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Kenda lets just stop this topic now. My post I do not believe was even

directed at you. Lets keep on the subject of implants since most

ladies here don't feel well enough to consider other surgery at this time.


In , Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@c...> wrote:


> I am definitely not in judgment of anyone who has plastic surgery, I

> wouldn't be here if I was. I considered implants and decided

against it. I

> had lipo of my abdomen to even out an uneven vertical c-section scar. I

> consulted with several plastic surgeons who all said that a vertical

> c-section scar cannot be removed, it can only be modified.


> they would never consider any type TT on a thin person without a lot of

> loose skin. Each of the 5 surgeons I saw said the same thing.


> You can do whatever you want to your own body, no one here is

telling you

> otherwise.


> Kenda



> > I definitely agree that I would not just trust one plastic surgeon

> > that is good adivice. I consulted with 3 in town before I had my mini

> > tt and that was over a period of a few years. It was not something I

> > would have rushed into. However I would not judge anyone that has

> > plastic surgery as we all have a right to do what we want with our

> > bodies and the bottom line is if we are healthy and do our research

> > and want to improve something about our bodies it is our right and not

> > only that but if it helps us feel better about ourselves there is

> > nothing wrong with it. I am not a narrow minded person and I would

> > never judge someone else for having any kind of plastic surgery. Since

> > we all had plastic surgery we of all people should never be

> > judgemental. I don't agree with breast implants and I would advice any

> > woman against it, I would suggest a nice breast lift instead esp if

> > sagging is the issue. Even on smaller breasts a lift did so much more

> > for me than implants did.

> > However my mini tt was a great sucess. I had lived with stretch marked

> > saggy tummy skin for so many years I was tired of not being able to

> > wear low rise jeans or a nice bikini on vacation simply because of the

> > lower part of my abdomen. I am 41 years old so I think I have every

> > right in the world to fix my stomach after years of being in a great

> > shape working out everyday of my life, losing 60 pounds 10 years ago

> > etc..... It was time and I decided I was going to learn everything I

> > could about the procedure and do it right, Unlike my implants where I

> > just rushed out and got boobs (even though I saved for 2 years I

> > really did not research it like I should of)

> > So my advice is that telling women they are all beautiful the way

> > there are is a nice gesture it really is sweet, but realistically it

> > isn't going to change the way some of us feel about parts of our

> > bodies. I was not ever going to like tucking that sagging stretched

> > skin into my pants even when my pants are a size 2. I wanted that skin

> > gone and now it is and I feel 100 times better about my body! I feel I

> > did what was right for me and as long as we research the procedure

> > and the Dr and get a few opinions there is nothing wrong with doing

> > something for ourselves. It is wrong to assume that someone esp after

> > what I had been thorugh would not research Dr's correctly or rush into

> > anything. I did my homework and came though my surgery great. It was

> > all worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I would never

> > tell anyone else what to do other than if you really do hate something

> > about your body there are options, research it and make sure you get a

> > few opinions. Honestly no one is forcing anyone to get surgery that

> > doesn't want it, if your happy that is fabulous I am happy for you.

> > For those of us that aren't happy, just dont' judge someone because

> > they had a procedure you wouldn't. I am sure you don't want to be

> > judged for getting implants or getting them out. We all have our own

> > path in life.

> > Take care

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > In , halvey70@a... wrote:

> >>

> >> I agree Kenda.... I would definitely question ANYTHING any plastic

> > surgeon

> >> has to say these days.... I have been lied to repeatedly as so many

> > other

> >> women. I would be VERY cautious of any plastic surgery anymore and

> > I would NEVER

> >> have any procedure done again as a result of what has happened to

> > me. We are

> >> all beautiful women just the way we are.... all the stories on this

> > group

> >> should be enough testament to that... we were meant to be what we

> > all are.. we are

> >> all perfect inour own ways.... no amounts of plastic surgery can

> > change that.

> >> We all have our own talents as women... strong women. Child bearing

> > does

> >> things to you - no doubt about that but my hubby loves my body just

> > the way it is

> >> and any husband/boyfriend should. If not, it is HIS issue - not

> > yours. Just

> >> my opinion of course...

> >>

> >> love shari

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given

by licensed

> > health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

health care

> > professional before commencing any medical treatment.

> >

> > " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

mislead you.

> > Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how

to live a

> > happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,


> > Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

> >

> >

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Dear :

My heart goes out to you, as our family went through diagnosis of our son 3

years ago, when he was 3 years old. He has CMT 1A.

We are giving Gavin 1500 mg of timed release Vitamin C per day and get him to

eat at least one vitamin C-rich citrus fruit or vegetable a day, many days

2-3...Fortunately he's real fruit and veggie guy.

He gets a regular multivitamin supplement also and we are about to talk with our

doctor in a few weeks about Vitamin E re. his transient neuropathic pain. Note

that both our Neurologist and Pediatrician said there isn't a clinically

established safe amount of Vitamin c...so they recommended only 500 mg, however

given the evidence that your bodies flushes what it can't use I'm not going to

worry about it.

There are great experienced CMT superparents out there who can help..I know

they, and Gretchen etc. ,have already helped our family.



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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hey -

My ears really hurt when my TMJ flares - stabbing piercing pains in my ear and

into my head. There are not any abnormalities, it just flares from

inflammation.  I get toradol shots (non-steroid anti-inflammatory) and that

helps dramatically for at least a month, and sometimes it doesn't come back for

a while.  Kids can't get toradol as far as I know, but another oral NSAID should

be helpful if TMJ is correct...  Also, teaching them to " jut out " their jaw to

stretch the muscles and try to prevent clenching teeth helps a little.  If you

could find a D.O. (doctor of osteopathy like an MD but for pain), especially one

who has a physiatrist on board (a specialized little known field that does

miracles on pain), they might be able to help w/out all the meds.

If you're dealing with facial muscle spasms or facial nerve pain, those things

above can still help.  I didn't have dystonia, but I did frequently have some of

the pain associated with it - a deep jaw pain, muscle spasms, etc.  There can be

a lot of causes (as I'm sure you've studied), inflammation being a big one. 

Since is trying to address inflammation, you're targeting that area too.

Good luck,



From: Thomson <michelle@...>

Sent: Saturday, March 7, 2009 9:25:41 AM

Subject: To

Hi ,

Thanks for your reply. I'm glad your son is starting to feel better.

We're just trying to get well enough to go back to school (before

I lose my mind!). We'll have to wait on any plans for California until

he's well enough to get off the couch!

You mention your son being on an anti-viral. It's probably just a

coincidence, but last year my son got a really bad case of the flu and

ended up in the ER with trouble breathing. He took Tamiflu and had the

best week of his life after taking it. That is what actually led me to

the site.

Does your insurance cover all the lab work you need here in Colorado? We

have a big deductible before anything is covered, but has been so

sick that we'll probably be through the deductible in another month.

There goes the budget!

By the way, our ENT thinks my son's ear pain is due to TMJ. His

neurologist and I think it might be facial dystonia (he also has some

weird posturing in his feet).

Good luck with your son. I hope you keep seeing improvement.

Bekele wrote:



> Hi ,

> We live in Centennial,CO and started seeing Dr.G. in mid January. Our

> son is almost 10 and was diagnosed w/pdd-nos etc...at about 2yrs of

> age. He also suffers from an unknown ear pain for the past 2yrs.

> We've taken him to 6 ENT's including Children's(by the way I work at

> Children's Hospital in Aurora) & they have found nothing either.


> After discussing with Dr.G. it's convincing that the viral issue in his

> brain is what is causing the pain in his ear. It's making sense to me

> because he's never had ear infections or any other issues that an ENT

> could see. So, your son's issue with his ear may be the same, viral

> caused. My son has been on an anti-viral for about 6wks now. In the

> begnning was really bad with die offs. But the past 2 days we're seeing

> more calmness & less holding ears. It looks like his ear pain is

> reducing slowly. I don't want to say this too soon but it's looking

> positive. His ear pain has been a nightmare for him & for the whole

> family. We've always told his syblings to keep it quiet or play in

> another room etc etc. so it'll be a " miracle " for us if that goes away.


> You should really make an appointment to see Dr.Goldberg in CA. We

> only flew once for the 1st visit & we're doing phone consult once a

> month. We do all the lab work from here too.

> Good luck and God bless



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Yes, all the lab works is covered by our insurance.  We've met our deductibles

for the new year already!


My son is still doing better with the ear pain.  I think the anti-viral is

really helping.  We've had our son checked for TMJ also a while back ago, but

that wasn't our case.

I hope your son will start to feel well soon.

God bless


-- On Thu, 3/12/09, <thecolemans4@...> wrote:

From: <thecolemans4@...>

Subject: Re: To

Date: Thursday, March 12, 2009, 10:09 PM

Hey -

My ears really hurt when my TMJ flares - stabbing piercing pains in my ear and

into my head. There are not any abnormalities, it just flares from

inflammation.  I get toradol shots (non-steroid anti-inflammatory) and that

helps dramatically for at least a month, and sometimes it doesn't come back for

a while.  Kids can't get toradol as far as I know, but another oral NSAID should

be helpful if TMJ is correct...  Also, teaching them to " jut out " their jaw to

stretch the muscles and try to prevent clenching teeth helps a little.  If you

could find a D.O. (doctor of osteopathy like an MD but for pain), especially one

who has a physiatrist on board (a specialized little known field that does

miracles on pain), they might be able to help w/out all the meds.

If you're dealing with facial muscle spasms or facial nerve pain, those things

above can still help.  I didn't have dystonia, but I did frequently have some of

the pain associated with it - a deep jaw pain, muscle spasms, etc.  There can be

a lot of causes (as I'm sure you've studied), inflammation being a big one. 

Since is trying to address inflammation, you're targeting that area too.

Good luck,


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Thomson <michelle@originalco de.com>

groups (DOT) com

Sent: Saturday, March 7, 2009 9:25:41 AM

Subject: To

Hi ,

Thanks for your reply. I'm glad your son is starting to feel better.

We're just trying to get well enough to go back to school (before

I lose my mind!). We'll have to wait on any plans for California until

he's well enough to get off the couch!

You mention your son being on an anti-viral. It's probably just a

coincidence, but last year my son got a really bad case of the flu and

ended up in the ER with trouble breathing. He took Tamiflu and had the

best week of his life after taking it. That is what actually led me to

the site.

Does your insurance cover all the lab work you need here in Colorado? We

have a big deductible before anything is covered, but has been so

sick that we'll probably be through the deductible in another month.

There goes the budget!

By the way, our ENT thinks my son's ear pain is due to TMJ. His

neurologist and I think it might be facial dystonia (he also has some

weird posturing in his feet).

Good luck with your son. I hope you keep seeing improvement.

Bekele wrote:



> Hi ,

> We live in Centennial,CO and started seeing Dr.G. in mid January. Our

> son is almost 10 and was diagnosed w/pdd-nos etc...at about 2yrs of

> age. He also suffers from an unknown ear pain for the past 2yrs.

> We've taken him to 6 ENT's including Children's(by the way I work at

> Children's Hospital in Aurora) & they have found nothing either.


> After discussing with Dr.G. it's convincing that the viral issue in his

> brain is what is causing the pain in his ear. It's making sense to me

> because he's never had ear infections or any other issues that an ENT

> could see. So, your son's issue with his ear may be the same, viral

> caused. My son has been on an anti-viral for about 6wks now. In the

> begnning was really bad with die offs. But the past 2 days we're seeing

> more calmness & less holding ears. It looks like his ear pain is

> reducing slowly. I don't want to say this too soon but it's looking

> positive. His ear pain has been a nightmare for him & for the whole

> family. We've always told his syblings to keep it quiet or play in

> another room etc etc. so it'll be a " miracle " for us if that goes away.


> You should really make an appointment to see Dr.Goldberg in CA. We

> only flew once for the 1st visit & we're doing phone consult once a

> month. We do all the lab work from here too.

> Good luck and God bless



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