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Dateline Show on Toxic Mold - Invisible Killers

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Marci - we have archived the text of the Dateline show in the section of

sick buildings called " files " since the producers of this show did such an

outstanding job of presenting the information on toxic molds in an

informative, yet interesting manner. If you go to the main page

you will find it located on your left. After bonking files, you will see

all the information - newspaper articles, magazine articles, legal docs,

etc. uploaded so far. The file you want is called " An Insidious Mold "

I keeping hoping that CBS will rerun this program or produce another one to

update us - since there have been even more toxic mold outbreaks since then.

Maybe they could help us find out why all the secrecy, denials and

downplaying of the seriousness of mycotoxin exposure.


P.S. I encourage all of you to take time, if you haven't done so already

and write your own toxic mold/or whatever toxin sickened you story out - in

great detail - and upload it to our files section. When you write your

story, try to keep in mind that you are creating a living archive for others

and no detail is too small. If you need help, let me know.

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