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Vicky, what an excellent reply to ine!! Thanks much for sharing

what you are going through, and how you see things. I totally agree with you --

depression and how it works, what causes it, and how to fix it -- can vary

tremendously. And there isn't one right way for everyone. I used to think that

if I was depressed or in a bad mood, or angry, or whatever -- that " If I could

just find that one book; " that one special, magical book, that it would fix

everything! Well, I hate to admit it, but I have bookshelves and bookshelves

of self-help books, books on this, and books on that -- and every single book

was bought in the hope that maybe " this one " will be THE ONE!! As you know,

that wasn't the case. I think I'll forever be looking for this book or that CD,

or whatever to try and fix me, but actually these are only tools to help me fix

me, and there isn't that one " all-powerful thing " out there!! At least that is

what I've found. I will say that I have learned

or gotten something good out of each and every book. But, no book has had

everything it needed! Hope this makes some sense. Love & Hugs, PJ

ptandme2 <no_reply > wrote:

> Are there any people on this list who are diagnosised with any type

> of mental illness-anxiety, depression, bipolar, etc. Anyone on


> list is any meds. I'm just curious. I am not having a good day, I

> didn't sleep well last night and don't feel good I wonder if you


> think that you have these problems that that affirmation and

> statements can override these more serious problems? ine

Hi ine,

I'm new to this list. I've been diagnosed with major depression, but

took myself off meds (zoloft), several months ago. I joined this

group to get as much positive impact in my life as I can. I've been

going through some really tough times and really need some feedback

like I get here & should probably be looking for the same in other

parts of my life---but this group is a great start.

I tried to break the depression thing on my own. I guess I can't,

so I'm breaking down and going back on meds. But I don't expect the

meds to do everything. I have to be proactive & that can be

difficult, especially when depression is so immobilizing in itself.

If just one message I read in this format helps me, then that's a

lot, and I'm greatful for it.

I think depression is as varied as the individuals who suffer from

it. I don't think just one thing works. It's a combination of

things and the levels of those things vary depending on the person---

and it's an ongoing struggle. It's a nice thought to think that if I

hear just the right combination of words, I'll be able to handle

life, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way. --- depression is

something that has to be dealt with on a daily basis.

I think this group is a valuable tool. For a lot of people, it might

be all that they need. For me, I have to draw on all the positive

resources I can.

Look at it as a balanced diet and this group as one of the food

groups. It has to work in conjunction with the others for you to

feel your best.

Sorry for a long-winded first post, but ine, I truly hope you

find what works best for you.


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Thanks much for sharing this with us. It is so amazing how each one

of us has a story to share, and a different way of handling something like

depression. And each one of us HAS found a way of dealing with it and making

things better. Not perfect, but better. Your suggestions are excellent.

Another thing I had totally forgotten about, till now, is to sing or to whistle.

Try it sometime. When you are sad and blue, or feeling moody, or whatever --

hum or sing a song. Or put some music on and sing along with it. You will find

that it won't cure the depression, but it will certainly help, if only for a few

minutes or a couple of hours. Because your mind can only think one thought at a

time. It can change thoughts very quickly, but only one thought can be thought

that particular second. So, if you are singing, even if you don't feel like it,

if you give it a try for a little bit, you will find it will gradually pick up

your mood for the better for awhile.

Thanks for the tip about the medications. I have always done that

also, kinda as a crutch -- just keep them around and then I won't need them; or

if I do need them, they will be there to help. Hugs, PJ

august12@... wrote:

Hi friends..

I suffered from depression and panic attacks -- seriously about 20 years

ago - but I do have flares every now and then.

One thing I found that worked well for me was to acknowledge that I was

UNABLE to do certain things when I got the attacks -- or was depressed -- but

then -- I asked myself

" What CAN I do? "

Sometimes I was able to do laundry. Sometimes it was to pick up and put

away one thing. Sometimes it was nothing more than taking a few deep breaths...

but I did ask myself - and followed through on the answers I felt I had


Some affirmations I found I could not do - because I didn't believe them.

Like " I Am Rich " when I knew I wasn't.

BUT - I was able to do ones like " I choose joy. " " I choose peace " " I

choose to love and be loved " . " I am God's child and He loves me " I found these


be very helpful

It's funny... I am packing to move right now - I have reunited with my

childhood sweetheart after THIRTY YEARS -- and the children and I are moving to


with him right after Christmas.

In him I have received my joy, my love and my peace - that I affirmed over

and over for many months before I saw him. He - and his love for me -- are my

treasures - and I am blessed.

When I was packing things from my bathroom earlier today -- I came across

what was left of my meds -- from 1988!!!!

I didn't throw them away. I packed them. Just knowing they are there is

kind of a security blanket - should I ever " fall off the wagon " and need them.

(BTW - my uncle is an MD and told me that they would not hurt me being

expired -- just they might not be as potent)

I hope this helps someone...

Love and Blessings,

Colleen @}-->-->-----------------

> >Are there any people on this list who are diagnosised with any type

> >of mental illness-anxiety, depression, bipolar, etc. Anyone on

> this

> >list is any meds. I'm just curious. I am not having a good day, I

> >didn't sleep well last night and don't feel good I wonder if you

> all

> >think that you have these problems that that affirmation and

> >statements can override these more serious problems? ine

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I agree with everything that PJ has said here. My depression was unique and

I went through several different medicines. I am now medicine-free for the

depression and have been depression free for almost 8 months now : ) I am on

medicines for my newly diagnosed fibromyalgia, but I am out of the " fog " and

sadness. It can be done, just focus on you and what will help you. Music

is one of the things that helped me, and journaling too. We are here for



Re: Re: question


Thanks much for sharing this with us. It is so amazing how each

one of us has a story to share, and a different way of handling something

like depression. And each one of us HAS found a way of dealing with it and

making things better. Not perfect, but better. Your suggestions are

excellent. Another thing I had totally forgotten about, till now, is to

sing or to whistle. Try it sometime. When you are sad and blue, or feeling

moody, or whatever -- hum or sing a song. Or put some music on and sing

along with it. You will find that it won't cure the depression, but it will

certainly help, if only for a few minutes or a couple of hours. Because

your mind can only think one thought at a time. It can change thoughts very

quickly, but only one thought can be thought that particular second. So, if

you are singing, even if you don't feel like it, if you give it a try for a

little bit, you will find it will gradually pick up your mood for the better

for awhile.

Thanks for the tip about the medications. I have always done

that also, kinda as a crutch -- just keep them around and then I won't need

them; or if I do need them, they will be there to help. Hugs, PJ

august12@... wrote:

Hi friends..

I suffered from depression and panic attacks -- seriously about 20 years

ago - but I do have flares every now and then.

One thing I found that worked well for me was to acknowledge that I was

UNABLE to do certain things when I got the attacks -- or was depressed --


then -- I asked myself

" What CAN I do? "

Sometimes I was able to do laundry. Sometimes it was to pick up and put

away one thing. Sometimes it was nothing more than taking a few deep


but I did ask myself - and followed through on the answers I felt I had


Some affirmations I found I could not do - because I didn't believe them.

Like " I Am Rich " when I knew I wasn't.

BUT - I was able to do ones like " I choose joy. " " I choose peace " " I

choose to love and be loved " . " I am God's child and He loves me " I found

these to

be very helpful

It's funny... I am packing to move right now - I have reunited with my

childhood sweetheart after THIRTY YEARS -- and the children and I are moving

to be

with him right after Christmas.

In him I have received my joy, my love and my peace - that I affirmed


and over for many months before I saw him. He - and his love for me -- are


treasures - and I am blessed.

When I was packing things from my bathroom earlier today -- I came across

what was left of my meds -- from 1988!!!!

I didn't throw them away. I packed them. Just knowing they are there is

kind of a security blanket - should I ever " fall off the wagon " and need


(BTW - my uncle is an MD and told me that they would not hurt me being

expired -- just they might not be as potent)

I hope this helps someone...

Love and Blessings,

Colleen @}-->-->-----------------

> >Are there any people on this list who are diagnosised with any type

> >of mental illness-anxiety, depression, bipolar, etc. Anyone on

> this

> >list is any meds. I'm just curious. I am not having a good day, I

> >didn't sleep well last night and don't feel good I wonder if you

> all

> >think that you have these problems that that affirmation and

> >statements can override these more serious problems? ine

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What are you taking for your fibromyalgia? I am bipolar with severe anxiety.

Depression and anxiety are real different to deal with. I will respond to the

other emails tomarrow. It's getting late. ine

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I have found that some of the material that comes through I need to delete and

not thoroughly read. Some is too unrealistic and can cause me too much

depression. Sometimes what we dream of or really want we can't have at least

now so we need to appreciate the baby steps or ever just getting out of bed and

taking a shower. It is hard to read about dreams when trying to get the dreams

puts you in a manic phase. Today I have read some of the material that has been

sent and I thank you. It was very comforting to me. I live in a subsidized

apartment but my dream would be a house and a dog but for now I need to be

grateful for that. I can't take the proper medication for my illness because of

terrible side effects so between support groups, getting out and trying to

accept my limits I do the best I can. My dream has been to have my own home

business but that is a little hard when you are afraid of people and shy so I

have let go of that and just work on getting out and being around people and and

talking. I like the person interaction that is going on here. We need to share

more. Thanks, ine

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I find the more I get out the more it helps my depression. Put on makeup, dress

nicer. Clean your apartment or house. Do something nice for someone. Bake or

cook. It is my anxiety that destroys me. ine

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I too delete some messages at times, however, not all will fit everyone, but

one may fit all. So its nice to be able to get them and have them available

just in case one helps someone on the list then its all worth it right?

I know that feeling about being alone, I experience it all the time off and

on. I donot like it LOL But I keep saying I will get me a little kitten

since the apartments won't allow dogs. I have always wanted a Pomeranian so

bad, my little lap puppy. LOL

Have you done more with your volunteer work lately? Did you ever get a hold

of First Call for Help on that? I would be interested in hearing how it all


ine, baby steps is what I take on a daily basis. I try hard everyday

and by the end of each week, I look back and I find that I am very proud of

myself for the obstacles I have overcome (all alone). You should do the

same. It is very rewarding most times and you will be amazed at how well

you feel about yourself at the end of week.

Well keep us posted on your progress, always interested in that. Maybe get

yourself a small kitty, will the apartments let you have one? I am sneaking

mine in LOL Nowadays you have to pay rent for them also, that is a rip off I



-- Re: Re: question

I have found that some of the material that comes through I need to delete

and not thoroughly read. Some is too unrealistic and can cause me too much

depression. Sometimes what we dream of or really want we can't have at

least now so we need to appreciate the baby steps or ever just getting out

of bed and taking a shower. It is hard to read about dreams when trying to

get the dreams puts you in a manic phase. Today I have read some of the

material that has been sent and I thank you. It was very comforting to me.

I live in a subsidized apartment but my dream would be a house and a dog but

for now I need to be grateful for that. I can't take the proper medication

for my illness because of terrible side effects so between support groups,

getting out and trying to accept my limits I do the best I can. My dream

has been to have my own home business but that is a little hard when you are

afraid of people and shy so I have let go of that and just work on getting

out and being around people and and talking. I like the person interaction

that is going on here. We need to share more. Thanks, ine

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Are you taking your vitamins ine? LOL You know me, the vitamin Queen

LOL Nola

-- Re: Re: question

I find the more I get out the more it helps my depression. Put on makeup,

dress nicer. Clean your apartment or house. Do something nice for someone.

Bake or cook. It is my anxiety that destroys me. ine

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ine and PJ,

Yes, there are wonderful therapists out there - finding them is the problem!

I've been in therapy twice in my life. Both times I quit when they started

blaming everything that was wrong in my life on my parents! Even IF they

were right - I couldn't handle blaming my problems on the only two people that

ever really loved me unconditionally!!! My father did sometimes handle things

wrong when it came to his children - but I understood WHY he did it. It was

because it was the way he was raised and the only thing he knew to do. I

forgave him because I understood. And my mother - well, she NEVER did anything


her life to hurt ANYONE!! I know there are people who suffer terribly from

what their parents did to them, but thats not always the case and the therapists

wouldn't even listen to me when I told them why I felt they were wrong!!

Whew....lol....felt good to get that off my chest! So, therapy didn't work

for me. I've learned a lot of coping skills through the years just as I've

read many of you have. I've learned to forgive others AND myself. I've learned

that depression does NOT make me a bad person. That was a biggie for me.

Actually, I feel this group has been the best therapy for me. Thanks!!


In a message dated 12/21/03 6:55:03 PM Central Standard Time,

mollyann365@... writes:

> ine, I also agree with you here. There are wonderful therapists out

> there, but there are also the ones who all they want to do is to string you

> along week after week, taking your money, and having you be dependent on them!

> I've been there before, too!! I will say that I've met a couple of them who

> genuinely want to teach a person the tools they need so that they can stand on

> their own two feet and be independent, and not need therapy for year after

> year. But, unfortunately, from my experience that is very rare. Any one else

> want to comment on this ? Hugs, PJ


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ine and PJ,

Yes, there are wonderful therapists out there - finding them is the problem!

I've been in therapy twice in my life. Both times I quit when they started

blaming everything that was wrong in my life on my parents! Even IF they

were right - I couldn't handle blaming my problems on the only two people that

ever really loved me unconditionally!!! My father did sometimes handle things

wrong when it came to his children - but I understood WHY he did it. It was

because it was the way he was raised and the only thing he knew to do. I

forgave him because I understood. And my mother - well, she NEVER did anything


her life to hurt ANYONE!! I know there are people who suffer terribly from

what their parents did to them, but thats not always the case and the therapists

wouldn't even listen to me when I told them why I felt they were wrong!!

Whew....lol....felt good to get that off my chest! So, therapy didn't work

for me. I've learned a lot of coping skills through the years just as I've

read many of you have. I've learned to forgive others AND myself. I've learned

that depression does NOT make me a bad person. That was a biggie for me.

Actually, I feel this group has been the best therapy for me. Thanks!!


In a message dated 12/21/03 6:55:03 PM Central Standard Time,

mollyann365@... writes:

> ine, I also agree with you here. There are wonderful therapists out

> there, but there are also the ones who all they want to do is to string you

> along week after week, taking your money, and having you be dependent on them!

> I've been there before, too!! I will say that I've met a couple of them who

> genuinely want to teach a person the tools they need so that they can stand on

> their own two feet and be independent, and not need therapy for year after

> year. But, unfortunately, from my experience that is very rare. Any one else

> want to comment on this ? Hugs, PJ


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ine and PJ,

Yes, there are wonderful therapists out there - finding them is the problem!

I've been in therapy twice in my life. Both times I quit when they started

blaming everything that was wrong in my life on my parents! Even IF they

were right - I couldn't handle blaming my problems on the only two people that

ever really loved me unconditionally!!! My father did sometimes handle things

wrong when it came to his children - but I understood WHY he did it. It was

because it was the way he was raised and the only thing he knew to do. I

forgave him because I understood. And my mother - well, she NEVER did anything


her life to hurt ANYONE!! I know there are people who suffer terribly from

what their parents did to them, but thats not always the case and the therapists

wouldn't even listen to me when I told them why I felt they were wrong!!

Whew....lol....felt good to get that off my chest! So, therapy didn't work

for me. I've learned a lot of coping skills through the years just as I've

read many of you have. I've learned to forgive others AND myself. I've learned

that depression does NOT make me a bad person. That was a biggie for me.

Actually, I feel this group has been the best therapy for me. Thanks!!


In a message dated 12/21/03 6:55:03 PM Central Standard Time,

mollyann365@... writes:

> ine, I also agree with you here. There are wonderful therapists out

> there, but there are also the ones who all they want to do is to string you

> along week after week, taking your money, and having you be dependent on them!

> I've been there before, too!! I will say that I've met a couple of them who

> genuinely want to teach a person the tools they need so that they can stand on

> their own two feet and be independent, and not need therapy for year after

> year. But, unfortunately, from my experience that is very rare. Any one else

> want to comment on this ? Hugs, PJ


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I agree. Personal interreaction within a group can be most helpful

and comforting! The problem is that sometimes there is personal interreaction,

and sometimes there isn't! Period. I can't explain why it goes that way.

Guess sometimes people either have the time to visit or choose to more than at

other times. ine, I'd love to be able to grant you a wish and have you wake

up with a house and a dog, and a home business. And, I'd do it if I could --

really! I've seen how much you've overcome and grown, and how you are so

willing to reach out and help others, when you yourself are still struggling

with so many obstacles. I'm very proud of you, and I'm happy to call you my

friend. I keep hoping that I will win the lottery or something like that, so I

can help people like I would like to. Both my husband and I are very loving and

generous, and would love to be able to help here and there when we hear of

situations. Unfortunately, we live paycheck to paycheck and

don't have the resources to help. But, I still dream about it, and you never

know, one of these days -- it could happen! Until then, May God bless you with

all the desires of your heart that are possible at this time! Love & Hugs, PJ

shreiman@... wrote:

I have found that some of the material that comes through I need to delete and

not thoroughly read. Some is too unrealistic and can cause me too much

depression. Sometimes what we dream of or really want we can't have at least

now so we need to appreciate the baby steps or ever just getting out of bed and

taking a shower. It is hard to read about dreams when trying to get the dreams

puts you in a manic phase. Today I have read some of the material that has been

sent and I thank you. It was very comforting to me. I live in a subsidized

apartment but my dream would be a house and a dog but for now I need to be

grateful for that. I can't take the proper medication for my illness because of

terrible side effects so between support groups, getting out and trying to

accept my limits I do the best I can. My dream has been to have my own home

business but that is a little hard when you are afraid of people and shy so I

have let go of that and just work on getting out and being around

people and and talking. I like the person interaction that is going on here.

We need to share more. Thanks, ine

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I agree. Personal interreaction within a group can be most helpful

and comforting! The problem is that sometimes there is personal interreaction,

and sometimes there isn't! Period. I can't explain why it goes that way.

Guess sometimes people either have the time to visit or choose to more than at

other times. ine, I'd love to be able to grant you a wish and have you wake

up with a house and a dog, and a home business. And, I'd do it if I could --

really! I've seen how much you've overcome and grown, and how you are so

willing to reach out and help others, when you yourself are still struggling

with so many obstacles. I'm very proud of you, and I'm happy to call you my

friend. I keep hoping that I will win the lottery or something like that, so I

can help people like I would like to. Both my husband and I are very loving and

generous, and would love to be able to help here and there when we hear of

situations. Unfortunately, we live paycheck to paycheck and

don't have the resources to help. But, I still dream about it, and you never

know, one of these days -- it could happen! Until then, May God bless you with

all the desires of your heart that are possible at this time! Love & Hugs, PJ

shreiman@... wrote:

I have found that some of the material that comes through I need to delete and

not thoroughly read. Some is too unrealistic and can cause me too much

depression. Sometimes what we dream of or really want we can't have at least

now so we need to appreciate the baby steps or ever just getting out of bed and

taking a shower. It is hard to read about dreams when trying to get the dreams

puts you in a manic phase. Today I have read some of the material that has been

sent and I thank you. It was very comforting to me. I live in a subsidized

apartment but my dream would be a house and a dog but for now I need to be

grateful for that. I can't take the proper medication for my illness because of

terrible side effects so between support groups, getting out and trying to

accept my limits I do the best I can. My dream has been to have my own home

business but that is a little hard when you are afraid of people and shy so I

have let go of that and just work on getting out and being around

people and and talking. I like the person interaction that is going on here.

We need to share more. Thanks, ine

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ine, I also agree with you here. There are wonderful therapists

out there, but there are also the ones who all they want to do is to string you

along week after week, taking your money, and having you be dependent on them!

I've been there before, too!! I will say that I've met a couple of them who

genuinely want to teach a person the tools they need so that they can stand on

their own two feet and be independent, and not need therapy for year after year.

But, unfortunately, from my experience that is very rare. Any one else want to

comment on this ? Hugs, PJ

shreiman@... wrote:Therapy, I don't know if I believe in it anymore. I

have had many therapist for many years. Very few have helped. But I am open.


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ine, I also agree with you here. There are wonderful therapists

out there, but there are also the ones who all they want to do is to string you

along week after week, taking your money, and having you be dependent on them!

I've been there before, too!! I will say that I've met a couple of them who

genuinely want to teach a person the tools they need so that they can stand on

their own two feet and be independent, and not need therapy for year after year.

But, unfortunately, from my experience that is very rare. Any one else want to

comment on this ? Hugs, PJ

shreiman@... wrote:Therapy, I don't know if I believe in it anymore. I

have had many therapist for many years. Very few have helped. But I am open.


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ine, do you take naps during the day? Could you be napping too much

in the day time? Do you drink alot of caffeine drinks or eat much chocolate?

If one drinks too much coffee, colas, or iced tea, or eats too much chocolate --

all this caffeine messes up your metabolic system and your endorphins, etc.

This could cause you to sleep badly at night. Just a thought. Love, PJ

shreiman@... wrote:Well, I didn't sleep last night again. Just part of

my condition. I even took a stronger sleeping pill........ine

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ine, do you take naps during the day? Could you be napping too much

in the day time? Do you drink alot of caffeine drinks or eat much chocolate?

If one drinks too much coffee, colas, or iced tea, or eats too much chocolate --

all this caffeine messes up your metabolic system and your endorphins, etc.

This could cause you to sleep badly at night. Just a thought. Love, PJ

shreiman@... wrote:Well, I didn't sleep last night again. Just part of

my condition. I even took a stronger sleeping pill........ine

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