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Hi ,

Thank you I meant to send you a Thank you note but my battery has

been on low, so I apolgize. Still recovering from my sinus & ear

infections that my doc told me was still there according to the

X-ray and exam's done, which was recently, bummer. Lots of

discomfort wearing an ear tube by the way. I am coming along but

feel so drained, must be the meds. I felt fine when I last posted

but then all of sudden " BAM " ! I had not realized this could happen

this long.

The video did arrive safely, thank you. Did you hear some time next

week, I believe next Wed. the discussion will be on Bi-Polar?

has returned back to school this week and its taking me 2

clock /alarms to wake me up, speak about who's turn for a change to

adapt back into the routine.

Out all of this some brag time to share....I'm glad that has

been doing great at school. I have the AU specialist working with

him and the staff in the classroom with the picture system.

This made my day to see that the school team has begun working with

him per my recent request with some form of communication skills

training to help him make his wants and needs known, etc. which were

my concerns. A sigh of relief. I guess its been worth using my

energy and could sort of relax for awhile, until Feb. A couple of

Educational Consultants who have numerous experience working with

kids with AU or Developmental Delay Disabilities have invited me to

attend one of their workshops, they've been emailing me with some

great info. They are in Dallas but no problem as I could make it a

mini-vacation for and I. Plus they get to meet

my " Stevester " . They have graciously have not charged me for any of

their expert advise and know that I have traveled a journey with

and need to make the best out of his High School years. Isn't

that marvelous? What repayments just like this group list.

I was also assigned a caseworker through the ARC Center and she will

be advocating and making sure that is receiving all necessary

services at school and community wise. The caseworker is also going

to be working with the school staff and the AU specialist to hear

about his progress or what areas needs to be addressed. Even to

prepare for After Graduation. Its kinda of a stress relief getting

the ball rolling until I cross this bridge.

I'll only have her for about 6 months due to my dh's income over the

income level that they go by when assisting their services but thank

goodness I know the Director of the center as they will make sure

that they will still offer any information as needed.

Then there is the Director of the Center for Healthcare Services has

approved all funds to continue for his ABA services.

My Faith has been renewed as you could say I was starting to feel

like I was doing this and that for nothing and watch

regressing in some areas and me failing him.

I guess I should be thankful that at least he has not been

aggressive. Can you blame me for thinking like this, I still have a

history of all the negative past issues or should I say engraved in

my memories and afraid that he'll experince those moments again.

Oops, always rambling on but just had to share this.

Thank you once again. Now I have to review the messages to see how

everyone is doing.

Take care,


> Irma

> I haven't seen you post in a while and wanted to check in on you

and and say " Hi " and " Happy New Year " . Did you get your Jane

y tape that I sent? I hadn't heard anything about it and wanted

to make sure it arrived safe and sound. Hope all is well. Talk to

you soon.


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Here is the info, correction OCD, not Bipolar.

Freeing Your Child from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder : A Powerful,

Practical Program for Parents of Children and Adolescents



Her new book -

Freeing Your Child from Anxiety : Powerful, Practical Solutions to

Overcome Your Child's Fears, Worries, and Phobias



PANDAS = pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated

with streptococcal infection

(AS IS from another post)

Dear All,

I wanted to let you know that this Wed Jan 12th, the Jane ey

show (NBC) will be addressing the issue of OCD and PANDAS. I

participated in the program as did one of my families. I think that

Jane ey dealt with the issues in a very sensitive manner and

that the program is very optimistic in tone.

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I was sorry to hear you were not feeling well. It really does take a toll on

your body, especially a double whammy like that. I hope that you will be up and

about with TONS of energy quickly. No I did not hear there would be a Bi-Polar

discussion next week. That would not surprise me though, as it was just recently

Jane y publicly announced that she is Bi-Polar.

I know what you mean about getting back in the routine of things. Gavin had off

for 2 weeks over the holidays and it takes everything in me to get up in the

morning. That extra half hour or hours sleep was very welcomed during that time.

The older I get the easier it is to hit that " snooze " button on the alarm!

That is great news to hear about his school introducing the picture system. I

hope that it works out for him. We used it for Gavin both at school and here at

home for over a year, and it is a wonderful way to have our kids be able to

communicate their wants and needs. I wish him all the best with it. Keep me

posted on how it works out.

What a great opportunity for you and to attend the workshop! I hope that

you will have regained your strength by then and you both have a fun time. It

sounds like there are allot of really good changes happening your way. It was so

nice to get your update. I hope you have a great weekend! Take care.

Re: Thank you

Hi ,

Thank you I meant to send you a Thank you note but my battery has

been on low, so I apolgize. Still recovering from my sinus & ear

infections that my doc told me was still there according to the

X-ray and exam's done, which was recently, bummer. Lots of

discomfort wearing an ear tube by the way. I am coming along but

feel so drained, must be the meds. I felt fine when I last posted

but then all of sudden " BAM " ! I had not realized this could happen

this long.

The video did arrive safely, thank you. Did you hear some time next

week, I believe next Wed. the discussion will be on Bi-Polar?

has returned back to school this week and its taking me 2

clock /alarms to wake me up, speak about who's turn for a change to

adapt back into the routine.

Out all of this some brag time to share....I'm glad that has

been doing great at school. I have the AU specialist working with

him and the staff in the classroom with the picture system.

This made my day to see that the school team has begun working with

him per my recent request with some form of communication skills

training to help him make his wants and needs known, etc. which were

my concerns. A sigh of relief. I guess its been worth using my

energy and could sort of relax for awhile, until Feb. A couple of

Educational Consultants who have numerous experience working with

kids with AU or Developmental Delay Disabilities have invited me to

attend one of their workshops, they've been emailing me with some

great info. They are in Dallas but no problem as I could make it a

mini-vacation for and I. Plus they get to meet

my " Stevester " . They have graciously have not charged me for any of

their expert advise and know that I have traveled a journey with

and need to make the best out of his High School years. Isn't

that marvelous? What repayments just like this group list.

I was also assigned a caseworker through the ARC Center and she will

be advocating and making sure that is receiving all necessary

services at school and community wise. The caseworker is also going

to be working with the school staff and the AU specialist to hear

about his progress or what areas needs to be addressed. Even to

prepare for After Graduation. Its kinda of a stress relief getting

the ball rolling until I cross this bridge.

I'll only have her for about 6 months due to my dh's income over the

income level that they go by when assisting their services but thank

goodness I know the Director of the center as they will make sure

that they will still offer any information as needed.

Then there is the Director of the Center for Healthcare Services has

approved all funds to continue for his ABA services.

My Faith has been renewed as you could say I was starting to feel

like I was doing this and that for nothing and watch

regressing in some areas and me failing him.

I guess I should be thankful that at least he has not been

aggressive. Can you blame me for thinking like this, I still have a

history of all the negative past issues or should I say engraved in

my memories and afraid that he'll experince those moments again.

Oops, always rambling on but just had to share this.

Thank you once again. Now I have to review the messages to see how

everyone is doing.

Take care,


> Irma

> I haven't seen you post in a while and wanted to check in on you

and and say " Hi " and " Happy New Year " . Did you get your Jane

y tape that I sent? I hadn't heard anything about it and wanted

to make sure it arrived safe and sound. Hope all is well. Talk to

you soon.



Checkout our homepage for information, bookmarks, and photos of

our kids. Share favorite bookmarks, ideas, and other information by including

them. Don't forget, messages are a permanent record of the archives for our

list. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/



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That sounds like it will be a very interesting show. I will have to make a

mental note to tune in to watch it. Thanks for letting me know of the


Re: Thank you


Here is the info, correction OCD, not Bipolar.

Freeing Your Child from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder : A Powerful,

Practical Program for Parents of Children and Adolescents



Her new book -

Freeing Your Child from Anxiety : Powerful, Practical Solutions to

Overcome Your Child's Fears, Worries, and Phobias



PANDAS = pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated

with streptococcal infection

(AS IS from another post)

Dear All,

I wanted to let you know that this Wed Jan 12th, the Jane ey

show (NBC) will be addressing the issue of OCD and PANDAS. I

participated in the program as did one of my families. I think that

Jane ey dealt with the issues in a very sensitive manner and

that the program is very optimistic in tone.


Checkout our homepage for information, bookmarks, and photos of

our kids. Share favorite bookmarks, ideas, and other information by including

them. Don't forget, messages are a permanent record of the archives for our

list. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/



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  • 3 weeks later...

Joni &

We wish you well with your eval.

Liz-Mom to Tori DS/ASD

Thank you

I wrote a week or so about my son , who is thought to have ASD as well

as his Ds. We have a full eval scheduled for mid-February, and I will have the

results within that same week. So hopefully, we'll have some answers soon. I

just wanted to thank all of you for the warm welcome, the emails, and the

information I've found through this group so far.

I imagine I will have many more questions in a few weeks!

Joni and , 6 yrs old, Ds...ASD?

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