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> Hi All,


> After I eat a meal I get very fatigued/more brainfog and just

> generally feel like crap. The food I am eating is very low carb and


> cook my food until very soft and then chew it until its liquid - but

> still I feel like crap after the meal.


> Is this usual for candida sufferers?


> Funny thing is my stools are well formed with no undigested food -


> no problem there. My digestion seems _so_ weak however.


> I am very fatigued on this diet as it is - but after a meal I feel

> like the living dead!

+++Hi . Yes, it is very common to feel like you do. When I

first started on my program I could only be out of bed for 2 hours at

a time. See this article on fatigue:


+++I recommend you do the 9-day Program so you can get through this

period of extreme fatigue:


The best, Bee

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Hi Bee,

I understand that fatigue is normal at this stage, I guess my question

more relates to weak digestion. Up until about 1 week ago my digestion

was slowly getting stronger, but since 1 week ago it has taken a trun

for the worse.

The white coating on my tongue has got thicker, eating is making me

more fatigued than ever, bloating has got worse, and of course

brainfog and general fatigue has also got worse. Interestingly my

stool changed from a dark green colour (which they have been for 3

months since starting the low carb diet) to a brown/green colour at

the same time. I also become slightly constipated (I am going every

second day) at the same time.

For the first 3 months on the low carb diet my digestion was very

slowly improving, this is the first time it has gone backwards. So I

guess I was wondering is it normal for digestion to get worse at some

points during this program?

Two day prior to my digestion taking a turn for the worse I started on

my probiotic:-


I am NOT taking this probiotic as a homemade yogurt - but instead I am

taking it in the powder form.

My plan at this stage is to drop the probiotic for a bit and see what

impact this has. I am also pureeing my food as suggested in your plan

and have a colonic bag on order.

This is SO HARD. I have no doubt that my problems are as a result of a

poorly functioning digestive system, but how on earth do you really

know when the exact problem is? My stool tests have revelaed no

specific overgrowth of any bug - yet clearly something is very wrong.

Candida, pathogenic bacteria, leaky gut, parasites, poor tummy acid

are all things that come to mind. So hard to know what eactly is wrong

to so as to target the treatment!! I guess the fact that I have become

so fatigues on the low carb diet is a good sign that I am moving in

the right direction??

One other question is I may, I am assuming that helaing is basically a

2 stage process. Stage 1 is the detox where I need to kill of the bad

bacteria and detox all the nasty toxic crap from my body. Stage 2 is

the rebuild where my body can rebuild itself from the damage now that

the toxins have been cleared. Is this right? I'm assuming that once

stage 1 completes the fatigue will reduce and my digestion will work

somewhat better? I'm also assuming that stage 2 of healing will take

longer then stage 1. i.e if stage 1 takes 6 months stage 2 could take

1 year.


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, are you ready for the probiotics yet? Maybe this is the problem.

Don't torture yourself unnecessarily.

Are you doing the nine day program? I really know exactly what you are

going through. Be strong.



> Hi Bee,


> I understand that fatigue is normal at this stage, I guess my question

> more relates to weak digestion. Up until about 1 week ago my digestion

> was slowly getting stronger, but since 1 week ago it has taken a trun

> for the worse.


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Hi ,

Sorry you are going through this. I went through this myself in the

beginning, too. It was weird. Also a member of my Paleolithic support group

reported that his wife was the same way in the beginning, they were eating

just meat, fat, green veggies, and she was so fatigued after dinner she

would just go to bed. I know it's hard, but rest as much as you can. It will

get better! :)


-----Original Message-----

Hi All,

After I eat a meal I get very fatigued/more brainfog and just

generally feel like crap. The food I am eating is very low carb and i

cook my food until very soft and then chew it until its liquid - but

still I feel like crap after the meal...Is this usual for candida sufferers?

........I am very fatigued on this diet as it is - but after a meal I feel

like the living dead!


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> Hi Bee,


> I understand that fatigue is normal at this stage, I guess my


> more relates to weak digestion. Up until about 1 week ago my


> was slowly getting stronger, but since 1 week ago it has taken a


> for the worse.

+++Hi . If you've ever had digestive problems in the past, or

had gastritis, stomach upsets, stomach flu, etc. your body

will " retrace " each and every episode during natural healing. This

is according to Hering's Law of Cure:


+++Getting healthy is not a steady uphill climb towards health, where

you feel better and better every day. It has its ups and downs due to

the way the body heals itself. As your body gets stronger and you

are feeling stronger and better, wham! As your body becomes stronger

it is more capable of digging in and healing many areas of your body.


> The white coating on my tongue has got thicker, eating is making me

> more fatigued than ever, bloating has got worse, and of course

> brainfog and general fatigue has also got worse. Interestingly my

> stool changed from a dark green colour (which they have been for 3

> months since starting the low carb diet) to a brown/green colour at

> the same time. I also become slightly constipated (I am going every

> second day) at the same time.

+++The changes in the color of your stool indicates definite

improvements. , please read this article about die-off symptoms

which explains how symptoms intensify:



> For the first 3 months on the low carb diet my digestion was very

> slowly improving, this is the first time it has gone backwards. So I

> guess I was wondering is it normal for digestion to get worse at

some points during this program?

+++Your digestion isn't becoming worse; your body is " retracing "

previous symptoms which aren't the same as the original problems.

Retracing are more like " re-experiencing " symptoms, or a " copy of "

past symptoms. That doesn't mean there is deterioration at all. In

fact people who've had digestive symptoms before, where lab tests

showed they had certain types of bacteria which caused them, can get

tested during natural healing and there won't be any bugs there.

That's the difference between healing and deterioration. You can be

assured IF you are getting " proper nutrients " and eliminating toxins

that you are gaining every day. This program would never cause any

kind of deterioration.


> Two day prior to my digestion taking a turn for the worse I started

on my probiotic: http://www.progurt.com/

+++I don't think that is the correct kind of probiotic, but I

couldn't find the ingredients. Can you list them from the label? I

suggest you stop taking them until later on. I think it is too soon

to start on them. Actually antifungals (others than coconut oil) and

probiotics aren't going to heal your body. What heals your body

is " proper nutrients " and eliminating toxins.


I am also pureeing my food as suggested in your plan and have a

colonic bag on order.


> This is SO HARD. I have no doubt that my problems are as a result

of a poorly functioning digestive system, but how on earth do you

really know when the exact problem is? My stool tests have revelaed no

> specific overgrowth of any bug - yet clearly something is very


+++, that's what I'm saying about your body " retracing " previous

digestive problems - there won't be any bugs. So nothing is wrong;

it's part of the healing process.

> Candida, pathogenic bacteria, leaky gut, parasites, poor tummy acid

> are all things that come to mind. So hard to know what eactly is

wrong to so as to target the treatment!! I guess the fact that I have

become so fatigues on the low carb diet is a good sign that I am

moving in the right direction??



> One other question is I may, I am assuming that healing is

basically a 2 stage process. Stage 1 is the detox where I need to

kill of the bad bacteria and detox all the nasty toxic crap from my

body. Stage 2 is the rebuild where my body can rebuild itself from

the damage now that the toxins have been cleared. Is this right? I'm

assuming that once stage 1 completes the fatigue will reduce and my

digestion will work somewhat better? I'm also assuming that stage 2

of healing will take longer then stage 1. i.e if stage 1 takes 6

months stage 2 could take 1 year.

+++No, natural healing isn't a 2 stage process since your body is

healing all along, which includes detoxifying and rebuilding in

different areas depending upon what needs healing, and where toxins

are. You don't first detoxify your whole body and then rebuild it


+++Candida and other bacteria aren't cured by " killing them off. " It

doesn't work that way. Drugs " seem to " work because they suppress

natural healing symptoms without treating the " cause. "

+++What has to happen is the body's immune system needs to become

strong enough to " make " candida " change back " into the friendly

organism it was before it started overgrowing. It mainly started

overgrowing, along with other bacteria, because the body was

malnourished and had too many toxins which depressed the immune


+++Hang in there. Things are progressing for you as they should.

Learn as much as you can about Natural Healing so you don't become so

alarmed in future - see these articles:


+++Having that knowledge will help you so much in future, so

you " know " what is happening and why, and you'll be able to maintain

your future health without resorting to drugs, surgery, etc.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi ,

The best form of stevia is the green stevia, which is just ground up

stevia leaves.

The white stevia is processed and, to me, it's flavour is reminiscent

of aspartame, which isn't very appealing, so you might not want to

use it. The liquid forms can sometimes contain maltodextrin, so be

careful about those.

Regarding your huband. I think eating more healthy foods that are

prepared from scratch is good, but this kind of diet is sort of

an 'all or nothing' when it comes to actually healing the body.

That's why a lot of people who were following the GAPS diet or Weston

A. Price diet are finding they still need to do Bee's program in

order to get any results.

My thoughts are that he probably won't notice too much in the way of

healing reactions at all if he's not following the program. I once

made lunch for a group of students I go school with. I put tons of

coconut oil on their food. Not one of them had any sort of reaction

and two of them for sure have candida. [And no, I'm not cruel, I

warned them I was using coconut oil and what could happen - they

decided to eat it anyway!].

Hopefully your husband changes his mind on the diet. Not only would

it be such a great support for you, but his health/nutritional status

would improve as well.

Good luck!


> Are all forms of stevia permissible as long as they don't contain

> other ingredients?



It is unlikely DH will be interested in joining me on this program,

although I will be serving him dishes I make on the program. Does

anyone have experience with this situation? Since he will still be

eating carbs, could the dishes he will eat from this program have a

detrimental effect on his health, or would they be beneficial even

though he's not really following the program?


> Thanks for your input on these questions.




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> This may be a strange question, but I am still struggling with all the

> contradictory things I've read about diet. It is unlikely DH will be

> interested in joining me on this program, although I will be serving

> him dishes I make on the program. Does anyone have experience with

> this situation? Since he will still be eating carbs, could the dishes

> he will eat from this program have a detrimental effect on his health,

> or would they be beneficial even though he's not really following the

> program?

+++Hi . Proof of the healing abilities of this program (diet plus

supplements) are in the many Success Stories by members of this group -

there are many more of them I haven't collected found the messages on

this group (almost 5 years worth):



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  • 3 months later...
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Hi ,

I just wanted to let you that I used to have really calloused heels but now it

is gone. About two months ago, I filed the worst of it off once and kept

applying coconut oil to my feet after my showers and it hasn't returned. Prior

to starting this diet, I would file my heels, but it would always come back

after a couple of days.

I do believe that it is related to candida. From a reflexologist's point of

view, the feet reflect what is going on in the body. I'm sure that at some

point in your healing your callous will soften and go away.


> Hi Bee,



> I also have a nasty calous on the bottom of my foot. I'm sure that

> isn't candida related, but is there a natural way to remove it that you

> know of?


> Thank you for your help.







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> Hi Bee,


> Here is the link for Solaray that you asked for from one of my other

> posts.


> http://www.affordablesolaray.com/

+++Hi . So what Solaray product was I going to check for you? It is

impossible to keep track of so many members, etc.


> I have noticed lately that sometimes about halfway or so through my meal I get

really tired. I'm not sure if it could be my body having a hard time to digest

what I am eating. Maybe something to do with my liver or pancreas. It hasn't

been every time I eat and I haven't changed anything that I am eating.

+++This has happened to others, so do not be concerned. Your clue is that it

doesn't happen every time you eat.

+++Of course your liver is going to be overloaded with toxins it's trying to

handle because of candida being killed off in high numbers, including other


+++If you aren't getting heartburn, an upset stomach, or other digestive

problems, it wouldn't be related to your pancreas.


> I haven't felt that great in the last two weeks since my period.

> Normally I get tired and don't have much energy around that time of the month,

but this has persisted. I feel just like I did before I started the diet. No

energy and tired all the time and I was feeling so much better. I want to feel

good again.

+++That is to be expected since during the healing process your body is going to

" retrace " all previous symptoms, diseases, illnesses, malfunctions, injuries,

etc. including all of the accompanying fatigue, emotional ups and downs, etc. -

this is according to Hering's Law of Cures (look it up on my website).


> I have been having hot and cold sweats for a long time. I am 46 so I though

maybe it was early menopause, but I have this weird heat thing going on lately

where if I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and get back

into bed where I was laying feels excessively warm and then subsides. I don't

know if it has anything to do with my neuropathy and circulation or not.

+++It is common for candida sufferers to have hot and cold sweats and to go

through all kinds of symptoms, which means the body is re-adjusting itself so do

not be concerned.

+++Hot and cold sweats are related to low adrenal and thyroid function as well

as fluctuations in hormones, etc. Candida toxins cause the cell membranes to

become rigid/stiff so that means any organs or functions involved in

temperature, making hormones, circulation, respiratory, etc. are not as able to

do their job, and also any hormones that are produced cannot get into stiff

cells, along with nutrients and even water.

+++Also messages that one cell sends to another can also be hindered by

candida/yeast toxins. Normally, one cell sends a message to another cell by

releasing a special chemical; the second cell (in a nerve or muscle) absorbs the

chemical and picks up the message.

+++When the cells are damaged by candida toxins, they can't send or pick up

messages properly. This results in a number of muscle and nervous system


& #65279;+++See Candida Toxins Cause Cell Membrane Defects for more information

about this: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/cabout1.php


> I also am not sure I am taking the correct sea salt. It is Himalayan Pink Sea

Salt from The Real Food Trading Company. On the nutritional label it doesn't

list any minerals not even iodine. I have seen other brands that do list

minerals. I want to be sure I am using the correct sea salt.

+++To verify that salt, contact the company and ask them whether their salt

contains over 84 minerals.


> I also have a nasty calous on the bottom of my foot. I'm sure that

> isn't candida related, but is there a natural way to remove it that you know


+++Would you please send another message tomorrow asking about that; I have

other commitments today I have to look after.

Thanks, Bee

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> >

> > Hi Bee,

> >

> > Here is the link for Solaray that you asked for from one of my other

> > posts.

> >

> > http://www.affordablesolaray.com/


> +++Hi . So what Solaray product was I going to check for you? It is

impossible to keep track of so many members, etc.

///Hi Bee,

I don't think you were going to look up anything. I had mentioned that I was

looking for a dry Vitamin E and found one at the Vitamin Shoppe by Solaray, but

that it had contained rice I think, and you just asked for the link to Solaray.

You already e-mailed me the correct Vit E I can order through iherb.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Sheila,  I have dark purplish marks on my thighs and legs and some white

spots where the skin on my arms and legs look like they have lost their

pigmentation.  I also have vitiligo patches on my forehead.  I don't have the

splinter like lines like you have.  As far as the skin opening up, the only time

that happened to me was on the fingers just underneath the nailbeds.. The skin

was red and raw at the time.  I put triple antibiotic ointment on them and

covered with bandaids.  Seem to work.  My fingers are okay now.  I hope someone

else can give you a reason for the splinter like lines. 


You're doing well to ask. That is what support groups are for.  Doctors don't

have all the answers.  No need to apologize for asking questions.  I couldn't

have made my early bewildered years with scleroderma if it wasn't for support

groups.  Even now, when I have flares, there is nothing more comforting than to

e-mail the group or a buddy.  Hope you finally get a diagnosis thru this.  It is

easier to cope when you know the enemy.  The best to you, Dolores & Mike

From: browneyes9017 <browneyes9017@...>

Subject: rheumatic More questions


Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 7:43 AM

Hi everyone, I was also wondering if an auto-immune disease could discolor your

skin. I have a darkish color on my neck and chest with some white under my neck.

Doctor doesn't know what is causing it because my tests came back negative for

everything they tested me for. They are confused. I keep getting these what

appears to be litle black splinters in my skin now and then. I never go near any

type of wood to get splinters and also I get these (what looks like dried scab

like marks on my back(like my skin opens up like a paper cut mark would open up)

My teeth also hurt for no reason...they ache from the root...I hat eo mentioin

to you all my unusual symptoms to everyone but if I can find just one person who

may recognise this condition it would be a start for me and give me some hope

for a diagnosis.I guess I just don't want to die not knowing what made me so ill

for all these years, Sheila

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Mike and Dolores; After researching for over 25 yrs. I came across something

called Multiple-Auto Immune Disease. It is rare. Could be type 2.It would

explain what I have gone through for all this time with no clear cut diagnosis.

The sad fact is I could have been on some meds that might have made me feel

somewhat better. Just praying this new Rheumalogist I'm going to see comes up

with some positive answers for me.The sad part is that after all this time

no-one would believe me (including family)  . This is when the depression sets

in. I do believe that some sort of virus set off all these problems (including

auto-immune problems).Thanks everyone, Sheila


From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>


Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:32:18 AM

Subject: Re: rheumatic More questions

Hi Sheila,  I have dark purplish marks on my thighs and legs and some white

spots where the skin on my arms and legs look like they have lost their

pigmentation.  I also have vitiligo patches on my forehead.  I don't have the

splinter like lines like you have.  As far as the skin opening up, the only time

that happened to me was on the fingers just underneath the nailbeds.. The skin

was red and raw at the time.  I put triple antibiotic ointment on them and

covered with bandaids.  Seem to work.  My fingers are okay now.  I hope someone

else can give you a reason for the splinter like lines. 


You're doing well to ask. That is what support groups are for.  Doctors don't

have all the answers.  No need to apologize for asking questions.  I couldn't

have made my early bewildered years with scleroderma if it wasn't for support

groups.  Even now, when I have flares, there is nothing more comforting than to

e-mail the group or a buddy.  Hope you finally get a diagnosis thru this.  It is

easier to cope when you know the enemy.  The best to you, Dolores & Mike

From: browneyes9017 <browneyes9017>

Subject: rheumatic More questions

rheumatic@grou ps.com

Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 7:43 AM

Hi everyone, I was also wondering if an auto-immune disease could discolor your

skin. I have a darkish color on my neck and chest with some white under my neck.

Doctor doesn't know what is causing it because my tests came back negative for

everything they tested me for. They are confused. I keep getting these what

appears to be litle black splinters in my skin now and then. I never go near any

type of wood to get splinters and also I get these (what looks like dried scab

like marks on my back(like my skin opens up like a paper cut mark would open up)

My teeth also hurt for no reason...they ache from the root...I hat eo mentioin

to you all my unusual symptoms to everyone but if I can find just one person who

may recognise this condition it would be a start for me and give me some hope

for a diagnosis.I guess I just don't want to die not knowing what made me so ill

for all these years, Sheila

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When I read your post it made me think of this weird disease I had read about

recently. It is called Morgellons and doctors often won't acknowledge it.

It seems to perhaps be caused by a parasite or fungus. If you google it, there

is a lot on the internet about it. I don't know if your symptoms fit this

disease, but I thought I would mention it.

Here are a few sites I found


http://morgellonsgroup.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=remedies & action=print & threa\




I hope you let us know what you find out and how you are doing.

rheumatic More questions

Hi everyone, I was also wondering if an auto-immune disease could discolor

your skin. I have a darkish color on my neck and chest with some white under my

neck. Doctor doesn't know what is causing it because my tests came back negative

for everything they tested me for. They are confused. I keep getting these what

appears to be litle black splinters in my skin now and then. I never go near any

type of wood to get splinters and also I get these (what looks like dried scab

like marks on my back(like my skin opens up like a paper cut mark would open up)

My teeth also hurt for no reason...they ache from the root...I hat eo mentioin

to you all my unusual symptoms to everyone but if I can find just one person who

may recognise this condition it would be a start for me and give me some hope

for a diagnosis.I guess I just don't want to die not knowing what made me so ill

for all these years, Sheila

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Hi Sheila dear.  You are not alone.  I saw so many specialists that when I went

back to my primary care doc, she told me I should sign up at the mental health

center.  So many of us are accused of being a hyprochondriacs.  They have no

idea how much we suffer in silence and only complain when it is absolutely

intolerable.  My first diagnosis was a denial that I had CFID in spite of the

fact that I could not get out of bed, walk to the bathroom a few feet away and

was running 103 fever.  Then they said I had mononucliosis, then it was Epstein

Barr Virus, then it was cytomegalo virus.  When I couldn't walk a straight line,

they said some neurological disorder, then the liver went and the digestive

tract, then diabetes, then the heart started acting up.  Four heart surgeries

later, then muscle problems, etc.,etc., etc., it went on and on.  You are not

alone.  That started in 1986.  In November of 2005, they finally told me I was

terminal with

Pulmonary Fibrosis due to some unnamed Autoimmune disorder.  Went to Boston to

see Dr. Trentham and started on Minocin against the other doctor suggestions. 

They expected me to die within a few months.  I am still chronically ill, but am

better knowing what I have and am doing something about it.  I am on the way to

my Dr. in a few minutes to find out if my Sjrogen's & Lupus tests are positive

or negative and also to find out why I have fluid in my hip joint that hurts

like hell when I put weight on my right foot.  If this sounds similar to your

history, then you know you are not alone.  Take your family to a support group

meeting.  That is how my husband & I met others like me because we thought we

were going crazy.  My husband is also ill with autoimmune disorders of unknown

origin.  They removed his spleen, tore his pancreas, had 2 CVA's because they

forgot to anticoagulate him post surgery, so they had to amputate a foot that


gangrenous. We once had jobs, a house, 2 cars and took vacations.  Now, the

docs have all our money and we live on measly social security checks trying to

make ends meet.  I am leaving for Puerto Rico next week to buy a shack to live

in, in a warm climate.  The one I am looking at has an apartment attached to

rent, so we will have some income from that during tourist season.  We are

trying to make a come back.  My mom moved in with us in Sept.  She is 95 next

month and has Alzheimers.  There is no end to this craziness.   Take care, 

Dolores  & Mike 




From: browneyes9017 <browneyes9017>

Subject: rheumatic More questions

rheumatic@grou ps.com

Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 7:43 AM

Hi everyone, I was also wondering if an auto-immune disease could discolor your

skin. I have a darkish color on my neck and chest with some white under my neck.

Doctor doesn't know what is causing it because my tests came back negative for

everything they tested me for. They are confused. I keep getting these what

appears to be litle black splinters in my skin now and then. I never go near any

type of wood to get splinters and also I get these (what looks like dried scab

like marks on my back(like my skin opens up like a paper cut mark would open up)

My teeth also hurt for no reason...they ache from the root...I hat eo mentioin

to you all my unusual symptoms to everyone but if I can find just one person who

may recognise this condition it would be a start for me and give me some hope

for a diagnosis.I guess I just don't want to die not knowing what made me so ill

for all these years, Sheila

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; I did look into Morgellons awhile back-because of the strange skin

eruptions I get. No doctor in the world is going to diagnose that as a real

illness from what I read about it. I do sometimes feel it could also be a

parasite or fungus of unknown cause-which means I'll never be diagnosed

correctly.It also fits into some sort of immune-system illness along with

morgellons too. Very confusing. Thank fo the informaton...



From: Katz <mpkatz@...>


Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 9:53:06 AM

Subject: Re: rheumatic More questions


When I read your post it made me think of this weird disease I had read about

recently. It is called Morgellons and doctors often won't acknowledge it.

It seems to perhaps be caused by a parasite or fungus. If you google it, there

is a lot on the internet about it. I don't know if your symptoms fit this

disease, but I thought I would mention it.

Here are a few sites I found

http://www.rense. com/general74/ morg4.htm

http://morgellonsgr oup.proboards. com/index. cgi?board= remedies & action=print &


http://www.eytonsea rth.org/healing- clay-skin- parasites. php


I hope you let us know what you find out and how you are doing.

rheumatic More questions

Hi everyone, I was also wondering if an auto-immune disease could discolor your

skin. I have a darkish color on my neck and chest with some white under my neck.

Doctor doesn't know what is causing it because my tests came back negative for

everything they tested me for. They are confused. I keep getting these what

appears to be litle black splinters in my skin now and then. I never go near any

type of wood to get splinters and also I get these (what looks like dried scab

like marks on my back(like my skin opens up like a paper cut mark would open up)

My teeth also hurt for no reason...they ache from the root...I hat eo mentioin

to you all my unusual symptoms to everyone but if I can find just one person who

may recognise this condition it would be a start for me and give me some hope

for a diagnosis.I guess I just don't want to die not knowing what made me so ill

for all these years, Sheila

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I read in D. Browns book that anything could cause it, a virus, bacteria etc.

and it didn't have to be too close to when you got started with the autoimmune

problem. I know I had lots of sinus, ear and bronchitis problems for years, but

they where never treated well enough to go completely away. I didn't start with

my RA  till 1999 and DM till 2006. so figure.


From: browneyes9017 <browneyes9017>

Subject: rheumatic More questions

rheumatic@grou ps.com

Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 7:43 AM

Hi everyone, I was also wondering if an auto-immune disease could discolor your

skin. I have a darkish color on my neck and chest with some white under my neck.

Doctor doesn't know what is causing it because my tests came back negative for

everything they tested me for. They are confused. I keep getting these what

appears to be litle black splinters in my skin now and then. I never go near any

type of wood to get splinters and also I get these (what looks like dried scab

like marks on my back(like my skin opens up like a paper cut mark would open up)

My teeth also hurt for no reason...they ache from the root...I hat eo mentioin

to you all my unusual symptoms to everyone but if I can find just one person who

may recognise this condition it would be a start for me and give me some hope

for a diagnosis.I guess I just don't want to die not knowing what made me so ill

for all these years, Sheila

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  • 6 months later...

For those who have been following my situation I've contacted the Industrial

Hygienist who will be here in a half hour, once she's done conducting here tests

I plan on looking for a new place to live. I believe that when the results come

back their going to show some elevated levels of mold spores in the air but

nothing of any significance. If thats the case will it be necessary to hire a

mold remediater to come in and wipe the house down? I know that can be extremely

expensive and that causes me a great deal of concern.

Also, once the Industrial Hygienist finishes I plan on finding another place to

live but don't plan on taking anything with me other than a my laptop beings

it's been wiped down and as far as I can tell mold free. If my truck is cross

contaminated and even though my clothes have been washed no less than a half a

dozen times how do I move into a new dwelling and not bring any spores with me?

From everything I've gathered everything I own has mold spores on it.

This is all so confusing and hard to figure out Im not sure what to do.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi, I hope this answers your questions about when to take T4 (any brand). As for

T3 if you take it alone and not in a combo pill like Armour or Naturethroid, you

don't have to worry about eating.




Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

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From: macbarb0503@... <macbarb0503@...>

Subject: More Questions


Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 8:35 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm confused by what seem to be conflicting posts I've read here.  It's

also possible I misunderstood.  Is it necessary to wait one hour or two

before eating, after taking medication in the morning?  Thanks for the


Since taking the pills on an empty stomach is important, I find it

strange that the prescription bottle doesn't specify how long to wait

before eating.  It does say take with a full glass of water, and wait 4

hours before taking calcium or other supplements.

One other thing I've wondered about is mamograms.  Since one possible

cause of hypothyroidism is radiation, wouldn't continuing to have

mamograms every year, lessen any remaining function of the thyroid? 

And what about cat scans?  They are very high in radiation.  I've only

had one of my chest area, but wonder if they started thescan too high

and damaged my thyroid.  After being diagnosed with this

Hypothyroidism, would it be wise to avoid cat scans completely, or does

it make a difference?

When my doctor first discussed this with me he said my thyroid had

stopped producing the hormones it was supposed to be producing, which I

understood to mean it wasn't functioning at all.  In our next

discussion I asked him again, and he said he had caught it early and

that's why he prescribed 25 MCG of Levothyroxxin.  So what I'd like to

know now, is if I take the medication as prescribed and have regular

lab tests as suggested, is there a way to preserve the remaining

function, so it doesn't get any worse?

Thanks to all of you who have responded to my questions.  I'm grateful

to have this place to learn and share information and support.



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Yes, if you are able to convert Ft4 to Ft3 then a T4 med is all you would need.



From: macbarb0503@... <macbarb0503@...>

Subject: More Questions


Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 8:35 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm confused by what seem to be conflicting posts I've read here.  It's

also possible I misunderstood.  Is it necessary to wait one hour or two

before eating, after taking medication in the morning?  Thanks for the


Since taking the pills on an empty stomach is important, I find it

strange that the prescription bottle doesn't specify how long to wait

before eating.  It does say take with a full glass of water, and wait 4

hours before taking calcium or other supplements.

One other thing I've wondered about is mamograms.  Since one possible

cause of hypothyroidism is radiation, wouldn't continuing to have

mamograms every year, lessen any remaining function of the thyroid? 

And what about cat scans?  They are very high in radiation.  I've only

had one of my chest area, but wonder if they started thescan too high

and damaged my thyroid.  After being diagnosed with this

Hypothyroidism, would it be wise to avoid cat scans completely, or does

it make a difference?

When my doctor first discussed this with me he said my thyroid had

stopped producing the hormones it was supposed to be producing, which I

understood to mean it wasn't functioning at all.  In our next

discussion I asked him again, and he said he had caught it early and

that's why he prescribed 25 MCG of Levothyroxxin.  So what I'd like to

know now, is if I take the medication as prescribed and have regular

lab tests as suggested, is there a way to preserve the remaining

function, so it doesn't get any worse?

Thanks to all of you who have responded to my questions.  I'm grateful

to have this place to learn and share information and support.



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Oh, I see.


I just changed back to Mylan T3 from the Paddock that the pharmacy changed

without my consent. I could tell it was different as soon as I put it into my

mouth. It was more like the old Armour, and the Paddock is more like the new

Armour. I guess some of the things that Armour did, other companies did too.


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

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> Thanks for the info. I can't take Armour though, that's what made me

> sick in the first place when all this RT3 started. I have been on it

> for several years with no trouble until they changed whatever they

> changed.


Of course, stick to what works best. I was just suggesting that since it

is probably the T4 component in Armour causing you problems, taking it

with food would prevent absorption of the T4. If for some reason you

could not get the T3 synthetic, you might try left over Armour with food.



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