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Hi ,

I hope you are feeling better today - I think I may be past the worst of my PMS! :) I do know how frustrating it is to have a 'chronic' injury-prone area. Toiday, my back is less than pleased with me. I think I have been doing too much forward bending - both in yoga and in my Sculpt 5/6 workout. I was planning to do Sculpt 5/6 tomorrow, but I think I may make it a Pilates day instead - still get some strengthening done, but in a more gentle fashion. I need to respect my weak area sometimes. I may also have to lay off on some of the yoga I was doing and just stick w/ floor/restorative poses for awhile. I guess we all have limitations and need to work with them. Annoying though, especially when the mind is so ready, willing and able to push through. I hope your knee gets to feeling better soon. Have you thought about seeing a specialist? Maybe he/she can figure out what exactly is

wrong and get you on a plan to heal it permanently?

Well, Aunt Flo did arrive and I do feel 1,000 times better, I hope it happens for you ASAP! I even slept last night. I think my sleeplessness was at least partially hormonal. I think I'm going through perimeno as I just have weirdness now that I never had before. I pigged out big time last night - chocolate, kraft mac & cheese, it wasn't a pretty sight. However, w/ the arrival of Aunt Flo, all the bloating seems to be gone.

Take care! Things will look up!Donna

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