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Re: Sick Buildings and Reflux - Is this the causal link?

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I mis-understood you. I am sorry to kept asking about this but I

wanted to make sure I did not have them!!!! LOL!

With mold illness, our immune system tends to fail some of us or is

not up to the best it can be. I figured you must had meant that our

lower immune left us with less defense to fight off the parasites.

After giving this much thought today, I kinda compaired it to the

posion ivy I got into after the mold. I had all of the medical

treatments one can receive for posion ivy but it only got worse and

worse. Before mold exposure, I could apply Caladryl and been rid of

it. After the mold lowered my immune system, I was not so lucky in

getting rid of posion ivy. I kept it for 3 months in the most horribe

way. I had lumps the size of eggs and at times thought I was going

to die it was so bad. I lost about 30 pounds and craved gator aid.

It was the hot summer and I could be found wrapped up in an electric

blanket. I was so cold. I could drink a gallon at a time back then. I

really don't like Gator Aid but I craved it during that time. I think

my electros were all messed up because I would feel relief and better

after drinking it. I believe all of this lead up to me losing all of

my back teeth. They would get so infected and I was so sick from the

pain and infection, that I wanted them out. The doctors and dentist

were dragging around so much and I felt as if I was dying in a bad

way. Once the dentist was going to make me wait 2 weeks to see him

and he would not call in an antibotic. He was at a reunion and did

not leave another doctor to be on call. I ended up in the emergency

room to get treatment for my infected teeth. The ER doctor was so

good and saw I was in so much agony. I remember him joking saying he

was not a dentist but better than a plumber to treat me. He could not

treat my posion ivy any farther because I had the max treatment. All

I could do was apply the cream and take benedryl at that point. As

far as my teeth and my unavailable dentist, I finialy found a dentist

who refered me to a surgeon and had them removed...my $$$$$ worth of

dental work was removed as well. I had bridges, crowns and the works

just a couple of years prior to the mold. Spent all of that money

for nothing. But anyway, this was only a small portion of the worst

of my mold saga. This does not include all the various infections, in

sinus, bladder, kidneys. I was even dignosed with pancretitis (SP??)

during that time as well as NASH. Thankfully the pancretitis and NASH

blood work later cleared up. I was told I would have these problems

forever so it was like a miracle to be well of those.

My doctor tested me for mold during this time but it came back

negative. This was approx a year after we left the moldy house. I was

later told that the test should had " grown out " a longer period for a

positive reading. What was so horrible, my sister was dying and I

could not see here because people feared I was contagious. My sister

passed away a couple of weeks after I had my back teeth out.

Anyway, with the host of issues that mold can cause by our lower

immune system, I can understand how we could be more open for a

parasite problem.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is from the latest ad on some yogurt but I believe


> is

> > > true

> > > > > > since it makes alot of sense, that 75% of your immune

> system

> > > is in

> > > > > > your digestive tract. The downward spiral in my health

> about

> > > 2

> > > > years

> > > > > > before cancer started with some medicine that ruined my

> > throat

> > > and

> > > > > > digestive tract.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Not drinking or eating for 2-3 hours is not going to help with acid

reflux. I can go all day without eating and I can be in as much

pain. Sometimes eating actually helps ease it. Especially drinking

oatmeal water or eating oatmeal. BUT, sometimes eating makes it

worse. The only thing that helps the most is the medication and

staying away from sugar, sodas and such.


> Live,

> There is a problem though w/seeing doctors sometimes. First you

have to get them to agree you have a problem. We have been to 3

gastro doctors. All of which practice out of one of the leading

hospitals here. They insist this does not effect kids. One of the

doctors saw my daughter the night I brought her to the ER because the

pain was so bad, I thought she was having a heart attack or

something. They have told me she is a 100% healthy child. (geez,

that just makes me so mad when they say that) My grandmother has run

into the same problem. The have told her not to eat or drink 2-3

hours before going to bed. It's kinda like the mold issue. If they

are not going to agree and help, then after awhile you just give up

and try to fix it yourself. We have been able to do this 95%

effective thru diet. Unless she is re-exposed to mold. But, even

then it isn't like it was. I am not disagreeing w/you. Just stating

that it is not just as easy as seeing a doctor and getting diagnosed

and getting medication for some of us. You must have wonderful luck

w/doctors. Our luck pretty much sucks w/doctors.

> I do agree that this does seem to get worse w/exposure.



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Jackie, your post is very interesting because as I posted one time

at this board, I thought I had poison ivy for six months summer

before last and when it finally went away realized it was more

likely that it was toxic liver rash. Reason is this. I have poison

ivy outside of house but I rarely go outside. I have a handyman

that cuts the grass due to allergies but despite avoiding the yard I

got a very bad case of poison ivy on the delicate skin on underside

of both wrists which eventually spread up the underside of both

arms. I had my arms wrapped up. I figured my cat must have drug it

in on his coat so I was avoiding touching him but six months!!! I

had arms wrapped up with creams and saran wrap around that to hold

it all in place. Rash was painful and burning. I was miserable.

Later I realized much more likely to have been toxic liver rash.

Reason: I was put on Nystatin at beginning of summer. I developed

rash soon after that but didn't know Nystatin could give me rash. I

think of stronger antifungals giving liver trouble, not Nystatin. I

thought that was the gentle stuff. However Nystatin Rx was for six

months and " poison ivy " was for same six months. I had " poison ivy "

long after first freeze that killed all the poison ivy off and still

had " it " , but about a week after my Nystatin treatment was over,

rash finally disappeared, so there can be no other conclusion.

Afterward, I read in Nystatin insert which was very lengthy that

if " rash developes to stop taking Nystatin and call your doctor " .

How dumb of me! It just *looked* so much like poison ivy!! How could

I have not at least suspected the medicine or read the insert?

Anyway, that is " my " poison ivy story. Interestingly you were

diagnosed with liver trouble too, NASH, so apparently you were

having liver trouble. (look up hepatoxicity and rashes) I think

because I contined to take the Nystatin and not go off of it like I

should have, I think I may have damaged my liver since after that I

started to rash to lots of things I used to tolerate. When I

developed rash, I no longer suspected poison ivy but examined

anything I might have started to take that was new for me. Stopping

the " new " supplement or medicine predictably made rash go away.

After I left moldy house last September I had one more rash about a

week later that lasted a few weeks and I haven't had one since then,

so have been without a rash for about 4 months which is pretty

good. This is what last rash looked like and notice it is **right**

where blood vessels rise to surface of skin. I hope I don't gross

anyone out:



>> After giving this much thought today, I kinda compaired it to the

> posion ivy I got into after the mold. I had all of the medical

> treatments one can receive for posion ivy but it only got worse


> worse. Before mold exposure, I could apply Caladryl and been rid


> it. After the mold lowered my immune system, I was not so lucky


> getting rid of posion ivy. I kept it for 3 months in the most


> way. I had lumps the size of eggs

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Interesting that oatmeal helps you. It is probably soothing to

stomach but also since it is absorbant 'anti cholesterol food', it

probably has mild detoxing affect since most anti cholesterol medicine

seems to help to detox the liver, no reason to think that anti

cholesterol foods would also, however most probably mild compared to

anti cholesterol medicines.


> Not drinking or eating for 2-3 hours is not going to help with acid

> reflux. I can go all day without eating and I can be in as much

> pain. Sometimes eating actually helps ease it. Especially drinking

> oatmeal water or eating oatmeal.

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I eat oatmeal just about every morning. I use to suffer for many years

with constipation but as soon as I started on the oatmeal I am

regular, and it has releived me so much. I don't have the acid thingy

but my hubby does. and he doesn't eat oatmeal. I am not sure if I have

food allergies and I know you shouldn't usually eat something every day

but oatmeal works for me and is soothing-- so I eat it.


> Interesting that oatmeal helps you. It is probably soothing to

> stomach but also since it is absorbant 'anti cholesterol food', it

> probably has mild detoxing affect since most anti cholesterol


> seems to help to detox the liver, no reason to think that anti

> cholesterol foods would also, however most probably mild compared to

> anti cholesterol medicines.



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Your rash looked so painful!!

Mine was posion ivy as I had gotten into a huge batch while doing

yard work at our house we moved in to escape the mold. The house had

sit for 3 years and it was over grown with all sorts of stuff. When I

was tearing vines off of our fence, I was not paying attention to

what was what and got a nice case of it! This was like one of the few

days that summer that I had a good day and wouldn't you know I would

get into something bad!! LOL! So is life!

The liver problem is what my sister passed away with so it tends to

run in the family. NASH is what most say is a problem with over

weight people but my sister who passed away with what started as

NASH was not over weight. I was not over weight at the time I had

NASH. It is considered a fatty liver. Over in Europe, it is treated

with what will soon be an OTC diet drug here in the US, Orlistate

(SP??). The bad thing about this drug, one will lose vitamins such

as D, E and A. One will need to suppliment.

I use the Milk Thistle and I am careful of what meds I take. I don't

take anything that goes through the liver. My liver functions were

good the last time they were checked.

I had no idea Nystatin could cause a rash or went through the liver!!

I too had my posion ivy until the winter. If my memory serves me

right, I got it in Aug and still had it in early Dec.

> >

> >> After giving this much thought today, I kinda compaired it to


> > posion ivy I got into after the mold. I had all of the medical

> > treatments one can receive for posion ivy but it only got worse

> and

> > worse. Before mold exposure, I could apply Caladryl and been rid

> of

> > it. After the mold lowered my immune system, I was not so lucky

> in

> > getting rid of posion ivy. I kept it for 3 months in the most

> horribe

> > way. I had lumps the size of eggs


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Even when I had the posion ivy, as I have discussed in an earlier

post, I took oatmeal baths. I would place oatmeal in the foot of a

panty hose I had cut up and allowed it to seep into the water. After

I bathed, I took the panty hose with oatmeal and rubbed it all over

my infected skin. It helped. Oatmeal is so healing. Back when I

was a kid, I had a spastic colon. The doctor recommended to my mom

that I eat oatmeal for breakfast and that cured my stomach. It tends

to place a soothing coating on the lining of the stomach.

> >

> > Interesting that oatmeal helps you. It is probably soothing to

> > stomach but also since it is absorbant 'anti cholesterol food',


> > probably has mild detoxing affect since most anti cholesterol

> medicine

> > seems to help to detox the liver, no reason to think that anti

> > cholesterol foods would also, however most probably mild compared


> > anti cholesterol medicines.

> >

> >


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Oh, okay Jackie!! It sounded like same story to me but in my case I

had not been into ivy or even into yard. Yes, rashes I have been

getting have been painful, burning rashes. However I haven't had any

since last September so maybe liver is recuperating. I'm glad yours

wasn't liver trouble and that your symptoms of NASH have disappeared!

It sure sounded the same. I didn't know poison ivy could last so



> Barb,

> Your rash looked so painful!!

> Mine was posion ivy as I had gotten into a huge batch while doing

> yard work at our house we moved in to escape the mold.

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