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Re: Broccoli, cooked and raw (nutrient content)

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Hi Helen,

You said:

<<Any ideas on how to make myself feel better when I feel bad??

I need something to make me not think about crying..help??>>

***Some more information would be helpful. I believe you said

you are weaning off Paxil. How long have you been taking it,

what dose were you taking, when did you start weaning, and what

has been your reduction schedule? Also, what other drugs are you

taking, and what has been your history with psychiatric drugs?

Why was the Paxil prescribed in the first place? How old are

you? Do you have any other health issues?

It is normal to be very emotional when coming off these drugs.

Many people find it helpful to repeat over and over to

themselves, " It's not ME, it's the withdrawal " . Don't buy into

all the feelings. Step aside and observe them, and remember that

they're not really yours--they're from the withdrawal.

Have you looked in the Files and read the Basic Healing Protocol

and Eating For Recovery? You will find both articles on this



You will help yourself immensely in your healing process if you

start using the suggested supplements and eating the recommended

way. Magnesium and calcium usually have a calming, soothing

effect that I am sure you would welcome right about now.

<<I really need to do something with my weight issue..according

to all of these health sites, I am " morbidly obese " ..that scares

the hell out of me..then I get depressed and scared and turn

almost catatonic..this is happening almost every day now..>>

***Don't worry about the weight issue right now. The fear of

obesity and its supposedly " devastating health effects " is

another creation of mainstream medicine, the media, and the

weight loss and pharmaceutical industries. Check out The Obesity

Myth by Campos for a fascinating, statistically accurate

look at the subject. There is no need to obsess about it.

Try some gentle exercise, follow the eating guidelines in the

Files, give yourself the recommended supplements, and give

yourself some time to get through this.

I'm copying in our article on Supplements for Anxiety from the

Files. Take special note of the lemon-wedge suggestion, as it is

very simple and effective. Let us know how you make out with all

these things.




IF your kidneys are healthy, you can take 250-400 mg of magnesium

asporotate or

magnesium taurate twice a day. Magnesium citrate is okay too.

IF your kidneys are healthy, you can take calcium (liquid

capsules, nothing added to it), 500 mg twice a day.

You can alternate the calcium and magnesium. Take one of them,

then four hours later take the other. Take the first one four

hours after that, then take the second one four hours later.

This will spread the calming effect of these two minerals

throughout your day.

A small percentage of people find that calcium and /or magnesium

can have an energizing effect. If you find this to be true,

discontinue it and report your symptoms on the list.

You can also try sucking on a wedge of lemon--a quarter or a

sixth of a good-sized

lemon--whenever the anxiety feels overwhelming. If you can't

bring yourself

to suck on a lemon slice, put the juice of your lemon wedge in a

glass of

water and drink it. This has an alkalizing and calming effect on

the body.

Passion Fower herbal tincture is helpful with anxiety. For

explosive anxiety, Cherry Plum, a Bach Flower Essence is best.

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