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Re: let's share results...

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Lucie Pepin wrote:


> My results are those. In a little over a year.. and this is before i

> started Taebo, i lost about 22 inches and between 40-45 lbs.. fitted a

> somewhat tight 16 , lose 18.. now wear a tight 10 WHOO HOOOOO


>Wow, Lucie. These are very impressive results. It sounds like you are ready

for just a " maintenance " schedule now. Good for you.


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> I originally

> started Tae-Bo because I wanted to learn to kick and move like the

> people on the infomercial...or at least try to.

, me too! I thought they looked so cool! It's amazing that we

can now do those same moves.


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In a message dated 12/15/99 4:22:07 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Agaw12577@... writes:


<< I

got up to a whopping 145 pounds. >>

WHOPPING??? At 5'8? That is a weight problem?? Sharon please tell me you


being sarcastic!!! :)


, I have a small frame. I am 5'1and 1/2 " tall. My weight had

generally fluctuated between 105 and 115 since puberty, and gradually started

creeping up in the last 6 years, right before I quit smoking. So at 145, I

look pudgy. ;o) Sharon

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In a message dated 12/15/99 4:45:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Squashblosm@... writes:

<< , I have a small frame. I am 5'1and 1/2 " tall. My weight had

generally fluctuated between 105 and 115 since puberty, and gradually


creeping up in the last 6 years, right before I quit smoking. So at 145, I

look pudgy. ;o) Sharon


OMG!! I read it wrong!! I though you said you were 5'8!!!! You scared me for

a minute!!!! I was thinking if that is fat, then I must be VERY SCARY!!! Hee

hee hee. Sorry! But I am sure that you look beautiful at any weight!


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In a message dated 12/15/1999 6:36:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

nrgizerbnyrabit31@... writes:

<< Thank you Elena... i have to admit i have not done taebo in 6 wks...

SHAME, SHAME, SHAME... well i did when i was in Toronto.... :o(... i

have not gained anything since then so i guess thats good. >>

you are so buff, I bet your muscles burn off whatever you eat


who may plan a trip to get me away from Tae-Bo for a week to try to break the


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In a message dated 12/15/1999 6:45:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,

etcarroll@... writes:

<< Sharon, I am sorry you were subject to such insensitive comments. I

have a friend who can't help but say mean things, so I understand why

she remains your friend. Still, those comments hurt. I don't share

anything with her (or with certain family members) that could be turned

against me either. It's a shame. It's their loss. People like that

deprive themselves of real relationships.

Elena >>

my younger 14 yo son used to make references to my size before Tae-Bo but has

since stopped so I guess I no longer appear overweight in his eyes


whose parents shower me with compliments each time they see me which is about


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agaw1257-@... wrote:

original article:/group/tae-bo_on/?start=3829

> In a message dated 12/14/99 8:41:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,


> writes:


> << think I was a tight size 11-12..I refused to go higher so started

> buying stretchy size large clothes. Now I'm a comfortable size 8.

> My blood pressure is lower now than it has been for years..my

> resting pulse rate is down. I just can't say enough good things about

> what it has done for me..and I'm looking forward to what the future


> in store.

> >>

> Those are incredible results !! I love your positive attitude!!!

> :) ,

Thank you. The attitude came from Tae-Bo, my nickname for many years

has been Moody. And it was deserved,,hanging my head here in shame. I

read in one of Wayne Dyer's books that it is up to us how we wake up in

the morning..we can start our day thinking..Good God..it's morning.

(with dread) Or Good Morning, God! And embrace it for all it's wonder

and newness. Tae-Bo has provided the enthusiasm to embrace the day.

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squashblos-@... wrote:

original article:/group/tae-bo_on/?start=3858

> In a message dated 12/14/99 3:58:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,


> writes:


> <<

> Ok, I will try to explain what I do for the triceps...but if it isn't

> >>


> Dear ,

> Thank you for describing the triceps exercise to me. I have

printed it

> out, and will attempt it soon. I know what you mean about not

thinking about

> spring clothes until it is too late to do anything about it. One of


> things that motivates me now, is the prospect of looking good in


> clothes this year. My dear friend, whom I haven't seen in years, is


> to visit in June, and the last time she saw me, I was a size 5--so

that is

> also motivation for me. I have avoided telling her that I have


> with my weight, because she is the type of person who would discuss

it with

> other people who know me, (forever) and I would like it to remain


> My family, who all live in another state, are not aware that I had

put on

> weight either. They have always been very focused on each other's

size, and

> I don't want to be the topic of anyone's conversation in that area.


> time I have seen them through the years, I have been petite. That is

one of

> the things Taebo has done for me. It is allowing me to keep my

secret from

> friends and family, because by the time they all see me again, I will

be in

> control once more! ;o) Sharon

Sharon, You're welcome. Doesn't taking control over your body feel

great? Thinking you have control and knowing you have it are two

different things, and I think Tae-Bo has shown us all that. It's kind

of sad that your friend and family won't be able to share your

accomplishments with you. Maybe someday you will feel comfortable

enough to pull out some pictures so they can appreciate just how hard

you have worked at this.

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squashblos-@... wrote:

original article:/group/tae-bo_on/?start=3909

> In a message dated 12/15/99 3:07:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,


> writes:


> << Thank you. The attitude came from Tae-Bo, my nickname for many


> has been Moody. And it was deserved,,hanging my head here in shame. I

> read in one of Wayne Dyer's books that it is up to us how we wake up


> the morning..we can start our day thinking..Good God..it's morning.

> (with dread) Or Good Morning, God! And embrace it for all it's wonder

> and newness. Tae-Bo has provided the enthusiasm to embrace the day.


> >>

> Great concept! Our secret to our happiness really does reside in our


> of mind. Attitude is everything! And here is another deep thought

for you.

> When my daughter was in second grade, we were watching a show on


> about a certain group of people and their struggles, raising the

> question--Why are we here? So I asked her, " Shyla, what is our

reason for

> living? " And do you know what she said? " Mom, our quest for love is


> purpose for living. " And those were her exact words. I am not


> She is extremely bright! From the mouths of babes is where we find


> truth. ;o) Sharon--who has deep moments quite frequently.

Sharon, Shyla sounds like a wonderful child, and I applaud you for

encouraging her by thinking to ask her questions like that, and

listening to her thoughts. There is so much more to teaching children

than " information in information out " . It took me until the time I was

a grandmother to learn that. You are wise beyond your years.

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In a message dated 12/15/99 7:52:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, moody@...




It was just a thought..do what ever you are comfortable with. You

know your friend and family better than anyone would. To me, in what

you wrote above, it sounds like she was complimenting you...maybe in an

insensitive way, but a compliment just the same. Because you were tiny

for most of the time she knew you, maybe she didn't expect you to be

offended by what she said.



The girl who made this comment did not mean it in a complimentary way.

But, as I said, she has many wonderful qualities that compensate for her not

so nice remarks. She is one of the dearest friends I have ever had. I just

am not willing to give her any more ammo by sharing the fact that I have been

struggling with my weight. What she doesn't know, won't hurt her. We have

been good friends for more than 20 years, but I believe she felt big and

awkward, and I think in her way she might have been jealous of certain things

about me. Ergo, she made remarks to call attention to my weight problem.

;o) Sharon

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Thank you Elena... i have to admit i have not done taebo in 6 wks...

SHAME, SHAME, SHAME... well i did when i was in Toronto.... :o(... i

have not gained anything since then so i guess thats good.

etcarroll wrote:

> >

> >Wow, Lucie. These are very impressive results. It sounds like you

are ready for just a " maintenance " schedule now. Good for you.


> Elena

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Squashblosm@... wrote:


> When I was first dating my husband, my girlfriend had a Halloween party.

> And out of the blue she said, " You wouldn't believe how fat Sharon used to

> be! " I was mortified! Most of the time she has known me, I have been tiny,

> but the time she was referring to was right after I had my first child. I

> got up to a whopping 145 pounds. In my defense, I said, " I was only 145. "

> Then she started laughing and said, " Come on Sharon, you were fat! " The

> strange thing is, she is about 5'8 and has always had a weight problem. So

> you would think she wouldn't make comments like these. She is a great friend

> in other ways, but I don't want to share this with her. I wouldn't want to

> share it with my family for pretty much the same reason! ;o) Sharon


Sharon, I am sorry you were subject to such insensitive comments. I

have a friend who can't help but say mean things, so I understand why

she remains your friend. Still, those comments hurt. I don't share

anything with her (or with certain family members) that could be turned

against me either. It's a shame. It's their loss. People like that

deprive themselves of real relationships.


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squashblos-@... wrote:

original article:/group/tae-bo_on/?start=3915

> In a message dated 12/15/99 4:05:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,


> writes:


> << Maybe someday you will feel comfortable

> enough to pull out some pictures so they can appreciate just how hard

> you have worked at this.

> >>


> ,

> When I was first dating my husband, my girlfriend had a

Halloween party.

> And out of the blue she said, " You wouldn't believe how fat Sharon

used to

> be! " I was mortified! Most of the time she has known me, I have

been tiny,

> but the time she was referring to was right after I had my first

child. I

> got up to a whopping 145 pounds. In my defense, I said, " I was only

145. "

> Then she started laughing and said, " Come on Sharon, you were fat! "


> strange thing is, she is about 5'8 and has always had a weight

problem. So

> you would think she wouldn't make comments like these. She is a

great friend

> in other ways, but I don't want to share this with her. I wouldn't

want to

> share it with my family for pretty much the same reason! ;o) Sharon


It was just a thought..do what ever you are comfortable with. You

know your friend and family better than anyone would. To me, in what

you wrote above, it sounds like she was complimenting you...maybe in an

insensitive way, but a compliment just the same. Because you were tiny

for most of the time she knew you, maybe she didn't expect you to be

offended by what she said.

I was thin most of my life...and learned early on that fat was an

insulting word, but people didn't consider the word skinny insulting.

It hurt just the same, especially when I was young and didn't like my

differences being pointed out. When I gained alot of weight and ran

into some old friends the first thing they said to me was, " wow, have

you put on the weight! " . They would have never said that if I had

weight problems in the past. But, in the way they said it, it was like,

" welcome to the group! " . And after years of being excluded from

conversations about dieting..it felt pretty good.

So, I guess what I am trying to say in my rambling way is that if

people know you as a thin person, they don't realize that remarks about

your weight can hurt your feelings.

- who doesn't know what to expect the next time I run into that

group again, but just may deliver a good strong roundhouse if they

point out how skinny I look...lol.

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horsemom-@... wrote:

original article:/group/tae-bo_on/?start=3959

> In a message dated 12/15/1999 6:36:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> nrgizerbnyrabit31@... writes:


> << Thank you Elena... i have to admit i have not done taebo in 6


> SHAME, SHAME, SHAME... well i did when i was in Toronto.... :o(... i

> have not gained anything since then so i guess thats good. >>


> you are so buff, I bet your muscles burn off whatever you eat


> Barb

> who may plan a trip to get me away from Tae-Bo for a week to try to

break the

> plateau

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