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Re: Type 1 inherited?

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Vicki wrote:

<< I am interested in talking with someone, maybe an RN, about diabetes in

children. I am getting married in a year, and my husband-to-be has type I

diabetes. >>

Good news, Vicki. While there is a strong tendency for type 2 diabetes genes

to run in families, that is not the case with type 1. Type 1 diabetes seems

to arise suddenly, from an autoimmune destruction of the beta cells in the

pancreas. It is widely believed that this " confusion " in the autoimmune

system arises after contact with some virus. Many type 1's can recall having

a serious viral illness within months of exhibiting signs of diabetes.

And congratulations on your impending marriage! I feel that people who have

toughed it out through major illnesses or traumas develop a heightened sense

of humanity, humor and grace, that makes them wonderful companions. You will

see the strong affection the folks in this group have for one another, and

we come from all corners of the globe.

I hope this has relieved your concerns.


[copy mailed to Vicki's email address as well]

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