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Re: New Member

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Thanks for all the welcome messages! I look forward to talking to you


Also wanted to welcome Vicki... I'm another new member.

Wendi (AS)

mom to 4 yr old triplets with ASD (2 girls and a boy).

Re: new member

Hi Wendi, I'm the other PennY, also from Michigan (PennIE and I live

across town from one another). Mom to a daughter who'll be 7 soon,

and girl/boy twins who'll be 5 soon. My younger daughter is ASD.

> Wendi, welcome to the group! I am Pennie from Michigan, not to be


> with the other PennY on the group also from michigan-LOL. My

daughter Abby is 7

> HFA/Aspergers and also has Epilepsy.


> Pennie

> Abby's Mom




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Hi Vicki,

Welcome. Our daughter who has autism is 21.


New Member

> I'm a new member and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Vicki,

> and I'm the mother of two girls. My youngest daughter is 11yrs. old,

> has Asperger Syn., HF Autism, ADHD and OCD. My oldest daughter is

> 16yrs. old and has ADHD and OCD. I'm looking forward to sharing and

> receiving information with all of you as we help our children

> together. Thank-you!





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welcome new members I to be Sondra adult with HFA in Ohio and mom to 4

childrens dx with asperger's syndrome. My daughters are of 16 and 10 and my

sons of 15 and 12. I to be married . I to have of 2 dogs, 1 cat and 1

russian tortouise. today my oldest daughter to finded an baby bird egg

layingon the ground with a baby bird trying to hatch out of the egg. It was

most special to see this and it looked so much helpless and was unsure how

to save the baby , then my daughter to cry begging me to take it to the vet

person so did and then they sent us to wild like preserve and they took the

sweet baby bird and began to intervene quickly and start a feeding with it.

They to say if the fall did not create any damage the baby bird had good

chance to survive. So this was special day forme to learn of such a place an

dto getted help for the sweet baby born. to felt much emotional connect to

the rejection and abandonment the mother of this bird gave and to me was

happy it would be cared for and not left to die.

I to also spent much of day taking pictures of trees and loved of it. If any

would be to like to see of my interest in trees will send you a private post

of the trees.


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Hi Vicki

Welcome to the list. I am Tracey and my youngest daughter, Skylar age 11, was

diagnosed autistic at age 3. This is a great group of people. Glad that you

have joined us.


New Member

I'm a new member and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Vicki,

and I'm the mother of two girls. My youngest daughter is 11yrs. old,

has Asperger Syn., HF Autism, ADHD and OCD. My oldest daughter is

16yrs. old and has ADHD and OCD. I'm looking forward to sharing and

receiving information with all of you as we help our children

together. Thank-you!




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Welcome to the group Penny! My name is also Pennie and my daughter Abby is

HFA/Aspergers. Abby is 7. There is another PennY from Michigan too! Now we have

3 cents between all of us!! :) Nice to have you and with us. This is a

nice group, hope you like it here.


Abby's Mom

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MY name is also PennY, and I'm glad to see you spell your name

correctly. *wink to PennIE across town*.

My daughter just turned 5.

Have you tried Omega 3 essential fatty acids (cod liver oil) to see

if they help w/ the eye problems? I know that peripheral vision is

a sign of a Vitamin A deficiency, and can be improved with

supplementation of CLO. Might be something you want to look into.

Welcome! :)

> Hi,


> My name is Penny and my daughter, , is autistic.

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Hi Penny, welcome to the group! Is showing any interest in potty

training yet? What helped my daughter the most was watching the video, " Once


a potty. " They have one especially for girls. She would watch it over and

over, and would sit on her potty chair watching it. I really think this video


what potty trained my daughter. Shopping for " big girl panties " , ones that

she could pick out, came later. Once she was interested in using the potty, she

was completely trained within a month. She is HFA/Aspergers, ADHD, and OCD.

She also had aggressive behavior. She was like a " time bomb " , we never knew

when, or what would set her off. We found during her early years that a strict

routine, well balanced meals, and plenty of rest greatly reduced her

aggressive behavior. She did not handle any change in routine well at all. Our

family had to change our routines to meet her needs, which was sometimes hard


she had an older sister. She had to be in bed every night by 7:30pm.She is a

wonderful child! She is now 11 years old, has very few mild behavior

issues, and is very adaptive to changes in her routine. Good luck, and keep me

informed. I hope our experiences can be helpful, and encouraging, to you!

Vicki, OH

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Forest FloorOh my gosh! Well I am Penny in Ohio. Thanks for the welcome,




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Forest FloorThanks Penny, It is the only way to spell the name! :o)

I haven't really looked into many " cures " for her eye problems. I assumed

that they went with her PVL. I will though. Anything to try! Thanks!

Any tips on potty training from anyone? We are going to start this summer

and I was wondering if you guys had any tips or tricks that help in the



Penny in OH


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Hi Penny

Welcome to the list. I am Tracey and my youngest daughter Skylar, age 11, is

autistic. We live in a small town in Ontario, Canada. This is a great bunch of

people. It is good to have you with us.


New Member


My name is Penny and my daughter, , is autistic. She is 5 1/2

years old. She is more at a 3 year olds level though. She has been

in the preschool program through our school district since age 3,

when she was diagnosed. will start kindergarten this fall. She

also was born with a cataract in one eye and had it removed when she

was 5 months old. She didn't have a lens implant so she is virtually

blind in that eye. She also has Nystagmus, which is a condition of

the eyes, her eyes shake back and forth making it hard for her to

see sometimes. Nystagmus is a symptom of PVL, Periventricular

Luekamylacia. Usually found in premies. which isn't. Which

means she is mildly retarded. On top of all that she is autistic.

She has done very well in the preschool program, learning her

colors, shapes, some letters, beginning to count. Her fine motor

skills are not that great but were working on it. Lately she has

shown agressive behavior. Throwing things, temper tantrums, being

stubborn. Of course the stubborness could be something handed down

through the generations! :o) Also I have not been able to potty

train. I am hoping I can get some ideas in handling all these

situations from everyone here.

Any ideas for potty training?

How can I stop this aggressive behavior?


Penny &




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Hi Penny and welcome to the group. Your sounds a lot like my

daughter she is high functioning Autistic. She is 6 1/2 years

old, but her developmental age is more on the level of a 3 to 4 year old

child. We just finished kindergarten and will be going into the first

grade this fall (she knows her colors and basic shapes and about 5

letters of the alphabet her numbers are very difficult she only

recognizes maybe 5 numbers). My has a long list of diagnoses

herself. She to was considered to be full term at 38 weeks but she was

tiny weighing in at 6 pounds compared to her older sister who weighed in

at 8 1/2 pounds. She was diagnosed with PVL at the age of 4 after a MRI

of her head. Have you received a diagnosis of PVL for your daughter yet?

It is great that she is learning her colors, shapes and some of her

letters. As for the potty training that is hard, but what we do is have

go potty every 2 hours at home and school (this seems to work

most of the time unless she gets out of her routine that is when

accidents happen) she is not potty trained at night so we still have to

use the goodnights pull-ups. As for her behavior we had a horrible time

with that and it got to the point that we had to put her on Risperdal

and Strattera (for the ADHD) and the meds has made a big difference with

her. I will be happy to discuss more about my daughter if you want.


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Pennie or Penny or all the penny like people LOL yes that is of me to be of

scheduled to speak with Carol Gray's group in michigan in October.


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LOL Sondra, I will try and get to the conference in October. Do you know if

there is a fee? There is nothing listed on the website.


Abby's Mom

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I to not be to know if there is a fee. I to be tell them if people comed

named Pennie or PennY they are of my guest LOL Not sure if that will work

LOL but worth a try


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Thanks for sharing all of this with me. did receive a diagnosis of PVL

about 6 months before her autism diagnosis. She was born 39 weeks and she

was 11 1/2 pounds at birth! You read that right, eleven and a half pounds! I

have yet to meet anyone who had a PVL baby let alone a non preemie! Or was

considered a Preemie?

The one thing I do notice about is that once she learns something, she

remembers it forever! She can be the sweetest little thing, then a few

minutes later she smiles at you and throws everything on the table to the

ground and laughs and runs away! We have a picture sign we make her read,

she says " don't throw on the ground, people get mad, pick it up " and turns

and picks it up. Lately though the sign hasn't worked! She reads it laughs

and runs away! Then I take her, hand over hand and walk her to the mess she

made and make her clean it. But the behavior keeps up no matter what. It

happens more when she is tired, irritated, or not the center of attention,

she also hates to be told no. She also hits my son, he is 12 and at the

height of puberty. He teases everyone and when one of us raises our voice,

she will yell ANDREW and hit him! Even if he may be innocent at the time,

which is rare. :o) Usually if I have to raise my voice at anyone, she will

hit them just for making me mad. She has gotten a little better at that. Her

temper tantrums can almost always be soothed with music. Just put on the

radio or music channel and she calms right down.

Thanks for sharing and I hope I haven't rambled too much, It is just so nice

to meet everyone and have the same things in common!!! I can post this and

someone will be able to relate! What a warm feeling!!

Penny in OH


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Did you chart it? I wonder if you created a chart? I have ordered the DVD

Once Upon a Potty. Do you all think we should purchase a potty chair?

Penny in OH


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I made a simple chart myself. I didn't save it but I could try & make one up. I

also could snail mail you a copy if you would like to email me off the list. Or

even fax one --

About the potty chair, we bought a ring for the toilet & a stool for her feet

for leverage. Emmy was too big for a potty chair.

A child is like a butterfly in the wind, some fly faster, some fly harder but

they all fly the best they can. Each one is different, each one is beautiful

and each one is special.

RE: Re: New Member


Did you chart it? I wonder if you created a chart? I have ordered the DVD

Once Upon a Potty. Do you all think we should purchase a potty chair?

Penny in OH


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Thanks for the kind offer, but that isn't necessary. I will make one here on

my own.

is probably too big for a chair also. but we have a lifter on our

toilet for my Mom who is handicap so it is pretty high up for her. I will

invest in a step stool, that is a great idea!

Penny in OH


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The preschool sent home these little pictures of all the steps that go with

washing hands and going potty. I have taken these and glued them on some

construction paper and taped them to the back of the bathroom door. She

reads them all the time but it is like she doesn't actually understand what

she is reading. I even have shown her, look, Mommie is going potty!!!

YAYAYAY Mommie!!!

I have made a spreadsheet up for me to track her potty habits but also made

a sticker page, so when she goes potty on the toilet, she can add stickers

to the day she did it. If anyone would like, I can upload these into the

files section.


Penny in OH


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I bet retains more than you think. I am so surprised when does

something new. When she learned her colors, she didn't act like she knew

them at all then all of a sudden, one day she says " That orange. " At first

I didn't know what she said!! Then a start putting other things in front of

her and asking her what color is was and she knew them! It was amazing!!!

Now, my oldest daughter asks her things that makes her jog her memory. We

will be in the car and she will ask her " What color is Dora's shirt? "

will think about it and then say, " Pink " With no visual prompt. She

absolutely amazes me!!

graduates Kindergarten Friday, She isn't feeling well and I hope she

starts feeling better. I would hate for her to miss out on this.

Is clingy? doesn't let me out of her site when I get home from

work. If I go to the bathroom without her knowledge, she runs into the

garage crying cause she thinks I left her, then she sees the van in the

garage and runs around the house yelling at the top of her lungs " MOM " I am

hoping this is just a phase, since she is at a 3 year old level.

Penny in OH


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the group Amy, dont for get to check out the Polls and

Links section of this group.


> In a message dated 6/24/04 11:18:45 AM Central Daylight Time,


> writes:



> > Hi There! My name is Amy and I have just joined the list. I am

38 years old

> > married and have 2 sweet kids. I have had allergy and Ashma

issues sience I

> > was a child however I went undiganosed until I was 28 years old.

I have lived

> > and grew up in Nebraska my entire life and attneded beauty

school and became

> > liesensed. I worked in the field for a few years but it just

didnt fell

> > right so I moved on to photography. At age 33 I had my hair

highlighted with

> > bleach and had a terrifiing reaction and that some year I also

had a strange

> > reaction to Augmenton that sent me to the ER. After this things

calmed down for

> > me and I went 2 year without a bad reaction to anything and

didn't even use my

> > inhaler but maybe twice. During this time we sold our home and

relocated to

> > northwest Arkansas. We moved in July and I did okay until spring


> > around and I got so sick...I was puffing more than I was

supposed to. We quickly

> > moved to a newer home and I did okay for a few months then I

April I had a

> > terrible reaction to caffine this happeded by drinking a

fountian pop at my sons

> > place of work and they were haveing problems with the machines

putting out

> > way to much surrip which means alot of caffine (I don't normally

ever drink

> > it) The next reaction I had was once again getting my hair done

I had even told

> > the hairdresser that I had a bad reaction to bleach in the past

and she said

> > that she would use a low odor product...well guess what she used

what she

> > called a low odor bleach. Her salon was so Tiny like a big

closet size and I

> > got so sick that I had to have her wash the bleach off and I

just handed her a

> > blank check and went outside and sat until I was able to drive.

My simptons

> > were shallow breathing and heart beating really fast,

lightheadedess and

> > disorented. I had 4 more reactions after this all shortly after

takeing claritin

> > and in one case I had hives around my eyes and that was on May

23 that day we

> > were also setting up a new swimming pool and I didn't like the

odor of the

> > liner. Daily allergies like runny nose and so on I can live with

but these

> > other ones are so scarey Am I crazy Am I the only person that

get sick if they

> > come in contact with hairbleach? I am currently without health

insurance or I

> > would have allready been to see an allergist as I did many years

ago. Does

> >




> Hi There! My name is Amy and I have just joined the list. I am 38

years old

> married and have 2 sweet kids. I have had allergy and Ashma issues

sience I was

> a child however I went undiganosed until I was 28 years old. I

have lived and

> grew up in Nebraska my entire life and attneded beauty school and


> liesensed. I worked in the field for a few years but it just didnt

fell right so I

> moved on to photography. At age 33 I had my hair highlighted with

bleach and

> had a terrifiing reaction and that some year I also had a strange

reaction to

> Augmenton that sent me to the ER. After this things calmed down

for me and I

> went 2 year without a bad reaction to anything and didn't even use

my inhaler

> but maybe twice. During this time we sold our home and relocated

to northwest

> Arkansas. We moved in July and I did okay until spring rolled

around and I got

> so sick...I was puffing more than I was supposed to. We quickly

moved to a

> newer home and I did okay for a few months then I April I had a

terrible reaction

> to caffine this happeded by drinking a fountian pop at my sons

place of work

> and they were haveing problems with the machines putting out way

to much

> surrip which means alot of caffine (I don't normally ever drink

it) The next

> reaction I had was once again getting my hair done I had even told

the hairdresser

> that I had a bad reaction to bleach in the past and she said that

she would use

> a low odor product...well guess what she used what she called a

low odor

> bleach. Her salon was so Tiny like a big closet size and I got so

sick that I had

> to have her wash the bleach off and I just handed her a blank

check and went

> outside and sat until I was able to drive. My simptons were

shallow breathing

> and heart beating really fast, lightheadedess and disorented. I

had 4 more

> reactions after this all shortly after takeing claritin and in one

case I had

> hives around my eyes and that was on May 23 that day we were also

setting up a new

> swimming pool and I didn't like the odor of the liner. Daily

allergies like

> runny nose and so on I can live with but these other ones are so

scarey Am I

> crazy Am I the only person that get sick if they come in contact


> hairbleach? I am currently without health insurance or I would

have allready been to see

> an allergist as I did many years ago. Does anyone have any tips

for me?

> Thanks for listening, Amy

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Welcome to the group Amy, dont for get to check out the Polls and

Links section of this group.


> In a message dated 6/24/04 11:18:45 AM Central Daylight Time,


> writes:



> > Hi There! My name is Amy and I have just joined the list. I am

38 years old

> > married and have 2 sweet kids. I have had allergy and Ashma

issues sience I

> > was a child however I went undiganosed until I was 28 years old.

I have lived

> > and grew up in Nebraska my entire life and attneded beauty

school and became

> > liesensed. I worked in the field for a few years but it just

didnt fell

> > right so I moved on to photography. At age 33 I had my hair

highlighted with

> > bleach and had a terrifiing reaction and that some year I also

had a strange

> > reaction to Augmenton that sent me to the ER. After this things

calmed down for

> > me and I went 2 year without a bad reaction to anything and

didn't even use my

> > inhaler but maybe twice. During this time we sold our home and

relocated to

> > northwest Arkansas. We moved in July and I did okay until spring


> > around and I got so sick...I was puffing more than I was

supposed to. We quickly

> > moved to a newer home and I did okay for a few months then I

April I had a

> > terrible reaction to caffine this happeded by drinking a

fountian pop at my sons

> > place of work and they were haveing problems with the machines

putting out

> > way to much surrip which means alot of caffine (I don't normally

ever drink

> > it) The next reaction I had was once again getting my hair done

I had even told

> > the hairdresser that I had a bad reaction to bleach in the past

and she said

> > that she would use a low odor product...well guess what she used

what she

> > called a low odor bleach. Her salon was so Tiny like a big

closet size and I

> > got so sick that I had to have her wash the bleach off and I

just handed her a

> > blank check and went outside and sat until I was able to drive.

My simptons

> > were shallow breathing and heart beating really fast,

lightheadedess and

> > disorented. I had 4 more reactions after this all shortly after

takeing claritin

> > and in one case I had hives around my eyes and that was on May

23 that day we

> > were also setting up a new swimming pool and I didn't like the

odor of the

> > liner. Daily allergies like runny nose and so on I can live with

but these

> > other ones are so scarey Am I crazy Am I the only person that

get sick if they

> > come in contact with hairbleach? I am currently without health

insurance or I

> > would have allready been to see an allergist as I did many years

ago. Does

> >




> Hi There! My name is Amy and I have just joined the list. I am 38

years old

> married and have 2 sweet kids. I have had allergy and Ashma issues

sience I was

> a child however I went undiganosed until I was 28 years old. I

have lived and

> grew up in Nebraska my entire life and attneded beauty school and


> liesensed. I worked in the field for a few years but it just didnt

fell right so I

> moved on to photography. At age 33 I had my hair highlighted with

bleach and

> had a terrifiing reaction and that some year I also had a strange

reaction to

> Augmenton that sent me to the ER. After this things calmed down

for me and I

> went 2 year without a bad reaction to anything and didn't even use

my inhaler

> but maybe twice. During this time we sold our home and relocated

to northwest

> Arkansas. We moved in July and I did okay until spring rolled

around and I got

> so sick...I was puffing more than I was supposed to. We quickly

moved to a

> newer home and I did okay for a few months then I April I had a

terrible reaction

> to caffine this happeded by drinking a fountian pop at my sons

place of work

> and they were haveing problems with the machines putting out way

to much

> surrip which means alot of caffine (I don't normally ever drink

it) The next

> reaction I had was once again getting my hair done I had even told

the hairdresser

> that I had a bad reaction to bleach in the past and she said that

she would use

> a low odor product...well guess what she used what she called a

low odor

> bleach. Her salon was so Tiny like a big closet size and I got so

sick that I had

> to have her wash the bleach off and I just handed her a blank

check and went

> outside and sat until I was able to drive. My simptons were

shallow breathing

> and heart beating really fast, lightheadedess and disorented. I

had 4 more

> reactions after this all shortly after takeing claritin and in one

case I had

> hives around my eyes and that was on May 23 that day we were also

setting up a new

> swimming pool and I didn't like the odor of the liner. Daily

allergies like

> runny nose and so on I can live with but these other ones are so

scarey Am I

> crazy Am I the only person that get sick if they come in contact


> hairbleach? I am currently without health insurance or I would

have allready been to see

> an allergist as I did many years ago. Does anyone have any tips

for me?

> Thanks for listening, Amy

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Welcome to the group Amy, dont for get to check out the Polls and

Links section of this group.


> In a message dated 6/24/04 11:18:45 AM Central Daylight Time,


> writes:



> > Hi There! My name is Amy and I have just joined the list. I am

38 years old

> > married and have 2 sweet kids. I have had allergy and Ashma

issues sience I

> > was a child however I went undiganosed until I was 28 years old.

I have lived

> > and grew up in Nebraska my entire life and attneded beauty

school and became

> > liesensed. I worked in the field for a few years but it just

didnt fell

> > right so I moved on to photography. At age 33 I had my hair

highlighted with

> > bleach and had a terrifiing reaction and that some year I also

had a strange

> > reaction to Augmenton that sent me to the ER. After this things

calmed down for

> > me and I went 2 year without a bad reaction to anything and

didn't even use my

> > inhaler but maybe twice. During this time we sold our home and

relocated to

> > northwest Arkansas. We moved in July and I did okay until spring


> > around and I got so sick...I was puffing more than I was

supposed to. We quickly

> > moved to a newer home and I did okay for a few months then I

April I had a

> > terrible reaction to caffine this happeded by drinking a

fountian pop at my sons

> > place of work and they were haveing problems with the machines

putting out

> > way to much surrip which means alot of caffine (I don't normally

ever drink

> > it) The next reaction I had was once again getting my hair done

I had even told

> > the hairdresser that I had a bad reaction to bleach in the past

and she said

> > that she would use a low odor product...well guess what she used

what she

> > called a low odor bleach. Her salon was so Tiny like a big

closet size and I

> > got so sick that I had to have her wash the bleach off and I

just handed her a

> > blank check and went outside and sat until I was able to drive.

My simptons

> > were shallow breathing and heart beating really fast,

lightheadedess and

> > disorented. I had 4 more reactions after this all shortly after

takeing claritin

> > and in one case I had hives around my eyes and that was on May

23 that day we

> > were also setting up a new swimming pool and I didn't like the

odor of the

> > liner. Daily allergies like runny nose and so on I can live with

but these

> > other ones are so scarey Am I crazy Am I the only person that

get sick if they

> > come in contact with hairbleach? I am currently without health

insurance or I

> > would have allready been to see an allergist as I did many years

ago. Does

> >




> Hi There! My name is Amy and I have just joined the list. I am 38

years old

> married and have 2 sweet kids. I have had allergy and Ashma issues

sience I was

> a child however I went undiganosed until I was 28 years old. I

have lived and

> grew up in Nebraska my entire life and attneded beauty school and


> liesensed. I worked in the field for a few years but it just didnt

fell right so I

> moved on to photography. At age 33 I had my hair highlighted with

bleach and

> had a terrifiing reaction and that some year I also had a strange

reaction to

> Augmenton that sent me to the ER. After this things calmed down

for me and I

> went 2 year without a bad reaction to anything and didn't even use

my inhaler

> but maybe twice. During this time we sold our home and relocated

to northwest

> Arkansas. We moved in July and I did okay until spring rolled

around and I got

> so sick...I was puffing more than I was supposed to. We quickly

moved to a

> newer home and I did okay for a few months then I April I had a

terrible reaction

> to caffine this happeded by drinking a fountian pop at my sons

place of work

> and they were haveing problems with the machines putting out way

to much

> surrip which means alot of caffine (I don't normally ever drink

it) The next

> reaction I had was once again getting my hair done I had even told

the hairdresser

> that I had a bad reaction to bleach in the past and she said that

she would use

> a low odor product...well guess what she used what she called a

low odor

> bleach. Her salon was so Tiny like a big closet size and I got so

sick that I had

> to have her wash the bleach off and I just handed her a blank

check and went

> outside and sat until I was able to drive. My simptons were

shallow breathing

> and heart beating really fast, lightheadedess and disorented. I

had 4 more

> reactions after this all shortly after takeing claritin and in one

case I had

> hives around my eyes and that was on May 23 that day we were also

setting up a new

> swimming pool and I didn't like the odor of the liner. Daily

allergies like

> runny nose and so on I can live with but these other ones are so

scarey Am I

> crazy Am I the only person that get sick if they come in contact


> hairbleach? I am currently without health insurance or I would

have allready been to see

> an allergist as I did many years ago. Does anyone have any tips

for me?

> Thanks for listening, Amy

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