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I would be interested in also joining the low carb group,I am pretty

comfortable with low carbing,I feel the best I have felt in ten years.

I do have another question,if you consider all these things would you say

there was any chance that I was a type 1 diabetic? When I was little,I was

constantly being fed food additives in an attempt to get me to grow,I was so

small. When I was 10 I had albumin in my urine. I had frequent urinary

infections, with blood in my urine. When I was pregnant with my son I gained

50pds and I craved water,I would also jump up in the middle of the night and

sleep walk all these things may be nothing but I just thought I'd put it out

to see what ya'll had to say

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, it seems science is only now considering that there may not be a

clear division between type 1's and type 2's. Like you, in looking back, I

see signs that the diabetes may have been with me all my life. Some type 2

diabetes seems to set in in middle age, and responds very well to weight

loss and exercise. Some type 2's report that once these changes are made,

they can again resume a high-carbohydrate diet. I think it depends on our

pancreas function. Dr. Bernstein estimates that by the time of diagnosis,

type 2's have lost 80% of beta cell function. That is amazing, if true. Type

2's with significant pancreas dysfunction would react very adversely to

carbohydrates. There may be such a thing as lifelong type 2, or an

autoimmune process that can strike very early in life but only cause partial

pancreas beta cell destruction,

There has been a wave of type 2 recently among US youngsters, but is this a

warning that something is spreading the autoimmune reaction that destroys

beta cells, or are these merely obese, sedentary youngsters whose bodies are

reaction to a high-calorie, high-carb diet? There has been talk that some of

the type 1 is due to our former practice of innoculating youngsters with

live cells. Some viruses are suspected of causing microchimerism of cells.

It has been discovered, e.g., that cells of babies are still circulating in

their mothers' bodies up to 17 years after delivery, and the theory is that

previous exposure to one of the viruses, such as herpesvirus or Epstein-Barr

(infectious mononucleosis), can cause a mother's immune system to suddenly

see these fetal cells as the enemy that must be rooted out. The body begins

attacking itself, trying to accomplish that. And that may be the reason that

in some autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple

sclerosis, and scleroderma, the incidence of women at or beyond childbearing

age compared to men is up to 20 times as great. We also all carry cells that

are foreign to our type. For instance, a Caucasian carries some foreign

Mongoloid cells. Normally, these cells are simply ignored by our bodies

because they are not part of " us. " But if exposure to Epstein-barr or

herpesvirus or another virus such as sackie causes microchimerism, these

foreign cells could suddenly be seen as foreign invaders, with the

autoimmune system producing the same unhappy disease spectrum.

Whatever is going on, I am one of those who believes that diabetes are, as

Bob says, spread along the continuum, ranging from mild type 2 that

sets in late in life and responds so well to weight loss and exercise that

the person is able to resume a high-carb diet, to severe type 1 that is

extremely difficult to manage, regardless of the level of care. Some type

2's suffer complications and degeneration, regardless of diet or weight loss

or exercise level. All we can do is work hard at it and hope we are among

the lucky ones. Now, with all that blahblah, to subscribe to the low-carb

diabetes mailing list, go to http://www.Lsoft.com click on CATALIST In

the next screen, click on SEARCH and type in LC-DIABETES Send an email to

the robot and type SUBSCRIBE in the body, plus your real name. The bot will

send you a confirmation letter. Return it, and then you will get a Welcome

letter, giving you instructions on sending bot commands. The first thing you

will want to do is change your subscription over to DIGEST form, so that you

only get about one mailing a day, containing anything from 5 to 20 posts.

If I were to ever quit the low-carbing, it would be a sign that I had become

self-destructive, because this way of life restored my health and gave me

hope. More power to all of us as we fight the 800-pound gorilla!

Susie :o)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Bill,

Be careful, because that glucatrol can make your BG go too LOW once you get on

the spiral of getting it down. That's what happened to me. It bottomed at 58

while at work, and I shook all over and walked like a drunk - and I don't

drink......... I took myself off the glucatrol, and now everything is ok. When

I finally checked with the doc - he said, 'that's ok, that is what I would have

done - taken you off it'..............

See ya



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So far everything has been ok...the lowest it has been is 85. I woke up at

2:30 and checked my BG then...it was 126. I've been bringing my meter to

work and testing every 3 hours while adjusting the dosage. After the 85 I

started bringing some glucose to work (I had gotten some samples when I went

to a diabetes education class.

I still plan to switch to Prandin or something. I read how Prandin works

and prefer it. I think the internest will say " since the 5 mg Glucotrol is

working, why change " . Of course I'll tell him that I don't want my beta

cells to stop making insulin which will happen because of the way Glucontrol

works. If he doesn't agree with me, he's fired...I have an appointment with

my primary care physican for a physical on Monday and will ask him about

switching to Prandin (he has Type 2 diabetes too). I think he'll say " talk

to the internest " . I have the appointment with the Endo but not until

August 30. I have an appointment with the internest on July 2.

Re: Question



>Hi Bill,


>Be careful, because that glucatrol can make your BG go too LOW once you get


>the spiral of getting it down. That's what happened to me. It bottomed at


>while at work, and I shook all over and walked like a drunk - and I don't

>drink......... I took myself off the glucatrol, and now everything is ok.


>I finally checked with the doc - he said, 'that's ok, that is what I would


>done - taken you off it'..............


>See ya




>Don't forget to visit http://www.frontporch.com/rvs/index.html for RVS fan


>rvsfans talkcity chat room, and instructions for the rvsfans mailing list.





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Beth, Bill.

Everybody reacts differently. I think Bill is better off complying with his doc

- opposed to experimenting with himself on this basis. So Bill, I suggest you

talk with your doc on what to do.

If you are new in diabetic treatment with high initial BG-values, you will feel

shakey, shiver and sweat coming down rapidly towards more normal values. This

will subside with time, as your receptors adjust to this new condition.

Hypoglycaemia is defined at 50 mg/dl ~2,75 mmol/l and lower.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----

Fra: Beth

Til: diabetes_intonelist <diabetes_intonelist>

Dato: 24. juni 1999 19:05

Emne: Re: Question



>Hi Bill,


>Be careful, because that glucatrol can make your BG go too LOW once you get on

>the spiral of getting it down. That's what happened to me. It bottomed at 58

>while at work, and I shook all over and walked like a drunk - and I don't

>drink......... I took myself off the glucatrol, and now everything is ok.


>I finally checked with the doc - he said, 'that's ok, that is what I would have

>done - taken you off it'..............


>See ya




>Don't forget to visit http://www.frontporch.com/rvs/index.html for RVS fan


>rvsfans talkcity chat room, and instructions for the rvsfans mailing list.





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Its not glucotrol which wear out your betacells, its the progression of your DM

Type-2, but it may accellerate this process. Most antiabetic pills have a

stimulating effect on the betacells, but mainly only initially in treatment.

The primary effect of most of these agents is the effect of reducing the

increased insulin-resistance of your body-cells.

I must admit, I personally have my reservations on the new Novo agent (pill)

which only is recommended as first agent in oral therapy of Type-2, as this

agent only stimulates insulin production of the betacells and has no effect on

insulin resistance.

DM Type-2 characteristics: Increased insulin resistance of the body - and a

relative lack of insulin, which slowly deteriorates over years. When genuine

insulin production capacity is down to around 20%, exogenous administered

insulin is indicated, like in DM Type-1.

To delay this process in DM Type-2, early diet/weightreduction and physical

exercise is crucial. If successfull, its possible to have a good life without

getting to the point where insulin therapy is needed, as its possible to have a

good life on insulin as well! Obesity at the point where insulin therapy may be

neccessary in a DM Type-2, is a complication, as quite high doses of insulin

will be needed to compensate for the extreme insulin resistance, which has

developed in such diabetics.


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I found taking 5 mg Glucotrol in the morning and 5 mg at night is best. So

far everything's been ok. My internist told me that I could increase to 5

mg twice a day if the testing was above 150 for a week, which it was. I've

had diabetes two years. In the beginning I was able to control it with diet

and exercise. Then I started Glucophage 500 mg around Jan 1999. It

elevated my liver function and the BG readings were still high. I still

prefer to try Prandin and will discuss that with my various doctors.

I'm still testing every 3 hours, so we (the internist and I) have some

numbers to look at.

Re: Question

>From: Metaforum-sson@... (Oluf sson)


>Beth, Bill.

>Everybody reacts differently. I think Bill is better off complying with

his doc - opposed to experimenting with himself on this basis. So Bill, I

suggest you talk with your doc on what to do.

>If you are new in diabetic treatment with high initial BG-values, you will

feel shakey, shiver and sweat coming down rapidly towards more normal

values. This will subside with time, as your receptors adjust to this new



>Hypoglycaemia is defined at 50 mg/dl ~2,75 mmol/l and lower.



>-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----

>Fra: Beth

>Til: diabetes_intonelist <diabetes_intonelist>

>Dato: 24. juni 1999 19:05

>Emne: Re: Question





>>Hi Bill,


>>Be careful, because that glucatrol can make your BG go too LOW once you

get on

>>the spiral of getting it down. That's what happened to me. It bottomed

at 58

>>while at work, and I shook all over and walked like a drunk - and I don't

>>drink......... I took myself off the glucatrol, and now everything is ok.


>>I finally checked with the doc - he said, 'that's ok, that is what I would


>>done - taken you off it'..............


>>See ya




>>Don't forget to visit http://www.frontporch.com/rvs/index.html for RVS fan


>>rvsfans talkcity chat room, and instructions for the rvsfans mailing list.





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That's good Bill, sounds like with all your daily checking you have it well

under control - you can't control your numbers, but if the glucatrol starts

making yours drop a lot - just watch out..... because mine steadily dropped

from 252 (which was what it was at the office when he diagnosed me), and the

last day I took the pill my test was 58 - each day was a fairly dramatic drop,

and so the pill just took it 'too far down'. They told me that my norm

(fasting) should be 60-120 however, I surely don't think I'd feel very normal,

at 60 - since 58 gave me symptoms of low sugar.

See ya



Don't forget to visit http://www.frontporch.com/rvs/index.html for RVS fan pics,

rvsfans talkcity chat room, and instructions for the rvsfans mailing list.

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Yes Oluf,

Everyone reacts differently obviously - or everyone would be able to control

theirs as I have - it took me less than a month to control it by diet only. I

am just telling Bill what I know was in my literature the dietician gave me - a

listing of the different medicines, and what they do - and side effects. And a

" side effect " or warning that came with glucatrol was that it can take the level

too low...

See ya



Don't forget to visit http://www.frontporch.com/rvs/index.html for RVS fan pics,

rvsfans talkcity chat room, and instructions for the rvsfans mailing list.

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Don't waste your time, money and life on a doctor who has no concern for your

well being! A lackadaisical attitude is a good sign that you need someone

else! Run, don't walk to that endo and if he/she is not really concerned, fire

him/her and get another one! I stuck with a bad doctor for too many years and I

blame him for a lot of my problems! (No, I blame ME! No one held a gun to my

head and made me keep seeing him!) Toni

Bill Eastman wrote:



> I talked to my Primary Care Physician (when I was there for a physical) and

> asked him about Prandin. He said Prandin was better, but often one must

> take it with each meal. Since the internest is the one that prescribed

> Glucotrol, he said that either the internest can switch me, or wait until I

> can see the Endocronologist (Aug 30).

> I see the internest again tomorrow. If he doesn't impress me more than he

> did the last time, it will be the last time I see him.


> Although I could switch Primary Care Physicans in Sept (open enrollment) and

> have the internest as my PCP, I prefer Dr. Bill and will stay with him.


> ---------------------------

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I just find it amazing that the doctors are so inadequate when it comes to

treating this illness, I tried for 9 years to be diagnosed and toward the end

I was becoming pretty blunt,I truly thought I was going to die before I found

someone that would tell me what was wrong with me and the doctors I left were

upset with me that I expressed my disagreement with them,they kept telling me

there was nothing serious wrong with me,yet I barely ate anything and I

became huge. I had heart papltations(sp). I asked one dr to do a stress test

on me because of my racing and pounding heart and he refused saying I wasn't

old enough to need it,I pointed to the show I had just seen on 20/20,still

wouldn't do it. I am sure most of you have stories that are similar. When

they finally did the 3 month reading on me I was only a 7 but I don't know

what I had been over the 9 years and I now know that I am very sensitive and

it doesn't require me going very high for me to start having symptoms,anybody

got an opinion on why that is?

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SRicha9391@... wrote:

> From: SRicha9391@...


> Hi Toni, I could not agree more!! I also had a very bad doctor. I had

> counsel from a nurse over the diabetes program here and she said " fire him "

> if you are not satisfied and getting well. I had so much anxiety


I got the same advice from the nurse in a hospital program I was in here in

North Texas! You wouldn't happen to be in Texas, would you? *hugs* Toni

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I liked San alot and when we moved I hated to leave all the friends I

had made there.All states have something nice about them,one of my favorite

things about Tx was that people told you yes or no, they didn't tell you they

had had to think about it

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Yes Toni, I was born and raised here. Never lived anywhere else. We had

talked at one time moving to the Carolinas when Mike was out of work one

year. But just could not leave family. Where in North Texas are you. We

have tons of family in East Texas (Dallas area). Shelia :)

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How cool!!!! We are neighbors. I am really enjoying this list. It is so

nice to check my email and see I am not alone in this disease and I have

somewhere I can go to talk. You guys are GREAT! Lots of hugs Shelia :)

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I have a brother in law (who I just happen to adore!) who lives in Garland,

TX. He just moved there from North Mesquite. He's been there for a while

now and really seems to like it. He and his wife Pat are really neat. Do

you ever go to Canton? Shelia :)

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Don't forget me! I'm in Arlington.

Robin G.



>There are lots more! Pete in in San , Jerry Boyd in East Texas


>Scarlett (maybe on this list) in Austin, others too! Toni


>Bill Eastman wrote:


> >

> >

> > I'm in Austin, Texas...grew up an Air Force Brat, then joined the Navy


> > 5 years). I was born in Watertown, New York. I'm half Italian (my Mom


> > born in the US, but both of her parents came over from Italy).

> >

> > That makes at least three of us in Texas.

> >

> > Re: Question

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >Are you a native? I am in North Texas...in Texas all my life, except

>for a

> > >couple of years in Alaska! Toni

> > >

> > >SRicha9391@... wrote:

> > >

> > >> From: SRicha9391@...

> > >>

> > >> Yes Toni, along the gulf coast. Beaumont TX... Shelia :)

> > >>

> > >> ---------------------------

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I lived in San prior to moving to Austin (got a job working with the

State). In fact my parents, brother and sister all live there (actually

parents and brother are in Universal City). I plan to move back to the San

area (maybe Seguin, Schertz, New Branfels, Converse, Universal City)

in 12 years when I retire from the State of Texas. If they change the

retirement laws and I can retire sooner, then I will. Currently retirement

laws are age + years of service = 80, or 10 years service and 60 years old.

I'll be 52 with 28 years service (including 5 years Navy time).

Re: Question

>From: VPolzin@...



>I lived in Tx(San and Witchita Falls) when ex husb in the Air


>My son was born at Wilford Hall in San .I codeveloped the Rape


>in San





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What the heck ... intro time ...

I have lived at the end of a private road, on a hilltop, in western North

Carolina, since 1986. I can see Mt. - at 6,681 feet, the tallest

mountain in the eastern U.S. I was born on the eastern shore of Lake

Michigan and spent my childhood in North Dakota and Minnesota. As a young

adult I lived briefly in Wyoming, Colorado, Florida and Texas, then spent

several years in Delaware and southeastern Pennsylvania before selecting the

Southern Appalachians as my permanent residence. I have traveled some, but

have not yet visited the Scandinavian countries, where so many of our

members hail from.


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Last November made 10 years that I've been in Austin. I live a 5 minute

walk from the HEB on North Lamar (between Rundberg and Rutland). The

Diamond Shamrock near the HEB is now HEB parking lot (they leveled the

building). Diamond Shamrock brought out Stop and Go so now the Stop and Go

on Rutland at Parkfield is now Diamond Shamrock. Western Auto changed to

Parts America and now that's changed to Parts Advantage (sign still needs to

be changed).

Re: Question


>> >

>> >

>> >Are you a native? I am in North Texas...in Texas all my life, except

for a

>> >couple of years in Alaska! Toni

>> >

>> >SRicha9391@... wrote:

>> >

>> >> From: SRicha9391@...

>> >>

>> >> Yes Toni, along the gulf coast. Beaumont TX... Shelia :)

>> >>

>> >> --------------------------- ONElist

Sponsor ----------------------------

>> >>

>> >> With more than 20 million e-mails exchanged daily...

>> >> http://www.onelist.com

>> >> ...ONElist is home to the liveliest discussions on the Internet!

>> >>


>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

>> >

>> >

>> >---------------------------

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Bill Eastman wrote:



> I lived in San prior to moving to Austin (got a job working with the

> State). In fact my parents, brother and sister all live there (actually

> parents and brother are in Universal City). I plan to move back to the

> <snip> I love the San area, too! Aw, Shucks! I'm just Texan through

> and through! But SA, Austin and Hill Country remain my favorites!

> Oh...Winberly! Toni

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Oh WOW That HEB was the first HEB I ever shopped in! We now have a really nice

one in Waxhachie (16 miles south of me) and I go down regularly to shop! The

prices are great. In 2000 they plan to build about 22 stores in the Dallas

area! Can't wait! Don't know why they waited so long! Toni

Bill Eastman wrote:



> Last November made 10 years that I've been in Austin. I live a 5 minute

> walk from the HEB on North Lamar (between Rundberg and Rutland). The

> Diamond Shamrock near the HEB is now HEB parking lot (they leveled the

> building). Diamond Shamrock brought out Stop and Go so now the Stop and Go

> on Rutland at Parkfield is now Diamond Shamrock. Western Auto changed to

> Parts America and now that's changed to Parts Advantage (sign still needs to

> be changed).


> Re: Question

> >>

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >Are you a native? I am in North Texas...in Texas all my life, except

> for a

> >> >couple of years in Alaska! Toni

> >> >

> >> >SRicha9391@... wrote:

> >> >

> >> >> From: SRicha9391@...

> >> >>

> >> >> Yes Toni, along the gulf coast. Beaumont TX... Shelia :)

> >> >>

> >> >> --------------------------- ONElist

> Sponsor ----------------------------

> >> >>

> >> >> With more than 20 million e-mails exchanged daily...

> >> >> http://www.onelist.com

> >> >> ...ONElist is home to the liveliest discussions on the Internet!

> >> >>

> >>

> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >---------------------------

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I am in Lancaster, just immediately south of Dallas. Dallas stops at I-20 and

Lancaster begins just a few miles down. The area inbetween in mostly

unincorporated. We are directly across the highway (I-35) from DeSoto. Toni

SRicha9391@... wrote:

> From: SRicha9391@...


> Yes Toni, I was born and raised here. Never lived anywhere else. We had

> talked at one time moving to the Carolinas when Mike was out of work one

> year. But just could not leave family. Where in North Texas are you. We

> have tons of family in East Texas (Dallas area). Shelia :)


> ---------------------------

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