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Hi ,

I'm so sorry! I haven't had an eye swell. I had a friend visit

's hopkins and she said they confirmed her pa diagnosis and were




> First - I want to thank all of you for your support of my last post

> when I was mis-treated at the ER. Unfortunalty, I was re-admitted

> to the hospital before I had a chance to read them. I woke up last

> Thursday with my eye swollen shut and the entire left side of my

> face completely numb. Any light caused horrible pain. Tests


> that one of the nerves (the one controlling the left side of my

> face) had gotten inflamed. The Neurologist also felt that my brain

> stem started to swell but since they weren't able to visualize it


> MRI they can't say for sure. 4 days of IV steroids and diauladid

> (?) for pain. I saw my Rheumy yesterday (I had been taken to an ER

> he didn't have privileges at) and he feels that it's time to take a

> trip to s Hopkins in Baltimore. He isn't sure if it was a drug

> toxicity (I had just started Plaquil) or if it was all PA. He took

> me off all meds except prednisone which he increased to 80mg a day

> for the next week, to taper down by 5mg every three days after.


> side effects are yucky.

> My questions to the group are: has any one ever heard of this type

> of thing happening or had it happen to them? Has anyone had

> experience with s Hopkins? I'm at the end of my rope and I

> honestly don't know how much more I can take. Even on the 80 of

> Prednisone I am still having inflammation in my hands and neck.

> Any suggestions or advice is appreciated.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi Carl:

You look for a primary care physician who accepts your insurance and

call their office. Then you ask what their experience is with

treating men who have hypogonadism. Ask them if they are familiar

with testosterone replacement treatments. TELL them you want MORE

than just a prescription for Viagra and Androgel. Hopefully, they

will tell you that they are going to check your bloodwork and give

you a complete physical exam. Ask them if when they do the

bloodwork, if they automatically check your E2 level and your

Prolactin level. If they have no idea what you are talking about,

RUN AWAY FAST. That will be your first clue that they have no

experience treating hypogonadism.

This will be a frustrating experience -- finding a good doctor is

worse than looking for a needle in a haystack. So often the

receptionist will tell you " SURE, no problem, we'll take care of

you. " DON'T automatically trust or believe them. If they have no

idea about male estrogen or prolactin they will be worthless.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,


> >


> I am sure you will get the same replies from others. Run as fast


> you can away from that " doctor " . You need to find someone who will

> address the issues of low T and also take all the proper test that

> are needed. Especially E2.




> Hi,

> >

> > I'm new to this so please excuse my illiteracy...

> >

> > I'm having 2 issues... one problem that has been ongoing is

> climaxing and the latest is keeping an erection.

> >

> > I went to the urologist. He ran one bloodtest, did a uro study,

> and scoped my urethra.

> > He says my testosterone is 350.

> >

> > Where to I go from here... He doesnt seem to care about my sex

> life. He says I'm totally normal and it's all psychological. I


> agree... I still think my hormones arent right...

> >

> > What should I get tested... Is there anyone in Rochester NY

> (physician) who could help me?

> > I have always had troubles climaxing... always... it's


> not mental... and to be blunt... it doesnt matter with what sex

> partner or solo...

> >

> > I really need help... I want to be a man!

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Just make sure you get a diagnosis by testing your free testosterone

and other pituitary hormones as well. Testosterone Replacement

Therapy has side effects that you may not want. If you get a good

doctor some of those side effects can be partially or fully dealt

with but without a good doctor it's not generally likely. You will

need to become educated as to the treatments so read as much as you

can. In the end only you can make the decision as to whether the

risks (i.e. Infertility, permanent desensitization of some part of

the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis [HPG], etc.) are worth it.

People using steroids (similar to Testosterone) often times have HPG

axis issues when they come off of them. They try to avoid these

side effects by cycling their use of steroids but sometimes it

doesn't work and they permanently damage their systems. I'm not

trying to scare you because TRT treatments are generally a lot lower

in dosages than steroid use but if you can find a good doctor you

reduce your risks that would be preferable. In the end it's up to

you to do your homework and understand what's going on in your body

and make sure that any doctor is addressing your concerns.

BTW, generally the specialist that handles hormone disorders is a

Endocrinologiest but often times they go by the " book " and it's

harder to get treatment from them on borderline conditions.

Good luck to you.

> >


> I am sure you will get the same replies from others. Run as fast


> you can away from that " doctor " . You need to find someone who will

> address the issues of low T and also take all the proper test that

> are needed. Especially E2.




> Hi,

> >

> > I'm new to this so please excuse my illiteracy...

> >

> > I'm having 2 issues... one problem that has been ongoing is

> climaxing and the latest is keeping an erection.

> >

> > I went to the urologist. He ran one bloodtest, did a uro study,

> and scoped my urethra.

> > He says my testosterone is 350.

> >

> > Where to I go from here... He doesnt seem to care about my sex

> life. He says I'm totally normal and it's all psychological. I


> agree... I still think my hormones arent right...

> >

> > What should I get tested... Is there anyone in Rochester NY

> (physician) who could help me?

> > I have always had troubles climaxing... always... it's


> not mental... and to be blunt... it doesnt matter with what sex

> partner or solo...

> >

> > I really need help... I want to be a man!

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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  • 4 months later...

Admittedly, given I am both tall and muscular, I carry a high weight even when skinny (my ideal weight is probably about 170 to have a healthy body fat - I'm about 5'9/5'10, and at 145 was thin as a rake) - even so, at my current 235, that's pretty significantly overweight, and I was heavier than that when I had the revision surgery. I'm sure it would have gone easier on me (and the surgeon, heh!) if I'd been a bit lighter, but with PCOS losing the weight before I was so bad I was unfixable just wouldn't have been an option. As it happens, my surgeon never suggested there was any issue with my weight as regards the surgery, so unless you have additional issues that would add to the risk factor or are morbidly obese, I'd be dubious about any doctor who says it can't be done on grounds of weight.

Much of my pre-surgery pain came from the total degeneration of my L2-3 disc (immediately below the original fusion), and the huge osteophytes I developed there. The first doc I saw wanted to fish out the remains of the disc in an anterior procedure before going posterior for the osteotomy(s). The second doc didn't see the point in digging it out - in his opinion the pain would be corrected just by the immobilisation that would come from fusing & fixating that level during the revision. Mostly on gut feeling I decided to go with the second doc and he was quite right for my case at least - the pain from the disc and arthritis there has entirely gone.

titch-- Something unknown is doing we don't know what

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Kim,

I'm interested in info on the raw diet for dogs. Could you e-mail me

directly as this is off topic?

Thanks so much,


>I know from having four

> dogs that are all on a raw diet ( " candida for dogs! " - only raw meat


> veggies)...

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Yes, please send it to beewilder@...

Thanks, Bee

P.S. Kim, would you please trim your messages? See the Candida

Group Info Folder.



> I would love to write something up for the group about animal

nutrition, so I will work on that and should I send it to you to be

uploaded to the files?


> I will also put together a list of links to do research. It is

called the " BARF " or " Raw " diet for dogs if anyone wants to google.

Iams of course is against the raw diet. It is hard to find a

supportive holistic vet so you need to know more than the vets!

Which, having done the candida diet, you all know is a necessity in

your health and the health of your pets. The veterinarian field is

as corrupt as the doctors and their pharamaceutical companies!




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My dog was on BARF (Bones And Raw Food) for the last

few years of her life and it was a HUGE difference..

BARF is great for cats too. Do a search on " BARF " on

the internet and you'll find lots of good info.



San , CA

--- Jan <janmarie@...> wrote:

> Hi Kim,


> I'm interested in info on the raw diet for dogs.

> Could you e-mail me

> directly as this is off topic?


> Thanks so much,

> Jan



> >I know from having four

> > dogs that are all on a raw diet ( " candida for

> dogs! " - only raw meat

> and

> > veggies)...

Website for my son Hunter Hudson, born 10/11/04:


Today is the most important day.

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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 7/28/2006 1:21:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, leyna1964@... writes:

I have long lost the paperwork on my implants, so I have no idea ifthey were done behind the muscle or not-is there a way to tell byfeeling? Sorry, I know that's a really dumb question! lol

You'll have to wait on the other gals to chime in on the rest of your questions, but as for this one -I'm in the same boat. My plastic surgeon retired, and the surgeon he gave his records to say my file is no where to be found. So, it's also guesswork with mine, but other surgeons have told me by touch that mine are over the muscle ---so apparently they can feel and know. (I also went from a 36 A/B to a DD.)

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In a message dated 7/28/2006 2:23:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, leyna1964@... writes:

Wow-so we're about the same size....do you still have yours?

Yes, I have mine. My insurance won't cover removal, and we are BROKE. So, I'm working on ways to save the money. I live in WV, and doctors here are clueless, and medical care costs way more than surrounding states, so I'm looking into out of state doctors. I keep waiting on a quote from one in VA, but they haven't called me back yet. As soon as I find the right doc (which will probably be the CHEAPEST doc) who can do it right, and I get the money ---they're gone.

I know exactly what you mean about how people act when you have a nice chest, but seriously... I'd give up all the attention I've had in my life just to feel even back to 25% how I did before getting sick.

You don't have to tell anyone if you're embarrassed. I'd go with the "breast reduction" theory that was suggested. It makes perfect sense. Just say "They may have looked good, but they were hard to tug around!" ---and leave it at that! LOL

Most of the people who know me know mine are implants, so I get the attitude of either people not believing I'm sick, OR if they do they think it's my fault and I'm stupid for having ever gotten implants. People don't understand that back in the 90's (and prior), we didn't have resources like the internet to run to. We just had to trust the doctors and assume they knew what they were doing. It was a different time in the world medically before the internet!

Anyway, good luck chick!!! Keep us all posted on your plans. There are some real angels on this board...it's a great group of gals!!!

Brigite :)

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Leyna, I'm going to go through your questions one by one . . . You ask some very good questions! Nothing is dumb here! The doctor will be the best judge of what kind of incision to use . . . it's possible that the doctor could revise the scars you already have when your implants are removed. But you'll have to trust the doctor's decision. There are a several ways to handle explant . . . You can be upfront - and educate a lot of women at the same time . . . You can go in for a "reduction" to relieve the back pain you're bound to be experiencing . . . Or you can use enhancers to make it look like nothing changed - and gradually reduce the size of the enhancers as you "lose weight" . . . ly, I'd at least admit to breast surgery so you can be excused from lifting for a while. If you didn't do any lifting, you'd probably be ready for light work after five days. . However,

if you have significant drainage, you may have to plead "complications" and take more time off. The drains are not painful. They're just a nusiance because of their bulk and because you can't fit into street clothes very well. Most women don't experience much pain from explant . . . recovery is usually much quicker. If a certain anesthesia didn't work well, tell the doc . .. They have other meds. Some women go shopping the next day! The doctor will know when he/she examines you if your implants are overs or unders. If you didn't have any breast tissue removed when you got your implants, there's a chance that you have enough tissue to get good results from a mastopexy (lift). . . Over time, you can experience to experience some "fluffing" as the body adjusts. It will be about six months before "what you see is what you get". After being that big, you'll probably feel wonderful getting all that weight off your chest! Hugs, Rogene

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Thanks so much for answering my questions! :)

If I remember right (and that hardly ever happens!haha) I think a

friend of mine once said that she thinks mine are behind the muscle.

Wonder if my gynocologist would know, since he does my breast exams?

I get mammograms every year, they would know too I guess.

Yeah, I guess it is better to tell people-it's just gonna be

embarrassing to explain to the 17 year old boy who bags my groceries

every day.....:(

A guy at work the other day came up to me and asked me my age. When I

told him I was 42, he said " Well, I just wanted you to know that me

and a few other guys here have been saying what a SMOKING HOT body you

have for someone your age! "

Gee, I'll miss hearing stuff like that occasionally! I know how vain

that is, but honestly, my boobs are my only good feature! LOL


> Leyna,


> I'm going to go through your questions one by one . . . You ask

some very good questions! Nothing is dumb here!


> The doctor will be the best judge of what kind of incision to use

.. . . it's possible that the doctor could revise the scars you already

have when your implants are removed. But you'll have to trust the

doctor's decision.


> There are a several ways to handle explant . . . You can be

upfront - and educate a lot of women at the same time . . . You can go

in for a " reduction " to relieve the back pain you're bound to be

experiencing . . . Or you can use enhancers to make it look like

nothing changed - and gradually reduce the size of the enhancers as

you " lose weight " . . . ly, I'd at least admit to breast surgery

so you can be excused from lifting for a while. If you didn't do any

lifting, you'd probably be ready for light work after five days. .

However, if you have significant drainage, you may have to plead

" complications " and take more time off. The drains are not painful.

They're just a nusiance because of their bulk and because you can't

fit into street clothes very well.


> Most women don't experience much pain from explant . . . recovery

is usually much quicker. If a certain anesthesia didn't work well,

tell the doc . .. They have other meds. Some women go shopping the

next day!


> The doctor will know when he/she examines you if your implants are

overs or unders.


> If you didn't have any breast tissue removed when you got your

implants, there's a chance that you have enough tissue to get good

results from a mastopexy (lift). . . Over time, you can experience to

experience some " fluffing " as the body adjusts. It will be about six

months before " what you see is what you get " .


> After being that big, you'll probably feel wonderful getting all

that weight off your chest!


> Hugs,


> Rogene


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Wow-so we're about the same size....do you still have yours?




> In a message dated 7/28/2006 1:21:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> leyna1964@... writes:


> I have long lost the paperwork on my implants, so I have no idea if

> they were done behind the muscle or not-is there a way to tell by

> feeling? Sorry, I know that's a really dumb question! lol




> You'll have to wait on the other gals to chime in on the rest of your

> questions, but as for this one -I'm in the same boat. My plastic

surgeon retired,

> and the surgeon he gave his records to say my file is no where to be


> So, it's also guesswork with mine, but other surgeons have told me

by touch

> that mine are over the muscle ---so apparently they can feel and

know. (I also

> went from a 36 A/B to a DD.)


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Leyna, You may look "smoking hot", but as you get sicker and sicker, that's the last thing you'll feel like . . . I don't think you'll find a woman who has come to this site as sick as you are who doesn't wish they had never even thought of breast implants. . . It does take some adjusting to learn to love ourselves as God created us . . . but you'll get there! . . . Sometimes we have to learn our lessons the hard way. Hopefully you'll be able save other women from making the same mistake, or help them find a way to get their lives back if they're already sick! Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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The brand of implant can be proven by Dr. Blais . . . even if you don't have the records. Rogene KissofSadness@... wrote: In a message dated 7/28/2006 1:21:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, leyna1964 writes: I have long lost the paperwork on my implants, so I have no idea ifthey were done behind the muscle or not-is there a way to tell byfeeling? Sorry, I know that's a really dumb question! lol You'll have to wait on the other gals to chime in on the rest of your questions, but as for this one -I'm in the same boat. My plastic surgeon retired, and the surgeon he gave his records to say my file is no where to be found. So, it's also guesswork with mine, but other surgeons have told me by touch that mine are over the muscle ---so apparently they can feel and know. (I also went from a 36 A/B to a DD.)

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Awesome to know, Rogene, as I am still having trouble retrieving

records from the Edmonton hospital where implant was done. And

ofcourse, my old PS has retired long since.

Loving kindness & butterfly kisses,

Sunny :)

> In a message dated 7/28/2006 1:21:49 PM Eastern

Standard Time, leyna1964@... writes:

> I have long lost the paperwork on my implants, so I have no idea


> they were done behind the muscle or not-is there a way to tell by

> feeling? Sorry, I know that's a really dumb question! lol



> You'll have to wait on the other gals to chime in on the rest of

your questions, but as for this one -I'm in the same boat. My plastic

surgeon retired, and the surgeon he gave his records to say my file

is no where to be found. So, it's also guesswork with mine, but other

surgeons have told me by touch that mine are over the muscle ---so

apparently they can feel and know. (I also went from a 36 A/B to a



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Thanks for the nice message! Well, I'm sure hoping my

insurance will cover the explants *crosses fingers*

So how do I get started on all this? Do I just contact

a plastic surgeon or what? I do want to get the MRI

done though....

--- KissofSadness@... wrote:



> In a message dated 7/28/2006 2:23:30 PM Eastern

> Standard Time,

> leyna1964@... writes:


> Wow-so we're about the same size....do you still

> have yours?




> Yes, I have mine. My insurance won't cover removal,

> and we are BROKE. So,

> I'm working on ways to save the money. I live in WV,

> and doctors here are

> clueless, and medical care costs way more than

> surrounding states, so I'm looking

> into out of state doctors. I keep waiting on a quote

> from one in VA, but they

> haven't called me back yet. As soon as I find the

> right doc (which will

> probably be the CHEAPEST doc) who can do it right,

> and I get the money ---they're

> gone.


> I know exactly what you mean about how people act

> when you have a nice

> chest, but seriously... I'd give up all the

> attention I've had in my life just to

> feel even back to 25% how I did before getting sick.


> You don't have to tell anyone if you're embarrassed.

> I'd go with the " breast

> reduction " theory that was suggested. It makes

> perfect sense. Just say " They

> may have looked good, but they were hard to tug

> around! " ---and leave it at

> that! LOL


> Most of the people who know me know mine are

> implants, so I get the attitude

> of either people not believing I'm sick, OR if they

> do they think it's my

> fault and I'm stupid for having ever gotten

> implants. People don't understand

> that back in the 90's (and prior), we didn't have

> resources like the internet

> to run to. We just had to trust the doctors and

> assume they knew what they

> were doing. It was a different time in the world

> medically before the internet!


> Anyway, good luck chick!!! Keep us all posted on

> your plans. There are some

> real angels on this board...it's a great group of

> gals!!!


> Brigite :)





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You know, I've been wondering exactly WHY Pamela

had her implants removed awhile back...yeah,

I know she got them put back in, but wonder why she

had them removed to begin with? Could it be that she

was having these same problems? If so, then wonder why

you never hear anything about her health problems,

other than the fact that she has Hepatitis. I tried to

google it,but couldn't come up with anything.

--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna,


> You may look " smoking hot " , but as you get sicker

> and sicker, that's the last thing you'll feel like .

> . .


> I don't think you'll find a woman who has come to

> this site as sick as you are who doesn't wish they

> had never even thought of breast implants. . .


> It does take some adjusting to learn to love

> ourselves as God created us . . . but you'll get

> there! . . . Sometimes we have to learn our lessons

> the hard way.


> Hopefully you'll be able save other women from

> making the same mistake, or help them find a way to

> get their lives back if they're already sick!


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene




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leyna... re: weight questions... I hit the send button by accident.....

ever seen a 5'2" 105lb girl at 29 go to 140 in 2.5 years? look 5-6 month pregnant in her tummy like she swallowed a ball? I haven't been thru menopause nor have I had a hysterectomy.... I lost all my pregnancy weight within 5-6 months... weight loss happened after this... I was tiny... when I did the MTV show I was on the way - maybe 120-125.... the news interview that was mentioned in an earlier w/ ABC news I was bigger - 130-135... this was after the MTV airing - a year after the taping.... I can wear maternity clothes now - around the house... had to buy all new stuff... old shorts will not go past my thighs... I am almost at my 9 months preg weight.... this is crazy. I wasn't pregnant young either...I was 30. married at 28 - 105 lbs.... had to get a size 5 dress cause of my boobs... alteres down due to my size as I was soooo small... if my scanner worked I would show you guys the difference as I has a sleeveless dress... I was tiny.... now I am a swollen hoss for lack of a better word.... I am huge next to my mom who has had a hysterectomy - several years ago and gained weight from it....

I have talked to many implant women who have gained weight - I am NO doctor but several that I have talked to that got treatment said it was due to being toxic - mold and toxic issues in the body... this is also what a doc in Atlanta told me yesterday when I spoke w/ her about this same issue. I explained the weight gain - especially in my lower abdomen... she said I have "biotoxin illness- severly"... look it up... sounds like you have a bunch of the signs as well... she is in Atlanta and also does explants... maybe she can help you?


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Leyna, Where do you live? . . . Maybe we can recommend a surgeon nearby who accepts your insurance. They know the insurance codes that will get coverage. . . If you have salines, an MRI isn't going to mean anything. . . One of our silent sisters went through the files, copying messages from women coming to the group . . . She removed identifiers and created a folder she's taking to all her doctors. . . If the doctors didn't believe implants cause health problems, they do after reading the messages. . . I'd suggest starting with your primary care doctor and seeing if you can get his/her support. Possibly by taking in a collection of messages that demonstrate that other implanted women have the same problems you do. If your doctor will recommend explant, that will go a long way in getting insurance coverage. Then comes the "in network

- out of network" issue . . . That depends on your policy. If think you might find a local surgeon, get on the phone and canvas surgeons for a doctor who will remove your implants en bloc . . . Some women have found fantastic surgeons this way . . . Interview them (don't pay for consultation) . . . If they tell you that you should replace the implants or you will be deformed, or depressed, run. . . They are speaking of their own skills! Hugs, Rogene

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I'm in Memphis, Tennessee (well, right outside it

anyway, but I work in Memphis). I have TennCare for

insurance, which is an insurance for low income people

who can't afford " real " insurance. lol

I've never been to my Primary Care doctor...anything

that is wrong with me, I go to either my

Endocronolgist who treats my diabetes, hypothyoidsm,

and hypertenstion, or I go to my Gynocologist, who

treats my menopause and does my breast exams.

My PCD is a new doctor in a very small town, and I've

never been to him-I seriously doubt that he would be a

good choice to go to for a consultation on implant

removal. lol

I'm sure I can get a referral from my Gyno, though.

--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna,


> Where do you live? . . . Maybe we can recommend a

> surgeon nearby who accepts your insurance. They know

> the insurance codes that will get coverage. . . If

> you have salines, an MRI isn't going to mean

> anything. . .


> One of our silent sisters went through the files,

> copying messages from women coming to the group . .

> . She removed identifiers and created a folder she's

> taking to all her doctors. . . If the doctors didn't

> believe implants cause health problems, they do

> after reading the messages. . .


> I'd suggest starting with your primary care doctor

> and seeing if you can get his/her support. Possibly

> by taking in a collection of messages that

> demonstrate that other implanted women have the same

> problems you do. If your doctor will recommend

> explant, that will go a long way in getting

> insurance coverage.


> Then comes the " in network - out of network " issue

> . . . That depends on your policy.


> If think you might find a local surgeon, get on

> the phone and canvas surgeons for a doctor who will

> remove your implants en bloc . . . Some women have

> found fantastic surgeons this way . . . Interview

> them (don't pay for consultation) . . . If they tell

> you that you should replace the implants or you will

> be deformed, or depressed, run. . . They are

> speaking of their own skills!


> Hugs,


> Rogene




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I've noticed a few comments here about weight gain-do

implants cause some sort of weight gain too? I have

put on a lot of weight since I've had mine, but

chalked it up to being in menopause from my


--- halvey70@... wrote:

> I would not doubt that a lot of stars who have them

> get them changed a lot

> due to this risk... just my opinion but I know Demi

> moore had a lot done in the

> last few years as well - her breasts included from

> what I read.... they look

> smaller


> Somewhere I read this a long time ago.... to avoid

> any complications some do

> this - plus they can afford it.... I wouldn't do it

> for all the $$$ in the

> world.


> pam anderson has done hers time and time again....

> bigger and bigger then

> none then smaller then bigger again... hmmmmm...

> makes you wonder if that is

> what is going on - avoiding issues, etc., or if the

> Hep c has something to do w/

> it also...


> also - Missy elliot had a report out not too long

> ago - that she denied -

> that hers were leaking as well.....


> there are plenty of stars that have had problems and

> had their removed...


> makes me mad w/ all these plastic surgery shows

> out.... they actually push

> them even tho the girls don't ask for them... like

> the MTV Famous Face show...

> I watched that as I was in the second season....

> some of the PS's would

> bring them up when the girls would not.... makes you

> wonder.... of course- I

> slammed them much worse than the camera would

> show.... too bad I can't that

> footage....they have 4 days of me slamming PS's,

> hollywood, plastic surgery in

> general, and so on....actually had some good stuff

> but had to cram it into a

> small time frame.... wish they would do an

> anti-plastic surgery show and show

> it as I had some pretty good comments then... plus

> I was skinnier and

> healthier then....

> oh well


> shari





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In a message dated 7/29/2006 1:14:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, halvey70@... writes:

ever seen a 5'2" 105lb girl at 29 go to 140 in 2.5 years? look 5-6 month pregnant in her tummy like she swallowed a ball?


I had to chime in on this one, because I feeeel your pain!!! I was 5'4" 105-110 (anorexic, calorie counted, worked out) up until I was about 21, then I went to about 135-which I think was from a desk job, but that was actually my ideal weight. Then I went to 220 in 1 year about a year and a half after being implanted. I gained weight so fast, I had to wear sweats and t-shirts because I couldn't afford to buy new sizes of clothing every month.

That was when I ended up diagnosed with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Disease (autoimmune disease of the thyroid). Now I can't lose for the life of me -literally!!!

Brig :( lol

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Brigite, So true. I was 110, 5"1 and now I am 170. I used to eat alot of junk now for the past 3 months i quit everything. No fast food, no fried food, no sodas of any kind. No starch, no bread. I have only lost 3 lbs in three months. It is like I might as well eat what I like then if it makes no difference. I seriously think this adrenal, thyroid yeast or one of these is my problem. I have to keep digging for answers. Now Today finding out about this whole capsule issue, no wonder I only feel somewhat better since explant. If I still have pieces of that sh**** in me. Teri P HawaiiKissofSadness@... wrote: In a message dated 7/29/2006 1:14:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, halvey70aol writes: ever seen a 5'2" 105lb girl at 29 go to 140 in 2.5 years? look 5-6 month pregnant in her tummy like she swallowed a ball? Shari, I had to chime in on this one, because I feeeel your pain!!! I was 5'4" 105-110 (anorexic, calorie counted, worked out) up until I was about 21, then I went to about 135-which I think

was from a desk job, but that was actually my ideal weight. Then I went to 220 in 1 year about a year and a half after being implanted. I gained weight so fast, I had to wear sweats and t-shirts because I couldn't afford to buy new sizes of clothing every month. That was when I ended up diagnosed with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Disease (autoimmune disease of the thyroid). Now I can't lose for the life of me -literally!!! Brig :( lol __________________________________________________

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In a message dated 7/29/2006 1:14:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, halvey70@... writes:

ever seen a 5'2" 105lb girl at 29 go to 140 in 2.5 years? look 5-6 month pregnant in her tummy like she swallowed a ball?


I had to chime in on this one, because I feeeel your pain!!! I was 5'4" 105-110 (anorexic, calorie counted, worked out) up until I was about 21, then I went to about 135-which I think was from a desk job, but that was actually my ideal weight. Then I went to 220 in 1 year about a year and a half after being implanted. I gained weight so fast, I had to wear sweats and t-shirts because I couldn't afford to buy new sizes of clothing every month.

That was when I ended up diagnosed with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Disease (autoimmune disease of the thyroid). Now I can't lose for the life of me -literally!!!

Brig :( lol

What is hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Disease ????

Before Implants - 118 lbs

On The Go Mom



After Implants - 178 lbs

Cannot stay up for long periods of time

Broader shoulders

I look pregnant

Fatigued 24/7

Currently - 162 lbs

I cut out red meats and sugars

Looks like I swallowed a ball also


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