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In a message dated 7/28/00 12:41:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

amynewcomb@... writes:

<< you know you should really send your before and current after photos

in to the Heros page. They would be great additions! >>

Thanks Amy! I do plan on sending them in. But from looking at the other pics,

it seems like they prefer full body shots! So one of these days I'll have to

get my hubby to take one :)

:) who having a tough time keeping her eating in check and doesn't

feel like much of a " hero " lately...

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In a message dated 07/28/2000 12:54:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:

<< :) who having a tough time keeping her eating in check and doesn't

feel like much of a " hero " lately... >>


if you are hungry

eat & enjoy it!!!

no point not enjoying it by sending yourself on a guilt trip


who prefers hungry days cuz means my metabolism is working

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In a message dated 7/28/00 1:08:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

amybethluvstaebo@... writes:

<< -- man it saddens me to hear you talk that way :) You know

food has nothing to do with it....you have to eat :) I eat BIG and

proud of it....that is the beauty of Tae-Bo :) never feel like you

are not a Hero....it is written all around you ;) >>

Thanks AmyBeth! I know it has nothing to do with food. I have come so far,

but sometimes I revert back to my old self and focus on weight. It really

frustrates me when I do that!! My eating habits have been really bad lately.

Usually when the eating goes, the exercise does to. They used to be linked

together with me. I am proud to say that I have kept working out through

this whole bad eating phase. That right there is a major accomplishment for

me. I don't work out for weight loss anymore. I do it because I love it! That

makes me want to cry because I would have never said that six months ago!

Yay!!! Now I just need to break the connection between food and weight and I

will be all set :)


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In a message dated 7/28/00 1:23:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Horsemom2@... writes:

<< if you are hungry

eat & enjoy it!!!

no point not enjoying it by sending yourself on a guilt trip


I agree with you! The thing is, I have been eating when I am not hungry. I

know that I am not hungry, and I do it anyway. I have been eating a lot out

of boredom, or to avoid housework... I have been in a funk since I quit my

job. I am thinking that I have a bit of a depression going on because I am in

the house all day with no " me " time. But, I start school next month so that

will get me out of the house everyday! There is definitely a silver lining to

this dark cloud. I can see it :)

:) who isn't one to stay down long :)

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In a message dated 07/28/2000 1:25:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:

<< Now I just need to break the connection between food and weight and I

will be all set :) >>

How about reconnecting the connection between food and life?


who knows there is no bad food just bad portions

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In a message dated 07/28/2000 1:29:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:

<< I agree with you! The thing is, I have been eating when I am not hungry. I

know that I am not hungry, and I do it anyway. I have been eating a lot out

of boredom, or to avoid housework... I have been in a funk since I quit my

job. I am thinking that I have a bit of a depression going on because I am


the house all day with no " me " time. But, I start school next month so that

will get me out of the house everyday! There is definitely a silver lining


this dark cloud. I can see it :)

:) who isn't one to stay down long :) >>

well I can be a recreational eater too :)

I do live to eat instead of eat to live cuz I have always loved food

try making yourself a huge gorgeous salad and fill up on it,

promising yourself a small treat afterwards & savor every bite

of the salad and the treat then either read your email or start a new book or

watch a movie or take a long bath or go for a walk even with the kids

just get away from the kitchen


who knows probably had a social outlet with her job that she is now


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> :) who having a tough time keeping her eating in check and


> feel like much of a " hero " lately...

-- man it saddens me to hear you talk that way :) You know

food has nothing to do with it....you have to eat :) I eat BIG and

proud of it....that is the beauty of Tae-Bo :) never feel like you

are not a Hero....it is written all around you ;)

Go look in that mirror again and give yourself one of 's Hugs

and remember you a Tae-Boer and you ROCK


amybeth-who is sending positive waves to ride for ;)

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> Thanks AmyBeth! I know it has nothing to do with food. I have come

so far,

> but sometimes I revert back to my old self and focus on weight. It


> frustrates me when I do that!! My eating habits have been really

bad lately.

> Usually when the eating goes, the exercise does to. They used to be


> together with me. I am proud to say that I have kept working out


> this whole bad eating phase. That right there is a major

accomplishment for

> me. I don't work out for weight loss anymore. I do it because I

love it! That

> makes me want to cry because I would have never said that six

months ago!

> Yay!!! Now I just need to break the connection between food and

weight and I

> will be all set :)

> :)

I knew you knew ;) I have been there myself and I did the same things

to be honest I probably still do ;) but I like you don't workout for

the loss but for the love of it and essentially it is in my blood now

like brushing my teeth :) and btw I am crying for yah on saying it


Amybeth-who is REALLY liking what Barb said about my metabolism --

Barb does this mean I can eat more on those days I am sooo hungry

since my metabolism is working ;) lol

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> In a message dated 7/28/00 5:54:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> Etcarroll2@g... writes:


> You should go into counseling Elena, as a career I mean! You are

great at

> making people feel better :)

> :)

I second that emotion ;)

amybeth-who thinks should have her dad continue the Tae-Bo

related activities financing since it is the best form of Therapy :)

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> I am proud to say that I have kept working out through

> this whole bad eating phase. That right there is a major

accomplishment for

> me.


That is so awesome! I used to do the same thing with

food/exercise....the minute my eating started to go downhill or

I " fell off track " .....I immediately stopped exercising. I can't

tell you how many years I did this and yo-yo'd back and forth between

eating healthy and exercising and eating everything in sight and not

exercising! It was that " all or nothing " thinking and it will


you every single time! It is a huge accomplishment to break free

from that type of thinking! I just wanted to let you know that I

totally understand what a big deal this is.....the realization that

we exercise because we love it and how it makes us feel....not to

lose a few pounds or because we " have " to do it to keep our weight in

check! You will have days (or weeks...lol) where you eat stuff that

isn't neccesarily the best food in the world for you...but that's

ok! We all have times like that! So, for awhile your eating might

be more like 60/40 (heck, maybe even 40/60 where the healthy eating

is less) rather than 80/20.....but in the big picture....like when

you look back on the year...you'll see it will all average out and

you will have eaten healthy 80% of the time :) And that's all that

we're shooting for, right? So, be proud of yourself for how far you

have come and how you haven't let this get you totally off track!

That, in and of itself, means you are succeeding :)

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> So, this is something that will probably take years

> to overcome, but I hope to have a normal relationship with food one



You will :) I never thought I'd ever have a normal relationship with

food. But it is possible! You are already aware of the effect your

dad has on you, so that is the first step in overcoming the problem.

I had the same exact problem when I used to visit my aunt. My eating

habits went downhill the minute I walked in the door. It's still

like that a little bit, but not nearly to the extent it used to be!

I have more control over it now and you will get control over it

too! It just takes some time! You have taken a big step already in

realizing where the problem lies and now just have to work on

overcoming it.....remember....baby steps!

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In a message dated 7/28/00 11:53:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

galofgop@... writes:

<< Didn't you say you wanted to go back to school? FYI most colleges offer


or dirt cheap but quality therapists. >>

I start in August!! That would be awesome if I could find something!!

:) who would like to rid herself of her " issues " now instead of later


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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for the support Chris...... Just having one of those Dr. rages today..

It's about time for a Zoloft. LOL I'm so afraid we will loose him during one

of his seizure episodes due to his low resperations.. It just tears me up.

Love to you, Crystal hubby & all the loopers & especially our kids we love so.



HREF= " http://banjosetupspecialist.homestead.com/index.html " >BanjoSetupSpecialist\


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Thanks for the support Chris...... Just having one of those Dr. rages today..

It's about time for a Zoloft. LOL I'm so afraid we will loose him during one

of his seizure episodes due to his low resperations.. It just tears me up.

Love to you, Crystal hubby & all the loopers & especially our kids we love so.



HREF= " http://banjosetupspecialist.homestead.com/index.html " >BanjoSetupSpecialist\


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Thanks for the support Chris...... Just having one of those Dr. rages today..

It's about time for a Zoloft. LOL I'm so afraid we will loose him during one

of his seizure episodes due to his low resperations.. It just tears me up.

Love to you, Crystal hubby & all the loopers & especially our kids we love so.



HREF= " http://banjosetupspecialist.homestead.com/index.html " >BanjoSetupSpecialist\


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  • 3 months later...
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you are right, life has been rather average lately. But now that Hannah

is back at school I am trying to remember to allow some time for me to spoil


Hannah has been having lots of seizures these last couple of days, and last

night she needed rectal valium to stop a particularly long one. She slept for an

hour then was rather quiet for the rest of the night, only waking once at 3.30am

for a few minutes. I agree with you, that we have to make the most of every day

with our children, those with illness/ disability as well as those who are

healthy. Live each day to the full and take lots of photos. THat makes me think

of when Hannah was in ICU last year, and we were uncertain if she would pull

through. Standing next to my little one, sicker than she had ever been in her

short little life, I suddenly realised that we didnt have a family photo that

included her. Somehow in 4½ years we had missed getting an update, probably

because life with Hannah has been sooooo busy. The first thing I did when we got

her home, was to call the studio and arrange a sitting. As small as it may

seem, it was top priority for me at the time, but now we have that photo for

ever as a memory. Must get regualr updates too!

I hope you have a blast at the concert on Saturday. Use the whole film and have

lots of memories to keep of that day. Get some photos of you with her too, as

I'm sure the delight for you will be as great as the delight for Crystal. Enjoy

dear and let us know how it goes.


(Hannah's mum, Australia)

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you are right, life has been rather average lately. But now that Hannah

is back at school I am trying to remember to allow some time for me to spoil


Hannah has been having lots of seizures these last couple of days, and last

night she needed rectal valium to stop a particularly long one. She slept for an

hour then was rather quiet for the rest of the night, only waking once at 3.30am

for a few minutes. I agree with you, that we have to make the most of every day

with our children, those with illness/ disability as well as those who are

healthy. Live each day to the full and take lots of photos. THat makes me think

of when Hannah was in ICU last year, and we were uncertain if she would pull

through. Standing next to my little one, sicker than she had ever been in her

short little life, I suddenly realised that we didnt have a family photo that

included her. Somehow in 4½ years we had missed getting an update, probably

because life with Hannah has been sooooo busy. The first thing I did when we got

her home, was to call the studio and arrange a sitting. As small as it may

seem, it was top priority for me at the time, but now we have that photo for

ever as a memory. Must get regualr updates too!

I hope you have a blast at the concert on Saturday. Use the whole film and have

lots of memories to keep of that day. Get some photos of you with her too, as

I'm sure the delight for you will be as great as the delight for Crystal. Enjoy

dear and let us know how it goes.


(Hannah's mum, Australia)

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Hi Chris

Funny you should mention the Wiggles, a good ol' home grown Aussie kids group.

When Hannah was in hospital about a year ago the whisper was that they were

coming up to our ward. Nobody dared to leave, not even to go to the loo!

Eventually, room by room, they called in to see all the kids. We were in the

very last room at the end of the corridor, with only three other children (one

was visiting Hannah with her mother) and when these lovely guys walked in I

honestly dont know who was more excited, the kids or the mothers! They did a few

songs for us, chatted and posed for photos. I treasure the photo, although

Hannah will never know who they are or that she saw them. One of them asked if

he had met Hannah before, and I had to say " no " as I am sure I'd remember if

they had. LOL.

Because Hannah cant see, nor even understand, it is not quite worth the effort

of getting her to a concert. I know this must sound awful, but taking her out

can be a nightmare. However, we do hook her up to CD's and cassettes with her

own headphones to enjoy music of all kinds. She loves it. The other kids are

past the age of things like that now, more's the pity.

Hope your busy day was well worth it. Did you get Ethan Philips' autograph? I

know the character you mean. Watched the show a few times, but not a great fan.

I also like Blues Clues, its on our TV in the mornings I think.

Hope is okay. Boy oh boy, you have your hands full I know. Sometimes

thinking about people such as yourself puts things in perspective for me.

.... What a life, eh ???

You said it!!!!!!!


(Hannah's mum, Australia)

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Hi Chris

Funny you should mention the Wiggles, a good ol' home grown Aussie kids group.

When Hannah was in hospital about a year ago the whisper was that they were

coming up to our ward. Nobody dared to leave, not even to go to the loo!

Eventually, room by room, they called in to see all the kids. We were in the

very last room at the end of the corridor, with only three other children (one

was visiting Hannah with her mother) and when these lovely guys walked in I

honestly dont know who was more excited, the kids or the mothers! They did a few

songs for us, chatted and posed for photos. I treasure the photo, although

Hannah will never know who they are or that she saw them. One of them asked if

he had met Hannah before, and I had to say " no " as I am sure I'd remember if

they had. LOL.

Because Hannah cant see, nor even understand, it is not quite worth the effort

of getting her to a concert. I know this must sound awful, but taking her out

can be a nightmare. However, we do hook her up to CD's and cassettes with her

own headphones to enjoy music of all kinds. She loves it. The other kids are

past the age of things like that now, more's the pity.

Hope your busy day was well worth it. Did you get Ethan Philips' autograph? I

know the character you mean. Watched the show a few times, but not a great fan.

I also like Blues Clues, its on our TV in the mornings I think.

Hope is okay. Boy oh boy, you have your hands full I know. Sometimes

thinking about people such as yourself puts things in perspective for me.

.... What a life, eh ???

You said it!!!!!!!


(Hannah's mum, Australia)

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Hi Chris

Funny you should mention the Wiggles, a good ol' home grown Aussie kids group.

When Hannah was in hospital about a year ago the whisper was that they were

coming up to our ward. Nobody dared to leave, not even to go to the loo!

Eventually, room by room, they called in to see all the kids. We were in the

very last room at the end of the corridor, with only three other children (one

was visiting Hannah with her mother) and when these lovely guys walked in I

honestly dont know who was more excited, the kids or the mothers! They did a few

songs for us, chatted and posed for photos. I treasure the photo, although

Hannah will never know who they are or that she saw them. One of them asked if

he had met Hannah before, and I had to say " no " as I am sure I'd remember if

they had. LOL.

Because Hannah cant see, nor even understand, it is not quite worth the effort

of getting her to a concert. I know this must sound awful, but taking her out

can be a nightmare. However, we do hook her up to CD's and cassettes with her

own headphones to enjoy music of all kinds. She loves it. The other kids are

past the age of things like that now, more's the pity.

Hope your busy day was well worth it. Did you get Ethan Philips' autograph? I

know the character you mean. Watched the show a few times, but not a great fan.

I also like Blues Clues, its on our TV in the mornings I think.

Hope is okay. Boy oh boy, you have your hands full I know. Sometimes

thinking about people such as yourself puts things in perspective for me.

.... What a life, eh ???

You said it!!!!!!!


(Hannah's mum, Australia)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hello Chris

so nice to hear from you. I know exactly what you mean about having a

stubborn girl, I'm sure I have the queen of stubborness in Olivia, we

too have to pry her mouth open to get grape Tylenol in her LOL!

Olivia is actually a wonderful signer, she must have over 150 signs

she uses and understands much more than that. I was just trying to

get a feel for what kind of language kids with pmg have who aren't

dealing with deafness so Ican make some realistic goals, expectations

with what kind of results we can see in the future with Olivia's

Cochlear Implant. Quick ? what is a Dynamyte?

Thanks for letting me know how Crystal is doing I think it great she

was saying Animal every little step will lead to big things!

and Olivia

> Of course I remember you !!!! I have to go & look at your beautiful


> photos. Crystal has a few words. Not many though. She speaks with

the same

> tone of voice as a deaf person. ( very atonal ). I believe she has


> modulating her voice. For her, it's a struggle just to get the


> out. My 11 year old daughter had Crystal signing &

saying " animal "

> this morning. That has to be her one & ONLY 3 syllable word !!! She


> can't say many words. To make matters even more difficult, she has


> down significantly on her signing. I know it's because she wants so

badly to

> speak like us. My hubby yells at her to tell him what she wants.

She'll just

> point & moan, or pick something up & show us. She is one VERY


> little girl. If she doesn't want to do something, she won't. I

can't tell

> you the number of times we've had to pry her mouth open to get her


> meds into her !!!! OY !!!!


> Anyway, I hope this helps you determine if Olivia is behind the

other kids

> her age ( with her dx ). Since she also has difficulty hearing,

it's going

> to be that much harder for her. How is she with using her sign

language ???

> I wanted Crystal to get a Dynamyte. The school ( who were supposed

to get it

> for her ) have been dragging their feet for months !!!!


> Gotta go. Give the girls great big {{{ HUGS }}} & kisses for us !!!!


> Congratulations on the new arrival. You must be so excited !!!! Two

girls &

> a boy !!!!


> I wish you all the best....


> Love & light...


> & HER Angel, Crystal Aquielle. She's 4 years old - BPP -

Grade 3...




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Hello Chris

so nice to hear from you. I know exactly what you mean about having a

stubborn girl, I'm sure I have the queen of stubborness in Olivia, we

too have to pry her mouth open to get grape Tylenol in her LOL!

Olivia is actually a wonderful signer, she must have over 150 signs

she uses and understands much more than that. I was just trying to

get a feel for what kind of language kids with pmg have who aren't

dealing with deafness so Ican make some realistic goals, expectations

with what kind of results we can see in the future with Olivia's

Cochlear Implant. Quick ? what is a Dynamyte?

Thanks for letting me know how Crystal is doing I think it great she

was saying Animal every little step will lead to big things!

and Olivia

> Of course I remember you !!!! I have to go & look at your beautiful


> photos. Crystal has a few words. Not many though. She speaks with

the same

> tone of voice as a deaf person. ( very atonal ). I believe she has


> modulating her voice. For her, it's a struggle just to get the


> out. My 11 year old daughter had Crystal signing &

saying " animal "

> this morning. That has to be her one & ONLY 3 syllable word !!! She


> can't say many words. To make matters even more difficult, she has


> down significantly on her signing. I know it's because she wants so

badly to

> speak like us. My hubby yells at her to tell him what she wants.

She'll just

> point & moan, or pick something up & show us. She is one VERY


> little girl. If she doesn't want to do something, she won't. I

can't tell

> you the number of times we've had to pry her mouth open to get her


> meds into her !!!! OY !!!!


> Anyway, I hope this helps you determine if Olivia is behind the

other kids

> her age ( with her dx ). Since she also has difficulty hearing,

it's going

> to be that much harder for her. How is she with using her sign

language ???

> I wanted Crystal to get a Dynamyte. The school ( who were supposed

to get it

> for her ) have been dragging their feet for months !!!!


> Gotta go. Give the girls great big {{{ HUGS }}} & kisses for us !!!!


> Congratulations on the new arrival. You must be so excited !!!! Two

girls &

> a boy !!!!


> I wish you all the best....


> Love & light...


> & HER Angel, Crystal Aquielle. She's 4 years old - BPP -

Grade 3...




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Hello Chris

so nice to hear from you. I know exactly what you mean about having a

stubborn girl, I'm sure I have the queen of stubborness in Olivia, we

too have to pry her mouth open to get grape Tylenol in her LOL!

Olivia is actually a wonderful signer, she must have over 150 signs

she uses and understands much more than that. I was just trying to

get a feel for what kind of language kids with pmg have who aren't

dealing with deafness so Ican make some realistic goals, expectations

with what kind of results we can see in the future with Olivia's

Cochlear Implant. Quick ? what is a Dynamyte?

Thanks for letting me know how Crystal is doing I think it great she

was saying Animal every little step will lead to big things!

and Olivia

> Of course I remember you !!!! I have to go & look at your beautiful


> photos. Crystal has a few words. Not many though. She speaks with

the same

> tone of voice as a deaf person. ( very atonal ). I believe she has


> modulating her voice. For her, it's a struggle just to get the


> out. My 11 year old daughter had Crystal signing &

saying " animal "

> this morning. That has to be her one & ONLY 3 syllable word !!! She


> can't say many words. To make matters even more difficult, she has


> down significantly on her signing. I know it's because she wants so

badly to

> speak like us. My hubby yells at her to tell him what she wants.

She'll just

> point & moan, or pick something up & show us. She is one VERY


> little girl. If she doesn't want to do something, she won't. I

can't tell

> you the number of times we've had to pry her mouth open to get her


> meds into her !!!! OY !!!!


> Anyway, I hope this helps you determine if Olivia is behind the

other kids

> her age ( with her dx ). Since she also has difficulty hearing,

it's going

> to be that much harder for her. How is she with using her sign

language ???

> I wanted Crystal to get a Dynamyte. The school ( who were supposed

to get it

> for her ) have been dragging their feet for months !!!!


> Gotta go. Give the girls great big {{{ HUGS }}} & kisses for us !!!!


> Congratulations on the new arrival. You must be so excited !!!! Two

girls &

> a boy !!!!


> I wish you all the best....


> Love & light...


> & HER Angel, Crystal Aquielle. She's 4 years old - BPP -

Grade 3...




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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Oh girl, I know what you've been thru..... Your doing the right thing with

the EEG.. Don't take no for an answer. I'm so glad her breathing wasn't

effected. Talk to the Dr. about diastat to give to her if her breathing

should stop & her lips start turning blue. It's expensive, one tube 100.00,

but well worth it " just in case. " <hugs> Let us know how the tests turn out.



HREF= " http://banjosetupspecialist.homestead.com/index.html " >BanjoSetupSpecialist\


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Oh girl, I know what you've been thru..... Your doing the right thing with

the EEG.. Don't take no for an answer. I'm so glad her breathing wasn't

effected. Talk to the Dr. about diastat to give to her if her breathing

should stop & her lips start turning blue. It's expensive, one tube 100.00,

but well worth it " just in case. " <hugs> Let us know how the tests turn out.



HREF= " http://banjosetupspecialist.homestead.com/index.html " >BanjoSetupSpecialist\


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