I'm not, but it's such a dang

hard habit to break. >>

It is hard for me to see myself as others apparently do. I think that's

probably true for most of us. My mom is always telling me how skinny I look,

but I always think she's just being nice because she knows how hard I've been

working at getting thin. I *know* I'm thinner than I have been in a long

time, and I *know* that the number on the scale doesn't matter, but I

sometimes get discouraged that I'm not 120 pounds. Sometimes I look in the

mirror and still see the 'fat' me. I wonder if I'll always see myself that

way. At any rate, I know I can never give up. There is no finish line. And

honestly, getting in shape is no longer something I *have* to do to look

better - it's something I *want* to do to feel better.

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<< Phew am glad *less* worked better than *more* in your case >>

Me too Barb because honestly, if I had to work out more than once a day to

get results, I wouldn't stick with it. I have started adding lunges and

push-ups to my workout and I think the push-ups are helping with the

definition in my arms.

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<< I'm so chuffed for you, that must be the greatest feeling - well done >>

Thanks Jill!! I have been waiting for someone to be " chuffed " for me! LOL!

It is a great feeling and I *never* thought I'd get here (still not at goal,

but so much closer!). When I first joined the list and heard everyone

talking about their results, I didn't think I would ever be able to see those

same kind of results. Perseverance, patience and determination do pay off.

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<< I'm soo excited for you and it helps to hear your news to push me along in

my own personal journey and goals... >>


Keep pushing play, and it will happen for you! I honestly didn't think I'd

ever see these kinds of results (I'm sometimes a bit of a pessimist! LOL!)

but I knew I had to try. Just keep kicking and you will see results!

whose mom's name is Kathy :-)

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<< wow, your legs look much thinner today! " .

How incredible to get a compliment from a teenager! LOL! I'm sure it made

you feel great, and you deserved it!! :-)

<< who does feel like I'm burning fat and getting more muscle even though the

scale and tape measurer don't see the changes as much as I feel them >>

Isn't it strange how the scale and measuring tape stay the same, but we

*know* our bodies are changing and shrinking?? I have to remind myself not

to get discouraged when the numbers don't budge.

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<< I remember wheh you despaired of ever seeing any physical results. I am

glad you hung in there. >>

Thanks Elena! I'm glad I stuck it out too, and I can't wait to see what

changes are still in store for me! :-)

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In a message dated 09/28/2000 12:38:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

ceejaec@... writes:

> Isn't it strange how the scale and measuring tape stay the same, but we

> *know* our bodies are changing and shrinking?? I have to remind myself



> to get discouraged when the numbers don't budge.

I have found my fingers feel the changes better than my eyes see them,

especially in the legs. Less cellulite and more firmness

I do see a disturbing recent change in the belly though :(

I guess I'm getting that loose jellybelly flab from burning the deeper fat

underneath the not so quite as fast shrinking skin



who never had a jellybelly even when 12 inches larger in the waist cuz my fat

was solid LOL

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In a message dated 09/28/2000 1:38:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

stamptildawn@... writes:

> Ok now - I'm so glad you posted the whole belly jiggle thing Barb!! I

> could swear I've been having the same problem (?)

Remember the winner Rich from survivor?

he had the belly jiggle bigtime having lost 100 pounds before the show

I'm hoping with time my skin has enough elasticity left to tighten back up as

I develop the abs more cuz tummy tucking is not in the cards for me either



who is glad my arms and legs aren't jiggling and hopes the developing muscle

continues to keep the skin taunt

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In a message dated 9/28/00 10:58:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ceejaec@...


<< I'm so excited! Since starting Tae Bo 6 months

ago (Tuesday was my 6 month anniversary) I've lost 20 pounds, 19.5 inches


went from a size 16 to a 10. I love Tae Bo! LOL!


Wow !

Way to go!!

:) who also wants to congratulate Kathy on her success!

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In a message dated 9/28/00 12:08:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Horsemom2@... writes:

<< my outspoken son said:

" wow, your legs look much thinner today! " .

This is the same kid who usually wonders why do I do Tae-Bo all of the time

since I'm still fat (told ya he is outspoken) >>

That was sweet of him Barb! He owes you a lot of compliments to make up for

that " fat " remark! :)


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<< First of all - Congrats to you !!! That is so awesome. I hope I

can post similar results in a few more months. Have fun and go

shopping!!!! >>

Thank you Dawn! You will see results if you stick with it. I am going

shopping for new jeans this afternoon! I can't stand these baggy things I

have on! I feel like a whale in jeans that are too big.

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That's great news, ! You've had some exceptional results!

Happy Tae-Bo-Versary!

Ann Marie

> Now for my brag...I posted a while ago that I could fit into my

mom's jeans

> (size 12) while weighing 15 pounds more than she does (all thanks

to muscle!

> LOL!). Well, I bought a pair of jeans in a size 12, washed and

dryed them

> and put them on this morning. They're too big!!!! Even after

going through

> the dryer, they're baggy. I'm so excited! Since starting Tae Bo 6


> ago (Tuesday was my 6 month anniversary) I've lost 20 pounds, 19.5

inches and

> went from a size 16 to a 10. I love Tae Bo! LOL!



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<< " man, I love how strong and healthy I am " ! >>

My boss is the one who told me about Tae Bo and he's always asking me if I'm

still doing it. One day I picked up a 5 gallon water bottle and put it on

top of the water cooler. He said " I have some furniture to move - are you

free later? " LOL! I AM stronger, and everyone around me notices. It's a

great feeling! The days of me focusing on my weight are few and far between

now. I hardly ever weigh myself because I know it's not important. Oh sure,

I still think I'd like to lose another 20 pounds, but that's not my main

focus. I know there is a chance that I may never lose another 20 pounds, and

that's okay. I'm stronger, healthier and happier about myself than I've ever

been. That's what counts.

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<< I've been doing Tae-Bo for a little over a month now and I've lost 12

pounds and I think a half inch off my arms and maybe an inch on my hips... >>

Wonderful Dawn!! Way to go!! Keep it up!

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> Since starting Tae Bo 6 months

> ago (Tuesday was my 6 month anniversary) I've lost 20 pounds, 19.5

inches and

> went from a size 16 to a 10. I love Tae Bo! LOL!


WOW!!!!! What great results :) I'm so happy for you! I love it when

you can pull a pair of pants right out of the dryer and not worry

about cramming yourself into them....LOL! It's one of the best

feelings in the world to just be able to put them on and have them be

loose! You should be very proud of yourself cause you've had great

results and you've been very consistent in pushing play! I know

you've struggled some over the past 6 months, but whatever you're

doing...it's working, so keep on doing it :) Congratulations!

who loves to hear brags

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The changes in my body have been so gradual that I still see myself

as overweight and flabby. Last night I noticed

> muscle definition in my arms that I hadn't noticed before. I never


> I'd find an exercise that I would stick with long term.

Thankfully, I found

> and Tae Bo :-)



, I've been doing Tae-Bo for a while and I STILL think I'm

overweight and flabby. My husband keeps pointing out that I'm not,

but it's such a dang hard habit to break. I have to keep reminding

myself that even though I am still carrying some weight, I've made

some great strides. Granted, it's taking a little longer than I

thought it would, but as we've all found out here, " slow is the way

to go. "

It's so hard to notice the outer changes until you try on clothes

that didn't fit before. We recently got a roll of film developed

from June of this year and it had a thinner (than I used to be)

picture of me in it. It's not until we see little things like that,

that we are reminded of how far we've really come. From time to time

we need some little, but great reminders! You've sure had some great

ones! Good for you!

Ann Marie - who is amazed to still be doing Tae-Bo a year and a half


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