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Re: EQ SQ etc.

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> > well, hang on; Isnt it alligator, as its an amphibian, the

others are

> > mammals?


> An alligator is a reptile, and a chicken is a bird.





All the best,


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I was going to say all but the alligator are domesticated animals, but then

there are people who have alligators as pets...

Re: EQ SQ etc.


> > 1. Cat

> > 2. Alligator

> > 3. Horse

> > 4. Chicken

> > 5. Pig

> > There is only one right answer. Anyone want to guess what it is?

> >

> > Chicken - because it's only got 2 legs and no teeth?

> *******


> well, hang on; Isnt it alligator, as its an amphibian, the others are

> mammals?


> All the best,

> Gareth.





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> I hate questions like that. You can make a persuasive argument for

> any one of those five that it doesn't belong with the other four.

That's why it's not a question that messures your IQ number, but rather your

IQ style. Some of the questions on that test have more than one right

answer, so that they can tell HOW you think, rather than HOW ACCURATELY you


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> I just did another Meyers-Briggs personality sorter thing. I have

> always scored INTP or ISTP on all of these, but the scores are so

> close on the N/S thing... I'm really right at the boundary between the

> two. This one I just did was a crusty old DOS app, was quite long,

> and it put me as ISTP, but the score for " S " was 28 and " N " was 27, so

> it was very close again. If I read the descriptions of ISTP and

> INTP, though, I am much closer to INTP.

I have always viewed Myers-Briggs as a set of choices between false

dichotomies. The only one that even makes *sense* to me is

introversion/extroversion. But I was bored last night, so I took a

Myers-Briggs-type test I'd never taken before, and I ended up with an

exact 50/50 split between INTP and ISTP (it told me that in the case

of 50/50 splits it chose one at random and to reload the page if I

wanted to see my other profile).

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> Well, now I took the first one, and got 139. I think

> that the math questions on both kicked my ass. I'm

> just not able to think with the left side of my brain.

Mathematics, like most tasks, is handled on both sides of the brain.

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<< that iq test is not worth a squit. i got 155 too, and that is

wayyyyy to high. i teach a child whose iq is 155 and she learns

faster than i can show her things. those tests hope to tempt you to

buy a product usually. so it is in their interests to please and

excite you. >>

Score on an IQ test and learning speed are not the same thing.

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Eeep. I'll be tested, formally, for autism in the next few weeks. I hope I

won't have to take the Myers-Briggs. I fill that thing out at random. " I

like to set things on fire, " and whatnot... or is that the MMPI I'm thinking


I like personallity tests when it's on Quizilla and you get graphics and

HTML to post to your blog. I hate personality tests when people with the

power to give you an " official " diagnosis are judging the depths of your

deeply disturbed psyche.

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> I have always viewed Myers-Briggs as a set of choices

> between false dichotomies. The only one that even makes

> *sense* to me is introversion/extroversion. But I was

> bored last night, so I took a Myers-Briggs-type test I'd

> never taken before, and I ended up with an exact 50/50

> split between INTP and ISTP (it told me that in the case

> of 50/50 splits it chose one at random and to reload the

> page if I wanted to see my other profile).

Is there a free Myers-Briggs test I can take, and what's

the URL? I tried to take one some time ago, but they

wanted money. I could give the money, but doing so on-

line was too hard to figure out. :-(


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> Mathematics, like most tasks, is

> handled on both sides of the brain.

I don't think it is in mine, and I'm

strictly right-brained. I lack all

that mathematical, technological, and

mechanical ability that many people

have, whether AS or NT. I think I did

pretty well on the spatial relationships

questions, though not sure.


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Clay wrote:

> Is there a free Myers-Briggs test I can take, and what's

> the URL? I tried to take one some time ago, but they

> wanted money. I could give the money, but doing so on-

> line was too hard to figure out. :-(


> Clay


Several, in fact...here's a link to one (in my experience they ALL give

consistent results...I always test as INTP).



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> > Mathematics, like most tasks, is

> > handled on both sides of the brain.

> I don't think it is in mine, and I'm

> strictly right-brained. I lack all

> that mathematical, technological, and

> mechanical ability that many people

> have, whether AS or NT. I think I did

> pretty well on the spatial relationships

> questions, though not sure.

Mechanical ability is generally considered " right-brained " by those

who subscribe to the sort of barely-founded theories you are pretty

much citing here, and linguistic ability, by the way, is considered

" left-brained " by those theories. There's no such thing as a

" strictly right-brained " person unless you've got no left hemisphere

(and in fact a person who essentially has no left hemisphere, and who

has been widely studied, has primarily skills that are normally

considered to be allocated to the right side). Plus, even when tasks

are lateralized in some manner, both sides of the brain handle certain

aspects of them, and which side which part is lateralized on is highly

dependent upon the individual person. If you're bad at math, you're

bad at math, but it's probably not because you're " strictly

right-brained " , unless your left hemisphere is damaged beyond

recognition (in which case you'd be hemiplegic).

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Re: EQ SQ etc.

> Thanks

> I got ISTJ, whatever that means. Very strong

> on introverted, though.


> Clay

Yeah...I scored 93% on introversion, myself...93% on thinking,

too... " intuition " and " perception " were more moderately expressed (both in

the 30-40% range).


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> > > Mathematics, like most tasks, is

> > > handled on both sides of the brain.

and I responded:

> > I don't think it is in mine, and I'm

> > strictly right-brained. I lack all

> > that mathematical, technological, and

> > mechanical ability that many people

> > have, whether AS or NT. I think I did

> > pretty well on the spatial relationships

> > questions, though not sure.

and she answered:

> Mechanical ability is generally considered " right-

> brained " by those who subscribe to the sort of barely-

> founded theories you are pretty much citing here, and

> linguistic ability, by the way, is considered " left-

> brained " by those theories.

Yes, I am aware of what they say in that regard, but,

I think it has been established that my brain, and yours

(and yours, and yours, and yours, etc.) are configured

differently than is the norm. I know this is going to

sound crazy, but I think I can " feel " exactly where the

essential part of myself resides, i.e., in an area about

1 inch in diameter, beginning 3 inches behind my right

eye, and about 2 inches above that. An MRI might prove

it. Anyway, I wouldn't want to lose that part to an

operation or a stroke.

> If you're bad at math, you're bad at math, but it's

> probably not because you're " strictly right-brained " ,

> unless your left hemisphere is damaged beyond

> recognition (in which case you'd be hemiplegic).

No brain damage that I know of, but I can recall sitting

in class in 2nd grade, trying to understand what the

teacher was saying about addition and subtraction. I

realized that I " wasn't getting it " , and that there was

a bridge between the sides of my brain that wasn't letting

the information get through. I wasn't surprised when I

learned many years later that there was a thing called

the corpus callosum, which does that very thing.

You may recall that I said on another list that when my

daughter was 2 or 3, I praised her for something she did

right, and then asked her how she knew to do it. She

said, " My brains told me to. " Intrigued, I asked her,

" How many brains do you have? " She rolled her eyes back,

and then said, " Two. " I don't think she got that from

anybody else at that early point in her life.

Clay, between cases again.

PS. Thanks for the URL, I'll take some tests later.

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You may recall that I said on another list that when my

daughter was 2 or 3, I praised her for something she did

right, and then asked her how she knew to do it. She

said, " My brains told me to. " Intrigued, I asked her,

" How many brains do you have? " She rolled her eyes back,

and then said, " Two. " I don't think she got that from

anybody else at that early point in her life.


Arnt kids just great. Yours sounds really cool.

All the best,


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> As it anyone cares, i wanted to post my test results:

> ISTJ, pretty accurate

> personality type: 5w6

> meantype:7w8

> i dont know WTF this means sooo.

It means that someone obsessed with categorizing you into 16 essential

types in one case and 9 essential types (with wings) in another case

decided to put you into a few of those categories on the basis of a test.

In my case on that test, I got mixed INTP/ISTP straight down the

middle, and either 5w6 or 5w4 (I don't remember, it seems to give me

either one of those) with a 'meantype' of 8w7.

The 9-type thing is basically someone who took 9 different personality

types they observed and attempted to fit everyone in the world into

them, and when that didn't work, I suspect, is when they started

pulling out the 'meantype' and the " Well if you're 5 and

well-compensated you act more like an 8 but if you're not

well-compensated you act more like this other thing " . Sort of like

with the Myers-Briggs they start talking about secondary and tertiary

and whaddoyocallit functions until basically you have *all* of the

traits they list so you can fit any description they gave you (such

as, " What, you're an INTP and you're very emotive? Well that's just

your secondary EF coming out " , and other things like that).

Basically those theories are set up so that no matter what category

you get put in, it will seem like it fits you, because they have

several 'outs' for when you don't seem to fit the category.

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Hmmmm...sounds like when my MMPI-A came out " invalid " cause the K-scale lie

factor thing was way too high, and " got too many yes answers " . However I did

read and answer every question (there are consistant eraser marks throughout)

and told the truth on all. My memory is too bad to LIE on it!!!:) lol

ps- it also sounds like what psychics do.

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