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FW: PedPID email list

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PedPID email list

Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 10:38 AM

You recently requested to subscribe to the Pediatric Primary Immune

Deficiency email list. A brief bio about yourself and your reason for

interest in the group is requested. I will then add your name to the

permanent mailing list.

Thank you for your interest.

PedPID Moderator

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Welcome , we have several families with IgA deficient children. One

family has two girls who are IgA deficient. Feel free to jump in with any


PedPID email list

Date: Friday, 25 June 1999 10:19

You recently requested to subscribe to the Pediatric Primary Immune

Deficiency email list. A brief bio about yourself and your reason for

interest in the group is requested. I will then add your name to the

permanent mailing list.

Thank you for your interest.

PedPID Moderator

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Welcome Becky. Feel free to jump right in and ask any questions you might

have. Everyone is pretty laid back here and we're always open for new


Re: PedPID email list

Hi, I was interested in the email list because my 21 month old son has CVID

and I was having a hard time finding info on it. When I found your site, I

learned more in five minutes than I have in the previous three months.

Thanks, Becky Meadows

PedPID email list

You recently requested to subscribe to the Pediatric Primary Immune

Deficiency email list. A brief bio about yourself and your reason for

interest in the group is requested. I will then add your name to the

permanent mailing list.

Thank you for your interest.

PedPID Moderator

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HI ,

I too am from Michigan. I am a little familiar with Saline. Who is your

daughter's immunologist?

Autumn mom to Mark Cd5-Cd19 PID/ GERD, Samter's syndrome, A1A

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She does not have an immunologist but her case is being handled by Dr.

Randy Brown, a pulmonologist at University of Michigan Medical Center.

Dr. Brown is consulting with the pediatric immunologists at UofM. We

initially were referred to Dr. Brown after a serious case of RSV when

was 4 weeks old. She kept on not improving - wheezing etc. Come

to find out 2-3 months later via a bronchoscopy that she had a bacterial

infection in her lungs. At the same time they did the immune work-up and

found a IGA deficiency and then that improved but now she has a IGG

deficiency. Also, she has reflux which her pediatrician didn't think she

had because she did not present with clinical symptoms (no weight loss

or vomiting) But she had a 24 hour Ph probe done just before the

bronchoscopy and it was definitive that she had reflux. Therefore, her

pulmonologist believes the reflux (still has it at 19 months) is causing

presistant wheezing - she wheezes every day. Her wheezing is controled

by Atrovent, a bronchodialator medication. I wonder why there seems to

be a correlation between reflux and immune deficiency?

>>> 07/05 7:56 PM >>>

From: Autti@...

HI ,

I too am from Michigan. I am a little familiar with Saline. Who is


daughter's immunologist?

Autumn mom to Mark Cd5-Cd19 PID/ GERD, Samter's syndrome, A1A


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a, welcome to the group. There are a couple of children on the list

with g-tubes, I believe one child who is post-trach and several who have

been on a vent before. Also many with chronic lung problems. You're more

than welcome to jump in with both feet and ask any questions. Also looking

at the list archives and member introductions might help get a feel for


Ursula Holleman

Macey's mom (4 yr. old with CVID, asthma, GERD, sinus disease, grade I

left kidney reflux, Sensory Integration Disorder)

ICQ # 28592349



PedPID email list archives



PedPID email list introductions




Re: PedPID email list

To the PedPID moderator:

Hello. My name is a. I have an 8yo. daughter with Down Syndrome, a


G-tube, chronic lung disease, history of ventilator dependency, and multiple


medical problems. She has primary immunodeficiency, and receives monthly


I am interested in learning more about how other people cope with the stress


monthly hospitilizations, side effects, worries over shortages of IVIG,

etc. I have

been told that my daughter will probably have to receive monthly infusions

for the rest of her life. I am trying to find ways to help her and myself to

cope better, with less

anxiety. I believe that knowledge is power, and sharing information makes





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Dear (Fischer)

We have been and occasionally still go to U of M's pulmonary division. We

see Dr. G.G. . She treats my cousin who has CF and follows my kids

for their lung disease associated with their other medical problems. As far

as immunology goes, they have an excellent physician by the name of Dr. Marc

Mc. We have seen him as well. Due to the unusual things associated

with Mark's PID, we opted to travel to Cleveland for immunology as they came

so highly recommended. As it turns out, the physician in Cleveland

discovered that Mark and a few others in the US (7 in the world) have a very,

very rare PID that has never been reported in the history of medicine. We

are thankful now that we went and stayed in Cleveland...who knows where we

would be now. We also follow with a local immunologist who lives in

ston Michigan, Dr. Duane on....we think the world of him. He

works closely with the Cleveland physicians. Good luck in your pursuit of an

immunologist. I would stick with one of those two. There are really no

other immunologists in Michigan to speak of other then at Children's

Hospital in Detroit...there are two there that are good. Let me know if you

want their names. Take care~

Autumn mom to Mark Cd5-Cd19 PID/ A1A, GERD, Samter's

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Welcome Joanne

Re: PedPID email list

Hi - I am the grandmother of two boys who were identified as having


low levels of IgG-1 and IgG-3 at ages well below age 10. There was no

" diagnosis " but reference was made to hypogammaglobulinemia and the fact


in these instances, the problem is considered RARE.......

Family members were tested for possible link and none was found.

Environmental problem possibilities were discussed UNTIL the subject of a

powerline located only 50 feet from our master bedroom window as well as

living room window.

The immunologist stated " there have been tests indicating a lowering of the

immune function in mice exposed to electromagnetic fields; however, " they

don't know how much of what happens in mice applies to people " (or words to

that effect).

The boys are cousins -- i.e., not of the same parents but one belonging to

our daughter and one belonging to our son.

I do recall something from a booklet recently received (by my daughter)

regarding PID that seems to indicate my grandsons most likely would be

classified as having secondary immune deficiencies. Perhaps I am not going

to accomplish anything by subscribing to this PID list and undoubtedly won't

be able to contribute to the cause either.

However, if you determine I am incorrect, I would appreciate that

information. Also if you have any information at all regarding children

under the age of 4 years with the identical deficiencies, I would be very

grateful to receive same. Thank you - Joanne

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Welcome, there are alot of nice people in this group. Who have a lot

of knowledge of this diseases.

--- Ursula Holleman wrote:



> Welcome Joanne


> Re: PedPID email list



> Hi - I am the grandmother of two boys who were

> identified as having

> very

> low levels of IgG-1 and IgG-3 at ages well below age

> 10. There was no

> " diagnosis " but reference was made to

> hypogammaglobulinemia and the fact

> that

> in these instances, the problem is considered

> RARE.......


> Family members were tested for possible link and

> none was found.

> Environmental problem possibilities were discussed

> UNTIL the subject of a

> powerline located only 50 feet from our master

> bedroom window as well as

> living room window.


> The immunologist stated " there have been tests

> indicating a lowering of the

> immune function in mice exposed to electromagnetic

> fields; however, " they

> don't know how much of what happens in mice applies

> to people " (or words to

> that effect).


> The boys are cousins -- i.e., not of the same

> parents but one belonging to

> our daughter and one belonging to our son.


> I do recall something from a booklet recently

> received (by my daughter)

> regarding PID that seems to indicate my grandsons

> most likely would be

> classified as having secondary immune deficiencies.

> Perhaps I am not going

> to accomplish anything by subscribing to this PID

> list and undoubtedly won't

> be able to contribute to the cause either.


> However, if you determine I am incorrect, I would

> appreciate that

> information. Also if you have any information at

> all regarding children

> under the age of 4 years with the identical

> deficiencies, I would be very

> grateful to receive same. Thank you - Joanne



> ---------------------------

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hi julie I am from Bellingham WA.


Re: FW: PedPID email list





>Thank you for getting back to me. I live in Portland, Oregon.


>I will get in contact with I.D.F. I don't have alot of time to write, my

e-mail is through work. I will tell you a little more about my situation





> Hrib-Karpinski wrote:




>> ,


>> Welcome to our group. I think that you'll be pleasantly surprised by the

>> wealth of info avail fro this group. Sorry to hear about your fiance.


>> must be a difficult thing. Are you in a support group? I reciently


>> my Dad and it was much more difficult that I would have ever anticipated.

>> But thankfully this group helped me out with that too. And having to


>> with an ill child is so tough in & of itself. How are you coping with it

>> all? Do you have family around to help?


>> And about ...have the Dr.'s identified a specific subclass yet? My

>> first reccomendation is to contact the IDF(immune deficiency foundation)

>> 1- and ask for a patient & family handbook. It's free of


>> & we all use it. Gail is our resident IDF spokesperson & I'm sure she'll

>> jump in w/more info too. The good news is that if is only IGg def.

>> (meaning not def in other things such as IGa or IGm, etc) then it's one


>> the easier fixes(compared to some of the very complex things many in the

>> group have). IGg is easily replaced with IVIg(intravenous gammaglobulin).

>> Also IGg def. kids are most likely to outgrow their illness.


>> Most common effects of IGg are sinus, ear & bronchi infections. Zach has

>> had many ear infections til about 3 or 4yrs, then we've had chronic

>> sinusitus ever since. He's had several bouts of bronchitis, but


>> no astma. He's had 2 sinus surgeries and now has been on IVIG for 10

>> treatments and as of late he's like a new kid. we've been really healthy

>> for two months. 1 year ago, we were pulling our hair out, wondering if


>> child would ever be well. And we thank God daily now.


>> What part of the country do you live in? Also do you have an


>> Most in the group use an Immuno, but some use peds. Gail can help you

>> w/finding an Immuno if you need one.



>> Wife to Tom, Mom to 6 1/2 yr Zach, ???(don't know the specific type) PID,


>> chronic sinusitis, IVIG,


>> >My name is and I am a single mother of a 22 month old boy ().

>> >

>> >My fiancé, 's father, was murdered January of 1998, so needless to

>> >say, there have been several difficult challenges placed before me.

>> >

>> >After several ear, lung, and sinus infections, 's doctor recommended

>> >we do some blood tests. We found that he has an IGG deficiency.

>> >

>> >I don't really know too much about his condition, other than he is sick

>> >75% of the time, and I continuously have to give him anti-biotics.

>> >

>> >Any information you could send my way would be deeply appreciated.

>> >

>> >Thank you,

>> >

>> >


>> ---------------------------

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: Welcome to the list,and sorry to hear about your loss. Do not let the

dx scare you with your son and just get as educated as you can knowledge is

power and makes things easier to deal with. Hope to hear from you soon! Take

care and God Bless!

annette mom to alissa cvid,asthmatic


>Reply-To: PedPIDonelist

>To: PedPIDonelist

>Subject: Re: FW: PedPID email list

>Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 01:29:55 -0400






>Welcome to our group. I think that you'll be pleasantly surprised by the

>wealth of info avail fro this group. Sorry to hear about your fiance.


>must be a difficult thing. Are you in a support group? I reciently lost

>my Dad and it was much more difficult that I would have ever anticipated.

>But thankfully this group helped me out with that too. And having to deal

>with an ill child is so tough in & of itself. How are you coping with it

>all? Do you have family around to help?


>And about ...have the Dr.'s identified a specific subclass yet? My

>first reccomendation is to contact the IDF(immune deficiency foundation)

>1- and ask for a patient & family handbook. It's free of


> & we all use it. Gail is our resident IDF spokesperson & I'm sure she'll

>jump in w/more info too. The good news is that if is only IGg def.

>(meaning not def in other things such as IGa or IGm, etc) then it's one of

>the easier fixes(compared to some of the very complex things many in the

>group have). IGg is easily replaced with IVIg(intravenous gammaglobulin).

>Also IGg def. kids are most likely to outgrow their illness.


>Most common effects of IGg are sinus, ear & bronchi infections. Zach has

>had many ear infections til about 3 or 4yrs, then we've had chronic

>sinusitus ever since. He's had several bouts of bronchitis, but thankfully

>no astma. He's had 2 sinus surgeries and now has been on IVIG for 10

>treatments and as of late he's like a new kid. we've been really healthy

>for two months. 1 year ago, we were pulling our hair out, wondering if our

>child would ever be well. And we thank God daily now.


> What part of the country do you live in? Also do you have an


>Most in the group use an Immuno, but some use peds. Gail can help you

>w/finding an Immuno if you need one.



>Wife to Tom, Mom to 6 1/2 yr Zach, ???(don't know the specific type) PID,


>chronic sinusitis, IVIG,





> >My name is and I am a single mother of a 22 month old boy ().

> >

> >My fiancé, 's father, was murdered January of 1998, so needless to

> >say, there have been several difficult challenges placed before me.

> >

> >After several ear, lung, and sinus infections, 's doctor recommended

> >we do some blood tests. We found that he has an IGG deficiency.

> >

> >I don't really know too much about his condition, other than he is sick

> >75% of the time, and I continuously have to give him anti-biotics.

> >

> >Any information you could send my way would be deeply appreciated.

> >

> >Thank you,

> >

> >





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Thank you for getting back to me. I live in Portland, Oregon.

I will get in contact with I.D.F. I don't have alot of time to write, my e-mail

is through work. I will tell you a little more about my situation later.

Hrib-Karpinski wrote:



> ,


> Welcome to our group. I think that you'll be pleasantly surprised by the

> wealth of info avail fro this group. Sorry to hear about your fiance. That

> must be a difficult thing. Are you in a support group? I reciently lost

> my Dad and it was much more difficult that I would have ever anticipated.

> But thankfully this group helped me out with that too. And having to deal

> with an ill child is so tough in & of itself. How are you coping with it

> all? Do you have family around to help?


> And about ...have the Dr.'s identified a specific subclass yet? My

> first reccomendation is to contact the IDF(immune deficiency foundation)

> 1- and ask for a patient & family handbook. It's free of charge

> & we all use it. Gail is our resident IDF spokesperson & I'm sure she'll

> jump in w/more info too. The good news is that if is only IGg def.

> (meaning not def in other things such as IGa or IGm, etc) then it's one of

> the easier fixes(compared to some of the very complex things many in the

> group have). IGg is easily replaced with IVIg(intravenous gammaglobulin).

> Also IGg def. kids are most likely to outgrow their illness.


> Most common effects of IGg are sinus, ear & bronchi infections. Zach has

> had many ear infections til about 3 or 4yrs, then we've had chronic

> sinusitus ever since. He's had several bouts of bronchitis, but thankfully

> no astma. He's had 2 sinus surgeries and now has been on IVIG for 10

> treatments and as of late he's like a new kid. we've been really healthy

> for two months. 1 year ago, we were pulling our hair out, wondering if our

> child would ever be well. And we thank God daily now.


> What part of the country do you live in? Also do you have an Immunologist?

> Most in the group use an Immuno, but some use peds. Gail can help you

> w/finding an Immuno if you need one.



> Wife to Tom, Mom to 6 1/2 yr Zach, ???(don't know the specific type) PID,


> chronic sinusitis, IVIG,


> >My name is and I am a single mother of a 22 month old boy ().

> >

> >My fiancé, 's father, was murdered January of 1998, so needless to

> >say, there have been several difficult challenges placed before me.

> >

> >After several ear, lung, and sinus infections, 's doctor recommended

> >we do some blood tests. We found that he has an IGG deficiency.

> >

> >I don't really know too much about his condition, other than he is sick

> >75% of the time, and I continuously have to give him anti-biotics.

> >

> >Any information you could send my way would be deeply appreciated.

> >

> >Thank you,

> >

> >


> ---------------------------

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Welcome to our group. I think that you'll be pleasantly surprised by the

wealth of info avail fro this group. Sorry to hear about your fiance. That

must be a difficult thing. Are you in a support group? I reciently lost

my Dad and it was much more difficult that I would have ever anticipated.

But thankfully this group helped me out with that too. And having to deal

with an ill child is so tough in & of itself. How are you coping with it

all? Do you have family around to help?

And about ...have the Dr.'s identified a specific subclass yet? My

first reccomendation is to contact the IDF(immune deficiency foundation)

1- and ask for a patient & family handbook. It's free of charge

& we all use it. Gail is our resident IDF spokesperson & I'm sure she'll

jump in w/more info too. The good news is that if is only IGg def.

(meaning not def in other things such as IGa or IGm, etc) then it's one of

the easier fixes(compared to some of the very complex things many in the

group have). IGg is easily replaced with IVIg(intravenous gammaglobulin).

Also IGg def. kids are most likely to outgrow their illness.

Most common effects of IGg are sinus, ear & bronchi infections. Zach has

had many ear infections til about 3 or 4yrs, then we've had chronic

sinusitus ever since. He's had several bouts of bronchitis, but thankfully

no astma. He's had 2 sinus surgeries and now has been on IVIG for 10

treatments and as of late he's like a new kid. we've been really healthy

for two months. 1 year ago, we were pulling our hair out, wondering if our

child would ever be well. And we thank God daily now.

What part of the country do you live in? Also do you have an Immunologist?

Most in the group use an Immuno, but some use peds. Gail can help you

w/finding an Immuno if you need one.

Wife to Tom, Mom to 6 1/2 yr Zach, ???(don't know the specific type) PID, GERD,

chronic sinusitis, IVIG,

>My name is and I am a single mother of a 22 month old boy ().


>My fiancé, 's father, was murdered January of 1998, so needless to

>say, there have been several difficult challenges placed before me.


>After several ear, lung, and sinus infections, 's doctor recommended

>we do some blood tests. We found that he has an IGG deficiency.


>I don't really know too much about his condition, other than he is sick

>75% of the time, and I continuously have to give him anti-biotics.


>Any information you could send my way would be deeply appreciated.


>Thank you,



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Welcome to the Ped list. Do you know which variant of SCID your daughter

has? I'm glad to hear that her health is stable and I hope they are able to

find a match soon. Please let us know more about your family. You may also

want to check out www.scid.net there is an email list there also for SCID


PedPID email list

You recently requested to subscribe to the Pediatric Primary Immune

Deficiency email list. A brief bio about yourself and your reason for

interest in the group is requested. I will then add your name to the

permanent mailing list.

Thank you for your interest.

PedPID Moderator

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Dear pedpid moderator: How does one disenroll from pedpid list?


annette lennon mom to alissa cvid,asthmatic,ataxia


>Reply-To: PedPIDonelist

>To: " PedPID - onelist " <PedPIDonelist>

>Subject: FW: PedPID email list

>Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 19:26:28 -0400




>Welcome to the Ped list. Do you know which variant of SCID your daughter

>has? I'm glad to hear that her health is stable and I hope they are able


>find a match soon. Please let us know more about your family. You may


>want to check out www.scid.net there is an email list there also for SCID




> PedPID email list



> You recently requested to subscribe to the Pediatric Primary Immune

>Deficiency email list. A brief bio about yourself and your reason for

>interest in the group is requested. I will then add your name to the

>permanent mailing list.


> Thank you for your interest.


> PedPID Moderator




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Dear Ursula: I am going to digest mode things are too stressful right now

and I will just be lurking and reading. I hope Macey is doing better with

her sinusitis. Alissa is still fighting her ear infection and still running

100 on ibuprofen. She is IV'd on thursday. God Bless Take care.




>Reply-To: PedPIDonelist

>To: <PedPIDonelist>

>Subject: RE: FW: PedPID email list

>Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 20:17:28 -0400




>Annette please don't leave. I can unsubscribe you myself if you want but I

>really wish you'd reconsider.




> PedPID email list

> >

> >

> > You recently requested to subscribe to the Pediatric Primary Immune

> >Deficiency email list. A brief bio about yourself and your reason for

> >interest in the group is requested. I will then add your name to the

> >permanent mailing list.

> >

> > Thank you for your interest.

> >

> > PedPID Moderator

> >

> >

> >---------------------------

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Ursula and Annette,

I am sorry to read that your children are sick. I hope that they will be on

the mend soon and that the medications do their job. Hang in there :o)

Autumn mom to Mark Cd5-Cd19 PID/ GERD,A1A, Samter's

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Annette please don't leave. I can unsubscribe you myself if you want but I

really wish you'd reconsider.


PedPID email list



> You recently requested to subscribe to the Pediatric Primary Immune

>Deficiency email list. A brief bio about yourself and your reason for

>interest in the group is requested. I will then add your name to the

>permanent mailing list.


> Thank you for your interest.


> PedPID Moderator




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My name is Nuno Vilaça and i'm Madalena's father a 2,5 years old girl

suffering from SCID.

As requested I would give a brief introduction to our family. We

Originally are from Portugal. Madalena our daugther suffering from SCID was

born there. We lived there until the summer 1998 when due to her very

serious ilness we were forced to move. She was first admited to the Hospital

(Lisbon) in March 1998. Due to a non existing diagnostic in LIsbon and also

due to her permant deterioration we decided to move to London so that she

could atend Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOS) known as one of the best in

the world. In fact as son she arrived in only one week they diagnose

Madalena as a SCID, fortunatly not a severe one otherwise she would have

been dead by now. She remained isolated in a special room for about 4

mounths. By November 1998 she was free to go home for the first time in 8

months. GOS did in fact an amazing job, which even myself never thought to

be possible. By that time we found an new home in London and I started

working in here. So we have been living in London since that time. Madalena

still refuses to eat normally and she atends GOS every 2 weeks for

treatment. However she is recovering in weight and height. Now she is just

waiting for a donor so that she can go trough a BMT.

Unfortunately the doctores couldn't find the gene or cause for Madalena´s

illenes which means that a pre-natal test on a future baby isn´t very

accurate. However and after 1 year and a lot of thinking me and my wife

decided to have another child, despited the risks involved. So we were very

much interest on speaking to another family in a similar situation.

That's our short story.

Whish you all the best,




>>Welcome to the Ped list. Do you know which variant of SCID your daughter

>>has? I'm glad to hear that her health is stable and I hope they are able


>>find a match soon. Please let us know more about your family. You may


>>want to check out www.scid.net there is an email list there also for SCID




>> PedPID email list



>> You recently requested to subscribe to the Pediatric Primary Immune

>>Deficiency email list. A brief bio about yourself and your reason for

>>interest in the group is requested. I will then add your name to the

>>permanent mailing list.


>> Thank you for your interest.


>> PedPID Moderator




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Nuno, welcome to the group. I'm glad to hear that Madalena is home and

living with the family. Is she receiving IVIG at GOSH every 2 weeks or is

it for clinic visits that you go? Have you had another child or are you and

your wife attempting that now? It is possible that this next child could be

a match for your daughter. I am by no means the SCID expert but I know that

there are quite a few families on the SCID list that have had related donor

BMT's and many that have had matched unrelated donor transplants. I would

encourage you to subscribe to that list also.


I hope her health continues to remain stable and that we are helpful in any

way we can be. We had a list member just recently unsubscribe who also

attends GOSH in preparation for BMT. Her daughter is 11-12 yrs old I

believe and has Nezelof SCID. Their name is Howes. their daughters name is

. You can find their introduction at



I'm sure wouldn't mind if you emailed her directly. She has taken a

break from the list while the still search for a donor.

Ursula Holleman

Macey's mom (4 yr. old with CVID, asthma, GERD, sinus disease, grade I

left kidney reflux, Sensory Integration Disorder, Diabetes Insipidus)

ICQ # 28592349



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Welcome to our group. I hope that you can find the support and answers you

are looking for. My son, , is a cancer survivor and has some immune

def. that his doctors are still trying to sort out. has high risk

Accute Lymphacitic Luekemia, and when his oncologists found out I was

pregnant, they encouraged us to check into cord blood banking. Even though

had been off of chemo for about 2 years, we qualified for a sibling

collection and storage at a cord blood bank in California. We were warned

that this is a 1in4 chance of matching, but if he has a relaspe, or

secondary cancer, all the doctors who deal with have said that this is

the safest, and best way to go if the transplant is needed. My

understanding is that even in a 5 out of 6 match--the stem cells are less

likely to cause the GVHD so common in donar transplants. We has a healthy,

beautiful girl on Aug. 18th, and someday her cord blood may save her

brother's life.

I think that if you and your wife want another child, then to go for it. A

lot of people, including family, may not understand your choice, but that is

something you have to make them understand. I applaude you for it and if

you need info about cord blood banking, I will try to help you.

--mom to -dysgammaglobulinenemia, ALL-in remission

PedPID email list



>> You recently requested to subscribe to the Pediatric Primary Immune

>>Deficiency email list. A brief bio about yourself and your reason for

>>interest in the group is requested. I will then add your name to the

>>permanent mailing list.


>> Thank you for your interest.


>> PedPID Moderator




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Welcome:o). You will like this group. My daughter has congential

neutropenia, hypogammaglobulinemia and chronic sinusitis.

Congratulations on your wife's pregnancy. God Bless



(neutropenic and immune deficent)

mom to Evan 6, 4 and Abby Rose (almost 2)


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Betsy welcome to the list. We have a wide variety of families here. Some

dealing with PID's and some also dealing with autoimmune diseases. PID's

and autoimmune diseases do tend to run hand in hand. Several families here

might be able to better explain the why's and how's. Please feel free to

ask questions and tell us more about your family.

Re: PedPID email list


My name is Betsy Bald and I am the mother of a child who has been dxed by

different physicians with an immunodeficiency. is now age 13.


was injured by her 2nd DPT/OPV at age 4.5 mos and has seizures. At age 15

mos, she was discovered to have hypogammaglobulinemia - almost

agammaglobulinemia. She started receiving IVIG at that time which helped


seizures greatly. Eventually, she had problems with her port - infection


clots (two pulmonary emboli) and her port was removed in 1992. The IVIG was

stopped because of availability and inability to start an IV. Now her IgG


monitored when she becomes sick. She also has low IgA and IgM. She has low

IgE and almost no SIgA. In 1995 she started seizing again and now has

seizures, and is autistic. A local allergy doctor has said she has


hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy even though she is now 13 years old and her

IgG is still quite low. It runs about 350-400. She has frequent (almost

constant) sinusitis and has now been on antibiotics for the sinusitis since

May. My husband's name is Mike and is our only child. I also


SLE and wonder whether this is somehow connected to 's immune


Hope this is enough information for now...Let me know if you need any more.

I really look forward to receiving mail from this group. Thanks so much...

Betsy Bald


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Welcome to our group. We have several families who have PID children in

their teens. Feel free to say hello and chat.

PedPID email list

You recently requested to subscribe to the Pediatric Primary Immune

Deficiency email list. A brief bio about yourself and your reason for

interest in the group is requested. I will then add your name to the

permanent mailing list.

Thank you for your interest.

PedPID Moderator

My intrest is that I have PID. A brief bio is that I am a 13 year-old

female from Indiana. I was diagnosed when I was just 9 months old. I love to

shop and talk on the phone.

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Welcome to the list Miss Indiana (you forgot to put your name). I think you

are the first non-parent that I have seen on here, and I think its great.

{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}}

, wife to Preston, mother to Shelbie 8, Mandy 3 and 14 months

Moderator of Military EFMs, IVH-Hydrocephalus, NewView and NICU Families

Registered Chat for Preemies Friends and Family.



HEART-----Heart, intellect, awareness, mind, inner person, inner feelings,

deepest thoughts, inner self.

PedPID email list



> You recently requested to subscribe to the Pediatric Primary Immune

>Deficiency email list. A brief bio about yourself and your reason for

>interest in the group is requested. I will then add your name to the

>permanent mailing list.


> Thank you for your interest.


> PedPID Moderator


> My intrest is that I have PID. A brief bio is that I am a 13 year-old

>female from Indiana. I was diagnosed when I was just 9 months old. I love


>shop and talk on the phone.




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