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Re: Allard - Blue Rocker AFOs

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I am currently wearing the " Blue Rocker " AFOs from Allard. I am 46

years old and have been wearing AFOs for 10 years. I was wearing

spring loaded metal AFOs from Hanger, made by Oregon Orthotics. I

needed and still need a brace that is for more severe ankle

instability and foot drop.

I also have severe foot rollover on my right foot and have had triple

arthrodesis (ankle fusion) on both feet. It was time for me to get new braces

and I read about the Helios braces from the group and the Blue Rockers from the

HNF site.

I decided to do some research into these new " energy return " type

braces before settling for another pair of my spring loaded metal

braces and am very glad I did.

I sent a set of questions to, Allard, Custom Composites, Ossur and

Mitch Warner's Helios braces. I also had conversations with Mitch

regarding Helios. At first he was very helpful and told me that his

braces could fix all my problems and that I would have wonderful

success with them.

Since I knew that I would not be able to afford them and that Medicare would not

cover them, I asked him about his competition, e.g. Allard, Ossur, Custom

Composites at which point he became very rude and offensive and told me unless I

used his braces, I might well use any junk, and nothing would improve my


Needless to say I did not pursue his braces any further. The answers

I received from the other manufacturers, led me to decide on

the " Blue Rockers " . They seemed to be the best choice for me because

of my severe ankle instability and foot drop.

The Toe Offs that they make are for only mild to moderate ankle instability and

I felt that the Ossur braces, although I also liked them would be closer to the

Toe Offs and not offer me the stability I needed.

In consultation with my Phys/Med doctor, we went ahead with the Blue Rockers,

even though both her and my orthotist were concerned that I might need to add a

KAFO for my severe (knee) hyperextension. This problem was another reason why I

was looking for another type of brace.

I am pleased to say that the Blue Rockers have turned out to be the

best AFOs I have experienced. I used to walk " robotically " and

someone described me as looking like it was very difficult and

painful for me to " mechanically " lift one leg in front of the other.

I am now walking much better and more natural looking. I have

slightly more energy and can walk further distances than before

without fatiguing as quickly. The foot rollover issue has been

corrected with an orthotic adjustment to my shoes.

Extra benefits I have gained are a slightly better selection of shoe

possibilities, and I feel like I might even be developing (gasp!!) " calves " . A

friend of mine thought my legs are looking less " storky " and I feel like I have

more muscle. I am benefiting from the " energy return " concept that these type

of AFOs use.

I did not need to add a KAFO because my hyperextension problems have improved,

and my stability has improved as well. These new braces also feel as light as a

feather compared to the old " klunkers " that felt like I was dragging around a

ball and chain (lol). I am hoping this means they might feel " cooler " this

summer than the old ones.

When not wearing my braces I can now " walk " around my small apartment without

banging on walls and grabbing onto furniture etc. which I couldn't before.

However, as one of our members always says, I still need to be careful of those

blades of grass that grow in the carpet sometimes to trip you up (hehehe).

I just wanted to share my experience since Toe Offs have been

discussed lately. While I needed the " more aggressive " Blue Rocker

version, I am very pleased with this Allard product. I cannot stress

enough though that everyone is different and that research and

consultation regarding a choice is very important.

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Hi everyone, i posted yesterday but forgot to sign my post-------oops

sorry. I haven't posted since my introduction when I joined the group,

but read the posts regularly.

I'm Lukas.

(from Milwaukee)

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After reading this post, and being a big fan of the Helios braces, I thought

that I should reply.

First, I am very happy that you found braces that worked well for you, and that

are improving your quality of life.

I find it very difficult to believe that Mr. Warner made statements to you, that

you have listed. I asked Mr. Warner to review a videotape of a friend of mine,

with CMT.  She currently has braces, and uses a cane, and wheelchair for long


Mr. Warner reviewed her tape, at no charge, and spoke with her at length.  He

did not think that his braces would benefit her, with the amount of deformity

that had already set into her feet.  I knew the braces she had on were

terrible.  He did not say one negative thing about her braces, and he did

recommend alternative braces that she was able to find locally. He took much

time to help my friend, recommended braces other than his own, and did not

charge my friend one penny.



I am currently wearing the " Blue Rocker " AFOs from Allard. I am 46

years old and have been wearing AFOs for 10 years. I was wearing

spring loaded metal AFOs from Hanger, made by Oregon Orthotics. I

needed and still need a brace that is for more severe ankle

instability and foot drop.

I also have severe foot rollover on my right foot and have had triple

arthrodesis (ankle fusion) on both feet. It was time for me to get new braces

and I read about the Helios braces from the group and the Blue Rockers from the

HNF site.

I decided to do some research into these new " energy return " type

braces before settling for another pair of my spring loaded metal

braces and am very glad I did.

I sent a set of questions to, Allard, Custom Composites, Ossur and

Mitch Warner's Helios braces. I also had conversations with Mitch

regarding Helios. At first he was very helpful and told me that his

braces could fix all my problems and that I would have wonderful

success with them.

Since I knew that I would not be able to afford them and that Medicare would not

cover them, I asked him about his competition, e.g. Allard, Ossur, Custom

Composites at which point he became very rude and offensive and told me unless I

used his braces, I might well use any junk, and nothing would improve my


Needless to say I did not pursue his braces any further. The answers

I received from the other manufacturers, led me to decide on

the " Blue Rockers " . They seemed to be the best choice for me because

of my severe ankle instability and foot drop.

The Toe Offs that they make are for only mild to moderate ankle instability and

I felt that the Ossur braces, although I also liked them would be closer to the

Toe Offs and not offer me the stability I needed.

In consultation with my Phys/Med doctor, we went ahead with the Blue Rockers,

even though both her and my orthotist were concerned that I might need to add a

KAFO for my severe (knee) hyperextension. This problem was another reason why I

was looking for another type of brace.

I am pleased to say that the Blue Rockers have turned out to be the

best AFOs I have experienced. I used to walk " robotically " and

someone described me as looking like it was very difficult and

painful for me to " mechanically " lift one leg in front of the other.

I am now walking much better and more natural looking. I have

slightly more energy and can walk further distances than before

without fatiguing as quickly. The foot rollover issue has been

corrected with an orthotic adjustment to my shoes.

Extra benefits I have gained are a slightly better selection of shoe

possibilities, and I feel like I might even be developing (gasp!!) " calves " . A

friend of mine thought my legs are looking less " storky " and I feel like I have

more muscle. I am benefiting from the " energy return " concept that these type of

AFOs use.

I did not need to add a KAFO because my hyperextension problems have improved,

and my stability has improved as well. These new braces also feel as light as a

feather compared to the old " klunkers " that felt like I was dragging around a

ball and chain (lol). I am hoping this means they might feel " cooler " this

summer than the old ones.

When not wearing my braces I can now " walk " around my small apartment without

banging on walls and grabbing onto furniture etc. which I couldn't before.

However, as one of our members always says, I still need to be careful of those

blades of grass that grow in the carpet sometimes to trip you up (hehehe).

I just wanted to share my experience since Toe Offs have been

discussed lately. While I needed the " more aggressive " Blue Rocker

version, I am very pleased with this Allard product. I cannot stress

enough though that everyone is different and that research and

consultation regarding a choice is very important.

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