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In a message dated 03/29/2000 8:06:07, jb@... writes:

<< Putting " cures " into the hands of others takes us out of the domain of

being in charge...Of being responsible for our power and using it

wisely....Of driving the car, so to speak.


Thanks for saying these things.

Joyce (H.)

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Dear Mr. Bentley,

I am sure that Cliff agrees with you, he just doesn't go into this long

explanation repeatedly. It is shorter to say cures or benefits the body etc.

as it has in his case. Cliff has found what works for him and praise God

for it!

If you don't mind, I would like to pick your brain a minute and get your

opinion on something....

>The amino acids are Cysteine, Cystine and Methionine and they are the only

>amino acids that contain sulphur bonds. Any source of food that contains

>ample amounts of them in an undamaged state will do

The amino acids named are what makes up MSM. I am wondering if this would

not be a better source for a sulphur base than the cottage cheese and easier

to tolerate. Maybe could combine it in the powder form with the flax oil and

add to frozen bananas and strawberries to make a good tasting shake. But I

believe something else would need to be added to provide the benefits of the

cottage cheese and that is probiotics....

>Cottage cheese is just

a good source for them because the cheese is readly available, can be

purchased in a low fat version and is inexpensive.

I believe that the cottage cheese is more than just a good source of sulfur,

it also contains probiotics that the body needs to combat the cancer. " In a

paper entitled, " The Role of Diet in the Causation and Prevention of Cancer, "

published in 1989, Barry R. Goldin of Tufts University School of Medicine

(Boston), discusses the same subject. Presenting data drawn from six

different studies, Goldin shows that fermented dairy products are capable of

slowing tumor induction and growth. " This however, is due to the " good "

bacteria present and not necessarily the sulfur content. ( Probiotics,

Natures Natural Healers by Natasha Trenev, 1998) However , research has shown

that to be exceedingly effective, one strain of the lactobacillus stands

above the rest, and it is the strain known as L.bulgaricus or LB-51. (I'm

wondering here if cottage cheese and yogurt contain this strain?) The

Japanese were so impressed with the studies done by a Dr. Bogdanov's on LB-51

that they are funding the construction of what is to be called " The L.B.

Center " (stands for Lactobacillus bulgaricus) in Sofia, Bulgaria. The US

routinely dismissed this man's findings.

So, this is my theory on how and why the flax seed oil and CC work. Any

comments on it? I would like to find out what is really making the flax seed

oil and CC work , as it obviously does and how to make it taste better or how

to eliminate the taste to increase the " compliance " of people taking it.

Personally, just the thought of eating CC or yogurt makes me gag! So, if you

can make it work better and stronger and eliminate the unpleasentness of it,

I think that it would be more widely used and people could " stick " with it.

Of course, all this info on probiotics goes much deeper that what I presented

here, but for the sake of time, I hit the " high " points.

And yes, I do agree with you that any product that can increase oxygen to the

cells is also very important and should be applied. However, as we all know

environmental factors and diet are two major causes of cancer. And when you

have an overworked immune system trying to combat all these toxins on a daily

basis, the immune system can be overwhelmed trying to clear all this out.

So, really not only is cancer a product of decreased oxygen to the cell (an

anaerobic disease) it is also a product of an overly toxic system that has

exhausted its fighting power and cells then mutate and multiply. A good

portion of our fighting power comes in the form of " good " bacteria that is

diminished over time due to a number of factors, and a forever decrease in

the quality of the foods we eat (decrease in MSM).

Anyone with any thoughts on all


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Cliff ,

so glad you shared this brief about flaxsedd oil

and cottage cheese. At first it all sems so

foolish. But after reasing the little book by

DrJohanna Budwig it really does make sense.

Anyone with cancer that has not sent for her

little book on the subject should do so. It only

costs about 7.00 from anazon.com. Thanks again


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Hi Cliff,

I hear this all the time too. How about this one.... a woman (used to come

into a health food store that I worked through) with liver cancer began

using all types of alternative therapies...she took up tennis, and became

quite good. She lost weight, got rid of her cancer, and became more

active. For the first time, she was really LIVING. After getting a clean

bill of health from her doctor, he recommended some " preventative " chemo.

Against her better judgement, and the urging of her cheering squads and

family, she acquiesced. She died less than a month later from the side

effects of chemo.

Is this murder?

Be well,

At 12:09 AM 03/29/2000 -0500, you wrote:

>HI All,


>This afternoon I had a visitor talking bees. We are beekeepers.


>During the course of the conversation he asked about my health and then he

>told me a story that I felt I must share.


>A friend of his had had advanced lung cancer. This man began using flaxseed

>oil and cottage cheese and the cancer disappeared to the extent that it was

>undetectable on X-Rays.


>At this point the friend quit the flaxseed oil. Some time later, I don't

>know how long, the cancer again developed. This man now felt the Flaxseed

>oil had not cured him and took another route and died.


>This is the seventh time now that I know of this happening.


>I have read a number of things and there are those on this list more

>knowledgeable than I from the research standpoint, but it appears to me that

>the flaxseed oil enables the body to handle cancer if given time, and if one

>has time, and if it is abandoned the conditions again return that allowed

>cancer to develop in the first place and it happens again. This is not like

>taking an antibiotic for a sore throat and then quitting the medicine when

>the throat feels better.


>It seems to me it is a lifetime proposition. I will mention again that my

>Oncologist told me that no doctor believes that cancer is ever really cured;

>they just try to stay ahead of it as long as possible. We all may as well

>be aware of this fact.




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You are SO right. It should be required reading of every health class in

high school.

Be well,

At 06:41 AM 03/29/2000 -0800, you wrote:

>Cliff ,

>so glad you shared this brief about flaxsedd oil

>and cottage cheese. At first it all sems so

>foolish. But after reasing the little book by

>DrJohanna Budwig it really does make sense.

>Anyone with cancer that has not sent for her

>little book on the subject should do so. It only

>costs about 7.00 from anazon.com. Thanks again




>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



>eGroups.com Home: cures for cancer/

> - Simplifying group communications




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>HI All,


>This afternoon I had a visitor talking bees. We are beekeepers.


>During the course of the conversation he asked about my health and then he

>told me a story that I felt I must share.


>A friend of his had had advanced lung cancer. This man began using flaxseed

>oil and cottage cheese and the cancer disappeared to the extent that it was

>undetectable on X-Rays.


>At this point the friend quit the flaxseed oil. Some time later, I don't

>know how long, the cancer again developed. This man now felt the Flaxseed

>oil had not cured him and took another route and died.


>This is the seventh time now that I know of this happening.


>I have read a number of things and there are those on this list more

>knowledgeable than I from the research standpoint, but it appears to me that

>the flaxseed oil enables the body to handle cancer if given time, and if one

>has time, and if it is abandoned the conditions again return that allowed

>cancer to develop in the first place and it happens again. This is not like

>taking an antibiotic for a sore throat and then quitting the medicine when

>the throat feels better.


>It seems to me it is a lifetime proposition. I will mention again that my

>Oncologist told me that no doctor believes that cancer is ever really cured;

>they just try to stay ahead of it as long as possible. We all may as well

>be aware of this fact.


Greetings Cliff,

Just a comment about Flax Oil/Cottage cheese use. The notion that " this "

cures or " that " cures or anything else cures is based more in myth and a

difficult point of view to let go of. The cause of action with flax

oil/cottage cheese is to overcome a difficiency of the essential fatty

acids Omega 6 and Omega 3 because they are normally damaged in food

processing and exposure to light. The cottage cheese is just a simple way

to get relatively undamaged sulphur containing amino acids into the body.

The amino acids are Cysteine, Cystine and Methionine and they are the only

amino acids that contain sulphur bonds. Any source of food that contains

ample amounts of them in an undamaged state will do. Cottage cheese is just

a good source for them because the cheese is readly available, can be

purchased in a low fat version and is inexpensive.

Most of the cells membrane is composed of Omega 3 and 6 and so is the

membrane of the nucleus and most of the constituents inside of the nucleus.

Raw Omega 3 and 6 are damaged by exposure to light and oxygen. Light is

about 1000 times more damaging than oxygen to these two essential fatty

acids. It only takes a few minutes to damage the fatty acids from light

exposure if they are not protected by relationships with other naturally

occuring substances. Unlike some other raw oils, flax oil lacks many of

these substances while at the same time being one of the best sources of

the fatty acids. The sulphur from the amino acids is utilized by the

cells for oxygen transport across the cell membrane. So, the body is

utilizing undamaged raw material to repair itself. Cancer grows more

easiely in an oxygen difficient and acid environment. Most people are

acidic because of to much protein and high acid forming substances such as

phosphoric acid in sodas and something as simple as vitamin C in the form

of ascorbic acid for example.

Any " thing " that is ingested does not " cure " nor is it capable of curing.

Only the body is capable of doing the " cure " because it knows what to do

with the raw material. The raw material, be it from flax oil, amino acids,

MGN-3, IP6 or anything else is used by the body to build, repair or

whatever or the body will try to get rid of it. The substance the body uses

doesn't know what to do, only the body does. It would be like believing

that a hammer or screwdriver knows what to do as compared to the person

using them as tools.

Overcoming the belief that " cures " come in a bottle or from a " doctor " or

anyone else gives our power away and leaves us basically helpless in being

the source of our cure. We have most of the power to control what comes

into our body and the quality of what we ingest or the lack of it is most

determinent in how qualitatively our body functions. Our " beliefs " also

play a significant roll in how we experience life. Some people have a

" terrible day " , while on the same day others are having a " fantastic day " .

The day doesn't care and it is not the day creating our experience of

whether it's a good day or a bad day. We do that. And when it comes to

other experiences, no matter what they are, we are the sole creators of

them. What we experience may be out of our hands, but HOW we experience is

totally in our hands and no one elses. The beliefs we hold about cancer

have as much of an influence as anthing else in what we do about " having "

cancer. Some people lay down and die while others get up and live. Either

way is a self fulfilling prophesy.

Putting " cures " into the hands of others takes us out of the domain of

being in charge...Of being responsible for our power and using it

wisely....Of driving the car, so to speak.

When cancer or a tumor returns when someone quits taking flax oil and

cottege cheese, it's because the body no longer has what it needs to build

good cell membrane's and improved oxygen transport.

The body is made out of food. More accurately put, it is made out of what

we ingest and to the extent we give it substandard raw material from which

to build and repair itself and also put in things that are harmful

(including harmful beliefs)....guess what?

Warm regards,

J Bentley

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>Hi Cliff,


>I hear this all the time too. How about this one.... a woman (used to come

>into a health food store that I worked through) with liver cancer began

>using all types of alternative therapies...she took up tennis, and became

>quite good. She lost weight, got rid of her cancer, and became more

>active. For the first time, she was really LIVING. After getting a clean

>bill of health from her doctor, he recommended some " preventative " chemo.

>Against her better judgement, and the urging of her cheering squads and

>family, she acquiesced. She died less than a month later from the side

>effects of chemo.


>Is this murder?


>Be well,




Hi ,

Just a resonse to your question " Is this murder?

No, it's not murder. It's something much worse. Ignorance!

Joe Bentley

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>In a message dated 03/29/2000 8:06:07, jb@... writes:


><< Putting " cures " into the hands of others takes us out of the domain of

>being in charge...Of being responsible for our power and using it

>wisely....Of driving the car, so to speak.

> >>


>Thanks for saying these things.


>Joyce (H.)



>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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Your welcome Joyce.

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In a message dated 03/29/2000 3:33:44 PM Central Standard Time,

jb@... writes:

<< Dear Mr. Bentley,

> I am sure that Cliff agrees with you, he just doesn't go into this long

>explanation repeatedly. It is shorter to say cures or benefits the body


> as it has in his case. Cliff has found what works for him and praise God

>for it!

> If you don't mind, I would like to pick your brain a minute and get your

>opinion on something....


>>The amino acids are Cysteine, Cystine and Methionine and they are the only

>>amino acids that contain sulphur bonds. Any source of food that contains

>>ample amounts of them in an undamaged state will do


>The amino acids named are what makes up MSM. I am wondering if this would

>not be a better source for a sulphur base than the cottage cheese and easier

>to tolerate. Maybe could combine it in the powder form with the flax oil and

>add to frozen bananas and strawberries to make a good tasting shake. But I

>believe something else would need to be added to provide the benefits of the

>cottage cheese and that is probiotics....



>>Cottage cheese is just

>a good source for them because the cheese is readly available, can be

>purchased in a low fat version and is inexpensive.


>I believe that the cottage cheese is more than just a good source of sulfur,

>it also contains probiotics that the body needs to combat the cancer. " In a

>paper entitled, " The Role of Diet in the Causation and Prevention of

Cancer, "

>published in 1989, Barry R. Goldin of Tufts University School of Medicine

>(Boston), discusses the same subject. Presenting data drawn from six

>different studies, Goldin shows that fermented dairy products are capable of

>slowing tumor induction and growth. " This however, is due to the " good "

>bacteria present and not necessarily the sulfur content. ( Probiotics,

>Natures Natural Healers by Natasha Trenev, 1998) However , research has


>that to be exceedingly effective, one strain of the lactobacillus stands

>above the rest, and it is the strain known as L.bulgaricus or LB-51. (I'm

>wondering here if cottage cheese and yogurt contain this strain?) The

>Japanese were so impressed with the studies done by a Dr. Bogdanov's on


>that they are funding the construction of what is to be called " The L.B.

>Center " (stands for Lactobacillus bulgaricus) in Sofia, Bulgaria. The US

>routinely dismissed this man's findings.


>So, this is my theory on how and why the flax seed oil and CC work. Any

>comments on it? I would like to find out what is really making the flax


>oil and CC work , as it obviously does and how to make it taste better or


>to eliminate the taste to increase the " compliance " of people taking it.

>Personally, just the thought of eating CC or yogurt makes me gag! So, if


>can make it work better and stronger and eliminate the unpleasentness of it,

>I think that it would be more widely used and people could " stick " with it.

>Of course, all this info on probiotics goes much deeper that what I


>here, but for the sake of time, I hit the " high " points.


>And yes, I do agree with you that any product that can increase oxygen to


>cells is also very important and should be applied. However, as we all know

>environmental factors and diet are two major causes of cancer. And when you

>have an overworked immune system trying to combat all these toxins on a


>basis, the immune system can be overwhelmed trying to clear all this out.

>So, really not only is cancer a product of decreased oxygen to the cell (an

>anaerobic disease) it is also a product of an overly toxic system that has

>exhausted its fighting power and cells then mutate and multiply. A good

>portion of our fighting power comes in the form of " good " bacteria that is

>diminished over time due to a number of factors, and a forever decrease in

>the quality of the foods we eat (decrease in MSM).


>Anyone with any thoughts on all



>Thank you for for your response Belinda. Cottage cheese doesn't contain

>any significant bacteria because it is pastaurized and not considered a

>probiotic like yogurt. Your wondering what makes the flax oil and cottage

>cheese work? It is the cells. They are alive, eat, breathe, " go to the

>bathroom " and replicate themselves. They even have their own brain and

>chemical processing organs. They are smart and follow principles of

>survival. Everything else is just a tool for them use for whatever purpose

>they deem useful or it is something to take apart if threatening, get rid

>of or ignore if it is not harfmul.

>The taste of flax oil and cottage cheese is conditioned upon several

>factors. Primarly the freshness and quality of the flax oil and cottage

>cheese. I prefer Barleans flax oil and like to add a little Grey Poupon

>mustard to the mix. It transforms it into something delicious.

>MSM is a direct metabolite of DMSO and about 34% elemental sulfur. I

>haven't found any direct documentation that MSM is made up of just the

>three sulfur containing amino acids or is partly the amino acids. I will

>look into it more closely to satisfy my curiosity. Organisms involved in

>the body's probiotic shield don't seem to be involved in the use of the

>cells use of the sulfur and the fatty acids found in flax oil.

>Referring to your last paragraph about products increasing oxygen to the

>cells... The cell has the only say so as to what gets used or not to the

>point of the cell being overwhelmed. That's it's business.

>I like your questions and your energy. I can feel it.

>Warm regards

>Joe Bentley

Thanks for your response Mr. Bentley. I asked a Probiotic Expert about the

sulfur content in yogurt and cottage cheese vs. that contained in MSM. I

also inquired as to the probiotic content of each. I am awaiting her reply,

just out of curiousity.

>>Organisms involved in

> the body's probiotic shield don't seem to be involved in the use of the

> cells use of the sulfur and the fatty acids found in flax oil.

I believe this is true as well, I'm looking at the probiotic content of the

CC and/or yogurt as being a side-benefit or extra benefit to the body by

providing needed probiotics (if there are any - you bring up a good point -

one I'm not sure of myself. I wrote this person who studies probiotics

exclusively and asked her this question). I got this idea from something I

read in this book, Probiotics - Nature's Internal Healers. This is what it

says: " ...Overloaded with work, the immune system needs all the help it can

get from your friendly bacteria. How? When disease-causing aliens are able

to permeate the intestinal walls and enter the bloodstream, the immune system

must spring into action. As long as strong colonies of friendly bacteria

line the intestinal tract in full force, these harmful microorganisms will

not be able to get through, thus lightening the already heavy workload of the

immune system. As you will see, several in vitro and in vivo studies

illustrating the ability of the friendly bacteria to boost immune function

have been performed. " "

Of course, if it turns out the CC has no probiotics in it, I guess that just

blew my theory off the face of the earth! Oh well, you don't get any answers

if you don't ask any questions! Even if it turns out that their is no

benefit to " good " bacteria with this concoction of flax oil and CC, I still

think it would be a good idea to supplement the super strains that have shown

to give the body a fighting army of good guys in the gut. What do you think?

>MSM is a direct metabolite of DMSO and about 34% elemental sulfur. I

> haven't found any direct documentation that MSM is made up of just the

>three sulfur containing amino acids or is partly the amino acids.

I didn't mean to imply that this is strictly what MSM was made up of, it's

just when you mentioned the three amino acids my mind said : MSM!

The sulfur component of MSM is 34% by weight, making MSM one of the nature's

richest sources of sulfur. (The Forgotten Nutrient MSM: On Our Way Back To

Health With Sulfur, by Beth M. Ley) So, I'm thinking if MSM is one of the

richest sources of sulfur, why not use it with the flax oil. Do you know how

much sulfur is in the CC? Do you think that increasing the sulfur, increases

the desired effect? Do you think that mixing the MSM with the flax oil would

be just as effective as the CC if it doesn't contain any probiotics? If the

CC doesn't have the benefits of probiotics , what is the use of using it

other than providing the needed sulfur base?

Thanks for letting me " pick " your


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You were right, cottage cheese does not contain any beneficial bacteria, this

is what the girl wrote back:



Hello Belinda,

Thank you for writing.

I would suggest you contact Knudsen or another cottage cheese manufacturer

for information you want on sulfur but cottage cheese does not contain

beneficial bacteria.

For information on the amount of beneficial bacteria in yogurt, you need to

read the individual labels of different yogurt manufacturers like Yoplait,

Knudsen, etc.



Assistant to Natasha



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>Dear Mr. Bentley,

> I am sure that Cliff agrees with you, he just doesn't go into this long

>explanation repeatedly. It is shorter to say cures or benefits the body etc.

> as it has in his case. Cliff has found what works for him and praise God

>for it!

> If you don't mind, I would like to pick your brain a minute and get your

>opinion on something....


>>The amino acids are Cysteine, Cystine and Methionine and they are the only

>>amino acids that contain sulphur bonds. Any source of food that contains

>>ample amounts of them in an undamaged state will do


>The amino acids named are what makes up MSM. I am wondering if this would

>not be a better source for a sulphur base than the cottage cheese and easier

>to tolerate. Maybe could combine it in the powder form with the flax oil and

>add to frozen bananas and strawberries to make a good tasting shake. But I

>believe something else would need to be added to provide the benefits of the

>cottage cheese and that is probiotics....



>>Cottage cheese is just

>a good source for them because the cheese is readly available, can be

>purchased in a low fat version and is inexpensive.


>I believe that the cottage cheese is more than just a good source of sulfur,

>it also contains probiotics that the body needs to combat the cancer. " In a

>paper entitled, " The Role of Diet in the Causation and Prevention of Cancer, "

>published in 1989, Barry R. Goldin of Tufts University School of Medicine

>(Boston), discusses the same subject. Presenting data drawn from six

>different studies, Goldin shows that fermented dairy products are capable of

>slowing tumor induction and growth. " This however, is due to the " good "

>bacteria present and not necessarily the sulfur content. ( Probiotics,

>Natures Natural Healers by Natasha Trenev, 1998) However , research has shown

>that to be exceedingly effective, one strain of the lactobacillus stands

>above the rest, and it is the strain known as L.bulgaricus or LB-51. (I'm

>wondering here if cottage cheese and yogurt contain this strain?) The

>Japanese were so impressed with the studies done by a Dr. Bogdanov's on LB-51

>that they are funding the construction of what is to be called " The L.B.

>Center " (stands for Lactobacillus bulgaricus) in Sofia, Bulgaria. The US

>routinely dismissed this man's findings.


>So, this is my theory on how and why the flax seed oil and CC work. Any

>comments on it? I would like to find out what is really making the flax seed

>oil and CC work , as it obviously does and how to make it taste better or how

>to eliminate the taste to increase the " compliance " of people taking it.

>Personally, just the thought of eating CC or yogurt makes me gag! So, if you

>can make it work better and stronger and eliminate the unpleasentness of it,

>I think that it would be more widely used and people could " stick " with it.

>Of course, all this info on probiotics goes much deeper that what I presented

>here, but for the sake of time, I hit the " high " points.


>And yes, I do agree with you that any product that can increase oxygen to the

>cells is also very important and should be applied. However, as we all know

>environmental factors and diet are two major causes of cancer. And when you

>have an overworked immune system trying to combat all these toxins on a daily

>basis, the immune system can be overwhelmed trying to clear all this out.

>So, really not only is cancer a product of decreased oxygen to the cell (an

>anaerobic disease) it is also a product of an overly toxic system that has

>exhausted its fighting power and cells then mutate and multiply. A good

>portion of our fighting power comes in the form of " good " bacteria that is

>diminished over time due to a number of factors, and a forever decrease in

>the quality of the foods we eat (decrease in MSM).


>Anyone with any thoughts on all



Thank you for for your response Belinda. Cottage cheese doesn't contain

any significant bacteria because it is pastaurized and not considered a

probiotic like yogurt. Your wondering what makes the flax oil and cottage

cheese work? It is the cells. They are alive, eat, breathe, " go to the

bathroom " and replicate themselves. They even have their own brain and

chemical processing organs. They are smart and follow principles of

survival. Everything else is just a tool for them use for whatever purpose

they deem useful or it is something to take apart if threatening, get rid

of or ignore if it is not harfmul.

The taste of flax oil and cottage cheese is conditioned upon several

factors. Primarly the freshness and quality of the flax oil and cottage

cheese. I prefer Barleans flax oil and like to add a little Grey Poupon

mustard to the mix. It transforms it into something delicious.

MSM is a direct metabolite of DMSO and about 34% elemental sulfur. I

haven't found any direct documentation that MSM is made up of just the

three sulfur containing amino acids or is partly the amino acids. I will

look into it more closely to satisfy my curiosity. Organisms involved in

the body's probiotic shield don't seem to be involved in the use of the

cells use of the sulfur and the fatty acids found in flax oil.

Referring to your last paragraph about products increasing oxygen to the

cells... The cell has the only say so as to what gets used or not to the

point of the cell being overwhelmed. That's it's business.

I like your questions and your energy. I can feel it.

Warm regards

Joe Bentley

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Terri Just go to Amazon.com and look up by auther

Dr Johanne Budwig. I lent the book out and forgot

the name

It sosts about 6.00 and has the words flax seed

oil and arthrites on the cover BUY IT


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Can you tell me how much to take? Flax seed capsules or pills?


HI All,This afternoon I had a visitor talking bees. We are beekeepers.During the course of the conversation he asked about my health and then hetold me a story that I felt I must share.A friend of his had had advanced lung cancer. This man began using flaxseedoil and cottage cheese and the cancer disappeared to the extent that it wasundetectable on X-Rays.At this point the friend quit the flaxseed oil. Some time later, I don'tknow how long, the cancer again developed. This man now felt the Flaxseedoil had not cured him and took another route and died.This is the seventh time now that I know of this happening.I have read a number of things and there are those on this list moreknowledgeable than I from the research standpoint, but it appears to me thatthe flaxseed oil enables the body to handle cancer if given time, and if onehas time, and if it is abandoned the conditions again return that allowedcancer to develop in the first place and it happens again. This is not liketaking an antibiotic for a sore throat and then quitting the medicine whenthe throat feels better.It seems to me it is a lifetime proposition. I will mention again that myOncologist told me that no doctor believes that cancer is ever really cured;they just try to stay ahead of it as long as possible. We all may as wellbe aware of this fact.

Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

eGroups.com Home: cures for cancerwww. - Simplifying group communications

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Can you tell me the name of the book?



Re: visit

Cliff ,so glad you shared this brief about flaxsedd oiland cottage cheese. At first it all sems sofoolish. But after reasing the little book byDrJohanna Budwig it really does make sense. Anyone with cancer that has not sent for herlittle book on the subject should do so. It onlycosts about 7.00 from anazon.com. Thanks again Harold

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MSM does not contain any amino acids. Its chemical formula is (CH3) 2 - S

That is, it contains two methyl groups ( CH3) and a sulfur molecule. It

helps the body by donating the sulfur and the methyl groups to the tissues

just as does DMSO, which only differs by having one oxygen molecule bonded to

the sulfur.


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>MSM does not contain any amino acids. Its chemical formula is (CH3) 2 - S

>That is, it contains two methyl groups ( CH3) and a sulfur molecule. It

>helps the body by donating the sulfur and the methyl groups to the tissues

>just as does DMSO, which only differs by having one oxygen molecule bonded to

>the sulfur.



Thank you Randy. Good information!

J Bentley

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Thank you very much.


HI All,

This afternoon I had a visitor talking bees. We are beekeepers.

During the course of the conversation he asked about my health and then he

told me a story that I felt I must share.

A friend of his had had advanced lung cancer. This man began using


oil and cottage cheese and the cancer disappeared to the extent that it


undetectable on X-Rays.

At this point the friend quit the flaxseed oil. Some time later, I don't

know how long, the cancer again developed. This man now felt the Flaxseed

oil had not cured him and took another route and died.

This is the seventh time now that I know of this happening.

I have read a number of things and there are those on this list more

knowledgeable than I from the research standpoint, but it appears to me


the flaxseed oil enables the body to handle cancer if given time, and if


has time, and if it is abandoned the conditions again return that allowed

cancer to develop in the first place and it happens again. This is not


taking an antibiotic for a sore throat and then quitting the medicine when

the throat feels better.

It seems to me it is a lifetime proposition. I will mention again that my

Oncologist told me that no doctor believes that cancer is ever really


they just try to stay ahead of it as long as possible. We all may as well

be aware of this fact.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Chemotherapy and radiation: Is it murder or ignorance? Read Dr.

Horowitz's book " Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse " to help you

answer this question. Dr. Horowitz is a medical investigator who

graduated from Harvard.


The co-author of this book cured his wife of cancer in less than a month,

a time-frame similar to the 21-day cancer cure by Dr. in her book

" The Cure for All Advanced Cancers. "

Dr. Rife had an instrument which cured people of cancer, with no harmful

effects since it targeted the pathogen (virus/bacteria) causing the

cancer. He did it very s-l-o-w-l-y so the body could rid itself of these

dead pathogens (otherwise the dead viruses/bacteria can overwhelm the body

and cause a toxic overload). When Dr. Rife refused to sell his invention

to a doctor at the American Medical Association, the FDA closed the Rife

centers and began to persecute him. With Rife's protocol, the cancer

usually disappeared in about a month.


(Dr. uses a cheaper, wide-spectrum instrument called the zapper, as

well as colloidal silver, herbs and nutrition to kill parasites.)


On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, J Bentley wrote:

> >Hi Cliff,

> >

> >I hear this all the time too. How about this one.... a woman (used to come

> >into a health food store that I worked through) with liver cancer began

> >using all types of alternative therapies...she took up tennis, and became

> >quite good. She lost weight, got rid of her cancer, and became more

> >active. For the first time, she was really LIVING. After getting a clean

> >bill of health from her doctor, he recommended some " preventative " chemo.

> >Against her better judgement, and the urging of her cheering squads and

> >family, she acquiesced. She died less than a month later from the side

> >effects of chemo.

> >

> >Is this murder?

> >

> >Be well,

> >

> >

> >


> Hi ,


> Just a resonse to your question " Is this murder?


> No, it's not murder. It's something much worse. Ignorance!



> Joe Bentley




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I beg to differ with the doctor who believes cancer is not ever really

cured. It seems like propaganda to me. It's like saying arthritis is

not ever really cured. Or incontinence is not ever really cured. Or

allergies are not ever really cured. Or poor memory is not ever really

cured. I was cured of these degenerative diseases (over 90%), but I'll

get them again if I don't eat right or take designer foods.

It's a matter of whether you continue to do what causes the cancer,

arthritis, incontinence, allergies, or poor memory. In all cases, these

are usually nutrition related. If that doctor did not tell his patients

what nutritional supplements to take to prevent cancer or how to change

thier diet, then his patients will continue to contract diseases, and

he'll continue to believe a lie.

But doctors who know about cancer prevention will have patients whose

cancer cures are permanent.

Think twice. :)

On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Terri Gehrmann wrote:


> Can you tell me how much to take? Flax seed capsules or pills?

> visit



> HI All,


> This afternoon I had a visitor talking bees. We are beekeepers.


> During the course of the conversation he asked about my health and then he

> told me a story that I felt I must share.


> A friend of his had had advanced lung cancer. This man began using flaxseed

> oil and cottage cheese and the cancer disappeared to the extent that it was

> undetectable on X-Rays.


> At this point the friend quit the flaxseed oil. Some time later, I don't

> know how long, the cancer again developed. This man now felt the Flaxseed

> oil had not cured him and took another route and died.


> This is the seventh time now that I know of this happening.


> I have read a number of things and there are those on this list more

> knowledgeable than I from the research standpoint, but it appears to me that

> the flaxseed oil enables the body to handle cancer if given time, and if one

> has time, and if it is abandoned the conditions again return that allowed

> cancer to develop in the first place and it happens again. This is not like

> taking an antibiotic for a sore throat and then quitting the medicine when

> the throat feels better.


> It seems to me it is a lifetime proposition. I will mention again that my

> Oncologist told me that no doctor believes that cancer is ever really cured;

> they just try to stay ahead of it as long as possible. We all may as well

> be aware of this fact.



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and Joe, and everyone else THAT IS reading.. The statement I and

Mel agree with..As we have for a number of years, since 1985.. been using


POULTERIZE THE UNIMAGINABLE, but use it on food, sores, and yes, while I was

removing the Melanoma from my leg...this little pillow a sealed metal-box I

have an idea has herbs and magnets in it..to expensive to tare one apart to

see..not after we know they had back then cost $100.00 each/ and we have

four that she gave to us to use, for our self and for others at the time we

were working with that had all sorts of ill's. ( long story ) If anyone

understands Chemistry, you will understand how iron shavings work with a

horseshoe held closely to it.. North-South, East and West: planet of the

North pole and South Pole. I will if the site wants write the data from the

journal that Dr.Ethel T.Starbord shared with me. She may not even be living

now..but after we moved a number years ago I lost tract of her. She had at

this time phoned us a few times and we became Quite enthused with her

research that was quiet lengthy. She use to send out news letters to those

that bought her SpringLife Polarity Plus Pillow..I've used ours for many

things..and after you hear the story behind it then I believe you'll

understand why Mel and I will not take double what we know they cost. Also

we go now and then to another lady that uses other electrical foot, and yes

the " Zapper " . which I also used during the time prior and during, and after

the cancer was removed.. We regret that we never had the money to purchase

one for our private use..and lately found out another man-after his death,

his family members were so skeptical that they dumped four $1,000/machines

in the dump. Mel happen to do work in his home and this man use to loan

them..if he had known that his family would have been so ignorant, we could

have had them before he passed to his eternal rewards. He was an elderly man

that had had a pretty good health..but old age was the main reason of his


Anyway We keep our Polarity Pillow on our bed..Mel has been using it with

his recent surgery for shoulder replacement. We also use it when someone

gets cut, bruised, or burned. It has many uses and I wished I knew how to

explain how it works..But God gave Ethel this wisdom and knowledge to

invent, over the fact that one day it didn't spoil food..that had laid

around for weeks, and she was getting rain when her neighbors never did get

any for days. ( long story ) I'll be glad to post THIS STORY IT WILL BE

WORTH the TIME to read.. ( You know " CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT? " ), and just

might be another door to open into the world of cures.


(Dr. uses a cheaper, wide-spectrum instrument called the zapper, as

well as colloidal silver, herbs and nutrition to kill parasites.) Mel and I

haved all these mentioned..and find they are working..and we take the

Walnut,wormwood, clove..mixture. Right now were trying to find out if there

is any doctor in our area that will do for us the bowel, and colon

cleansing.. If any doctor out here on the site, or if anyone knows how to

contact one. In Holmes County..Ohio...we will look into them very quickly

And we would like a doctor that does reflexology...We live in a remote

area; and sometimes going to a larger city is an all day task. We live

near, Wooster,Canton, Akron, and Mansfield.(Berlin and Sugarcreek and

Ashland that is nearest to us )


Sincerely, One of Your Best Friends, Judy and Mel


effects of chemo.

Is this murder?


Hi ,

Just a resonse to your question " Is this murder?

No, it's not murder. It's something much worse. Ignorance!

Joe Bentley


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Hi friends,

I need your help !

Who has experience with Dr.Hulda s " Syncrometer " ?

I like to join a seminar next week, but now I was told by a group with

the name

" Quackbuster " that the Syncrometer is a " useless tool " !!!! And they

call Dr. Hulda s theories on the cause of cancer : bogus,bunk, and

embarrassingly silly.

I am realy confused now . What is the truth ???

Please send me as much information as possible.

Thank you and God bless you all.


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In a message dated 04/10/2000 4:48:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

pelcka@... writes:

<< Hi friends,

I need your help !

Who has experience with Dr.Hulda s " Syncrometer " ?

I like to join a seminar next week, but now I was told by a group with

the name

" Quackbuster " that the Syncrometer is a " useless tool " !!!! And they

call Dr. Hulda s theories on the cause of cancer : bogus,bunk, and

embarrassingly silly.

I am realy confused now . What is the truth ???

Please send me as much information as possible.

Thank you and God bless you all.

Hello Achim

Hey Guy, I tried the Hula method, and it said within 21 days it would

STOP the cancer growth. Well, I had a dog that I tried it on, with limpnode

cancer, and it never even affected the cancer, So after a month, I changed

over to DR method with he's pig enzymes and by that time my dog was to

far gone, as she started throwing up every thing I could get down her. Even

plain water. The Cancer had wrapped around her throat, choking her, So I had

to have her put down, My opinion is not really good on her method. I even

bought the zapper and zapped two times aday, no help


Mike B.


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Hi group...Several months ago I underwent

Hulda s parasite program for my prostate

cancer. I followed all recommendations

religiously and accomplished nothing I could

see or feel. My PSA was not affected either.

Best, JR

Hi friends,

I need your help !

Who has experience with Dr.Hulda s " Syncrometer " ?

I like to join a seminar next week, but now I was told by a group with

the name

" Quackbuster " that the Syncrometer is a " useless tool " !!!! And they

call Dr. Hulda s theories on the cause of cancer : bogus,bunk, and

embarrassingly silly.

I am realy confused now . What is the truth ???

Please send me as much information as possible.

Thank you and God bless you all.



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