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Re: knock

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Hi Cheryl I think every honest person on this list and looked to Heavan and

screamed why me? Funny how we say me , rather than my child. I used to get so

angry my ex sisterinlaw drank smoked ate rubbish food when pregnant and has 6

healthy kids. Me I followed every rule didnt drink smoke eat bad foods gained

the right weight etc etc breast fed everything they said to do to have a healthy

child. I had a stillborn son , a preemie son a daughter with a heart problem a

son with Aspergers Immune Deficiencies heart issues and his list goes on. And

through my faith I have come to realise God dont make mistakes if my sister in

law had had any my kids they would be in state care or worse. God picks special

parents for special kids and to me it seems He doesnt mind if you choose not to

acknowledge Him for He loves you and your kids anyway. In no way am I saying I

am special , I dont feel no more special than anyone else. But my kids are

special and if it means me

parenting them in a special way then so be it.


I know without my faith I would probably be dealing with it at the bottom of a

wine glass. But thats just me.


Knock, Knock I knocked at heaven's door this morning.

God asked me...'My child, what can I do for you?' And I said, 'Father, please

protect and bless the person reading this message.' God smiled and answered...'

Request granted'. If you believe, send this to seven people and the one who sent

it to you. By doing this, you have succeeded in praying for eight people today.

'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of

battle.' THIS IS PRETTY NEAT. 93 % won't forward this? [Non-text portions of

this message have been removed]Win a MacBook Air or iPod touch with Yahoo!7.

http://au.docs. yahoo.com/ homepageset[Non-text portions of this message have

been removed]

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Net yourself a bargain. Find great deals on eBay.

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ES & _m=EXT

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  • Replies 84
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I never thought it would cause such a drama I sent it to 2 other groups I am in

and not one email like these and no they aint all Christian groups. Just groups

of adults who read it or delete it.


I am not saying no one is entitled to there say but wow I didnt think we would

need an act of congress to declare end of debate.


> > > Faith and God helps

> > > Relaxing a bit and cutting ur listmates a break helps

> > too

> > > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

> > >

> > >

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I never thought it would cause such a drama I sent it to 2 other groups I am in

and not one email like these and no they aint all Christian groups. Just groups

of adults who read it or delete it.


I am not saying no one is entitled to there say but wow I didnt think we would

need an act of congress to declare end of debate.


> > > Faith and God helps

> > > Relaxing a bit and cutting ur listmates a break helps

> > too

> > > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

> > >

> > >

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I never thought it would cause such a drama I sent it to 2 other groups I am in

and not one email like these and no they aint all Christian groups. Just groups

of adults who read it or delete it.


I am not saying no one is entitled to there say but wow I didnt think we would

need an act of congress to declare end of debate.


> > > Faith and God helps

> > > Relaxing a bit and cutting ur listmates a break helps

> > too

> > > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

> > >

> > >

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oh i see exactly where you are coming from...if i didnt have my faith, i think i

would be in that wine glass with you, infact i would be certain of

it...........bless ya!

Cheryl S [chez]

To: Autism_in_Girls@...: mrs_westyofoz@...: Mon, 1

Sep 2008 04:17:27 -0700Subject: RE: knock

Hi Cheryl I think every honest person on this list and looked to Heavan and

screamed why me? Funny how we say me , rather than my child. I used to get so

angry my ex sisterinlaw drank smoked ate rubbish food when pregnant and has 6

healthy kids. Me I followed every rule didnt drink smoke eat bad foods gained

the right weight etc etc breast fed everything they said to do to have a healthy

child. I had a stillborn son , a preemie son a daughter with a heart problem a

son with Aspergers Immune Deficiencies heart issues and his list goes on. And

through my faith I have come to realise God dont make mistakes if my sister in

law had had any my kids they would be in state care or worse. God picks special

parents for special kids and to me it seems He doesnt mind if you choose not to

acknowledge Him for He loves you and your kids anyway. In no way am I saying I

am special , I dont feel no more special than anyone else. But my kids are

special and if it means meparenting them in a special way then so be it. I know

without my faith I would probably be dealing with it at the bottom of a wine

glass. But thats just me. Knock, Knock I knocked at heaven's door this morning. God asked

me...'My child, what can I do for you?' And I said, 'Father, please protect and

bless the person reading this message.' God smiled and answered...' Request

granted'. If you believe, send this to seven people and the one who sent it to

you. By doing this, you have succeeded in praying for eight people today. 'Be

kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

THIS IS PRETTY NEAT. 93 % won't forward this? [Non-text portions of this message

have been removed]Win a MacBook Air or iPod touch with Yahoo!7. http://au.docs.

yahoo.com/ homepageset

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oh i see exactly where you are coming from...if i didnt have my faith, i think i

would be in that wine glass with you, infact i would be certain of

it...........bless ya!

Cheryl S [chez]

To: Autism_in_Girls@...: mrs_westyofoz@...: Mon, 1

Sep 2008 04:17:27 -0700Subject: RE: knock

Hi Cheryl I think every honest person on this list and looked to Heavan and

screamed why me? Funny how we say me , rather than my child. I used to get so

angry my ex sisterinlaw drank smoked ate rubbish food when pregnant and has 6

healthy kids. Me I followed every rule didnt drink smoke eat bad foods gained

the right weight etc etc breast fed everything they said to do to have a healthy

child. I had a stillborn son , a preemie son a daughter with a heart problem a

son with Aspergers Immune Deficiencies heart issues and his list goes on. And

through my faith I have come to realise God dont make mistakes if my sister in

law had had any my kids they would be in state care or worse. God picks special

parents for special kids and to me it seems He doesnt mind if you choose not to

acknowledge Him for He loves you and your kids anyway. In no way am I saying I

am special , I dont feel no more special than anyone else. But my kids are

special and if it means meparenting them in a special way then so be it. I know

without my faith I would probably be dealing with it at the bottom of a wine

glass. But thats just me. Knock, Knock I knocked at heaven's door this morning. God asked

me...'My child, what can I do for you?' And I said, 'Father, please protect and

bless the person reading this message.' God smiled and answered...' Request

granted'. If you believe, send this to seven people and the one who sent it to

you. By doing this, you have succeeded in praying for eight people today. 'Be

kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

THIS IS PRETTY NEAT. 93 % won't forward this? [Non-text portions of this message

have been removed]Win a MacBook Air or iPod touch with Yahoo!7. http://au.docs.

yahoo.com/ homepageset

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oh i see exactly where you are coming from...if i didnt have my faith, i think i

would be in that wine glass with you, infact i would be certain of

it...........bless ya!

Cheryl S [chez]

To: Autism_in_Girls@...: mrs_westyofoz@...: Mon, 1

Sep 2008 04:17:27 -0700Subject: RE: knock

Hi Cheryl I think every honest person on this list and looked to Heavan and

screamed why me? Funny how we say me , rather than my child. I used to get so

angry my ex sisterinlaw drank smoked ate rubbish food when pregnant and has 6

healthy kids. Me I followed every rule didnt drink smoke eat bad foods gained

the right weight etc etc breast fed everything they said to do to have a healthy

child. I had a stillborn son , a preemie son a daughter with a heart problem a

son with Aspergers Immune Deficiencies heart issues and his list goes on. And

through my faith I have come to realise God dont make mistakes if my sister in

law had had any my kids they would be in state care or worse. God picks special

parents for special kids and to me it seems He doesnt mind if you choose not to

acknowledge Him for He loves you and your kids anyway. In no way am I saying I

am special , I dont feel no more special than anyone else. But my kids are

special and if it means meparenting them in a special way then so be it. I know

without my faith I would probably be dealing with it at the bottom of a wine

glass. But thats just me. Knock, Knock I knocked at heaven's door this morning. God asked

me...'My child, what can I do for you?' And I said, 'Father, please protect and

bless the person reading this message.' God smiled and answered...' Request

granted'. If you believe, send this to seven people and the one who sent it to

you. By doing this, you have succeeded in praying for eight people today. 'Be

kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

THIS IS PRETTY NEAT. 93 % won't forward this? [Non-text portions of this message

have been removed]Win a MacBook Air or iPod touch with Yahoo!7. http://au.docs.

yahoo.com/ homepageset

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i gave up on chain emails years ago...if by some chance someone sends me one

that has something good in it....i delete the bit that says to pass it on.

Cheryl S [chez]

To: Autism_in_Girls@...: temans@...: Mon, 1 Sep 2008

06:16:01 -0500Subject: Re: knock

This is exactly why these kinds of topics are generally off limits ondiscussion

groups of a specific topic, such as Autism.No one wants to let it go, one side

is offended and says something, theother side feels they need to defend and

replies, and no one wants to letthe other side have the last word, so it just

keeps going on and on and onand on and on and on.Your right, it's not a forum

for liberal propoganda, but neither is it aforum for Religious propaganda in

anyway shape or form.Everyone has overlooked and let go someone saying God bless

at the end oftheir emails, or one another telling the other they will pray for

them etc.But when something is sent as pure religious email and then pointing

out thefact that you are somehow not a good christian if you don't pass it

on(which of course just makes this a chain letter and not something that isjust

sent to say, hey I care about ya'll) It's gonna ruffle feathers, andbecause this

is not outlined in any rules as permitted or not permitted,each side has a right

to debate their opinions without being told to 'let itgo'If you get to have your

say, why is it that Kassi and others can't havetheirs?On 9/1/08,

thewholetruth@... wrote:>> Let it go, Kassi.

Let.it.go. This isn't a forum for Liberal propaganda.> Let> it go already.>> The

Whole Truth> Nothing But the Truth> So Help Me God...>> _____>> From:

Autism_in_Girls <Autism_in_Girls%40yahoogroups.com>>

[mailto:Autism_in_Girls <Autism_in_Girls%40yahoogroups.com>]> On

Behalf Of Kassi> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 11:06 PM> To:

Autism_in_Girls <Autism_in_Girls%40yahoogroups.com>> Subject:

RE: knock>> Really?>> Where've you been? The war on science in

schools? The politicians who think> athiests are automatically not patriots? The

charming man in kansas who'd> like nonchristians rounded up? The regular death

threats on PZ Meyers?>> >

> > Faith and God helps> > > Relaxing a bit and cutting ur listmates a break

helps> > too> > > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile> > >> > > [Non-text portions

of this message have been removed]> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > [Non-text portions

of this message have been removed]> >> >> >> >> >> > [Non-text portions of this

message have been removed]>> [Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]>> >

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i gave up on chain emails years ago...if by some chance someone sends me one

that has something good in it....i delete the bit that says to pass it on.

Cheryl S [chez]

To: Autism_in_Girls@...: temans@...: Mon, 1 Sep 2008

06:16:01 -0500Subject: Re: knock

This is exactly why these kinds of topics are generally off limits ondiscussion

groups of a specific topic, such as Autism.No one wants to let it go, one side

is offended and says something, theother side feels they need to defend and

replies, and no one wants to letthe other side have the last word, so it just

keeps going on and on and onand on and on and on.Your right, it's not a forum

for liberal propoganda, but neither is it aforum for Religious propaganda in

anyway shape or form.Everyone has overlooked and let go someone saying God bless

at the end oftheir emails, or one another telling the other they will pray for

them etc.But when something is sent as pure religious email and then pointing

out thefact that you are somehow not a good christian if you don't pass it

on(which of course just makes this a chain letter and not something that isjust

sent to say, hey I care about ya'll) It's gonna ruffle feathers, andbecause this

is not outlined in any rules as permitted or not permitted,each side has a right

to debate their opinions without being told to 'let itgo'If you get to have your

say, why is it that Kassi and others can't havetheirs?On 9/1/08,

thewholetruth@... wrote:>> Let it go, Kassi.

Let.it.go. This isn't a forum for Liberal propaganda.> Let> it go already.>> The

Whole Truth> Nothing But the Truth> So Help Me God...>> _____>> From:

Autism_in_Girls <Autism_in_Girls%40yahoogroups.com>>

[mailto:Autism_in_Girls <Autism_in_Girls%40yahoogroups.com>]> On

Behalf Of Kassi> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 11:06 PM> To:

Autism_in_Girls <Autism_in_Girls%40yahoogroups.com>> Subject:

RE: knock>> Really?>> Where've you been? The war on science in

schools? The politicians who think> athiests are automatically not patriots? The

charming man in kansas who'd> like nonchristians rounded up? The regular death

threats on PZ Meyers?>> >

> > Faith and God helps> > > Relaxing a bit and cutting ur listmates a break

helps> > too> > > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile> > >> > > [Non-text portions

of this message have been removed]> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > [Non-text portions

of this message have been removed]> >> >> >> >> >> > [Non-text portions of this

message have been removed]>> [Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]>> >

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i gave up on chain emails years ago...if by some chance someone sends me one

that has something good in it....i delete the bit that says to pass it on.

Cheryl S [chez]

To: Autism_in_Girls@...: temans@...: Mon, 1 Sep 2008

06:16:01 -0500Subject: Re: knock

This is exactly why these kinds of topics are generally off limits ondiscussion

groups of a specific topic, such as Autism.No one wants to let it go, one side

is offended and says something, theother side feels they need to defend and

replies, and no one wants to letthe other side have the last word, so it just

keeps going on and on and onand on and on and on.Your right, it's not a forum

for liberal propoganda, but neither is it aforum for Religious propaganda in

anyway shape or form.Everyone has overlooked and let go someone saying God bless

at the end oftheir emails, or one another telling the other they will pray for

them etc.But when something is sent as pure religious email and then pointing

out thefact that you are somehow not a good christian if you don't pass it

on(which of course just makes this a chain letter and not something that isjust

sent to say, hey I care about ya'll) It's gonna ruffle feathers, andbecause this

is not outlined in any rules as permitted or not permitted,each side has a right

to debate their opinions without being told to 'let itgo'If you get to have your

say, why is it that Kassi and others can't havetheirs?On 9/1/08,

thewholetruth@... wrote:>> Let it go, Kassi.

Let.it.go. This isn't a forum for Liberal propaganda.> Let> it go already.>> The

Whole Truth> Nothing But the Truth> So Help Me God...>> _____>> From:

Autism_in_Girls <Autism_in_Girls%40yahoogroups.com>>

[mailto:Autism_in_Girls <Autism_in_Girls%40yahoogroups.com>]> On

Behalf Of Kassi> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 11:06 PM> To:

Autism_in_Girls <Autism_in_Girls%40yahoogroups.com>> Subject:

RE: knock>> Really?>> Where've you been? The war on science in

schools? The politicians who think> athiests are automatically not patriots? The

charming man in kansas who'd> like nonchristians rounded up? The regular death

threats on PZ Meyers?>> >

> > Faith and God helps> > > Relaxing a bit and cutting ur listmates a break

helps> > too> > > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile> > >> > > [Non-text portions

of this message have been removed]> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > [Non-text portions

of this message have been removed]> >> >> >> >> >> > [Non-text portions of this

message have been removed]>> [Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]>> >

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LOL, an act of congress may not even stop it ;)

I'm sure you didn't see it causing these ripples, I know if you had, you

would not have sent it... I don't see you as a person around to stir up

trouble :)

Don't worry, it will soon pass.


> I never thought it would cause such a drama I sent it to 2 other groups

> I am in and not one email like these and no they aint all Christian groups.

> Just groups of adults who read it or delete it.


> I am not saying no one is entitled to there say but wow I didnt think we

> would need an act of congress to declare end of debate.





> > > > Faith and God helps

> > > > Relaxing a bit and cutting ur listmates a break helps

> > > too

> > > > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

> > > >

> > > >

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LOL trouble finds me well enough on its own without stirring it up. I much

prefer to hide under my desk than stir the pot.


> > > > Faith and God helps

> > > > Relaxing a bit and cutting ur listmates a break helps

> > > too

> > > > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

> > > >

> > > >

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See I was blonde today and didnt even read that bit for me it was the part that

was thinking about friends that made me send it on.


Ah well live and learn hey


> > > Faith and God helps> > >

Relaxing a bit and cutting ur listmates a break helps> > too> > > Sent via

BlackBerry from T-Mobile> > >> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]> >> >> >> >> >> > [Non-text portions of this message have been


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Chez , sitting here watching my 4yr old stimming in the lounge at 1017pm at

night after her waking us at 4am this morning , oh yeah , I can see why we

wouldnt be alone in the bottom of a wine glass. I am glad I have something else

and know alcohol wont change nothing at the end of the day and usually start the

next day even worse. I cant imagine dealing with my daughter with a hangover.

ugh at the thought


Knock, Knock I knocked at heaven's

door this morning. God asked me...'My child, what can I do for you?' And I said,

'Father, please protect and bless the person reading this message.' God smiled

and answered...' Request granted'. If you believe, send this to seven people and

the one who sent it to you. By doing this, you have succeeded in praying for

eight people today. 'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting

some kind of battle.' THIS IS PRETTY NEAT. 93 % won't forward this? [Non-text

portions of this

message have been removed]Win a MacBook Air or iPod touch with Yahoo!7.

http://au.docs. yahoo.com/ homepageset[ Non-text portions of this message have

been removed] ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

_Net yourself a bargain. Find great deals on eBay.http:// a.ninemsn. com.au/b.

aspx?URL= http%3A%2F% 2Frover%2Eebay% 2Ecom%2Frover% 2F1%2F705% 2D10129%2D5668%

2D323%2F4% 3Fid%3D10 & _t=763807330 & _r=hotmailTAGLIN ES & _m=EXT[Non- text

portions of this message have been removed]Win a MacBook Air or iPod touch with

Yahoo!7. http://au.docs. yahoo.com/ homepageset[Non-text portions of this

message have been removed]

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Are you paid what you're worth? Find out: SEEK Salary Centre

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3Asc%3Anine% 3A0%3Ahot% 3Atext & _t= 764565661 & _r=OCT07_ endtext_salary & _m=EXT

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People should have the right to say whatever they feel like saying, pagan,

christian or whatever. Let people be themselves and stop beating them up,

dealing with autism is hard enough!

> Faith and God helps

> Relaxing a bit and cutting ur listmates a break helps too

> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile



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People should have the right to say whatever they feel like saying, pagan,

christian or whatever. Let people be themselves and stop beating them up,

dealing with autism is hard enough!

> Faith and God helps

> Relaxing a bit and cutting ur listmates a break helps too

> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile



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Amen, ! I'm very clear that I've been BLESSED with my little girl (PDD

NOS). My wife and I get it now, after raising two other girls that raising

children is MINISTRY! It's ministry. It's about loving on someone with all

your heart, not about 'being the boss' and 'because I'm the Dad, that's

why'. A lot of folks think love is the feeling you have for someone. Love

without ACTION is NOTHING but a feeling. If there isn't FRUIT from that

feeling of love you have, then there's really no love at all.just a feeling,

and a selfish feeling, at that.

Good word, !!

The Whole Truth

Nothing But the Truth

So Help Me God...


From: Autism_in_Girls

[mailto:Autism_in_Girls ] On Behalf Of West

Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 4:17 AM

To: Autism_in_Girls

Subject: RE: knock

Hi Cheryl I think every honest person on this list and looked to Heavan and

screamed why me? Funny how we say me , rather than my child. I used to get

so angry my ex sisterinlaw drank smoked ate rubbish food when pregnant and

has 6 healthy kids. Me I followed every rule didnt drink smoke eat bad foods

gained the right weight etc etc breast fed everything they said to do to

have a healthy child. I had a stillborn son , a preemie son a daughter with

a heart problem a son with Aspergers Immune Deficiencies heart issues and

his list goes on. And through my faith I have come to realise God dont make

mistakes if my sister in law had had any my kids they would be in state care

or worse. God picks special parents for special kids and to me it seems He

doesnt mind if you choose not to acknowledge Him for He loves you and your

kids anyway. In no way am I saying I am special , I dont feel no more

special than anyone else. But my kids are special and if it means me

parenting them in a special way then so be it.

I know without my faith I would probably be dealing with it at the bottom of

a wine glass. But thats just me.

Knock, Knock I knocked at

heaven's door this morning. God asked me...'My child, what can I do for

you?' And I said, 'Father, please protect and bless the person reading this

message.' God smiled and answered...' Request granted'. If you believe, send

this to seven people and the one who sent it to you. By doing this, you have

succeeded in praying for eight people today. 'Be kinder than necessary, for

everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.' THIS IS PRETTY NEAT. 93

% won't forward this? [Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]Win a MacBook Air or iPod touch with Yahoo!7. http://au.docs.

yahoo.com/ homepageset

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Amen, ! I'm very clear that I've been BLESSED with my little girl (PDD

NOS). My wife and I get it now, after raising two other girls that raising

children is MINISTRY! It's ministry. It's about loving on someone with all

your heart, not about 'being the boss' and 'because I'm the Dad, that's

why'. A lot of folks think love is the feeling you have for someone. Love

without ACTION is NOTHING but a feeling. If there isn't FRUIT from that

feeling of love you have, then there's really no love at all.just a feeling,

and a selfish feeling, at that.

Good word, !!

The Whole Truth

Nothing But the Truth

So Help Me God...


From: Autism_in_Girls

[mailto:Autism_in_Girls ] On Behalf Of West

Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 4:17 AM

To: Autism_in_Girls

Subject: RE: knock

Hi Cheryl I think every honest person on this list and looked to Heavan and

screamed why me? Funny how we say me , rather than my child. I used to get

so angry my ex sisterinlaw drank smoked ate rubbish food when pregnant and

has 6 healthy kids. Me I followed every rule didnt drink smoke eat bad foods

gained the right weight etc etc breast fed everything they said to do to

have a healthy child. I had a stillborn son , a preemie son a daughter with

a heart problem a son with Aspergers Immune Deficiencies heart issues and

his list goes on. And through my faith I have come to realise God dont make

mistakes if my sister in law had had any my kids they would be in state care

or worse. God picks special parents for special kids and to me it seems He

doesnt mind if you choose not to acknowledge Him for He loves you and your

kids anyway. In no way am I saying I am special , I dont feel no more

special than anyone else. But my kids are special and if it means me

parenting them in a special way then so be it.

I know without my faith I would probably be dealing with it at the bottom of

a wine glass. But thats just me.

Knock, Knock I knocked at

heaven's door this morning. God asked me...'My child, what can I do for

you?' And I said, 'Father, please protect and bless the person reading this

message.' God smiled and answered...' Request granted'. If you believe, send

this to seven people and the one who sent it to you. By doing this, you have

succeeded in praying for eight people today. 'Be kinder than necessary, for

everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.' THIS IS PRETTY NEAT. 93

% won't forward this? [Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]Win a MacBook Air or iPod touch with Yahoo!7. http://au.docs.

yahoo.com/ homepageset

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> LOL trouble finds me well enough on its own without stirring it up. I

much prefer to hide under my desk than stir the pot.



I to so much have of this same issues. I to sometimes can repond

quickly to some things and other days not so quick and when I to react

and or respond or just be of self I to find self into trouble that I to

did not do with intent to cause issues. I to may of lacked ability to

know how my reaction or words or thinking might cause others to react

to me for things. when they react to me in a strong negative for

somethings I to lack that is of crushing and hurtful to me because it

was not of my intent to cause any to get of hurt or angry.

I to hope the sharing of my words on the prologue things of my book did

not offend it was not meaned to cause any to be forced of religion it

was of my OWN personal understand of my own faith and beliefs and how I

to personally see of my world.

but like others to say if it is of types of words one does not like

then simply hit of delete and watch the subject line and just not read

of them.


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> LOL trouble finds me well enough on its own without stirring it up. I

much prefer to hide under my desk than stir the pot.



I to so much have of this same issues. I to sometimes can repond

quickly to some things and other days not so quick and when I to react

and or respond or just be of self I to find self into trouble that I to

did not do with intent to cause issues. I to may of lacked ability to

know how my reaction or words or thinking might cause others to react

to me for things. when they react to me in a strong negative for

somethings I to lack that is of crushing and hurtful to me because it

was not of my intent to cause any to get of hurt or angry.

I to hope the sharing of my words on the prologue things of my book did

not offend it was not meaned to cause any to be forced of religion it

was of my OWN personal understand of my own faith and beliefs and how I

to personally see of my world.

but like others to say if it is of types of words one does not like

then simply hit of delete and watch the subject line and just not read

of them.


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Hi , I've not been on this girls group too long, but have to chime in here

and say thank you for the prayers. It would be a sad, sad, lost world if we

could not have faith and hope and God to keep us strong and focused. If anyone

on the group is interested in a daily prayer for autism go to


Kathy H.

Re: knock

Eeeek sorry guys if I knew it would cause this much drama I would never of sent

it. To me as a Christian it was a way of saying I pray for my online friends.

Not trying to get people into churchs or preach my belief's. I do believe each

to there own.

Sorry again it was about saying I care not what church do you attend.

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Hi , I've not been on this girls group too long, but have to chime in here

and say thank you for the prayers. It would be a sad, sad, lost world if we

could not have faith and hope and God to keep us strong and focused. If anyone

on the group is interested in a daily prayer for autism go to


Kathy H.

Re: knock

Eeeek sorry guys if I knew it would cause this much drama I would never of sent

it. To me as a Christian it was a way of saying I pray for my online friends.

Not trying to get people into churchs or preach my belief's. I do believe each

to there own.

Sorry again it was about saying I care not what church do you attend.

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boy, glad I went camping this weekend! I see a ton of postings but

don't know what they're about, assuming it's a big fight. If I'm

posting after ending, please forgive me.

I agree with the person who said religion is not set tu cure any man

but to free from things than bind. I have to say since I accepted

Christ, I have never felt freer. Getting married and accepting Jesus

have been incredibly freeing for me.

But I'm in no way trying to convert anyone. God gave us all free

choice and I believe that it is not my place to force Him on anyone,

I need to spend as much time as I can focusing on my own issues but

hope I can from time to time be a light for others. I hope at some

point He can show through me, those short times I allow Him to. And

I must say, I truly believe I would have been dead from a broken

heart by now were it not Him showing me my own ignorance and

shallowness when my daughter got sick, but loved me through all my

ignorance and shallowness. I hope I can others and others can me.

Like that wonderful recording of the man trying to describe

Jesus...I just can't get my mind around Him, He's more than I

thought, I can't put Him in a box and I can't get enough.




> In a message dated 8/31/08 7:21:48 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> hfa2@... writes:


> religion is not set to cure any man but to free them from the


> that bind them.



> interesting way of wording

> eric abbys dad




> **************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find

your travel

> deal here.

> (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)




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boy, glad I went camping this weekend! I see a ton of postings but

don't know what they're about, assuming it's a big fight. If I'm

posting after ending, please forgive me.

I agree with the person who said religion is not set tu cure any man

but to free from things than bind. I have to say since I accepted

Christ, I have never felt freer. Getting married and accepting Jesus

have been incredibly freeing for me.

But I'm in no way trying to convert anyone. God gave us all free

choice and I believe that it is not my place to force Him on anyone,

I need to spend as much time as I can focusing on my own issues but

hope I can from time to time be a light for others. I hope at some

point He can show through me, those short times I allow Him to. And

I must say, I truly believe I would have been dead from a broken

heart by now were it not Him showing me my own ignorance and

shallowness when my daughter got sick, but loved me through all my

ignorance and shallowness. I hope I can others and others can me.

Like that wonderful recording of the man trying to describe

Jesus...I just can't get my mind around Him, He's more than I

thought, I can't put Him in a box and I can't get enough.




> In a message dated 8/31/08 7:21:48 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> hfa2@... writes:


> religion is not set to cure any man but to free them from the


> that bind them.



> interesting way of wording

> eric abbys dad




> **************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find

your travel

> deal here.

> (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)




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Thanks Kathy I will definately take a look at the site.


Subject: Re: knock

To: Autism_in_Girls

Received: Tuesday, 2 September, 2008, 3:49 AM

Hi , I've not been on this girls group too long, but have to chime in here

and say thank you for the prayers. It would be a sad, sad, lost world if we

could not have faith and hope and God to keep us strong and focused. If anyone

on the group is interested in a daily prayer for autism go to

www.childrenofdesti ny.org

Kathy H.

Re: knock

Eeeek sorry guys if I knew it would cause this much drama I would never of sent

it. To me as a Christian it was a way of saying I pray for my online friends.

Not trying to get people into churchs or preach my belief's. I do believe each

to there own.

Sorry again it was about saying I care not what church do you attend.

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