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Dix, it IS a small world! There are several members of the group in our

area. We've always talked about a group convention - we have enough for

a mini-convention. That would be a blast!

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


Re: [ ] To

> ,

> I'm in Homewood - only about an hour away from you!

> We were just out that way Saturday for a wedding.

> Small world!

> Dix

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Count me in! I have a friend I've been trying to get to join the group -

knowing there are several members in the area might just do it.


Re: [ ] To

> ,

> I'm in Homewood - only about an hour away from you!

> We were just out that way Saturday for a wedding.

> Small world!

> Dix

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When are you moving? I undersand there are some other members in the

greater Chicagoland area. Time to plan a get-together while the weather is



Re: [ ] To

and Dix....We live in Crestwood, moving to Lockport! Judy

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

Jennie gave you very good advice about a good sunscreen. Another thing you could

try if you don't

already have it is to tint your side windows to keep the sun off your arms and

legs. I have always

gotten a rash from the sun and it is worse since I began MTX. I couldn't do any

kind of work in

the heat and sun because it makes me ill. I have been this way since I was a

young girl and my

father had skin pigment problems linked in with the sun. I have researched the

idea of being

allergic to the sun and I see some value for that concept.

I was a advertising artist for a very large retail chain and can no longer sit

at a computer for

hours on end. Since I haven't been working, the pain has been more tolerable.

The numbness in my

hands and the shooting pains have intensified so I believe I am going to have to

do something

about this carpal tunnel problem.

I have three kids, 24, 17, 14 and a 4 year old granddaughter (who is the light

of my life) and two

stepchildren 25 and 23. As so many of us, I turn 50 this year. I am glad that my

life is not as

hectic as it was when they were all young. I forgot to say that I have eight

cats, two dogs, and

two ponds with fish. I was always the first one to volunteer; church, scouts,

choir, baseball,

room mother (15 years) all while I was working. The reason for giving up

volunteering is a

terrible one but I am not unhappy about being less busy. We have all had to

make concessions to

these diseases and to learn when to cut back and take care of ourselves. Saying

" NO " was something

that felt very foreign at first but I have become much better at it and have

actually been able to

leave the guilt behind. I don't know how the young mothers can take care of

little ones while

suffering from RA, FM, etc. My granddaughter lives with me and it is much more

difficult to find

the energy to take care of her. Luckily, my kids help.

Keep us up to date on how you are doing on the MTX. Take care of yourself. Iris

--- lisaplumeria <lisamolino@...> wrote:

> Wow Jennie,

> A financial analyst and have a four year old! You must be busy! I

> thought I was busy with three but my youngest is nine so everyone

> sleeps through the night and can take a shower! Ahhhhh... Makes it

> alot easier and I am spoiled now! Thanks for the advice on the

> sun. I am going to really watch it - especially here in so cal - it

> is brutal right now. I feel ALOT better today. I am tired, but

> what day am I not! I will be doing my doses on weekends from now

> on, that is for sure.


> in CA




> > > > > > > Hi all,

> > > > > > > I got put on this because my rate was high and my rheumy

> > > decided

> > > > > > > that waiting until September until my insurance came

> > through

> > > was

> > > > > > too

> > > > > > > long. Has anyone else had nausea? I am normally a

> > trooper

> > > and

> > > > > > work

> > > > > > > through EVERYTHING including fever, etc. This is

> kicking

> > my

> > > > > > butt.

> > > > > > > Maybe it is the heat of CA and this at the same? Or

> have

> > I

> > > just

> > > > > > > become a big wimpie?

> > > > > > > in CA

> > > > >

> > > > > I just took my third Methotrexate injection this evening. My

> > > Rheumy

> > > > > told me I could put the dosage in orange juice and drink it

> > (the

> > > > > injectable) or inject it. I inject Humira every other week

> and

> > I

> > > > > have a rare colitis (collageous) so I decided to inject. Are

> > you

> > > > > guys on the pills? I haven't had any side effects from the

> > > > > injections. Love this group !!!!

> > > > > Colleen

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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  • 5 months later...

In a message dated 1/26/2005 12:31:46 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,


Hello, I'm back..........., a, and the old timers here.....

Hi ... I, too, am sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom and all the

difficulties your health is encountering. My prayers are with you and I am

grateful for all those who have served our country. Thank you. God bless!

Love and Prayers,



Philippians 4:8 (The Message):

Friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on

things that are true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious -- the

best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things

to curse.


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

HI ...

Since you seem to be the one that gets all the research information, I was

wondering if you have found any info on kidney related problems that go along

with RA. I also suffer with gout, and my gout seems to have gotten worse since I

was diagnosed with RA...which has led to more kidney problems also. Seems my

kidneys don't know what to do with the uric (Spelling???) acid and make lots of

kidney stones along the way. If it were the small ones that I could painfully

pass...I could live with it. But my kidneys seems to like to collect them and

make giant stones..larger than a 1/2 " in diameter. My doctors don't know if

there is any connection between the RA and the Gout, and my kidney problems. The

large stones are very painful as they seem to move about in my kidney...never

causing a blockage...just a great deal of pain. I take meds to try to dissolve

the stones...but they cause me to have an upset stomach most of the time and

taking my pain meds with an upset stomach is not fun. Its

almost a " Catch 22 " situation. I take Enbrel shots for my RA and it works

nicely...some days better than others...but I can at least walk in WalMart

without feeling like I am going to pass out from the pain in my hips. Being only

47 years old and being in so much pain all the time is no fun..and adding kidney

stones into the mix is really no fun.

All of my docs are at a loss as to what to tell me..and I just can't go around

all the time in a haze from taking the high power pain meds my Urologist gives

me for the kidney pain.

Any suggestions where to look would be helpful...

Larry Holmack in New Orleans


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Larry, as you can see from the research articles a posted, having both

RA and gout is unusual.

How did your physicians decide it is both and not one or the other? Are you

strongly RF-positive? Do you have psoriasis? What sort of stones are you

forming? Aside from Enbrel, what else are you taking?

We have had a few people in the group with RA mention problems with kidney


Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


Re: [ ] To



> HI ...




> Since you seem to be the one that gets all the research information, I was

> wondering if you have found any info on kidney related problems that go

> along with RA. I also suffer with gout, and my gout seems to have gotten

> worse since I was diagnosed with RA...which has led to more kidney

> problems also. Seems my kidneys don't know what to do with the uric

> (Spelling???) acid and make lots of kidney stones along the way. If it

> were the small ones that I could painfully pass...I could live with it.

> But my kidneys seems to like to collect them and make giant stones..larger

> than a 1/2 " in diameter. My doctors don't know if there is any connection

> between the RA and the Gout, and my kidney problems. The large stones are

> very painful as they seem to move about in my kidney...never causing a

> blockage...just a great deal of pain. I take meds to try to dissolve the

> stones...but they cause me to have an upset stomach most of the time and

> taking my pain meds with an upset stomach is not fun. Its

> almost a " Catch 22 " situation. I take Enbrel shots for my RA and it works

> nicely...some days better than others...but I can at least walk in WalMart

> without feeling like I am going to pass out from the pain in my hips.

> Being only 47 years old and being in so much pain all the time is no

> fun..and adding kidney stones into the mix is really no fun.




> All of my docs are at a loss as to what to tell me..and I just can't go

> around all the time in a haze from taking the high power pain meds my

> Urologist gives me for the kidney pain.


> Any suggestions where to look would be helpful...




> Larry Holmack in New Orleans

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Are you taking any other meds for your RA other than Enbrel?

What is your dosage? How often? By Injection? as far as only the RA

problem, how effective is it? Pat



> HI ...




> Since you seem to be the one that gets all the research

information, I was wondering if you have found any info on kidney

related problems that go along with RA. I also suffer with gout, and

my gout seems to have gotten worse since I was diagnosed with

RA...which has led to more kidney problems also. Seems my kidneys

don't know what to do with the uric (Spelling???) acid and make lots

of kidney stones along the way. If it were the small ones that I

could painfully pass...I could live with it. But my kidneys seems to

like to collect them and make giant stones..larger than a 1/2 " in

diameter. My doctors don't know if there is any connection between

the RA and the Gout, and my kidney problems. The large stones are

very painful as they seem to move about in my kidney...never causing

a blockage...just a great deal of pain. I take meds to try to

dissolve the stones...but they cause me to have an upset stomach most

of the time and taking my pain meds with an upset stomach is not fun.


> almost a " Catch 22 " situation. I take Enbrel shots for my RA and

it works nicely...some days better than others...but I can at least

walk in WalMart without feeling like I am going to pass out from the

pain in my hips. Being only 47 years old and being in so much pain

all the time is no fun..and adding kidney stones into the mix is

really no fun.




> All of my docs are at a loss as to what to tell me..and I just

can't go around all the time in a haze from taking the high power

pain meds my Urologist gives me for the kidney pain.


> Any suggestions where to look would be helpful...




> Larry Holmack in New Orleans



> __________________________________________________


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Thank you too! That's sweet " Dotta Doe. "

I understand. I am just stopping by as well. I am up late typing.

Have a lot of work tonight, and even though I can barely keep my eyes

focused, I wanted to check in on you guys here. I say I am just going

to read the messages but I always join in. I just can't seem to


Talk to you soon.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

> Hi, I was wondering if your friend has started LDN yet, your friend

> with Lupus?


> Sincerely,


> Betty


I've sent the info to her home address here in Arkansas but she is not here to

get it at this time. They are at their summer home out in California. She will

return here just before school starts. One teenage daughter that'll be a senior

this year.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you, ... what kind of implants did you have, and what kind of problems did you have with them? I have the expanders already in and am almost completely expanded for the implants already. I cannot even imagine going without breasts... and feel it is too late to turn back... I was large breasted before. I am also a single woman in fear of losing my femininity. I know, I am ridiculous!


, I know that you must be going through a very difficult time with all of this. The decision to have implants to replace your own breasts is one that many women have made, however, the implants are not safe and they can cause severe illness. The fact that you already have MS leads me to tell you that implants can cause MS like symptoms, and any illness that you already have WILL become worse with the foreign object in your body. There are no "safe" implants, even though some women seem to do ok with them in. You might want to reconsider having any implants at all, and just try using a water filled bra to give yourself some shape. I know that is hard to hear, but after having implants for 11 years, I wouldn't wish them on anyone! Best wishes,> I had breast cancer and a double mastectomy three months ago and have had the expanders (made with silicone, filled with saline) in since then. I am trying to decide what type of implant I will have placed in a few months. I was under the impression that saline was much safer than the silicone implants. I also have MS, so I am even more afraid of anything leaking. Any suggestions? > Thanks anybody, Lee

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I had textured saline over the muscle. I made a long list of

symptoms before I explanted... are you ready for this? I suffered

horribly for 11 years not knowing what was wrong with me and not one

doctor helped me in any way...

Panic/Anxiety disorder


Chronic Fatigue

Muscle twitching

Internal shaking

Brain fog

Forgetting words


IBS (severe)

Chronic gastritis

Interstitial cystitis

Yeast infections

Eardrum thumping



Lost libido

Body aches

Painful swollen joints



Blurred vision

Cold hands and feet

Unable to regulate body temp

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Tongue rashes/blothches

They aren't worth it!

--- In , " Lee " <sanlee@w...>


> Thank you, ... what kind of implants did you have, and what

kind of problems did you have with them? I have the expanders

already in and am almost completely expanded for the implants

already. I cannot even imagine going without breasts... and feel it

is too late to turn back... I was large breasted before. I am also

a single woman in fear of losing my femininity. I know, I am


> To



> , I know that you must be going through a very difficult


> with all of this. The decision to have implants to replace your


> breasts is one that many women have made, however, the implants


> not safe and they can cause severe illness. The fact that you


> have MS leads me to tell you that implants can cause MS like


> and any illness that you already have WILL become worse with the

> foreign object in your body. There are no " safe " implants, even


> some women seem to do ok with them in. You might want to


> having any implants at all, and just try using a water filled

bra to

> give yourself some shape. I know that is hard to hear, but after

> having implants for 11 years, I wouldn't wish them on anyone!


> Best wishes,



> --- In , " Lee " <sanlee@w...>


> > I had breast cancer and a double mastectomy three months ago


> have had the expanders (made with silicone, filled with saline)


> since then. I am trying to decide what type of implant I will


> placed in a few months. I was under the impression that saline


> much safer than the silicone implants. I also have MS, so I am


> more afraid of anything leaking. Any suggestions?

> > Thanks anybody, Lee






> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice

given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician

or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical



> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own

decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a

better world. " - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954,

Chemistry; 1963, Peace)



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I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I have to agree with what has been


There are NO safe implants. Period.

I also have MS, as well as other autoimmune illnesses, that I know beyond a

shadow of a

doubt were caused by ruptured implants. Some people believe saline are safer,

but I have

heard from too many women who have had problems with them.

If I were in your position, I would not have implants. But then, I have been

through a

horror with implants.

> > I had breast cancer and a double mastectomy three months ago and

> have had the expanders (made with silicone, filled with saline) in

> since then. I am trying to decide what type of implant I will have

> placed in a few months. I was under the impression that saline was

> much safer than the silicone implants. I also have MS, so I am even

> more afraid of anything leaking. Any suggestions?

> > Thanks anybody, Lee

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One of my daughter's friends was in exactly the same

position just a few months ago! . . .

I suggested she investigate her options thoroughly

before getting implants . . . At first she was

resolute that she was going to get implants. After

checking thoroughly, she thanked me for saving her

life. She has had autoimmune problems all her life.

No implants for her . . . She did have reconstruction

using tissue from her stomach. Not an easy procedure,

but far safer.

Hugs and prayers,


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First of all please don't think we think you are being ridiculous.

Obviously we all have felt very conflicted about having our implants

out. And most of us would just be going back to preimplant size. I

can't imagine what it feels like to have a masectomy and be faced

with the decision to implant and risk further health issues, or not

to implant and fear how that will affect your selfesteem. So please

don't feel that we think this is a frivolous decision. That being

said, there is nothing sadder to me than when someone with breast

cancer has a masectomy and reconstruction with implants and then

gets very sick as a result. You have already been through enough.

Unfortunately, we have seen that very thing happen. I am sure there

are women out there who have had the implants put in who are not

currently sick, but that doesn't mean that they wont get sick down

the line. I had my implants for eleven years before I became so

sick I had to have them out. No one really understands autoimmune

disease very well. But I can tell you that since you already have

autoimmune illness, it is much more likely that your body will react

to the silicone in the implant and they all have silicone whether it

is just in the shell or in the implant as well.

Have you checked around to see if there are nonimplant options

available? I would just hate to see you suffer more than you

already have. We have at least a couple of women on this site that

had cancer and then got implants and got very sick. Hopefully they

will respond. I will be praying for God to give you guidance in

this difficult issue. In whatever way we can help, let us know.

Hugs, kathy

--- In , " Lee " <sanlee@w...>


> Thank you, ... what kind of implants did you have, and what

kind of problems did you have with them? I have the expanders

already in and am almost completely expanded for the implants

already. I cannot even imagine going without breasts... and feel it

is too late to turn back... I was large breasted before. I am also

a single woman in fear of losing my femininity. I know, I am


> To



> , I know that you must be going through a very difficult


> with all of this. The decision to have implants to replace your


> breasts is one that many women have made, however, the implants


> not safe and they can cause severe illness. The fact that you


> have MS leads me to tell you that implants can cause MS like


> and any illness that you already have WILL become worse with the

> foreign object in your body. There are no " safe " implants, even


> some women seem to do ok with them in. You might want to


> having any implants at all, and just try using a water filled

bra to

> give yourself some shape. I know that is hard to hear, but after

> having implants for 11 years, I wouldn't wish them on anyone!


> Best wishes,



> --- In , " Lee " <sanlee@w...>


> > I had breast cancer and a double mastectomy three months ago


> have had the expanders (made with silicone, filled with saline)


> since then. I am trying to decide what type of implant I will


> placed in a few months. I was under the impression that saline


> much safer than the silicone implants. I also have MS, so I am


> more afraid of anything leaking. Any suggestions?

> > Thanks anybody, Lee






> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice

given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician

or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical



> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own

decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a

better world. " - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954,

Chemistry; 1963, Peace)



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What symptoms do cats have that give us cat scratch fever? I've lived

with cats all my life and been scratched and bit many times.


> I read in a post you were scratched by a cat with catscratch fever,

> then the MS progressed. I just want to share with you my twin sister

> was also bit by a cat with it and her MS progressed fast after that,

> and she still has it. Before her MS was in remission. I find the

> coincidence ironic?


> Sincerely,


> Betty

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree Kenda.... I would definitely question ANYTHING any plastic surgeon has to say these days.... I have been lied to repeatedly as so many other women. I would be VERY cautious of any plastic surgery anymore and I would NEVER have any procedure done again as a result of what has happened to me. We are all beautiful women just the way we are.... all the stories on this group should be enough testament to that... we were meant to be what we all are.. we are all perfect inour own ways.... no amounts of plastic surgery can change that. We all have our own talents as women... strong women. Child bearing does things to you - no doubt about that but my hubby loves my body just the way it is and any husband/boyfriend should. If not, it is HIS issue - not yours. Just my opinion of course...

love shari

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, I was supposed to be having a mini-tummy tuck this fall, but

let's just say, I'm not using who I thought I was. I see you know some

dr.s out west, know of any east coast? I'm in Virginia, but have

family in Philadelphia. If you know of any good PS for tummy tuck,

could you let me know? Thanks!


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I definitely agree that I would not just trust one plastic surgeon

that is good adivice. I consulted with 3 in town before I had my mini

tt and that was over a period of a few years. It was not something I

would have rushed into. However I would not judge anyone that has

plastic surgery as we all have a right to do what we want with our

bodies and the bottom line is if we are healthy and do our research

and want to improve something about our bodies it is our right and not

only that but if it helps us feel better about ourselves there is

nothing wrong with it. I am not a narrow minded person and I would

never judge someone else for having any kind of plastic surgery. Since

we all had plastic surgery we of all people should never be

judgemental. I don't agree with breast implants and I would advice any

woman against it, I would suggest a nice breast lift instead esp if

sagging is the issue. Even on smaller breasts a lift did so much more

for me than implants did.

However my mini tt was a great sucess. I had lived with stretch marked

saggy tummy skin for so many years I was tired of not being able to

wear low rise jeans or a nice bikini on vacation simply because of the

lower part of my abdomen. I am 41 years old so I think I have every

right in the world to fix my stomach after years of being in a great

shape working out everyday of my life, losing 60 pounds 10 years ago

etc..... It was time and I decided I was going to learn everything I

could about the procedure and do it right, Unlike my implants where I

just rushed out and got boobs (even though I saved for 2 years I

really did not research it like I should of)

So my advice is that telling women they are all beautiful the way

there are is a nice gesture it really is sweet, but realistically it

isn't going to change the way some of us feel about parts of our

bodies. I was not ever going to like tucking that sagging stretched

skin into my pants even when my pants are a size 2. I wanted that skin

gone and now it is and I feel 100 times better about my body! I feel I

did what was right for me and as long as we research the procedure

and the Dr and get a few opinions there is nothing wrong with doing

something for ourselves. It is wrong to assume that someone esp after

what I had been thorugh would not research Dr's correctly or rush into

anything. I did my homework and came though my surgery great. It was

all worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I would never

tell anyone else what to do other than if you really do hate something

about your body there are options, research it and make sure you get a

few opinions. Honestly no one is forcing anyone to get surgery that

doesn't want it, if your happy that is fabulous I am happy for you.

For those of us that aren't happy, just dont' judge someone because

they had a procedure you wouldn't. I am sure you don't want to be

judged for getting implants or getting them out. We all have our own

path in life.

Take care

In , halvey70@a... wrote:


> I agree Kenda.... I would definitely question ANYTHING any plastic


> has to say these days.... I have been lied to repeatedly as so many


> women. I would be VERY cautious of any plastic surgery anymore and

I would NEVER

> have any procedure done again as a result of what has happened to

me. We are

> all beautiful women just the way we are.... all the stories on this


> should be enough testament to that... we were meant to be what we

all are.. we are

> all perfect inour own ways.... no amounts of plastic surgery can

change that.

> We all have our own talents as women... strong women. Child bearing


> things to you - no doubt about that but my hubby loves my body just

the way it is

> and any husband/boyfriend should. If not, it is HIS issue - not

yours. Just

> my opinion of course...


> love shari


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Hi Cheryl,

I wish I could tell you about any Dr's out that way but I really don't

have any idea. Other than the one that took out my implants of course,

in Ohio I have no clue about east coast Dr's however, have you gotten

on the tummy tuck board at all? They are lovely women there and allot

of them are from the east coast. I used to go there all the time

before and after my surgery for support and it was great for

educational purposes too.

I would check it out. I believe it is www.tuckthattummy.com

Awesome site.


n , " Cheryl " <sunbum256@a...> wrote:


> , I was supposed to be having a mini-tummy tuck this fall, but

> let's just say, I'm not using who I thought I was. I see you know some

> dr.s out west, know of any east coast? I'm in Virginia, but have

> family in Philadelphia. If you know of any good PS for tummy tuck,

> could you let me know? Thanks!

> Cheryl


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I am definitely not in judgment of anyone who has plastic surgery, I

wouldn't be here if I was. I considered implants and decided against it. I

had lipo of my abdomen to even out an uneven vertical c-section scar. I

consulted with several plastic surgeons who all said that a vertical

c-section scar cannot be removed, it can only be modified. Additionally,

they would never consider any type TT on a thin person without a lot of

loose skin. Each of the 5 surgeons I saw said the same thing.

You can do whatever you want to your own body, no one here is telling you



> I definitely agree that I would not just trust one plastic surgeon

> that is good adivice. I consulted with 3 in town before I had my mini

> tt and that was over a period of a few years. It was not something I

> would have rushed into. However I would not judge anyone that has

> plastic surgery as we all have a right to do what we want with our

> bodies and the bottom line is if we are healthy and do our research

> and want to improve something about our bodies it is our right and not

> only that but if it helps us feel better about ourselves there is

> nothing wrong with it. I am not a narrow minded person and I would

> never judge someone else for having any kind of plastic surgery. Since

> we all had plastic surgery we of all people should never be

> judgemental. I don't agree with breast implants and I would advice any

> woman against it, I would suggest a nice breast lift instead esp if

> sagging is the issue. Even on smaller breasts a lift did so much more

> for me than implants did.

> However my mini tt was a great sucess. I had lived with stretch marked

> saggy tummy skin for so many years I was tired of not being able to

> wear low rise jeans or a nice bikini on vacation simply because of the

> lower part of my abdomen. I am 41 years old so I think I have every

> right in the world to fix my stomach after years of being in a great

> shape working out everyday of my life, losing 60 pounds 10 years ago

> etc..... It was time and I decided I was going to learn everything I

> could about the procedure and do it right, Unlike my implants where I

> just rushed out and got boobs (even though I saved for 2 years I

> really did not research it like I should of)

> So my advice is that telling women they are all beautiful the way

> there are is a nice gesture it really is sweet, but realistically it

> isn't going to change the way some of us feel about parts of our

> bodies. I was not ever going to like tucking that sagging stretched

> skin into my pants even when my pants are a size 2. I wanted that skin

> gone and now it is and I feel 100 times better about my body! I feel I

> did what was right for me and as long as we research the procedure

> and the Dr and get a few opinions there is nothing wrong with doing

> something for ourselves. It is wrong to assume that someone esp after

> what I had been thorugh would not research Dr's correctly or rush into

> anything. I did my homework and came though my surgery great. It was

> all worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I would never

> tell anyone else what to do other than if you really do hate something

> about your body there are options, research it and make sure you get a

> few opinions. Honestly no one is forcing anyone to get surgery that

> doesn't want it, if your happy that is fabulous I am happy for you.

> For those of us that aren't happy, just dont' judge someone because

> they had a procedure you wouldn't. I am sure you don't want to be

> judged for getting implants or getting them out. We all have our own

> path in life.

> Take care






> In , halvey70@a... wrote:


>> I agree Kenda.... I would definitely question ANYTHING any plastic

> surgeon

>> has to say these days.... I have been lied to repeatedly as so many

> other

>> women. I would be VERY cautious of any plastic surgery anymore and

> I would NEVER

>> have any procedure done again as a result of what has happened to

> me. We are

>> all beautiful women just the way we are.... all the stories on this

> group

>> should be enough testament to that... we were meant to be what we

> all are.. we are

>> all perfect inour own ways.... no amounts of plastic surgery can

> change that.

>> We all have our own talents as women... strong women. Child bearing

> does

>> things to you - no doubt about that but my hubby loves my body just

> the way it is

>> and any husband/boyfriend should. If not, it is HIS issue - not

> yours. Just

>> my opinion of course...


>> love shari








> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed

> health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care

> professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

> Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a

> happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing, two-time

> Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)



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Again, , my point in the original email was that no reputable doctor

would perform a TT on a thin patient without excess skin to remove. As you

state here, you lost a lot of weight and " I was not ever going to like

tucking that sagging stretched skin into my pants " . You had excess skin to

remove, which is not what I was addressing. There are plastic surgeons who

routine do mini TT's on patients without skin to remove. These women are

not good candidates for the surgery. You were a candidate for the surgery

because of your sagging skin.

No email of mine ever judged anyone for cosmetic surgery. I have absolutely

no idea where you got that idea from.


>> So my advice is that telling women they are all beautiful the way

>> there are is a nice gesture it really is sweet, but realistically it

>> isn't going to change the way some of us feel about parts of our

>> bodies. I was not ever going to like tucking that sagging stretched

>> skin into my pants even when my pants are a size 2. I wanted that skin

>> gone and now it is and I feel 100 times better about my body! I feel I

>> did what was right for me and as long as we research the procedure

>> and the Dr and get a few opinions there is nothing wrong with doing

>> something for ourselves. It is wrong to assume that someone esp after

>> what I had been thorugh would not research Dr's correctly or rush into

>> anything. I did my homework and came though my surgery great. It was

>> all worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I would never

>> tell anyone else what to do other than if you really do hate something

>> about your body there are options, research it and make sure you get a

>> few opinions. Honestly no one is forcing anyone to get surgery that

>> doesn't want it, if your happy that is fabulous I am happy for you.

>> For those of us that aren't happy, just dont' judge someone because

>> they had a procedure you wouldn't. I am sure you don't want to be

>> judged for getting implants or getting them out. We all have our own

>> path in life.

>> Take care






>> In , halvey70@a... wrote:


>>> I agree Kenda.... I would definitely question ANYTHING any plastic

>> surgeon

>>> has to say these days.... I have been lied to repeatedly as so many

>> other

>>> women. I would be VERY cautious of any plastic surgery anymore and

>> I would NEVER

>>> have any procedure done again as a result of what has happened to

>> me. We are

>>> all beautiful women just the way we are.... all the stories on this

>> group

>>> should be enough testament to that... we were meant to be what we

>> all are.. we are

>>> all perfect inour own ways.... no amounts of plastic surgery can

>> change that.

>>> We all have our own talents as women... strong women. Child bearing

>> does

>>> things to you - no doubt about that but my hubby loves my body just

>> the way it is

>>> and any husband/boyfriend should. If not, it is HIS issue - not

>> yours. Just

>>> my opinion of course...


>>> love shari








>> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by

>> licensed

>> health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care

>> professional before commencing any medical treatment.


>> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

>> Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a

>> happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing, two-time

>> Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)



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I hate to jump on you . . . but I'm getting messages

from women asking about your posts.

Would you please take your tummy tuck experiences to

another group? Most of the ladies here are battling

breast implant problems. Tummy tucks are an extremely

low priority for them right now.


--- carrie41_fun <carrie41_fun@...> wrote:

> Hi Cheryl,

> I wish I could tell you about any Dr's out that way

> but I really don't

> have any idea. Other than the one that took out my

> implants of course,

> in Ohio I have no clue about east coast Dr's

> however, have you gotten

> on the tummy tuck board at all? They are lovely

> women there and allot

> of them are from the east coast. I used to go there

> all the time

> before and after my surgery for support and it was

> great for

> educational purposes too.

> I would check it out. I believe it is

> www.tuckthattummy.com

> Awesome site.

> Hugs







> n , " Cheryl "

> <sunbum256@a...> wrote:

> >

> > , I was supposed to be having a mini-tummy

> tuck this fall, but

> > let's just say, I'm not using who I thought I was.

> I see you know some

> > dr.s out west, know of any east coast? I'm in

> Virginia, but have

> > family in Philadelphia. If you know of any good

> PS for tummy tuck,

> > could you let me know? Thanks!

> > Cheryl

> >






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