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Libracol, cholesterol's number one enemy. Of all the anti-cholesterol products available over the counter, Libracol is the most powerful. Its effectiveness is comparable to HMG-CoA inhibitors (statins).

COMPOSITION / DESCRIPTION Libracol contains 400 mg of polychitosamineTM per capsule. Inactive ingredient: gelatine (capsule)

WHERE DOES POLYCHITOSAMINE COME FROM? Polychitosamine is a unique substance developed by researchers at Sherbrooke University from the carapace of crustaceans. However, it is totally unlike other marine-biomass derivatives such as glucosamine or chitosan. Using enzyme hydrolysis, deacetylized chitosan is used to produce polychitosamine, a specific derivative of low molecular weight. Ten years of research have resulted in a safe, effective remedy and an infallible production method that guarantees the product's reproducibility and the highest possible pharmaceutical quality. The research team, headed by Dr. Gilles Dupuis, Ph.D., Dr. Jean-Guy Lehoux, Ph.D., and Dr. Ryszard Bresinsky, Ph.D., have perfected chitin extract to make it an indispensable tool in the treatment of blood cholesterol. Its safety is such that volunteers taking Libracol in clinical trials reported fewer side effects than those taking a placebo.

ACTION MECHANISM Polychitosamine contains free amine groups (positively charged) that attach themselves to cholesterol and biliary acids (negatively charged) via ionic bonds, forming an indissociable complex. This reaction occurs in the digestive tract, eliminating cholesterol before it can enter the bloodstream and preventing it from being reabsorbed in the entero-hepatic cycle. The liver reacts by eliminating even more cholesterol through biliary acids. These combined effects have been confirmed by clinical research with Libracol. These studies have shown reductions in total blood cholesterol of up to 40%. (1,2) Preliminary results of a study currently being conducted also show a significant effect on the rate of triglycerides.

HOW DOES LIBRACOL DIFFER FROM RESINS SUCH AS CHOLESTYRAMINE ? Resins are plastic polymers. Their effectiveness in binding with cholesterol in the intestine has been proven, but they irritate the intestine's mucous membrane and can cause bleeding (blood in the stools). Libracol, on the other hand, is a fibre derived from chitin and has the property of hydrating itself. This hydration gives it the same qualities as soluble vegetable fibres, that is, an emollient, calming effect on the intestinal mucous membrane. Libracol is not absorbed and has no side effects.

HOW DOES POLYCHITOSAMINE DIFFER FROM CHITOSAN? Like chitosan, polychitosamine is a derivative of chitin. However, it differs from chitosan in a number of respects. The polychitosamine in Libracol is obtained by an exclusive enzyme process developed at Sherbrooke University. Enzyme hydrolysis generates an deacetylized, highly hydratable derivative that binds to cholesterol and biliary acids through its free amine groups. Nothing guarantees this effect with chitosan. In addition, polychitosamine has a specific low molecular weight, unlike chitosan which has variable, high molecular weight.

INDICATIONS To attain and maintain a healthy cholesterol level.

DOSAGE One 400 mg capsule with meals, 3 times daily.

PRECAUTIONS AND CONTRA-INDICATIONS No known contra-indications. Libracol is a purified molecule derived from the carapace of crustaceans. It is not recommended for those allergic to seafood. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a health professional before taking Libracol. Libracol may be used long-term and continuously to maintain a healthy cholesterol level.

INTERACTIONS No interaction has been reported with Libracol. However, in view of its action mechanism, it is suggested to leave an interval of two hours between taking Libracol and other medications. In this way, Libracol can be combined with any other treatment for cholesterol.

FORMAT Libracol is available in a 90-capsule packaging.

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