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- RA flare up

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Hi ,

I'm sorry to hear about your RA flare ups this year. No fun at all I'm sure. I'm cranky when my back hurts and that is probably nothing near what you feel!

Take care,


From: <nancydewolf@...>Subject: Re: Re: Donna/ pre workout intake Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 10:48 PM

I usually eat before working out (waiting about an hour before I workout). Friday, however, I have to fast for a blood draw and am going to try and workout right after I get up, around 6:15 AM, just to fill some time between getting up for school and 8 AM which is the earliest I can get my blood drawn. Plus, I'll get it out of the way and then can spend the entire rest of the day working on my taxes which I've been avoiding for much too long. I'm doing a FIRM cardio workout Friday, can't remember which one right now but I think Fat Blaster. It is 45 minutes long. Hopefully, I can make it through it without food, we'll see though.

story behind the blood draw: I had my yearly physical and womanly exam on Monday with my general practitioner. All is VERY well overall and since the doc didn't see a need for full cholesterol, etc. screening last year she decided to do it this year so I have to fast for that. (Only problem is my rheumatoid arthritis was really bad a lot during the last 12 months and while it isn't terrible right now I am finally willing to say I am tired of living with pain. Some kind of discomfort is just a regular part of my life I ignore most of the time but severe pain and impairment was a too often companion last year. I never know when it will flare and when it does, I never know how bad it will get and if the flare will end. I'm in a mild flare right now and don't know if it will get worse. Perhaps a doc can stop it before it does. Depression, anxiety and mind numbing fatigue are all parts of really bad flares too. I finally gave

in and agreed to get a referral to a rheumatologist. .. I hate, hate, hate RA meds but 2009 was very tough management-wise without anything stronger than motrin and that doesn't even touch it when it is bad. I tried calling the referral today but the office closed before I called so I promised myself I'd call again tomorrow and make an appointment. ugh.)

Re: Donna/ pre workout intake

See I'm the total opposite. I have to have eaten recently or I get lightheaded or pass out.Stupid blood sugar.I'm a night owl, so I workout best in the evening. I come home from work, eat, relax for about 30 minutes or so and then workout at about 7 or so.Tonight I'm still feeling sickly so CLX P1 is out. Fonda came in the mail though. ;-)a> > >> >> > Wow, great workouts . I always have coffee after my workout - I get> > up around 4:30. If I drink coffee before my w/o I always feel like i'm> > gonna barf. I can't eat either for the same reason! Although I bet my> > workuts would be better w/ the caffeine boost!> >> > Donna> >>

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