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I get pretty bad eczema flares on my hands and fingers from time to

time. This summer I tried the homeopathic remedy " sulphur " , and it

seemed to do a very nice job of clearing it up. (Worked better than

the scary rx stuff I was using before.)


-- In , " jenin982000 " <jenin98@...>



> what do you guys use for eczema?


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  • 1 month later...
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Yes, on the WestonAPrice.org website is the following:

Autism and Vaccinations

By Megson, MD

I have practiced pediatrics for twenty-two years, the last fifteen

years seeing only children with developmental disabilities, which

include learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity

disorder, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and autism.

In 1978, I learned as a resident at Boston Floating Hospital that

the incidence of autism was one in 10,000 children. Over the last

ten years I have watched the incidence of autism skyrocket to 1/300-

1/600 children.

Over the last nine months, I have treated over 1,200 children in my

office. Ninety percent of these children are autistic and from the

Richmond area alone. Yet the State Department of Education reports

that there are only 1,522 autistic students in the entire state of


MHMR (Mental Health Mental Retardation) agencies have created local

infant intervention programs, and they have had a hard time keeping

up with the numbers of delayed infants and toddlers. I have served

as advisor to the City of Richmond and the surrounding counties as

they have established entire programs for autistic children that

fill multiple classes in several schools in each district.

The segment of children with " regressive autism, " the form where

children develop normally for a period of time then lose skills and

sink into autism, most commonly at 18-24 months of age, is

increasing at a phenomenal rate. I am seeing several children in the

same family affected, including in the last week four cases

of " autistic regression " developing in four-year-old children after

their MMR and DPT vaccination. In the past, this was unheard of.

In the vast majority of these cases, one parent reports night

blindness or other rarer disorders which are caused by a genetic

defect in a G protein, where they join cell membrane receptors,

which are activated by retinoids, neurotransmitters, hormones,

secretin and other protein messengers. G proteins are cellular

proteins that upgrade or downgrade signals in sensory organs that

regulate touch, taste, smell, hearing and vision. They are found all

over the body, in high concentration in the gut and the brain. They

turn on or off multiple metabolic pathways including those for

glucose, lipid and protein metabolism as well as cell growth and


Close to the age of " autistic regression, " we add pertussis toxin,

which completely disrupts G alpha signals. The opposite G proteins

are turned on without inhibition leading to the following:

Glycogen breakdown or gluconeogenesis. Many of these children have

elevated blood sugars. There is a 68 percent incidence of diabetes

in parents and grandparents of these children.

Lipid breakdown which increases blood fats that lead to

hyperlipidemia. One-third of families has either a parent or

grandparent who died from myocardial infarction at less than 55

years of age and was diagnosed with hyperlipidemia.

Cell growth differentiation and survival which leads to uncontrolled

cell growth. There are 62 cases of malignancies associated with ras-

oncogene [a cancer gene] in 60 families of these autistic children.

The measles antibody cross reacts with intermediate filaments which

are the glue that hold cells together in the gut wall. The loss of

cell-to-cell connection interrupts aproptosis or the ability of

neighboring cells to kill off abnormal cells. The MMR vaccine at 15

months precedes the DPT at 18 months, which turns on uncontrolled

cell growth differentiation and survival.

Most families report cancer in the parents or grandparents, the most

common being colon cancer. The genetic defect, found in 30-50

percent of adult cancers, is a cancer gene (ras-oncogene). It is the

same defect as that for congenital stationary night blindness.

G-protein defects cause severe loss of rod function in most autistic

children. They lose night vision, and light-to-dark shading on

objects in the daylight. They sink into a " magic eye puzzle, " seeing

only color and shape in all of their visual field, except for

a " box " in the middle, the only place where they get the impression

of the three dimensional nature of objects.

Only when they look at television or a computer do they predictably

hear the right language for what they see. They try to make sense of

the world around them by lining up toys, sorting by color. They have

to " see " objects by adding boxes together, thus " thinking in

pictures. " Their avoidance of eye contact is an attempt to get light

to land off center in the retina where they have some rod function.

Suddenly mother's touch feels like sand-paper on their skin. Common

sounds become like nails scraped on a blackboard. We think they

cannot abstract, but we are sinking these children into an abstract

painting at 18 months of age and they are left trying to figure out

if the language they are hearing is connected to what they are

looking at.

The defect for congenital stationary night blindness on the short

arm of the X chromosome affects cell membrane calcium channels

which, if not functioning, block NMDA/glutamate receptors in the

hippocampus where pathways connect the left and right brain with the

frontal lobe.

Margaret Bauman has described a lack of cell growth and

differentiation in the hippocampus seen on autopsy in autistic

children. The frontal lobe is the seat of attention, inhibition of

impulse, social judgment and all executive function.

When stimulated, these NMDA receptors through G proteins stimulate

nuclear vitamin A receptors discovered by Ron and his

colleagues in December, 1998. When blocked, in the animal model,

mice are unable to learn and remember changes in their environment.

They act as if they have significant visual perceptual problems and

have spatial learning deficits.

Of concern is the fact that the hepatitis B virus protein sequence

was originally isolated in the gene for a similar retinoid receptor

(RAR beta), which is the critical receptor important for brain

plasticity and retinoid signaling in the hippocampus. After the

mercury is removed, I understand we will restart hepatitis B vaccine

at day one of life. Studies need to be done to determine if this

plays an additive role in the marked increase in autism.

I am using natural lipid soluble concentrated cis form of vitamin A

in cod liver oil to bypass blocked G protein pathways and turn on

these central retinoid receptors. In a few days, most of these

children regain eye contact and some say their " box " of clear vision

grows. After two months on vitamin-A treatment some of these

children, when given a single dose of bethanechol [a drug related to

acetlycholene, a substance that transmits nerve impulses] to

stimulate pathways in the parasympathetic system in the gut, focus,

laugh, concentrate, show a sense of humor and talk after 30 minutes,

as if reconnected.

This improves cognition, but they are still physically ill. When

these children get the MMR vaccine, their vitamin A stores are

depleted and they cannot compensate for blocked pathways. Lack of

vitamin A, which has been called " the anti-infective agent, " leaves

them immunosuppressed. They lack cell-mediated immunity. T cell

activation, important for long term immune memory, requires 14-

hydroxy retro-retinol. On cod liver oil, the only natural source of

this natural substance, the children get well. The parasympathetic

nervous system is blocked by the second G protein defect.

These children are unable to relax, focus and digest their food.

Instead, they are in sympathetic overdrive with a constant

outpouring of adrenaline and stress hormones. They are anxious,

pace, have dilated pupils, high blood pressure and rapid heart rate.

These and other symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

are part of this constant " fight or flight " response. These symptoms

improve on bethanechol.

I live in a small middle class neighborhood with twenty-three

houses. I recently counted thirty children who live in this

community who are on medication for ADHD. One week ago my oldest

son, who is gifted but dyslexic, had twelve neighborhood friends

over for dinner. As I looked around the table, all of these children

but one had dilated pupils. After two-and-one-half months of taking

vitamin A and D in cod liver oil, my son announced, " I can read now!

The letters don't jump around on the page anymore! " He is able to

focus and his handwriting has improved dramatically. In his high

school for college-bound dyslexic students, 68 of 70 teenagers

report seeing headlights with starbursts, a symptom of congenital

stationary nightblindness.

I think we are staring a disaster in the face that has affected

thousands of Americans. The children with autism or dyslexia/ADHD

are lucky. There are many other children not identified, just


We must direct all of our resources and efforts to establish multi-

disciplinary centers to treat these children. Insurance companies

should pay for evaluations, both medical and psychiatric, and

treatment. These children are physically ill, immunosuppressed with

a chronic autoimmune disorder affecting multiple organ systems.

Funding to look at etiology of autism, to identify children at risk

prior to " autistic regression, " and to prevent this disorder is


Implementing vaccine policies that are safe for all children should

become our first priority.

Mothers from all over the country have brought pictures of their

autistic children to Washington this weekend. Most of these children

were born normal and were lost to " autistic regression. " Look into

their eyes and you will hear their silence.

Editor's note: In addition to cod liver oil, children with

developmental disorders should be given a nutrient-dense diet that

includes plenty of calcium and other minerals. Additional vitamin D

may also be helpful. (See page 11.)

About the Author

Dr. Megson is a board-certified pediatrician, trained in child

development, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics and

assistant professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of

Virginia. This testimony was given April 6, 2000 at Senate hearings

on autisim and vaccinations. Parts of this article are technical.

For further information, see info@...


> 2 year old with eczema




> I am a nutritionist and see many children with eczema. You must

heal the

> gut. Most likely she is not digesting gluten and casein.

Eliminate the

> wheat, oats, barley, rye, and all dairy (especially pasteurized).

Focus on

> quality proteins (wild or pastured beef, lamb, fish, poultry, and

eggs) and

> fats (raw butter, X-Factor butter oil, cod liver oil like Blue

Ice, raw

> flaxseed oil). Supplementing with black currant seed oil from


> Process is very helpful. Nightly Epsom salt baths will assist

her body in

> detoxing. There are certain homeopathic remedies that will help


> the integrity of the gut lining. This would be best prescribed by

a health

> practitioner who can see her. Increasing the good flora in her


> is also important. The addition of kombucha and lacto-fermented


> to her diet would be helpful.


> If she has had vaccinations, you should address that as well, due

to the

> effects vaccines have on intestinal health.






> Kim Schuette, CN

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  • 4 months later...

My 5 year old has suffered with eczema for about three years now. We

began with cortisone ointment, as recommended by dermatologist. Then

moved on to Eucerin cream. We now use coconut oil topically morning

and night from head to toe. Avoid soaps. For bathing, we use

Cetaphil cleansing bar. Over these few years, we sometimes had to

use the Eucerin if her condition worsened, but always went back to

the coconut oil when her skin improved. For sunscreen, we use

Hawaiian Tropic Baby Faces for all day boat days, but for a few

hours in the sun, coconut oil is a natural sunscreen and works well.

I remember in the beginning wondering if the coconut oil would ever

begin to help her, but we continued applying it and I do think it

helps over time. You sort of need to get her skin back to normal

with the bad stuff (Eucerin, cortisone, steroid, whatever works!)

and be diligent after that with the coconut oil, morning and night,

to prevent further outbreaks. If her skin feels the slightest bit

rough, as if an outbreak is coming, slather her with Eucerin for a

day or two until her skin feels smooth again. Then go back to the

coconut oil. Avoid other lotions and try to find a mild shampoo that

will not irritate her skin. We use California Baby.

There may be a link to dairy. We don't drink milk, but I use it for

baking occasionally and mostly our dairy comes from yogurt that I

make at home.

Good luck.

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  • 3 months later...


Another thought. How long have you suffered from eczema Jill?

I mentioned a lack of fatty acids as a cause. The Omegas. You

mentioned you had two babies close together and feeding. The other

day posted that babies in the womb take loads of omega 3's from

the mother.

So although you are on healthy diet it is feasible that could be the


-- In Coconut Oil , " Sally "

<sally.hoffman@...> wrote:


> Have you used coconut oil on your eczema yet or MSM cream.


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mentioned you had two babies close together and feeding. The other

day posted that babies in the womb take loads of omega 3's from

the mother.

So although you are on healthy diet it is feasible that could be the



well I do eat cod liver oil,

and did thru the whole last pregnancy.

Maybe I will up that a bit,tho.

thanx for the idea


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  • 1 month later...

<beanzie@...> wrote:

I believe I saw a discussion at some point about detox causing

eczema. My daughter is now getting eczema when she never had it

before. What causes this, and what to do about it? Thank you.


Hello Eileen,

To find great information about eczema you can go to Bee's site and

enter eczema into the site search and come up with all kinds of

articles about eczema.


To find past discussions on eczema, you can also do a search by

entering either " eczema " or " detox eczema " in the search box at the

top of the forum page.

To give you an idea, here is an excerpt from message #9052 where Bee

responds to a woman's post about a child breaking out in eczema that

may help you understand more.

A six year old was given an anti-fungal to treat mold

exposure and infection and broke out in terrible eczema. My guess

is anti-fungal was too strong and too many toxins released.

==>It was not that the antifungal was too strong releasing too many

toxins. The child got eczema because the body externalizes healing

and detoxing to the skin in order to protect vital inner organs. The

eczema was evidence that wonderful healing was, in fact, taking

place. Continuing with the candida program will also clear up the

eczema. The eczema wasn't a new disease or anything. To make the

symptoms more tolerable the amount of antifungals could have been cut

back, but then it takes longer to cure the candida and prolongs the


The best to you,


Hope this helps. :-)

Debra NW

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Hi Eileen,

I don't know about eczema or the specific causes or

concerns, as I have more experience with psoriasis and

rosacea. I have psoriasis myself, and I understand

that it is caused by an overactive immune system, and

the immune system gets overactive when dealing with

lots of toxins.

Among many other fantastic results I have gotten on

this program (and never achieved with your standard

low carb diet) is I have ZERO psoriasis.

I also know a few people who follow a diet very

similar to Bee's (no supplements but only eating foods

that Bee allows on her diet) and they have cured their


So that would lead me to believe that eczema would

likely be helped with this diet too. I believe many

skin disorders are caused on some level by toxins in

our body, coming through our skin.

Also the immune system being so overworked by dealing

with toxins and fungi, that it's not able to do things

like skin repair.

Also not having the right types of fats and proteins,

which are the building blocks to healthy skin. Skin

is mostly protein, fat and water, so it would make

sense that to have nice skin you would want to have

plenty of good fats, clean water, and high quality


I don't know the specific solutions for eczema, but

I'm guessing coconut oil would help. I've had great

results with my main skin ailments and coconut oil.

Also try doing a search on Bee's website and see if

she has any articles on it.



San , CA

--- beanzie@... wrote:

> I believe I saw a discussion at some point about

> detox causing eczema. My daughter is now getting

> eczema when she never had it before. What causes

> this, and what to do about it? Thank you.


I have never seen a person grow or change in a constructive direction when

motivated by guilt, shame and/or hate.

My son Hunter Hudson (10/11/04) http://debbypadilla.0catch.com/hunter/

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  • 4 weeks later...

I use Aquaphor on my daughter's skin. It's very greasy, like

Vaseline, so I grease her down before bed. It's the only thing that

really works to keep her eczema/dry skin in check.

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See if you can get a good kudzu cream and or soap. When I had psoriasis

real bad before the doctor recommended it. I also ended up taking other

homeopathic meds, but the kudzu worked too.




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Betty Pearson

Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 6:59 PM

Subject: eczema

I need a healthier cream for my eczema. I have been using a prescription

cream called " Elidel " , but just read on the internet from the FDA that is is

associated with cancer.

I have tried using coconut oil, but my eczema ignores it. Some have told me

that allergies to nuts, etc. can make it worse. I know that eating romaine

lettuce will cause it to get worse, but when I omit romaine lettuce, the

eczema still doesn't go away.

Any ideas?

Betty in Lehi

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Can you tell me where to get such a cream? I Googled and it was a mess.

On Feb 21, 2007, at 5:55 PM, Chrissie wrote:

> See if you can get a good kudzu cream and or soap. When I had

> psoriasis

> real bad before the doctor recommended it. I also ended up taking other

> homeopathic meds, but the kudzu worked too.

> Chrissie







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Hi :

High EPA/DHA fish oils are an anti-inflammatory, and I have had very good

results in eliminating skin issues of this ilk with my clients.


On 2/25/07, Parashis <artpages@...> wrote:


> Can you tell me where to get such a cream? I Googled and it was a mess.


> On Feb 21, 2007, at 5:55 PM, Chrissie wrote:


> > See if you can get a good kudzu cream and or soap. When I had

> > psoriasis

> > real bad before the doctor recommended it. I also ended up taking other

> > homeopathic meds, but the kudzu worked too.

> > Chrissie

> Parashis

> artpages@... <artpages%40earthlink.net>

> zine:

> artpagesonline.com


> portfolio:

> http://www.artpagesonline.com/EPportfolio/000portfolio.html




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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


If her eczema gets worse on dairy, then please stop giving her all forms of

dairy. It is obvious that her body doesn't want it. That will be a huge

help right there. And for breakfast, why not give her what she likes for

lunch and dinner? I never liked breakfast foods as a kid, and when my mom

finally started giving me leftover dinner for breakfast, it was much easier

on us all.

And for her sugar cravings, might I suggest that you switch her over

slowly. You will get rebellion if you go cold turkey, but you can start

offering her fruits when she has a sweets craving. You can incorporate

slow, deliberate education with her as you change her diet. But of course,

the whole family should all eat the same way. If you take it slow, and

educate her, then it will help her take responsibility for her own self.

You can also set up rules - again slowly - about foods. For example, my DD,

who is not on this diet, knows that if she wants a starch or a sweet (which

we rarely have anyway), that she must have a protein before she gets the




On 6/18/07, sickandtiredofsickness <lynnm.ryan@...> wrote:


> My 11-year-old daughter has bouts of eczema since we adopted her from

> China when she was 14 months old. I often tried milk and cheese with

> her but then she would have outbreaks.


> I have been trying her on this diet for a few months but I am not

> getting anywhere. She sneaks food, has junk food at school, & I can

> see before my eyes she is getting worse.


> She craves candy so much that when we go into a department store she

> goes into the candy aisle looking for opened packages so she can

> sneak some. Breakfast has been hard because she wants the sugar. I

> have been giving her corn flakes & switching between a hard boiled

> egg and a string cheese. But her eczema has flared up on the inside

> of her arms and legs. She is also itching her scalp constantly.

> This morning she threw away the hard boiled egg because she says she

> doesn't like them. I tried Bee's Egg Drink but she didn't like that

> either. She won't eat regular meat for Breakfast unless it is cold

> cuts. Lunch is much easier - she has a leg of chicken & raw veggies.

> Dinner she eats what everyone has - meat, salad & fresh veggies.


> What can I give her for Breakfast?


> Thanks,

> Lynn




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  • 2 months later...

My ds suffered with this for a year before I

discovered Bioset-which helped me pinpoint exactly

what he was not tolerating. Once we eliminated and

cleared those intolerances, his eczema went away.

Most people think, it is just eczema-no big deal...but

it is extremely stressful when no one can tell you

why, and my son's face got so bad, it bled...a sign

that something inside wasn't right. So....we are so

relieved with this technique, and I can say it is

right up there with chelation success with us.


We see Dr. Hong...but you can go to www.bioset.org or

com to find other practitioners.

--- vbalmer <vbalmer@...> wrote:

> Any ideas for helping me figure out how to eliminate

> eczema are

> welcome. My ds is six, has autism and apraxia of

> speech. He takes AFP

> peptizyde at all meals or snacks, l-glutathione,

> zinc, super nu thera

> (for all vitamins plus extra B and magnesium), juice

> plus gummies (for

> vitamins A, C, D). His eczema was clear on this

> regimen until the

> beginning of July when he went swimming in an above

> ground pool for

> three days over a ten day period. His skin erupted

> and I can't figure

> out how to help it. It itches a lot and he

> scratches and picks at it.

> Nothing seems to alleviate the itching. Any ideas

> friends?

> Velvet



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I've heard of kids having problems with the chemicals in swimming pools.

POFAKS had that topic several times years ago. Sorry, I don't follow that

board any more nor have we had issues, thankfully. It is possible it is

from the pool.

I'd see a doctor and get something. Over the counter cortisone works but

you have to be careful on long term use and discoloring the skin.

My favorite moisturizer is Vanicreme. I ask for it at Target in the

pharmacy. Wonderful, very pure and simple. They use if for compounding

prescriptions. My mother paid a ton of money on fancy moisturizers until I

introduced her to this one. A tub is about $12 and all you need is a

little. Good stuff.



Any ideas for helping me figure out how to eliminate eczema are

welcome. My ds is six, has autism and apraxia of speech. He takes AFP

peptizyde at all meals or snacks, l-glutathione, zinc, super nu thera

(for all vitamins plus extra B and magnesium), juice plus gummies (for

vitamins A, C, D). His eczema was clear on this regimen until the

beginning of July when he went swimming in an above ground pool for

three days over a ten day period. His skin erupted and I can't figure

out how to help it. It itches a lot and he scratches and picks at it.

Nothing seems to alleviate the itching. Any ideas friends?


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> Any ideas for helping me figure out how to eliminate eczema are

> welcome.

Eczema was caused by food intolerance at my house. Try adding all the

enzymes [AFP, ZP, NF], then rotate foods to see what is still not


>>His eczema was clear on this regimen until the

> beginning of July when he went swimming in an above ground pool for

> three days over a ten day period. His skin erupted and I can't figure

> out how to help it. It itches a lot and he scratches and picks at it.

Chlorine commonly causes yeast overgrowth, so try increasing the yeast





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what do you mean by the advertisement? and I use herbal essence hydration with

orchid and coconut milk. I guess it's an additive, honestly not the best shampoo

out there, but i use it when I have to take a quick shower or the kids are late

going to bed and id on't have time to shampoo and condition thier hair as this

is a 2 in 1. I use the blinc shampoo and conditioner most of the time that too

has coconut in it.


Re: eczema

what is the coconut based shampoo you use?


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If you don't mind me butting in here, as a new coconut oil user

[right now I am only able to find Spectrum Organic (refined) coconut

oil, and I did experience some of the gastric discomfort that some

people have mentioned, but I seem to be adjusting to it now, and will

soon see (after 3 weeks of on and off use) whether I start losing

weight or not]....

....anyhow, my daughter cuts hair for a living and recently she had me

wash mine, before the haircut, in an olive oil -based shampoo that

left my hair feeling very soft and much different from the Suave

Citrus I usually use:

If you're interested, it is called " Hypoallergenic Olive Oil Shampoo "

and it's made by Heritage Products.... only after buying it at the

local health food store and using it, did I read the back of the

label and notice that it is produced in association with the Edgar

Cayce Foundation in Virginia Beach, VA. Apparently Mr. Cayce used to

go into " sleep trance " and do medical 'readings' for his followers,

and often recommended an olive oil shampoo. I'm not into Cayce, but

the company that took this and ran with it is making a shampoo that

really made my hair look and feel nice. BTW, I am a 51-yr old male

who is interested in nutrition, but I normally don't care about

shampoos and tend to buy the cheapest because shampoo is shampoo.

But this olive-oil stuff impressed me.

Sorry to be long-winded but if y'all can't find a coconut-based

product that is hypoallergenic and works well, you might give this

brand a try.

Oh-- on the eczema-- my daughter the hair-stylist has had eczema

since she was a baby (inherited from her mother, evidently) and has

tried everything. Last week she discovered that coconut oil and

Lotrimin are the two best products for her, in keeping the condition

at bay.

Thanks for hearing me out.


> what is the coconut based shampoo you use?


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If it doesn't go away, consider that he may not be

tolerating the enzymes-my son has a TERRIBLE time with

them, unfortunately.

--- danasview <danasview@...> wrote:


> >

> > Any ideas for helping me figure out how to

> eliminate eczema are

> > welcome.



> Eczema was caused by food intolerance at my house.

> Try adding all the

> enzymes [AFP, ZP, NF], then rotate foods to see what

> is still not

> tolerated.



> >>His eczema was clear on this regimen until the

> > beginning of July when he went swimming in an

> above ground pool for

> > three days over a ten day period. His skin

> erupted and I can't figure

> > out how to help it. It itches a lot and he

> scratches and picks at it.



> Chlorine commonly causes yeast overgrowth, so try

> increasing the yeast

> protocol


> http://www.danasview.net/chlorine.htm


> http://www.danasview.net/yeast.htm


> Dana




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my 3 year old's eczema went away almost completely with the addition

of those 3 enzymes. the only thing she still has is a little bit of

eczema with grains, and shiners with phenols. but we just started,

and are still experimenting with doses. i'm also allowing almost all

foods. if i cut out grains and most fruits i think the eczema would

disappear completely.

On Aug 31, 2007, at 10:15 AM, Kersten Rojas wrote:

> If it doesn't go away, consider that he may not be

> tolerating the enzymes-my son has a TERRIBLE time with

> them, unfortunately.



> --- danasview <danasview@...> wrote:




>>> Any ideas for helping me figure out how to

>> eliminate eczema are

>>> welcome.



>> Eczema was caused by food intolerance at my house.

>> Try adding all the

>> enzymes [AFP, ZP, NF], then rotate foods to see what

>> is still not

>> tolerated.



>>>> His eczema was clear on this regimen until the

>>> beginning of July when he went swimming in an

>> above ground pool for

>>> three days over a ten day period. His skin

>> erupted and I can't figure

>>> out how to help it. It itches a lot and he

>> scratches and picks at it.



>> Chlorine commonly causes yeast overgrowth, so try

>> increasing the yeast

>> protocol


>> http://www.danasview.net/chlorine.htm


>> http://www.danasview.net/yeast.htm


>> Dana









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Thanks for the heads-up about the Olive Oil shampoo. Looks like there

are 2 brands that follow the Cayce formula, Home Health and Heritage

Products. I bought the Home Health yesterday and it definitely does

make your feel different than other shampoos. Softer for me and

hopefully other benefits like the scalp.


> ...anyhow, my daughter cuts hair for a living and recently she had


> wash mine, before the haircut, in an olive oil -based shampoo that

> left my hair feeling very soft and much different from the Suave

> Citrus I usually use:


> If you're interested, it is called " Hypoallergenic Olive Oil

Shampoo "

> and it's made by Heritage Products.... only after buying it at the

> local health food store and using it, did I read the back of the

> label and notice that it is produced in association with the Edgar

> Cayce Foundation in Virginia Beach, VA. Apparently Mr. Cayce used


> go into " sleep trance " and do medical 'readings' for his followers,

> and often recommended an olive oil shampoo. I'm not into Cayce, but

> the company that took this and ran with it is making a shampoo that

> really made my hair look and feel nice. BTW, I am a 51-yr old male

> who is interested in nutrition, but I normally don't care about

> shampoos and tend to buy the cheapest because shampoo is shampoo.

> But this olive-oil stuff impressed me.

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See Dr Alistair's protocol.




Pr: 5808121

Address: 21 Piet Retief Street, MONTAGU, 6720, SOUTH AFRICA

Tel/Fax: 27 23 6142672

Email: natmed@...

Matriculate: Montana High School Worcester.

Academic qualifications:

University of Stellenbosch: Bachelors, Honours, Masters degrees in Clinical Psychology.

Newport University: PsyD- Doctorate in Psychology.

SA College of Naturopathic Medicine: ND (Diploma in Naturopathic Medicine).

Dominion Herbal College: DHerb (Diploma in Herbal Medicine).

British Institute of Homeopathy: DIHom (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine).

World Organisation of Natural Medicine Practitioners: DNM (Doctor of Natural Medicine).

International Medical University: International License Quantum Biofeedback Therapist.

International Medical University: International License Device Trainer (EPFX, SCIO, QXCI).

Ci-Gar Coaching Centre: Life Coach Course.

Registered with the Council for Health and Social Services Professions of Namibia as a Naturopathic Doctor.

Registered with the SA Natural Health Practitioners Professional Board and NHA (Natural Healers Association).

Registered with the World Organisation of Natural Medicine Practitioners as a Doctor of Natural Medicine.

Registered with The Life Coaching Institute as a qualified Life Coach.

Special interest in Nutritional Psychology, Energy Psychology, Behavioural Medicine and Energetic Medicine.

Member of: ANMA (American Naturopathic Medical Association)

SANA (SA Naturopathic Association)

HOPASA (Homeopathic Practitioners Association of SA)

IPS (International Psychological Society)

EPASA(Ethnomedicine Practitioners Association of SA)

NHASA(Natural Healers Association of SA).

COMENSA(Coaches and Mentors Association of SA).

Private practise and trainer for QXCI\SCIO-Energetic Medicine device.

Training of medical doctors, homeopaths, naturopaths, herbalists, nutritionists, kinesiologists in Energetic Medicine devices.

Training of students in Naturopathy, Iridology, Herbalism and Psychology at the SA College of Naturopathic Medicine.


Can anyone send a protocol for eczema?Thanks,Darla

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