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My Son

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I would request a Positive Behavior Plan be formulated for your son. This would make very clear how any situation involving consequences, discipline, behavior etc would be handled. Make sure very detailed information is included about why he does certain things, how he may react and what strategies usually work well for him. It may be that he needs to be able to process incidents after the fact. This way you have documented how these types of situations should be handled Pam :)Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I agree, and I WOULD be getting irritated; I have NEVER heard of ANY teachers THESE DAYS making ANYONE wait to go to the restroom. I had a junior high teacher (that's over 25 years ago now, and I still remember this story----that is because she said never ask, just go) that had a rule of asking to go to the bathroom, so someone came up to ask to go throw up and you know the rest of the story------so, perhaps it will TAKE that type of event for this teacher, but I would be talking politely with the teacher and the principal; I really think that I personally would just talk with the prinicipal about it, and let him know and let him talk with her (if these are repeated things, then they need reported elsewhere). In my 'own life,' I had a teacher in 4th grade for my now 8th grader that would tell him things all the time. At the time, we lived pay check to pay check (much more than we are right at the moment), and had decided to allow our 2nd cell phone service 'go' in an effort to conserve some money; that phone, since I was home most of the time (my husband drove about 45 minutes one way to work) was my phone. His teacher would tell him all kinds of things about his diabetic care, and if this is an issue, then perhaps your parents need to get a cell phone again so I can talk to your mom whenever there is an issue, etc., etc., etc.....our son came home, and lost it; this teacher was venting everything she had as a problem with HIM and / or US to my 4th grader with about 6 diagnosis at that time, including diabetes. When I talked with her, she admitted everything; then, she left the room (the next day literally) to use the restroom or something, and two students ganged up on my son, and threw scissors, hitting him, putting a nice (no stitches needed but it was a cut with a hole) gash in his hand. Teacher walked in, saw the end part, and he was going to be on a day or two suspension or something like that.....I went to the principal, and let him know everything that was going on, and things were even more cold and colder the rest of the year with that teacher (teacher's had had one of her four children killed in a drunk (he was the drunk) driving accident about three years before, and was NOT the same person she was prior to that---she was probably the best and most nice person before----just witchy afterwards, and my son had to have THAT person as his teacher); it was a struggle, but I was NOT going to have her chronically making my son an adult!!!! You just have to keep advocating, and taking notes. If you look through my notes, I mean BOOK, I have a series of books to fill a library at this point; the stuff is SICKENING sometimes but that is our job....unfortunately, but reality. And, you would do the same thing if he was N.T.

Have a great day, and do hang in there.

Ruthie Dolezal

From: superchick0770@...Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 04:41:14 -0800Subject: RE: ( ) My son

Thanks Ruthie, i will try to call , it is just so ugh!!!! i guess b/c last week he pee'd in his pants in class b/c the teacher wouldn't allow him to leave until he finished his project, it just isn't right, if they insist on keeping him in the regular classroom setting they need to realize that he still needs quite a bit of guidance and help which he isn't getting, they really do need to step in and help him, i can't be there or i would, so the school needs to provide the assistance he requires. SherryBRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123msn> wrote:

Call the principal, first thing in the morning; no matter how angry you are, please DO be calm but firm, and voice your concerns; what is happening to the tripper? What are the ramifications? Did the teacher even know what happened? Did TELL her at the time? Make sure you know those FIRST, because remember, they think the teacher KNOWS EVERYTHING they know already (or you know it all, etc.) so she very well may not even know he was tripped unless he told her, she saw it herself 100 percent for sure OR another student that is supportive informed her, so just so you do not 'get egg on your face,' I am trying to be the voice of rationalization I guess. BUT, I AM NOT APPROVING HIM BEING HURT!!! Just helping you think when you are too angry to do so.....Good luck, and please do keep us advised. THANK GOD THEY AT LEAST CALLED YOU---that is another blessing; sometimes we never even get THAT call, so they TRIED, sounds like more should have been done though, and the teacher does need to meet your child, apologize, and earn his TRUST back; just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt here, as I am sure she could not see everything!! RUthie Dolezal

Aspergers Treatment From: flyballmomhotmailDate: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:00:54 +0000Subject: RE: ( ) My son

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!! Sherry that is just awful, poor ....you have to do something about this, this can 't be allowed to continue. The teacher should be bloody suspended !!!! hugs with 3 aspies

Wags! Wags! Wags!


"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."

Author Ben

Aspergers Treatment From: superchick0770 Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:24:06 -0800Subject: ( ) My son

I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry

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Sherry, make sure when you request the Positive Behavior Plan that things like bathroom routines are included. Pam :)Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I would personally keep the child out of this situation. It is an ongoing problem that is not the child's fault and you certainly do not want to pitch a teacher's perception against a child's perception of any situation. You need to take this incident and make it a positive for your son. Take every situation where there has been negative and make the IEP team develop a POSITIVE behavior plan so things like this do not continue to happen and your son feels safe and can be productive in his educational setting. Pam :)Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I agree with our how our kids 'perceive' things perhaps different; however, in their minds, they ARE perceiving it that, and thus, it is affecting THEIR self-esteem, person, etc., the WAY THEY ARE PERCEIVING IT----I hope that makes sense----so, the teacher or whomever works with them, has to learn to work with them, and meet THEIR NEEDS, and come around to their way of thinking......I do agree I would not have the child present for the discussions; I would have his words typed up, quoted where you have them, and copies for all with you; you use your sheet, and if you feel 'safe' and a good idea TO DO at the time / during the meeting, hand his words out; otherwise, keep them for yourself, and thus, they don't have a copy in their file, so you protect yourself and your child if they are just going to be jerks about it.....believe it or not, parents with NT kids have these issues, too....there probably isn't a parent on earth that has not had to talk with the principal or someone for some issue----it is just reality, so they are prepared....it really is dependant upon how great the administration is; great administration, great results, bad, and the same (BAD). Ruthie

From: superchick0770@...Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 04:32:57 -0800Subject: RE: ( ) My son

Thanks Robin and yes i do understand what you are saying, i am going in today, my son has also been that way with thinking someone did something on purpose or to be mean to him, but anyway, i am going to talk to them today, it is such a shame, we really shouldn't have to deal with the extra things thatcome along like this ,i mean on the average everyday regular life can be very hard itself let alone someone throwing something else in there too, u know? well, i have had a rough night of sleep, still tired, so i am going to lay down for awhile, talk to you guys later.Sherry and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs > wrote:

I agree with everyone that you should definitely pursue this,,,,,,but I think you should go in.

Talk with the teacher, first. Alone. No son around.

Request that an incident report be written up (in the office). I'd let the teacher know you're doing this,,,,in a nice way,,,,,but advise her that you are covering all tracks. In no way am I saying that your son is not telling the truth, but sometimes, my son would "perceive" things in ways that either weren't intended or simply see things in a different way.......

It took me a while to see that some things were the schools' fault and other things were accidents that my son refused to see. I always let the teachers know that I simply wanted the truth. They were never threatened by my questions (the teachers weren't).......because I always let them know that I DID see both sides.Anyway,,,,,I'd definitely go in to figure this out.

I'm so sorry your son is going through this.

It shouldnt' happen......but it does, sadly.

Whether you decide to fight this for you and your son or to pull him from school someday,,,

now is when you have to be strong for your son. You have to let them know at the school that you will need to know ALL things that pertain to your son. That's it.

You need to let them know that you want to be a team working for the good of your son.

But,,,,,,you need to be aware, that it is usually in the schools' interest to blame the "awkward" or "troubled" kid more than admit that they have a bullying problem and try to buckle down on all the mean kids.

It seems to be easier to say that these kids who don't fit socially,,,,,,that they are the reason for the trouble. Sad,,,,,,,cause my son would have been fine as long as people are nice to him.

This seems like a foreign "option" to some teachers.


I hope you get what I'm saying,,,,,I'm really tired. Ha ha.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Robin BRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123msn> wrote:

Call the principal, first thing in the morning; no matter how angry you are, please DO be calm but firm, and voice your concerns; what is happening to the tripper? What are the ramifications? Did the teacher even know what happened? Did TELL her at the time? Make sure you know those FIRST, because remember, they think the teacher KNOWS EVERYTHING they know already (or you know it all, etc.) so she very well may not even know he was tripped unless he told her, she saw it herself 100 percent for sure OR another student that is supportive informed her, so just so you do not 'get egg on your face,' I am trying to be the voice of rationalization I guess. BUT, I AM NOT APPROVING HIM BEING HURT!!! Just helping you think when you are too angry to do so.....Good luck, and please do keep us advised. THANK GOD THEY AT LEAST CALLED YOU---that is another blessing; sometimes we never even get THAT call, so they TRIED, sounds like more should have been done though, and the teacher does need to meet your child, apologize, and earn his TRUST back; just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt here, as I am sure she could not see everything!! RUthie Dolezal

Aspergers Treatment From: flyballmomhotmailDate: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:00:54 +0000Subject: RE: ( ) My son

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!! Sherry that is just awful, poor ....you have to do something about this, this can 't be allowed to continue. The teacher should be bloody suspended !!!! hugs with 3 aspies

Wags! Wags! Wags!


"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."

Author Ben

Aspergers Treatment From: superchick0770 Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:24:06 -0800Subject: ( ) My son

I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry

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I am so sorry you and your son had to go thru that, And yes i would advocate for him even if he didn't have this dx. Thanks alot, for replying you all have been very helpful. SherryBRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123@...> wrote: I agree, and I WOULD be getting irritated; I have NEVER heard of ANY teachers THESE DAYS making ANYONE wait to go to the restroom. I had a junior high teacher (that's over 25 years ago now, and I still remember this story----that is because she said never ask, just go) that had a rule of asking to go to the bathroom, so

someone came up to ask to go throw up and you know the rest of the story------so, perhaps it will TAKE that type of event for this teacher, but I would be talking politely with the teacher and the principal; I really think that I personally would just talk with the prinicipal about it, and let him know and let him talk with her (if these are repeated things, then they need reported elsewhere). In my 'own life,' I had a teacher in 4th grade for my now 8th grader that would tell him things all the time. At the time, we lived pay check to pay check (much more than we are right at the moment), and had decided to allow our 2nd cell phone service 'go' in an effort to conserve some money; that phone, since I was home most of the time (my husband drove about 45 minutes one way to work) was my phone. His teacher would tell him all kinds of things about his diabetic care, and if this is an issue, then perhaps your parents need to get a cell phone again so I can

talk to your mom whenever there is an issue, etc., etc., etc.....our son came home, and lost it; this teacher was venting everything she had as a problem with HIM and / or US to my 4th grader with about 6 diagnosis at that time, including diabetes. When I talked with her, she admitted everything; then, she left the room (the next day literally) to use the restroom or something, and two students ganged up on my son, and threw scissors, hitting him, putting a nice (no stitches needed but it was a cut with a hole) gash in his hand. Teacher walked in, saw the end part, and he was going to be on a day or two suspension or something like that.....I went to the principal, and let him know everything that was going on, and things were even more cold and colder the rest of the year with that teacher (teacher's had had one of her four children killed in a drunk (he was the drunk) driving accident about three years before, and was NOT the same person she was prior to

that---she was probably the best and most nice person before----just witchy afterwards, and my son had to have THAT person as his teacher); it was a struggle, but I was NOT going to have her chronically making my son an adult!!!! You just have to keep advocating, and taking notes. If you look through my notes, I mean BOOK, I have a series of books to fill a library at this point; the stuff is SICKENING sometimes but that is our job....unfortunately, but reality. And, you would do the same thing if he was N.T. Have a great day, and do hang in there. Ruthie Dolezal From: superchick0770 Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 04:41:14 -0800Subject: RE: ( ) My son Thanks Ruthie, i will try to call , it is just

so ugh!!!! i guess b/c last week he pee'd in his pants in class b/c the teacher wouldn't allow him to leave until he finished his project, it just isn't right, if they insist on keeping him in the regular classroom setting they need to realize that he still needs quite a bit of guidance and help which he isn't getting, they really do need to step in and help him, i can't be there or i would, so the school needs to provide the assistance he requires. SherryBRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123msn> wrote: Call the principal, first thing in the morning; no matter how angry you are, please DO be calm but firm, and voice your concerns; what is happening to the tripper? What are the ramifications? Did the teacher even know what happened? Did TELL her at the time? Make sure you know those FIRST, because remember, they think

the teacher KNOWS EVERYTHING they know already (or you know it all, etc.) so she very well may not even know he was tripped unless he told her, she saw it herself 100 percent for sure OR another student that is supportive informed her, so just so you do not 'get egg on your face,' I am trying to be the voice of rationalization I guess. BUT, I AM NOT APPROVING HIM BEING HURT!!! Just helping you think when you are too angry to do so.....Good luck, and please do keep us advised. THANK GOD THEY AT LEAST CALLED YOU---that is another blessing; sometimes we never even get THAT call, so they TRIED, sounds like more should have been done though, and the teacher does need to meet your child, apologize, and earn his TRUST back; just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt here, as I am sure she could not see everything!! RUthie Dolezal Aspergers Treatment From:

flyballmomhotmailDate: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:00:54 +0000Subject: RE: ( ) My son OMG !!!!!!!!!!!! Sherry that is just awful, poor ....you have to do something about this, this can 't be allowed to continue. The teacher should be bloody suspended !!!! hugs with 3 aspies Wags! Wags! Wags! Lowry "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." Author Ben Aspergers Treatment From: superchick0770 Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:24:06 -0800Subject: ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school

officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Thanks alot, i am going to speak w/ principal today, and hope for results, but am unsure what will happen, but i am still upset. SherryMims Batts <mimsnj@...> wrote: Oh Sherry, how horrible! I suggest you deal with this immediately - before you cool down completely. First, I'd see if you could get seen by his doctor, just to get him checked out and have the situation documented officially. Next, I'd go into school to see the principal, and I wouldn't leave until you spoke with

him/her. I would explain what happened and tell of the other issues that have occurred. Most schools have a Zero Tolerance policy for bullying, which is what it sounds like your son is going thru.(Including the behavior from the teacher!) I would go in calm, but very firm. Once the health and safety of the child is at risk, there's absolutely no excuse that would be acceptable. I think you are right to be concerned. How can you be expected to send your child to school if you have to worry about his safety? I wouldn't waste time sending notes to the teacher or meeting first with the teacher. This has escalated to a level that needs immediate attention. I would explain this recent episode and then expand to the other issues that you are not pleased with. I'd expect an immediate, serious response from the principal. I'd expect him/her to discuss it with the

teacher and call a meeting. I'm not sure what other services your child receives, but I would imagine the school counselor should also be included. I'd definitely expect a solution that would satisfy you and keep safe. If at all possible, I wouldn't send back into school until this issue is satisfactorily taken care of. I've had different situations over the years with both my kids. My youngest kept getting hurt in preschool. I got a call one day that he cut his lip by slipping off a chair, but it wasn't bad. When I picked him up, he has a gash inside his lower lip that was large enough for me to fit my fingertip in. In my opinion, their description of how the injury occurred didn't match the severity of the wound. By luck, we had a dentist appt, that day and the dentist agreed with me. I never sent him back to that school. It wasn't worth the safety

risk. Good luck and report back to us! Mims sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really

don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Thanks i will try to speak with her first, i don't have an email for her or i would do that, maybe i will see if she can give me it, it would be nice to email back and forth for my son sake anyway. Sherry"linda.layton" <linda.layton@...> wrote: As a teacher I would suggest that you call the classroom teacherfirst. I agree with ; it is very possible that the teacherdoesn't know that he was tripped and therefore has not been able toaddress this situation appropriately. You might even send her anemail tonight giving her this

added information so that she can beginto work it all out first thing in the morning. If she does notaddress the issue and refuses to listen to you, THEN call theprincipal. You don't want to make her angry by going over her headbecause then she may not delve into this with the same passion. Giveher a chance first. I would suggest an email because it allows her toread it first thing while still getting her day ready. A phone callfrom a parent before school starts can get things off on the wrongnote causing another day that is off balance and that's not good foranyone. Ask her to email you or call you when she has a minute. Shereally will appreciate that you are trying to work it out with herwithout taking precious morning time. If is still nervousabout going to school let her know that in your email too. That willhelp her to know that she needs to pay extra close attention to himthroughout the day!>> Call the principal, first thing in the morning; no matter how angryyou are, please DO be calm but firm, and voice your concerns; what ishappening to the tripper? What are the ramifications? Did theteacher even know what happened? Did TELL her at the time? Make sure you know those FIRST, because remember, they think theteacher KNOWS EVERYTHING they know already (or you know it all, etc.)so she very well may not even know he was tripped unless he told her,she saw it herself 100 percent for sure OR another student that issupportive informed her, so just so you do not 'get egg on your face,'I am trying to be the voice of rationalization I guess. BUT, I AM NOTAPPROVING HIM BEING HURT!!! Just helping you think when you are tooangry to do so.....Good luck, and

please do keep us advised. THANKGOD THEY AT LEAST CALLED YOU---that is another blessing; sometimes wenever even get THAT call, so they TRIED, sounds like more should havebeen done though, and the teacher does need to meet your child,apologize, and earn his TRUST back; just trying to give her thebenefit of the doubt here, as I am sure she could not see everything!!RUthie Dolezal> > > Aspergers Treatment@...: flyballmom@...: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:00:54+0000Subject: RE: ( ) My son > > > > > OMG !!!!!!!!!!!! Sherry that is just awful, poor ....you haveto do something about this, this can 't be allowed to continue. Theteacher should be bloody suspended !!!! hugs with 3 aspies> Wags! Wags! Wags!> > Lowry> > "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."> Author Ben

> > > Aspergers Treatment@...: superchick0770@...: Tue, 19 Feb 200814:24:06 -0800Subject: ( ) My son > > > I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old hadtripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black andblue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me thatanother child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit hisear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i saidyes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just getup, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is reallyinfuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am tooangry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue maycause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i reallydon't know how or who to address with this matter but i am

veryupset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./cthey would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried aboutconstant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. Iwish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't meanto go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feellike they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.>

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Thanks alot , I will!!! Sherry Lowry <flyballmom@...> wrote: Sherry Please let us know what happens, hugs and prayers to you both !!!! Wags! Wags! Wags! Lowry "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." Author Ben From: superchick0770 Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 06:07:39 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) My son Thanks alot, i am going to speak w/ principal today, and hope for results, but am unsure what will happen, but i am still upset. SherryMims Batts <mimsnj > wrote: Oh Sherry, how horrible! I suggest you deal with this immediately - before you cool down completely.

First, I'd see if you could get seen by his doctor, just to get him checked out and have the situation documented officially. Next, I'd go into school to see the principal, and I wouldn't leave until you spoke with him/her. I would explain what happened and tell of the other issues that have occurred. Most schools have a Zero Tolerance policy for bullying, which is what it sounds like your son is going thru.(Including the behavior from the teacher!) I would go in calm, but very firm. Once the health and safety of the child is at risk, there's absolutely no excuse that would be acceptable. I think you are right to be concerned. How can you be expected to send your child to school if you have to worry about his safety? I wouldn't waste time sending notes to the teacher or meeting first with the teacher. This has escalated to a level

that needs immediate attention. I would explain this recent episode and then expand to the other issues that you are not pleased with. I'd expect an immediate, serious response from the principal. I'd expect him/her to discuss it with the teacher and call a meeting. I'm not sure what other services your child receives, but I would imagine the school counselor should also be included. I'd definitely expect a solution that would satisfy you and keep safe. If at all possible, I wouldn't send back into school until this issue is satisfactorily taken care of. I've had different situations over the years with both my kids. My youngest kept getting hurt in preschool. I got a call one day that he cut his lip by slipping off a chair, but it wasn't bad. When I picked him up, he has a gash inside his lower lip that was large enough for me to fit my fingertip in. In my

opinion, their description of how the injury occurred didn't match the severity of the wound. By luck, we had a dentist appt, that day and the dentist agreed with me. I never sent him back to that school. It wasn't worth the safety risk. Good luck and report back to us! Mims sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt,

i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Thanks Rose, I really like the letter, i think i will copy that if it is ok, i am not very good w/ words sometimes and i end up getting myslf in trouble or making the situation worse, any way i appreciate the thoughs, suggestions and prayers from you all, SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Hi Sherry, I'm so sorry your son is having so much trouble in school. I would write a letter to his teacher stating something like this: Dear Ms. ? On February 19th, I got a call from the school stating that my son had tripped and fell, hit his ear on the desk and he got a Hugh Black and Blue mark on his ear, and he's in pain. my son also stated that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear. Please put in writing how you handled this, and what you said to my son. Also, please put in writing what was said to the child that grabbed my sons leg and caused him to get injured. Also include 'your bully' policy in writing. thank you I would write the letter something like this (maybe you or others can edit it much better). Sherry, by documenting this, you are starting a ''paper trail'' of all the

incidents that are happening to your child. "first the bus incident" now this. I would also c/c it to the principal. AND, depending on what she writes, I would ask for a meeting with his teacher, & principal with your son present and say: On that same day, when my son's leg was grabbed by another child causing him injury to his ear. You (teachers name) just told him to 'get up'... I feel my son is being made a target, he's getting picked on, harassed, and embarrassed and doesn't want to go to school anymore. What are you going to do to protect my son?. Hugs to you and your son Rose sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9

yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to

go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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I'l;l try that thanks alot! Sherry MacAllister <smacalli@...> wrote: Usually you can get online and find the email address and phone # of each teacher in your school district. You can in Austin, TX, at least. Might want to try that route. Sounds like a good idea to get the email and then stay in frequent contact. ( ) My son > > > I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old hadtripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black andblue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me thatanother child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit hisear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i saidyes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just getup, she knew i got

hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is reallyinfuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am tooangry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue maycause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i reallydon't know how or who to address with this matter but i am veryupset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./cthey would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried aboutconstant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. Iwish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't meanto go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feellike they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Mims, that was so well said. Since I've read her post before about the bus situation. This is not the first time something happened to her son. I like you included a doctors check up to, to also document this !!. RoseMims Batts <mimsnj@...> wrote: Oh Sherry, how horrible! I suggest you deal with this immediately - before you cool down completely. First, I'd see if you could get seen by his doctor, just to get him checked out and have the situation documented

officially. Next, I'd go into school to see the principal, and I wouldn't leave until you spoke with him/her. I would explain what happened and tell of the other issues that have occurred. Most schools have a Zero Tolerance policy for bullying, which is what it sounds like your son is going thru.(Including the behavior from the teacher!) I would go in calm, but very firm. Once the health and safety of the child is at risk, there's absolutely no excuse that would be acceptable. I think you are right to be concerned. How can you be expected to send your child to school if you have to worry about his safety? I wouldn't waste time sending notes to the teacher or meeting first with the teacher. This has escalated to a level that needs immediate attention. I would explain this recent episode and then expand to the other issues that you are

not pleased with. I'd expect an immediate, serious response from the principal. I'd expect him/her to discuss it with the teacher and call a meeting. I'm not sure what other services your child receives, but I would imagine the school counselor should also be included. I'd definitely expect a solution that would satisfy you and keep safe. If at all possible, I wouldn't send back into school until this issue is satisfactorily taken care of. I've had different situations over the years with both my kids. My youngest kept getting hurt in preschool. I got a call one day that he cut his lip by slipping off a chair, but it wasn't bad. When I picked him up, he has a gash inside his lower lip that was large enough for me to fit my fingertip in. In my opinion, their description of how the injury occurred didn't match the severity of the wound. By luck, we had a

dentist appt, that day and the dentist agreed with me. I never sent him back to that school. It wasn't worth the safety risk. Good luck and report back to us! Mims sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to

discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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I agree with that. Sometimes with the child present, the story won't be so one sided. Also, if the teacher didn't see the other child grab his leg, the teacher can explain that to 's son and he won't feel that the teacher is against him. Also, they can all discuss all the things that are happening to her son, including him wetting his pants) while being held in class. the bus incident & how her son feels (scared) with all the kids teasing him to now hurting him. & anything else that is happening to him. Then, after that meeting, I would document everything and c/c it to everybody so its on school record on how many times incidents are happening to her son. Rose MacAllister <smacalli@...> wrote: I agree with your first part but I'm curious as to why you don't think her son should be at the meeting with the teacher? I think it would be good so the teacher can say what she thinks and your son has a chance to say what happened to the teacher. If the conversation went south, I'd stop it early. But I think it's a good chance for all involved to be able to talk together. ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him

up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't

like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Thanks alot Pam, makes great sense, I am glad i can turn to the group for answer, b/c when i get that angry or upset i can't seem to think straight, and u all actually helped me calm down enough that i can be of use to deal w/ this rationally. Sherryppanda65@... wrote: I would personally keep the child out of this situation. It is an ongoing problem that is not the child's fault and you certainly do not want to pitch a teacher's perception against a child's perception of any situation. You need to take this incident and make it a positive

for your son. Take every situation where there has been negative and make the IEP team develop a POSITIVE behavior plan so things like this do not continue to happen and your son feels safe and can be productive in his educational setting. Pam :) Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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Oh Yeah, Pam thanks again!! I'll be sure to do that.Sherryppanda65@... wrote: Sherry, make sure when you request the Positive Behavior Plan that things like bathroom routines are included. Pam :) Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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Thanks again to all of the replies regarding my ds i will take all the advice and try to get the situation resolved and further incidents handled properly. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Mims, that was so well said. Since I've read her post before about the bus situation. This is not the first time something happened to her son. I like you included a doctors check up to, to also document this !!. RoseMims Batts <mimsnj > wrote: Oh Sherry, how horrible! I suggest you deal with this immediately - before you cool down completely. First, I'd see if you could get seen by his doctor, just to get him checked out and have the situation documented officially. Next, I'd go into school to see the principal, and I wouldn't leave until you spoke with him/her. I would explain what happened and tell of the other issues that have occurred. Most schools have a Zero Tolerance policy for bullying, which is what it sounds like your son is going thru.(Including the behavior from the teacher!) I would go in calm, but very firm. Once the health and safety of the child is at risk, there's absolutely no excuse that would be acceptable. I think you are right to be concerned. How can you be expected to send your child

to school if you have to worry about his safety? I wouldn't waste time sending notes to the teacher or meeting first with the teacher. This has escalated to a level that needs immediate attention. I would explain this recent episode and then expand to the other issues that you are not pleased with. I'd expect an immediate, serious response from the principal. I'd expect him/her to discuss it with the teacher and call a meeting. I'm not sure what other services your child receives, but I would imagine the school counselor should also be included. I'd definitely expect a solution that would satisfy you and keep safe. If at all possible, I wouldn't send back into school until this issue is satisfactorily taken care of. I've had different situations over the years with both my kids. My youngest kept getting hurt in preschool. I got a

call one day that he cut his lip by slipping off a chair, but it wasn't bad. When I picked him up, he has a gash inside his lower lip that was large enough for me to fit my fingertip in. In my opinion, their description of how the injury occurred didn't match the severity of the wound. By luck, we had a dentist appt, that day and the dentist agreed with me. I never sent him back to that school. It wasn't worth the safety risk. Good luck and report back to us! Mims sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg

which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute

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That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideas@...> wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even

if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner?

I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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I'll ask the school about the Behavior plan, but they keep saying he isn't a behavior problem so i am not sure what u mean but will certainly ask. thank you Sherryppanda65@... wrote: Sherry, you really need to put this back on the school. If the teacher is complaining about your son's behavior, they need to do a Functional Behavior Assessment and a Positive Behavior Plan. The Behavioral therapist should be able to give you more information about requesting this. That way your son is protected in the future. Schools

generally have a policy of "what happens here stays here"...this is an opportunity for you to work proactively with the IEP Team to create a plan where your son is safe and getting the education he is entitled to. Pam :) Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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Thanks Ruthie, i did contact the director of sped so i don't know if he can help or not but i did email him,we will see. SherryBRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123@...> wrote: Sherry---what happened with the principal???? Our guidance counselor STUNK at the middle school; she was a two faced liar, honestly!! So, that was a bunch of garbage, and why are you having to deal with them? I would request a behavioral assessment through your IEP if behaviors are a concern, and I would go to the principal; it IS the law; if your counselor is

refusing, they don't have that right; you have a right to file a complaint with the therapist board of your state though, as that IS against the law, 100 percent for sure; one of my best friend's husbands is a school guidance counselor, and he was wanting us to get the counselor at our old school fired and loose her license; we did not pursue it; but it is WRONG. And, I would document everything and go from there, send it to everyone and their dog, including a copy to the AEA representative. Ruthie Aspergers Treatment From: superchick0770 Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:56:34 -0800Subject: ( ) My son Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking

with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in

trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again, thanks again for listening! Sherry Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Yes, I could but i was worried about getting nasty with her, so i thoght with my frame of mind the last 2 days it would be better if i went to the counselor for like mediation type thing but she acted like it was too much trouble for her to be bothered. Sherry MacAllister <smacalli@...> wrote: That has to be so frustrating! Can you cut out the middle "men" here and

go straight to the teacher? Might be the quickest way to get some answers. Take a deep breath...this too shall pass. ( ) My son Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the

school and their actions or lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily

basis, this is just extra hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again, thanks again for listening! Sherry Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Jeez, Sherry, this SUCKS. I know you need a big hug right now. Hope you can feel it through your computer screen.

( ) My son

Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child

comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again, thanks again for listening! Sherry

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(((((((((((((((((((((( Sherry ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I'm so sorry it went so badly today , this just stinks !!!!!!!!!

hugs and prayers

Wags! Wags! Wags!


"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."

Author Ben

Aspergers Treatment From: superchick0770@...Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:56:34 -0800Subject: ( ) My son

Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again, thanks again for listening! Sherry

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The only way you can keep your child safe is to home school them. I am and I'm proud of it. It's working great. Schools are just a lot of extra hassles in the life of your child and yours. pj

(((((((((((( ((((((((( ( Sherry )))))))))))) ))))))))) ))))))) I'm so sorry it went so badly today , this just stinks !!!!!!!!! hugs and prayers

Wags! Wags! Wags!


"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."

Author Ben

Aspergers TreatmentFrom: superchick0770Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:56:34 -0800Subject: ( ) My son

Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or lack thereof. I am quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this,

but if my child comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra hassle i could really do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again, thanks again for listening! Sherry

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Oh Sherry! I can feel the frustration and anger as I read your letter. I'm really not surprised at the response of the guidance counselor. After reading what you went thru, I still recommend the same thing. Have see the doctor. Document what has happened. Stay mad. Go in to school to see the principal tomorrow and don't leave until he has satisfied you with the appropriate action. The disregard of the guidance counselor has made this an even more serious situation. I'd go very soon because the counselor will have time to hook up with the teacher and smooth out their story. It'll have more of an impact if the principal hears it from you first rather than him hearing about some "hyper" parent from the teacher or counselor who just try and cover their hides. (Wondering if you can hear the growl in my voice, too?? :o) Good luck! Mimssherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Hi all, I just wanted to let u all know i spoke w/ the guidance counselor, to what i percieve as no avail, she didn't seem to enthused w/ speaking with the teacher, i am still so angry that i didn't feel it suitable for me to approach, and guidance counselors are supposed to be a liason for the parents, i thought, anyway, not being satisified by her response, i emailed the sped director and briefly explained that i am dissatisfied w/ the school and their actions or lack thereof. I am

quite honestly ready to remove him from this school, they saw his ear how bad it looks but didn't bother to inquire more as to what happended, Aren't they supposed to guarentee your child's safety when in school, why are the things going on? Surely the teacher isn't that preoccupied that she isn't noticing anything wrong! I mean she can't be blind to all the facts can she? At the last meeting we had she stated that joshua tattles alot, i understand this, but if my child comes to u and says he/she is putting their hands on me, then someone needs to take action, i am afraid my son will become aggressive and then what he will be the one in trouble. anyway i am emailing his Behavior Specialist maybe she can help w/ school problem, i think i am more upset now than i was, and i am so sorry for going on and on about it, it's just you know i don't really need this, i am doing my best to help him handle things here at home on a daily basis, this is just extra hassle i could really

do without, i am done now as i have started to cry again, thanks again for listening! Sherry Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Sherry, Do you have an autism support group where your live? or find an advocate that you can share all this with? When you go to the school with an advocate or someone from an agency, they tend to be more careful what they say and do. because you have support and one familiar with autism and the school. If you have a service coordinator, speak with her on how to find an advocate near you. I would also be making phone calls to different agency to find one that can support you. some are free. It is critical on documenting everything, even what the guidance councilors said. (to show everybody is ignoring you. Roxanna had a good point to put the teacher on the spot by stating the whole class was laughing. The letter to the guidance councilor should be a 'letter of understand' since you already spoke with her. (this will be more documents in your favor) <<<Dear Guidance Councilor

(put her name) I spoke to you on date ----, 2008 concerning an incident with my son in the class room. I asked you to speak to the teacher to find out what happened in class, that my son got hurt while another child grabbed his leg causing him to fall against the desk bruising his ear. You stated - (list what she said) and nothing further is being done to protect my son. If I didn't understand this correctly, please explain in writing what you said>>>. Sherry, please use your own wording as to what the conversation was said between you and the guidance councilor. If you can't find an advocate, maybe someone here on this list can share with you: how to find an advocate near you. I find the school to not be so overpowering, when I have an advocate with me. Stay strong. Hugs Rosesherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: That's exactly what i thought, about the other children laughing, anyway i'll send a note in tomorrow, do u think i should send it to the principal or to the teacher? i have been crying for 2 days, i just get more and more apalled by the way people seem to be in regards to children with disablities, even before my son was born i would not have dreamed of treating another in such a manner. but anyhow, i will do what i can and try to get it all resolved for him, thanks again Roxanna you are a gem glad to have met you even online. SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net>

wrote: I would go in and ask the teacher to explain what happened. If you don't think you can be nice doing that, then call and leave a message or email asking for the incident report. I would also add that someone grabbed his leg causing him to trip and ask to have this situation looked into. Heck, if you think the teacher is causing problems, you might ask all of this to the principal. But remember, the more you write this stuff down and document, the better you will be. They might excuse or write off one or two incidents. But here now in the past week he's had two incidents - the teacher refusing to let him use the bathroom, causing him to pee his pants in class and be laughed at by the kids. And now this, causing him to get a large bruise on his face. Write this down and send it

to the principal and ask to have these incidents looked into. Even if he blows you off, you have started a paper trail and I don't think it will be much longer before you can say, "Hello - this is more than a coincidence!" As for the teacher not seeing the other kids laughing at him when he peed his pants, I would not worry about that excuse. I would say, "Exactly who pees their pants in 3rd grade without getting laughed at?" I mean, any kid would be laughed at by at least a good portion of the kids. So it's ridiculous to suggest it didn't happen. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) My son I recieved a phone call this afternoon from school my 9 yr old had tripped and fell hit his ear on the desk left with a heck of black and blue mark on it,when i picked him up after school he told me that another child grabbed his leg which caused him to fall and he hit his ear, the teacher told me to get up he says, mommy my ear hurts, i said yes dear i am sure it does, but why did my teacher tell me to just get up, she knew i got hurt, i don't know son. Now this school is really

infuriating me, why is the teacher behaving in such a manner? I am too angry to discuss w/ school officials,for fear that my evil tongue may cause more damage than good right now, but i am not happy, i really don't know how or who to address with this matter but i am very upset,he told me he was afraid to go back to class from the nurse b./c they would laugh at him, he should not have to be worried about constant teasing and ridicule from the other children, yet he does. I wish there was a better suited school for him here. Sorry, didn't mean to go offf like that, it just one thing after the other and i feel like they are giving him a hard time and i don't like it.Sherry Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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