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Wow, Shari-you have sure been through hell! I have

your page bookmarked and am going to read it more

thoroughly on my next day off.

I tried to google " biotoxin illness " but could not

find much in the way of symptoms, other than

Fibromyalgia, which I do have. Do you have a link to a

site that lists more symptoms?

--- halvey70@... wrote:

> leyna... re: weight questions... I hit the send

> button by accident.....


> ever seen a 5'2 " 105lb girl at 29 go to 140 in 2.5

> years? look 5-6 month

> pregnant in her tummy like she swallowed a ball? I

> haven't been thru menopause

> nor have I had a hysterectomy.... I lost all my

> pregnancy weight within 5-6

> months... weight loss happened after this... I was

> tiny... when I did the

> MTV show I was on the way - maybe 120-125.... the

> news interview that was

> mentioned in an earlier w/ ABC news I was bigger -

> 130-135... this was after the

> MTV airing - a year after the taping.... I can wear

> maternity clothes now -

> around the house... had to buy all new stuff... old

> shorts will not go past

> my thighs... I am almost at my 9 months preg

> weight.... this is crazy. I

> wasn't pregnant young either...I was 30. married at

> 28 - 105 lbs.... had to get

> a size 5 dress cause of my boobs... alteres down due

> to my size as I was

> soooo small... if my scanner worked I would show you

> guys the difference as I

> has a sleeveless dress... I was tiny.... now I am a

> swollen hoss for lack of a

> better word.... I am huge next to my mom who has had

> a hysterectomy - several

> years ago and gained weight from it....


> I have talked to many implant women who have gained

> weight - I am NO doctor

> but several that I have talked to that got treatment

> said it was due to being

> toxic - mold and toxic issues in the body... this is

> also what a doc in

> Atlanta told me yesterday when I spoke w/ her about

> this same issue. I explained

> the weight gain - especially in my lower abdomen...

> she said I have " biotoxin

> illness- severly " ... look it up... sounds like you

> have a bunch of the signs

> as well... she is in Atlanta and also does

> explants... maybe she can help

> you?


> shari



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Thanks! I did find more links....yucky!

--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna,


> Try Googling " biotoxins Garth Nicolson " . . .

> There's lots of info there!


> Rogene






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I know how you feel nut honestly - in the long run..... after reading how bad some people have gotten - do you think you will care about these issues were any of those horrible things - God forbid - were to happen to you? Also.... here is another point.... Again - I AM NOT a doctor, but there are tons of people that have had explants that I have talked to - none of them have had the nipple incision for it.... if that is a worry then forget about it as I do not think it is a possibility....most get the breast crease - under the breast incision.... mine were smaller than your to begin with... you can NOT see my scars by looking at me without a shirt... they are hidden by the weight of the breast.... they are not saggy... just the little bit that lies there covers it.... plus they have healed very well. I have had the underarm incision, nipple and under breast....I ended up w/ 4 operations - the 4th being removal...if you are careful w/ your scars and get a good doc it could be minimal... also - with implants that size - not sure if you may or may not need a lift... only a doctor can answer that. This can always be done later as well. I did not need one but my implants were much smaller...but I did get pregnant and go to a DD for a while w/ them while nursing... you may not - some do - some don't.

I think a good idea as far as co-workers are concerned is to talk about a reduction since you seem rather large busted and nobody knows they are not real.... that is a good suggestion... I just went to my boss and told them all the truth as I wasn't sure what was gonna happen as I was getting sick and didn't want to get hung up in a web, etc., but it was a small co...

you have to remember - this is YOUR body and is it nobody's business what you do with it... if they ask - it is none of their business....to be honest - w/ mine - everyone knew, and said later it didn't look much different other than right after surgery as you have to wear the tight dressings.... once I bought my decent padded bras, there really wasn't much of a difference other than they weren't so high... plus you can wear baggy stuff at first to make the transition gradual.... there are lots of ways to do it

hell - in 99 when I was still implanted - before I was sick - I had a complete rupture-valve leak overnite.... had to work for several day like this before surgery was scheduled to fix it... talk about weird.... one normal boob... one weird boob w/ a nasty shell all folded up inside.... it was crazy....I tried putting a sock in there to fill out the bra.. need up w/ a big jacket the whole time - nobody noticed. I hid that well

anyway you look at it - we are talking about a lifetime of health here... your life and well being... relationships, family possibly ruined over this in the future - I have seen it too many times..... please - I know it is hard not to sweat these things but see it from my point of view - my God I would give anything to be in your shoes and have the chance to make the right decision a little faster again.... my life, my career, my poor son.... how different my life could be.... if only I could go back - but I can't. I can only try through the lives of people like you to help them not make the mistakes I did......

good luck


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I haven't raed other people's responses yet, so someone may have

already suggested this, but if you want to keep this private you can

always say you are going for a breast reduction. In all honesty you

are going for a reduction, but no one has to know that involves

removing implants. You can just say they bother your back.


--- In , " leyna1964 " <leyna1964@...>



> Ok, I've got a few more kinda dumb questions....


> How are the explants done exactly? My implants were done through


> nipple, and I hate the scars, as the doctor didn't do a very good


> stitching me up. I would hate to have even more scars on my



> Also, how do you tell people about your removal? I mean, I've only

> been at my job for less than a year, and no one knows that I have

> implants. I was large when I was growing up, but then I had 3

> miscarriages within 4 years, and each time I miscarried, my breasts

> got smaller and flatter! I was a 36A before my surgery, and am

now a

> 36DD.


> I'm really concerned about taking off work for surgery anyway, but

> what do I tell people? My job is like a soap opera-everyone knows

> everyone's business, and I know that if I tell a manager I'm

having my

> breast implants removed, it will be all over the store, and I'll


> to talk about it-something I do not want to do!


> Also, what is the recovery time for the explant? When I got mine, I

> was given Daladid (sp?) and spent about 3 days in bed and was sore


> a week-is it like that with the removal too? I'm a cashier and

have to

> lift heavy bags of groceries....:(


> I have long lost the paperwork on my implants, so I have no idea if

> they were done behind the muscle or not-is there a way to tell by

> feeling? Sorry, I know that's a really dumb question! lol


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Being cut open time and time again wouldn't Pamela be really scared up by now,

I have very deep scars and in a lot of pain under my armpits where I was implanted and explanted

That is why I am so scared about having the capsule and scar tissue removed

I do not want anymore nightmares and I am not sure if this one will ever end

I am trying not to be so negative but some of these woman are really young and I am not

My body is so very weak,already woke up a bit ago and I am getting so fatigued already


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I wouldn't know as I did not have abreast lift.... you may not need it - sounds weird but I didn't and I look normal.... really do.... others could tell you


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Shari, Thanks so much for all your words of encouragment! Out of curiosity-how much does a breast lift cost these days? I'm about as broke as I can get, and it would be something I'd want after explant, for sure. I was always big, but then I had 3 miscarriages,and after each one, my breasts became a lot smaller, and a LOT saggier-that's why I got my implants to begin with. So, I understand that the breast stretches from the implant, which would make it even saggier than before....so yeah, I'm worried about that part. I found a couple of old photos from before my implants, and I showed my husband...he just looked and said "hmmmm...you didn't look that bad". Not exactly the "Wow-you were still HOT" reaction I had been hoping for! LOLhalvey70@... wrote: Leyna I know how you feel nut honestly - in the long run..... after reading how bad some people have gotten - do you think you will care about these issues were any of those horrible things - God forbid - were to happen to you? Also.... here is another point.... Again - I AM NOT a doctor, but there are tons of people that have had explants that I have talked to - none of them have had the nipple incision for it.... if that is a worry then forget about it as

I do not think it is a possibility....most get the breast crease - under the breast incision.... mine were smaller than your to begin with... you can NOT see my scars by looking at me without a shirt... they are hidden by the weight of the breast.... they are not saggy... just the little bit that lies there covers it.... plus they have healed very well. I have had the underarm incision, nipple and under breast....I ended up w/ 4 operations - the 4th being removal...if you are careful w/ your scars and get a good doc it could be minimal... also - with implants that size - not sure if you may or may not need a lift... only a doctor can answer that. This can always be done later as well. I did not need one but my implants were much smaller...but I did get pregnant and go to a DD for a while w/ them while nursing... you may not - some do - some don't. I think a good idea as far as co-workers are concerned is to talk

about a reduction since you seem rather large busted and nobody knows they are not real.... that is a good suggestion... I just went to my boss and told them all the truth as I wasn't sure what was gonna happen as I was getting sick and didn't want to get hung up in a web, etc., but it was a small co... you have to remember - this is YOUR body and is it nobody's business what you do with it... if they ask - it is none of their business....to be honest - w/ mine - everyone knew, and said later it didn't look much different other than right after surgery as you have to wear the tight dressings.... once I bought my decent padded bras, there really wasn't much of a difference other than they weren't so high... plus you can wear baggy stuff at first to make the transition gradual.... there are lots of ways to do it hell - in 99 when I was still implanted - before I was sick - I had a complete

rupture-valve leak overnite.... had to work for several day like this before surgery was scheduled to fix it... talk about weird.... one normal boob... one weird boob w/ a nasty shell all folded up inside.... it was crazy....I tried putting a sock in there to fill out the bra.. need up w/ a big jacket the whole time - nobody noticed. I hid that well anyway you look at it - we are talking about a lifetime of health here... your life and well being... relationships, family possibly ruined over this in the future - I have seen it too many times..... please - I know it is hard not to sweat these things but see it from my point of view - my God I would give anything to be in your shoes and have the chance to make the right decision a little faster again.... my life, my career, my poor son.... how different my life could be.... if only I could go back - but I can't. I can only try through the lives of people

like you to help them not make the mistakes I did...... good luck shari __________________________________________________

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  • 2 months later...

sounds like you mite be going through withdrawls from methadone. very

adictive drug,,


> Other info. -- she started me on Kariva (BC) pills

> last week to combat the swing in my hormones and she

> also switched me from real tiny, tiny dosages of

> Methadone to small amounts of Ultram, (or the

> generic) -- for my pain levels. Her prescribed dose

> for that was up to 4 pills a day (50 mg tablets!!!!).

> If I took that much I'd be in a comma!

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yep -- you are right! I was and even though my new doc said she could NOT

prescribe it -- after I phoned and told her what was happening, she promptly

pulled me off the Ultram and put me back on the Methadone. (??) I take a tiny

dose, but I'm so hyper-sensitive to everything -- it doesn't take much. My

previous MD had resorted to the Methadone, since I had an adverse reaction to

just about every pain drug out there. It took me about a month to adjust -- but

that was several years ago. Around the time, she should have been checking my

thyroid panel. She was giving me all sorts of bandages for my hypo-T symptoms.


I'm still having chest pains and don't have the energy to walk my dog or even

go up our stairs! New doc indicated it would not be good to increase my Levoxyl

until I can stabilize my pain meds, and NOW I have an bacterial infection to

address! gg

re:more questions

sounds like you mite be going through

withdrawls from methadone. very

adictive drug,,



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  • 3 weeks later...


I find this to be a massive amount of work. I practically have to be in my

kitchen the entire day to get all the food prepared and mostly to manage the

supplement regimen.

I want to know first off, can I combine the electrolyte drink with the trace

minerals and the chlorophyll? I don't have time to be mixing all these

concoctions 5 or 6 times a day.

Second, how do you all manage the supplements. Do you wolf them all down at

once? For one, that makes me feel sick, and for two, I've read that certain

supps. should be taken away from others. Like Vit E for example, I don't

think you're supposed to take with C. This example could be wrong but you

get what I mean.

And also, is the coconut oil purely for it's antifungal properties? Cuz,

the taste is disgusting. I bought the Orphee one and I also have a Garden

of Life one that I haven't tried yet. But it is so sweet is makes me feel

sick as well.

Third, what counteracts the constipation. I already have issues here but

now it's worse. I've been taking a lot of oil but no go, if you get my

drift. :~)

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> Third, what counteracts the constipation. I already have issues here but

> now it's worse. I've been taking a lot of oil but no go, if you get my

> drift. :~)



Hi ,

Just wanted to say that for me personally, the thing that helped the most was

starting on the

probiotics (especially cabbage rejuvelac). Of course, that is the last phase of

the program so

you probably have a ways to got, but that is one of the constipation treatments

in the folders.

I still have occasional issues, but they always resolve more quickly now.



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Hi ,

I know it seems like a lot of work right now, but trust me, when you

get familiar with everything you'll start to be able to figure out a

routine that makes sense for you and your lifestyle. Our moderator

Debby is a whiz with helping people figure out how to streamline

things...perhaps she'll chime in and give you some adivce.


> And also, is the coconut oil purely for it's antifungal properties?

==>no, it's not just for it's antifungal properties, it's a food as

well. It's one of the primary " good " , nature-made fats that are

recommended. In fact it's a major " key " to the program and has a

variety of uses.

> I bought the Orphee one and I also have a Garden

> of Life one that I haven't tried yet. But it is so sweet is makes

>me feel sick as well.

==>I haven't heard of Orphee brand so I can't comment on its taste or

quality. People who use Garden of Life like that one. Check out the

Coconut Oil file for a survey I took of our group about their favored

brands and some comments on the taste. The taste of CO is sometimes

vastly different from brand to brand and sometimes its a subtle

difference. It's also a matter of personal taste, what is " strong " to

one person might not be strong at all to someone else. The survey will

at least tell you what brand(s) got " rave reviews " from the group and

give you a starting point.


> Third, what counteracts the constipation.

==>an increase in good fats often helps. Vit C or Magnesium can help

too. Check out the " Constipation Treatments " article in the Digestion

folder for specifics.


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Thanks for the vote of confidence. I did send her some ideas in this message:


I'm going to respond to her other email and see if I can answer some of the

other questions.



San , CA

jahlstrom78 <jahlstrom@...> wrote:

Hi ,

I know it seems like a lot of work right now, but trust me, when you

get familiar with everything you'll start to be able to figure out a

routine that makes sense for you and your lifestyle. Our moderator

Debby is a whiz with helping people figure out how to streamline

things...perhaps she'll chime in and give you some adivce.

It is a lot easier to act ourselves into new thinking than to think ourselves

into a new action.

My son Hunter Hudson (10/11/04) http://debbypadilla.0catch.com/hunter/

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Hi ,

First of all, slow down on all the changes. Please stick to the

basics I recommended to you earlier. You can add the rest later.

Don't worry about the electrolyte drink for now.

Besides can't you just make a large container of it with you once a

day, and then bring that container with you? Take all of your

vitamins together, and just take the basic ones I mentioned.

First start walking before you run. The most important thing is the

diet. Go to your local grocery store, and buy a pre-chopped bag of

cauliflower and broccoli or green beans. Buy " stir fry " meat that

is already chopped up for you or have your butcher do it.

Stir fry the meat and bag of veggies in coconut oil until it is

cooked the way you like. Add some more coconut oil at the end.

Sprinkle sea salt on top.

Eat the rest of the day (make a large amount). Simple. Easy. Try

to find a coconut oil that has no flavor. I hear the garden of life

is good. When you mix it with your food it's not as bad.

I take all my supplements at once in the morning, and then I bring

vitamin C with me in my purse and eat them here and there when I


I'm not trying to be perfect, and maybe they don't absorb well doing

that or what ever, but the most important thing to me is that I eat

better than most people I know, get plenty of nutrients, and have

laboratory and other numbers that show my excellent results.

So don't worry about getting everything perfect, just do one thing

at a time. Start with the diet. When you are having plenty of fats

and healthy veggies you won't get constipated. Also make sure you

are drinking enough water.



San , CA

> I find this to be a massive amount of work. I practically have to

be in my

> kitchen the entire day to get all the food prepared and mostly to

manage the

> supplement regimen.


> I want to know first off, can I combine the electrolyte drink with

the trace

> minerals and the chlorophyll? I don't have time to be mixing all


> concoctions 5 or 6 times a day.


> Second, how do you all manage the supplements. Do you wolf them

all down at

> once? For one, that makes me feel sick, and for two, I've read

that certain

> supps. should be taken away from others. Like Vit E for example,

I don't

> think you're supposed to take with C. This example could be wrong

but you

> get what I mean.


> And also, is the coconut oil purely for it's antifungal

properties? Cuz,

> the taste is disgusting. I bought the Orphee one and I also have

a Garden

> of Life one that I haven't tried yet. But it is so sweet is makes

me feel

> sick as well.


> Third, what counteracts the constipation. I already have issues

here but

> now it's worse. I've been taking a lot of oil but no go, if you

get my

> drift. :~)




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Are you taking digestive enzymes? When I run out of them the first thing I

notice is constipation. Maybe you are not the same but it's a shot. Also

because you are on such a clean diet now your body uses more of what you are

putting in so you will be excreting less. Are you just not going as often or

are you having difficulty?


>From: " Trisha Mountan " <tmountan@...>

> wrote:>

> > Third, what counteracts the constipation. I already have issues here


> > now it's worse. I've been taking a lot of oil but no go, if you get my

> > drift. :~)

> >

> >

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Hi, I find this to be a massive amount of work. I practically have

to be in my kitchen the entire day to get all the food prepared and

mostly to manage the supplement regimen.

---->It takes good planning and time commitment to have real

unprocessed food. When I started I first cut the sugar then added

things as I was able- determining to learn and try something new

each week. Some things have stayed and somethings went depending on

how well they worked. My morning routine now is about an hour to

shower,dress,do my hair, take my supplements, make my egg drink and

strain a batch of rejuvelac & start a new one. I pull from the

fridge bone broth and sauerkraut that I have already portioned in

mason jars. I pack it all to go to work saving 1/2 the egg drink to

drink on my way to work. The other 1/2 I drink at work for lunch. I

prepare an quick and easy meat dish with broccoli or cauliflower etc

for dinner with my daughter when I get home from work. I have to

have a plan for what I need to do in the morning. You will find what

works best for you and you will get it streamlined.

> I want to know first off, can I combine the electrolyte drink with

the trace minerals and the chlorophyll? I don't have time to be

mixing all these concoctions 5 or 6 times a day.


> Second, how do you all manage the supplements. Do you wolf them

all down at

> once? For one, that makes me feel sick, and for two, I've read

that certain

> supps. should be taken away from others. Like Vit E for example,

I don't

> think you're supposed to take with C. This example could be wrong

but you

> get what I mean.

---> In the morning I take Cod liver oil measured in a shot glass

(4tea celtic salt water and 2 tea clo) then I drink a bit more salt

water because I really don't like the taste of the clo. I take

liquid vit c and cholorphyll eggshell calcium then down a handful of

supplements in pill form (c,niacin,b,e,and magnesium) these I have

in a weekly divided pill box. In my briefcase I have a pill bottle

with my b vitamins,niacin,folic acid and vit c that I take sometime

while at work. When I am home in the evening I take another dose of

vitamin c and chlorophyl.

And also, is the coconut oil purely for it's antifungal properties?

Cuz,the taste is disgusting. I bought the Orphee one and I also

have a Garden of Life one that I haven't tried yet. But it is so

sweet is makes me feel sick as well.

----->as you hang out here you will discover the many great benifits

of CO. The list is very extensive. I got the book by Dr Fife the

CO oil miracle-very good reading. Everybody should be using CO.

Keep trying. The health benifits are so worth it. Your tastes will

change. I put 5tbls and 2 tlbs butter in my egg drink which is my

daily goal. But I like it floating in my warm tea (my favorite is

camimille w/lavender or spearamint with a drop of stevia) if I need

to up my fat.


> Third, what counteracts the constipation. I already have issues

here but now it's worse. I've been taking a lot of oil but no go,

if you get my

> drift. :~)>

----->With this diet I find that there is very little waste. I might

not have enough to go every day. But if you need to extra

chlorophyll or vitamin c should help move things along.

Pat Brogan

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  • 3 months later...

, caution is advised that oatmeal feeds candida very well indeed.

Potentially a way around it is to use incredibly high-dose probiotics

but most people can't afford that and have use a much stricter diet,

avoiding carbs, or they'll probably never get better.

Starting on an oatmeal program because of a reoccurring fungal

infection is exactly the wrong thing to do; I expect many others will

tell you the same thing.

Also, rice milk is a carbohydrate.

Alcohol is fine; it's the carbs it's mixed with that are the problem,

as you figured.

The shortest summary is just eliminate the carbs and increase inulin.


> Hi :


> For some years we read about how great Soy was for women in EARLY

stages of Menopause and that may still be true, then I read an

article called The Dark Side of Soy. Not good.


> Since Soy is mildy Estrogenic for some people but much stronger for

others, it's best (in my opinion) to stay away from it.


> Bonnie

> What about soy?


> Hello all,


> What are people's experiences with soy?


> Currently I use unsweetened soy milk - about 1/2 to 3/4 cup a day

and also a wonderful product " Wildwood plain soy yogurt " it is also

unsweetened and has inulin and probiotic cultures - typically I use

about 1/2 cup a day. I notice no stomach discomfort from either.


> Cheers,



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I could never find a milk substitute that didn't contain sugars.

Giving up my morning cereal w/milk and fruit was one of the hardest

things I had to do when I started the Candida diet. Duncan gave you

great advice. You'd do better to cut out the milk and oatmeal.

I didn't realize I had candida until I developed oral thrush - guess

that might not be considered " external " but I might never have

guessed what was going on with me otherwise. I had gone through a

short period of illness the previous year which I now attribute to

candida. Then one of my salivary glands kept blocking up. Had no

clue at the time that it could also be related to candida. I wasn't

feeling ill at the time I developed the oral thrush so you may not

experience other symptoms either.


> Hi :


> For some years we read about how great Soy was for women in EARLY

stages of Menopause and that may still be true, then I read an

article called The Dark Side of Soy. Not good.


> Since Soy is mildy Estrogenic for some people but much stronger for

others, it's best (in my opinion) to stay away from it.


> Bonnie

> What about soy?


> Hello all,


> What are people's experiences with soy?


> Currently I use unsweetened soy milk - about 1/2 to 3/4 cup a day

and also a wonderful product " Wildwood plain soy yogurt " it is also

unsweetened and has inulin and probiotic cultures - typically I use

about 1/2 cup a day. I notice no stomach discomfort from either.


> Cheers,



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For a safe milk substitute, plain undenatured whey should go with

anything you'd normally use milk with. Strawberry Bavarian with sugar-

free Jello for dessert. Yum. I use chocolate whey in 1/2 coffee.



> I could never find a milk substitute that didn't contain sugars.

> Giving up my morning cereal w/milk and fruit was one of the hardest

> things I had to do when I started the Candida diet. Duncan gave you

> great advice. You'd do better to cut out the milk and oatmeal.


> I didn't realize I had candida until I developed oral thrush -


> Gail

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Hi duncan,

what is whey? I keep hearing it mentioned and wonder

what it is and how it helps you to heal?

What foods are recomended on this version of the diet.


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Marei <3



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Yum, that sounds good. Maybe I can make something with gelatin,

whey, a flavor oil and some xylitol for sweetening. I'll have to

check into the flavored whey too.



> >

> > I could never find a milk substitute that didn't contain sugars.

> > Giving up my morning cereal w/milk and fruit was one of the


> > things I had to do when I started the Candida diet. Duncan gave


> > great advice. You'd do better to cut out the milk and oatmeal.

> >

> > I didn't realize I had candida until I developed oral thrush -

> >

> > Gail


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Dr will most likely recommend the NOPCO band, and you are

right, a lot of parents choose to go to CT rather than use NOPCO. In

your case, you really want to think hard about this because NOPCO is

a passive band. An active band uses holding points to guide the

head growth to the places where the head is flat. In a passive band

the band is made to the ideal headshape and the head is just expected

to grow into the band. There is no pressure or active guiding of

growth. It is widely said by doctors that the head grows most in the

forst 6 months of a baby's life. Since your son is 8 monhts old, he

would probably have to wear a passive band for a VERY long time.

" I've heard people sometimes bypass Children's and go to CT for

> treatment ... ? Anything I should watch out for? " We have had a

number of members who have had very ill-fitting bands from NOPCO. Of

ourse that does not mean that every band from NOPCO is bad, but you

need to be very careful and if you choose to go there, interview the

orthotist thoroughly and intensely.

If you had said Cam's brachy was very mild then I might be answering

differently on this next part. But it is definitely worth the time

and the insurance

appeals to get your child's head back to a more average shape. Even

if there is no assymmetry (and I am assuming that is why you are

saying it's cosmetic) it might still give him trouble later. What if

he wants to play football in high school and can't find a helmet that


well enough to protect him? He may also have problems finding a well-

fitting bike helmet or baseball cap as well. And more than that,

what if kids in the 3rd grade notice that his head is flat in the

back? I am sure you want to give him every chance to avoid being


As far as the beach, a baby's head grows 24 hours a day, 7 days a

week. I swear I have put my dd down for a nap and she is bigger when

she gets up. That said, what if you take the band off for the day

because you are at the beach and you miss a good period of growth?

The band is intended to be on the head 23 hours a day so that you

will never miss an opportuntiy for correction due to growth. So

think long and hard about how much correction you may be sacrificing

by leaving the band off.


Becky, repo mod

, repo grad


> I have already learned so much from this board! I've been browsing

> around in the Files section ... it's great!


> We are seeing Dr. at Children's in Boston next week.


> certain he's going to recommend a helmet. We said no to the helmet

> when Cam was 6 months but now that he's 8 months and his plagio


> to have progressed to brachy, I guess we're giving up on

> repositioning having any effect (he wriggles onto his back and


> his head into his shoulder no matter what we do).


> I've heard people sometimes bypass Children's and go to CT for

> treatment ... ? Anything I should watch out for?


> Is Dr. (or NOPCO, the brace place at Children's) going to

> recommend a particular helmet? I'm trying to grasp the differences

> between the various kinds before I go in, so I know what to


> for (if I get a choice). I know there's a Hanger place closer to us

> which would be a lot more convenient for fittings.


> We have United HealthCare (they've been AWFUL -- we're counting the

> months until we can change plans at the end of the year). I saw


> of info in the files section about trying to get coverage, and at

> least one successful UHC appeal ... but realistically, if Cam's

> brachy is moderate and totally cosmetic ... is it even worth trying?


> A helmet question ... I keep hearing that the helmet has to stay on

> 23 hours a day. How big of a deal is it if you take it off here and

> there? Like, we're going to the beach and it's going to be really

> hot -- could it stay off for a couple of hours, or are you not

> supposed to do that?


> Thanks!!


> Laurie


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We went straight to CT and I don't regret that decision. My ped. wanted us to wait till 9 months which we didn't do so we went to CT then had them fax his measurements and call the ped. to request the script. I don't know anything about NOPCO...I just posted about our experiences with CT and the DOC band. We kept to the 23 hours because that is what we were told to do and we didn't want to miss any growth spurts. I would count the hour off for time at the beach and try to stick to the 23 hours. The band will work quicker if you follow protocol as best as you can. 9.5 month old son, DOC graduate PS: I have UHC and my son's case was mild to moderate and I appealed. I haven't heard their decision but I definitely think it is worth trying. You have nothing to loose but if you don't try then you'll never know. I've heard that a lot of companies

deny initially then pay. If you don't have an exclusion in your policy, appeal. Get a letter from your ped. about the band being medically necessary to send with your appeal.Becky <res103198@...> wrote: Dr will most likely recommend the NOPCO band, and you are right, a lot of parents choose to go to CT rather than use NOPCO. In your case, you really want to think hard about this because NOPCO is a passive band. An active band uses holding points to guide the head growth to the places where

the head is flat. In a passive band the band is made to the ideal headshape and the head is just expected to grow into the band. There is no pressure or active guiding of growth. It is widely said by doctors that the head grows most in the forst 6 months of a baby's life. Since your son is 8 monhts old, he would probably have to wear a passive band for a VERY long time."I've heard people sometimes bypass Children's and go to CT for > treatment ... ? Anything I should watch out for?" We have had a number of members who have had very ill-fitting bands from NOPCO. Of ourse that does not mean that every band from NOPCO is bad, but you need to be very careful and if you choose to go there, interview the orthotist thoroughly and intensely.If you had said Cam's brachy was very mild then I might be answering differently on this next part. But it is definitely worth the time and the insurance appeals to get your

child's head back to a more average shape. Even if there is no assymmetry (and I am assuming that is why you are saying it's cosmetic) it might still give him trouble later. What if he wants to play football in high school and can't find a helmet that fits well enough to protect him? He may also have problems finding a well-fitting bike helmet or baseball cap as well. And more than that, what if kids in the 3rd grade notice that his head is flat in the back? I am sure you want to give him every chance to avoid being teased.As far as the beach, a baby's head grows 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I swear I have put my dd down for a nap and she is bigger when she gets up. That said, what if you take the band off for the day because you are at the beach and you miss a good period of growth? The band is intended to be on the head 23 hours a day so that you will never miss an opportuntiy for correction due to growth.

So think long and hard about how much correction you may be sacrificing by leaving the band off.HTHBecky, repo mod, repo grad >> I have already learned so much from this board! I've been browsing > around in the Files section ... it's great!> > We are seeing Dr. at Children's in Boston next week. I'm > certain he's going to recommend a helmet. We said no to the helmet > when Cam was 6 months but now that he's 8 months and his plagio seems > to have progressed to brachy, I guess we're giving up on > repositioning having any effect (he wriggles onto his back and tucks > his head into his shoulder no matter what we do).> > I've heard people sometimes bypass Children's and go to CT for

> treatment ... ? Anything I should watch out for?> > Is Dr. (or NOPCO, the brace place at Children's) going to > recommend a particular helmet? I'm trying to grasp the differences > between the various kinds before I go in, so I know what to advocate > for (if I get a choice). I know there's a Hanger place closer to us > which would be a lot more convenient for fittings.> > We have United HealthCare (they've been AWFUL -- we're counting the > months until we can change plans at the end of the year). I saw lots > of info in the files section about trying to get coverage, and at > least one successful UHC appeal ... but realistically, if Cam's > brachy is moderate and totally cosmetic ... is it even worth trying?> > A helmet question ... I keep hearing that the helmet has to stay on > 23 hours a day. How big of a deal is it if you take it off here

and > there? Like, we're going to the beach and it's going to be really > hot -- could it stay off for a couple of hours, or are you not > supposed to do that?> > Thanks!!> > Laurie>

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Laurie - I know for us - We went to the beach alot last summer while Luli was in her band. Our ortho told us to take it off while we were at the beach - For the overheating issue - But I also think sand. Others here had thier babies wear the band at the beach. I think it depends on your ortho. Ask them. But remember - you will get the best correction the longer the baby is in the band.

Jen and Luli (16mo)

Left Tort - Right Plagio - Hanger Band Grad - CA

tallulah jayne


More questions

I have already learned so much from this board! I've been browsing

around in the Files section ... it's great!

We are seeing Dr. at Children's in Boston next week. I'm

certain he's going to recommend a helmet. We said no to the helmet

when Cam was 6 months but now that he's 8 months and his plagio seems

to have progressed to brachy, I guess we're giving up on

repositioning having any effect (he wriggles onto his back and tucks

his head into his shoulder no matter what we do).

I've heard people sometimes bypass Children's and go to CT for

treatment ... ? Anything I should watch out for?

Is Dr. (or NOPCO, the brace place at Children's) going to

recommend a particular helmet? I'm trying to grasp the differences

between the various kinds before I go in, so I know what to advocate

for (if I get a choice). I know there's a Hanger place closer to us

which would be a lot more convenient for fittings.

We have United HealthCare (they've been AWFUL -- we're counting the

months until we can change plans at the end of the year). I saw lots

of info in the files section about trying to get coverage, and at

least one successful UHC appeal ... but realistically, if Cam's

brachy is moderate and totally cosmetic ... is it even worth trying?

A helmet question ... I keep hearing that the helmet has to stay on

23 hours a day. How big of a deal is it if you take it off here and

there? Like, we're going to the beach and it's going to be really

hot -- could it stay off for a couple of hours, or are you not

supposed to do that?



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