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RE: Who's With Us?

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I'm here, been mostly a lurker since around March of last year. I'm

more active on www.pinkdumbbell.com but I enjoy reading the messages

on here for inspiration. I haven't completed an official BFL

challenge but I have been taking babysteps towards incorporating BFL

style eating and workouts.

Recently I had to switch to bodyweight only workouts because I hurt

my knees and because I was having trouble with my form. I'm

following the bodyweight Turbulence Training 6 Month program

(www.turbulencetraining.com), which consists of bodyweight circuit

training plus interval workouts. Same basic premises of BFL

workouts: shorter, more intense and blood pumping workouts to burn

fat and gain muscle and strength (and some endurance, these circuits

are tough!!!). I'm also adding in yoga or Pilates at home 3x a week

because I found out that poor flexibility and posture contributed to

my knee injuries. I'm hoping to get back to my iron next year and be

capable of heavy lifts without injuring myself with crappy form.

For food I'm working towards a diet that's between BFL and Precision

Nutrition, but that's been slow going. The food is my biggest

weakness. I also found that Free Day was a bad idea for me so

instead I'm aiming for a couple of free meals per week or more of a

90% compliance like in Precision Nutrition. One of my biggest

stumbling blocks with food is not preparing or at least prepping it

in advance on the weekends, which sets me up for failure because I

work full time plus am a part time graduate student, which means I

have no time during the week for food prep. This weekend I am going

to follow the Precision Nutrition tips for food prep since school

starts up again on Monday. Once I get that habit in place then I

should be able to run on auto-pilot all spring semester and see some

nice results by summer!

Hope everyone has some amazing results for bikini season this year! :D



> Just checking to see who's out there. Any oldtimers? Lurking

newbies? How

> did the holidays go? Where are you now? What's the plan? Anybody


> entering the contest?


> I've been around here for seven years, which is like an eon in


> time. I threw out all of the holiday treats a few days ago. The


> bread, cookies and truffles went without incident, but I

accidentally ate

> three huge bites of chocolate cake on my way to the trash can.

Oops! LOL I'm

> starting the new year all germy and sick. I've missed a couple of


> but I'm hoping to get back to the gym tomorrow. It's probably going

to be a

> zoo with all the " resolutioners " running around.


> I just ate breakfast - cottage cheese, fresh pineapple and crushed


> nuts sweetened with splenda. Now I'm debating between vegging in

front of

> the computer or shuffling toward the television to watch the Oprah


> Anniversary Collection DVDs I got for Christmas. Love those things!

See, I

> do watch something besides fighting. :-)


> Anyway, what's up with you guys? How's it going today?






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I've been lurking for quite a while and rereading my favorites " 10

Rules for Misfit Body for Lifers " and " Body for Life for Cheaters and

Binge Eaters " . Wow, were those written with people like me in mind

or what??

I'm ready to begin again and this time I have my 3 daughters as my

incentive. I want them to grow up strong and eating healthy foods but

I know I need to lead by example. It's frightening to me what some

kids eat for lunch. The kid across the munch table from my daughter

ate a 12 pack of powdered donuts for lunch...with a can of coke!

He's only 8 years old and does not know any better if that's what his

Mom packs for lunch.

My house has been cleared of all holiday goodies and I was happy to

not have gained any weight, although I did not lose either.

I would like to ask for advice on my main food addiction...Regular

Pepsi. Have any of you ever quit caffeine or soda cold turkey? The

headaches are tremendous. Any advice for getting thru the withdrawals

would be greatly appreciated.

Looking forward to 2007 and getting in the most incredible shape of

my life.


> Just checking to see who's out there. Any oldtimers? Lurking

newbies? How

> did the holidays go? Where are you now? What's the plan? Anybody


> entering the contest?


> I've been around here for seven years, which is like an eon in


> time. I threw out all of the holiday treats a few days ago. The


> bread, cookies and truffles went without incident, but I

accidentally ate

> three huge bites of chocolate cake on my way to the trash can.

Oops! LOL I'm

> starting the new year all germy and sick. I've missed a couple of


> but I'm hoping to get back to the gym tomorrow. It's probably going

to be a

> zoo with all the " resolutioners " running around.


> I just ate breakfast - cottage cheese, fresh pineapple and crushed


> nuts sweetened with splenda. Now I'm debating between vegging in

front of

> the computer or shuffling toward the television to watch the Oprah


> Anniversary Collection DVDs I got for Christmas. Love those things!

See, I

> do watch something besides fighting. :-)


> Anyway, what's up with you guys? How's it going today?






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Nette, you count as an awesome success story!!!

The newcomers should check out your photos to see what commitment to a

good plan can do;


b=1 & o=2

I'm here, but limited on my computer time these days.

2007 is going to be a great year.



> I don't know if I count as an old timer... maybe a midtimer...lol.

> I've been around these boards for more than a year...probably going

> on closer to two.

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I really rely on prepping LOTS of good food choices;

-I steam 2 bunches of chard at a time and use it through the next 4 days.

-I buy 2 bunches of chard, 2 bunches of kale, and 4 stalks of broccoli

at a time. I am buying organic.

-I buy 4 turkey breasts at a time, roast and cool them all. One goes

in the 'frig. The other 3 are in the freezer individually wrapped and

ready for when I need a quick family meal, etc.

-I steam the individually frozen salmon filets as needed.

-My cupboards are packed with tuna, salmon, sardines, whey powder, and

pureed pumpkin.

-When round steak goes on sale, I buy $20 worth and make GREAT

homemade jerky.

-The freezer always has 3 or 4 bags of organic berries.

-I purchase 2 pounds of 97% lean ground beef at a time, form it into

patties each in its own little freezer bag. Freeze them flat on a

cookie sheet.

-The 'frig has 3 or 4 cartons of non-fat ricotta and 3-4 cartons of NF

cottage cheese.

-I try to always eat a good BFL meal before grocery shopping.

These supplies make me feel pampered. They are not foods that tempt

me to over eat. They make eating BFL very easy.

Buying good food in quantities means I shop less. That means less

temptation in the grocery store.

>One of my biggest stumbling blocks with food is not preparing or at

least prepping it in advance on the weekends, which sets me up for

failure because I work full time plus am a part time graduate student,

>which means I have no time during the week for food prep.

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, there's really no reason to quit caffeine altogether unless you

have a health problem like high blood pressure. Bill actually

encourages black coffee before cardio to boost energy and maximize fat

burning. All you have to part with is the calories in regular Pepsi.

Try coffee, tea or diet soda. I'm not a coffee drinker myself but I

really like Lipton diet peach iced tea and Jazz Diet Pepsi. Tip on

making the switch - go all diet all the time. If you keep switching

back and forth between diet and regular the diet will never taste

sweet enough..

> I've been lurking for quite a while and rereading my favorites " 10

> Rules for Misfit Body for Lifers " and " Body for Life for Cheaters and

> Binge Eaters " . Wow, were those written with people like me in mind

> or what??


> I'm ready to begin again and this time I have my 3 daughters as my

> incentive. I want them to grow up strong and eating healthy foods but

> I know I need to lead by example. It's frightening to me what some

> kids eat for lunch. The kid across the munch table from my daughter

> ate a 12 pack of powdered donuts for lunch...with a can of coke!

> He's only 8 years old and does not know any better if that's what his

> Mom packs for lunch.


> My house has been cleared of all holiday goodies and I was happy to

> not have gained any weight, although I did not lose either.


> I would like to ask for advice on my main food addiction...Regular

> Pepsi. Have any of you ever quit caffeine or soda cold turkey? The

> headaches are tremendous. Any advice for getting thru the withdrawals

> would be greatly appreciated.


> Looking forward to 2007 and getting in the most incredible shape of

> my life.









> >

> > Just checking to see who's out there. Any oldtimers? Lurking

> newbies? How

> > did the holidays go? Where are you now? What's the plan? Anybody

> officially

> > entering the contest?

> >

> > I've been around here for seven years, which is like an eon in

> internet

> > time. I threw out all of the holiday treats a few days ago. The

> pumpkin

> > bread, cookies and truffles went without incident, but I

> accidentally ate

> > three huge bites of chocolate cake on my way to the trash can.

> Oops! LOL I'm

> > starting the new year all germy and sick. I've missed a couple of

> workouts

> > but I'm hoping to get back to the gym tomorrow. It's probably going

> to be a

> > zoo with all the " resolutioners " running around.

> >

> > I just ate breakfast - cottage cheese, fresh pineapple and crushed

> macadamia

> > nuts sweetened with splenda. Now I'm debating between vegging in

> front of

> > the computer or shuffling toward the television to watch the Oprah

> 20th

> > Anniversary Collection DVDs I got for Christmas. Love those things!

> See, I

> > do watch something besides fighting. :-)

> >

> > Anyway, what's up with you guys? How's it going today?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hey Dianne!

Did you start today?

Darla (someone who isn't doing BFL because even the slightest thing slips me


Re: Who's With Us?

I am a lurking newbie. I found the BFL website about a month ago but I

haven't done anything yet. I am such a procrastinator. I really need to get

started and I know having my pictures taken will be the best place to start.

Tomorrow morning, I will have my husband take the pictures. Tonight I am

going to look for the book online and buy it. Tomorrow I will dust off my

weight machine and treadmill and make a chart of what exercises to do on

what days. I will go shopping and get the right food tomorrow and I will

start the challenge on Friday. No more excuses!

Best luck to all!



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I'm back. I was here a couple of years or so ago (Time flies!) when I first did

BFL. I really do love it. I lost about 16 pounds, but I hate to say---I put it

all back on. I know, this sounds like a broken record. I guess the good thing

is " WE'RE BACK! " We haven't given up. I have my 30th class reunion in May, and

I want to look a WHOLE lot better. Plus, Mississippi is having this push called

" Meltdown Mississippi " (I think we're the fattest state in the nation) that

starts next week, and lots of people have formed little teams at their

workplaces, etc. I'm about to get my little angel (15 year old daughter) to

make my pics, and I'm starting Monday. As a preliminary thing, I pulled out the

exercise bike and mounted it for 20 minutes a while ago. I'm gonna like this.

Good luck to everyone. Beth P.

Darla West wrote: Hey Dianne!

Did you start today?

Darla (someone who isn't doing BFL because even the slightest thing slips me


Re: Who's With Us?

I am a lurking newbie. I found the BFL website about a month ago but I

haven't done anything yet. I am such a procrastinator. I really need to get

started and I know having my pictures taken will be the best place to start.

Tomorrow morning, I will have my husband take the pictures. Tonight I am

going to look for the book online and buy it. Tomorrow I will dust off my

weight machine and treadmill and make a chart of what exercises to do on

what days. I will go shopping and get the right food tomorrow and I will

start the challenge on Friday. No more excuses!

Best luck to all!



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Hey, and all--

I'm here. I'm starting my second challenge on Jan. 8. I finished my first on

Thanksgiving, and I've been fooling around and mixing up my weight routines,

reading (Metabolism Advantage, New Rules of Lifting) and getting ready. Still

have been doing my HIIT, so my measurements have stayed the same even though

I've been mixing in a lot of cookies as my carb portions. : ) I'm doing the

dreaded pictures and such tomorrow. THis is the Challenge that I will be sending

in, so I'm really excited.

Talk to you all soon. I'm going in for a Thai massage right now, one of my

necessary preparations, ha ha. : )

Best Regards,


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Hello everyone,

My name is Tammy, I am 31 years old, have two sons (9 and 11) and am a sixth

grade teacher in Mandeville, Louisiana(about 30 miles from New Orleans).

I have started and failed at BFL too many times to count. I did successfully

complete a challenge about 3 years ago and I never looked or felt better! I

didn't realize this until I looked at old pictures a few days ago!

I know that BFL works, it is the only thing that I have ever stuck to. It is

easy to follow and I like that the workouts are short and challenging. I always

took FREE days and had a successful challenge. I ate way too much but I still

had excellent results. Whenever I wanted to cheat, I'd just tell myself to wait

until Saturday and I could have whatever amount of whatever I was craving then!

Did I feel sick on Sunday mornings? Absolutely! And I'd swear off free

days...but by Wednesday or Thursday I'd be planning the next free day!

Free days are necessary for me. I know that if Im good all week, I get

rewarded on Saturdays!

Anyway, I've been a lurker for awhile and I'd like to get more involved in

this group.

I have worked out for about 10 years, early in the AM. Im not overweight, I'm

skinny-fat. I'm 5'6 and weigh 123 lbs. But I'm very flabby and cellulite seems

to be getting lower and lower on my thighs! Im hoping to tone up and lose my

back fat, cellulite, and belly!

Good luck to all of you!

Beth Pierce wrote:

I'm back. I was here a couple of years or so ago (Time flies!) when I

first did BFL. I really do love it. I lost about 16 pounds, but I hate to

say---I put it all back on. I know, this sounds like a broken record. I guess

the good thing is " WE'RE BACK! " We haven't given up. I have my 30th class

reunion in May, and I want to look a WHOLE lot better. Plus, Mississippi is

having this push called " Meltdown Mississippi " (I think we're the fattest state

in the nation) that starts next week, and lots of people have formed little

teams at their workplaces, etc. I'm about to get my little angel (15 year old

daughter) to make my pics, and I'm starting Monday. As a preliminary thing, I

pulled out the exercise bike and mounted it for 20 minutes a while ago. I'm

gonna like this. Good luck to everyone. Beth P.

Darla West wrote: Hey Dianne!

Did you start today?

Darla (someone who isn't doing BFL because even the slightest thing slips me


Re: Who's With Us?

I am a lurking newbie. I found the BFL website about a month ago but I

haven't done anything yet. I am such a procrastinator. I really need to get

started and I know having my pictures taken will be the best place to start.

Tomorrow morning, I will have my husband take the pictures. Tonight I am

going to look for the book online and buy it. Tomorrow I will dust off my

weight machine and treadmill and make a chart of what exercises to do on

what days. I will go shopping and get the right food tomorrow and I will

start the challenge on Friday. No more excuses!

Best luck to all!



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Darla, what does " (someone who isn't doing BFL because even the

slightest thing slips me up) " mean?

Kim J.


> Hey Dianne!


> Did you start today?


> Darla (someone who isn't doing BFL because even the slightest thing

slips me

> up)


> Re: Who's With Us?




> I am a lurking newbie. I found the BFL website about a month ago but I

> haven't done anything yet. I am such a procrastinator. I really need

to get

> started and I know having my pictures taken will be the best place

to start.

> Tomorrow morning, I will have my husband take the pictures. Tonight I am

> going to look for the book online and buy it. Tomorrow I will dust

off my

> weight machine and treadmill and make a chart of what exercises to do on

> what days. I will go shopping and get the right food tomorrow and I will

> start the challenge on Friday. No more excuses!

> Best luck to all!


> Dianne

> __________________________________________________


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Hi Tammy. Mandeville, huh? My boyfriend is originally from Slidell.

:) I just wanted to tell you that I love your attitude! I'm also

31, i've been following BFL for sometime, and I ALSO Looooove my free

days. :) Keep up the great work, and great attitude! Take care!

Kim J.

Hey Dianne!


> Did you start today?


> Darla (someone who isn't doing BFL because even the slightest thing

slips me

> up)


> Re: Who's With Us?


> I am a lurking newbie. I found the BFL website about a month ago but I

> haven't done anything yet. I am such a procrastinator. I really need

to get

> started and I know having my pictures taken will be the best place

to start.

> Tomorrow morning, I will have my husband take the pictures. Tonight I am

> going to look for the book online and buy it. Tomorrow I will dust

off my

> weight machine and treadmill and make a chart of what exercises to do on

> what days. I will go shopping and get the right food tomorrow and I will

> start the challenge on Friday. No more excuses!

> Best luck to all!


> Dianne

> __________________________________________________


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I'm Robin, mostly a lurker. I first joined in 2001 (maybe under

another e-name back then, but I don't remember what it was.) BFL

changed my life! I got down to a small tight little body for 3 or 4

years, and now it's a little bigger, but I'm not fat like I was

before, and I still feel strong and healthy.

I love going to the gym. I go before work at 5:00 a.m. and have

developed friendships with the early morning crowd. I still follow

the workout routines pretty much the same as in the book, but now

hubby and I bicycle too. Now, I'm wanting to get back down really

small again because we're going to Hawaii in June to visit

brother-in-law and his wife. They send pics on email all the time to

all the family, and I know my pic will be sent out when we're there.

This butt needs to shrink! Although I've followed the eating part

over the years, we haven't been super strict, so I'm back to paper,

pencil, and lots of planning again.

I always read this board for motivation. Sometimes, I'm too busy to

read more than once a week, but when times get tough, this is the

first place I always come.

Happy New Year and good luck to everyone :)

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Hi, my name is . I am 5'3 " and about 128lbs. Size 6 or 8 (but

definitely a flabby 6/8) Not sure of my bodyfat. I have been on this board

on and off since about 2004 and on and off BFL since then as well. The

longest I have gone is about 5 weeks and I had excellent results. It seems

though, that I have a cooking problem....problem being that I HATE to

cook..lol! I would go good for a few weeks and then run out of things to

cook or get tired of it. I really wish I liked both cottage cheese and

protein drinks but I found out quickly in my first challenge that I can't

stand either. It got so bad with the CC that just the smell would make me


Regardless, I am back to try again! I bought the EFL book and went grocery

shopping yesterday so I am all set. I am just going to stick to the book, I

don't care if some of the recipes don't have my perfectly calculated

nutritional numbers. If there is a picture in it, I am going to make it.

I'm just going to do the palm/fist method.

So, here is my run down of meals this week....

For breakfasts, I just like to stick with Eggs (3 whites and 1 whole) and

Oatmeal or Toast.

For dinners, I picked the following meals for this week: Asian Beef Stir

fry, Turkey Goulash, Beef & Barley Soup, Shrimp Scampi and Lettuce Wraps. I

made the Asian Beef Stir fry last night and it was good. My husband and 3

1/2 yr old daughter both liked it too. I had leftovers for lunch today and

have enough left for lunch tomorrow.

For Lunches and Midmeals, I am going to be making the following: leftovers

from dinner, Turkey Sandwich, Egg Salad Sandwich, Chicken Caesar Wrap, and

Chicken Caesar Salad.

For Desserts, I made the Strawberry Cheesecake last night. Not sure how

much I like it though. It does have 1 cup of CC and I thought everything

else going into it would mask the smell. It wasn't bad but I think my body

knew what I was trying to do. I did eat it before bed and it didn't sit too

well. Maybe I'll try it again today but as a midmeal in the afternoon. (I

have 7 more servings of it). The other " dessert " for me is the Golden

Pancakes. Yes, they have CC too, but I found it was the only thing I could

eat and not taste or smell it. It is great with Sugar free

syrup...mmmmmm!!! Almost feels like I am cheating!!!

Anyways, that is my rundown. I feel more equipped this time with the EFL

book. My workouts are not a problem. I do them at home with free weights.

Good luck to everyone!

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This sounds like a great plan for you, CAT.

Have you considered making double or triple recipes of your favorites,

then freezing them in single portions? Most reheat well.

Lots of the folks with successful transformations on BodyChangers.com

used that idea to cut down on their kitchen time.

Often, they are only really cooking once a week. Otherdays, they reheat.

I have heard of folks that spend one full day a month cooking and

freezing in portions, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet...

Keep an eye out for the proteins you like. When they go on sale,

stock up.

Be sure to add lots of dark green veggies to your menues.

Stock up on frozen berries and sprinkle a few into your oatmeal. We

need those colorful foods. Real food...real nutrition...really good.



>It seems

> though, that I have a cooking problem....problem being that I HATE to

> cook..lol! I would go good for a few weeks and then run out of

things to

> cook or get tired of it. I really wish I liked both cottage cheese and

> protein drinks but I found out quickly in my first challenge that I


> stand either. It got so bad with the CC that just the smell would

make me

> gag...ekkk!


> Regardless, I am back to try again! I bought the EFL book and went


> shopping yesterday so I am all set. I am just going to stick to the

book, I

> don't care if some of the recipes don't have my perfectly calculated

> nutritional numbers. If there is a picture in it, I am going to

make it.

> I'm just going to do the palm/fist method.


> So, here is my run down of meals this week....


> For breakfasts, I just like to stick with Eggs (3 whites and 1

whole) and

> Oatmeal or Toast.


> For dinners, I picked the following meals for this week: Asian Beef Stir

> fry, Turkey Goulash, Beef & Barley Soup, Shrimp Scampi and Lettuce

Wraps. I

> made the Asian Beef Stir fry last night and it was good. My husband

and 3

> 1/2 yr old daughter both liked it too. I had leftovers for lunch

today and

> have enough left for lunch tomorrow.


> For Lunches and Midmeals, I am going to be making the following:


> from dinner, Turkey Sandwich, Egg Salad Sandwich, Chicken Caesar

Wrap, and

> Chicken Caesar Salad.


> For Desserts, I made the Strawberry Cheesecake last night. Not sure how

> much I like it though. It does have 1 cup of CC and I thought everything

> else going into it would mask the smell. It wasn't bad but I think

my body

> knew what I was trying to do. I did eat it before bed and it didn't

sit too

> well. Maybe I'll try it again today but as a midmeal in the

afternoon. (I

> have 7 more servings of it). The other " dessert " for me is the Golden

> Pancakes. Yes, they have CC too, but I found it was the only thing

I could

> eat and not taste or smell it. It is great with Sugar free

> syrup...mmmmmm!!! Almost feels like I am cheating!!!


> Anyways, that is my rundown. I feel more equipped this time with

the EFL

> book. My workouts are not a problem. I do them at home with free



> Good luck to everyone!




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