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My Son

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jan- i think btw means " by the way " .

my daughter's stress has been amped up too. i am wondering if these reasons you

list are the reason. there is alot of excitement and good times, since she is

graduating from 6th grade and all the hoopla that is bringing. she is happy to

know that she has little that she HAS to do this summer, so i don't know, i

don't get while she is so short tempered and stressed. i guess i am still

learning what makes her tick.


> > > >

> > > > My Son is seven years old and is a very bright funny all round good kid

> > > > but we are having the promblem at School of running away when angry and

fighting with the other children in his class when mad insted of just walking

away or using his words like we have been telling him since the start of the

school year

> > > > With only nine days left we been getting notes everyday and we Cleaned

out his room of toys and made go to bed early nothing is working

> > > > anyone have any ideas what works for them

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Sorry Jan, I am picking up the texting shorthands a lot lately. BTW stands for

By the way.


> > > >

> > > > My Son is seven years old and is a very bright funny all round good kid

> > > > but we are having the promblem at School of running away when angry and

fighting with the other children in his class when mad insted of just walking

away or using his words like we have been telling him since the start of the

school year

> > > > With only nine days left we been getting notes everyday and we Cleaned

out his room of toys and made go to bed early nothing is working

> > > > anyone have any ideas what works for them

> > > >

> > >

> >


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  • 2 months later...

Rhonda please email me off line. I will give you my phone #

Devere & Winnifred Walcott

my son

I have a 15 year old with Aspergers. Hes been in and out of counsling, which

I find no help in. He talks only when he want to, so of course they can not know

what hes thinking! Hes been on medication in the past, but none at the moment.

The real problams are his moody and aggresssive behavivor at times, it concerns

and worries me. Does any one else have this sort of problams, is it normal for

this disorder?

I just need someone to talk to sometimes.


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Another list I'm on - one for twins - is talking about the same thing with

their typical 13-15 year olds - especially moody, but also slamming doors

and throwing things. They are thinking it's hormones.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 6:23 PM

Subject: my son

I have a 15 year old with Aspergers. Hes been in and out of counsling, which

I find no help in. He talks only when he want to, so of course they can not

know what hes thinking! Hes been on medication in the past, but none at the

moment. The real problams are his moody and aggresssive behavivor at times,

it concerns and worries me. Does any one else have this sort of problams, is

it normal for this disorder?

I just need someone to talk to sometimes.


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Rhonda, the aggression is definitely caused by a high level of testosterone.

I had the same issues with my daughter who was also very hairy at the age of 10

including a moustache! I dealt with it by giving her Saw Palmetto. There is no

protocol for this. I went very slowly (i.e 1 drop per day) increasing to only 5

drops per day. Be very careful if you try this because I believe this brought on

her periods.

My daughter also has issues with communication but I know, after testing, there

is dysregulation of the pre-frontal cortex. We are about to embark on

Neurofeedback to see if this helps.

Good luck!

From: lemmerhonda@...

Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 01:23:11 +0000

Subject: my son

I have a 15 year old with Aspergers. Hes been in and out of counsling, which I

find no help in. He talks only when he want to, so of course they can not know

what hes thinking! Hes been on medication in the past, but none at the moment.

The real problams are his moody and aggresssive behavivor at times, it concerns

and worries me. Does any one else have this sort of problams, is it normal for

this disorder?

I just need someone to talk to sometimes.



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  • 1 year later...

Hello Cathleen:

My son is 5 and was diagnosed with Aspergers.......I have been trying to find a local "support group" and a social group for my son too.......and am so interested in getting an Aspergers group togeter.......I live in San Diego too..........maybe we can meet up for coffee, etc.

Debbie (San Diego)

From: Cathleen <cathleen.veloria@...>Subject: ( ) My son Date: Saturday, September 11, 2010, 2:00 PM

Hello I am new to this forum and new to Aspergers. My son is 7 and has not been officially diagnosed, but meets almost all the criteria for it. He is having a tough time in school. He also has diagnosed ADHD and is on medication. He is a handful at home when not on his meds. What I desperately need is a support group for Aspergers in my area, San Diego. I need other parents advise and knowledge about this. Can anyone help me?

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> From: Cathleen <cathleen.veloria@...>

> Subject: ( ) My son


> Date: Saturday, September 11, 2010, 2:00 PM







> Hello I am new to this forum and new to Aspergers. My son is 7 and has not

been officially diagnosed, but meets almost all the criteria for it. He is

having a tough time in school. He also has diagnosed ADHD and is on medication.

He is a handful at home when not on his meds. What I desperately need is a

support group for Aspergers in my area, San Diego. I need other parents advise

and knowledge about this. Can anyone help me?


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  • 2 months later...


It looks like my son (4 yrs old) might have autism. He is in special education

through the school district, and they have brought it up. We have tried to get

an evaluation through a specialist of some kind, but his state insurance won't

cover it. I'm not sure what to do. Does anyone know who he should see or if

there is any financial support available?



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  • 2 months later...

Hi susanne, thankyou for your reply, No my Son isn't on anything at the moment, Iam making a diary of his reactions to certain stressors, I guess they need to see how he is responding to certain situations, We see the Dr in March so hopeing for some guidance then. It all seems very scary at the moment and a lot to take in, Its really helpful to hear other people have gone through similar things- and survived!! How old is your child/children? Have they ever been aggresive with you? If so how are you managing? thankyou again- .From: susanne hansen <s_hansen34@...> Sent: Mon, February 14, 2011 4:11:23 AMSubject: Re: ( ) my son

Hi and welcome to the group! Since your recent diagnosis, has your son been put on any medications yet? Is it something you'd consider? Most of us have AS kids that take medicaition for one thing or another. Most for anxiety. Meds are not the cure all, your son would still need other interventions, but they are a tool to help you and your son have a better quality of life.

Have you looked into ABA therapy or OT?

Just some of my thoughts...ne

From: kirkhamrachael <kirkhamrachael@...>Subject: ( ) my son Date: Saturday, February 12, 2011, 9:34 AM

Hi my name is and I'm very new to this, I dont really know what I'm doing, My 9yr old son was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome in Nov'10, but feel as though i've struggled with him for a long time, from being a todddler actually, giong for days out is a nightmare, he is so anxious about places he doesn't know, change to routine, stufff i'm sure you are all too familiar with?! The situation has got worse over the past 6mths, he has 'violent episodes' towards me and his older brother, its as though he cannot respond to a sitiution or deal with something rationally (which i guess goes for any child) so he lashes out instead, when we get to the bottom of it its because hes worried about something ie; a change in the school day, or a trip hes heard his class are going on, something trivial to anybody else but a massive ordeal to him, I really dont know how too handle these situations and its very upsetting, we see the peadiatrition next month so

am hoping for some answers onm management skills for us, but has anybody been in the same situation, and how did you handle it, Iknow every child is differnet and responds differently but Ihave to start somewhere! Thankyou.

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How old is your nephew? The Mystery Diagnosis I watched was about a baby who had Maple Syrup Urine Disease and they said that it is usually fatal early on (infancy) if it's not caught in time. They also said that all babies in the U.S. are now screened for it at birth before leaving the hospital. They said with this disease, the baby lacks an enzyme to break down those amino acids you mentioned. I wonder if there are severe cases and not-so-severe cases? This is very interesting!


From: Meaghan Larson <meaghanlarson@...> Sent: Mon, February 14, 2011 12:03:19 PMSubject: Re: ( ) my son

Yeah i know right ... i was floored when my sister told me about this.... and i never wanted to say anything to her because i didnt want to hurt her feelings , but i ALWAYS thought my nephew smelt different , i could never really put my finger on it tho , cuz its like it was regular body odor smell , it just smelt sweet , so it was very interesting to hear what she had discovered with his lab results and her own research! SHe is going to have him tested for it soon, so i will let you know what happens when i find out!! :)Meaghan

From: md l <dontblinkhs@...> Sent: Sun, February 13, 2011 1:03:37 PMSubject: Re: ( ) my son

That is interesting Meaghan.. I saw a Mystery Diagnosis on my DVR last night (but I didn't watch it yet) called "The Baby Who Smelled Like Pancakes". I'm going to have to watch it now!


From: Meaghan Larson <meaghanlarson@...> Sent: Sun, February 13, 2011 12:46:32 PMSubject: Re: ( ) my son

Dont know what all symptoms your son has but you could try removing leucine.( basically meats among to name just one food its in) ... my best friend did the gfcf diet on her son for years with some improvement but not alot , and one day when she looked over all of his tests and lab work for allergies , the number one thing that was very high was leucine, so she looked up the link between that and autism and discovered the disorder maple syrup urine disease, she had ALWAYS complained to the doctors that her son had a very strong smell in his urine and breath like maple syrup , even when he sweats you can smell it!! I too always noticed that! SO right now she is in the middle of doing the testings to see if he has maple syrup urine disease , if left untreated this disease causes neurological brain damage! Definetely not saying your son has this , but thought maybe it was a good topic to bring up with you guys, in my sisters son's case it makes A

LOT of sense that he may have this disease! But i know most states now test new borns for this disease when they are first born , because it can be dangerous if left on treated on a new born! SO maybe your son was already tested for that!?Anyway , sorry to change the topic a little , just wanted to share that with ya :)Meaghan

From: Abatangelo <stephanie.abatangelo@...> Sent: Sun, February 13, 2011 11:01:06 AMSubject: Re: ( ) my son

Thank you Misty-You seem so well versed on this topic. I appreciate you giving me direction!

From: md l <dontblinkhs@...> Sent: Sat, February 12, 2011 4:54:25 PMSubject: Re: ( ) my son

An allergist is not going to do the correct testing.. They will test for IgE-mediated allergies (anaphylactic-type allergies) and then only for the top 8 allergens and maybe some seasonal and household allergies just for good measure. My daughter was negative for all of those things.

Our kids are having an IgG-mediated response to gluten.. So you would need a blood test that looks for IgG antibodies. Allergists simply will not run these tests and even if they did, the lab would be inexpererienced and likely botch the entire test.

Celiac testing is also inaccurate as it looks for IgA antibodies.. And even if you have full blown celiac disease, the celiac tests usually do not detect it.. Many celiacs are IgA deficient! And anyway, most of our kids who are sensitive to gluten are non-celiac gluten intolerants, which means they are having an IgG response to gluten. They would never test positive on a celiac test no matter how many times you run it.

We tested through Great Plains Labs http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/ with great results.


From: Abatangelo <stephanie.abatangelo@...> Sent: Sat, February 12, 2011 2:13:04 PMSubject: Re: ( ) my son

I'm fighting my sons allergist to do food testing. He only wants to do the 8 most common allergy foods. We too removed all the gluten, casein and soy. He had been GF for some time but struggled with the casein because of the milk. Long story short, once we removed the casein he started sleeping! Going on 4 months now:)He still had crazy erratic behavior that we can't get a handle on. Last night his temper tantrum lasted almost 3 hours! I'm still exhausted from it. Any advice on the rages?

From: md l <dontblinkhs@...> Sent: Sat, February 12, 2011 8:31:33 AMSubject: Re: ( ) my son

My 7yr old daughter was extremely violent and aggressive until I took her off of gluten, casein, and soy. We first removed casein.. She stopped stimming and raging and climbing walls, running off, that sort of thing within 3 days.. Then we removed gluten.. We continued to see improvements in her behavior, eye contact, social interaction, etc. But she remained aggressive, impulsive, and just plain mean at times. So we went for the soy. As soon as I got all the soy out, her aggression completely went away. We were no longer being assaulted on a daily basis. She wasn't screaming and raging over the slightest change in routine or because her little brother pronounced a word wrong.. It was amazing!

We did do blood testing to confirm these food sensitivities before we removed them. She tested highly sensitive to all 3 foods and no others (we tested for 93 different foods).

Right now I feel like we are back to square one because her teacher gave her gluten 2 weeks ago (2 donuts!).. She has been a stimming, raging, screaming, aggressive mess ever since. She has developed her irrational fears again and her OCD has come back (even though she's on zoloft for her OCD!). It's been a nightmare 2 weeks for me. She hasn't acted like this since before I took her off of these foods over a year ago. She has been attacking us anytime things don't go her way. I truly have not seen these behaviors in over a year! She can no longer function at school so we have removed her and she is homeschooling again.

Let me know if you have any questions about any of this.


From: kirkhamrachael <kirkhamrachael@...> Sent: Fri, February 11, 2011 3:45:10 PMSubject: ( ) my son

Hi I,ve just joined this group in the hope of getting some advice from other parents who have a child with aspergers syndrome. My Son is 9 yrs old and was diagnosed with aspergers in Nov '10, although I knew from when he was little he acted differently to situations than my older son, for example, he hated crowds,loud noises, would only play with green toys, had an exeptionally good memory, and would and still will only eat foods that are bland, He panics over change, this ranges from changing class rooms to giong out for the day, I could go on forever, my problem and reason for joining this group is my Son is becoming very aggressive and even violent towards me and his brother, he seems to change from the loving funny little guy he is into a child Idon't recognise, he says terrible things and has started punching and kicking me, has anybody else experienced this with there child with aspergers or am Idealing with something else. Our peadiatrition has

referred us to a mental health team, and this has scared the life out of me, can anybody help.

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