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flare-ups, sexual activity

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Hi all,

Happy New Years to each and every one of you. I pray that we all would enjoy stable health this year!

I guess I kinda got behind on responding to the emails over the holidays. I will attempt to concisely catch up.

First, on the bladder infections: I had so so many bladder infections growing up and into my teen years. Interestingly, they have really subsided after my IgA diagnosis 20+ years ago, and I only get one every few years now. It is interesting that so many of us did have chronic infections growing up.

Secondly, on the sexual activity. I count myself doubly blessed because I have a very healthy libido (even higher than my husband :-) , and have never experienced any pain during sexual activity. However, I do know that many BP medications can lower the libido. I do take Zestril, but it has not had any impact on lowering my sex drive.

The only thing that does seem to impact me is not getting enough rest. I know I have said before, but maybe it is worth mentioning again that I have found that the biggest single factor which I could control that seems to help me stay stable as much as I am is getting enough rest. Carolyn, I can empathize with you on the fatigue. I often find myself yawning even in church despite the fact that I love being there and worshipping. I often rest Sunday afternoon after church. I have just learned that I have to go to bed early. For New Years, we are in Pacific Time Zone, but we celebrated according to New York time so I could go to bed 3 hours earlier for instance. As long as I get the extra rest I need, I seem to do better than when I tried to fight the fatigue.

As far as the flare ups, I also tend to go along fairly stable at 1.8-1.9 serum creatinine, and 2-3 grams of protein per 24 hours, then I will flare up to a higher creatinine and protein of up to nearly 11 grams/24 hours. It usually takes me a few weeks to stabilize after a flare up, but I do tend to return to my normal ranges of 1.9-1.9 and 2-3 grams of protein. I have learned that getting any kind of sickness seems to be pretty devastating to me, and take me much longer to recover. I just try to avoid being around sick people at all costs, and to try to not use my hands to open public doors (I am definitely not a woman's liber and I appreciate kind gentlemen who still open doors for the ladies!) I always try to wash my hands very often and keep my hands away from my fact since the hands are the primary way germs are transmitted. I especially try at all costs to avoid using public restrooms, and!

when I absolutely have to, I use a paper towel to open the doors after my hands are washed! My husband says I am obsessive compulsive about public germ transmission, but I think I am just being prudent.

Finally, on the weight Carolyn, I also struggle trying to keep my weight up. I am 5'7" and weight 115 at the moment. I also get "well if you would eat more." It does get old being told by family members that I look anorexic. I have always been on the thin side all my life, but I do try to make sure I get enough calories to stay healthy. I understand from Dale that weight gain can be a problem for some people with IgA. I think it just goes with the territory.

I value this forum tremendously (Thanks Pierre!!!!!) because it is a place where we can all express ourselves and be supported and understood. It is also good to know when one of us is struggling with a flare up and needs extra prayer, as well as to celebrate when one stabilizes again like has.

I think that catches me up on most of the issues I had that I wanted to comment on!

Take care all,

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