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RE: advice for Harry

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Last night:

Two hours post supper:

Walked 1.5 miles

G 87

Lantus 15

Three hours post supper:

G 131 No carbs were consumed after suppper.

Breakfast today:

G 132

C 15

H 13

Two hours post breakfast:

G 112

Three and a half hours post breakfast:

G 95

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Last night:

Two hours post supper:

G 97

Lantus 15 Did not use a new insulin vile of Lantus, since the old one was

just fine and had an expiration date in 2005, when kept refrigerated, which

I do.

Celebrated by eating nuts.

Fasting blood sugar today:

G 112

Skipped breakfast, since I slept in late and was not hungry.


G 133

C 15

H 13

Two hours post lunch:

G 79

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Last night:


G 132

C 12

H 12

After supper:

Actually I felt so badly, that I just ate a cracker for supper and went to

bed and slept.

Today fasting glucose level:

G 111


C 15

H 9

Two hours post breakfast:

G 174

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don't eat any carbs harry. only drink water so your cells are more receptive

to the humalog. Take 4 units of humalog per 40 points high since that will

drop your bgs 40 points. So, if you are 180, take 8 units of H and don't eat

and that should take you to 100 2 hours later. Drink lots of water. Gotta

drink water man. It helps the cells be more receptive to the insulin. If you

get hungry, sorry man, don't eat to much eat like pickles/olives and very

very low carb stuff. Don't eat 15 grams per meal only eat 5. Your being

punished for your mistake LOL just kidding... tomorrow is a new day...


Re: advice for Harry

> 10/10/2003


> Last night:


> Supper:


> G 132


> C 12


> H 12


> After supper:


> Actually I felt so badly, that I just ate a cracker for supper and went to

> bed and slept.


> Today fasting glucose level:


> G 111


> Breakfast:


> C 15


> H 9


> Two hours post breakfast:


> G 174



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Too late! I ate before I saw this message.

Re: advice for Harry



> > 10/10/2003

> >

> > Last night:

> >

> > Supper:

> >

> > G 132

> >

> > C 12

> >

> > H 12

> >

> > After supper:

> >

> > Actually I felt so badly, that I just ate a cracker for supper and went


> > bed and slept.

> >

> > Today fasting glucose level:

> >

> > G 111

> >

> > Breakfast:

> >

> > C 15

> >

> > H 9

> >

> > Two hours post breakfast:

> >

> > G 174

> >

> >





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Last night:


G 132

C 12

H 12

After supper:

Actually I felt so badly, that I just ate a cracker for supper and went to

bed and slept.

Today fasting glucose level:

G 111


C 15

H 9

Two hours post breakfast:

G 174


G 145

C 15

H 15

Two hours post lunch:

G 122

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Last night:

Two hours post supper:

G 78

Three and a half hours post supper:

G 105

Lantus 17 (increased dose by 2 units)

Come to think of it, I haven't heard the chorus of cicadas in the past few


Breakfast today:

G 120

C 15

H 11

Two hours post breakfast:

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Last night:

Two hours post supper:

G 105

Three and a half hours post supper:

G 101

Lantus 17

Breakfast today:

G 164 (seems very high considering no carbs consumed since the 101 reading)

C 15

H 16

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Last night:

Two hours post supper:

G 105

Three and a half hours post supper:

G 101

Lantus 17

Breakfast today:

G 164 (seems very high considering no carbs consumed since the 101 reading)

C 15

H 16

One hours post breakfast:

G 215

Three hours post breakfast:


The results above make little sense to me unless I have a massive infection

of which I am unaware or my insulin is no good. Actually, instead of having

15 carbs for breakfast, I only had 13 carbs for breakfast this morning.

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it's either an infection or get new insulin IMO there is no reason for those

readings at all...


Re: advice for Harry

> 10/13/2003


> Last night:


> Two hours post supper:


> G 105


> Three and a half hours post supper:


> G 101


> Lantus 17


> Breakfast today:


> G 164 (seems very high considering no carbs consumed since the 101



> C 15


> H 16


> One hours post breakfast:


> G 215


> Three hours post breakfast:


> 146


> The results above make little sense to me unless I have a massive


> of which I am unaware or my insulin is no good. Actually, instead of


> 15 carbs for breakfast, I only had 13 carbs for breakfast this morning.



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BTW it doesn't look like the lantus is working IMO... or, it could be that

the lantus is working but the humalog is bad not keeping the carbs down. IMO

pitch the insulin and get new insulin.


Re: advice for Harry

> 10/13/2003


> Last night:


> Two hours post supper:


> G 105


> Three and a half hours post supper:


> G 101


> Lantus 17


> Breakfast today:


> G 164 (seems very high considering no carbs consumed since the 101



> C 15


> H 16


> One hours post breakfast:


> G 215


> Three hours post breakfast:


> 146


> The results above make little sense to me unless I have a massive


> of which I am unaware or my insulin is no good. Actually, instead of


> 15 carbs for breakfast, I only had 13 carbs for breakfast this morning.



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  • 5 weeks later...

wow! man! sounds like a fairy tale Mehehehe.


Re: advice for Harry



> > Hi and welcome home Harry. Could you tell us a bit about the cruise?

> >

> > Rita

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I was served all kinds of low carb foods. In fact I informed the head

waiter that I was diabetic and I would like to have sugar free jello. After

that the head waiter served me two small bowls of sugar free jello every

evening for dessert. There were all kinds of salads and vegetables like

broccoli and onions and peppers. There were all kinds of fish, chicken,

pork, beef and lamb, and I ate all of it that I desired. For breakfast

there were all kinds of eggs, omlets, sausage, bacon and ham. I would

imagine, if I desired a steak for breakfast, they would have prepared it for

me, too.

You could have all the water, tea, coffee for no extra charge, but wine with

dinner was charged either by the glass or bottle.

A word of caution, since I gained six pounds in seven days, eating a lot of

low carb food will also convert to fat and put on the weight, so watch the

amount of food you eat. There is a health room with about twenty or thirty

treadmills available for use, and I was able to use them with no problems.

Re: advice for Harry

> Hi .


> Welcome back! Good job on the sugars below. Hope your cruise was fun. Can

> you share with us what you were able to eat on the cruise that was low


> I'm curious to know since I may take a cruise some day. BTW notice that


> sugars are raising after your 2 hour post test. This should not be. Do you

> still have a slight infection on the legs? If so, that may be what is


> on? If not, up your lantus to 25. If your 2 hour post meal test is 95, for

> example, then your pre meal sugar should be 95 or less, not raise up to


> for example. However, I'm just nit picking, it overall really really looks

> good man! so leave it be if you want *smile*. Good job and welcome back!


> regards,


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Sounds great, Hary. My husband and I are going on a short cruise to Ecinada

in a couple of weeks. It is actually a cruise we have been on befor, but my

husband does not like to fly anywhere and we can get to the cruise port with

our paratransit system in L.A. we are going mainly to relax. I will

remember to ask for sugar free jello!

Re: advice for Harry

The cruise was in the Eastern Caribbean on the Royal Caribbean ship named

Explorer of the Seas. I believe the ship has around 1500 crew members and

3000 passengers. It is like a giant floating skyscraper with many

restaurants, dinning halls, theatres and shopping malls. It teaches one the

meaning of knowing no:

no sweeping

no mopping

no washing

no cooking

no making beds

no dusting

All you have to do is eat, sleep and shop until you drop. I went on several

tours on various island countries to the beach, boat rides, shopping trips.

Food and drink was every where. Just take plenty of money with you, and

things will be alright. The tips for the cabin steward, head waiter,

assistant waiter and drink server alone amounted to over $300. We took too

many clothes. There is a laundry service aboard ship, so we could have just

used it instead of packing so many clothes. We attended a couple of

broadway shows in the Palace Theatre on board. This theatre seats over 1000

persons. There are all kinds of activities to do like:

swimming, since there are several swimming pools

attending the IceCapades the ice skating show


rock climbing

hot tubs

men's beautiful contest

belly flop contest

horse racing contest

of course gambling, slot machines, roulet table and card tables and craps

You get special attention from every one of the crew. Handicapped person

get first class treatment, being able to board the ship and get off the ship

ahead of all the others, which can save lots of time and hassle.

I never got sea sick, even though the ship went through a tropical storm the

first day out, where half the crew got sick from the rocking and lurching

motion of this giant ship. The ship cruised a around 25 miles per hour and

we were on deck eight, which was about a hundred feet above water. The ship

actually has 17 stories, being 240 feet high, 1050 long and 158 feet wide at

the beam.

We were fortunate enough to have a balcony in our state room which had a

king size bed and a sofa, as well as a very nice bath room and a desk and

television. It was like staying in a fancy hotel room with all kinds of

excellent service like room service and the cabin steward made towel

sculptures most nights.

It was a good trip and we have booked another one for the western Caribbean

in the winter of next year.

Re: advice for Harry

> Hi and welcome home Harry. Could you tell us a bit about the cruise?


> Rita





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wow! excellent man! Looks like you did really well on the cruise then.



Re: advice for Harry



> > Hi .

> >

> > Welcome back! Good job on the sugars below. Hope your cruise was fun.


> > you share with us what you were able to eat on the cruise that was low

> carb?

> > I'm curious to know since I may take a cruise some day. BTW notice that

> your

> > sugars are raising after your 2 hour post test. This should not be. Do


> > still have a slight infection on the legs? If so, that may be what is

> going

> > on? If not, up your lantus to 25. If your 2 hour post meal test is 95,


> > example, then your pre meal sugar should be 95 or less, not raise up to

> 110

> > for example. However, I'm just nit picking, it overall really really


> > good man! so leave it be if you want *smile*. Good job and welcome back!

> >

> > regards,

> >



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Last night:

G 86

Lantus 25

Ate a few nuts

Breakfast today:

G 126

C 15

H 14

Two hours post breakfast:

G 124


G 97

C 15

H 10

Two hours post lunch:

G 95


G 102

C 15

H 10

Two hours post supper:

G 85

Celebrated with a glass of wine

Lantus 25

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looking good Harry. I'm suspecting there is still infection in your body

since if you look at your levels... sometimes they go down to indicate the

lantus is working then other times you raise up indicating the lantus is not

as effective. I'm thinking the inconsistancy is due to slight infection

still in your body. I haven't had time to read to much on the list lately

but I'd say at this point man, go see an endo for your leg and see what he

thinks and let him do some blood work on you. Go to a specialist doc pop

aint gunna cut it. He's good for coughs, but for diabetes, doc pop aint

gunna cut it IMO

Re: advice for Harry

> 11/13/2003


> Last night:


> G 86


> Lantus 25


> Ate a few nuts


> Breakfast today:


> G 126


> C 15


> H 14


> Two hours post breakfast:


> G 124


> Lunch:


> G 97


> C 15


> H 10


> Two hours post lunch:


> G 95


> Supper:


> G 102


> C 15


> H 10


> Two hours post supper:


> G 85


> Celebrated with a glass of wine


> Lantus 25


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Last night:

G 85

Celebrated with a glass of wine

Lantus 25

Breakfast today:

G 86

C 15

H 10

Two hours post breakfast:

G 77


G 68

C 15

H 10

Walked 2.0 miles

Two hours post lunch:

G 62

Ate a couple of handsful of nuts


G 76

C 15

H 9

Two hours post supper:

G 66

Ate a 4 carb candy

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you might have to start adjusting down the humalog Harry since it looks like

the infection might be lessonign and you are running 76 to 68 for yoru bgs

and should be around 80. Perhaps try 9 H instead of 10 tomorrow. Good job


Re: advice for Harry

> 11/14/2003


> Last night:


> G 85


> Celebrated with a glass of wine


> Lantus 25


> Breakfast today:


> G 86


> C 15


> H 10


> Two hours post breakfast:


> G 77


> Lunch:


> G 68


> C 15


> H 10


> Walked 2.0 miles


> Two hours post lunch:


> G 62


> Ate a couple of handsful of nuts


> Supper:


> G 76


> C 15


> H 9


> Two hours post supper:


> G 66


> Ate a 4 carb candy



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Last night:

Two hours post supper:

G 119

Lantus 25

Breakfast today:

G 112

C 16

H 9

Two hours post Breakfast:

G 113


G 103

C 18

H 9

Two hours post lunch:

G 105


G 96

C 15

H 8

Walked 2.0 miles

Two hours post supper:

G 77

Lantus 25


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Well, it sounds like we're all trying to get things under control. I've

been having a bad time with my readings lately and they are swinging

terribly, so it's back to checking it four times a day. Goodness, it's an

inconvenience, but thank God we can self manage independently. Harry,

you'll get it together. I missed the first parts of this thread because my

inbox crashed and took all of my e-mail with it. Best of everything to you.


Re: advice for Harry

> 11/18/2003


> Last night:


> One and a half hours post supper:


> G 141


> Lantus 25


> Breakfast today:


> G 121


> C 15


> H 10


> Two hours post breakfast:


> G 119


> Lunch:


> G 73


> C 20


> H 8


> Walked 2 miles


> Two hours post lunch:


> G 84


> Supper:


> G 102


> C 18


> H 9


> Two hours post supper:


> G 92


> Lantus 25





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Last Night:

Two hours post supper:

G 92

Lantus 25


Last night:

G 77

Lantus 25

Ate some nuts.

Breakfast today:

G 123

C 17

H 10

Two hours post breakfast:

G 100


G 104

C 15

H 9

Two and a half hours post lunch:

G 62

Ate a bunch of nuts


G 108

C 15

H 8

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How do you manage to get your glucose blood under control with only four

glucose monitor readings per day? I am presently taking a reading at least

seven times per day and some times eight or nine readings per day.

Figuring on a before meal reading and a two hour post meal reading takes at

least six readings per day, and I usually throw in a night time reading

before bedtime. I am using Lantus and Humalog for my insulins long acting

and short acting respectively. I have just about gotten my glucose blood

levels under control afterthree months of effort. I credit the folks here,

especially and Pat, for saving my leg, which was infected, causing me

to run extremely high blood readings for a while. Now that the infection is

gone, I hope, I can practice even tighter glucose control in the range of90

plus or minus 10 points.

Re: advice for Harry

> Well, it sounds like we're all trying to get things under control. I've

> been having a bad time with my readings lately and they are swinging

> terribly, so it's back to checking it four times a day. Goodness, it's an

> inconvenience, but thank God we can self manage independently. Harry,

> you'll get it together. I missed the first parts of this thread because


> inbox crashed and took all of my e-mail with it. Best of everything to



> April

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yes, there is a relationship between how much lantus to humalog you take per

day but not in a total with regards to H just on a per meal basis. I.E if

you take 30 units of lantus your going to naturally have to take less H per

meal. You can't say if you take 30 units of lantus the total H for the day

will be 25 based on this or that. Nope, that is not how it works it is all

on a per meal basis and individually tailored and not wrapped up neatly in a

formula. However, seeing the clinical mind you are Harry, I'm certain you'll

try to figure out a formula and adjust your insulin experimenting and run

highs then we'll have to help you out again to get back to normal levels LOL

just kidding.

Really Harry, I think you are doing a great job man and should stop

adjusting your insulin IMO. I don't see any problem with the sugars your

running as of late I think you are now turning into a perfectionist and if

you don't stop, your going to be miserable *smile*. As long as you are

running 80 to 90, or there about, pre meal and 120 or less 2 hour post meal

your fine. Your 2 hour post meal tests are *all* under 120 and your pre-meal

tests are good IMO. What else do you want? I seriously think you are doing a

great job. I mean if you want to up your lantus by 1 unit sure go ahead but

another way of getting a lower pre meal for breakfast is to change what you

are eating for bed time snack. I think your sugars through the day are

really good and to just up the lantus by 1 to get your pre morning down

might just make you get low through out the day when you could easily just

adjust what you are eating prior to bed to bring your morning bgs down.

Heck, I know many who would kill for a morning pre meal of 107 *smile*.

Keep up the good work man, can't wait to hear your next a1c!


Re: advice for Harry

> I am considering raising my Lantus dose at night from 25 units to 26 or 27

> units, and I wonder what your opinion is.


> Consider the glucose level today in light of the fact that I consumed


> 9 Grams of carbs list in the form of nuts and then dosed with Lantus 25

> units before going to bed last night. I am also wondering if there is a

> relationship between the amount of Lantus used each day and the total


> of Humalog used each day. For instance presently I am on Lantus 25 units

> per day as compared with Humalog 10, 9, and 8 or a total Humalog of 27


> per day.


> So how does this compare with others total Lantus and total Humalog per



> 11/24/2003


> Breakfast today:


> g 107



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