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> Hi Mr. Bee Wilder,

==>Hi . Welcome to our group. By the way I'm a Ms. Bee Wilder.


> I been on this diet for one week. I experience the die off symptoms

in the first 3 days. The diet is also helping my face to calm down

from the cea redness. My craving for sugar have diminish.

==>That's wonderful . Good for you.

>What is your opininon on eating sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin

seeds, beans?

==>None of them should be eaten until your digestion has normalized

and you've stopped having die-off symptoms. Even then they must all

be raw (not roasted or toasted) and soaked (and dried) properly to

remove 1) phytates that block mineral absorption, and 2) enzymes that

inhibit protein digestion.

> When can I add fruits to the diet? What about low sugar fruits such

as strawberries, raseberries?

==>Fruits are not good for even healthy people to eat, except in

small amounts and only accompanied by plenty of good saturated fats

to slow their release into the bloodstream, but they are particularly

harmful to candida sufferers because they feed candida. You can add

fruits when you've cured your candida.

> I am in the processes of switching over to coconut oil, what is

your opinion on peanut oil?

==>Peanuts are a very poor products to start off with because almost

all of them are genetically modified, and all peanuts contain

mycotoxins (fungal-type). There are other oils which are much better

than peanut. Extra virgin olive oil is best. Other seed oils are

high in omega-6 which is already high in the diet, so they should

only be consumed in very small amounts, i.e. sesame seed oil,

expeller pressed.


> Is there any side effect from eating a high fat diet?

==>Not that I know of. See the article 'Fat, Taking the Fear Out of

Eating It " and " Fat Intake - Health is Dependent Upon Saturated Fat "

in the Fats & Oils Folder in our files.

> based on my > height, I am require to eat 130 gms of fat. I am

eating butter, coconuts oils, meats. where else can I find a high

source of good fat?

==>Cod liver oil or fish oil are also counted as fat. Bacon is a

great source of fat, but get organic bacon that is not cured with

sugar and not treated with sulfites or nitrates. Bacon grease and

lard are great to use for frying, and cheaper than coconut oil.

Organic pork and ham are great sources of fats, but again the ham

must not contain sulfites or nitrates. Full fat bone broths and

soups from free-range organic or certified organic chickens, or from

beef or pork hocks and feets, etc.


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> Dear Bee,


> How do I know if I am completely heal from candida?

==>All of the symptoms you had before starting on the program will

have disappeared, and you will have more energy, look better and feel

lots better.

> during my ovulation, I notice I have a little look alike yeast, is

that normal?



> What is your opinion on gogi berries?

==>Fruits are not allowed.


> I am using stevia for sweetener(bottle stated it have more than 95%

> stevia in white powder form)is that safe?

==>I don't know - check the Stevia Files against what you have.


> I been on your diet for 2 weeks. I notice the condition of my skin

> have inmprove esp the hands & feet. They are no longer dry. My nail

> becomes less brittle & doesn't break easily as before.

==>That's fabulous ! Way to go girl!


> I like to go out swimming a lot in the summer. I need a sunsreen

that is waterproof, am trying to stay away from comercial products.

What is your opinion on zinc oxide ointment and coconut oil? What do

u > recommand?

==>Coconut oil is great.


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very good info paki thanks i hope others will read thisTim Parsons 2309 bakertown rd knoxville,tn 37931 865-258-2196

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Terry, Wonderful post. Keep on posting such things. I have also a diet for you which you and other readers can take. This will effect immediately. saleem W. Bush and his driver were going to Air Force One and were passing a farm. A pig jumped out in the road suddenly. The driver tried to get out of the way, but he hit him. He went in the farm to explain what had happened. He came out with a beer, a cigar, and a tons of money. Bush saw this and said, "My God, what did you tell them?" The driver replied, "I told them that I'm W. Bush's driver and I just killed the pig." The Clinton's and the Gores are traveling aboard Air Force One. Bill Clinton looks out the window and says, "You know, I bet I could drop a $10,000 bill out the window and make one person very happy!" Al Gore comments, "Yes, but I could drop ten $1000 bills out the window, and make ten people very happy." Hillary Clinton says, "True, but I could drop one hundred $100 bills out the window, and make one hundred people very happy. Chelsea responds, "Big deal! I could drop all of you out the window, and make the whole country happy!" terry tennille <t_tennille@...> wrote: 1 more diet tip , I take them all put them (diets) ina blender mix em up and see what comes out . Reallyjust analyze them all ,compare by commonality and seewhat works for you. TerryPaki Natural Approaches for Hepatitis C: Part 6Diet for Hepatitis Cby Dr. B.

Wald Home Intro Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04 Part 05 Part 06Part 07 Part 08 Part 09 Part 10 Part 11 Part

12 Part 13 This document was provided by:Dr. WaldAdvanced Medicine of Mount Kisco, P.C.www.hopeforhepatitis.comwww.drwald.com Note: The information on this website is not a substitute for the advice of & treatment by a qualified professional. A healthy diet is important for everyone, but is especially important for people with HCV. It can go a long way in limiting symptoms and disease progression by providing

the body with the nutrition it needs to be strong, fight illness and repair itself. I cannot think of a single illness or disease suffered by humankind that does not in some way relate to nutritional intake, digestion, absorption and assimilation. Conversely, an unhealthy diet can worsen disease symptoms and progression by causing undue burden on an already impaired immune system. The components of a healthy diet include lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, raw nuts and seeds, whole unrefined grains, legumes, cold water fish, soy products, eggs, poultry and lean meats (if one prefers animal products). Dairy products, red meats, and other sources of saturated (animal) fat should be used on a limited basis. Whenever possible, foods should be grown organically to reduce the burden of harmful chemicals upon the already diseased liver. Organically grown

foods contain far fewer pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. Lowering the load of these and other organochemicals will only benefit the liver by not overburdening its detoxification pathways or promoting oxidative (degenerating) damage. What are organochemicals? Organochemicals are toxic chemicals that can damage our immune systems, nervous and endocrine systems. Environmental chemicals require detoxification by the liver, intestinal tract and the kidneys and other tissues and organs can be affected by various organochemicals as well. Potential sources of harmful chemicals are varied depending upon the chemicals themselves and their particularly tendencies to collect in our food, water and air supply. Once in our outside environments they inevitable make their way into our internal environment – namely our bodies. Some of these toxic substances include DDT, PCBs dioxin, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, ethylphenol and xylene just to name a few. These and other toxins are largely fat-soluble and therefore are readily stored in the body. The Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, and other sources claim that the levels of the majority of toxins, although pervasive and unavoidable in our environment, are within acceptable levels, which means they are below known cancer causing or symptom producing limits. However, virtually no studies have been conducted that examine the combined effects of many environmental chemicals upon individuals. Those with HCV are particularly susceptible to the negative additive effects of these chemicals. It is the liver and intestinal tract and kidneys that bear the brunt of the work involved to carry out detoxification efforts. It is no wonder that we see more degenerative

disease than ever before in history since our environment is a virtual breading ground for premature aging and disease. Nutritionally speaking, constant, daily exposure to organochemicals increases our need for a variety of nutritional factors. Persons who have chronic infections usually have nutritional imbalances that compromise recovery and increase their susceptibility to organochemical accumulation. For example, many HCV infected people are protein deficient. Protein deficiency will compromise important detoxification systems in the liver known as the mixed function oxidase, MFO, system, Phase I and Phase II processes. Toxic chemicals stay in the body longer in those with compromised MFO, Phase I and Phase II systems caused by protein inadequacy. Furthermore, these same chemicals can literally become more toxic in the presence of deficient proteins as compared to in individuals with normal protein

intake. Many other nutritionals are important for detoxification including the B-vitamins folic acid and choline, selenium, vitamin E and zinc. These and other nutritionals will be explored throughout this book. Fortunately, nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits like not smoking or drinking and exercising regularly provide each of us the opportunity to live well. When these techniques are practiced correctly the well person and the HCV infected individual can both improve the quality of their lives. Healthy diet basics - dos and don'ts Dos Increase the amount of whole, unprocessed foods in your diet (fresh fruit,

vegetables, whole grains, beans, raw nuts and seeds) relative to the amount of processed foods you consume (pasta, bread, packaged foods). Unprocessed foods have greater nutritional value. Diversify your diet by including new and different foods in your meals each week. Rotate the foods you eat so that you don't consume the same thing every day. Diversification helps insure well-rounded nutrient intake and helps avoid malnutrition. Eat a wide variety of organic fruits. In season fruit in best. Organic frozen fruit is a great option when fresh organic fruit is not available. Fruit sauces (i.e. applesauce) and fruit-only jams are also good sources. While you need to watch what you eat, a fat

free diet is not healthy. Fat should constitute 20-30% of your total diet. Limit saturated fats (fats found in animal products) to less than 10% of your total diet. Avoid fried foods, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils and cottonseed oil. Oxidized fatty acids (fried oils) increase cellular breakdown, adding to the overall oxidative (degenerative) load on the body and liver. Instead, opt for unsaturated essential omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids found in flax seed oil, olive oil, canola oil, salmon, cod, tuna, mackerel, currants, raw nuts, seeds, avocado and oats. Store oils, nuts and seeds in the refrigerator to slow down oxidation (rancidity) of the oils. Eat a high fiber diet, 25-30 mg a day, by consuming a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds, and minimize meats and refined foods. Ingest a wide variety of organic veggies. In season ones are best.

Include salad greens, dark leafy greens (kale, spinach, collard greens, chard), squashes, root vegetables and cruciferous vegetables. Animal products should be limited since they are constipating and congesting in the body, slowing the elimination of toxins and bile acids. Plant foods in the diet increase the elimination of bile acids, drugs and toxic substances from the system. Vegetables and fruits contain thousands of important phytochemicals (plant-derived) that have tremendous health benefits. Eat enough healthy protein. Try to eat organic only, lean cuts of chicken, turkey, red meat (infrequently), eggs, salmon, tuna, sole, swordfish, mackerel, sardines, herring, and most other fish. Include soy products (tofu, tempeh and miso), beans, bean/grain combos, nuts and seeds. Consume

lots of legumes and beans including lentils, peas, navy beans, chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans, mung beans, soy beans, adzuki beans, black-eyed peas, pinto beans, string beans and others. Eat a variety of nuts, seeds and nut butters. Try raw or lightly roasted/toasted cashews, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, tahini, poppy seeds, brazil nuts, pistachio nuts, pecans and soy nuts. Getting enough grains is also important. Consume rice, millet, buckwheat, oats, rye, barley, quinoa, spelt, amaranth. Ensure you eat a sufficient amount of protein each day. Protein should comprise about 15-20% of your diet, or 55-70 gm a day. Good protein sources include lean meats,

poultry, fish, eggs, soy products, beans, low-fat dairy products, nuts and food combining of grains/beans/vegetables. Eat a variety of sea vegetables. Try hiziki, arame, nori, dulse, kelp, wakame and other sea veggies, which are high in trace minerals and are very alkalinizing to the body. Chew your food thoroughly and eat several small meals throughout the day instead of two or three large meals. This helps to balance your blood sugar and energy levels throughout the day. Eating slowly helps to evoke the parasympathetic nervous system, PSNS. The PSNS is in charge of proper secretion of various digestive juices. Eat organic foods whenever possible since pesticides, herbicides and fungicides on

produce and antibiotics/hormones fed to livestock burden the liver's detoxification mechanisms. There is also evidence that these chemicals increase cancer risk. Those with HCV want to reduce the work-load on the liver, intestines and kidneys. Decrease or eliminate refined and processed sugars from your diet. As a substitute, use natural, unprocessed sugars high in the vitamins and minerals needed to help digest them. Try 100% pure maple syrup, fruit-only jams, fresh fruit, honey, molasses, barley malt, brown rice syrup and carob if allowed by your health care provider. Drink plenty of water each day (body weight divided by 2, multiplied by 0.8 is the number of ounces your body needs, more if you are exercising). Avoid caffeinated and carbonated beverages, which are diuretics that cause

your body to lose fluid. Herbal teas, fresh vegetable and fruit juices are healthy to consume. Diluted bottled juices and naturally decaffeinated beverages are OK in moderation. Don'ts Desserts (pastries) and candies are largely sucrose and should be avoided. A diet containing between 25-30% sucrose for just 18 days showed an increase in liver enzymes that returned to normal when the sugar was removed1 Steer clear of fresh shrimp and scallops. Also, stay away from frozen, canned or dried clams, shrimp, crab, lobster or scallops because they are all high in sulfites. Avoid nitrites and nitrates

in cured deli meats. These are converted into chemicals called nitrosamines upon digestion and are know to be toxic, adding strain on the liver. Don't drink large amounts of fluids with your meal - this dilutes stomach acid vital for digestion. Avoid sulfites in canned and preserved foods and in alcohol. Sulfites are liver toxic and add undue burden on the liver. Don't overcook foods. Overcooked foods loose much of their nutritional content. Fish is best baked or broiled; meats are best broiled; vegetables are best steamed and baked; fruits can be eaten raw or baked. Do not microwave food, as the long-term health effects of food prepared in this manner are uncertain. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) strongly recommend that people diagnosed with Hepatitis C eliminate all alcohol consumption. Alcohol significantly increases the incidence of liver disease and liver cancer in HCV infected individuals. Alcohol prompts fatty liver, liver inflammation and dysfunction, and increases the rate of liver cell degeneration, fibrosis and cirrhosis.2 Refrain from eating when you're not hungry. Stop eating when you're full. Paying attention to these rules will reduce digestive stress on the gastrointestinal tract. Don't eat when you're stressed or "on-the-run." Mental or emotional stress as well as chemical, structural and other stressors

may cause biochemical responses in the body that affect healing and recovery. For example, low grade chronic stress as well as profound acute stress can result in the production of immune depressing chemicals such as adrenochrome and cortisol. Adrenochrome is the oxidized product of adrenalin. Adrenalin or epinephrine is a normal and necessary part of a healthy response to life's stressors. When prolonged, however, epinephrine is oxidized into this immune compromising product. Cortisol, like epinephrine, naturally increases during stress as ideal levels tonify the body allowing for a resilient immune response. When elevated in the body for longer than is advantageous, cortisol becomes an immune suppressor. Numerous other chemicals are affected during the chronic stress response that are proven to compromise healing. Viral exposure is an infectious stress that creates a cascade of

chemical reactions that when left unchecked may increase nutritional requirements, speed tissue degeneration and compromise overall response to either drug or nutritional therapies. A study in the Journal of Molecular Pharmacology showed that the immune system of alcoholics produces antibodies (known as autoantibodies) against important enzymes for the liver's detoxification process. These enzymes, known as cytochrome P4502E1 and P4503A, are responsible for removing a variety of toxins from the body gathered from our food, water and air supply. It is likely that cellular changes that accompany alcoholism (such as cirrhosis and fibrosis) are responsible for the body's misdirected immune response towards the cytochrome enzymes. It is also possible that the cellular changes in the livers of those infected with Hepatitis C may experience similar autoimmune problems negatively

affecting detoxification enzyme systems. Allergy elimination In a broad sense, the term allergy describes the immunological response of the body to airborne, contact and ingested substances. In all cases, the immune system is activated in its attempt to protect itself and its owner - namely you, from harm. The laboratory section of this book briefly describes some of the various allergy tests available. Commonly, the health care provider will check for a few different types of allergy and must therefore order several different tests for this purpose. The importance of allergy assessment and treatment is entirely unappreciated by the practicing gastroenterologist; the doctor most

commonly sought after for the care of the HCV infected individual. Even the allergist, the practitioner who uses allergy testing on a regular basis, often fails to appreciate many of the subtle and pronounced effects that allergies can have upon those with HCV. Ultimately, it is left up to the holistically oriented or alternative health care provider to "put together all of the pieces" involved in assessing and creating a balanced health promoting program for those with HCV. Allergy testing in the standard allergist's office is limited to assessing environmental and food allergies of an immediate type, known as Type I or immediate hypersensitivities. Other types of allergic responses include Type II, Type III and Type IV. Excellent resources exist that describe in greater detail these types of allergic responses and I refer the reader to the section on further suggested readings.

Practically speaking, the health care provider and patient can work together when choosing which types of allergy assessments to perform. The prevalence of food and environmental allergies is on the rise. This is due to a number of factors including food choices and chemical exposures from food, water and air. These factors also relate to each person's genetic predisposition to food allergies. Infectious states are known to be associated with an increased prevalence with food allergies. Why is HCV infection any different? The answer is, it is not. My clinical experience has shown that those with HCV have a much higher incidence of food allergies when compared to those without HCV. This observation has important implications in terms of treatment strategies. Food and environmental

allergies can cause virtually any symptom in the body. This is not surprising when one realizes that the immune response to allergies may be body-wide, thus causing symptom production in virtually any tissue, organ or organ system. Some common symptoms associated with allergies of any type include: fatigue, muscle pain, depression, chronic infections, malaise, headache, eczema, joint pain, intestinal problems, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), mal-absorption and many more. HCV is not caused by food or environmental allergies, but allergies and their immune responses can complicate recovery from the infection and it's many manifestations. A goal of natural therapies is to reduce the overall stress upon the immune system. The extent, if any, that environmental and food allergies complicate recovery from HCV should be assessed. At the very minimum suggestions are made below that

outline a reasonable food intake that minimizes many common allergens. Without proper testing, however, these suggestions only provide a rough guide for reduction of allergic (immunologic) load. Practically speaking - food allergy testing and implementation Even though a careful health history, food elimination and reintroduction and allergy testing approach can identify various allergens, sometimes it is difficult to put this information into practical use. It is not uncommon for those with HCV to test positive for more allergens than could possibly be eliminated - that is without creating neuroticism and malnutrition. It is the job of the diligent practitioner and individual to

develop an approach that is the most reasonable considering all of the information gathered. Ultimately, a balanced plan that can be followed for an extended period of time and can be put into place in one's daily life is what is needed. In effect, a healthy lifestyle in terms of food and nutritional intake needs to be developed that allows for greater health and recovery for a lifetime. A properly designed and implemented allergy elimination diet can be very beneficial for one's health. The approach involves avoiding certain foods that are common allergens or that you know or suspect you have a problem with (i.e. cause unpleasant symptoms). Below is a list of foods to eliminate or reduce in your diet to once every four days or less Dairy - milk, cheese, butter, yogurt,

cottage cheese, sour cream, whey and casein. Wheat - wheat bread, pasta, baked goods, farina and wheat cereals Eggs - whites and yolks, foods containing eggs (i.e. a lot of baked goods). Citrus fruits - grapefruit, orange, pineapple, tangerine. Lime is the only citrus fruit allowed because it is highly alkaline instead of acidic and generally low allergy. Alcohol - including beer and wine. Caffeine - coffee, black tea and green tea. Only organic, naturally decaffeinated coffee or green tea is allowed. Naturally caffeine-free herbal teas are also allowed, except if they contain citrus. Refined Sugar - white sugar, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, maltodextrose, corn syrup, corn sweetener, glucose, maltose. Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin)

should also be eliminated. Allowable sweeteners are 100% pure maple syrup, raw/unfiltered honey, blackstrap molasses, barley malt and rice malt Food Additives - artificial colors and preservatives, artificial sweeteners, nitrates (cured meats), sulfites (canned foods, condiments, wine and most dried fruit). Pesticides - eat organic foods only or to the greatest extent possible. Only eat organic meats (if you eat meat). Eliminate foods to which you know you are allergic. Any food that you currently eat three or more times per week, eat on a rotation basis of no more often than once every four days. Don't despair due to this restrictive diet. There are still lots of healthy food options available. Wheat bread alternatives include

wheat-free spelt, wheat-free millet, wheat-free rye and wheat-free oatmeal bread. Wheat-free pastas include quinoa-corn, rice and buckwheat soba noodles. Rice crackers, rye crackers, wheat-free waffles, gluten-free/wheat-free pancake mix, wheat-free oat or corn muffins, oatmeal, mueseli (oats/nuts/raisins/unsulphured dates) and wheat-free cereals are other tasty options. Rice milk, soymilk, almond milk, oat milk, rice cheeses, soy cheeses and almond cheeses are all healthy alternatives to your favorite milk and dairy products. Juicing The therapeutic practice of juicing is nothing new to natural health care providers. Juicing enjoys a long history of success and praise for its healing

potentials. Juices of fresh fruits and vegetables provide highly concentrated minerals, vitamins, biologically active enzymes, fiber and phytochemicals that could otherwise be consumed from the foods in unjuiced form. Juicing also alkalinizes (i.e. reduces the acidity of) the body - a desired effect since acidity is associated with free radical production, degenerative disease, inflammation and aging. Virtually hundreds of excellent books are available that describe the daily and medicinal uses of various juicing combinations for virtually any symptom and disease entity. I have included only the "tip of the iceberg" regarding the benefits of juicing that I have found for my patients. The daily practice of juicing can not only be fun and educational, but literally invigorating. Many have reported an immediate return of vitality, mental clarity and energy after just a single day of

juicing. Juicing just once a day can add up to better health over a lifetime of consumption. For the HCV infected, I recommend between four and eight, eight ounce glasses of a healthy juice combination be consumed on a daily basis. It may be possible to gain tremendous health benefits from less than the recommendations given above when practiced in combination with some of the other healthy practices discussed throughout this book. The practitioner and health consumer must decide together the most reasonable approach to take and to what extent juicing is integrated into the healing program. Some cautions regarding juicing may be in order. Overemphasizing the carrot content of juicing can cause fluctuations in blood sugar that can be harmful. Carrots are listed high on the glycemic index

scale, GIS. The GIS was developed so that general food recommendations could be made to diabetics. Foods high on the GIS, like carrots, in some individuals could actually compromise immune function. Also, the presence of allergies to specific "healthy foods" can produce undesirable health effects. For example, if one is allergic to spinach this vegetable is best eliminated as a food choice for juicing purposes. Health care providers trained in food allergy practices and juicing can give the appropriate guidance needed in this important area. One to three glasses of fresh juice are recommended therapeutically each day. Below are suggestions for healthful and delicious juices. Fruit juice combinations Apple Pear Apple and pear Apple, pear and pineapple Lemon, orange and grapefruit Watermelon Apple and watermelonApple and grape Apple and cranberry Avocado Unjuiceable fruits (pulp doesn't separate) Papaya Strawberry Banana Cantaloupe Honeydew Peach Plum Prune Apricot Carrot-Vegetable Juices Carrot Apple Beet Cucumber Celery Carrot tops Kale Ginger Cabbage Sprouts Green Vegetable Juices Celery Kale Spinach Cucumber Dandelion Parsley Apple Ginger Sprouts Juicing is always therapeutic, but it's particularly helpful during disease flare-ups. In fact,

during acute phases or exacerbations, solid foods should be restricted to brown rice, steamed vegetables and moderate amounts of lean protein sources such as tempeh, fish (i.e. salmon, tuna, mackerel, sword and sardines), free-range chicken and turkey. Ideally, during these periods, the diet should be primarily fluid and should include the following: Water - The water source should be purified and high in natural minerals. It is recommended that all water sources be analyzed for the presence of parasites, synthetic and organic chemicals, bacterial organisms and other materials, which may burden the liver or other body systems. Vegetable broths - A vegetable broth is simply a hot source of water that has had a large variety of vegetables soaked in it. The resulting fluid is now heavily

mineralized and contains high amounts of vitamins and perhaps enzymes. Absorption and assimilation is very easy on the digestive tract. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices - The purpose of juicing vegetables and fruits is not for the fiber content, but is instead to concentrate vitamins, minerals, enzymes and perhaps hundreds of phyto- (plant) chemicals. A typical glass of fresh, and preferably organically grown, vegetable juice for example may contain two carrots, an apple, a handful of crisp spinach leaves, a handful of kale (a green leafy vegetable), a stick of celery and a large beet. Herbal teas - Dozens of herbal teas are readily available in health food stores and some supermarkets. Although herbal teas are too weak to provide strong therapeutic benefits, their continued consumption

at low doses (i.e. 2-3 cups per day) can provide a weak, but additive stimulatory effect. For best medicinal value, brew herb teas for a minimum of four hours to create a more potent herbal infusion that can be stored for up to four days. Detoxification The health benefit of a nutritionally based detoxification program for the HCV infected person cannot be underemphasized. Besides an individually formulated diet and nutritional supplement and lifestyle changes, detoxification efforts can be dramatically improved with the use of specially formulated medical-nutritional food drinks. Several pleasant tasting products are available for consumers, which take into consideration nutritional needs during one's detoxification efforts. Detoxification is the process whereby the body removes unwanted substances from itself. The liver and gastrointestinal tract are the primary organs involved in detoxification although the kidneys, skin, and other organs also play important roles. Over our lifetime, toxins accumulate in our bodies, often at a faster rate than our livers and GI tracts are able to get rid of them. Toxins are found in our drinking water, food and air. Medications have toxic effects. Stress produces toxins. Toxin accumulation can cause fatigue, pain, poor memory and concentration, headaches, allergies, hormonal disorders, slow healing, degenerative disease, poor digestion, infertility, weight disorders and more. For people with HCV, detoxification is especially important as a way to cleanse the over-burdened, already impaired liver of harmful substances that, when left to accumulate, increase liver degeneration and worsen the prognosis for

HCV. The liver's detoxification efforts heavily depend upon a series of enzymes known as the cytochromes, the most important of which is cytochrome P450.1 A study by the Institute for Environmental Medicine in Stockholm, Sweden demonstrated that the immune system of some alcoholics has directed itself against the cytochrome P450 enzymes.2 The self-directed attack of the immune system against the detoxification enzymes is known as an autoantibody reaction. It is probable that autoantibodies also direct themselves against the P450 enzymes of the HCV infected. Numerous studies have shown that autoantibodies directed against body tissues and systems are a common phenomenon in HCV infected people (see chapter 2 on autoimmunity). There are dozens of different ways to accomplish liver and

intestinal detoxification. A high quality nutritional detoxification program incorporates the following elements: fasting with liquid food supplements designed to assist detoxification efforts and sustain minimal caloric nutrition; fresh vegetable and/or fruit juice fasting; nutritional, herbal and fiber supplements to promote detoxification; an allergy-elimination diet (avoiding suspected and tested/diagnosed allergies); the vitamin C flush; enemas and education about the on-going integration of healthy diet, nutrition and lifestyle factors into daily living. Antioxidant nutrients such as ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, vitamin E, CoQ10 and cysteine are very important for protecting the liver from accumulated damage over time. In fact, these and other antioxidants play a pivotal role in helping to ensure that detoxification efforts are successful. In order to emphasize the

importance of antioxidants in detoxification I have given a detailed explanation below. The reader can consult the section on antioxidants for additional information. Here's how antioxidants can help a virally infected person benefit from a nutritionally based detoxification program. HCV precipitates an inflammatory response in the body that is caused and is worsened by oxidative stress. The term oxidative stress refers to the production of highly reactive molecules in the body called free radicals, FR. These FR may damage virtually any tissue in the body. The inflammatory reaction occurs along with the production of FR by causing the body to produce a variety of chemicals that mediate or perpetuate (cause) the inflammatory response. Inflammation is actually a healing response by the body to a variety of stressors including viruses. The problem with inflammation is that it can

become prolonged and excessive causing tissue and immune damage. Chemicals that mediate the inflammatory response are referred to as reactive oxygen intermediates, ROI. Examples of ROI include, but are certainly not limited to, interleukin-1, -2 and -6 (known as cytokines), tumor necrosis factor, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, GM-CSF. These and other laboratory markers can be measured and are often abnormally high in those with HCV and other chronic infections. Additionally, oxidative stress can be indirectly measured by the presence of malondialdehyde, MDA, in the blood or urine. MDA is a breakdown product of oxidative damage to cellular membranes. Antioxidant supplements lower MDA and other markers of oxidation demonstrating their ability to reduce inflammation and heal tissues. Inflammation can be measured in a number of ways including blood levels of ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and C-reactive protein (regular or a high specificity test); both of these markers may be elevated in the presence of chronic inflammatory stress. The nutrition and laboratory sections of this book outline many effective ways of reducing inflammation and these blood markers. During fasting or the intake of reduced calories the body will naturally produce oxidants. Since this is the case, water fasting cannot provide the necessary antioxidants needed to quench excess oxidants because it simply does not contain antioxidants. Oxidants are produced during detoxification. During this breakdown process and removal of old cells and tissues, the body requires

antioxidants to protect healthy tissues and to build new tissues. A vegetable juice fast certainly provides some of the needed antioxidants, but in uncertain amounts and is almost certainly not enough to ensure proper healing in HCV infected individuals. For over 10 years I have used a variety of medically designed foods that have been formulated for the specific purpose of providing the necessary antioxidants and other nutrition for adequate detoxification and elimination. These medically-designed foods are called UltraClear, UltraClear Plus, UltraClear Sustain and UltraInflamX. Basic nutritional supports such as the B-complex nutrients and multi-mineral complexes should not be neglected, as they are critical for normal liver and physiological functions. The so-called lipotropic agents including betaine, methionine, choline, vitamin B5, folic acid and inositol are of particular

importance for liver detoxification, as they allow free flow of fats in and out of the liver. Silymarin, dandelion and other herbs nourish the liver and support liver cleansing. In addition, fiber assists the binding and elimination of toxins through the intestines and colon. Detoxification efforts must be carefully balanced, otherwise excessive degenerative changes could result. Improperly implemented detoxification efforts (i.e. juice fasting, nutritional drinks etc.) will actually increase the breakdown of cells, tissues and organs. Liver detoxification results in increased production of MAO (monoamine oxidase), a singlet oxygen molecule that causes oxidation and degeneration of cells. It is advisable to seek the guidance of a professional trained in detoxification prior to undertaking your initial detoxification program. UltraClear, UltraClear Plus, UltraClear Sustain and Ultra InflamX are pleasant tasting, patented medical foods made of low allergy potential (pre-digested) rice protein concentrate combined with basic nutrients for detoxification and elimination. All of the ingredients in these products are selected based upon the very latest medical and nutritional research regarding detoxification, liver and intestinal repair and inflammation control. They are each individually balanced with protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats blended with highly absorbable vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Each was initially developed to support the liver and intestines' ongoing detoxification efforts. They are based on nutritional and scientific evidence regarding what the liver, intestines and general metabolism require for proper processing of toxins and tissue repair. Use of any one of these products is safe and effective for improving overall

intestinal and liver function and detoxification, but should only be used under professional supervision. More details regarding these four products are available by calling Metagenics Vitamin Company and mentioning this book (1-800-META-VIT). Encouraging elimination - coffee enema Administering a coffee enema rectally promotes liver detoxification by stimulating phase II conjugation, the process by which fat-soluble toxins in the liver are converted into water-soluble toxins for easier removal from the body. Overuse of the coffee enema and other types of enemas is not suggested. Although they can aid the detoxification and elimination process, they are not reparative in nature. Overuse can result in inflammation and irritation to the rectum and lower colon; removal of the

mucous-immune blanket that coats the intestinal lining and removal of healthy endogenously produced bacteria. Adding in manufactured forms of healthy flora is not the same as the healthy flora produced within your colon. To perform a coffee enema is quite simple. Percolate or boil 3 heaping tablespoons of ground organic regular coffee (not decaffeinated or instant) in one quart of filtered or distilled water. Simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and cool to body temperature. Lubricate the nozzle lightly with vitamin E oil or olive oil. Lie on your left side and administer the enema very slowly in an enema bag and tubing. It should take at least 15 minutes for the entire fluid to enter the rectum slowly. Then, still lying on your side, massage your abdomen and try to retain the enema for another 15-20 minutes before releasing the content of your bowels. Other detoxifying enema recipes include: 4 cups of chamomile tea (brewed for at least 2 hour) Allow it to cool to room temperature.Fill the enema bag allowing at least 15 minutes for the entire fluid to enter the rectum slowly. Juice of one lemon in 4 cups of warm waterFill the enema bag allowing at least 15 minutes for the entire fluid to enter the rectum slowly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hello Sue,

You can find extra virgin coconut oil in your local health food or

nutrition store. You can also order it online several sources one of

which is Wilderness Family which is a good site to educate yourself a

bit on what type of extra virgin coconut oil is best to buy.


There are other very good extra virgin coconut oils like Nutiva,

Garden of Life, Spectrum, etc. that you can find over the internet to

compare and see what you prefer.

All winter I have been using coconut oil as a solid. Now that Summer

is here, my coconut oil is liquid, as it liquifies with warmer

temperatures. If you have A/C in your home it will most likely remain


I have tried Wilderness Family and Spectrum brands and like them both

equally as well.

Rice cakes are not allowed while you are on Bee's Candida diet. You

stay on the diet as long as it takes for you to achieve optimal

wellness. Basically 1 month for every year you have not been well or

had Candida. Once the Candida is under control, there are foods you

can try little by little to see if you can handle them or not.

As you slowly add coconut oil a teaspoon at a time, until you are

taking 5 to 6 T per day, Celtic seasalt and other good fats to your

diet, your body will be more satisfied and the hunger will go away.

Bee's files have a wealth of information on this and other subjects

and are well worth exploring.

Hope this helps. :-)

Debra NW


" tauttodream " <tauttodream@...> wrote:

where do i uy coconut oil and is it in a oil consistency or a solid

consistency?Also, are rice caes allowed in the diet? how long do you

stay on the diet before adding any foods back to help you stay


I realize that we need to starve the little buggers, but im starving

also. ( haha)



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One store in my area has Spectrum brand coconut oil. Get the " Unrefined "

version. Another store has NOW Foods coconut oil. They are very similar

and I like them both.

Coconut oil melts around 70 degrees F. I haven't measured the exact

temperature. When I buy it, it's always solid because the stores are

air-conditioned. In the summer (now) it's always melted no matter where

I put it (I don't run the A/C unless it's unbearably hot). In the winter

I put the jar on the pilot light area of my stove and that keeps it

melted, which is the way I prefer it. You can use it in either form,

whatever you like better.


On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, wee_steps wrote:

> Hello Sue,

> You can find extra virgin coconut oil in your local health food or

> nutrition store. You can also order it online several sources one of

> which is Wilderness Family which is a good site to educate yourself a

> bit on what type of extra virgin coconut oil is best to buy.


> http://www.wildernessfamilynaturals.com/virgin_coconut_oil.htm


> There are other very good extra virgin coconut oils like Nutiva,

> Garden of Life, Spectrum, etc. that you can find over the internet to

> compare and see what you prefer.


> All winter I have been using coconut oil as a solid. Now that Summer

> is here, my coconut oil is liquid, as it liquifies with warmer

> temperatures. If you have A/C in your home it will most likely remain

> solid.


> I have tried Wilderness Family and Spectrum brands and like them both

> equally as well.


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Sue wrote:


> Hi Bee and welcome back,

==>Thank you Sue!


> I have been on the diet for 3 weeks now and want to know how i know

> when to move onto the second phase. Your version of the diet is a

> little different from others i have researched, but im going to try

it your way and hopefully get success.

==>My Candida Program is 4 Steps:

Step 1) Eliminate foods that feed candida.

Step 2) Build up the immune system (diet & supplements, including

coconut oil & Pau D'Arco tea)

Step 3) Kill off candida overgrowth (antifungals)

Step 4) Plant good bacteria in the digestive tract (probiotics, i.e.

cabbage rejuvelac & lactobacillus

==>When you are completely following Step 1 & 2 and you've gotten

through a lot of the die-off symptoms you can start taking one of the

antifungals listed, i.e. oil of oregano, raw crushed garlic or clove

oil. If you get too much die-off from them, cut back on the dose, or

stop taking antifungals and stay on the diet longer.

> I tried threelac and got terribly sick the whole time i was on it

so i have nothing to lose but trying the diet. It worked for me last

year and i got relief for 6 months but then blew it at christmas.

==>It takes 1 months of natural healing for every year you've been

sick. For most of us that is since birth.


> Did i read right... bacon is ok on the diet?

==>Yes, but it must be free of nitrates sulphites, etc. and cannot be

cured with sugar - you might have to buy it from a farmer's market.


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Sue wrote:


> where do i uy coconut oil and is it in a oil consistency or a solid

> consistency?Also, are rice caes allowed in the diet? how long do you

> stay on the diet before adding any foods back to help you stay full.

> I realize that we need to starve the little buggers, but im starving

> also. ( haha)

==>See the Coconut Oil Folder in the files for websites, brands, etc.

and a CO survey done by Jackie (one of our moderators). You will stay

full and completely satiated on this diet by increasing the amount of

fats to the ratios recommended, so your body runs on good fats rather

than on carbs. It also requires less body energy to run on fats and

less enzymes. In fact your body can be totally healthy without any

carbs. See Withdrawal Symptoms in the Candida Diet folder.


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at what point do i begin step 4?

Bee Wilder <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:

Sue wrote:


> Hi Bee and welcome back,

==>Thank you Sue!


> I have been on the diet for 3 weeks now and want to know how i know

> when to move onto the second phase. Your version of the diet is a

> little different from others i have researched, but im going to try

it your way and hopefully get success.

==>My Candida Program is 4 Steps:

Step 1) Eliminate foods that feed candida.

Step 2) Build up the immune system (diet & supplements, including

coconut oil & Pau D'Arco tea)

Step 3) Kill off candida overgrowth (antifungals)

Step 4) Plant good bacteria in the digestive tract (probiotics, i.e.

cabbage rejuvelac & lactobacillus

==>When you are completely following Step 1 & 2 and you've gotten

through a lot of the die-off symptoms you can start taking one of the

antifungals listed, i.e. oil of oregano, raw crushed garlic or clove

oil. If you get too much die-off from them, cut back on the dose, or

stop taking antifungals and stay on the diet longer.

> I tried threelac and got terribly sick the whole time i was on it

so i have nothing to lose but trying the diet. It worked for me last

year and i got relief for 6 months but then blew it at christmas.

==>It takes 1 months of natural healing for every year you've been

sick. For most of us that is since birth.


> Did i read right... bacon is ok on the diet?

==>Yes, but it must be free of nitrates sulphites, etc. and cannot be

cured with sugar - you might have to buy it from a farmer's market.



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Sue wrote:


> at what point do i begin step 4?

==>Sue, my article " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " explains when

to start each step at the beginning of each one as follows:

D. Plant good bacteria in the digestive tract

When your " die-off " symptoms have started to subside on antifungals you

can start taking probiotics.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

I am 5'2 " so i figure i should have 55Protein

138-193 fats and about 45 carbs. I basically avoid sugars white or

natural, no white flour products, low carbs,

My body is lean and wants food!! I mean like bread, pasta, cheese or

candy,. I crave it.

Hi Sue, try to eat some bacon in the morning and you will not feel as

hungry throughout the day, and most important your food craving will

deminsh also. It worked for me, it might work for you also.


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According to the calculation program in the files. at 5'2 " your ratios

should be:

Protein = 57 grams

Fat = 144 to 201 grams

Carbs = 46 grams

You really should use Fitday and calculate ratios every day. Eating the

required amounts of fats will keep you satiated. The reason you are craving

all the " bad " stuff is most likely because you are not eating enough of the

" good " stuff.

Fitday will calculate the amounts of protein-fats-carbs in each food. Like

a large egg has 5 grams fat, 1 gram carbs, 6 grams protein.

Hope that helps some.


[ ] diet

>I am feeling that i am not being satisfied on this diet. Maybe i'm

> not understanding it. I am 5'2 " so i figure i should have 55Protein

> 138-193 fats and about 45 carbs. Not that i totally understand what

> or how to eat these foods. I basically avoid sugars white or natural,

> no white flour products, low carbs, I only eat meats,

> vegs,eggs,tuna,kraut, and drink only water with lemon or limes. Is

> there anything i am missing because i am starving. My body is lean

> and wants food!! I mean like bread, pasta, cheese or candy,. I crave

> it.


> I dont follow the protein, fats or carb ratio because i dont

> understand the difference in fats and proteins. Eggs and meats are

> both. Maybe that's why i am starving.


> I'm confused. ANy suggestions.


> Sue


> sue

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Niman Ranch makes one but it's very hard to find. Not even offered on their

website...at least not that I can find. I bought some at Trader Joe's if

you have one near you.


Re: [ ] Re: diet

>i cannot find bacon without nitrates. I have searched high and low . would

>this kind be ok? It does not have sugar and zero carbs


> sue

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What is fitday and where can i reference it? I looked inour files but cant seem

to find anything.



Tiger Lily <sweettiger@...> wrote:


According to the calculation program in the files. at 5'2 " your ratios

should be:

Protein = 57 grams

Fat = 144 to 201 grams

Carbs = 46 grams

You really should use Fitday and calculate ratios every day. Eating the

required amounts of fats will keep you satiated. The reason you are craving

all the " bad " stuff is most likely because you are not eating enough of the

" good " stuff.

Fitday will calculate the amounts of protein-fats-carbs in each food. Like

a large egg has 5 grams fat, 1 gram carbs, 6 grams protein.

Hope that helps some.


[ ] diet

>I am feeling that i am not being satisfied on this diet. Maybe i'm

> not understanding it. I am 5'2 " so i figure i should have 55Protein

> 138-193 fats and about 45 carbs. Not that i totally understand what

> or how to eat these foods. I basically avoid sugars white or natural,

> no white flour products, low carbs, I only eat meats,

> vegs,eggs,tuna,kraut, and drink only water with lemon or limes. Is

> there anything i am missing because i am starving. My body is lean

> and wants food!! I mean like bread, pasta, cheese or candy,. I crave

> it.


> I dont follow the protein, fats or carb ratio because i dont

> understand the difference in fats and proteins. Eggs and meats are

> both. Maybe that's why i am starving.


> I'm confused. ANy suggestions.


> Sue


> sue


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi ,

>>Ok, I'm seeing several references to diets that the kids are on. (And

perhaps some adults.) What type of diets are we talking?<<

I think it is probably the GF/CF diet which is being referred to - cutting

out gluten (in cereals and cereal products) and casein (dairy products).

There are specific mailing lists for it, where you would get lots of help.

>>We're currently on the Feingold Program and that has been a GREAT help

for us, but not the complete cure all. Not that I'm looking for one,

it just helps him deal a little better, which is what seems to be the

case w/ others.<<

Well, if you're looking for a cure-all (and who are we to say what is

'normal' and what isn't anyway? - we shouldn't want everyone to be clones)

you would be disappointed. With GF/CF, typically people find a reduction in

secondary issues such as diarrhoea/constipation and sometimes sleeping. Some

people I know swear it reduces stimming in their child, but I'm not entirely

sure they aren't just seeing a reduction because they want to.

in England

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The most common foods our kids react to are gluten (wheat, oats, barley

& rye), casein (protein in milk and dairy products) and soy. This is

typically called the GFCF diet (www.tacanow.com/dietinfo.htm).

Most of my autistic son's behaviours stopped within 1-2 weeks of

completely eliminating gluten and casein. I did not see them

whatsoever for a year then when he put a little ball of playdough in

his mouth which I immediatly fished out, was enough for all those

symptoms to return full-force. The behaviors I can directly attribute

to diet were: lack of eye contact, brain fog, hitting himself, feces

smearing, fear of grass, fear of hills, crying when turning the corner

in the car, slamming his body against the wall, aversion to certain

foods, not responding to his name, covering his ears from certain

sounds, touching everything, not caring that I existed, crying all the

time, preferring to be by himself etc.

My son also reacted to bananas. They caused him to laugh at nothing

uncontrollably like he was drunk. During such times, he would hurt

himself and still laugh.

Phenols are another type of food my son reacts to. Phenols are found

in many fruit - especially apples, pineapple, grapes, raisins, tomatos

(ketchup) etc. I found they were causing his hyperactivity and

recently discovered they also are the reason he would bite holes

through his shirt.

There are two ways of dealing with food issues with our kids. The most

common way is to simply remove those foods from their diet. The

problem is the removal has to be 100% which can be extremely

difficult. Another problem is usually the foods they react to the

worst are the only foods they will willingly eat (like a drug

addiction). The other way to deal with this issue is digestive

enzymes. Enzymes will help the body break down these foods thus

eliminating a reaction for most kids (some still have to do diet).

For my autistic son, I have him on the gluten-free diet because he has

the added issue of celiac disease which enzymes will not help. For all

the other foods he reacts to, I give him digestive enzymes - Peptizyde

for dairy and soy, Zyme Prime for overall digestion and No Fenol for

phenols (www.houstonni.com).

Now that I have my son GF and on enzymes, the only behaviours he still

has is arm flapping (which is greatly reduced), fear of the bathroom or

small rooms during the summer, and wanting to tap everything to hear

it's sound (I think he will be a drummer). Diet is not a cure in that

he is still non-verbal but it has made him want to communicate and be

part of the world around him.


> Ok, I'm seeing several references to diets that the kids are on. (And

> perhaps some adults.) What type of diets are we talking?


> We're currently on the Feingold Program and that has been a GREAT


> for us, but not the complete cure all. Not that I'm looking for one,

> it just helps him deal a little better, which is what seems to be the

> case w/ others.


> Anyway, I'm all ears. Tell me more. :)


> :)


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The most common foods our kids react to are gluten (wheat, oats, barley

& rye), casein (protein in milk and dairy products) and soy. This is

typically called the GFCF diet (www.tacanow.com/dietinfo.htm).

Most of my autistic son's behaviours stopped within 1-2 weeks of

completely eliminating gluten and casein. I did not see them

whatsoever for a year then when he put a little ball of playdough in

his mouth which I immediatly fished out, was enough for all those

symptoms to return full-force. The behaviors I can directly attribute

to diet were: lack of eye contact, brain fog, hitting himself, feces

smearing, fear of grass, fear of hills, crying when turning the corner

in the car, slamming his body against the wall, aversion to certain

foods, not responding to his name, covering his ears from certain

sounds, touching everything, not caring that I existed, crying all the

time, preferring to be by himself etc.

My son also reacted to bananas. They caused him to laugh at nothing

uncontrollably like he was drunk. During such times, he would hurt

himself and still laugh.

Phenols are another type of food my son reacts to. Phenols are found

in many fruit - especially apples, pineapple, grapes, raisins, tomatos

(ketchup) etc. I found they were causing his hyperactivity and

recently discovered they also are the reason he would bite holes

through his shirt.

There are two ways of dealing with food issues with our kids. The most

common way is to simply remove those foods from their diet. The

problem is the removal has to be 100% which can be extremely

difficult. Another problem is usually the foods they react to the

worst are the only foods they will willingly eat (like a drug

addiction). The other way to deal with this issue is digestive

enzymes. Enzymes will help the body break down these foods thus

eliminating a reaction for most kids (some still have to do diet).

For my autistic son, I have him on the gluten-free diet because he has

the added issue of celiac disease which enzymes will not help. For all

the other foods he reacts to, I give him digestive enzymes - Peptizyde

for dairy and soy, Zyme Prime for overall digestion and No Fenol for

phenols (www.houstonni.com).

Now that I have my son GF and on enzymes, the only behaviours he still

has is arm flapping (which is greatly reduced), fear of the bathroom or

small rooms during the summer, and wanting to tap everything to hear

it's sound (I think he will be a drummer). Diet is not a cure in that

he is still non-verbal but it has made him want to communicate and be

part of the world around him.


> Ok, I'm seeing several references to diets that the kids are on. (And

> perhaps some adults.) What type of diets are we talking?


> We're currently on the Feingold Program and that has been a GREAT


> for us, but not the complete cure all. Not that I'm looking for one,

> it just helps him deal a little better, which is what seems to be the

> case w/ others.


> Anyway, I'm all ears. Tell me more. :)


> :)


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Two diet changes that made the difference for me --

giving up wheat and high-fructose corn syrup.

I feel better, less itchy, and less " bloaty " after

giving up the wheat. When I cheat, I can definitely

tell the difference. And when I indulge in something

sweetened with the high-fructose corn syrup, I develop

terrible cravings for sweets. Go fig. Your mileage may





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> Ok, I'm seeing several references to diets that the kids are on. (And

> perhaps some adults.) What type of diets are we talking?


> We're currently on the Feingold Program and that has been a GREAT help

> for us, but not the complete cure all. Not that I'm looking for one,

> it just helps him deal a little better, which is what seems to be the

> case w/ others.


> Anyway, I'm all ears. Tell me more. :)


Louie was never on any diet....unless you count that he is lactose

intolerant so can't have milk (although yoghurt, which has lactase, he

loves!), and there's something (phenols?) in apples and things made from

them that destroyed his sleep patterns most of his life (until we took

them out in his teens), so now he can't have that either. Except twice

a year: Christmas Morning (stocking) and the State Fair (caramel). He's

willing to put up with disturbed sleep for those two times. :) Then

again, I don't think the GFCF diet would be the right thing for him in

that he's never had anything but clockwork, regular bowels. Thank goodness!

Our main problem with Louie when he was little was *getting* him to eat!

Now, he maintains a healthy diet with reasonable portions on his own

(his house staff helped with that).

Annie, who loves ya annie@...


Yes, risk-taking is inherently failure-prone. Otherwise, it would be

called sure-thing-taking. -- Tim McMahon

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> Ok, I'm seeing several references to diets that the kids are on. (And

> perhaps some adults.) What type of diets are we talking?


> We're currently on the Feingold Program and that has been a GREAT help

> for us, but not the complete cure all. Not that I'm looking for one,

> it just helps him deal a little better, which is what seems to be the

> case w/ others.


> Anyway, I'm all ears. Tell me more. :)


Louie was never on any diet....unless you count that he is lactose

intolerant so can't have milk (although yoghurt, which has lactase, he

loves!), and there's something (phenols?) in apples and things made from

them that destroyed his sleep patterns most of his life (until we took

them out in his teens), so now he can't have that either. Except twice

a year: Christmas Morning (stocking) and the State Fair (caramel). He's

willing to put up with disturbed sleep for those two times. :) Then

again, I don't think the GFCF diet would be the right thing for him in

that he's never had anything but clockwork, regular bowels. Thank goodness!

Our main problem with Louie when he was little was *getting* him to eat!

Now, he maintains a healthy diet with reasonable portions on his own

(his house staff helped with that).

Annie, who loves ya annie@...


Yes, risk-taking is inherently failure-prone. Otherwise, it would be

called sure-thing-taking. -- Tim McMahon

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  • 4 weeks later...


What does Levi eat? It might take some time and patience, but there

are good alternatives to many gluten products these days.

Is Levi already dairy (casein) free? That is the other menace in our

children's diet. Often parents remove both. Many have said they see

instant improvement from dairy removal (I can attest to that with my

oldest, non-ASD son).

A good book for starters would be the FIRST edition of " Special Diets

for Special Kids " . It includes an awesome introduction/explanation of

the theory behind the GFCF diet and Autism, plus recipes. Amazon.com

sells this book.

If you are considering just gluten removal, I love the

magazine " Living Without " . You can find it at health food stores and

larger magazine racks/book stores.

Some kids will hold hunger strikes for insane amounts of time, but I

really don't think that is the norm. My son (at age 19 months)

quickly found other foods to eat. He basically snacked for an entire

3 months before I got the hang of the diet, but he gained weight and

grew just fine. My biggest advice is try to avoid replacing these

foods with high-sugar foods (it can be easy to do... you just want

them to EAT!); that just creates yet another battle down the line.

Do you have a doctor that will help you through this maze, or are you

doing it on your own? How would you describe Levi's overall health?

Another good source of info is a website:


The learning curve here is HUGE. You might feel lost and like a total

moron at first, but you'll get it soon enough. Make the committment

to a lot of reading! Think about starting a journal to document any

changes in Levi while you are adding/removing foods. Consider

digestive enzymes (www.houstonni.com I love these, but others might

recommend store brands for easier access).

Well, there are others much more experienced and knowledgable than I,

so I hope they jump in and offer advice. I would not start chelation

and the diet at the same time... too overwhelming!

Take care,



> I am new here and have not read near all the posts yet, but am


> on it. I am finally convinced to try the chelation treatment and


> gluten free diet. My problem is that there are only about 4 things

> Levi will eat and they all contain high levels of gluten. I had


> been told in the past by doctors and nutritionist to let him eat


> he wants and supplement with vitamins. How do I get my son to eat


> right things? Can I let him go hungry,for God knows how long? HELP!

> Thank you.


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At 08:43 AM 8/13/2006, you wrote:

>My problem is that there are only about 4 things

>Levi will eat and they all contain high levels of gluten.

One thing I have heard over and over is that if a child is eating

only one type of food, the chances are that he is sensitive to that

particular food. So if he only will eat wheat/dairy then he is

probably sensitive to them. Once removed, generally these kids start

eating all kinds of different things, but I don't know the details of

how to get there!



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The best way is to find substitutes that taste pretty similar and just get him

used to those. For example, my son loves the Van's waffles and doesn't care

about getting the regular kind anymore. Ditto for lots of other products.

You might try the GFCFdiet website for lots of help on this.

Good luck! It's a big shift at first, but eventually just becomes another way

of cooking and living.


(whose son has been on this diet for a long time now!)

[ ] diet

I am new here and have not read near all the posts yet, but am working

on it. I am finally convinced to try the chelation treatment and the

gluten free diet. My problem is that there are only about 4 things

Levi will eat and they all contain high levels of gluten. I had always

been told in the past by doctors and nutritionist to let him eat what

he wants and supplement with vitamins. How do I get my son to eat the

right things? Can I let him go hungry,for God knows how long? HELP!

Thank you.

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