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PARose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, what state do you live in?sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: yeah i know, i am not backing down, especially now with all the input i have had, i sending an update to u all look for it! Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs > wrote: Sorry he's sick....and it's his bday. Darn. You know the counselor and principal are crapping their pants right now. They know things should have been handled differntly. Stick to your guns. Robinsherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks I will, we had the talent show at school they( guidance counselor and principal) didn't even speak, but then i didn't go out of my way either, and they know i am disgusted to say the least, anyway it is going to work out, and the lady fromParent Education Network, told me what testing to reguest for , and said i need to file formal complaint w/ district and the department of education, i was on the phone a long time yesterday and so i feel great. Josh is sick today throwing up and it is his B'day i take

him to the dr at 9:00 Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs > wrote: Sherry. I'm so glad you feel better.....you can "hear' it in your "voice". That's awesome that you have someone directing and helping you with what to do. Keep at it. You may find yourself doubting, etc,,,,,but keep on. Robin sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the

problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what

they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child

grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher?

i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the

principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd

grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr

old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go

offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

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yes, we are shooting for tomorrow, he tried to take med earlier but only made him puke again, and so they are calling something different inSherry Lowry <flyballmom@...> wrote: aww poor JOSHUA, its bad enough being sick but on his Birthday :-( hopefully he gets better soon and can have a belated Birthday cake !! hugs Wags! Wags! Wags! Lowry "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." Author Ben From: superchick0770 Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 04:43:25 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) My son Thanks I will, we had the talent show at school they( guidance counselor and principal) didn't even speak, but then i didn't go out of my way either, and they know i am

disgusted to say the least, anyway it is going to work out, and the lady fromParent Education Network, told me what testing to reguest for , and said i need to file formal complaint w/ district and the department of education, i was on the phone a long time yesterday and so i feel great. Josh is sick today throwing up and it is his B'day i take him to the dr at 9:00 Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs > wrote: Sherry. I'm so glad you feel better.....you can "hear' it in your "voice". That's awesome that you have someone directing and helping you with what to do. Keep at it. You may find yourself doubting, etc,,,,,but keep on. Robin sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose

<beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a

'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate

with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I

don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause

more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Thanks Rose, i'll tell him you wish him well, he'll like that one of my online friends mentioned him, he does love attention, lol but don't we all? SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Hello Sherry, so sorry to hear Josh is feeling sick today. My kids had that stomach virus 3 weeks ago. It only lasted 1 full day with my son. (what a mess) . I hope it doesn't last long with him either. Gatorade

& ginger ale seemed to help. I bet the talent show was awesome !!..... but it would of been very inappropriate for anyone from the school to discuss personal concerns with you about your son at a talent show with so many people present. When you request the testing for you son, Please request it in writing, also, let them respond back to you in writing. I'm so glad to hear your going to file a formal complaint with the district....Yes!!! I hope and pray that things all work out and your son will feel comfortable going to school. I'm so sorry he has to experience the harassment that he did. I hope he feels a little better to celebrate his birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH !!! I'm glad your feeling better about this. Hugs Rose sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks I will, we had the talent show at school they( guidance counselor and principal) didn't even speak, but then i didn't go out of my way either, and they know i am disgusted to say the least, anyway it is going to work out, and the lady fromParent Education Network, told me what testing to reguest for , and said i need to file formal complaint w/ district and the department of education, i was on the phone a long time

yesterday and so i feel great. Josh is sick today throwing up and it is his B'day i take him to the dr at 9:00 Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs > wrote: Sherry. I'm so glad you feel better.....you can "hear' it in your "voice". That's awesome that you have someone directing and helping you with what to do. Keep at it. You may find yourself doubting, etc,,,,,but keep on. Robin sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me

to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the

school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher

to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a

note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if

you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not

worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does.

I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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That's great, yeah i wish they were more willing but, maybe soon they will realize that my son's issues are real not some fantasy you know? what happened w/ your son? i don't think i read a post on that. Sherry MacAllister <smacalli@...> wrote: Roxanna always mentions www.wrightslaw.com and I just looked up bullying, given

what happened to my son yesterday at school. There's some great info specifically about bullying if you follow this link http://www.wrightslaw.com/info/harassment.index.htm. I've printed out the IEP and bullying page personally and plan to take it with me to our emergency ARD meeting. My son's school is fully cooperating at this point though. Wish that could be the case for you too! ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am

too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend,

newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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It's nothing like what happened with your son, but my son was "heckled" by a large part of his science class on Wednesday and he started crying. I posted something on it Wednesday night, I think. I've got a call in to schedule an emergency ARD and I've spoken with both the school counselor and the science teacher. The science teacher contacted me today and said he talked to the class this morning and pointed out that other kids do the same things Dylan does but they only complain about Dylan. He's trying to get them to back off. I appreciate that he's looking out for Dylan. That's why I feel for you b/c I know you don't feel like that

about your son's teacher and as a mom, I know how hard that is. I worried about him all morning until I got the update from his science teacher.

Did you get the ecard we sent for 's birthday? Hope it put a smile on his face!

( ) My son

I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he

does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry

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Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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we got the message that said you sent a ecard, but it won't let me pull it up but i do so appreciate the thought, and i am sorry about your son as well, but am glad u have a teacher who cares that much, it does make a difference doesn't it? good luck with you son and the issue he is facing in school,Hugs to you both too, it is no fun seeing them hurt it is worse to see them go thru it then to have to face it ourselves isn't it? It breaks my heart and sometimes i want to yell at people what the "h" is wrong with u people , but then i would be just as ignorant as them. God bless we are thinking of you and your son, Sherry MacAllister <smacalli@...> wrote: It's nothing like what happened with your son, but my son was "heckled" by a large part of his science class on Wednesday and he started crying. I posted something on it Wednesday night, I think. I've got a call in to schedule an emergency ARD and I've spoken with both the school counselor and the science teacher. The science teacher contacted me today and said he talked to the class this morning and pointed out that other kids do the same things Dylan does but they only complain about Dylan. He's trying to get them to back off. I appreciate that he's looking out for Dylan. That's why I feel for you b/c I know

you don't feel like that about your son's teacher and as a mom, I know how hard that is. I worried about him all morning until I got the update from his science teacher. Did you get the ecard we sent for 's birthday? Hope it put a smile on his face! ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to

be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Sherry, How is your son feeling today? Rosesherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: we got the message that said you sent a ecard, but it won't let me pull it up but i do so appreciate the thought, and i am sorry about your son as well, but am glad u have a teacher who cares that much, it does make a difference doesn't it? good luck with you son and the issue he is facing in

school,Hugs to you both too, it is no fun seeing them hurt it is worse to see them go thru it then to have to face it ourselves isn't it? It breaks my heart and sometimes i want to yell at people what the "h" is wrong with u people , but then i would be just as ignorant as them. God bless we are thinking of you and your son, Sherry MacAllister <smacalli > wrote: It's nothing like what happened with your son, but my son was "heckled" by a large part of his science class on Wednesday and he started crying. I posted something on it Wednesday night, I think. I've got a call in to schedule an emergency ARD and I've spoken with both the school

counselor and the science teacher. The science teacher contacted me today and said he talked to the class this morning and pointed out that other kids do the same things Dylan does but they only complain about Dylan. He's trying to get them to back off. I appreciate that he's looking out for Dylan. That's why I feel for you b/c I know you don't feel like that about your son's teacher and as a mom, I know how hard that is. I worried about him all morning until I got the update from his science teacher. Did you get the ecard we sent for 's birthday? Hope it put a smile on his face! ----- Original

Message ----From: sherry burford <superchick0770 > Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 2:23:36 PMSubject: Re: ( ) My son That's great, yeah i wish they were more willing but, maybe soon they will realize that my son's issues are real not some fantasy you know? what happened w/ your son? i don't think i read a post on that. Sherry MacAllister <smacalli (DOT) com> wrote: Roxanna always mentions www.wrightslaw. com and I just looked up bullying, given what happened to my son yesterday

at school. There's some great info specifically about bullying if you follow this link http://www.wrightsl aw.com/info/ harassment. index.htm. I've printed out the IEP and bullying page personally and plan to take it with me to our emergency ARD meeting. My son's school is fully cooperating at this point though. Wish that could be the case for you too! ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this

school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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He is feeling alittle better, enough to be playing some now, but still running a fever off and on, I keep giving him motrin for the fever and it goes down for a little while i hope he will be better soon. Thanks for asking,SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, How is your son feeling today? Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 >

wrote: we got the message that said you sent a ecard, but it won't let me pull it up but i do so appreciate the thought, and i am sorry about your son as well, but am glad u have a teacher who cares that much, it does make a difference doesn't it? good luck with you son and the issue he is facing in school,Hugs to you both too, it is no fun seeing them hurt it is worse to see them go thru it then to have to face it ourselves isn't it? It breaks my heart and sometimes i want to yell at people what the "h" is wrong with u people , but then i would be just as ignorant as them. God bless we are thinking of you and your son, Sherry MacAllister <smacalli > wrote: It's nothing like what happened with your son, but my son was "heckled" by a large part of his science class on Wednesday and he started crying. I posted something on it Wednesday night, I think. I've got a call in to schedule an emergency ARD and I've spoken with both the school counselor and the science teacher. The science teacher contacted me today and said he talked to the class this morning and pointed out that other kids do the same things Dylan does but they only complain about Dylan. He's trying to get them to back off. I appreciate that he's looking out for Dylan. That's why I feel for you b/c I know you don't feel like that about your son's teacher and as a mom, I know how hard that is. I worried about him all morning until I got the update from his science teacher. Did you get the ecard we sent for 's birthday? Hope it put a smile on his face! ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on

the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after

the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Sherry, does he like to drink Gatorade? When my kids had high fever, I would alternate the Tylenol and Motrin. Wishing him well, Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: He is feeling alittle better, enough to be playing some now, but still running a fever off and on, I keep giving him motrin for the fever and it goes down for a little while i hope he

will be better soon. Thanks for asking,SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, How is your son feeling today? Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: we got the message that said you sent a ecard, but it won't let me pull it up but i do so appreciate the thought, and i am sorry about your son as well, but am glad u have a teacher who cares that much, it does make a difference doesn't it? good luck with you son and the issue he is facing in school,Hugs to you both too, it is no fun seeing them hurt it is worse to see them go thru

it then to have to face it ourselves isn't it? It breaks my heart and sometimes i want to yell at people what the "h" is wrong with u people , but then i would be just as ignorant as them. God bless we are thinking of you and your son, Sherry MacAllister <smacalli > wrote: It's nothing like what happened with your son, but my son was "heckled" by a large part of his science class on Wednesday and he started crying. I posted something on it Wednesday night, I think. I've got a call in to schedule an emergency ARD and I've spoken with both the school counselor and the science teacher. The science teacher contacted me today and said

he talked to the class this morning and pointed out that other kids do the same things Dylan does but they only complain about Dylan. He's trying to get them to back off. I appreciate that he's looking out for Dylan. That's why I feel for you b/c I know you don't feel like that about your son's teacher and as a mom, I know how hard that is. I worried about him all morning until I got the update from his science teacher. Did you get the ecard we sent for 's birthday? Hope it put a smile on his face! ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/

school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all

with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Yes, Rose he does, I didn't really think of gatorade while i was at the store, he wanted Ginger Ale, he is feeling better today, still coughing pretty rough sounding last night, but i am keeping my eye on him i may have to take him back to the dr. He has Asthma so i get worried faster w/ him coughing than i might otherwise. He doesn't know to tell me when he is having trouble or at least he never has in the past, we always only found out thru dr. checking his lungs or by him coughing until he pukes or just coughing and not stopping so he is pretty tricky even now at 10, i really wish he would express more in regards to things like this. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, does he like to drink Gatorade? When my kids had high fever, I would alternate the Tylenol and Motrin. Wishing him well, Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: He is feeling alittle better, enough to be playing some now, but still running a fever off and on, I keep giving him motrin for the fever and it goes down for a little while i hope he will be better soon. Thanks for asking,SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, How is your son feeling today? Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: we got the message that said you sent a ecard, but it won't let me pull it up but i do so appreciate the thought, and i am sorry about your son as well, but am glad u have a teacher who cares that much, it does make a difference doesn't it? good luck with you son and the issue he is facing in school,Hugs to you both too, it is no fun seeing them hurt it is worse to see them go thru it then to have to face it ourselves isn't it? It breaks my heart and sometimes i want to yell at people what the "h" is wrong with u people , but then i would be just

as ignorant as them. God bless we are thinking of you and your son, Sherry MacAllister <smacalli > wrote: It's nothing like what happened with your son, but my son was "heckled" by a large part of his science class on Wednesday and he started crying. I posted something on it Wednesday night, I think. I've got a call in to schedule an emergency ARD and I've spoken with both the school counselor and the science teacher. The science teacher contacted me today and said he talked to the class this morning and pointed out that other kids do the same things Dylan does but they only complain about Dylan. He's trying to

get them to back off. I appreciate that he's looking out for Dylan. That's why I feel for you b/c I know you don't feel like that about your son's teacher and as a mom, I know how hard that is. I worried about him all morning until I got the update from his science teacher. Did you get the ecard we sent for 's birthday? Hope it put a smile on his face! ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told

me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Sherry, you described my son to the " T ". He doesn't tell me either, if we catch 'that cough' from the beginning, its not as bad as letting it get to that point of coughing spasms. Now that my so is 10, I'm trying to get him to recognize that 'first' sign/cough, that he needs his albuteral. but he still needs me to ask first, is that - that cough, that you need your pump?. then he will say yes. I'm hoping if I kept doing this (questions or prompting) he'll catch on when he needs it. another thing I noticed is, he was out with a new respite worker, and when he got home, he went straight to the bathroom, each time. I asked her if he uses the bathroom when your out?. and she said no, he never ask. but when he gets home, he has to go so bad, he runs straight for the bathroom, that I can tell he has to go so so bad. But when he's out, he doesn't let anyone know he needs the

bathroom.sherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Yes, Rose he does, I didn't really think of gatorade while i was at the store, he wanted Ginger Ale, he is feeling better today, still coughing pretty rough sounding last night, but i am keeping my eye on him i may have to take him back to the dr. He has Asthma so i get worried faster w/ him coughing than i might otherwise. He doesn't know to tell me when he is having trouble or at least he never has in the past, we always only found out thru dr. checking his lungs or by him coughing

until he pukes or just coughing and not stopping so he is pretty tricky even now at 10, i really wish he would express more in regards to things like this. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, does he like to drink Gatorade? When my kids had high fever, I would alternate the Tylenol and Motrin. Wishing him well, Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: He is feeling alittle better, enough to be playing some now, but still running a fever off and on, I keep giving him motrin for the fever and it goes down for a

little while i hope he will be better soon. Thanks for asking,SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, How is your son feeling today? Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: we got the message that said you sent a ecard, but it won't let me pull it up but i do so appreciate the thought, and i am sorry about your son as well, but am glad u have a teacher who cares that much, it does make a difference doesn't it? good luck with you son and the issue he is facing in school,Hugs to you both too, it is no fun seeing them hurt it is

worse to see them go thru it then to have to face it ourselves isn't it? It breaks my heart and sometimes i want to yell at people what the "h" is wrong with u people , but then i would be just as ignorant as them. God bless we are thinking of you and your son, Sherry MacAllister <smacalli > wrote: It's nothing like what happened with your son, but my son was "heckled" by a large part of his science class on Wednesday and he started crying. I posted something on it Wednesday night, I think. I've got a call in to schedule an emergency ARD and I've spoken with both the school counselor and the science teacher. The science teacher

contacted me today and said he talked to the class this morning and pointed out that other kids do the same things Dylan does but they only complain about Dylan. He's trying to get them to back off. I appreciate that he's looking out for Dylan. That's why I feel for you b/c I know you don't feel like that about your son's teacher and as a mom, I know how hard that is. I worried about him all morning until I got the update from his science teacher. Did you get the ecard we sent for 's birthday? Hope it put a smile on his face! ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a

manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a

better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Rose, my son just has difficulty with asking for help in many different situations, i mean he will for some but most he won't, i don't know why, but i have told him repeatedly if u need help ask someone there is nothing wrong with needing and asking for help.I think another thing with the asthma is he hates having to take meds, all the time and the inhaler is just one more thing for him to have to take, it scares me, that he would refuse the meds when he needs it .SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, you described

my son to the " T ". He doesn't tell me either, if we catch 'that cough' from the beginning, its not as bad as letting it get to that point of coughing spasms. Now that my so is 10, I'm trying to get him to recognize that 'first' sign/cough, that he needs his albuteral. but he still needs me to ask first, is that - that cough, that you need your pump?. then he will say yes. I'm hoping if I kept doing this (questions or prompting) he'll catch on when he needs it. another thing I noticed is, he was out with a new respite worker, and when he got home, he went straight to the bathroom, each time. I asked her if he uses the bathroom when your out?. and she said no, he never ask. but when he gets home, he has to go so bad, he runs straight for the bathroom, that I can tell he has to go so so bad. But when he's out, he doesn't let anyone know he needs the bathroom.sherry burford

<superchick0770 > wrote: Yes, Rose he does, I didn't really think of gatorade while i was at the store, he wanted Ginger Ale, he is feeling better today, still coughing pretty rough sounding last night, but i am keeping my eye on him i may have to take him back to the dr. He has Asthma so i get worried faster w/ him coughing than i might otherwise. He doesn't know to tell me when he is having trouble or at least he never has in the past, we always only found out thru dr. checking his lungs or by him coughing until he pukes or just coughing and not stopping so he is pretty tricky even now at 10, i really wish he would express more in regards to things like this. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry,

does he like to drink Gatorade? When my kids had high fever, I would alternate the Tylenol and Motrin. Wishing him well, Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: He is feeling alittle better, enough to be playing some now, but still running a fever off and on, I keep giving him motrin for the fever and it goes down for a little while i hope he will be better soon. Thanks for asking,SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, How is

your son feeling today? Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: we got the message that said you sent a ecard, but it won't let me pull it up but i do so appreciate the thought, and i am sorry about your son as well, but am glad u have a teacher who cares that much, it does make a difference doesn't it? good luck with you son and the issue he is facing in school,Hugs to you both too, it is no fun seeing them hurt it is worse to see them go thru it then to have to face it ourselves isn't it? It breaks my heart and sometimes i want to yell at people what the "h" is wrong with u people , but then i would be just as ignorant as them. God bless we are thinking of you and your son, Sherry MacAllister <smacalli > wrote: It's nothing like what happened with your son, but my son was "heckled" by a large part of his science class on Wednesday and he started crying. I posted something on it Wednesday night, I think. I've got a call in to schedule an emergency ARD and I've spoken with both the school counselor and the science teacher. The science teacher contacted me today and said he talked to the class this morning and pointed out that other kids do the same things Dylan does but they only complain about Dylan. He's trying to get them to back off. I appreciate that he's looking out for Dylan. That's why I feel for you b/c I know you don't feel like that

about your son's teacher and as a mom, I know how hard that is. I worried about him all morning until I got the update from his science teacher. Did you get the ecard we sent for 's birthday? Hope it put a smile on his face! ( )

My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and

ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Only one suggestion, don't expect a regular pediatrician to understand aspergers. Not all of them are knowledgeable about it. Around here, it takes a psych doc to diagnose after a lot of evaluation and questionaires to everyone. Your doctor sounds like he's on the right track, to base some of his judgement on your preschool, since the teacher would fill out those evaluation forms anyway. So, in other words, don't discount anyone's opinion, all observations of your child will be helpful in the final analysis.

Just my personal experience and docs in your area might do it differently.

Deb S

On 4/14/08, ac1surf <ac1surf@...> wrote:

Hi, I joined this group in hopes of some insight. My son is 3 1/2 and hasnt been offically diagnosed. I have been reading a lot of info since I want to be educated about AS. We went to his doctor(who isnt a

peds) and he seems to basing his info on my sons preschool teacher's observations. We are waiting to see a ped for my son since they are so busy in our town. What tests should my son be taking to diagnose this

for sure? I read things and he has a lot of the symptoms. We are in the begining stages here. Ay info or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Guest guest

Thank you for your advice. This is all so new to us

and it is helpful that my Mother works with

Autistic/AS children as an aide. I am on a waiting

list for a pediatrician. Do you have a child with AS?

If, you dont mind me asking....:-)I live two hours

from Chicago so before we go see a developmental ped

or a ped neur,we are trying our options here. But I am

ready to do anything for my child since he is my

world! Thanks again!

--- Deborah <esmin42@...> wrote:

> Only one suggestion, don't expect a regular

> pediatrician to understand

> aspergers. Not all of them are knowledgeable about

> it. Around here, it takes

> a psych doc to diagnose after a lot of evaluation

> and questionaires to

> everyone. Your doctor sounds like he's on the right

> track, to base some of

> his judgement on your preschool, since the teacher

> would fill out those

> evaluation forms anyway. So, in other words, don't

> discount anyone's

> opinion, all observations of your child will be

> helpful in the final

> analysis.


> Just my personal experience and docs in your area

> might do it differently.

> Deb S



> On 4/14/08, ac1surf <ac1surf@...> wrote:

> >

> > Hi, I joined this group in hopes of some

> insight. My son is 3 1/2 and

> > hasnt been offically diagnosed. I have been

> reading a lot of info

> > since I want to be educated about AS. We went to

> his doctor(who isnt a

> > peds) and he seems to basing his info on my sons

> preschool teacher's

> > observations. We are waiting to see a ped for my

> son since they are so

> > busy in our town. What tests should my son be

> taking to diagnose this

> > for sure? I read things and he has a lot of the

> symptoms. We are in

> > the begining stages here. Ay info or suggestions

> would be greatly

> > appreciated. Thanks!

> >

> >

> >




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Guest guest

Thank you for all your info! I will look into all

this. I appreciate it!

--- Wallbank <w_wittmayer@...> wrote:

> In order to get a firm diagnosis for our son we took

> him first to a Developmental Pediatrician. She

> initially diagnosed him with ADHD. When he clearly

> showed other symptoms she tested him for ASD. Then

> she sent us to a Child Psychologist who specializes

> in Autism Spectrum Disorder. He took a series of

> tests which lasted 8 hours. 4 hours one day and 4

> hours the next. We also took him to a Child

> Psychiatrist. All 3 Dr.'s gave a diagnosis of

> Aspergers Syndrome. All 3 Dr.'s gave questionnaires

> to the school, home and their own observations.

> That's how they came up with a firm diagnosis for

> Aspergers. The Autism specialist was the one who

> really looked in depth and performed the detailed

> tests required for an AS diagnosis. Go through all

> the channels and see what the professionals have to

> say.






> ( ) My son


> Hi, I joined this group in hopes of some insight. My

> son is 3 1/2 and

> hasnt been offically diagnosed. I have been reading

> a lot of info

> since I want to be educated about AS. We went to his

> doctor(who isnt a

> peds) and he seems to basing his info on my sons

> preschool teacher's

> observations. We are waiting to see a ped for my son

> since they are so

> busy in our town. What tests should my son be taking

> to diagnose this

> for sure? I read things and he has a lot of the

> symptoms. We are in

> the begining stages here. Ay info or suggestions

> would be greatly

> appreciated. Thanks!






Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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Guest guest


Today I got my hands on some real good info. So, on my

lunch hour I am going to call. Its called Healy Clinic

and its operated by University of Iowa. We are in

Illinois and that about a 2.5 hour drive away. A

client of my office has a son with AS and that is

where they went. She had nothing but the best things

to say about this place. They do all the testing in

one day with all the professionals. I trust their

opinion so wish me luck with this!

Thanks for writing back.....it helps me!

--- Deborah <esmin42@...> wrote:

> My 18 year old son has aspergers. Around here our

> best bet for a firm

> diagnosis is to take him to Oregon Health Sciences

> University. BUT he has to

> get several recommends, they have to confirm his

> insurance and/or I pay

> $2000 plus for the testing. I found a second doctor

> that specializes but he

> usually only sees welfare, so getting in with actual

> insurance is difficult

> because of his agreements with the state I guess.


> Anyway, it sounds like your mother will be a great

> reviewer for

> signs/symptoms etc. I just remember having to fill

> out a horrible

> questionaire about 5 or 6 times, mostly because of

> different schools etc

> asking for them. If you can find someone that

> specifically specializes in

> aspergers, that's probably the best way to go but

> I'd guess there are so

> many that have been successful getting a diagnosis

> elsewhere. Here, it's the

> psych doc that has to do it and they have to have

> education/experience in

> aspergers to be willing (usually) to make the solid

> diagnosis. We are in an

> HMO that resists diagnosing for this so we

> practically had to pull teeth to

> get it done, even when they all knew what it was.


> I'm so happy for you though, sounds weird but at

> least you are checking this

> possibility out early on! We found out when my son

> was 15. We had NO CLUE.

> This is a great time to do positive changes for your

> child. My reading

> indicated that the earlier you could train them, the

> better off you are,

> because there are simple communication things you

> can work on right away.


> I'm at the other end of it, we just have to

> acknowledge he essentially has

> barriers to communication and a flash temper and

> learn to live with it and

> educate others. :) There's so much hope that I

> didn't have before.


> I'm no expert. There are many on this list that know

> soooooo much more.


> Good luck to you. I hope you are able to get in with

> the ped soon. :)

> Deb S



> On 4/14/08, andrea canas <ac1surf@...> wrote:

> >

> > Thank you for your advice. This is all so new to

> us

> > and it is helpful that my Mother works with

> > Autistic/AS children as an aide. I am on a waiting

> > list for a pediatrician. Do you have a child with

> AS?

> > If, you dont mind me asking....:-)I live two hours

> > from Chicago so before we go see a developmental

> ped

> > or a ped neur,we are trying our options here. But

> I am

> > ready to do anything for my child since he is my

> > world! Thanks again!

> >

> >

> > --- Deborah <esmin42@...

> <esmin42%40gmail.com>> wrote:

> >

> > > Only one suggestion, don't expect a regular

> > > pediatrician to understand

> > > aspergers. Not all of them are knowledgeable

> about

> > > it. Around here, it takes

> > > a psych doc to diagnose after a lot of

> evaluation

> > > and questionaires to

> > > everyone. Your doctor sounds like he's on the

> right

> > > track, to base some of

> > > his judgement on your preschool, since the

> teacher

> > > would fill out those

> > > evaluation forms anyway. So, in other words,

> don't

> > > discount anyone's

> > > opinion, all observations of your child will be

> > > helpful in the final

> > > analysis.

> > >

> > > Just my personal experience and docs in your

> area

> > > might do it differently.

> > > Deb S

> > >

> > >

> > > On 4/14/08, ac1surf <ac1surf@...

> <ac1surf%40>> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hi, I joined this group in hopes of some

> > > insight. My son is 3 1/2 and

> > > > hasnt been offically diagnosed. I have been

> > > reading a lot of info

> > > > since I want to be educated about AS. We went

> to

> > > his doctor(who isnt a

> > > > peds) and he seems to basing his info on my

> sons

> > > preschool teacher's

> > > > observations. We are waiting to see a ped for

> my

> > > son since they are so

> > > > busy in our town. What tests should my son be

> > > taking to diagnose this

> > > > for sure? I read things and he has a lot of

> the

> > > symptoms. We are in

> > > > the begining stages here. Ay info or

> suggestions

> > > would be greatly

> > > > appreciated. Thanks!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >



> > Be a better friend, newshound, and

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> >



> >

> >

> >




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Hi how do you find an autism specialist. I live in houston texa. anyone knows a good specialist thanksandrea canas <ac1surf@...> wrote: Thank you for all your info! I will look into allthis. I appreciate it!--- Wallbank <w_wittmayer > wrote:> In order to get a firm diagnosis for our son we took> him first to a Developmental Pediatrician. She> initially diagnosed him with ADHD. When he

clearly> showed other symptoms she tested him for ASD. Then> she sent us to a Child Psychologist who specializes> in Autism Spectrum Disorder. He took a series of> tests which lasted 8 hours. 4 hours one day and 4> hours the next. We also took him to a Child> Psychiatrist. All 3 Dr.'s gave a diagnosis of> Aspergers Syndrome. All 3 Dr.'s gave questionnaires> to the school, home and their own observations.> That's how they came up with a firm diagnosis for> Aspergers. The Autism specialist was the one who> really looked in depth and performed the detailed> tests required for an AS diagnosis. Go through all> the channels and see what the professionals have to> say. > > > > > > ( ) My son> > Hi, I joined this group in hopes of some insight. My> son is 3 1/2 and > hasnt been offically diagnosed. I have been reading> a lot of info > since I want to be educated about AS. We went to his> doctor(who isnt a> peds) and he seems to basing his info on my sons> preschool teacher's > observations. We are waiting to see a ped for my son> since they are so > busy in our town. What tests should my son be taking> to diagnose this > for sure? I read things and he has a lot of the> symptoms. We are in > the begining stages here. Ay info or suggestions> would be greatly > appreciated. Thanks!> > >

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I also live in the Houston area. What do you mean by “autism

specialist”? Once I know for sure what you are looking for maybe I can



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of aat

Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 5:05



Subject: Re: ( ) My



how do you find an autism specialist. I live in houston texa. anyone knows a good

specialist thanks

andrea canas

<ac1surf > wrote:

Thank you for all your info! I will look into all

this. I appreciate it!

--- Wallbank <w_wittmayer >


> In order to get a firm diagnosis for our son we took

> him first to a Developmental Pediatrician. She

> initially diagnosed him with ADHD. When he clearly

> showed other symptoms she tested him for ASD. Then

> she sent us to a Child Psychologist who specializes

> in Autism Spectrum Disorder. He took a series of

> tests which lasted 8 hours. 4 hours one day and 4

> hours the next. We also took him to a Child

> Psychiatrist. All 3 Dr.'s gave a diagnosis of

> Aspergers Syndrome. All 3 Dr.'s gave questionnaires

> to the school, home and their own observations.

> That's how they came up with a firm diagnosis for

> Aspergers. The Autism specialist was the one who

> really looked in depth and performed the detailed

> tests required for an AS diagnosis. Go through all

> the channels and see what the professionals have to

> say.






> ( ) My son


> Hi, I joined this group in hopes of some insight. My

> son is 3 1/2 and

> hasnt been offically diagnosed. I have been reading

> a lot of info

> since I want to be educated about AS. We went to his

> doctor(who isnt a

> peds) and he seems to basing his info on my sons

> preschool teacher's

> observations. We are waiting to see a ped for my son

> since they are so

> busy in our town. What tests should my son be taking

> to diagnose this

> for sure? I read things and he has a lot of the

> symptoms. We are in

> the begining stages here. Ay info or suggestions

> would be greatly

> appreciated. Thanks!





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Hi yes so much help. I have called texas Children's learning support center and they have a 2-3 month waiting list. any suggestions. What was the name of the psychiatrist? thanks so muchr_woman2 <me2ruth@...> wrote: >> I also live in the Houston area. What do you mean by "autismspecialist"?> Once I know for sure what

you are looking for maybe I can help.I missed part of this thread, but I live in the Houston area too, somaybe I can help. I don't know what an autism specialist istechnically, but in general it is someone with further training intheir field specifically for autism. One type of professional that can diagnose Asperger is aneuropsychologist who specializes in autism spectrum. We went to theLearning Support Center at Texas Children's. Another option wouldhave been the Autism Clinic at Texas Children's, where the diagnosingwould have been done by a psychiatrist, again with a specialty inautism. A neurologist would also work.We found out about where to go from our first private educationaldiagnostician, but you can also call around yourself. Other placesthat were mentioned to us as good places to go were the Monarch SchoolClinic and Memorial Hermann Children's Hospital.Hope this


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Not sure if someone has given an answer to this........

Our Autism Specialist is a Dr. of child psychology who specializes in Autism Spectrum Disorders/ADHD/ADD/PPD. He is the head of a practice in Woodstock, GA called "Reinforcement Unlimited." You can go to the website, under "Reinforcement Unlimited" to see how they help children and families of children with ASD. They offer parent classes, socialization classes, private therapy, and IEP advocates. We meet with our Dr. every 6 months. He will speak with us on how our son is doing. Then give us parenting advice. He also visits with our son and will make recommendations. He retests our son each year to see what progress has been made. Then of course he sits down with us at that time to go over the test results.

The thing that is wonderful about an autism specialist is that they know exactly which tests to perform in order to come up with a firm diagnosis. They know what yearly tests to give. It was one thing when the psychiatrist told us she felt he has Aspergers. It was another when the Developmental Pediatrician told us she felt there was a "high possibility" of Aspergers. It hit home when the autism specialist (Dr. Montgomery) told us that our son has Aspergers. He gave us a 30 page report on our son. Detailing every single test he gave our son and why he administered those tests. He performed 8 hours of evaluations. So, this was no small thing.

We found Dr. Montgomery through our son's pediatric developmental Dr.. She gave the referral. So, I would think any developmental pediatrician could give a recommendation for a specialist in your area. We are blessed that our specialist is 20 minutes from our home. However, I would drive 2-5 hours to see him if we had to. I feel it is that important.

My advice would be to ask your/a Pediatric Developmentalist to give a referral if you haven't already. If they say there is no one in the area. Ask where the nearest one is. See if it is possible to drive the distance.

Re: ( ) My son

>> I also live in the Houston area. What do you mean by "autismspecialist"?> Once I know for sure what you are looking for maybe I can help.I missed part of this thread, but I live in the Houston area too, somaybe I can help. I don't know what an autism specialist istechnically, but in general it is someone with further training intheir field specifically for autism. One type of professional that can diagnose Asperger is aneuropsychologist who specializes in autism spectrum. We went to theLearning Support Center at Texas Children's. Another option wouldhave been the Autism Clinic at Texas Children's, where the diagnosingwould have been done by a psychiatrist, again with

a specialty inautism. A neurologist would also work.We found out about where to go from our first private educationaldiagnostician, but you can also call around yourself. Other placesthat were mentioned to us as good places to go were the Monarch SchoolClinic and Memorial Hermann Children's Hospital.Hope this helps!Ruth

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Is he classified under IEP? It is so late in the school year

I realize but even so you can ask for a FBA, functional

behavioral assessment. Even without an IEP, A behaviorist would watch what is

happening to triggers these behaviors? The school

won't be able to set this up in 9 days. But it gets the ball

rolling that he has special needs.

The benefit is you want him treated as a classified student

and not a behavior problem.

Other options are guessing what is the triggers and what

would help. You would try to do a mini FBA by asking the

teacher what are the triggers. And if they are willing try

a few interventions.


In , " mandy " <pattypaige24@...> wrote:


> My Son is seven years old and is a very bright funny all round good kid

> but we are having the promblem at School of running away when angry and

fighting with the other children in his class when mad insted of just walking

away or using his words like we have been telling him since the start of the

school year

> With only nine days left we been getting notes everyday and we Cleaned out his

room of toys and made go to bed early nothing is working

> anyone have any ideas what works for them


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We had this problem when my son was in first and second grade. He would get

upset in Psy Ed and take off. The school solved the problem by having a teacher

or aide go with him to PE and if he started getting upset they would take him

out. Eventually they put him in a special adapted pe class once a week and

usually he only participates in the class pe once per week for part of the time.

It seems like you are looking at this from the perspective of how to dicipline

him at home to correct the problem. That is not going to work. He is not going

to be able to adjust impulsive behavior that is most likely a result of sensory

overload because he is punished several hours later. This is not a behavior

problem it is a symptom of his disorder. It needs to be handled at school. The

teachers should be monitoring him for what triggers the outbursts and prenting

them when possible. They should have a plan on what to do when a outburst

occcurs so that he can begin to learn the process of behavior modification. All

of this would be handled with an IEP.

I don't know what point you are at in the IEP/ special ed program but I think

that this is a great oppertunity for the school to begin dealing with your sons

needs more effectivly. When my son was in first grade we still did not have a

dx and while he did have an IEP we didn't have a really good idea of what was

going on. At that point we had a teacher that would continually call us or send

notes about what s was doing. There was always this sort of unspoken

" what are you(the parents) going to do about this " left hanging in the air.

Well what we did was get an evaluation and dx but we pretty much left the school

stuff up to the school. And between the principal (who got sick of getting

called by the teacher) and the special ed teacher they came up with a plan.

It is not uncommon for a teacher or even the school as a whole to try to put the

problem back on the parents really they need to get a plan together for how to

deal with him. If he doesn't have an IEP than he needs to be evaluated asap.

It is not to late to request one and get the process started. If he does have

an IEP than contact either the special ed teacher or pricipal and ask them what

they are doing to correct these problems.

Hope this helps.


> >

> > My Son is seven years old and is a very bright funny all round good kid

> > but we are having the promblem at School of running away when angry and

fighting with the other children in his class when mad insted of just walking

away or using his words like we have been telling him since the start of the

school year

> > With only nine days left we been getting notes everyday and we Cleaned out

his room of toys and made go to bed early nothing is working

> > anyone have any ideas what works for them

> >


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BTW, I forgot to mention that this time of year is very hard on my son. The

routine of school is all messed up as the teachers start doing more " fun " stuff

and wrap up the school year. My son has been having a lot more behavior

problems for the last couple of weeks. This is extremely common for him. It

will happen usually at the end of the school year and around

Thanksgiving/Christmas and Spring Break. I believe that it is a combination of

change in the routine an some additional sensory overload that causes him to be

stressed. The stress causes him to be more agressive.


> > >

> > > My Son is seven years old and is a very bright funny all round good kid

> > > but we are having the promblem at School of running away when angry and

fighting with the other children in his class when mad insted of just walking

away or using his words like we have been telling him since the start of the

school year

> > > With only nine days left we been getting notes everyday and we Cleaned out

his room of toys and made go to bed early nothing is working

> > > anyone have any ideas what works for them

> > >

> >


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Hi Mandy,

My response would first be: What is making your son so angry? Maybe he doesn't know what to do and the teacher needs to find out what the problem is. If someone is making him angry by taking something that is his. teasing him, etc.. Then the teacher or aid should be teaching your son the social skills on what to do next...maybe he should tell the teacher. or, tell the boy to stop bothering him, etc... With us, teaching my son at home is great. (roll play) He can repeat back word for word on what he should do but doesn't apply it because he wasn't taught in real life situations as it's happening. This is all under social skills. When my son was that age, I had asked the teachers to write down - 1) what happened just before he got angry, 2) how was he acting while he was angry 3). what did he do when he calmed down. ((before, during, and after)) This would prompt the

teacher to know what to look for. Maybe for now she can help your son out in step 1) before it gets to step 2). {if she didn't see step 1, then how can she accuse him of anything if she herself didn't get the whole picture on what happened.}

Also, it's the end of your school year and this also has a lot to do with being anxious, change of routine, etc...but maybe you can request your son having a social skills class for next year so he would know what to do - instead of getting angry.

As for the teachers writing notes to you each day. Are they always about - your son did " XYZ " and your son got angry, and your son ???? I'm sure he's not alone causing everything - takes two or more.

also, when he's acting like this in school - what does the teacher do? is she sending him to the principal, giving him a consequence? etc... In the past with us if my son did something in school and I didn't get the whole understanding on what happened and they gave him a consequence while in school. I wouldn't punish him again as soon as he got home. Also, with some kids, walking away doesn't always work and if he's in class sitting at his desk, he might think if I walk away - I'll get in trouble for leaving my seat....


From: mandy <pattypaige24@...> Sent: Monday, June 8, 2009 9:14:54 PMSubject: ( ) My Son

My Son is seven years old and is a very bright funny all round good kidbut we are having the promblem at School of running away when angry and fighting with the other children in his class when mad insted of just walking away or using his words like we have been telling him since the start of the school yearWith only nine days left we been getting notes everyday and we Cleaned out his room of toys and made go to bed early nothing is workinganyone have any ideas what works for them

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I don't know what BTW means...but you are 100% correct!!! School is ending...routine is changing...summer is coming...anxious ...overload...too much noise ..stimulus..maybe he is worried about the summer...what will he do??/ All kinds of things...he will miss the kids and his teachers. So all these changes are making him aggressive because he doesn't know how to handle his anxiety....


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: Vickie Boehnlein <baneline1@...>Subject: ( ) Re: My Son Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 10:29 AM

BTW, I forgot to mention that this time of year is very hard on my son. The routine of school is all messed up as the teachers start doing more "fun" stuff and wrap up the school year. My son has been having a lot more behavior problems for the last couple of weeks. This is extremely common for him. It will happen usually at the end of the school year and around Thanksgiving/ Christmas and Spring Break. I believe that it is a combination of change in the routine an some additional sensory overload that causes him to be stressed. The stress causes him to be more agressive.Vickie> > >> > > My Son is seven years old and is a very bright funny all round good kid> > > but we are having the

promblem at School of running away when angry and fighting with the other children in his class when mad insted of just walking away or using his words like we have been telling him since the start of the school year> > > With only nine days left we been getting notes everyday and we Cleaned out his room of toys and made go to bed early nothing is working> > > anyone have any ideas what works for them> > >> >>

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