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Re: question

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I had no luck with my family physcian. In fact he didn't even think

I had allergies or asthma. He sent me to a cardioligist, who said I

had asthma and referred me to a pulmonoligist. I really would

recomend that you see a pulmonoligist because they deal with thes

kind of illness every day and are usually more knowledgable. They

know what has worked for other patients of theirs and this

experience can help. I know I didn't get any help until I saw my

pulmonoligist. I'm sure there are some really good family

physicians out there, I just didn't happen to have one.


In asthma , mrslentz@a... wrote:

> I just had a quick question for all of you. Do you see your


> physician in regards to your asthma or do you see a specialist?

I've been thinking

> that maybe it's time that I seek a specialist instead of seeing

my family

> doctor because I feel like she isn't aware of the latest

treatments that are

> available and that might be of help to me. Just wanted to see what

you guys view

> was on the issue.



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I had no luck with my family physcian. In fact he didn't even think

I had allergies or asthma. He sent me to a cardioligist, who said I

had asthma and referred me to a pulmonoligist. I really would

recomend that you see a pulmonoligist because they deal with thes

kind of illness every day and are usually more knowledgable. They

know what has worked for other patients of theirs and this

experience can help. I know I didn't get any help until I saw my

pulmonoligist. I'm sure there are some really good family

physicians out there, I just didn't happen to have one.


In asthma , mrslentz@a... wrote:

> I just had a quick question for all of you. Do you see your


> physician in regards to your asthma or do you see a specialist?

I've been thinking

> that maybe it's time that I seek a specialist instead of seeing

my family

> doctor because I feel like she isn't aware of the latest

treatments that are

> available and that might be of help to me. Just wanted to see what

you guys view

> was on the issue.



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  • 4 weeks later...
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In a message dated 4/6/2005 7:36:30 AM Eastern Standard Time,

stillsman00@... writes:

If anyone can offer advice on any organizations to contact or can give me

specific legal information I would appreciate it. What pisses me off is that I

did a ton of favors for some of these very same assholes, forgive the term!

try to get the media involved - they love this kind of human interest stuff.

" Poor guy becomes disabled and all he has left for enjoyment is fishing with

this sons and because of a stupid rule he physically will not be able to do

it in waters adjacent to fathers cabin! Details at 7! " Plus Kirk, that would

certainly get some stills stuff and/or our website into the media as well. Or,

a threat of such of story to the rule-makers might get them off their butts

as well! Good luck!

Feel good everybody!

Carole From Hollywood FL

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Hey man,

I am no lawyer, but I am with you in spirit for whatever that's worth.

Absolutely, fight!

on Jefferson once said that an occassional Revolution IS GOOD for a


shake em up and rattle their cages. If it will help, let us join you in a good

old letter writing campaign. I will be glad to bombard the association's

mailbox! The part about the private issue I think is a load of BS......The

Virginia Military Institute tried to use that tactic to keep out females (as did

The Citadel and the other service schools). Didn't hold water.

Hang in there and post back if I (we) can help.

Give em hell


Kirk Bonanny wrote:

Hello. I am in the process of " butting heads " with a bunch of idiots and would

like to know where to look for help without paying an attorney, although I will

do so if it comes to that.

My parents have a cottage on a private lake. Every dues paying member is part

of the association. There are two lakes in the association, and our dues are

paid in full.

I fish these lakes very frequently, especially with my boys as their

attention span is still pretty short and they can always go up to the cottage

and I can continue to fish when they get bored.

The problem I am having is that there are no motors of any kind allowed on

these lakes, you may use rowboats only. This was never an issue to me before,

but I can no longer row a boat without risking further injury according to my

doctor. I am friends with the Vice President of the Board and asked him to see

if I can get permission to use an electric trolling motor as I most certainly

have every intention to continue fishing there. He didn't foresee a problem at

first, but called today to tell me that they are not going to allow it.

I am going to their meeting on the 18th to argue my point, but have no

intentions of losing or going unarmed without legal knowledge. I know it is

illegal to discriminate against the disabled, but the President feels they are

exempt as it is a " private " association. I don't care how bad they wind up

hating my guts, I don't fight to lose.

If anyone can offer advice on any organizations to contact or can give me

specific legal information I would appreciate it. What pisses me off is that I

did a ton of favors for some of these very same assholes, forgive the term!

Thanks.....a totally exhausted and unable to sleep Kirk.

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Hell yeah, send in the letters! You can mail them to my address and I will

present them to the " Association " . I do have a friend on the board who is going

to bat for me also, and before I bring out my pre-planned arsenal I am going to

be civil and present my case. If that doesn't work, I already have a letter

typed up and being sent out to the ACLU and have a friend who works at a news

station who would probably be interested in this. This same man is also in my

Bass club.

I am also going to have my Rheumatologist type up a letter stating my

condition and I am going to give them flyers and bring my records. If that

doesn't work, they are picking a fight they can't win, as I don't know when to


Thanks! Kirk

Re: Question


Hey man,

I am no lawyer, but I am with you in spirit for whatever that's worth.

Absolutely, fight!

on Jefferson once said that an occassional Revolution IS GOOD for a


shake em up and rattle their cages. If it will help, let us join you in a

good old letter writing campaign. I will be glad to bombard the association's

mailbox! The part about the private issue I think is a load of BS......The

Virginia Military Institute tried to use that tactic to keep out females (as did

The Citadel and the other service schools). Didn't hold water.

Hang in there and post back if I (we) can help.

Give em hell


Kirk Bonanny wrote:

Hello. I am in the process of " butting heads " with a bunch of idiots and

would like to know where to look for help without paying an attorney, although I

will do so if it comes to that.

My parents have a cottage on a private lake. Every dues paying member is

part of the association. There are two lakes in the association, and our dues

are paid in full.

I fish these lakes very frequently, especially with my boys as their

attention span is still pretty short and they can always go up to the cottage

and I can continue to fish when they get bored.

The problem I am having is that there are no motors of any kind allowed on

these lakes, you may use rowboats only. This was never an issue to me before,

but I can no longer row a boat without risking further injury according to my

doctor. I am friends with the Vice President of the Board and asked him to see

if I can get permission to use an electric trolling motor as I most certainly

have every intention to continue fishing there. He didn't foresee a problem at

first, but called today to tell me that they are not going to allow it.

I am going to their meeting on the 18th to argue my point, but have no

intentions of losing or going unarmed without legal knowledge. I know it is

illegal to discriminate against the disabled, but the President feels they are

exempt as it is a " private " association. I don't care how bad they wind up

hating my guts, I don't fight to lose.

If anyone can offer advice on any organizations to contact or can give me

specific legal information I would appreciate it. What pisses me off is that I

did a ton of favors for some of these very same assholes, forgive the term!

Thanks.....a totally exhausted and unable to sleep Kirk.

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Hey Kirk,

Best of luck with your fight! hope you win!

Have a great pain free day


Kirk Bonanny wrote:

Hell yeah, send in the letters! You can mail them to my address and I will

present them to the " Association " . I do have a friend on the board who is going

to bat for me also, and before I bring out my pre-planned arsenal I am going to

be civil and present my case. If that doesn't work, I already have a letter

typed up and being sent out to the ACLU and have a friend who works at a news

station who would probably be interested in this. This same man is also in my

Bass club.

I am also going to have my Rheumatologist type up a letter stating my

condition and I am going to give them flyers and bring my records. If that

doesn't work, they are picking a fight they can't win, as I don't know when to


Thanks! Kirk

Re: Question


Hey man,

I am no lawyer, but I am with you in spirit for whatever that's worth.

Absolutely, fight!

on Jefferson once said that an occassional Revolution IS GOOD for a


shake em up and rattle their cages. If it will help, let us join you in a

good old letter writing campaign. I will be glad to bombard the association's

mailbox! The part about the private issue I think is a load of BS......The

Virginia Military Institute tried to use that tactic to keep out females (as did

The Citadel and the other service schools). Didn't hold water.

Hang in there and post back if I (we) can help.

Give em hell


Kirk Bonanny wrote:

Hello. I am in the process of " butting heads " with a bunch of idiots and

would like to know where to look for help without paying an attorney, although I

will do so if it comes to that.

My parents have a cottage on a private lake. Every dues paying member is

part of the association. There are two lakes in the association, and our dues

are paid in full.

I fish these lakes very frequently, especially with my boys as their

attention span is still pretty short and they can always go up to the cottage

and I can continue to fish when they get bored.

The problem I am having is that there are no motors of any kind allowed on

these lakes, you may use rowboats only. This was never an issue to me before,

but I can no longer row a boat without risking further injury according to my

doctor. I am friends with the Vice President of the Board and asked him to see

if I can get permission to use an electric trolling motor as I most certainly

have every intention to continue fishing there. He didn't foresee a problem at

first, but called today to tell me that they are not going to allow it.

I am going to their meeting on the 18th to argue my point, but have no

intentions of losing or going unarmed without legal knowledge. I know it is

illegal to discriminate against the disabled, but the President feels they are

exempt as it is a " private " association. I don't care how bad they wind up

hating my guts, I don't fight to lose.

If anyone can offer advice on any organizations to contact or can give me

specific legal information I would appreciate it. What pisses me off is that I

did a ton of favors for some of these very same assholes, forgive the term!

Thanks.....a totally exhausted and unable to sleep Kirk.

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Please post your address. I'll get the letter(s) out to you. I do believe this

is a fight you WILL win! Larry

Kirk Bonanny wrote:

Hell yeah, send in the letters! You can mail them to my address and I will

present them to the " Association " . I do have a friend on the board who is going

to bat for me also, and before I bring out my pre-planned arsenal I am going to

be civil and present my case. If that doesn't work, I already have a letter

typed up and being sent out to the ACLU and have a friend who works at a news

station who would probably be interested in this. This same man is also in my

Bass club.

I am also going to have my Rheumatologist type up a letter stating my

condition and I am going to give them flyers and bring my records. If that

doesn't work, they are picking a fight they can't win, as I don't know when to


Thanks! Kirk

Re: Question


Hey man,

I am no lawyer, but I am with you in spirit for whatever that's worth.

Absolutely, fight!

on Jefferson once said that an occassional Revolution IS GOOD for a


shake em up and rattle their cages. If it will help, let us join you in a

good old letter writing campaign. I will be glad to bombard the association's

mailbox! The part about the private issue I think is a load of BS......The

Virginia Military Institute tried to use that tactic to keep out females (as did

The Citadel and the other service schools). Didn't hold water.

Hang in there and post back if I (we) can help.

Give em hell


Kirk Bonanny wrote:

Hello. I am in the process of " butting heads " with a bunch of idiots and

would like to know where to look for help without paying an attorney, although I

will do so if it comes to that.

My parents have a cottage on a private lake. Every dues paying member is

part of the association. There are two lakes in the association, and our dues

are paid in full.

I fish these lakes very frequently, especially with my boys as their

attention span is still pretty short and they can always go up to the cottage

and I can continue to fish when they get bored.

The problem I am having is that there are no motors of any kind allowed on

these lakes, you may use rowboats only. This was never an issue to me before,

but I can no longer row a boat without risking further injury according to my

doctor. I am friends with the Vice President of the Board and asked him to see

if I can get permission to use an electric trolling motor as I most certainly

have every intention to continue fishing there. He didn't foresee a problem at

first, but called today to tell me that they are not going to allow it.

I am going to their meeting on the 18th to argue my point, but have no

intentions of losing or going unarmed without legal knowledge. I know it is

illegal to discriminate against the disabled, but the President feels they are

exempt as it is a " private " association. I don't care how bad they wind up

hating my guts, I don't fight to lose.

If anyone can offer advice on any organizations to contact or can give me

specific legal information I would appreciate it. What pisses me off is that I

did a ton of favors for some of these very same assholes, forgive the term!

Thanks.....a totally exhausted and unable to sleep Kirk.

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Larry, my address is 406 Westminister Rd Wilkes-Barre, Pa 18702 . I also sent a

letter to the ACLU and I am prepared to consult a lawyer if need be. These

A******* have absolutely no idea how much I enjoy a good fight!

Thanks, Kirk.

Re: Question


Hey man,

I am no lawyer, but I am with you in spirit for whatever that's worth.

Absolutely, fight!

on Jefferson once said that an occassional Revolution IS GOOD for a


shake em up and rattle their cages. If it will help, let us join you in a

good old letter writing campaign. I will be glad to bombard the association's

mailbox! The part about the private issue I think is a load of BS......The

Virginia Military Institute tried to use that tactic to keep out females (as did

The Citadel and the other service schools). Didn't hold water.

Hang in there and post back if I (we) can help.

Give em hell


Kirk Bonanny wrote:

Hello. I am in the process of " butting heads " with a bunch of idiots and

would like to know where to look for help without paying an attorney, although I

will do so if it comes to that.

My parents have a cottage on a private lake. Every dues paying member is

part of the association. There are two lakes in the association, and our dues

are paid in full.

I fish these lakes very frequently, especially with my boys as their

attention span is still pretty short and they can always go up to the cottage

and I can continue to fish when they get bored.

The problem I am having is that there are no motors of any kind allowed

on these lakes, you may use rowboats only. This was never an issue to me before,

but I can no longer row a boat without risking further injury according to my

doctor. I am friends with the Vice President of the Board and asked him to see

if I can get permission to use an electric trolling motor as I most certainly

have every intention to continue fishing there. He didn't foresee a problem at

first, but called today to tell me that they are not going to allow it.

I am going to their meeting on the 18th to argue my point, but have no

intentions of losing or going unarmed without legal knowledge. I know it is

illegal to discriminate against the disabled, but the President feels they are

exempt as it is a " private " association. I don't care how bad they wind up

hating my guts, I don't fight to lose.

If anyone can offer advice on any organizations to contact or can give me

specific legal information I would appreciate it. What pisses me off is that I

did a ton of favors for some of these very same assholes, forgive the term!

Thanks.....a totally exhausted and unable to sleep Kirk.

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The disabled world is still pretty new to me, but I have certainly felt the

brunt of ignorant people. The only advice I have is to find out if there is a

specific reason that they aren't letting you motor( dangerous for swimmers,

dangerous for you.....blah,blah,blah) or if they are just being jerks. They

could come up with any reason to cover their butts just to avoid a " disability

issue " . I mean its not like your going to be flying around causing wakes,

spilling oil, and pulling skiers.....for crying out loud! Find out if they will

allow a certain sized electric motor or if their could be some sort of way to

resolve this issue in a civil-like manner. If that doesn't work bring out the

threats and stand up for yourself........if their reasoning isn't legit I don't

see that they have a foot to stand on.....these things can get kind of ugly

though so stay strong and the most important thing is to stand up for yourself

and let your honest feelings be communicated exactly how you

feel them....remember you are working on empathy NOT sympathy from the naive

assholes! Get in there and fight for you and all the others who feel

cheated.......Who knows...maybe there are others at the same lake with a similar

problem and won't stand up for their rights....fight for them! I'm behind you

100%....let me know what comes out of it!


LUCK, Josie

bonanny@...> wrote:

Hello. I am in the process of " butting heads " with a bunch of idiots and would

like to know where to look for help without paying an attorney, although I will

do so if it comes to that.

My parents have a cottage on a private lake. Every dues paying member is part

of the association. There are two lakes in the association, and our dues are

paid in full.

I fish these lakes very frequently, especially with my boys as their

attention span is still pretty short and they can always go up to the cottage

and I can continue to fish when they get bored.

The problem I am having is that there are no motors of any kind allowed on

these lakes, you may use rowboats only. This was never an issue to me before,

but I can no longer row a boat without risking further injury according to my

doctor. I am friends with the Vice President of the Board and asked him to see

if I can get permission to use an electric trolling motor as I most certainly

have every intention to continue fishing there. He didn't foresee a problem at

first, but called today to tell me that they are not going to allow it.

I am going to their meeting on the 18th to argue my point, but have no

intentions of losing or going unarmed without legal knowledge. I know it is

illegal to discriminate against the disabled, but the President feels they are

exempt as it is a " private " association. I don't care how bad they wind up

hating my guts, I don't fight to lose.

If anyone can offer advice on any organizations to contact or can give me

specific legal information I would appreciate it. What pisses me off is that I

did a ton of favors for some of these very same assholes, forgive the term!

Thanks.....a totally exhausted and unable to sleep Kirk.

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I would be very surprised if anyone, including " Private Associations " was

except from anti-discrimination legislation...

Graham (36)

West Sussex, UK

At 06:36 06/04/2005, you wrote:

> Hello. I am in the process of " butting heads " with a bunch of idiots

> and would like to know where to look for help without paying an attorney,

> although I will do so if it comes to that.

> My parents have a cottage on a private lake. Every dues paying member

> is part of the association. There are two lakes in the association, and

> our dues are paid in full.

> I fish these lakes very frequently, especially with my boys as their

> attention span is still pretty short and they can always go up to the

> cottage and I can continue to fish when they get bored.

> The problem I am having is that there are no motors of any kind

> allowed on these lakes, you may use rowboats only. This was never an

> issue to me before, but I can no longer row a boat without risking

> further injury according to my doctor. I am friends with the Vice

> President of the Board and asked him to see if I can get permission to

> use an electric trolling motor as I most certainly have every intention

> to continue fishing there. He didn't foresee a problem at first, but

> called today to tell me that they are not going to allow it.

> I am going to their meeting on the 18th to argue my point, but have no

> intentions of losing or going unarmed without legal knowledge. I know it

> is illegal to discriminate against the disabled, but the President feels

> they are exempt as it is a " private " association. I don't care how bad

> they wind up hating my guts, I don't fight to lose.

> If anyone can offer advice on any organizations to contact or can give

> me specific legal information I would appreciate it. What pisses me off

> is that I did a ton of favors for some of these very same assholes,

> forgive the term!

> Thanks.....a totally exhausted and unable to sleep Kirk.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I use one. I haven't found any cons. I love mine because I can even use it in my college classes. It is small and quiet. The medicine steam gets attention but when people realize I'm nebbing and not smoking something they're cool with it. Go for it.

mrslentz@... wrote:

Was doing some research on portable nebulizers, does anyone use the new omron ultrasonic nebulizer system that runs on 2 AA batteries? Sounds like what I would be looking for, but wanted to see if anyone is using one to see what the cons are of the system...

God bless you!

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I use one. I haven't found any cons. I love mine because I can even use it in my college classes. It is small and quiet. The medicine steam gets attention but when people realize I'm nebbing and not smoking something they're cool with it. Go for it.

mrslentz@... wrote:

Was doing some research on portable nebulizers, does anyone use the new omron ultrasonic nebulizer system that runs on 2 AA batteries? Sounds like what I would be looking for, but wanted to see if anyone is using one to see what the cons are of the system...

God bless you!

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Yes, bought one last year can really recommend it, can use it anywhere

easily and I do. Little bit fiddly to clean and put together but it is

the best on the market. Worth the expensive price tag.


> Was doing some research on portable nebulizers, does anyone use the

> new omron ultrasonic nebulizer system that runs on 2 AA batteries? 

> Sounds like what I would be looking for, but wanted to see if anyone

> is using one to see what the cons are of the system...




> Yahoo! Groups Link

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Yes, bought one last year can really recommend it, can use it anywhere

easily and I do. Little bit fiddly to clean and put together but it is

the best on the market. Worth the expensive price tag.


> Was doing some research on portable nebulizers, does anyone use the

> new omron ultrasonic nebulizer system that runs on 2 AA batteries? 

> Sounds like what I would be looking for, but wanted to see if anyone

> is using one to see what the cons are of the system...




> Yahoo! Groups Link

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I take Protonix.

mrslentz@... wrote:

Since being on different asthma medications I have noticed that I now have the symptoms of acid reflux, does any of you also suffer from acid reflux? If so what are your doctors doing to help with the symptoms?

God bless you!

Discover Yahoo! Get on-the-go sports scores, stock quotes, news more. Check it out!

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I had GERD/acid reflux before ever being treated for asthma. I take Nexium once a day and also, if symptoms are bad, a Pepcid complete.


Since being on different asthma medications I have noticed that I now have the symptoms of acid reflux, does any of you also suffer from acid reflux? If so what are your doctors doing to help with the symptoms?

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I had GERD/acid reflux before ever being treated for asthma. I take Nexium once a day and also, if symptoms are bad, a Pepcid complete.


Since being on different asthma medications I have noticed that I now have the symptoms of acid reflux, does any of you also suffer from acid reflux? If so what are your doctors doing to help with the symptoms?

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I had GERD/acid reflux before ever being treated for asthma. I take Nexium once a day and also, if symptoms are bad, a Pepcid complete.


Since being on different asthma medications I have noticed that I now have the symptoms of acid reflux, does any of you also suffer from acid reflux? If so what are your doctors doing to help with the symptoms?

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Many of the asthma meds such as albuterol can actually cause heartburn

or GERD which can then worsen the asthma, it's a vicious cycle. For

me I'm maxed out on both asthma and GERD meds, for the GERD I take

nexium twice a day, reglan three times a day and zantac nightly and

that still doesn't curb the reflux all the time.

> Since being on different asthma medications I have noticed that I

now have

> the symptoms of acid reflux, does any of you also suffer from acid

reflux? If

> so what are your doctors doing to help with the symptoms?



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Guest guest

Many of the asthma meds such as albuterol can actually cause heartburn

or GERD which can then worsen the asthma, it's a vicious cycle. For

me I'm maxed out on both asthma and GERD meds, for the GERD I take

nexium twice a day, reglan three times a day and zantac nightly and

that still doesn't curb the reflux all the time.

> Since being on different asthma medications I have noticed that I

now have

> the symptoms of acid reflux, does any of you also suffer from acid

reflux? If

> so what are your doctors doing to help with the symptoms?



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Guest guest

Many of the asthma meds such as albuterol can actually cause heartburn

or GERD which can then worsen the asthma, it's a vicious cycle. For

me I'm maxed out on both asthma and GERD meds, for the GERD I take

nexium twice a day, reglan three times a day and zantac nightly and

that still doesn't curb the reflux all the time.

> Since being on different asthma medications I have noticed that I

now have

> the symptoms of acid reflux, does any of you also suffer from acid

reflux? If

> so what are your doctors doing to help with the symptoms?



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Hi ,

I have acid reflux, which I don't believe is due to asthma or asthma medications. I am on ranitidine which stops the production of excess stomach acid, it's effective and has no side effects (apart from possible drowsiness). You need to avoid things that may trigger more stomach acid, such as alcohol, rich foods, carbonated drinks etc., eat more but smaller meals and don't eat late at night.



Since being on different asthma medications I have noticed that I now have the symptoms of acid reflux, does any of you also suffer from acid reflux? If so what are your doctors doing to help with the symptoms?

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Guest guest

Hi ,

I have acid reflux, which I don't believe is due to asthma or asthma medications. I am on ranitidine which stops the production of excess stomach acid, it's effective and has no side effects (apart from possible drowsiness). You need to avoid things that may trigger more stomach acid, such as alcohol, rich foods, carbonated drinks etc., eat more but smaller meals and don't eat late at night.



Since being on different asthma medications I have noticed that I now have the symptoms of acid reflux, does any of you also suffer from acid reflux? If so what are your doctors doing to help with the symptoms?

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