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Thank you so much Elias. I will look him up as soon

as I've moved out of here (sigh. once again).

There is another thing I could use some help with.

Are you well versed on how to find a " safe " home,

when you have to use the rental market? Can you give

me some guidelines on what to look for or watch out

for? I haven't had much luck, and it's getting kinda


Thank you,


--- E E <photoguys2003@...> wrote:

> Hi,

> THere is a doc 20 minutes north of san fransisco

> that has experience treating patients with mold

> exposure. His name and number is

> Dr Camp

> 415-383-9903

> His first appointment is $325 which is cheap

> compared to other mold Docs.


> Tell him Elias sent you.:) let me know if you need

> some more help. God Bless!!

> p.s. what type of mold were you exposed to?


> michalvictoria <michalvictoria@...> wrote:

> Folks,


> My last place developed mold. I moved in September,

> to a place that seemed " safe " , then as

> soon as the rains came, I started developing all the

> symptoms. And my hair is falling out

> again. With an air purifier and a dehumidifier it is

> better, but I know I have to move again.

> Because I have been ill for so long, I have been

> low-income, and have been living with mold

> for years and years-out of one frying pan into

> another fire!


> Here is my question: when renting, how can I be sure

> the next place will be " safe " ? Please

> keep in mind I am existing on disablility, and have

> to get a landlord to agree to take my Sec.

> 8.(thank god I'm charming :)

> What should I look for? What should be on my

> checklist?


> Secondly, can anyone recommend some " mold doctors? "

> I live in Northern California, but I'm

> willing to find a way to travel for the right

> doctor.


> PS-Just to head you off at the pass, I have no

> family or friends that are able to have me stay

> with them.







> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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Oh by the way, Elias, I never got so far as to have

the mold(s) I was exposed to analyzed. I was so sick

it was all I could do just to hold my mind together

while I was trying to get out.

I think the mold in one place I was living in was

black-that was the time I almost checked into a mental

hospital. I was hallucinating and paranoid. It was

awful. I was too low-income to afford places that

were kept up well, and it made it harder to move when

I needed too. It really should be crime-to take

advantage of those with less money by renting a place

that is not well built enough to offer a mold-free

environment. (or as mold-free as nature will allow)

--- E E <photoguys2003@...> wrote:

> Hi,

> THere is a doc 20 minutes north of san fransisco

> that has experience treating patients with mold

> exposure. His name and number is

> Dr Camp

> 415-383-9903

> His first appointment is $325 which is cheap

> compared to other mold Docs.


> Tell him Elias sent you.:) let me know if you need

> some more help. God Bless!!

> p.s. what type of mold were you exposed to?


> michalvictoria <michalvictoria@...> wrote:

> Folks,


> My last place developed mold. I moved in September,

> to a place that seemed " safe " , then as

> soon as the rains came, I started developing all the

> symptoms. And my hair is falling out

> again. With an air purifier and a dehumidifier it is

> better, but I know I have to move again.

> Because I have been ill for so long, I have been

> low-income, and have been living with mold

> for years and years-out of one frying pan into

> another fire!


> Here is my question: when renting, how can I be sure

> the next place will be " safe " ? Please

> keep in mind I am existing on disablility, and have

> to get a landlord to agree to take my Sec.

> 8.(thank god I'm charming :)

> What should I look for? What should be on my

> checklist?


> Secondly, can anyone recommend some " mold doctors? "

> I live in Northern California, but I'm

> willing to find a way to travel for the right

> doctor.


> PS-Just to head you off at the pass, I have no

> family or friends that are able to have me stay

> with them.







> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





Be a better friend, newshound, and

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OH wow!! This is weird and reminded me of an article I

read about a long time ago!! There was a house and the

owners kept getting a green mold. Some of the family

members were having bad mental issues and in and out

of mental hospitals. Come to find out to the newer

owners, years before, the previous owners were

arrested for growing mushrooms in the house, the kind

that people use as illegal drugs to get high. I never

linked the folks in the article with the mental

illness with the former owners illegal mushroom

growing..I just linked the green on the wall in the

story with mushrooms!! This is another reason why a

house in which an illegal activity took place, needs

to be documented for future tenants or owners...this

is a major reason why crack houses and meth labs need

to be torn down or burned..same for most houses with


--- Michal <michalvictoria@...> wrote:

> Oh by the way, Elias, I never got so far as to have

> the mold(s) I was exposed to analyzed. I was so

> sick

> it was all I could do just to hold my mind together

> while I was trying to get out.


> I think the mold in one place I was living in was

> black-that was the time I almost checked into a

> mental

> hospital. I was hallucinating and paranoid. It was

> awful. <SNIP>



Be a better friend, newshound, and

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  • 9 months later...

Hi Toni,

I am so sorry about your illness, and that you are feeling so scared

right now. I'm so glad you found the group.

I have not had a CD4 test. I did do a quick read-up on it just now

and it looks like people w/an over-load to their immune system will

have a low CD4 count. I think some of us already have underlying

health issues when we get our implants and we don't even know it -

that's what happened to me. Then after I got them my body just shut

down. My immune system just couldn't take anymore. This may be what

is happening to you. Or it could be that you were perfectly healthy

and your body is just out-right rejecting the implants. That could

also explain your immune system going crazy like that.

Fungal infections (thrush, yeast, candida) are pretty common for

women with implants. They are opportunistic organisms and when our

immune system is compromised they try to take over. That is one of

the chronic problems that I deal with, too. But since I got the

implants out, I feel like my body is stronger and my immune system is

working much better.

Don't worry, you can recover from this. I know how scary and

overwhelming it is. I was so afraid and depressed when I got really

sick. But there is hope! So, did you discuss your implants with

your doctor? If so, I'm sure he probably told you that wasn't the

problem. I don't know much about this, but if you have insurance and

your doctor will state that your implants could be making you sick,

you could get some coverage for the explant surgery. Other ladies

here might be better at helping you with that.

In the meantime, there are some things you can begin doing to get

better. First of all, I'd advise cutting out simple carbs and

sugar. And there are natural anti-fungals that work really well.

But don't combine them w/prescription anti-fungals, if you are taking

any. I take olive leaf and it does wonders for me. It even comes in

a spray that you could spray in your mouth to help w/the thrush. I

can let you know where to get it if you're interested. Beyond that,

a good probiotic would also help.

I'm sorry if this is too much information. There are some files in

the top left corner on this site that talk about diet and anti-

fungals if you want to learn more. And feel free to ask all the

questions you need, that's why we're here.

Don't be discouraged. There are many women who have been sick like

you, and even worse, and have completely recovered. I am on the road

to being totally well, myself. It takes time and some effort, but

you CAN get better.

Saying a prayer for you,



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Dear Toni,

Thank you for sharing with us your diffculties with your health since

you received your saline implants. It sounds like you got sick fairly

quickly, and had a reprieve....I am sorry you have now started to

struggle again and in full force! This is terrible news.

I am not sure what the CD4 blood count is about, but I had a low C3

complement. It was never fully explained to me, and to my knowledge,

has never returned to normal. I have healed, however, and it was not

through the help of doctors...I found that they don't really know what

the heck is going on. I avoid doctors for the most part, because I

don't believe that the drugs they want to give us are the answer. For

me, the answer was in natural healing and detoxing.

Toni, have you considered removing your implants as soon as possible?

Please let us know how we can help you.



> Hello Everyone,

> My name is antonija (toni for short) and this is my first post to

> this message board. i got saline implants 4 1/2 years ago and a few

> weeks after i got them i suffered the following symptoms:


> -nausea

> -loss of appetite

> -dry gagging cough

> -exteme muscle/joint pain

> -burning sensation of my skin

> -thursh in the mouth

> -white lines in the inside of my cheeks and the sides of my tongue

> -canker sores

> -rashes on my chest

> -difficulty swallowing

> -acid feeling creeping up from the stomach into the throat

> -brusing easy

> -pale skin

> -shakiness

> -i get pink eye quite alot



> this symptoms lasted for around 4-5 months then subsided. I went from

> doctor to doctor and none of them had any answers all the tests came

> back perfect except for a low CD4 blood count. Has anyone else had

> any of these symptoms and also has anyone else ever had a CD4 count

> test done and it came out low? or had any other immune system cell

> tests done? Last tuesday all of the above symptoms returned full

> force after 4 1/2 years and i'm feeling very scared and alone..


> i look forward to hearing from you as I feel so alone, sick, and

> scared.


> sincerely,

> toni


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Hi Toni,

I was a quick reactor, too, and I had my implants removed after six


Here's the symptoms I shared with you:


loss of appetite

exteme muscle/joint pain

white lines in the inside of my cheeks >

acid feeling creeping up from the stomach into the throat

pale skin (my skin was actually a gray color)


I had other symptoms as well, sore swollen lymph nodes, digestive

issues, bulging veins in my fingers, pain in the side of my head,

neck pain, headaches, anxiety attacks, high blood pressure, numb

finger tips and toes, dizziness, blurry vision.



> >

> > Hello Everyone,

> > My name is antonija (toni for short) and this is my first post


> > this message board. i got saline implants 4 1/2 years ago and a


> > weeks after i got them i suffered the following symptoms:

> >

> > -nausea

> > -loss of appetite

> > -dry gagging cough

> > -exteme muscle/joint pain

> > -burning sensation of my skin

> > -thursh in the mouth

> > -white lines in the inside of my cheeks and the sides of my


> > -canker sores

> > -rashes on my chest

> > -difficulty swallowing

> > -acid feeling creeping up from the stomach into the throat

> > -brusing easy

> > -pale skin

> > -shakiness

> > -i get pink eye quite alot

> >

> >

> > this symptoms lasted for around 4-5 months then subsided. I went


> > doctor to doctor and none of them had any answers all the tests


> > back perfect except for a low CD4 blood count. Has anyone else


> > any of these symptoms and also has anyone else ever had a CD4


> > test done and it came out low? or had any other immune system


> > tests done? Last tuesday all of the above symptoms returned


> > force after 4 1/2 years and i'm feeling very scared and alone..

> >

> > i look forward to hearing from you as I feel so alone, sick, and

> > scared.

> >

> > sincerely,

> > toni

> >


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  • 9 months later...

Hi Psycho:


Welcome to our wonderful support group.  I am sure you will get lots of replies

to your letter.


First, I would definately see your Rheumy.  See what he suggests for pain, and

to get your flare under control.


My feet and ankles were hit the hardest with RA.  There were many days that I

could not stand or walk on them, as the pain was unbearable.  I also have a

large RA nodule on the outside of my right arch and it can be very painful.  I

went to a Podiatrist, and I bought 2 diff. shoe inserts.  One pair is for when

my feet are fine, and the second pair is for when my feet are very, very

painful.  They cost me $35.00 a pair and well for worth it.  The second pair is

made of a Tempur pedic foam and so very comfortable.  I also had to buy running

shoes instead of walkers.  He also had me buy one size larger, remove the

inserts that came with them, and insert my new ones.  They are truly wonderful

and my feet are very happy.  I had several brands of shoes to choose from, and I

love Rebok's best running shoes.  They cost about $75-79 a pair, but I went to

the outlet during a sale, and got 3 pairs for $99.00.  They are the most

comfortable shoes I have

ever owned.


I have been on Pred. daily for over 6 1/2 years.  My daily dose is 10 mg. but

can be higher in a bad flare.  My RA meds. are the max. doses each day: 

Sulfasalazine, Placquenil.  I inject. MTX each week, the dose is .80.  12 hours

later I take 2 Leucovorin pills.  I have diff. doses of pain meds, as well as

diff. types.  I take these when needed.




Sincel last Nov.  I have been in a medicine induced remission.  It has taken 6

years to achieve this.  How long it lasts I don't know, but I am very grateful

for this respite.

I hope my information helps you.  I have never been to a pain management center,

but I have heard it really is a great place to get help with pain.


Wishing you pain free days ahead.  It takes time to find the right " cocktail " of

meds. and I hope you find yours.  Hang in there.





From: psycho4chitown <psycho4chitown@...>

Subject: [ ] Help!

Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 12:37 AM


i am new to this group but need some solicited advice.

What works for pain??????? $64M question I know. I stopped going to my rheumy 2

yrs ago. I have an appt with him next week-if i keep it. We came to a standstill

at that point because I had tried it all and was either allergic to the meds or

they were not helpful even in various combinations. Now I would settle just for

pain relief.

I have been on prednisone for most of the last 20 yrs in one dose or another. i

can't get shots because they send me spiraling into deep depressions to the

point of suicidal thinking.

Just recently I have started having tremendous pain in my feet and ankles to

which nothing helps except to not stand or walk!! That doesn't work.

Any pain relief suggestions? And do you think it would be worth it to see the

rheumy or should I go to a pain mgmt clinic?


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  • 1 month later...

My son is currently eating a small piece of sourdough toast with the

slightest smear of butter and nitrite-free sausage for breakfast.

For lunch, nitrite-free hot dogs or a plain hamburger patty, carrot sticks

or apple slices, 8-10 small pretzels, sheep's milk or goat's milk cheese, a

little juice (no sugar added), maybe a fruit leather (the kind with 1-2

ingredients). I don't give him buns or condiments with his hot dogs or


For dinner, whatever meat selection we are eating (grilled chicken, fish,

steak or pork), carrot sticks, juice. Occasionally he will have taquitos or

fish sticks.

Very simple, and he tends to eat the same foods over and over because he

prefers them and it's easier for me.

All of his foods are preservative-free, dye-free, nitrite-free, no refined

sugar, no high fructose corn-syrup, dairy-free, and soy-free. He gets very

limited gluten and corn. I mostly shop at Trader Joe's and Costco.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 5:20 PM

Subject: Help!

I am sure this has been covered before but I am asking again. We are new to

the diet. We know the items we are NOT suppose to eat but we are having

trouble with the items we CAN eat. I realized Dr. G recommends eating cold

cereal in the morning. This just won't work for my son. What I am really

looking for is a simple meal plan just to get us started. Any help would be

so great!!

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  • 2 months later...


I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad. Only thing I can suggest is

something that a lot of people even yourself may be against. But, if you can't


any relief from the doctor's, what else are you going to do? I've been so

many times in pain and my doctors wouldn't give me anything any stronger

than Vicodin. I was begging for help and they wouldn't do anything. I was

minutes away from blowing myself away because the pain was so bad and I

just wanted to rid of it.

I ended up taking many peoples advice that I held off for the longest time

and tried marijuana. I didn't think it would help but it did help me go

to sleep for a while pain free. I couldn't believe it. So it is only a

suggestion to you from me. ONLY because there is nothing else I could think

of. I'm sorry if I offended anyone here. I just feel for you Doreen and

want you to be out of the pain, if not only for a little while.

Praying for pain free days for you,


From: Mimi <_mimi212@..._ (mailto:mimi212@...) >

Subject: [ ] HELP!

_ @groRA-SUPP_ (mailto: )

Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 11:18 AM

I guess putting that all in caps makes things look like a 911 situation,

but I don't think it is. This IS a question that I just don't know where

else to go with. I take MTX, Minocycline and Enbrel for my RA. I take

Neurontin for my Fibro.

I've had two surgeries in my right shoulder - one for a benign bone cyst

and the other to remove bone spurs from the head of the humerus bone in my

shoulder socket.

I've had several MRI's over the years for low back pain - nothing shows

with the exception of Degenerative Disc changes and mild scattered bony

degenerative changes. My Ortho said I am not a candidate for surgery.

I take 10/325mg of Percocet 3-4 times a day for pain. Today I added 400mg

(2) Advil to one of the Percs because the pain is so bad. Its not helping.

When I stand, the pain is so bad I can't hardly stand it. The pain covers a

wide section of my lower back from my tailbone up. If I stand too long

(>5mins), the burning, numbness and sometimes cold feeling on my skin takes

forever to ease up.

I guess what I'm asking for here is any suggestions. Prednisone doesn't

help and the last time I took it, I felt flushed and my heart felt like it

was doing flip flops in my chest. What and where to go from here?

I've not been around in a bit because of this. I feel like a whiner at

home as if everyone is sick and tired of hearing what is going on with me - as

if no one takes me seriously. The only relief I seem to get is by sleeping

- and sometimes I wonder if it is really sleep or have I just finally

passed out with the pain? My PC keeps focusing on my weight - she keeps talking

about taking me OFF the pain meds. My Rheumy doesn't seem to care either.

I've thought of going to the ER, but what are they going to do? I don't

think I could drive at this point and I don't have insurance, so an ambulance

is out of the question. I don't want to be a burden to anyone and its rare

that anyone comes over anymore anyway.

So, how do you handle your severe pain when nothing else seems to be

cutting it?? Thanks for reading my vent. I'm sorry to have made it so long.....

Doreen :(

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" I guess what I'm asking for here is any suggestions. Prednisone doesn't help

and the last time I took it, I felt flushed and my heart felt like it was doing

flip flops in my chest. What and where to go from here? "

That is what it does to me too. I can't take it. My suggestion would be

considering alternative therapies such as acupuncture and what not. Water

exercise is helpful for me. I know no one likes hearing it but really...

exercise does help with stiffness, pain, and improvement in quality of life. It

doesn't have to be high-impact.

~ Graves

[ ] HELP!

I guess putting that all in caps makes things look like a 911 situation,

but I don't think it is. This IS a question that I just don't know where else to

go with. I take MTX, Minocycline and Enbrel for my RA. I take Neurontin for my


I've had two surgeries in my right shoulder - one for a benign bone cyst and the

other to remove bone spurs from the head of the humerus bone in my shoulder


I've had several MRI's over the years for low back pain - nothing shows with the

exception of Degenerative Disc changes and mild scattered bony degenerative

changes. My Ortho said I am not a candidate for surgery.

I take 10/325mg of Percocet 3-4 times a day for pain. Today I added 400mg (2)

Advil to one of the Percs because the pain is so bad. Its not helping. When I

stand, the pain is so bad I can't hardly stand it. The pain covers a wide

section of my lower back from my tailbone up. If I stand too long (>5mins), the

burning, numbness and sometimes cold feeling on my skin takes forever to ease


I guess what I'm asking for here is any suggestions. Prednisone doesn't help and

the last time I took it, I felt flushed and my heart felt like it was doing flip

flops in my chest. What and where to go from here?

I've not been around in a bit because of this. I feel like a whiner at home as

if everyone is sick and tired of hearing what is going on with me - as if no one

takes me seriously. The only relief I seem to get is by sleeping - and sometimes

I wonder if it is really sleep or have I just finally passed out with the pain?

My PC keeps focusing on my weight - she keeps talking about taking me OFF the

pain meds. My Rheumy doesn't seem to care either. I've thought of going to the

ER, but what are they going to do? I don't think I could drive at this point and

I don't have insurance, so an ambulance is out of the question. I don't want to

be a burden to anyone and its rare that anyone comes over anymore anyway.

So, how do you handle your severe pain when nothing else seems to be cutting

it?? Thanks for reading my vent. I'm sorry to have made it so long.....

Doreen :(

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I'm sorry you are feeling this pain in your back. I too suffer from lower back

pain. It took about 11 years for any doctor to do an MRI. I was told it was just

muscles and to drop the weight. I would tell them when I first had problems I

was only 130 and it had nothing to do with the weight. I guess now that I'm WAY

over that weight it could be an issue but whatever. It is what it is. I'm not

dropping the weight so deal with me now and fix it. Lol. Anyway, they did find

that I too had degenerative disc. My father had this also. They are saying since

my dad had the exact thing I might have gotten it from him. It is rare that they

link it to a family history. I tried physical therapy, pain killers, anti

inflammatory pills, heat and ice, muscle relaxers, and steroid packs. Nothing

works. The steroid packs have helped when my back was completely out and could

not get out of bed. It helped me move again but the pain was still there. When I

was pregnant it went out and the only thing they gave me was T3. It was candy.

It didn't work. I can't stand for a long time or I feel the pain. I can't sit

long or I feel the pain. Now when I stand long I feel pain in the back of my

knees but I don't get the shooting pain down the legs. I find it helpful when I

wear my gym shoes in the house when I walk anywhere. I don't wear boots outside

unless I really have too. I bought a sleep numbers bed (select comfort) it has

helped out a lot. It cost is 3,000 when we finally completed the set. This bed

has been the best treatment for my back next to MOBIC. My hubby had a few

samples of Mobic so I thought I would try one and it helped so I went to my

doctor and told him what I did. He gave me the 3rd degree and then said good

find. Lol. I'm not sure what you can do to help your back but this is my

journey. I just wanted to let you know I'm right there with you. I don't think I

helped much but I do feel your pain. If I can help in anyway please let me know.


[ ] HELP!

I guess putting that all in caps makes things look like a 911 situation, but I

don't think it is. This IS a question that I just don't know where else to go

with. I take MTX, Minocycline and Enbrel for my RA. I take Neurontin for my


I've had two surgeries in my right shoulder - one for a benign bone cyst and the

other to remove bone spurs from the head of the humerus bone in my shoulder


I've had several MRI's over the years for low back pain - nothing shows with the

exception of Degenerative Disc changes and mild scattered bony degenerative

changes. My Ortho said I am not a candidate for surgery.

I take 10/325mg of Percocet 3-4 times a day for pain. Today I added 400mg (2)

Advil to one of the Percs because the pain is so bad. Its not helping. When I

stand, the pain is so bad I can't hardly stand it. The pain covers a wide

section of my lower back from my tailbone up. If I stand too long (>5mins), the

burning, numbness and sometimes cold feeling on my skin takes forever to ease


I guess what I'm asking for here is any suggestions. Prednisone doesn't help and

the last time I took it, I felt flushed and my heart felt like it was doing flip

flops in my chest. What and where to go from here?

I've not been around in a bit because of this. I feel like a whiner at home as

if everyone is sick and tired of hearing what is going on with me - as if no one

takes me seriously. The only relief I seem to get is by sleeping - and sometimes

I wonder if it is really sleep or have I just finally passed out with the pain?

My PC keeps focusing on my weight - she keeps talking about taking me OFF the

pain meds. My Rheumy doesn't seem to care either. I've thought of going to the

ER, but what are they going to do? I don't think I could drive at this point and

I don't have insurance, so an ambulance is out of the question. I don't want to

be a burden to anyone and its rare that anyone comes over anymore anyway.

So, how do you handle your severe pain when nothing else seems to be cutting

it?? Thanks for reading my vent. I'm sorry to have made it so long.....

Doreen :(

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I'm very sorry to hear that you are suffering so, Doreen. Give your

PCP or rheumatologist a call and ask for help. Tell him or her that

the pain is so severe that you are considering going to the ER.

Have you seen a pain management specialist?

Not an MD

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Mimi <mimi212@...> wrote:

> I guess putting that all in caps makes things look like a 911 situation, but I

don't think it is. This IS a question that I just don't know where else to go

with. I take MTX, Minocycline and Enbrel for my RA. I take Neurontin for my



> I've had two surgeries in my right shoulder - one for a benign bone cyst and

the other to remove bone spurs from the head of the humerus bone in my shoulder



> I've had several MRI's over the years for low back pain - nothing shows with

the exception of Degenerative Disc changes and mild scattered bony degenerative

changes. My Ortho said I am not a candidate for surgery.


> I take 10/325mg of Percocet 3-4 times a day for pain. Today I added 400mg (2)

Advil to one of the Percs because the pain is so bad. Its not helping. When I

stand, the pain is so bad I can't hardly stand it. The pain covers a wide

section of my lower back from my tailbone up. If I stand too long (>5mins), the

burning, numbness and sometimes cold feeling on my skin takes forever to ease



> I guess what I'm asking for here is any suggestions. Prednisone doesn't help

and the last time I took it, I felt flushed and my heart felt like it was doing

flip flops in my chest. What and where to go from here?


> I've not been around in a bit because of this. I feel like a whiner at home as

if everyone is sick and tired of hearing what is going on with me - as if no one

takes me seriously. The only relief I seem to get is by sleeping - and sometimes

I wonder if it is really sleep or have I just finally passed out with the pain?

My PC keeps focusing on my weight - she keeps talking about taking me OFF the

pain meds. My Rheumy doesn't seem to care either. I've thought of going to the

ER, but what are they going to do? I don't think I could drive at this point and

I don't have insurance, so an ambulance is out of the question. I don't want to

be a burden to anyone and its rare that anyone comes over anymore anyway.


> So, how do you handle your severe pain when nothing else seems to be cutting

it?? Thanks for reading my vent. I'm sorry to have made it so long.....


> Doreen  :(


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OMG Doreen, I feel awful that you are suffering so much with your back.  I wish

I had some answers for you or a solution.  The only thing I can tell you is a

girlfriend of mine has terrible back and leg pain, so her Dr. gave her a RX for

the strong pain patch.  This has worked wonders for her.  I don't know if you

have ever tried this or not.  Perhaps your PC or Rheumy needs to increase the

strength of your pain meds., or give you another type of pain meds., only much

stronger.  Having back problems is a living hell.


I am praying that you can get some much needed relief for your pain.  I think

you need to think about what your needs are, and not care what the family

says.  If things aren't bad enough for you, they make you feel like a

complainer, and that is not fair.  Heaven forbid if they had to walk in your

shoes each day.  I am sure that would be a different story indeed.  Please

don't worry about

what they think.  It is awful to feel so bad and not get the family support you

need.   Just let them think what they want.  They are truly lucky to not be

afflicted with this ugly disease.


Please keep me posted.  I just knew things were bad with you when you weren't

posting much.  Just remember Doreen, I am and the others too, are here for

you.  We alll care about you and your daily struggle.


I hope you can some much needed pain relief soon.




Your friend Barbara 

From: Mimi <mimi212@...>

Subject: [ ] HELP!

Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 11:18 AM


I guess putting that all in caps makes things look like a 911 situation, but I

don't think it is. This IS a question that I just don't know where else to go

with. I take MTX, Minocycline and Enbrel for my RA. I take Neurontin for my


I've had two surgeries in my right shoulder - one for a benign bone cyst and the

other to remove bone spurs from the head of the humerus bone in my shoulder


I've had several MRI's over the years for low back pain - nothing shows with the

exception of Degenerative Disc changes and mild scattered bony degenerative

changes. My Ortho said I am not a candidate for surgery.

I take 10/325mg of Percocet 3-4 times a day for pain. Today I added 400mg (2)

Advil to one of the Percs because the pain is so bad. Its not helping. When I

stand, the pain is so bad I can't hardly stand it. The pain covers a wide

section of my lower back from my tailbone up. If I stand too long (>5mins), the

burning, numbness and sometimes cold feeling on my skin takes forever to ease


I guess what I'm asking for here is any suggestions. Prednisone doesn't help and

the last time I took it, I felt flushed and my heart felt like it was doing flip

flops in my chest. What and where to go from here?

I've not been around in a bit because of this. I feel like a whiner at home as

if everyone is sick and tired of hearing what is going on with me - as if no one

takes me seriously. The only relief I seem to get is by sleeping - and sometimes

I wonder if it is really sleep or have I just finally passed out with the pain?

My PC keeps focusing on my weight - she keeps talking about taking me OFF the

pain meds. My Rheumy doesn't seem to care either. I've thought of going to the

ER, but what are they going to do? I don't think I could drive at this point and

I don't have insurance, so an ambulance is out of the question. I don't want to

be a burden to anyone and its rare that anyone comes over anymore anyway.

So, how do you handle your severe pain when nothing else seems to be cutting

it?? Thanks for reading my vent. I'm sorry to have made it so long.....

Doreen :(

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Hi :  I am of the school take whatever you need to to rid yourself of all

that pain and suffering. I am so appalled everytime I read that a Rheumy refuses

to help their suffering patients.  Where is their charity?  Why be a doctor if

they refuse to help those who need help with pain?  I will never understand


Hope you are feeling good .  It was 28 here all night!  Frozen water pipes

this morning.  Imagine, southwest Florida is like being in the Caribbean.  I

am anxious for this cold to leave.  Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!




From: " Normsgrl@... " <Normsgrl@...>

Sent: Tue, January 12, 2010 2:02:26 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: HELP!



I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad. Only thing I can suggest is

something that a lot of people even yourself may be against. But, if you can't


any relief from the doctor's, what else are you going to do? I've been so

many times in pain and my doctors wouldn't give me anything any stronger

than Vicodin. I was begging for help and they wouldn't do anything. I was

minutes away from blowing myself away because the pain was so bad and I

just wanted to rid of it.

I ended up taking many peoples advice that I held off for the longest time

and tried marijuana. I didn't think it would help but it did help me go

to sleep for a while pain free. I couldn't believe it. So it is only a

suggestion to you from me. ONLY because there is nothing else I could think

of. I'm sorry if I offended anyone here. I just feel for you Doreen and

want you to be out of the pain, if not only for a little while.

Praying for pain free days for you,


From: Mimi <_mimi212cfl (DOT) mimi21_ (mailto:mimi212cfl (DOT) rr.com) >

Subject: [ ] HELP!

_ @ groRA- SUPP_ (mailto: @gro ups.com)

Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 11:18 AM

I guess putting that all in caps makes things look like a 911 situation,

but I don't think it is. This IS a question that I just don't know where

else to go with. I take MTX, Minocycline and Enbrel for my RA. I take

Neurontin for my Fibro.

I've had two surgeries in my right shoulder - one for a benign bone cyst

and the other to remove bone spurs from the head of the humerus bone in my

shoulder socket.

I've had several MRI's over the years for low back pain - nothing shows

with the exception of Degenerative Disc changes and mild scattered bony

degenerative changes. My Ortho said I am not a candidate for surgery.

I take 10/325mg of Percocet 3-4 times a day for pain. Today I added 400mg

(2) Advil to one of the Percs because the pain is so bad. Its not helping.

When I stand, the pain is so bad I can't hardly stand it. The pain covers a

wide section of my lower back from my tailbone up. If I stand too long

(>5mins), the burning, numbness and sometimes cold feeling on my skin takes

forever to ease up.

I guess what I'm asking for here is any suggestions. Prednisone doesn't

help and the last time I took it, I felt flushed and my heart felt like it

was doing flip flops in my chest. What and where to go from here?

I've not been around in a bit because of this. I feel like a whiner at

home as if everyone is sick and tired of hearing what is going on with me - as

if no one takes me seriously. The only relief I seem to get is by sleeping

- and sometimes I wonder if it is really sleep or have I just finally

passed out with the pain? My PC keeps focusing on my weight - she keeps talking

about taking me OFF the pain meds. My Rheumy doesn't seem to care either.

I've thought of going to the ER, but what are they going to do? I don't

think I could drive at this point and I don't have insurance, so an ambulance

is out of the question. I don't want to be a burden to anyone and its rare

that anyone comes over anymore anyway.

So, how do you handle your severe pain when nothing else seems to be

cutting it?? Thanks for reading my vent. I'm sorry to have made it so long.....

Doreen :(

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- Water therapy feels wonderful! Unfortunately in my case, getting out

makes for serious problems as I have the RA really bad in the small bones of the

top of my right foot and the pain there is worse getting out of the pool. I've

thought about acupuncture, but I don't have insurance and it so sucks to be

limited in this way. Thank you for your suggestions.

Cheli - We had the Select Comfort bed and I loved it. Hubby was " convinced " that

it was making him feel worse and insisted that a water bed is what we needed to

go back to. So, we have a soft sided one. It definitely helps with the pressure

points, but I don't know if its any better than the Select Comfort was. Glad

you're getting relief with the Mobic. I can't take the anti-inflammatory's as

they tear up my stomach. Thank you for your input. Sounds like we're in the same


- I think pain management is going to be the way to go. I've been there

before, but when my insurance stopped, I couldn't afford to go and it was too

far away. My Ortho recommended a pain mgmt center close to home and I've spoken

with them. They know I don't have insurance and are willing to work with me.

None of the others would do that before, so that will probably be the next step

- IF I can afford it. Thanks for your input.

Barbara - I've never asked about a pain patch as I'm allergic to adhesives, so

I've just assumed that I wouldn't be able to use them. I'll try to ask my Rheumy

next month when I go in - the worst he can say is " no " . I am on the strongest

pain med that they are willing to put me on. My PC said no to being able to add

anything to it, so I think Pain Management really is going to be my only

alternative at this point. Thank you so much for your prayers and hugs.

Thanks ladies for your input - I kinda suspected pain management was going to be

my next route at this point and I appreciate your input in order to help me

figure it out - in case I was missing something. Its killing me to be at another

crossroads that is only going to cost more money than we have. I surely wish SSD

would hurry up and just approve my case already. It'll be 4 years in March since

I applied and I am just sick over the length of time they take these days. If I

could go back to work, I surely would. Then insurance wouldn't be an issue. But

this pain is never-ending and the fatigue overwhelms me within an hour or two of

getting up. That doesn't even count the brain fog, backward talking and jumbled

words when the fibro rears its ugly head.

I need to find my positive voice again. Right now everything feels rather bleak.

But, I'll survive and I know God is by my side through it all. Thanks again.....

Doreen :)

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LIKE " HELL " YEAH! DON'T KNOCK IT TILL U TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





[ ] HELP!

_ @ groRA- SUPP_ (mailto: @gro ups.com)

Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 11:18 AM

I guess putting that all in caps makes things look like a 911 situation,

but I don't think it is. This IS a question that I just don't know where

else to go with. I take MTX, Minocycline and Enbrel for my RA. I take

Neurontin for my Fibro.

I've had two surgeries in my right shoulder - one for a benign bone cyst

and the other to remove bone spurs from the head of the humerus bone in my

shoulder socket.

I've had several MRI's over the years for low back pain - nothing shows

with the exception of Degenerative Disc changes and mild scattered bony

degenerative changes. My Ortho said I am not a candidate for surgery.

I take 10/325mg of Percocet 3-4 times a day for pain. Today I added 400mg

(2) Advil to one of the Percs because the pain is so bad. Its not helping.

When I stand, the pain is so bad I can't hardly stand it. The pain covers a

wide section of my lower back from my tailbone up. If I stand too long

(>5mins), the burning, numbness and sometimes cold feeling on my skin takes

forever to ease up.

I guess what I'm asking for here is any suggestions. Prednisone doesn't

help and the last time I took it, I felt flushed and my heart felt like it

was doing flip flops in my chest. What and where to go from here?

I've not been around in a bit because of this. I feel like a whiner at

home as if everyone is sick and tired of hearing what is going on with me - as

if no one takes me seriously. The only relief I seem to get is by sleeping

- and sometimes I wonder if it is really sleep or have I just finally

passed out with the pain? My PC keeps focusing on my weight - she keeps talking

about taking me OFF the pain meds. My Rheumy doesn't seem to care either.

I've thought of going to the ER, but what are they going to do? I don't

think I could drive at this point and I don't have insurance, so an ambulance

is out of the question. I don't want to be a burden to anyone and its rare

that anyone comes over anymore anyway.

So, how do you handle your severe pain when nothing else seems to be

cutting it?? Thanks for reading my vent. I'm sorry to have made it so long.....

Doreen :(

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Thanks for the suggestion, . Believe me - I've considered it! The only thing

that holds me back is I've been smoke free for almost 4 years and I know the tar

content in marijuana is higher than cigarettes and I don't know of any other way

to take it as I'm not a tea drinker and I'm too heavy to be eating brownies all

the time.

I see my rheumy next month - we'll see what he has to say. I also have a number

for a local pain management clinic that WILL take self pay patients. I was blown

away at how many clinics would not take self-pay - it was ridiculous. So, I'll

see what they have to say - once I save up enough for the initial appointment.

Thanks for your help. You didn't offend me. Hope you're feeling better, too.....

Doreen :)


> Doreen,


> I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad. Only thing I can suggest is

> something that a lot of people even yourself may be against. But,

> if you can't get any relief from the doctor's, what else are you

> going to do? I've been so many times in pain and my doctors

> wouldn't give me anything any stronger than Vicodin. I was

> begging for help and they wouldn't do anything. I was minutes

> away from blowing myself away because the pain was so bad and I

> just wanted to rid of it.


> I ended up taking many peoples advice that I held off for the

> longest time and tried marijuana. I didn't think it would help

> but it did help me go to sleep for a while pain free. I couldn't

> believe it. So it is only a suggestion to you from me. ONLY

> because there is nothing else I could think of. I'm sorry if I

> offended anyone here. I just feel for you Doreen and

> want you to be out of the pain, if not only for a little while.


> Praying for pain free days for you,



> Michigan

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Dear Barbara,

Thank you so much for your support. I was so afraid I was going to be

bashed for that one! Your words are always so comforting whether it be to me

or anyone else. Thank you so much for being there!

And yes, I know what you mean about 20 something degree weather! I'm so

sorry to hear that your pipes were frozen. That is a real pain in the

butt! I do hope you have someone there to help you out.

It supposed to warm up into the 30's here for the next couple of days.

Yipee!!! a heat wave!

I'm very ready for spring already!



_Re: HELP! _

( /message/134533;_ylc=X3oDMTJyb2NzOHRjBF\



Posted by: " Barbara Creedon " _bcreedon@... _

(mailto:bcreedon@...?Subject= Re:%20HELP!) _bcreedon _


Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:15 pm (PST)

Hi : I am of the school take whatever you need to to rid yourself of

all that pain and suffering. I am so appalled everytime I read that a

Rheumy refuses to help their suffering patients. Where is their charity? Why

be a doctor if they refuse to help those who need help with pain? I will

never understand why.

Hope you are feeling good . It was 28 here all night! Frozen water

pipes this morning. Imagine, southwest Florida is like being in the

Caribbean. I am anxious for this cold to leave. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr B



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Hi :  Thanks for your kind words.  Yes, I live with my son and family, and

he called the man to fix our problem which he did.  Cold again last night, but

today was very warm and very sunny.  It felt good to have the sun on my body

and bones.  I loved it.


I know this has been a very cold winter everywhere.  Our cold is supposed to be

over in 2 days, and back to balmy 75 degree winter temperatures. 

Yipee!!!!!!!  Hate this cold.


Take care of yourself, and glad I was of help to you.  So many here have been

so helpful and supportive of me too.  That's why I love everyone here.  We are

not alone, and everyone here knows what we deal with day in and day out.





From: Normsgrl@... <Normsgrl@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: HELP!

Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 12:28 PM


Dear Barbara,

Thank you so much for your support. I was so afraid I was going to be

bashed for that one! Your words are always so comforting whether it be to me

or anyone else. Thank you so much for being there!

And yes, I know what you mean about 20 something degree weather! I'm so

sorry to hear that your pipes were frozen. That is a real pain in the

butt! I do hope you have someone there to help you out.

It supposed to warm up into the 30's here for the next couple of days.

Yipee!!! a heat wave!

I'm very ready for spring already!



_Re: HELP! _

(http://groups. / group/RA- SUPPORT/message/ 134533;_ylc=

X3oDMTJyb2NzOHRj BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1 BGdycElkAzEwMTQ3 OARncnBzcElkAzE3



Posted by: " Barbara Creedon " _bcreedon (DOT) com _

(mailto:bcreedon (DOT) com?Subject= Re:%20HELP!) _bcreedon _ (http://profiles.

/ bcreedon)

Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:15 pm (PST)

Hi : I am of the school take whatever you need to to rid yourself of

all that pain and suffering. I am so appalled everytime I read that a

Rheumy refuses to help their suffering patients. Where is their charity? Why

be a doctor if they refuse to help those who need help with pain? I will

never understand why.

Hope you are feeling good . It was 28 here all night! Frozen water

pipes this morning. Imagine, southwest Florida is like being in the

Caribbean. I am anxious for this cold to leave. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr B



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

For shoe tying we went to the book store and got a picture book with different

colored shoelaces on a picture of a shoe (i.e., the shoe was facing him

correctly) and then task analysed that. (Alternately, you could make your own

out of cardboard or maybe use a real shoe.) My son was in the 1% for fine motor

so our children must have had similar problems. My son learned to tie his shoe

(DTT style) in about 6 hours (spread out of course). Having said that, I don't

know if you need to beat your head on the wall about this thing...even though my

now 21 yr old can tie his shoes, he " slips " into his tennis shoes and sandals,

(yes, even the ones with straps), and wears flip-flops a lot. You might want to

drop this skill now and come back to it later if you are getting a lot

resistance from your previous attempts.

Lastly, there are always the velcro shoes.

Showering is harder: here is how I taught my son: 1) task analysis of steps to

take a complete and thorough bath and taught that for however long it took and

then 2) tape recorded myself shouting (to be heard over the shower) the steps.

Thus we went to me being with him every second to me standing outside the

bathroom door, listening to the tape recorder as well, and peeking to see how he

was doing. It was also quite funny to see my older daughter's boyfriend coming

to visit and having to pass the bathroom and hearing me shouting orders like a

drill seargant: " Dig! Dig! Dig! " (I will leave what I was talking about to your

imagination). He had to keep up with the tape recorder (remember, I recordered

each step so that he would have plenty of time to do it but not so long that

he'd have time to dilly-dally.) Also, my son is overweight...if yours is as

well, and in principle, I believe, food, after a certain age should not be a

reinforcer. Just my two cents...



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi ~

I highly suggest you contact Dr Kolb, she is

an awesome doctor. She has experienced it first hand,

and has developed protocols to help detox and everything.

I have copied her in my note to you, and here is her email

address. ( drkolb@... ) .

She is an excellent surgeon and has done surgery for many

of our girls.

Since you are pregnant, I feel you are best in her hands.

Hugs N Prayers


When the power of love

overcomes the love of power

the world will know peace.

~ Jimi Hendrix


Hi ladies! I've been reading over your posts and I'm soo happy I found a group of ladies that are here to support eachother!! I have soo many questions!!I did previously send a post regarding a good Las Vegas doctor to do my explant. However, I am 7 months pregnant barely making it day by day. It's very difficult as you all know. I know I'm going to have to wait a bit before I get explanted but was just trying to figure out some things I can do while I wait to help. For instance, I wanted to get tested to see if any chemicals can be found in my body. What sort of tests do I have done and who will do these tests? My regular physician is supportive of me getting my implants out but she just doesn't know how to test for the harmful effects of them. I would love to find a more knowedgable doctor but I'm in Las Vegas and haven't read about or heard about any doctor who knows about the effects of implants and I don't want to waist my time, money, and the little energ y I have on finding one. NEED HELP!

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Guest guest

Hi !

Fellow Las Vegan here! Actually I'm in , so I can help you find some

good docs. Actually, I wish I knew of a whole bunch of them, but in truth, I

don't. They simply are hard to find.

I have found that the best doctors to go to for help with detoxing and

understanding the dysfunction going on in the body are naturopathic doctors. I

had a great one a Diagnostic Center of Medicine, but she is leaving town! I was

so bummed to hear that she is moving to another state.

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Have you noticed any additional symptoms of

illness? By the way, what are your symptoms that caused you to search for our


We are here to help....just keep asking questions. I know how it feels to find

others who have been down this road. When I first got sick, I felt like I was

drowning in a big sea with nobody to save me. Then I found Ilena's support

group, and all the women helped me with my questions as best they could. I

started this support group for women with saline implants, and we've learned

lots! The best help you can get is the help you give yourself!

Doctors can be good for testing, but drugs are NOT the way to go. Detoxing can

be done at home safely and effectively for the most part. You'll be learning

stuff, so be patient! You've got some time until you give birth.

Will you be breast feeding at all?



> Hi ladies! I've been reading over your posts and I'm soo happy I found a group

of ladies that are here to support eachother!! I have soo many questions!!I did

previously send a post regarding a good Las Vegas doctor to do my explant.

However, I am 7 months pregnant barely making it day by day. It's very

difficult as you all know. I know I'm going to have to wait a bit before I get

explanted but was just trying to figure out some things I can do while I wait to

help. For instance, I wanted to get tested to see if any chemicals can be found

in my body. What sort of tests do I have done and who will do these tests? My

regular physician is supportive of me getting my implants out but she just

doesn't know how to test for the harmful effects of them. I would love to find

a more knowedgable doctor but I'm in Las Vegas and haven't read about or heard

about any doctor who knows about the effects of implants and I don't want to

waist my time, money, and the little energy I have on finding one. NEED HELP!


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  • 4 months later...

Hi ,   It is evident that you  & your doc are definitely on the wrong

path.  I am not a doctor, so I cannot prescribe what you should do   I can only

tell you what I did and recommend that you educate  yourself of all the

information re; " The antibiotic protocol. "   Google that up.  Also, get a book

from Amazon.com called, " The New Arthritis Breakthrough " , by Henry Scammell  I

don't know what area of the country you live in, but I suggest that once you

understand the protocol and know how it works, then find yourself a doctor who

is familiar with the protocol.  I don't know how you got my e:mail, but if you

post your questions on rheumatic ,   there will be a load of

people with like diseases who can help you through the process.  Many of them

have the same disease you were diagnosed with. 


Then make an  appointment with a new A/P (Antibiotic Protocol ) doctor, who will

re-evaluate you and help you get on the right path to wellness. The group has a

list of Doctors all over the country and can lead you to the right one nearest



Prednisone is a toxic, immune suppressant, steroidal antiinflammatory and should

only be used as a temporary relief to reduce the swelling and to start the body

towards the healing process  .It is dangerous for long term use and the side

effects could be deadly.  Long term use of the drug will lead to many

complications that you will have trouble recovering from and may never recover

from.  It shuts down the immune system,  attacks the bones and in some cases

people can become full blown diabetics.  


 The Peg, although it is a drastic measure)  is a good thing right now because

you are probably getting all the nutrition you need to stay strong.  Once on the

road to wellness, you can have it closed and go back to eating again.  That is

not a problem, but I am sure to you, not being able to eat and taste all the

wonderful food,  is a very depressing  right now.  You will need to see a good

gastroenterologist to have it removed and put you on the path to eating normally

again.  But first you have to address the cause of your diseases. 


We at the group site believe that these diseases are of infectious origin. 

So finding the source of infection is a must.  Then starting on a regimen of the

proper antibiotic and the proper use of the antibiotic would be the way to go. 

This is a long process and can take years to resolve.  It took me 5 years to go

into remission.  Had I gone on the steroidal path, I was told, I would have died

back in 2005.  It is well worth the sacrifices we make and it will be a long

road back to recovery but well worth every step. 


Step One:  Read all the information you can about the antibiotic protocol.


Step Two:  Start posting on the rheumatic site for all



Step Three:  Find yourself a doctor who is knowledgable re: Antibiotic Protocol.


Step Four:  Get weaned off the prednisone Slowly.  Rebound can be brutal.


Step Five:  Start the protocol as quickly as you can. 


Stay in touch and we wish you a good recovery.  Dolores


From: <jramierez3@...>

Subject: Help!


Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 1:57 PM

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: " " <jramierez3@...>

Date: Oct 16, 2010 4:27 PM

Subject: Help!

<rheumatic >

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: " " <jramierez3@...>

Date: Oct 14, 2010 8:52 PM

Subject: Hello andrea


My name is rafael ramirez I am 26 years old and I have DM. I have rashes on

elbows, knees, arms, and one knuckle. It took over month to diagnose me but was

given proper treatment (ivig and prednisone). They stopped prednisone and

continued ivig treatments every 3 weeks. My ck levels where at 42000 at one

point went down to 1200 over 2 months and just last week their up to 4000. They

just started me on presnisone 60mg this week due to my ck levels elevating. I

dont know if the 60mg prednisone got me weaker but once I told my doc about my

arms and standing being weaker they put me on 30mg prednisone and 10 mg

methrotrexate. This is my third month with DM.This disease affected my muscles

severely. I cant raise my arms,or neck when laying down, swallowing

problems(currently using a peg tube to eat), and cant  stand or walk without

assistance. I get physical ,occupational and speech therapy but are limited

since I'm can only do so much. I mainly want to get

my throat back so I can eat through my mouth. Will I ever walk or see any

results with prednisone? What type of therapy should I do to get my legs and

arms back? Im ready frustrated....

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