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Re: How will I survive this?

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. What incredible news!!

I can't even think of anything suitable to say, but I wanted you to know I

had read the post.....

OK, I guess I'll make a lame attempt at humor - Now they have to put you and

on Oprah!!

Sending positive energy :)


Dad of Keira

How will I survive this?

I found out recently that I am pregnant, but wanted to wait to share

this with our group until my first ultrasound, which I just had today.

I am really still in a state of shock over just being pregnant, as we

decided that needs so much of our attention that having another

baby wouldn't be fair to , or to the new baby for that matter. Are

you sitting down? I'VE GOT TRIPLETS! No, I did not take fertility

drugs....these are IDENTICAL triplets. The probability of that is 1 in

500,000! Somebody please shoot me now!! I can barely manage now with

all the therapy and time I need to spend with . WHAT AM I GOING TO

DO??????? HELP!!!!!!!!!

's mom, California

P.S. Sorry for the shouting, but my hormones are raging and the nausea

is 24/7!




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Oh my , I dont even know what to say. I hope all goes well,hope the

nausea goes away. Perhaps will do better then you think, she might like


the older sister. Just try and hang in there, this is one of the best places

for support and we will be here always to listen to you. Feel free to email me

if you ever need to



Abby's Mom

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Wow! Congratulations! I have psudo-triplets....they are all age 3 now but

we adopted them at different ages. To me it's easier to have them all the

same age versus 3 different ages. This way they are all doing the same thing at

the same time. One of these three, Lili, is our autistic one. I also have a

12 year old. My best advice for you is TAKE NAPS!!

I hope you have a good support group who can help you out as well. Keep us

informed of how you are doing.

Lynn Arnett

Mom to Jill (22) & Ben (13) both bio.

Razvan 1/23/00 a. 7/00 Liliana Oprea 4/17/00 a. 10/01

ph Mihai 8/22/00 a. 12/02 waiting for Giorgiana Shelby 4/23/95

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Hi , WOW I am speechless on this one. I think congratulations is in

order here. You must be overran with every emotion possible right now. I

will keep you and your family in my prayers that all will be okay and

you will have 3 beautiful healthy babies.

Faye 's mom

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WOW. thats alot of babies =(

I was a triplet, but 1. My mom is certifiably nuts now, and 2. The next

youngest kid in my family was 4 years older. ack


< Re: How will I survive this?

I found out recently that I am pregnant, but wanted to wait to share

this with our group until my first ultrasound, which I just had today.

I am really still in a state of shock over just being pregnant, as we

decided that needs so much of our attention that having another

baby wouldn't be fair to , or to the new baby for that matter. Are

you sitting down? I'VE GOT TRIPLETS! No, I did not take fertility

drugs....these are IDENTICAL triplets. The probability of that is 1 in

500,000! Somebody please shoot me now!! I can barely manage now with

all the therapy and time I need to spend with . WHAT AM I GOING TO

DO??????? HELP!!!!!!!!!

's mom, California

P.S. Sorry for the shouting, but my hormones are raging and the nausea

is 24/7!




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good idea penny. maybe other can help. be sure to have time for yourself

and your mate. otherwise you could go crazy. how old is erin? maybe she will

be of some help.

wishing you the best.

eric abbys dad

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Wow I don't know what to say. How wonderful and exciting and yes, scarey too.

You must be so overwhelmed with different emotions. Don't know what else to

say. Congratulations! I know it is easy for me to say but I am sure things

will all be fine.


How will I survive this?

I found out recently that I am pregnant, but wanted to wait to share

this with our group until my first ultrasound, which I just had today.

I am really still in a state of shock over just being pregnant, as we

decided that needs so much of our attention that having another

baby wouldn't be fair to , or to the new baby for that matter. Are

you sitting down? I'VE GOT TRIPLETS! No, I did not take fertility

drugs....these are IDENTICAL triplets. The probability of that is 1 in

500,000! Somebody please shoot me now!! I can barely manage now with

all the therapy and time I need to spend with . WHAT AM I GOING TO

DO??????? HELP!!!!!!!!!

's mom, California

P.S. Sorry for the shouting, but my hormones are raging and the nausea

is 24/7!

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Thank you Ian, , Faye, Tracey, Penny and Lynn for your good

thoughts and support!

I do plan to find out the sex, so when I find out if they are boys or

girls, maybe we can all try to come up with some names???

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Have you tried using any of her aides for child care. I love using them, I

feel totally comfortable leaving my daughter and 2 sons. We seem them almost

every day, they are like family. I think because it is so routine for one of

them to be here, there isn't any anxiety when they show up for baby-sitting

instead of work. The other plus is that she is additional getting " therapy " on

her play skills.

The money from respite doesn't cover them completely, but it does take care

of most of the bill. It is so nice to be able to leave and not have to think

about what is going on at home.

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Congratulations !! There is a saying that " God never gives you anything

more than you can handle " . I wish you a healthy, safe pregnancy. You will be

in my prayers. I had a similar situation as yourself. When just turned

2 her formal diagnosis of autism was made. The pediatrician trained to

diagnosis autism and other disabilities warned me to be genetically tested and

hinted that I could have problems. Well, I didn't know I was already pregnant

with Becky, and she turned out very very normal.

Please try not to worry, think posiitve (it's hard when you worry), everyone

here is in your corner!!

How will I survive this?

I found out recently that I am pregnant, but wanted to wait to share

this with our group until my first ultrasound, which I just had today.

I am really still in a state of shock over just being pregnant, as we

decided that needs so much of our attention that having another

baby wouldn't be fair to , or to the new baby for that matter. Are

you sitting down? I'VE GOT TRIPLETS! No, I did not take fertility

drugs....these are IDENTICAL triplets. The probability of that is 1 in

500,000! Somebody please shoot me now!! I can barely manage now with

all the therapy and time I need to spend with . WHAT AM I GOING TO

DO??????? HELP!!!!!!!!!

's mom, California

P.S. Sorry for the shouting, but my hormones are raging and the nausea

is 24/7!

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When my firstborn was 16 months old, I learned I was carrying twins.

Yes, I had 3 children in 23 months!


Get online with the Triplet connections, find a local support group

and start attending meetings and getting involved NOW so that they

can support you as your pregnancy progresses, and also begin to put

supports into place for when they come home. You can line up people

from church to take shifts to help.

Multiples is THE time to begin to tell people that you need help.



> I found out recently that I am pregnant, but wanted to wait to


> this with our group until my first ultrasound, which I just had


> I am really still in a state of shock over just being pregnant, as


> decided that needs so much of our attention that having


> baby wouldn't be fair to , or to the new baby for that matter.


> you sitting down? I'VE GOT TRIPLETS! No, I did not take fertility

> drugs....these are IDENTICAL triplets. The probability of that is

1 in

> 500,000! Somebody please shoot me now!! I can barely manage now


> all the therapy and time I need to spend with . WHAT AM I GOING


> DO??????? HELP!!!!!!!!!



> 's mom, California



> P.S. Sorry for the shouting, but my hormones are raging and the


> is 24/7!

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Names are fun.

Just dont do rhyming or similar names, if you can avoid it. THey make

life harder (my bros and I DONT have matching names thank goodness). And

they increase the likelyhood of people thinking of the kids as a unit =(


< Re: Re: How will I survive this?

Thank you Ian, , Faye, Tracey, Penny and Lynn for your good

thoughts and support!

I do plan to find out the sex, so when I find out if they are boys or

girls, maybe we can all try to come up with some names???




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Oh ....what a shock (hopefully delightful) to find out you are having

triplets. I hope you have great family support or good community support to

come help you once the babies are here. If you don't, it might be helpful to

contact your local newspaper and see if they'd like to do a feature article

on you and your bloomimg family and just matter of factly suggest to the

reporter that you would be greatful for any community support you could get

once the babies are born. You'd be surprised how helpful people are once

they read a story like this.

Do me a favor....BREATH! (:

How will I survive this?


> I found out recently that I am pregnant, but wanted to wait to share

> this with our group until my first ultrasound, which I just had today.

> I am really still in a state of shock over just being pregnant, as we

> decided that needs so much of our attention that having another

> baby wouldn't be fair to , or to the new baby for that matter. Are

> you sitting down? I'VE GOT TRIPLETS! No, I did not take fertility

> drugs....these are IDENTICAL triplets. The probability of that is 1 in

> 500,000! Somebody please shoot me now!! I can barely manage now with

> all the therapy and time I need to spend with . WHAT AM I GOING TO

> DO??????? HELP!!!!!!!!!



> 's mom, California



> P.S. Sorry for the shouting, but my hormones are raging and the nausea

> is 24/7!




> Autism_in_Girls-subscribe

> ------------------------

> Autism_in_Girls-unsubscribe



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Yes, we get respite through our county regional center. Unfortunately,

it is very traumatic for when I leave her with someone else

because I'm pretty much the only one who can figure out her needs. She

has only a couple of words and will not use signs or PECS. We

communicate through telepathy. My family lives in another state and my

friends have all been frightened off. They prefer to call me now

rather than come over!

On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 12:07 PM, abbysdad42@... wrote:

> bummer.  do you have freinds or family that can/will help?   in mich

> there is

> a program that gives you $1000 (if you quilfy) a year for babysitters

> for

> autisic kids any thing like that where you're from?


> eric




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, where do you live?

A couple possibilities for you:

1. Lots of times spectrumish adults are really good with even nonverbal

very young autistic children. The telepathy you speak of comes more

naturally. You might want to see if there are any older teens/adults on

the spectrum who likes so you can have some help with her.

2. I was a mother's helper for 2 weeks this summer. Translation: One mom

too many kids needed reinforcements *aka me*. If there is someone who

can help you with the non stuff that needs done, esp. once the

babies are born, that'd help immensely (and if liked them, yay for


3. Is in any kind of school program? Not a home program, but she

goes to school? If one is available, it might be a good idea to get her

used to it NOW because you may find it necessary when there are 3 more


*hugs and futile-because-of-distance offers of help*


< Re: Re: How will I survive this?

Yes, we get respite through our county regional center. Unfortunately,

it is very traumatic for when I leave her with someone else

because I'm pretty much the only one who can figure out her needs. She

has only a couple of words and will not use signs or PECS. We

communicate through telepathy. My family lives in another state and my

friends have all been frightened off. They prefer to call me now

rather than come over!

On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 12:07 PM, abbysdad42@... wrote:

> bummer. do you have freinds or family that can/will help? in mich

> there is

> a program that gives you $1000 (if you quilfy) a year for babysitters

> for

> autisic kids any thing like that where you're from?


> eric




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We live in Southern California. We are definitely looking for someone

to help with after the babies are born, but it will be a process,

so we're starting early. will be starting preschool next week and

although I know it will be good for her, I am a complete wreck over it.

She freaks out if anyone besides me touches her and since she is still

in diapers, that looks inevitable. I just can't stand the thought of

people having to restrain her to do anything to her. It's bound to be

traumatizing for her. On the other hand, it is a very good program

with a great teacher so hopefully it will work out.

Thanks for the help,

On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 12:25 PM, Kassiane Yelbis wrote:

> , where do you live?

> A couple possibilities for you:

> 1. Lots of times spectrumish adults are really good with even nonverbal

> very young autistic children. The telepathy you speak of comes more

> naturally. You might want to see if there are any older teens/adults on

> the spectrum who likes so you can have some help with her.

> 2. I was a mother's helper for 2 weeks this summer. Translation: One

> mom

> too many kids needed reinforcements *aka me*. If there is someone who

> can help you with the non stuff that needs done, esp. once the

> babies are born, that'd help immensely (and if liked them, yay for

> you!)

> 3. Is in any kind of school program? Not a home program, but she

> goes to school? If one is available, it might be a good idea to get her

> used to it NOW because you may find it necessary when there are 3 more

> kids.

> *hugs and futile-because-of-distance offers of help*

> Kassiane


> < Re: Re: How will I survive this?


> Yes, we get respite through our county regional center. Unfortunately,

> it is very traumatic for when I leave her with someone else

> because I'm pretty much the only one who can figure out her needs. She

> has only a couple of words and will not use signs or PECS. We

> communicate through telepathy. My family lives in another state and my

> friends have all been frightened off. They prefer to call me now

> rather than come over!




> On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 12:07 PM, abbysdad42@... wrote:


> > bummer.  do you have freinds or family that can/will help?   in mich

> > there is

> > a program that gives you $1000 (if you quilfy) a year for babysitters

> > for

> > autisic kids any thing like that where you're from?

> >

> > eric

> >

> >

> >

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Too funny! You'd have been " fun " to have around when I was pg w/ my

twins. I got so tired of people becoming instant comedians by trying

to name my children. Okay, it's humorous NOW, but back then, it got

old. (Like when someone calls me " Nickel " or " Quarter " , just ask


Anyway, our last name is Ray, and so my brother and SIL said we

should name them Hip Hip and Hoo. We got a lot of humorous

suggestions based upon our last name. ;)

DH's SIL said we should name them and DeNephew.


> nah. just give them all the same name. that way when its time for


> school, dinner, or whatever. you only have to call one name to get

the 3 of them

> to do

> something. okok i know they are hundreds of comidians out of



> eric




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Yes, the Hollywood angle has crossed my mind. If they turn out to be

half as adorable as it could actually work!


On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 12:30 PM, Nat5787@... wrote:

> ,


> Are you close to LA?  They are always looking for identical multiples,

> it

> might be a great way to get money for their education. Congratulations







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ONe day at a time sweet Jesus LOL

It will be a blessing someday but I dont know if the old man will

share the work load with you


-- How will I survive this?

I found out recently that I am pregnant, but wanted to wait to share

this with our group until my first ultrasound, which I just had today.

I am really still in a state of shock over just being pregnant, as we

decided that needs so much of our attention that having another

baby wouldn't be fair to , or to the new baby for that matter. Are

you sitting down? I'VE GOT TRIPLETS! No, I did not take fertility

drugs....these are IDENTICAL triplets. The probability of that is 1 in

500,000! Somebody please shoot me now!! I can barely manage now with

all the therapy and time I need to spend with . WHAT AM I GOING TO

DO??????? HELP!!!!!!!!!

's mom, California

P.S. Sorry for the shouting, but my hormones are raging and the nausea

is 24/7!

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, Penny gave some great advise. I only have my twin girls so I

don't know how I would handle more in the mix. Sky has ASD & Rain is

delayed. I know your emotions must be all over the place right now.

It may be easy for me to suggest, but try to enjoy this awesome rare

experience. Take care of yourself & don't over do it. Like Penny

said join your local mom of multiples group, they will be your

greatest source of info & support. Plus you'll probably be able to

find gently used baby items that someone is ready to part with. I

would also suggest finding a group on yahoo. When I first found out

I was having twins I found a wonderful group of women who were all

expecting multiples within a few months of my due date. We still

talk to one another everyday. This group was great because I could

get on the computer when it was convient for me & gab away. That was

really important when the girls came home. I would go ahead & tell

your friends & family if you haven't already. I hope their is

someone feels comfortable staying with in case you have a long

hospital stay. I know you probably don't want to think about that,

but with multiples there is a higher chance of preterm labor, bedrest

& a long hospital stay. If she doesn't feel that comfortable with

someone now you might want to work on that w/someone you trust. I

hope you have a healthy & happy pregnancy with the outcome being 3

beautiful healthy babies. You can do this, just make sure you have

support systems in place. The first month after the girls came home

from the hospital my mom helped me out everyday. After that I was in

a routine where I managed on my own. After a few months though I

hired a mothers helper to help a few hours a day. She eventually

turned into our part-time Nanny & now lives with us. Sorry to go on

& on, but I'm really excited for you. Sometimes it's hard, but if I

only had one child I would probably say the same thing. I love

having twins & can't imagine it any other way. Congratulations &

hang in there. You're a great mom to & you'll continue to be a

great mom when those 3 babies arrive to & the little ones.


> Thank you Ian, , Faye, Tracey, Penny and Lynn for your good

> thoughts and support!


> I do plan to find out the sex, so when I find out if they are boys


> girls, maybe we can all try to come up with some names???



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Oh, ,

Everything has a reason, think of it as a blessing. THe triples might

be what erin needs. When I got pregnant with (a surprise) I

had the same feelings. But having him made me realize that I was

toooo involved with Kara. I t helped her with communication and


On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 11:54 PM, cathylynn2 wrote:


> I found out recently that I am pregnant, but wanted to wait to share

> this with our group until my first ultrasound, which I just had today.

> I am really still in a state of shock over just being pregnant, as we

> decided that needs so much of our attention that having another

> baby wouldn't be fair to , or to the new baby for that matter. Are

> you sitting down? I'VE GOT TRIPLETS! No, I did not take fertility

> drugs....these are IDENTICAL triplets. The probability of that is 1 in

> 500,000! Somebody please shoot me now!! I can barely manage now with

> all the therapy and time I need to spend with . WHAT AM I GOING TO

> DO??????? HELP!!!!!!!!!



> 's mom, California



> P.S. Sorry for the shouting, but my hormones are raging and the nausea

> is 24/7!




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