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The way jesse was dx was going by his RA fator and by medical history on him.

meaning his how long was he swollen and had pain and where. If you go to the

arthritis foundation web site it will tell you everything you need to know

about arthritis and what kind of arthritis. Try

http:/www.arthritisfoundation.com. I am going by memory here so it may not be

right. The arthritis foundation can even help you find a dr to help you. I do

know how it feels to find a RA dr cause its almost impossible to find a peds.

RA dr. The one jesse has is lic. in alabama and Fl. Fl only has 2 for kids.I

did try to find a adult RA one at first but they won't touch a child. I hope

this helps a bit. Take care,

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Unfortunately, rheumatic diseases are very difficult to diagnose correctly,

especially in the early stages. There is no one single test that can be used

to give a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

The doctor usually goes through your history, asks you many questions, does

a thorough examination, and then orders blood tests and, perhaps, x-rays. A

diagnosis of RA is pretty much a clinical one, since you could have normal

blood tests results and still have RA (sero-negative RA). If RA-like

erosions are seen on the x-rays, that is a very strong clue. So is an

elevated RF and/or sed rate.

I think a second opinion is a very good idea. You will feel more comfortable

about the diagnosis if the second doctor should concur.

A proper diagnosis is key because you can't receive the appropriate drugs to

help you without the right diagnosis.

Hope this helps,

----- Original Message -----

From: " Bambi " <bambidavis82@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2000 11:21 AM

Subject: [ ] Hi

> Hello,


> I have a question? Other than having a high Sed rate how else

> does one get disagonsed with RA? My Sed rate was 89. When I went to

> the RA Dr. alls he did was look at my hands, feet, ankles, elbows,

> knees. Thats it!! How can he tell from that?? I am contenplating

> going south to get a new RA Doc. I would have to then drive almost 3

> hours one way but would be well worth it!! This guy is it in this

> area. For those of you that live in North Cali. know where Humboldt

> Co is? Eureka. Thats where I am at and I would have to go to Santa

> to see a Doc. I am really fortanuate to have really good Ins.

> And would be able to get a second opion. Just not sure if there is

> or was more he could of done?? Mowed the lawn yesterday with the

> lawn mower and my hands are a little sore today. Not as bad as when

> I use the weed wacker! My son did that for me. It felt so good to

> beable to get out and work in the yard. Want to do some planting of

> flowers and trees but know how I am gonna feel afterwards if this is

> how I feel after mowing. Well everyone have a Great Mothers Day!!

> Have a pain free weekend. Take Care!!

> Bambi

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi :

Thanks for your suggestion. It is something to think about.

I would have to discuss it with my Kidney Doctor since I have a kidney

transplant and so many other medical problems. He is on vacation right now

for a week or maybe two, I'm not exactly sure. But I will make a note of

your suggestion and ask him what he thinks when I talk or see him next. I

really like the idea of having further surgery but I will see what my Doctor

thinks I should do. Thanks for your thoughts and take care. I would enjoy

hearing from you anytime. Email me whenever you would like. Sincerely,


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Dear :

Please note that I made a typo. I meant to say I really " don't " like having

further surgery not that I really like having further surgery. The way I

wrote it sounds like I am a real fruitcake. Sorry for the error. Have a

good day.

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  • 1 month later...

Welcome to our group .


----- Original Message -----

From: Krein <krein@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Friday, August 11, 2000 7:37 AM

Subject: RE: [ ] Hi

> Hi Esther

> I'm new to the group.

> I have CD, RA, FMS, CFS and Trigeminal Neuralgia




> ICQ - 53662031

> AOL Instant Messenger (Screen name: crohn)





> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start


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I just posted a link about taking your basal temperature to check your


All of my thyroid tests come out fine, but according to this basal test, I


hypothyroidism. I have many of the symptoms. The doctor told me to do this

5 days in a row. Menstruating woman should do the test on the second day

of their period. I didn't wait for my period, so the test may not mean


I'm curiously waiting.

Sorry to hear about your SIL. I hope she makes you an aunt one day.

Glad to hear you've been having so much fun. Didn't the roller coaster


You probably were having so much fun that you didn't feel a thing LOL! I am

going to Disney in February, and the kids swear I can go on a rollercoaster.


telling me that there is no jolting with these rides because of the design.

I highly

doubt they will talk me into trying it. Maybe on the last day.

I think it is wonderful that Ocean City has those wheelchairs. Your cousin


so sweet to take you to there and to do whatever it takes. I hope you have

lots of fun.

Don't eat to much cotton candy!

My replacement is loosening after just 2 years. I guess I got the generic

glue <g>.

I hope yours is not becoming loose.

Take care, and I hope you are feeling better after your crash!


----- Original Message -----

From: Esther & Carol <cheerios@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 11:58 PM

Subject: [ ] Hi

> Hi all :)


> Thought I would fill you in with what is happening with me. First, my

> brother and his family from Georgia were here to visit for a week. We

> had a great time with them. We took the children, Meigan 7 and

> Chandler, 4 to Ocean City beach and they just loved it. Once again

> we used the " Beach Wheelchair " so even I was able to go into the

> ocean :) Mom got really sunburned as usual LOL and now has even

> more freckles. On a sad note, my sister-in-law who was 13 weeks

> pregnant lost the baby :(. I enjoyed playing the " aunt " for the week.


> I returned to working 3 days a week and had a little misshap. A five

> year-old Down's Syndrone girl turned on my electric joystick and my

> chair ran into the table and almost tipped backwards. I bruised

> and sprained my right wrist and right ankle. She is a little hyper and

> does not like the word, " no. " I am still working but have to go in my

> manual wheelchair for the next two weeks and am wearing a wrist

> splint and have my ankle ace-wrapped.


> Went to the Rheumy this past Tuesday and he gave me a cortisone

> injection in my ankle. Also, gave me three dry needle trigger points in

> my shoulder blade. I am now wearing a shoulder brace to pull my shoulders

> back. My thryoid test and blood work were all normal. He says that I

> am so tired from the Fibro. They are not sure why I am so cold. I have

> to have a cat scan of my left knee replacement. They are pretty sure that

> after 13 years it is loosening. Go see the ortho dr. tomorrow but haven't

> had the cat scan yet.


> I have been enjoying my summer. This past Sunday my cousin took me

> to Great Adventure a six flags theme park. We rode on 5 roller coasters!

> I love them! Told my cousin, Sherri that I felt like I was on demerol and

> was on a really good high LOL. Mom was worried about me going but

> I came back all in one piece and a lot happier. This next weekend the

> same cousin is taking me for an overnight stay in Ocean City. She even

> was willing to learn how to straight-cath me. I also love going to the

> beach and with the beach wheelchair that Ocean City lets us use, makes

> it possible. (can't push a reg. wheelchair through sand)


> That's about it for now. Hope all of you are pain-free.


> ~ Esther ~








> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start


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Hi ,

So sorry to read about all your problems with WC. We will be praying


your SS will come through and soon!

Esther tried working but her right wrist, which is sprained, was really


so both the ortho and rheummy suggested that she not work until she visits

them next both Friday. Hopefully, we will be able to catch up on all this

e-mail LOL..........geez, if you miss a day or two, they really mount up and


is becomming hard to figure out who is who LOL. We may have to take

's suggestion and take some kind of Memory Course LOL.

Hope you are feeling well today.

~ Esther & Carol ~

----- Original Message -----

From: Valued Compaq Customer <ruf-caimi@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 8:50 AM

Subject: [ ] Hi

> Hi Esther & Carol,

> Hope your wrist and ankle are getting better. It sounds like you are

> having a great summer. I have never taken my daughters too Great

> Adventure. I use to get them season passes to Dorney. The three of loved

> the water park. Hope you keep having fun, especially on those roller

> coasters.

> Carol, sorry to here about the baby. That is always so sad when it

> happens. My mom lost four children and each time she said she was

> devastated. She also said that it is just God's will and has to be

> accepted. Hope your daughter-in-law and son will feel better soon.





> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start

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Hi Guys,

Thank you for your prayers. Everything is such a mess right now,

hopefully it will all come together soon. SS called yesterday and the case

worker told me she would try to speed things up. What ever that means.

Esther, I hope your wrist feels better soon. I agree had a good


Hope you are both having a good day.


From: Esther & Carol <cheerios@...>


Subject: Re: [ ] Hi

Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 5:34 PM

Hi ,

So sorry to read about all your problems with WC. We will be praying


your SS will come through and soon!

Esther tried working but her right wrist, which is sprained, was really


so both the ortho and rheummy suggested that she not work until she visits

them next both Friday. Hopefully, we will be able to catch up on all this

e-mail LOL..........geez, if you miss a day or two, they really mount up



is becomming hard to figure out who is who LOL. We may have to take

's suggestion and take some kind of Memory Course LOL.

Hope you are feeling well today.

~ Esther & Carol ~

----- Original Message -----

From: Valued Compaq Customer <ruf-caimi@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 8:50 AM

Subject: [ ] Hi

> Hi Esther & Carol,

> Hope your wrist and ankle are getting better. It sounds like you are

> having a great summer. I have never taken my daughters too Great

> Adventure. I use to get them season passes to Dorney. The three of


> the water park. Hope you keep having fun, especially on those roller

> coasters.

> Carol, sorry to here about the baby. That is always so sad when it

> happens. My mom lost four children and each time she said she was

> devastated. She also said that it is just God's will and has to be

> accepted. Hope your daughter-in-law and son will feel better soon.





> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start

Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/


Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start


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  • 2 months later...


I was wondering if any of you can give me any advice about the

casting? Are there any specific things I need to make sure that I do

or take with me? How long does it take?

The casting itself only takes about 10 minutes. Before hand, you

will be asked a whole bunch of questions (such as: was the baby full

term?, torticollis present?, did baby spend a lot of time in a carrier/car

seat/swing?.......). The casting is a little tough for most parents

because baby will usually do a fair bit of crying, but it does not hurt

them, and only lasts a short time. If you go in knowing this, it

will be a lot easier. Take your husband or a close friend with you.

It will help you emotionally, and you may need an extra pair of hands to

hold Noah while he is being casted. If there is no one that can go,

Cranial Tech. will supply an extra set of hands if you need them!

Take a bottle, pacifier, a favorite plastic toy - anything you think

might keep Noah more calm. Although all bathing supplies are there

for you to use, we took our own shampoo, soap, cloth & towel.

Hanna has sensitive skin, so we wanted to use what she uses every day.

You will probably be there for about an hour, maybe less. The

plaster will wash off of your clothes, but I would recommend jeans and

a tee shirt - nothing dressy. Also, if you wear a lot of rings, you

might want to leave them at home or in your purse so that you don't have

to scrub them later.

Please check the files section for casting photos. I personally

found them to be very helpful!

Also how often will we have to go to the office for check ups or


At first, you will likely go every week. You will be taken to a bi-weekly

schedule after Noah is between 7 & 8 months.

Typically how long do kids have to wear the band?

Average wear time is 4.5 months. It all depends on the age of the

child (the younger, the faster the treatment), and the severity of the

plagio. Some babies are finished in 8 weeks, some wear the band for

months. My daughter wore her band for 5 months. She was 6m

3days when she got it, and her plagio. was severe.

I am planning on painting it. I am going

to have it air brushed. Is there anything I need to know about doing


What ever you do, put 4-6 coats of acrylic VARNISH over the paint!!!

Make sure there is at least 2 coats on before putting it on Noah.

The paint chips VERY easily without it - especially with airbrushing.

You can apply more coats over the next few days during the hour that it's

off for cleaning (each coat takes about an hour to dry).

Good luck, and we're glad to see you made it back!


Bishop wrote:

Hi everyone. I just subscribed to this

group. I was a member a few

weeks back but I unsubscribed because I didn't think we were going


get a helmet. But we went back to the neurosurgeon yesterday


Noah's head is a little worse. So we are going back next

week to

have him fitted.

I was wondering if any of you can give me any advice about the

casting? Are there any specific things I need to make sure

that I do

or take with me? How long does it take?

Also how often will we have to go to the office for check ups or

adjustments? Typically how long do kids have to wear the band?


are getting the DOC band. I am planning on painting it.

I am going

to have it air brushed. Is there anything I need to know

about doing


Noah is 5 months old. I am going to post some new pictures

in the

files section.


mom to Noah

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

-----Original Message-----

From: Naomi Bean <ewescountry@...>

< >

Date: Monday, March 12, 2001 8:24 AM

Subject: [] hi

>>>>>>>>>Hi Naomi, welcome to our list. Do you have any problems with your

hands? May I ask why the full leg braces verses AFO? Do you use a

scooter/wheelchair sometimes? Forearm crutches or canes? ~>Becky M.

>My name is Naomi and I am 21. I Live in Presque Ilse

>right now. I am a college student. I have full lenght

>leg braces. I have a brother but he shows no signs of

>CMT. WEll it was really coll being able to correnspond

>with u. Ummm hope to here from you soon. Take care God


>Naomi Bean

>--- Alisha Peckham <fivertherabbit@...> wrote:

>> hi maxime alisha here,


>> well i am 17 yrs and i have x-linked CMT. i live in

>> the next province to u,

>> i am in london, ontario. i would love to talk to u

>> through the list or just

>> one on one, i have many penpals that i write and i

>> just love it. i was

>> diagnosed by EMG, NCV and DNA testing and my family

>> history. but when ur

>> neuro knows ur grandparents by first name there was

>> no need for the other

>> testing but she had to make sure. i have chronic

>> pain, fatigue and

>> depression. i have 2 sisters that u younger than me

>> and they don't have CMT.

>> i have a rabbit and her name is hazel.


>> well i gotta go, i have millions of messages to

>> check up on, i went of a 3

>> days visit to my best friends and i never looked at

>> a computer the whole

>> time!!!


>> alisha



>> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

>> http://www.hotmail.com.







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hi this is ruth i was wounding if your book is out yet rebecca if it is

where can i bye the book thank you from ruth

>From: " Maxwell " <rmax@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: [] hi

>Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 01:33:19 -0600



>-----Original Message-----

>From: Naomi Bean <ewescountry@...>

> < >

>Date: Monday, March 12, 2001 8:24 AM

>Subject: [] hi


> >>>>>>>>>Hi Naomi, welcome to our list. Do you have any problems with


>hands? May I ask why the full leg braces verses AFO? Do you use a

>scooter/wheelchair sometimes? Forearm crutches or canes? ~>Becky M.




> >My name is Naomi and I am 21. I Live in Presque Ilse

> >right now. I am a college student. I have full lenght

> >leg braces. I have a brother but he shows no signs of

> >CMT. WEll it was really coll being able to correnspond

> >with u. Ummm hope to here from you soon. Take care God

> >bless.

> >Naomi Bean

> >--- Alisha Peckham <fivertherabbit@...> wrote:

> >> hi maxime alisha here,

> >>

> >> well i am 17 yrs and i have x-linked CMT. i live in

> >> the next province to u,

> >> i am in london, ontario. i would love to talk to u

> >> through the list or just

> >> one on one, i have many penpals that i write and i

> >> just love it. i was

> >> diagnosed by EMG, NCV and DNA testing and my family

> >> history. but when ur

> >> neuro knows ur grandparents by first name there was

> >> no need for the other

> >> testing but she had to make sure. i have chronic

> >> pain, fatigue and

> >> depression. i have 2 sisters that u younger than me

> >> and they don't have CMT.

> >> i have a rabbit and her name is hazel.

> >>

> >> well i gotta go, i have millions of messages to

> >> check up on, i went of a 3

> >> days visit to my best friends and i never looked at

> >> a computer the whole

> >> time!!!

> >>

> >> alisha

> >>

> >_________________________________________________________________________

> >> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

> >> http://www.hotmail.com.

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >__________________________________________________

> >

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> > >> hi maxime alisha here,

> > >>

> > >> well i am 17 yrs and i have x-linked CMT. i live in

> > >> the next province to u,

> > >> i am in london, ontario. i would love to talk to u

> > >> through the list or just

> > >> one on one, i have many penpals that i write and i

> > >> just love it. i was

> > >> diagnosed by EMG, NCV and DNA testing and my family

> > >> history. but when ur

> > >> neuro knows ur grandparents by first name there was

> > >> no need for the other

> > >> testing but she had to make sure. i have chronic

> > >> pain, fatigue and

> > >> depression. i have 2 sisters that u younger than me

> > >> and they don't have CMT.

> > >> i have a rabbit and her name is hazel.

> > >>

> > >> well i gotta go, i have millions of messages to

> > >> check up on, i went of a 3

> > >> days visit to my best friends and i never looked at

> > >> a computer the whole

> > >> time!!!

> > >>

> > >> alisha

> > >>

> >


> > >> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

> > >> http://www.hotmail.com.

> > >>

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >__________________________________________________

> > >

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Good day;

I also am interested in reading your book.. Would be available in

Canada. Or were could one purchase your book.

Thanks, Lee


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 4/17/01 3:20:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

kayelinda@... writes:

<< down to them taking my Left foot to. >>

Hello the house,

Hi , I don't know if you have explained the reason for the above in

previous post, but I have to ask. What is the problem with the left foot that

they feel they have to remove it? To be honest with you this is the first

time I have heard of removing an extremity in terms of CMT.

What type of doctor are you conferring with? Orthopedic, medical,

Are you diabetic?


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In a message dated 4/17/2001 12:20:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

kayelinda@... writes:

> I have had CMT all my life. I had all differnt Surgeys and and It is

> down to them taking my Left foot to. I have made up my mind to let

> them and get reid of the hurt I have been lucky to keep it this long

> with my AFO and all the hard work of the Dr. But they can only do so


Hello, What type of complications are you having? With all the new style

braces I am sure you will be up and walking soon. This must have been a hard

decission to make. I hope you are out of pain soon.

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In a message dated 4/17/01 1:39:53 PM, jege6666@... writes:

<< To be honest with you this is the first time I have heard of removing an

extremity in terms of CMT. >>

There is a man in another CMT support group who had both his feet removed. He

is soooo grateful to be free of the pain he wishes he had done it earlier.

He's a young father, very active and happy. He jokes about his stumps, but

walks well with his artificial legs.

I've heard nothing but good about the procedure. I'm sure no one would do it

without a lot of thought. Sometimes enough is enough.



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In a message dated 4/17/01 1:55:47 PM, kayelinda@... writes:

<< But my ankle has come apart from the rest like it is broke. That is the

same way it was the first time. >>

You weren't fitted with an artificial foot?


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Hi, We'll I see a Ortopedic Dr and I have for yrs.

When my daughter was a little girl all the surgerys

failed and I had the right foot taken off at Sanford

hospital in Ca. at the Dr. recomendations. They have

but on the braces and I use the wheel chair. But my

ankle has come apart from the rest like it is

broke.That is the same way it was the frist time.

--- jege6666@... wrote:

> In a message dated 4/17/01 3:20:47 PM Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> kayelinda@... writes:


> << down to them taking my Left foot to. >>

> Hello the house,

> Hi , I don't know if you have explained the

> reason for the above in

> previous post, but I have to ask. What is the

> problem with the left foot that

> they feel they have to remove it? To be honest with

> you this is the first

> time I have heard of removing an extremity in terms

> of CMT.

> What type of doctor are you conferring with?

> Orthopedic, medical,

> Are you diabetic?

> E



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Terry Little


-----Original Message-----

From: KathleenLS@... [mailto:KathleenLS@...]

Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 5:40 PM

Subject: Re: [] Hi

In a message dated 4/17/01 1:39:53 PM, jege6666@... writes:

<< To be honest with you this is the first time I have heard of removing an

extremity in terms of CMT. >>

There is a man in another CMT support group who had both his feet removed.


is soooo grateful to be free of the pain he wishes he had done it earlier.

He's a young father, very active and happy. He jokes about his stumps, but

walks well with his artificial legs.

I've heard nothing but good about the procedure. I'm sure no one would do it

without a lot of thought. Sometimes enough is enough.



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In a message dated 4/18/2001 6:12:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

littlet@... writes:





> Terry Little


Terry, It sounds like you are scared. Maybe you need a few questions

answered about amputations? I think there can be worse things in this world

then having a foot removed..

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Tom,

Owen here, You might want to check with the department of neurology at


of Chicago Hospitals in Chicago. Just a lead.

Happy Trails


hedde@... wrote:

> Hi, everyone, Much of my family has CMT. Myself (46), my daughter

> (13) my neice (22), my mother, her brother and 2 of his 4 children.

> I wasn't officialy diagnosed until I was 25 years old. Up until that

> timne I was clumsy but very active, I worked on a quarter horse farm

> training and showing horses. At about age 30 I was not able to do the

> manial labor needed so I decided to find another profession. I

> returned to college and got married. I completed my degree in

> elemetary education and I am presently teaching special education.

> My daughter had reconstructive surgeery on both her feet last

> December at the Shrine Hosp. in Chicago. She is doing better, it

> helped straighten her toeing in problem. She is not wearing AFO's

> but she does have trouble with her hips. The hips can go out at any

> time and we have to take her to a chropractor to get her adjusted. I

> have been wearing AFO's full time for the last 10 years, I am still

> active, golf, and coach. I have been haveing more and more pain in

> my back. I was taking ibpropohan but the doctor told me that

> continued use could cause kidney problems. Does anyone know of a

> Indiana or midwest doctor that is up on CMT? The Shrine is great for

> Lydia but they do not work on adults.thank you all

> Tom



> Stay Positive! Stay healthy!

> Foundation: http://www..org



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You are on the group...and you should be receiving mail too! Welcome, and please feel free to ask questions or share concerns.


----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 9:59 PM

Subject: Hi

I want to join and receive mail.

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