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Re: abs&glutes/mighty 100 challenges

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i think that working out in the morning is generally advised because, during

the workout, you can burn fat that your body has stored all night while you

were inactive (sleeping). but really i think that any time that you can

get exercise into your schedule is a good time.


Carolyn in ONT Canada


> I was just reading an aol weight loss board & someone mentioned

> working out

> in the AM was better for her because it boosted her metabolism. I hadn't

> even thought of that. Is there a time of day that's better to work out?

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Nice to hear from ya Jenn! I'm sure you won't have any problems getting back on

track again:)


Re: abs & glutes/mighty 100 challenges

Hi guys... Sorry I've been MIA. Holidays had me crazy ( & LAZY). I'm back &

I think if I do the get ripped pink box with the floorwork, that'll count for

abs & glutes for now?? So count me in for that one. Also, I'm going to get

back on track tonight (if my back cooperates... I don't know what I did...

picked the baby up wrong or something but ouch!!) If it doesn't, I'll just

do as much as I can without killing myself :) So I'm in for the mighty 100

too. (Hope I'm not getting too late of a start).

I checked the scale this morning... I shouldn't have. I GAINED 3 lbs!! I

took a few days off tae bo & I didn't eat as well as I had been eating, but I

didn't eat THAT bad I didn't think. Part of me is hoping it's just muscle

gain & it's going to start burning the fat soon. Anytime now would be


More motivation to get back on track tonight I guess. Hope everyone had a

nice holiday :)


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That's a good way to look at it , however, when I used to workout at 4

a.m.... those were my best workouts!! I'm now just getting it in when I can :)

I beleive after you have stopped exercising your body continues to burn calories

for awhile..... It's beneficial any time you do it!


Re: abs & glutes/mighty 100 challenges

In a message dated 1/4/03 2:26:24 PM Pacific Standard Time, Jh9695@...


> >Interesting question. I don't know. I would have to think it does not

> >really matter, but that is just my fun guess. I better keep hoping my fun

> >guess is correct cause I don't think I'll ever be able to workout in the

> >mornings.

> >


> I'm hoping so too... just because I really don't want to...lol

> ~Jenn

Well, for those of us that don't like working out in the morning, I don't

think working out in the morning could ever be more beneficial, because our

hearts and mind would not be as into it, as they are later in the day.

Loves Formula One, Tae-Bo, Tennis, & Jewel's Music

" ...losing is not always a disaster. If you know how to lose, you can become

a great champion. " ~Mika Hakkinen (Luxembourg 1998)

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> We'll see if

> it's as bad as

> I've told myself it is...lol

it wont be...well, maybe just at first but billy will get you revved up, you

will see.

try sleeping in your workout clothes... at least have them all laid out

ready to put on... and have your water bottle in the fridge and the tape all

cued up. then when you wake up dont listen to any little voices that tell

you to go back to sleep or to forget the whole thing. no! dont listen to

them! ;)

and please dont tell yourself that it will be bad ;) tell yourself that it

will be fun and will make you feel great for the whole day!

-carolyn in ont canada

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In a message dated 1/4/03 5:58:57 PM Pacific Standard Time,

stcarolinem@... writes:


> Caroline, who doesn't want to take Sunday off from working out...man I got

> the taebo bug baaaad!


Yep! :-) I love having the Tae Bo bug and I don't want to lose it!

Loves Formula One, Tae-Bo, Tennis, & Jewel's Music

" ...losing is not always a disaster. If you know how to lose, you can become

a great champion. " ~Mika Hakkinen (Luxembourg 1998)

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In a message dated 1/4/03 1:40:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, Jh9695@...


> Is there a time of day that's better to work out?


I have heard mornings, but knowing me, if I missed a morning workout, I'd use

that as an excuse to skip my workout entirely that day. Whenever you can fit

it into your schedule and make it a habit is the right time for you :)

:) who is so glad to see Jenn back!!!

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> Whenever you can fit

> it into your schedule and make it a habit is the right time for

you :)

I meant to comment on thise before, but I agree with ! The

best time to do a workout is whenever you can get it in! If you are

not a morning person, then there is no reason to force yourself into

getting up to do a workout! Because realistically that won't last

for you.....if you hate it, you definitely won't continue to do it.

Although, I will say that morning workouts are something that have to

grow on you...LOL. I don't think any of us LOVED morning workouts

when we first started. It takes a few days to get used to doing it,

but once you get over that first week or so, your body gets used to

it and it really is a great way to start your day :) But, if you

aren't a morning person and you know you will not enjoy working out

in the morning, then just do your workout whenever you can :) There

are so many theories out there that change by the minute...but I say

a workout any time of the day is a good thing :)

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In a message dated 1/5/2003 5:06:56 AM Pacific Standard Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:

> :) who is so glad to see Jenn back!!!



Thanks :) I fell off for a couple days again though :/ Not totally... I

did get on the bike as much as possible, but tae bo just didn't fit in the

last 3 days.

My son's had a fever since last night & I'm thankful that's all it is... but

fevers make me soooo nervous. Not sure if I'm going to fit in a workout

tonight or just go to bed in case I'm up at 3 am when his motrin wears off :/

If I do take a day off again though.... back at it tomorrow morning ;)


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In a message dated 1/5/2003 2:03:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,

taebogymmie@... writes:

> Oochie on your back. Hope it's feeling better soon.



Thanks... Much better. Now there's a virus or something running rampant in

my house!!

This is the first time anybody's been sick since I've had the baby. Paranoid

much?? lol


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In a message dated 1/6/2003 11:06:56 AM Pacific Standard Time,

kerriellen@... writes:

> Jenn,

> Welcome back. I checked the scale this morning too

> and I've gained 4 pounds. I know mine is NOT muscle

> since I only exercised sporadically over the holidays

> and ate terribly. I hope your's is muscle :0).

> Either way, we'll be back in the tae-bo and fat

> burning zone before we know it!


> Kerri


Hi Kerri :)

Mine probably wasn't muscle either. No more scale until Feb at least &

back in the swing of things tomorrow if not tonight :)


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In a message dated 1/7/2003 6:29:50 AM Pacific Standard Time,

bstella0613@... writes:

> Jenn,


> Glad to see you back. I'm sorry to hear that you hurt yourself. I hope it

> starts

> feeling better soon. Good luck on your challenges, I'm sure you'll do

> great...


> Bev


Thanks. My back was feeling better off & on that same day. Must have slept

on it weird or something. I still got a workout in (THAT day anyway...lol)


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In a message dated 1/9/2003 7:09:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, Jh9695@...


> Thanks... Much better. Now there's a virus or something running rampant in


> my house!!


Glad to hear :o)!!!!!!!! Hope everyone is able to stay healthy.

Sandie, Tae and Bo :o)!!!!!!!!!

" One day at a time, no guilt and move on " ....Dotti

Today is " Monday "

Breaking Free in 2K3

Week of 1/5 Goals

Stay within points

Wednesday Abs Challenge

128 oz. Water


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