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Re: Some Good Reading

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tamms wrote:

Its not that I'm crazy for low carb, its that there is now evidence that blood sugars at anytime over 6.2 which is somewhere around 110 I think, :-) holds the high risk of diabetic complications, especially eye damage and nerve damage. Most of us fear these complications like me, I got the neuropathy, but through low carb got rid of it and got rid of my high blood pressure too.

Its not just a question of pro or con low carb, its a matter of quality of life, thats why we advise it, not to be pushy.

I had a nutritionist tell me that garbage too, follow high carb, ADA, la da da, I actually asked her if she really believes what shes saying, she says, we're told to tell you this. If I believed my dr's and cde's and nutritionists I'd be dead now, I fired 4 endo's and many more CDE's.

For me anyway, long gone is the day a patient blindly follows diabetic advice thats harmful, its your pancreas, not theirs. It just shows me that a dr or diabetic team that isn't up to date on new diabetes treatment is a lazy dr, and most really don't care, and I've seen this first hand, I worked years in a hospital in the nursing dept.



<<Are you aware that sugar and starches are carbs? :-)>>

Yes, I thought that was what I was saying. LOL. At least I was trying to! J

<<True, as long as you count carbs, you can eat your chosen plan, but the plan you describe is way too high, >>

This is the plan that he was given by the diabetic nutritionist and his doctor. It is basically 50% carbs. I have read about the low carb diets and also asked the nutritionist. It is not what they recommend for him. Although I understand that they say it is healthful, I just happen to disagree. (sorry to you low carbers.. just my opinion!) Anyway, this is the plan that he has been given and is similar to the ADA plan.

Tammy J

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Carol wrote:

I had a nutritionist tell me that garbage too, follow high carb, ADA, la da da, I actually asked her if she really believes what shes saying, she says, we're told to tell you this. If I believed my dr's and cde's and nutritionists I'd be dead now, I fired 4 endo's and many more CDE's.

For me anyway, long gone is the day a patient blindly follows diabetic advice thats harmful, its your pancreas, not theirs. It just shows me that a dr or diabetic team that isn't up to date on new diabetes treatment is a lazy dr, and most really don't care, and I've seen this first hand, I worked years in a hospital in the nursing dept.



Kudos to Carol...right on! I was shocked at what my dietician told me to do, I ignored her and never went back...my dr. too, in spite of how I was doing on the Zone diet would not agree it was better than the advice the diabetic dietician was giving me.


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Except if you have bad genes which my docs say I do. I followed a meal plan, exercised regularly, had all my yearly preventive checkups, took my medicine (insulin) as directed, was in pretty tight control, no high blood pressure problem just low pressure, not overweight, don't smoke. I have had at least 2 dozen laser treatments in each eye and also a vitrocomy(sp) in my left eye which now has a cataract on it. My kidneys work at about 70%. I had a heart attack before I was 45. I have 3 100% clogged coronary arteries which they gave me a 3 % chance of getting up from the operating table. I have neuropathy really bad. I did not feel the heart attack. My cholestral (sp) is fine. I have gastroparesis. So yes I have read all about taking care and I have and dang it I have so many complications they think I may go before I am 50. Three years away. No medical problems in my family except one grandma took hight blood pressure medicine. All are healthy and lived long lives. Where did I come from? The cabbage patch?


I work in a hospital too....and the vast majority of diabetics who haveleg ulcers, are on dialysis, have vision problems or heart disease alsohave other risk factors too....obesity, tobacco use, poor control oftheir blood sugars through NO diet whatsoever, uncontrolledhypertension, noncompliance with medications.If blood sugars are controlled by lifestyle changes....whether this isthe ADA diet or low carb, high protein, whatever....chances ofdeveloping these complications are greatly reduced, especially in typeII's.Gail

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Taking bedtime insulin requires a snack at the same time.

I am type 1 so I don't know how that is with 2s.


Frosted Flakes are covered in sugar yours are not!


Jan RE: Some Good Reading

<<. This isn't sound diabetic advice.>>

I don’t want to start anything here but my DH eats a bowl of bran flakes or sun flakes almost every evening. This practice was encouraged and ok’d by his diabetic nutritionist. He is allowed 3 meals and 3 snacks daily. Total carbs are 3 per meal and 2 per snack. (1 carb = 15g) This seems to work well for him so far.

Tammy J

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In a message dated 03/05/2001 5:19:53 PM Central Standard Time,

armina@... writes:


It seems you're doing low carb part time <G> The only thing I'd worry

about with that plan (as long as bg's are good of course) is the cholesterol

question. Its been shown with low carb that the cholesterol is controlled

very well with either low carb or low fat. Its the combo of fats and carbs

that is the true culprit for cholesterol. So as long as you have your

cholesterol checked from time to time (and who doesn't! ) that shouldn't

become a problem. >>

Dont we watch our fats and carbs? If we do that our cholesterol

should be OK. What about Meat I am reading about all the pesticides

in our foods and meats have a lot especially Beef, so I quess we

should limit that or not at all It has a lot of fat with it too. It

seems all we can have that is OK is Fruits and veggies. I get tired

of that and with fruit you should wash it good because some of them

have a lot of pesticides on them. This is so difficult, why couldnt

we be made just to have to eat LOL


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You're correct! I always at least think about the carb count but I am

doing it part time during the course of a day. If I have carbs for

breakfast then I will slack down for the rest of the day. I had lost most

of my weight prior to finding out about the Diabetes and since diagnosis I

have lost about 7 pounds. When I was actively losing I was on the Atkins.

Now I just do my own thing.

I find that that Glucophage makes me pretty much hate food in general, lol

It's like having a cold and you can't taste it so why bother. Like last

nite I knew I had to eat but I wasn't really hungry so I ate a little bit

sugars at bed time 110. I have to make sure I eat because I'll just stop


I have a hard time with snacks and for the most part I eat at 8-9am

(breakfast) 11:30-1:00 (lunch) 7-7:30 (dinner). I eat anywhere within these


" Meenie " on 03/05/2001 06:14:36 PM

Please respond to diabetes

To: <diabetes >


Subject: Re: Some Good Reading

Ahhh Roast Beef au Jus.. mmmm very good :)

It seems you're doing low carb part time <G> The only thing I'd worry

about with that plan (as long as bg's are good of course) is the

cholesterol question.  Its been shown with low carb that the cholesterol

is controlled very well with either low carb or low fat.  Its the combo of

fats and carbs that is the true culprit for cholesterol.  So as long as

you have your cholesterol checked from time to time (and who doesn't! )

that shouldn't become a problem.


I just had two slices of actualy roast beef.  No bread or anything in it's

own juice.  You'll find this funny but I work for the American Cancer

Society so we have a very good lunch room, lol.  I just like going out and

relaxing with co-workers but I try to bring from home at least a couple of

days.  The cole slaw wasn't heavy but I'm sure there was some sugar

somewhere.  I know I should have gotten the salad but yesterday when I had

fajitas (YUM) I had a great salad and I just was't in the mood.  Now

tomorrow is omelet day at the job so I'll get that and switch my intake of

carbs around.

I see you are using the splenda, have you baked with it as of yet.

" Meenie " on 03/05/2001 03:30:51 PM

Please respond to diabetes

To:   <diabetes >


Subject:  Re: Some Good Reading

just a question, is the  order of roast beef a sandwich, or just the


roast beef? If you got a  salad instead of the mac and cheese,  you'd have

a nice low carb lunch  that looks pretty filling.  The cole slaw is

questionable, I make my own  so know there's no sugar in it

 (I use splenda - my  hubby just made two batches, one with vinegar - very

tangy, and one with mayo  so it is creamier. mmm we had barbecue and cole

slaw last night for  dinner)

Your dinner is something  just like I might have too :)

 For breakfast I have  an omelette with cheese maybe sausage or bacon, a

cup of decaff coffee  w/splenda.  I add cream if I want some coddling :)

Pepperoni chips for a snack,  or egg muffins (no bread involved), or hard

boiled eggs, or lunch meat rolled  up in cheese.

Lunch when at work is  usually either something leftover from dinner or a

salad (we have a nice salad  bar at work)

then dinner meat,  veggie,salad.  Maybe sugar free jello.

We eat dinner kinda late -  around 7 pm so don't usually have a bedtime

snack, but if I feel the need its  something left from dinner or one of


snaces mentioned  earlier.

I do drink diet sodas, and  try to get in all that ungodly water!! :)

i take a multi vitamin, a  vit C, verapamil (for blood pressure, so far

I've cut the dose in half), and a  prempro.


Well for instance so far today I have eaten.

1 cup  corn flakes with 1/2 cup 2 % milk, 1/2 cup sugar free Snapple Ruby

Red  Grapefruit drink and 16 oz. water.

1 stick trident gum (lol)

1 order of  roast beef, cole slaw, boiled whole okra and sugar free ice


and 1/2 cup  mac and cheese.

I just got back from lunch so no checking yet.   for dinner I've already

cooked baked chicken and broccoli and that's what  I'll have.

I need to get back to exercising.  I have lost 45  pounds on my 5'2 inch

frame so I feel exceptionally well.  I started  out on Atkins prior to

finding out about the diabetes and in November I  modified a bit to watch

keytones etc.

So I am still experimenting I  HATE that exchange thing, reminds me of

weight watchers and I've never been  good at that but I do skim it to see

about portion size.

I take  500mg of glucophage 2 times a day, a cranberry tablet (had a


of  Urinary infections which led to me finding out about diabetes), 1


asprin (for heart disease) and a  multivitamin.

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In a message dated 03/06/2001 2:47:11 PM Central Standard Time,

chissus@... writes:


I just found out about the low carb thang and I'm doing that. I can't

believe how well it's working for me! It's been a whole week now and my bg

haven't been over 150. It was actually 78 this morning! I'm so excited. I

test my bgs now and actually smile.

joan >^^< >>

what would be the higest # on carbs that you would use?


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<<If blood sugars are controlled by lifestyle changes....whether

this is

the ADA diet or low carb, high protein, whatever....chances of

developing these complications are greatly reduced, especially in type



is a great comfort to me! My dh is doing really well with control right now. I

hope that we don’t see any complications for a long, long while! J



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Well to summarize the entire thing: Nothing is really good for us

anymore!! That's why I take everything everyone says with a grain of salt

because it changes daily and Drs. don't. know it all and you have to figure

out what works for you and try to live as comfortable as possible within

those parameters.

lctoocool@... on 03/06/2001 01:19:13 PM

Please respond to diabetes

To: diabetes


Subject: Re: Some Good Reading

In a message dated 03/05/2001 5:19:53 PM Central Standard Time,

armina@... writes:


   It seems you're doing low carb part time <G> The only thing I'd worry

about with that plan (as long as bg's are good of course) is the


question.  Its been shown with low carb that the cholesterol is controlled

very well with either low carb or low fat.  Its the combo of fats and carbs

that is the true culprit for cholesterol.  So as long as you have your

cholesterol checked from time to time (and who doesn't! ) that shouldn't

become a problem.  >>

Dont we watch our fats and carbs?  If we do that our cholesterol

should be OK.  What about Meat  I am reading about all the pesticides

in our foods and meats have a lot especially Beef, so I quess we

should limit that or not at all It has a lot of fat with it too. It

seems all we can have that is OK is Fruits and veggies.  I get tired

of that and with fruit you should wash it good because some of them

have a lot of pesticides on them.  This is so difficult, why couldnt

we be made just to have to eat  LOL


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I have had type 1 for 27 years. There is some concern that I may have had it 11 years before being diagnosed. That would therefore account for my bad time now as those 11 years would have been considered uncontrolled.


Hi Debbie,I think it really sucks that you took such good care of yourself and still have so many problems. I've taken lousy care of myself for 35 years and have just a few of your problems (retinopathy, neuropathy, gastroparesis). Recently I've discovered low carb and now finally after 35 years of horrible bgs I'm in control. How long have you had D and I assume it's type 1?joan >^^< t1>>Reply-To: diabetes >To: "Diabetes" <diabetes >>Subject: Re: Some Good Reading>Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 21:33:58 -0600>>> Except if you have bad genes which my docs say I do. I followed a meal >plan, exercised regularly, had all my yearly preventive checkups, took my >medicine (insulin) as directed, was in pretty tight control, no high blood >pressure problem just low pressure, not overweight, don't smoke. I have had >at least 2 dozen laser treatments in each eye and also a vitrocomy(sp) in >my left eye which now has a cataract on it. My kidneys work at about 70%. I >had a heart attack before I was 45. I have 3 100% clogged coronary arteries >which they gave me a 3 % chance of getting up from the operating table. I >have neuropathy really bad. I did not feel the heart attack. My cholestral >(sp) is fine. I have gastroparesis. So yes I have read all about taking >care and I have and dang it I have so many complications they think I may >go before I am 50. Three years away. No medical problems in my family >except one grandma took hight blood pressure medicine. All are healthy and >lived long lives. Where did I come from? The cabbage patch?> Debbie_________________________________________________________________Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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When I was 9 I had what was referred to as seizures. I had so many tests run I lost count. They never did figure out what was wrong. They kind of settled on petite mal. I was always anemic. I ate very little and was sort of hyper. But off the subject I was also being sexually abused by my step father. That went on for like 10 years. Now I know that those seizures are like hypos. Of course diabetes wasn't even mentioned or tested for. Also there is none in my family anywhere. All of my family is disgustingly healthy and have lived to be very old. I was diagnosed at 20 with type 1. I am 47 now. I have since been checked and I produce no insulin of my own. My diet is sooo weird with all the stuff I can't eat for one reason or another. I am also not able to tell when I am low until I reach like 30. They tell me this happens after you have had diabetes for quite some time. So I keep my bg around 150. I take like 33 pills aday, 3 insulin injections aday. I see all kinds of specialty doctors. How do I cope?? With God. I also have a daughter who is my very best friend and my son has given me two wonderful grandchildren. I am also fortunate in that I have access to very good doctors. I listen to what some of you say about yours and I feel doubly blessed with mine. I can relate to actually smiling after a bg test now. I am also brittle and sometimes it just spikes for I can find no good reason. I just do the best I can and I know Jesus will be there to catch me if I fall. Sorry to ramble.


Debbie,If you had undiagnosed diabetes for 11 years, you must have felt sooooo sick all the time. How awful. How did you cope? How old were you? How are you doing now?I just found out about the low carb thang and I'm doing that. I can't believe how well it's working for me! It's been a whole week now and my bg haven't been over 150. It was actually 78 this morning! I'm so excited. I test my bgs now and actually smile.joan >^^<>>Reply-To: diabetes >To: "Diabetes" <diabetes >>Subject: Re: Some Good Reading>Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 14:25:07 -0600>>> Joan,> I have had type 1 for 27 years. There is some concern that I may have >had it 11 years before being diagnosed. That would therefore account for my >bad time now as those 11 years would have been considered uncontrolled.> Debbie>> Hi Debbie,> I think it really sucks that you took such good care of yourself and >still> have so many problems. I've taken lousy care of myself for 35 years and> have just a few of your problems (retinopathy, neuropathy, >gastroparesis).> Recently I've discovered low carb and now finally after 35 years of >horrible> bgs I'm in control. How long have you had D and I assume it's type 1?>> joan >^^< t1>>> >> >Reply-To: diabetes > >To: "Diabetes" <diabetes >> >Subject: Re: Some Good Reading> >Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 21:33:58 -0600> >> >> > Except if you have bad genes which my docs say I do. I followed a >meal> >plan, exercised regularly, had all my yearly preventive checkups, took >my> >medicine (insulin) as directed, was in pretty tight control, no high >blood> >pressure problem just low pressure, not overweight, don't smoke. I have >had> >at least 2 dozen laser treatments in each eye and also a vitrocomy(sp) >in> >my left eye which now has a cataract on it. My kidneys work at about >70%. I> >had a heart attack before I was 45. I have 3 100% clogged coronary >arteries> >which they gave me a 3 % chance of getting up from the operating table. >I> >have neuropathy really bad. I did not feel the heart attack. My >cholestral> >(sp) is fine. I have gastroparesis. So yes I have read all about taking> >care and I have and dang it I have so many complications they think I >may> >go before I am 50. Three years away. No medical problems in my family> >except one grandma took hight blood pressure medicine. All are healthy >and> >lived long lives. Where did I come from? The cabbage patch?> > Debbie>> _________________________________________________________________> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com>>>

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this is true, and if diabetics were given all the info they need to do this, it sure would be great.

MeenieIf blood sugars are controlled by lifestyle changes....whether this isthe ADA diet or low carb, high protein, whatever....chances ofdeveloping these complications are greatly reduced, especially in typeII's.Gail

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I find that that Glucophage makes me pretty much hate food in general, lolIt's like having a cold and you can't taste it so why bother.

Now this is a side effect of glucophage that I wasn't aware of. My sister takes it and like most people it gave her a lot of gastro-intestinal problems (like IBS).

Have you talked to your doctor about this? Maybe he could change you to something else? Actos is the newer drug now that does the same thing as glucophage, but doesn't seem to have the side effects that glucophage does.


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Some type II's do take insulin, but it isn't the same as a type I who HAS to have insulin. Type II's do make their own insulin but their body has become resistant to it. There are several medications out now that help them overcome some of that resistance.


Taking bedtime insulin requires a snack at the same time.

I am type 1 so I don't know how that is with 2s.


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As long as he keeps good control, he probably won't, Tammy :)

I hope that for him also :)


This is a great comfort to me! My dh is doing really well with control right now. I hope that we don’t see any complications for a long, long while! J

Tammy J

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Hi Debbie,

Have you read Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution? It might be helpful to you.

Meenie >>> Except if you have bad genes which my docs say I do. I followed a meal >plan, exercised regularly, had all my yearly preventive checkups, took my >medicine (insulin) as directed, was in pretty tight control, no high blood >pressure problem just low pressure, not overweight, don't smoke. I have had >at least 2 dozen laser treatments in each eye and also a vitrocomy(sp) in >my left eye which now has a cataract on it. My kidneys work at about 70%. I >had a heart attack before I was 45. I have 3 100% clogged coronary arteries >which they gave me a 3 % chance of getting up from the operating table. I >have neuropathy really bad. I did not feel the heart attack. My cholestral >(sp) is fine. I have gastroparesis. So yes I have read all about taking >care and I have and dang it I have so many complications they think I may >go before I am 50. Three years away. No medical problems in my family >except one grandma took hight blood pressure medicine. All are healthy and >lived long lives. Where did I come from? The cabbage patch?> Debbie_________________________________________________________________Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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Hi ,

No I don't watch my fats... only carbs. I'm on Atkins and my cholesterol is fine. :)

I eat lots of meats - usually grilled. I do cut away obvious excess fat but eat what a lot of people consider "fatty" foods like butter and cream.

My bg's have gone from 200+ to being between 75 - 125 on Atkins .

MeenieDont we watch our fats and carbs? If we do that our cholesterol should be OK. What about Meat I am reading about all the pesticidesin our foods and meats have a lot especially Beef, so I quess weshould limit that or not at all It has a lot of fat with it too. Itseems all we can have that is OK is Fruits and veggies. I get tiredof that and with fruit you should wash it good because some of themhave a lot of pesticides on them. This is so difficult, why couldntwe be made just to have to eat LOL /KC

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Meenie wrote:

I find that that Glucophage makes me pretty much hate food in general, lolIt's like having a cold and you can't taste it so why bother>>

thats pretty accurate!!! LOL

I was put on it before insulin and couldn't tolerate it, figured the weight loss many people see with it is actually the runs!!! LOL


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Ahhhhh to have bowels that move!!!!!

Forgot what that is like.


Re: Some Good Reading

Meenie wrote:

I find that that Glucophage makes me pretty much hate food in general, lolIt's like having a cold and you can't taste it so why bother>>

thats pretty accurate!!! LOL

I was put on it before insulin and couldn't tolerate it, figured the weight loss many people see with it is actually the runs!!! LOL


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I knew going in that one of the side effects of Glucophage was Anorexia and

the intestional problems. Those have died down considerably but actually

I'm not sweating the Anorexia, lol lol keeps things in check.

" Meenie " on 03/06/2001 07:47:05 PM

Please respond to diabetes

To: <diabetes >


Subject: Re: Some Good Reading

I find that that Glucophage makes me pretty much hate food in general, lol

It's like having a cold and you can't taste it so why bother.

Now this is a side effect of glucophage that I wasn't aware of.  My sister

takes it and like most people it gave her a lot of gastro-intestinal

problems (like IBS).

Have you talked to your doctor about this?  Maybe he could change you to

something else?  Actos is the newer drug now that does the same thing as

glucophage, but doesn't seem to have the side effects that glucophage



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At 06:50 PM 3/6/01, pmuhamma@... wrote:

>Well to summarize the entire thing: Nothing is really good for us

>anymore!! That's why I take everything everyone says with a grain of salt...

They say salt's bad for you too. <g>

Bon Appetit!

/Celine Kossart


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Nothing is really good for us>anymore!! That's why I take everything everyone says with a grain of salt...They say salt's bad for you too. <g>Bon Appetit!/Celine Kossartkozys@...

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