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My Son

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Sherry, at this point, I think the teacher is aware of your concerns and others you contacted. I'm sure they approached her. I'm concerned why she hasn't approached you yet. (if it was all an Innocent accident)???? Hummmmm.. Rosesherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Yes, I could but i was worried about getting nasty with her, so i thoght with my frame of mind the last 2 days it would be better if i went to the counselor for like mediation type thing but she acted like it was too much

trouble for her to be bothered. Sherry MacAllister <smacalli > wrote: That has to be so frustrating! Can you cut out the middle "men" here and go straight to the teacher? Might be the quickest way to get some answers. Take a deep breath...this too shall pass. ( ) My son Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child

comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again, thanks again for listening! Sherry Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

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Been there, done that; my son was all kinds of behavioral issues and came back to public school from TREATMENT, ran from school, was suspended a day, kicked off the bus a day for behaviors, etc., and they STILL said he was wonderful, didn't need a behavioral plan, but he was even threatening to run from school (right before we pulled him and started home schooling), running out into the interstate (which is less than 1/4 a mile from the building), and kill himself (YEP----still didn't need one-----)...........so, it IS an up-hill battle. Like I told the SCHOOL'S LAWYER, I just keep documenting in writing my requests so when something happens, I had done everything I COULD, in hopes that another parent would blame the school and not us, as there was not ANYTHING ELSE we could do!!!! It STINKS but keep fighting, that is what we have to do; advocate, advocate, advocate....Ruthie Dolezal

From: superchick0770@...Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 17:09:59 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) My son

I'll ask the school about the Behavior plan, but they keep saying he isn't a behavior problem so i am not sure what u mean but will certainly ask. thank you Sherryppanda65aol wrote:

Sherry, you really need to put this back on the school. If the teacher is complaining about your son's behavior, they need to do a Functional Behavior Assessment and a Positive Behavior Plan. The Behavioral therapist should be able to give you more information about requesting this. That way your son is protected in the future. Schools generally have a policy of "what happens here stays here"...this is an opportunity for you to work proactively with the IEP Team to create a plan where your son is safe and getting the education he is entitled to. Pam :)

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Sadly, if all of this is taking place when you're there.........it hurts to think what takes place when you're not there. I worked at my sons, as well, and I got to see things that pushed me to pull him out even faster. I saw the real way my son felt at school. Not just seeing things done TO him, but saw his sadness and anger when I'd walk by his room. Broke my heart. So,,,,Kathy,,,,,,have things changed since you started working there? I hope so. Robin <katherin_carter@...> wrote: Dear Sherry, I know how you feel. I have a 9 y/o son and the kids would do horrible stuff to him, like throwing stuff,pushing him and calling him names. I started working at the school part-time and I see the horrible things they do to my son. i have incorporated the school psysholigist, teacher, social worker and principal. I put them all on notice, i'm there every day and if my son is teased or hurt in any way, I call them all to task for it. The school is supposed to keep him safe and healthy. I make documentation of all events and prsent them at the IEP. My son is being harrassed in P.E. and I want him removed. I will be getting a note from his doctor to that effect. I support you in your anger, be por-active and call a meeting, voice your concerns and choose a plan of action. Kathy

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Take a picture, too!!!Roxanna <madideas@...> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write

this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean,

any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk

left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other

and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Time to go to the teacher. It's ok to be upset and mad. You need to know what's going on. You went to who you thought you should go to andthey didn't help.PLEASE document every response. Take a pix of your sons' ear. Go to the principal and the spec ed teacher. GO TO THEM. DOn't call or email. I think in person,,,,you SEE their "feelings", too. Robinsherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Yes, I could but i was worried about

getting nasty with her, so i thoght with my frame of mind the last 2 days it would be better if i went to the counselor for like mediation type thing but she acted like it was too much trouble for her to be bothered. Sherry MacAllister <smacalli > wrote: That has to be so frustrating! Can you cut out the middle "men" here and go straight to the teacher? Might be the quickest way to get some answers. Take a deep breath...this too shall pass. ( ) My son Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher

isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again, thanks again for listening! Sherry Never miss a thing. Make your

homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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We did and I have a meeting w/ teacher to discuss what happened. Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs@...> wrote: Take a picture, too!!!Roxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would

also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would

laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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OMG Ruthie, I would have been terrified, I mean what is happening now isn't good, but my word, i wouldn't even dream of something like that. I am going to stay on them until i am satisifie that is getting what he needs there, but i just found out that next school term they are shutting the school down for repairs or something, but that doesn't help him now. SherryBRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123@...> wrote: Been there, done that; my son was all kinds of behavioral issues and came back to public school from TREATMENT, ran from school, was suspended

a day, kicked off the bus a day for behaviors, etc., and they STILL said he was wonderful, didn't need a behavioral plan, but he was even threatening to run from school (right before we pulled him and started home schooling), running out into the interstate (which is less than 1/4 a mile from the building), and kill himself (YEP----still didn't need one-----)...........so, it IS an up-hill battle. Like I told the SCHOOL'S LAWYER, I just keep documenting in writing my requests so when something happens, I had done everything I COULD, in hopes that another parent would blame the school and not us, as there was not ANYTHING ELSE we could do!!!! It STINKS but keep fighting, that is what we have to do; advocate, advocate, advocate....Ruthie Dolezal From: superchick0770 Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 17:09:59 -0800Subject: Re:

( ) My son I'll ask the school about the Behavior plan, but they keep saying he isn't a behavior problem so i am not sure what u mean but will certainly ask. thank you Sherryppanda65aol wrote: Sherry, you really need to put this back on the school. If the teacher is complaining about your son's behavior, they need to do a Functional Behavior Assessment and a Positive Behavior Plan. The Behavioral therapist should be able to give you more information about requesting this. That way your son is protected in the future. Schools generally have a policy of "what happens here stays here"...this is an opportunity for you to work proactively with the IEP Team to create a plan where your son is safe and getting the education

he is entitled to. Pam :) Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Yeah nice thought huh? Why didn't she callme the same dau tp ;et ,e know what was going on or even send a note, imean when he got here we were shocked how bad his little ear looked even TSS wondered what was going on? SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, at this point, I think the teacher is aware of your concerns and others you contacted. I'm sure they approached her. I'm concerned why she hasn't approached you yet. (if it was all an Innocent accident)???? Hummmmm.. Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Yes, I could but i was worried about getting nasty with her, so i thoght with my frame of mind the last 2 days it would be better if i went to the counselor for like mediation type thing but she acted like it was too much trouble for her to be bothered. Sherry MacAllister <smacalli > wrote: That has to be so frustrating! Can you cut out the middle "men" here and go straight to the teacher? Might be the quickest way to get some answers. Take a deep breath...this

too shall pass. ( ) My son Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his

ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again,

thanks again for listening! Sherry Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Thanks I will, it just so furstrating the people who are supposed to work with you as ateam and help your child aren't actly like a team, they tell me what a great job i do for my kids but then when i do have aproblem thay back away from me, that doesn't make sense.SherryMims Batts <mimsnj@...> wrote: Oh Sherry! I can feel the frustration and anger as I read your letter. I'm really not surprised at the response of the guidance counselor. After reading what you went thru, I still recommend the same thing. Have

see the doctor. Document what has happened. Stay mad. Go in to school to see the principal tomorrow and don't leave until he has satisfied you with the appropriate action. The disregard of the guidance counselor has made this an even more serious situation. I'd go very soon because the counselor will have time to hook up with the teacher and smooth out their story. It'll have more of an impact if the principal hears it from you first rather than him hearing about some "hyper" parent from the teacher or counselor who just try and cover their hides. (Wondering if you can hear the growl in my voice, too?? :o) Good luck! Mimssherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance

counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take

action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again, thanks again for listening! Sherry Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what

the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the

guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online.

SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing

him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ----- Original

Message ----- From: sherry burford SUPPORT GROUP Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 5:24 PM Subject: ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i

got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Roxanna always mentions www.wrightslaw.com and I just looked up bullying, given what happened to my son yesterday at school. There's some great info specifically about bullying if you follow this link http://www.wrightslaw.com/info/harassment.index.htm. I've printed out the IEP and bullying page personally and plan to take it with me to our emergency ARD meeting. My son's school is fully cooperating at this point though. Wish that could be the case for you too!

( ) My son

I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he

does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry

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Sherry, I learned the hard way how important it is to document everything. I've also learned that when the parent 'stays' onto of her child, and is very involved with her child, the school, or child care, or whoever you leave you child with -while you aren't there- would make sure that child is well taken care of. It's the parents that are laid back, that have all the problems. Sherry, good for you !!! you made yourself herd, and you are following through with this. I'm glad to hear you have the 'behavioral specialist/Mobile therapist' working with you and your family. And most important, that you will be getting an advocate to work with you too. an advocate would also be great to help you check out your son's IEP and any concerns you have. Hang in there Sherry, I don't know why, some of us have to go through as much as we do to see that our children get

a good education and protect them. but us moms are strong and our children will succeed in school - safely !!!.. Sherry, you are doing an awesome job !! keep strong. Hugs to your son and you Rosesherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been

working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an

autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you

on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I

would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they

would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Thanks so much, I have been on the phone for 2 hrs with different people,will update later gotta run right now, SherryPatti Journey <pjpoo78363@...> wrote: The only way you can keep your child safe is to home school them. I am and I'm proud of it.

It's working great. Schools are just a lot of extra hassles in the life of your child and yours. pj (((((((((((( ((((((((( ( Sherry )))))))))))) ))))))))) ))))))) I'm so sorry it went so badly today , this just stinks !!!!!!!!! hugs and prayers Wags! Wags! Wags! Lowry "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." Author Ben Aspergers TreatmentFrom: superchick0770Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:56:34 -0800Subject: ( ) My son Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw

his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again,

thanks again for listening! Sherry Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Totally agree. I am in the process of switching to homeschooling right now. Is there a specific homeschooling group any of you belong to? I signed up for one but they don't seem to have a whole lot. Patti Journey <pjpoo78363@...> wrote: The only way you

can keep your child safe is to home school them. I am and I'm proud of it. It's working great. Schools are just a lot of extra hassles in the life of your child and yours. pj (((((((((((( ((((((((( ( Sherry )))))))))))) ))))))))) ))))))) I'm so sorry it went so badly today , this just stinks !!!!!!!!! hugs and prayers Wags! Wags! Wags! Lowry "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." Author Ben Aspergers TreatmentFrom: superchick0770Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:56:34 -0800Subject: ( ) My son Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or

lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra

hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again, thanks again for listening! Sherry Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Thanks Rose, unfortunately i did not document things as i should have been doing all along but i am going to start, my head isn't clear and i can't think straight i will sit down and try to document what has happened and what i've done so far, thanks for great advice. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, I learned the hard way how important it is to document everything. I've also learned that when the parent 'stays' onto of her child, and is very involved with

her child, the school, or child care, or whoever you leave you child with -while you aren't there- would make sure that child is well taken care of. It's the parents that are laid back, that have all the problems. Sherry, good for you !!! you made yourself herd, and you are following through with this. I'm glad to hear you have the 'behavioral specialist/Mobile therapist' working with you and your family. And most important, that you will be getting an advocate to work with you too. an advocate would also be great to help you check out your son's IEP and any concerns you have. Hang in there Sherry, I don't know why, some of us have to go through as much as we do to see that our children get a good education and protect them. but us moms are strong and our children will succeed in school - safely !!!.. Sherry, you are doing an awesome job !! keep

strong. Hugs to your son and you Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch

with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on

documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the

conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you

are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at

by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but

why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast

with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Thanks you guys and i can, i really appreciate the concern and will update on the latest the kids have a talent show they are in tonight so it will be later, but i have some good news at least i hope so, it is encouraging anyway,Thanks again to all Sherry MacAllister <smacalli@...> wrote: Jeez, Sherry, this SUCKS. I know you need a big hug right now. Hope you

can feel it through your computer screen. ( ) My son Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are

supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset

now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again, thanks again for listening! Sherry Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Sherry, I'm sorry for being so persistent on documenting everything, and I understand what your going through. but while things are still fresh in your mind, and so you don't leave anything out, (by forgetting anything) because so much is happening and this is so stressful) try to see if you can print out everything you've been posting to us right from the beginning. this is so important, and you will have your (post) notes to help you when you start documenting everything. because (I hope it doesn't come down to this) but if you have to take this over their heads, and maybe even having a meeting including state Ed. your documents will be so important. you can bet the school staff will have everything needed to show they are doing an outstanding job. I am thinking positive that once you get your advocate and meet with the staff, including administration, things will be looking better for you

and your son. How did things go at school today? How is your son? I hope and pray this all works out for the best. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Thanks Rose, unfortunately i did not document things as i should have been doing all along but i am going to start, my head isn't clear and i can't think straight i will sit down and try to document what has happened and what i've done so far, thanks for great advice. SherryRose

<beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, I learned the hard way how important it is to document everything. I've also learned that when the parent 'stays' onto of her child, and is very involved with her child, the school, or child care, or whoever you leave you child with -while you aren't there- would make sure that child is well taken care of. It's the parents that are laid back, that have all the problems. Sherry, good for you !!! you made yourself herd, and you are following through with this. I'm glad to hear you have the 'behavioral specialist/Mobile therapist' working with you and your family. And most important, that you will be getting an advocate to work with you too. an advocate would also be great to help you check out your son's

IEP and any concerns you have. Hang in there Sherry, I don't know why, some of us have to go through as much as we do to see that our children get a good education and protect them. but us moms are strong and our children will succeed in school - safely !!!.. Sherry, you are doing an awesome job !! keep strong. Hugs to your son and you Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and

demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from

an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in

class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think

i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is

causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that

excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there

was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with


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Sherry. I'm so glad you feel better.....you can "hear' it in your "voice". That's awesome that you have someone directing and helping you with what to do. Keep at it. You may find yourself doubting, etc,,,,,but keep on. Robin sherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she

advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When

you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to

the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway

i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked

into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his

pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other

children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Thank God you finally have some one to be your advocate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in Person !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wags! Wags! Wags!


"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."

Author Ben

From: superchick0770@...Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:44:17 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) My son

Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote:


Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor)

<<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name)

I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>.

Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor.

If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me.

Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote:

That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote:

I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!"

As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen.

RoxannaAutism Happens

( ) My son

I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry

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Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Thanks I will, we had the talent show at school they( guidance counselor and principal) didn't even speak, but then i didn't go out of my way either, and they know i am disgusted to say the least, anyway it is going to work out, and the lady fromParent Education Network, told me what testing to reguest for , and said i need to file formal complaint w/ district and the department of education, i was on the phone a long time yesterday and so i feel great. Josh is sick today throwing up and it is his B'day i take him to the dr at 9:00 Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs@...> wrote: Sherry. I'm so glad you feel better.....you can "hear' it in your "voice". That's awesome that you have someone directing and helping you with what to do. Keep at it. You may find yourself doubting, etc,,,,,but keep on. Robin sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him

so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator,

speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being

done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even

before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one

or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to

suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that

another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry

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Hello Sherry, so sorry to hear Josh is feeling sick today. My kids had that stomach virus 3 weeks ago. It only lasted 1 full day with my son. (what a mess) . I hope it doesn't last long with him either. Gatorade & ginger ale seemed to help. I bet the talent show was awesome !!..... but it would of been very inappropriate for anyone from the school to discuss personal concerns with you about your son at a talent show with so many people present. When you request the testing for you son, Please request it in writing, also, let them respond back to you in writing. I'm so glad to hear your going to file a formal complaint with the district....Yes!!! I hope and pray that things all work out and your son will feel comfortable going to school. I'm so

sorry he has to experience the harassment that he did. I hope he feels a little better to celebrate his birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH !!! I'm glad your feeling better about this. Hugs Rose sherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Thanks I will, we had the talent show at school they( guidance counselor and principal) didn't even speak, but then i didn't go out of my way either, and they know i am disgusted to say the least, anyway it is going to work out, and the lady fromParent Education Network, told me what testing to reguest for , and said i need to file formal complaint w/ district and the department of education, i was on the phone a long time yesterday and so i feel great. Josh is sick today throwing up and it is his B'day i take him to the dr at 9:00 Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs > wrote: Sherry. I'm so glad you feel

better.....you can "hear' it in your "voice". That's awesome that you have someone directing and helping you with what to do. Keep at it. You may find yourself doubting, etc,,,,,but keep on. Robin sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for

refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency

to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you

said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will

do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to

let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the

teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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aww poor JOSHUA, its bad enough being sick but on his Birthday :-(

hopefully he gets better soon and can have a belated Birthday cake !!


Wags! Wags! Wags!


"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."

Author Ben

From: superchick0770@...Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 04:43:25 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) My son

Thanks I will, we had the talent show at school they( guidance counselor and principal) didn't even speak, but then i didn't go out of my way either, and they know i am disgusted to say the least, anyway it is going to work out, and the lady fromParent Education Network, told me what testing to reguest for , and said i need to file formal complaint w/ district and the department of education, i was on the phone a long time yesterday and so i feel great. Josh is sick today throwing up and it is his B'day i take him to the dr at 9:00 Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs > wrote:


I'm so glad you feel better.....you can "hear' it in your "voice".

That's awesome that you have someone directing and helping you with what to do. Keep at it.

You may find yourself doubting, etc,,,,,but keep on.

Robin sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote:

Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote:


Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor)

<<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name)

I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>.

Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor.

If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me.

Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote:

That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote:

I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!"

As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen.

RoxannaAutism Happens

( ) My son

I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry

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Sorry he's sick....and it's his bday. Darn. You know the counselor and principal are crapping their pants right now. They know things should have been handled differntly. Stick to your guns. Robinsherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Thanks I will, we had the talent show at school they( guidance counselor and principal) didn't even speak, but then i didn't go out of my way either, and they know i am disgusted to say the least, anyway it is going to work out, and the lady

fromParent Education Network, told me what testing to reguest for , and said i need to file formal complaint w/ district and the department of education, i was on the phone a long time yesterday and so i feel great. Josh is sick today throwing up and it is his B'day i take him to the dr at 9:00 Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs > wrote: Sherry. I'm so glad you feel better.....you can "hear' it in your "voice". That's awesome that you have someone directing and helping you with what to do. Keep at it. You may find yourself doubting, etc,,,,,but keep on. Robin sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got

off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford

<superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't

think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a

coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really

don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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yeah i know, i am not backing down, especially now with all the input i have had, i sending an update to u all look for it! Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs@...> wrote: Sorry he's sick....and it's his bday. Darn. You know the counselor and principal are crapping their pants right now. They know things should have been handled differntly. Stick to your guns. Robinsherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks I will, we had the talent show at school they( guidance counselor and principal) didn't even speak, but then i didn't go out of my way either, and they know i am disgusted to say the least, anyway it is going to work out, and the lady fromParent Education Network, told me what testing to reguest for , and said i need to file formal complaint w/ district and the department of education, i was on the phone a long time yesterday and so i feel great. Josh is sick today throwing up and it is his B'day i take him to the dr at 9:00 Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs > wrote: Sherry. I'm so glad you feel better.....you can "hear' it in your "voice". That's awesome that you have someone directing and helping you with what to do.

Keep at it. You may find yourself doubting, etc,,,,,but keep on. Robin sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at

all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to

show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If

you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna

<madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise

on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son.

Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing.

Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Sherry, what state do you live in?sherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: yeah i know, i am not backing down, especially now with all the input i have had, i sending an update to u all look for it! Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs > wrote: Sorry he's sick....and it's his bday. Darn. You know the counselor and principal are crapping their pants right

now. They know things should have been handled differntly. Stick to your guns. Robinsherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks I will, we had the talent show at school they( guidance counselor and principal) didn't even speak, but then i didn't go out of my way either, and they know i am disgusted to say the least, anyway it is going to work out, and the lady fromParent Education Network, told me what testing to reguest for , and said i need to file formal complaint w/ district and the department of education, i was on the phone a long time yesterday and so i feel great. Josh is sick today throwing up and it is his B'day i take him to the dr at 9:00 Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs > wrote: Sherry. I'm so glad you feel better.....you can "hear' it in your "voice". That's awesome that you have someone directing and helping you with what to do. Keep at it. You may find yourself doubting, etc,,,,,but keep on. Robin sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks Rose, I just got off the phone w/ aBehavioral specialist/ Mobile therapist, she has been working w/ our family, she is very upset, said she knows the school well and the administration, she advised me to set up a meeting w/ superintendent and demand some action be taken to correct the problems or other wise i will sue all parties involved for abuse and neglect on behalf of my son. she is also looking into an advocate for him so i have some help, i do know i

don't want to fight them alone, thanks alot for the advice, i made a copy for refrence when i need it, the counselor did call and said teacher would get in touch with me, but why has she waited so long, i am not pleased at all, and am glad i have someone in my corner for support,, i really am shocked and appalled at the whole situation or should i say situations, as this is not the first one.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an

advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor (put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I

didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not

have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here

now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't

happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child

grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for

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