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Lab results

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> Jim, at least your T level has increased some. I would either

consider the injections or try the patch or the HCG. I was on the

gel for a little over a month and my T level dropped to below where

I was before starting any TRT. I dislike the patch but it is doing

the job getting me up to 634. I too had the depression and feeling

that I could not do anything right. The loss of confidence was a big

factor in my job. My Dr started me on Wellbutrin, and I am now

feeling much better and even have some libido again. The Dr said

that depression will strangle libido. I will say I have at least

some libido since starting the AD, where I had none before. I too

would like to start HCG and I am going to bring this up with my Endo

next month. The gel shrivelled my balls to nothing. The patch is

working for the moment.Good luck and keep me informed if you start

>HCG and let us know how that goes.


I tried the patch in the fall, and it didn't seem to do much. I quit

smoking at that time, cut way back on the beer. I also quit taking

my ADs and Adderal, but I've decided to start back on the Wellbutrin

at a half-dose.

I have a hard time measuring my libido. Since I don't have much

confidence these days I'm not asking anyone out (my last date was in

August) and not being in a relationship I can't tell if my libido

has changed much. I guess I'm, um, taking care of things more than I

used to. I'm not nearly as concerned about my libido as my

depression, self-esteem, energy level, weight, mental acuity, etc. I

suspect that if those things improve my libido will take care of

itself, and the few relationships I've been in during the past 5

years were sexually satisfying both for me and my partner.

My endo has me going in for a sperm test, I think in order to get

some data to back up prescribing HCG. I had high hopes for T

therapy - still do, I'm just not quite as optimistic.


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>From: " jimevans_2000 " <jimevans_2000@...>



>Subject: Re: Lab results

>Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 03:42:02 -0000



>My endo - located in Gwinnett County, Georgia - seems pretty good to

>me, just a tad conservative. The fact that he's very open to HCG for

>me I felt was a positive sign. He switched me from AD to AG when i

>asked him to, he's responsive to my concerns about testicular

>atrophy, agreed to start monitoring my E levels, and I think he'll

>be okay with Arimidex if I point out the literature about proper E

>levels. He listens to me and responds well. I think I lucked out

>with him, the first endo I tried.

That's great that he listens and responds well. Not common among

doctor's I've worked with.

>I suspect you're right. I don't know if my weight itself has gone up

>or down, but I know my clothes are tighter, my rings are tighter,

>and my face looks heavier.

Gee, that's exactly what happens to my wife when she retains water

during certain parts of her monthly cycle.

Good luck!



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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Rupal,

Your current labs show that you're hypothyroid. This is because your ATD dose

was too high.

If you stopped taking it and still have active GD, your thyroid hormone

levels would eventually rise. The dose should be reduced slowly, but eventually

after the first 8 weeks, most everyone can be maintained on 2.5-10.0 mg

methimazole daily. You need to stay on meds until your immune system no long


TSI. TSI are the thyroid antibodies that cause hyperthyroidism in GD. Take

care, Elaine

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  • 1 month later...

hi...recently my doc has put me on a course of valtrex (antiviral) beacuase

of some puzzling symptoms. this drug is usally used for herpes family of

virus ( and i have none that i know of) but is also i wide spectrum antiviral.


am also on clindy, mino, flagyl. but after a few days of the valtrex my sore

throat, achey hands, stiff neck, lowgrade fever, have all subsided. it is now

day 6 free of these things. after one year of these symptoms i am soooooo

happy. he is also gonna give me zithromax to bring down my ASO titer (strep).

it is a little high. smetimes it is more than one organism causing troubles.

hope this helps!! i would ask him about doing a course of an antiviral to

rule out the compliaction of a virus. take care.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, ette,

Sally here-I know lots of people do the Flagyl, but when I did it, I had a

really hard time with it and Dr. Mirkin saw I'd been taking it when under

the rheumy's care who would not switch me from Doxy to Mino. When he saw it

he said " Do you realize that can cause arthritis? " I had read that joint

pain was a common side effect....

I also took Biaxin under my rheumy and, of course, am taking Mino and

Zithromax, under my current doc's care which was Dr. Mirkin's protocol. All

of the aforementioned are antibiotics.

Hate to hear about the pain and disability returning-I always feel that the

horror of this disease is knocking at my door.


Sally in Little Rock

rheumatic Lab Results

> Hi,


> I've been on minocin for 11 years. First 10 years - I did great. This

past year was very difficult. Maybe minocin stopped helping. Then I added

Nizoral and flagyl 3 x a week. It seems to be helping. However, my blood

work continues to be puzzling. My c reactive protein level is very high and

my sed rate is high. I am still feeling stiff and my hand is very sore. I

seem to need a lot of sleep - 10 hours. My energy is good during the day.


> Dr. Whitman changed minocin in the PM to doxy. Minocin in the AM. Flagyl

3 x a week and nizoral 3 x a week. I also take milk thistle and I am going

to try adding oil of oreganol, which Dr. Whitman said I should try every

other day.


> Any other ideas would be appreciated.


> Thanks,

> ette




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On Saturday, October 11, 2003, at 03:38 PM, tess_northwest@...


> Hi...my rheumy sent my lab results...

> HA1C 4.9 (4.0-6.0) - this is excellent!!! It is in the normal range for

> non-diabetics!!!


Tess, that is a fantastic A1c! You go, girl! In spite of all the stress

you've been through lately, you have still managed to keep control of

the diabetes monster.

My recent A1c was the lowest it's ever been: 4.8 (normal 4.5-6.4). It

had been in the low 5's previously. I wanted to get in the 4's once

just to prove that I could!

Diabetes is way easier than RA, in my opinion. At least there are

measures you can take to deal with it.


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Good for you on the glyco (HA1C). Your diet has helped!

From a lab perspective, the sedrate and CRP are definately elevated, but

hopefully, when you get back to the meds, they'll go down. Your Hgb is low and

even though having a lower hgb is normal with RA, I'd ask your doctor about iron

supplement, if you aren't already on them. Post surgery this would be common

too. (Hct, etc, are all related to the anemia. RDW being up means there are both

small red cells and large red cells, instead of the more normal " mostly all the

same size " ones) because your body is trying to make new ones, since your red

cells and hemoglobin are low

As far as the other test go, the lymphs are fine, just a normal variation. The

bilirubin and AST are liver function tests, which are on the lower side, which

is good news. Means your meds aren't affecting your liver, because that would

make them go up.


[ ] lab results

Hi...my rheumy sent my lab results...

HA1C 4.9 (4.0-6.0) - this is excellent!!! It is in the normal range for


All the rest are in the normal range except:

C Reactive Protein 3.9 (0.0-1.8)

Sed Rate 107 (0-20)

HGB 9.9 (11.7-15.7)

HCT 30.5 (34.9-46.9)

MCV 79.9 (80.0-100.0)

MCH 26.0 (26.4-34.0)

RDW 18.4 (11.5-14.5)

Lymphocytes 19.0 (20.0-53.0)

Sodium 136 (137-145)

Bilirubin 0.2 (0.4-1.1)

AST (SGOT) 9 (11-39)



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Woo hoo! Way to go! I'll bet you feel like you just got an A+ on an

important exam! I'm proud of you little sis!


> Hi...my rheumy sent my lab results...

> HA1C 4.9 (4.0-6.0) - this is excellent!!! It is in the normal range


> non-diabetics!!!


> All the rest are in the normal range except:

> C Reactive Protein 3.9 (0.0-1.8)

> Sed Rate 107 (0-20)

> HGB 9.9 (11.7-15.7)

> HCT 30.5 (34.9-46.9)

> MCV 79.9 (80.0-100.0)

> MCH 26.0 (26.4-34.0)

> RDW 18.4 (11.5-14.5)

> Lymphocytes 19.0 (20.0-53.0)

> Sodium 136 (137-145)

> Bilirubin 0.2 (0.4-1.1)

> AST (SGOT) 9 (11-39)


> Love...


> Tess

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  • 1 month later...


Thanks, The Dr. we are using supposedly specializes in XXY and has been

treating a few others for over 20 years. We didn't know where to start and got

referred to him thru another online email group. I am going in armed with more

information next visit. Thanks,


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Hi LaVonne,

> Hi,


> My husband was recently told he has 47 xxy He started taking

> 1cc 200 mg of Testosterone injected and his Endocrinologist

> says to do that once a month until we see a change.

Once a month is nonsense. The injections only have a life of two weeks!

>His lab

> results got mailed to me per my request and here is what they

> show. Any help with interpretation would be appreciated.


> Oh, My husband is 45 years old and in pretty good health.

> He's 6' 5 " and about 260 lbs.


> Ok


> These are the results at the bottom of the DYNA CARE LAB SHEET


> ALT 41

> AST 25

> Alk Ptase 82

> TSH 1.03

> FSH Serum 51.3

This one demonstrates that there is a serious Testosterone Deficiency.


> Testosterone, Tot Srm 180

As does this.

> I don't know where to find the estrogen level or if they even

> ran one. The top of the sheet says CBC with Differential,

> Comp Metabolic Panel, TSH, FSH, Testosterone, Tot Srm


> I think they must have indicated he was female since along

> side some of his levels it shows the normal range for female

> The FSH shows Female normal ranges and says he is

> Postmenopausal range which is 25.8 - 150.5 Then they wrote

> in Male FSH 1.4 - 13.6 and Testosterone 241 - 827

Yes. I guess the software isn't up to scratch. Men do have FSH and all

the other hormones and they are useful markers.

In order to measure Testosterone's cycle properly, LH and FSH should be

measured in conjunction with Serum Testosterone.

Prolactin is also advised, as is SHBG.

When there is sufficient Testosterone both LH and FSH should read close

to 2.

I hope this helps,


Nick O'Hara


The Androids Testosterone Deficiency Center

Web: www.androids.org.uk

Associate Editor:

The Testicular Cancer Resource Center

Web: tcrc.acor.org

+44 (0)208 230 6869

> Any help interpretting this or any thought as to what other

> numbers I should look at?


> Thanks,


> LaVonne




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I am not xxy, but I don't see why our case is any different. 1 cc of

200 once a month is pathetically too little. This doctor may have

been treating xxy for 20 years, but in this case that is not

necessarilly a good thing. He has probably been overly conservative

for those twenty years and may be stuck in his ways. I am taking

nearly 200 once a week, just have to watch out for estrogen

conversion (should be taking arimidex with the shots if his

estradiol test high). 200 once a month will leave his testosterone

level WAY below normal for the bulk of the month and will not solve

the problem. 200 once every two weeks is much more sensible and

reasonable, 120 every week is even more ideal and is also

reasonable. The more testosterone he can get into his system, the

better off he will be, as long as he gets his estradiol checked and


Note, your Doctor appears to be quite old school and caught up in

dated ways that he doesn't even bother to get estradiol checked...

unfortunately, finding a good doctor who is PROGRESSIVE in hormone

therapy, follows the LATEST trends etc. is not always the easiest

task. Ask yourself, just because he is starting with a low level, is

there any reason why they should replace it so it just hits

the " normal " range, which means WAY lower than average for his age

group. In my opinion, everyone on testosterone replacement should

get as much testosterone as they need to feel good as long as they

don't go way above the normal range. That normally means getting T

levels in the 750s + and keeping them there. The benefits can be

tremendous, but only with a Doctor who is focused on making the

patient feel great, not a Doctor focused on just doing barely

enough. That's my opinion anyway...

Might want to consider Androgel at 7.5 or 10 G per day. It is good

stuff and works well for allot of guys.

> Phil,


> Thanks, The Dr. we are using supposedly specializes in XXY and

has been treating a few others for over 20 years. We didn't know

where to start and got referred to him thru another online email

group. I am going in armed with more information next visit.



> LaVonne




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Ask yourself, just because he is starting with a low level, is

> there any reason why they should replace it so it just hits

> the " normal " range, which means WAY lower than average for his age

> group. In my opinion, everyone on testosterone replacement should

> get as much testosterone as they need to feel good as long as they

> don't go way above the normal range.

I have to say I see the point here where long term Hypogonadism has been

a problem.

Having said that:

I am pretty sure I suffered long term Hypogonadism, (delayed puberty

then bilateral Testicular cancer 20 years later) and probably suffered

long term physical effects. I can't tell because it was so long ago and

the TRT over 16 years prevents analysis now.

I guess if somebody had said when I got TC, " look your body has been

Testosterone deficient for X years so we need to overdose you to make up

for it " , I'd have accepted it blindly. Now I am not so sure.

My rationale is that my body had been out of whack ever since I was

born. I want it to be normal for me now. I don't care about the physical

elements, so much as I care about my metabolic balance. The body will be

better off it is in balance than if I try to rush its recovery. At 51 I

can honestly say I am very happy with my physical condition. I am 10

pounds heavier than I was at 35, but I carry it easily and maintain an

active lifestyle.

If I overdose on Testosterone, I risk Estrogen imbalance and excess DHT

in certain circumstances.

Health risks are attached to both.

I do not want to take compensators if I can avoid it.

There are other potential health effects to overdosing, not least an

increased risk of cardio problems.

I think it right to get the T level correct for the individual, using

both blood tests and patient response as a guide.

I hope this helps,


Nick O'Hara


The Androids Testosterone Deficiency Center

Web: www.androids.org.uk

Associate Editor:

The Testicular Cancer Resource Center

Web: tcrc.acor.org

+44 (0)208 230 6869

>That normally means getting T

> levels in the 750s + and keeping them there. The benefits can be

> tremendous, but only with a Doctor who is focused on making the

> patient feel great, not a Doctor focused on just doing barely

> enough. That's my opinion anyway...


> Might want to consider Androgel at 7.5 or 10 G per day. It is good

> stuff and works well for allot of guys.



> > Phil,

> >

> > Thanks, The Dr. we are using supposedly specializes in XXY and

> has been treating a few others for over 20 years. We didn't know

> where to start and got referred to him thru another online email

> group. I am going in armed with more information next visit.

> Thanks,

> >

> > LaVonne

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Nick,

I see your point. From my side of the fence, I am 27 and for me, I

feel pretty good when I have allot of it! As most 27 year olds might

feel. I don't want to overdose either, but High Normal sounds about

right to me. Of course, we are all different and there is no one

solution that is best for everyone... unfortunately! It would be

nice if it were that easy.



> > > Phil,

> > >

> > > Thanks, The Dr. we are using supposedly specializes in XXY and

> > has been treating a few others for over 20 years. We didn't


> > where to start and got referred to him thru another online email

> > group. I am going in armed with more information next visit.

> > Thanks,

> > >

> > > LaVonne

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hi Armyguy,

I absolutely agree that each person's individual requirements differ.

A responsible attitude towards our condition can only help get this

subject out from under the rug and into the surgeries where it belongs.

I'm not offering criticism at all, just making sure we can avoid being

called testosterone abusers.

It's the last thing we need considering all the rubbish in the media.

Best wishes,


Nick O'Hara


The Androids Testosterone Deficiency Center

Web: www.androids.org.uk

Associate Editor:

The Testicular Cancer Resource Center

Web: tcrc.acor.org

+44 (0)208 230 6869

> Hi Nick,


> I see your point. From my side of the fence, I am 27 and for me, I

> feel pretty good when I have allot of it! As most 27 year olds might

> feel. I don't want to overdose either, but High Normal sounds about

> right to me. Of course, we are all different and there is no one

> solution that is best for everyone... unfortunately! It would be

> nice if it were that easy.


> Cheers,

> armyguy



> > > > Phil,

> > > >

> > > > Thanks, The Dr. we are using supposedly specializes in XXY and

> > > has been treating a few others for over 20 years. We didn't

> know

> > > where to start and got referred to him thru another online email

> > > group. I am going in armed with more information next visit.

> > > Thanks,

> > > >

> > > > LaVonne

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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  • 2 months later...

Hello ,

Gosh you seem way to young (your my age by the way!) to have RA! My mother

has that and will not go to a dr. because she doesn't want to be put on

prescription meds that have contraindications and might make other things

worse...wish they had an " armour " like drug for RA! Seems to me that your TSH

is too

high and that your tiredness probably stems from being Hypo. The sooner you


charge of your own illness the better.

That may require going to a different doctor......The synthetic thyroid meds

like synthroid are associated with bone loss and osteoperosis. My mom also has

osteoperosis and believe me you don't want to have that on top of your RA.

Hope that you learn a lot and arm yourself with it.... there are a lot of girls

here that are so unbelievably knowlegeable here that I feel blessed being in

this group, I know you will too!

Warm Regards,


> Hi all -

> I've been a lurker for a while - going through the saga of

> hypothyroid like many of you.

> A little about me....

> I'm 41, have known I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) for 3+ years.

> Have erosion in my toes & function very well, with birkinstocks &

> comfy sneakers - the RA is under control with Methotrexate, Enbrel,

> Sufasalazine, & I also take 3-5 1 mg. of folic acid each day to

> counter act the methotrexate & sulfasalazine. I'll be getting rid of

> the sulfasalazine soon....


> In August of 2002 I had an IUD inserted due to not being able to take

> B/C Pills - (I get occular migraines) & my Rheumatologist had told me

> while taking the methotrexate, if I ever were to become preganant

> she'd ask me to terminate. I already have 2 children (age 18 & 19)

> and did not want to have any more ....In January of 2003 I began

> spotting.... & had heavy cycles...thought it was the IUD. It went on

> for a couple of months, called my ob/gyn...they said that was not

> normal, went in for an exam & an internal ultrasound, all A o.k. -

> went for blood work - - we have a diagnosis for you.... you have

> hypothyroidism.

> Went to see the Endo - couldn't get in until July. Started 50 mg of

> Levoxyl, bumped up to 75 2 months later, bumped up to 88 2 months

> later, bumped up to 100 in January of 2004. Then I got a call last

> week from the Endo's office. The dr. was looking at recent bloodwork

> & wanted me to go up to Levoxyl 112. I asked for a copy of my

> bloodwork. I received it Saturday and it was dated 9/19/03. I had

> had bloodwork after this on 11/25/2003 & 1/6/2004. I called and

> inquired - I guess they received updated bloodwork from PathLabs for

> all of my prior bloodwork, with a modified result.... & only gave me a

> copy of the September bloodwork. The doctor reviewed all results &

> decided I should go up to Levoxyl 112.

> I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them? I know they

> changed the reference guidelines not too long ago - but this seems

> strange! They did ask me to not go to PathLabs anymore.

> My September results are:

> Hypothyroid Profile

> T-Uptake © results 1.31 H reference values 0.75-1.23

> T-4, Total Thyroxine © results 10.2, reference values 4.5-12-0

> FTI, Free Thyroxine Index © results 13.4 H reference values 5.0-12.0

> Under that it has, Amended report Original result: 7.8 date 9/20/2003

> Modified result: 13.4 date 1/30/2004

> TSH, Thyrotropin © results 4.68, reference values uU/mL 0.35-5.50


> I have no idea as to what all this means - any help understanding

> would be greatly appreciated!


> I know a lot of people do not go by labs - I asked if the Dr.

> prescribes " natural " thyroid hormone & the office person said no :o(


> My cycles have improved slightly...and I feel more energetic - but

> tire easily. I have dry skin, always cold, dark circles under my

> eyes & I get a head rush sometimes when I stand up - feels like my

> head is caving in & what bugs me the most is my lack of

> motivation.....for cooking & simple tasks... & for enjoying some of

> the simple things in life, like going out at night - I'm ready for

> bed at 8:00 & I long to have the energy to want to do things at

> night - like go to concerts, etc.! Know what I mean?


> I eat in the Zone for most meals (balance of favorable carbs &

> protein http://www.zoneperfect.com/Site/Content/index.asp) I have

> eaten that way for over 5 years which probably is why I haven't

> gained all that much with the hypo. I was very angry when I found

> out that soy is awful for thyroid function. I had been using soy

> protein powder with my a.m. oatmeal & drank soy milk, ugh! Now my

> daughter calls me the soy police :o) ....I walk 2 miles in 30 mins,

> 5 X's per week.


> Well that's my story - it's nice to know that I have company with all

> this fun stuff going on!!!!! Guess I just had to vent a bit! I go

> for repeat blood work beginning of March & will be sure to get a

> copy.... & won't go to PathLabs!

> take care,





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So sorry to hear about all your pain---a lot of people with untreated

thyroid only find out when they have other diseases and you are one

of them. RA is a member of autoimmune diseases check and see if you

also have Hashimoto's thyroid as well---ask if you have that kind.

Go back to my post on autoimmune diseases and you can read up on


Also if you use armour you will have some relief with your RA---some

do. I know that is hard to believe but the natural hormone will

relieve some of the arthritic pain.

I have OA in my knees and since I've been on glandulars I have

noticed a big difference. If I were you I would try it and see if it

would help. No harm in trying. Some with Hashimoto's can have trouble

with armour but only a rare few--so it's worth a try.

You are very young to have RA--trust me on this one---get natural

armour or natural glandulars and try them first---go back and read

all the posts--this will help you!!! take care tina

> Hi all -

> I've been a lurker for a while - going through the saga of

> hypothyroid like many of you.

> A little about me....

> I'm 41, have known I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) for 3+ years.

> Have erosion in my toes & function very well, with birkinstocks &

> comfy sneakers - the RA is under control with Methotrexate,


> Sufasalazine, & I also take 3-5 1 mg. of folic acid each day to

> counter act the methotrexate & sulfasalazine. I'll be getting rid


> the sulfasalazine soon....


> In August of 2002 I had an IUD inserted due to not being able to


> B/C Pills - (I get occular migraines) & my Rheumatologist had told


> while taking the methotrexate, if I ever were to become preganant

> she'd ask me to terminate. I already have 2 children (age 18 & 19)

> and did not want to have any more ....In January of 2003 I began

> spotting.... & had heavy cycles...thought it was the IUD. It went


> for a couple of months, called my ob/gyn...they said that was not

> normal, went in for an exam & an internal ultrasound, all A o.k. -

> went for blood work - - we have a diagnosis for you.... you have

> hypothyroidism.

> Went to see the Endo - couldn't get in until July. Started 50 mg


> Levoxyl, bumped up to 75 2 months later, bumped up to 88 2 months

> later, bumped up to 100 in January of 2004. Then I got a call last

> week from the Endo's office. The dr. was looking at recent


> & wanted me to go up to Levoxyl 112. I asked for a copy of my

> bloodwork. I received it Saturday and it was dated 9/19/03. I had

> had bloodwork after this on 11/25/2003 & 1/6/2004. I called and

> inquired - I guess they received updated bloodwork from PathLabs


> all of my prior bloodwork, with a modified result.... & only gave me


> copy of the September bloodwork. The doctor reviewed all results &

> decided I should go up to Levoxyl 112.

> I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them? I know they

> changed the reference guidelines not too long ago - but this seems

> strange! They did ask me to not go to PathLabs anymore.

> My September results are:

> Hypothyroid Profile

> T-Uptake © results 1.31 H reference values 0.75-1.23

> T-4, Total Thyroxine © results 10.2, reference values 4.5-12-0

> FTI, Free Thyroxine Index © results 13.4 H reference values 5.0-


> Under that it has, Amended report Original result: 7.8 date


> Modified result: 13.4 date 1/30/2004

> TSH, Thyrotropin © results 4.68, reference values uU/mL 0.35-5.50


> I have no idea as to what all this means - any help understanding

> would be greatly appreciated!


> I know a lot of people do not go by labs - I asked if the Dr.

> prescribes " natural " thyroid hormone & the office person said no :o(


> My cycles have improved slightly...and I feel more energetic - but

> tire easily. I have dry skin, always cold, dark circles under my

> eyes & I get a head rush sometimes when I stand up - feels like my

> head is caving in & what bugs me the most is my lack of

> motivation.....for cooking & simple tasks... & for enjoying some of

> the simple things in life, like going out at night - I'm ready for

> bed at 8:00 & I long to have the energy to want to do things at

> night - like go to concerts, etc.! Know what I mean?


> I eat in the Zone for most meals (balance of favorable carbs &

> protein http://www.zoneperfect.com/Site/Content/index.asp) I have

> eaten that way for over 5 years which probably is why I haven't

> gained all that much with the hypo. I was very angry when I found

> out that soy is awful for thyroid function. I had been using soy

> protein powder with my a.m. oatmeal & drank soy milk, ugh! Now my

> daughter calls me the soy police :o) ....I walk 2 miles in 30


> 5 X's per week.


> Well that's my story - it's nice to know that I have company with


> this fun stuff going on!!!!! Guess I just had to vent a bit! I go

> for repeat blood work beginning of March & will be sure to get a

> copy.... & won't go to PathLabs!

> take care,


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also test your tempertures in the mornings and Blood pressures---let

us know what they are when you wake up and throughout the day---

sounds like you also have adrenal problems when you stand up and are

dizzy this is a symptom as well. Also you need to be tested for

antibodies for the thyroid to see if you have Hashimoto's. Knowing

what kind you have can help you figure out how to treat it.

> Hi all -

> I've been a lurker for a while - going through the saga of

> hypothyroid like many of you.

> A little about me....

> I'm 41, have known I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) for 3+ years.

> Have erosion in my toes & function very well, with birkinstocks &

> comfy sneakers - the RA is under control with Methotrexate,


> Sufasalazine, & I also take 3-5 1 mg. of folic acid each day to

> counter act the methotrexate & sulfasalazine. I'll be getting rid


> the sulfasalazine soon....


> In August of 2002 I had an IUD inserted due to not being able to


> B/C Pills - (I get occular migraines) & my Rheumatologist had told


> while taking the methotrexate, if I ever were to become preganant

> she'd ask me to terminate. I already have 2 children (age 18 & 19)

> and did not want to have any more ....In January of 2003 I began

> spotting.... & had heavy cycles...thought it was the IUD. It went


> for a couple of months, called my ob/gyn...they said that was not

> normal, went in for an exam & an internal ultrasound, all A o.k. -

> went for blood work - - we have a diagnosis for you.... you have

> hypothyroidism.

> Went to see the Endo - couldn't get in until July. Started 50 mg


> Levoxyl, bumped up to 75 2 months later, bumped up to 88 2 months

> later, bumped up to 100 in January of 2004. Then I got a call last

> week from the Endo's office. The dr. was looking at recent


> & wanted me to go up to Levoxyl 112. I asked for a copy of my

> bloodwork. I received it Saturday and it was dated 9/19/03. I had

> had bloodwork after this on 11/25/2003 & 1/6/2004. I called and

> inquired - I guess they received updated bloodwork from PathLabs


> all of my prior bloodwork, with a modified result.... & only gave me


> copy of the September bloodwork. The doctor reviewed all results &

> decided I should go up to Levoxyl 112.

> I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them? I know they

> changed the reference guidelines not too long ago - but this seems

> strange! They did ask me to not go to PathLabs anymore.

> My September results are:

> Hypothyroid Profile

> T-Uptake © results 1.31 H reference values 0.75-1.23

> T-4, Total Thyroxine © results 10.2, reference values 4.5-12-0

> FTI, Free Thyroxine Index © results 13.4 H reference values 5.0-


> Under that it has, Amended report Original result: 7.8 date


> Modified result: 13.4 date 1/30/2004

> TSH, Thyrotropin © results 4.68, reference values uU/mL 0.35-5.50


> I have no idea as to what all this means - any help understanding

> would be greatly appreciated!


> I know a lot of people do not go by labs - I asked if the Dr.

> prescribes " natural " thyroid hormone & the office person said no :o(


> My cycles have improved slightly...and I feel more energetic - but

> tire easily. I have dry skin, always cold, dark circles under my

> eyes & I get a head rush sometimes when I stand up - feels like my

> head is caving in & what bugs me the most is my lack of

> motivation.....for cooking & simple tasks... & for enjoying some of

> the simple things in life, like going out at night - I'm ready for

> bed at 8:00 & I long to have the energy to want to do things at

> night - like go to concerts, etc.! Know what I mean?


> I eat in the Zone for most meals (balance of favorable carbs &

> protein http://www.zoneperfect.com/Site/Content/index.asp) I have

> eaten that way for over 5 years which probably is why I haven't

> gained all that much with the hypo. I was very angry when I found

> out that soy is awful for thyroid function. I had been using soy

> protein powder with my a.m. oatmeal & drank soy milk, ugh! Now my

> daughter calls me the soy police :o) ....I walk 2 miles in 30


> 5 X's per week.


> Well that's my story - it's nice to know that I have company with


> this fun stuff going on!!!!! Guess I just had to vent a bit! I go

> for repeat blood work beginning of March & will be sure to get a

> copy.... & won't go to PathLabs!

> take care,


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I have no clue what the lab tests mean,, I am thinking it looked normal on the

tsh, but what do i know- Lol- I am not good on lab results- I have to ask the

group what mine mean to---lol- anyways, My endo refused me natural thyroid meds

and I fired her!! My family doctor called in the prescribtion for me-- I hope

things go good for you-- I was the same way better then before but still got

tired easy when I was on synthroid, now I am on armour and my naps stoped!! oh

lord I have not had a nap in four days!! before I had to have one every day

girl!! armour is so much better in my opinion, so other people could disagree

but in my exsperince it is great!! oh I hope the everyone reads this I want to

let the whole group know that my doctor uped my armour to 60 mg!!!! I am happy--


<suser@...> wrote:Hi all -

I've been a lurker for a while - going through the saga of

hypothyroid like many of you.

A little about me....

I'm 41, have known I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) for 3+ years.

Have erosion in my toes & function very well, with birkinstocks &

comfy sneakers - the RA is under control with Methotrexate, Enbrel,

Sufasalazine, & I also take 3-5 1 mg. of folic acid each day to

counter act the methotrexate & sulfasalazine. I'll be getting rid of

the sulfasalazine soon....

In August of 2002 I had an IUD inserted due to not being able to take

B/C Pills - (I get occular migraines) & my Rheumatologist had told me

while taking the methotrexate, if I ever were to become preganant

she'd ask me to terminate. I already have 2 children (age 18 & 19)

and did not want to have any more ....In January of 2003 I began

spotting.... & had heavy cycles...thought it was the IUD. It went on

for a couple of months, called my ob/gyn...they said that was not

normal, went in for an exam & an internal ultrasound, all A o.k. -

went for blood work - - we have a diagnosis for you.... you have


Went to see the Endo - couldn't get in until July. Started 50 mg of

Levoxyl, bumped up to 75 2 months later, bumped up to 88 2 months

later, bumped up to 100 in January of 2004. Then I got a call last

week from the Endo's office. The dr. was looking at recent bloodwork

& wanted me to go up to Levoxyl 112. I asked for a copy of my

bloodwork. I received it Saturday and it was dated 9/19/03. I had

had bloodwork after this on 11/25/2003 & 1/6/2004. I called and

inquired - I guess they received updated bloodwork from PathLabs for

all of my prior bloodwork, with a modified result.... & only gave me a

copy of the September bloodwork. The doctor reviewed all results &

decided I should go up to Levoxyl 112.

I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them? I know they

changed the reference guidelines not too long ago - but this seems

strange! They did ask me to not go to PathLabs anymore.

My September results are:

Hypothyroid Profile

T-Uptake © results 1.31 H reference values 0.75-1.23

T-4, Total Thyroxine © results 10.2, reference values 4.5-12-0

FTI, Free Thyroxine Index © results 13.4 H reference values 5.0-12.0

Under that it has, Amended report Original result: 7.8 date 9/20/2003

Modified result: 13.4 date 1/30/2004

TSH, Thyrotropin © results 4.68, reference values uU/mL 0.35-5.50

I have no idea as to what all this means - any help understanding

would be greatly appreciated!

I know a lot of people do not go by labs - I asked if the Dr.

prescribes " natural " thyroid hormone & the office person said no :o(

My cycles have improved slightly...and I feel more energetic - but

tire easily. I have dry skin, always cold, dark circles under my

eyes & I get a head rush sometimes when I stand up - feels like my

head is caving in & what bugs me the most is my lack of

motivation.....for cooking & simple tasks... & for enjoying some of

the simple things in life, like going out at night - I'm ready for

bed at 8:00 & I long to have the energy to want to do things at

night - like go to concerts, etc.! Know what I mean?

I eat in the Zone for most meals (balance of favorable carbs &

protein http://www.zoneperfect.com/Site/Content/index.asp) I have

eaten that way for over 5 years which probably is why I haven't

gained all that much with the hypo. I was very angry when I found

out that soy is awful for thyroid function. I had been using soy

protein powder with my a.m. oatmeal & drank soy milk, ugh! Now my

daughter calls me the soy police :o) ....I walk 2 miles in 30 mins,

5 X's per week.

Well that's my story - it's nice to know that I have company with all

this fun stuff going on!!!!! Guess I just had to vent a bit! I go

for repeat blood work beginning of March & will be sure to get a

copy.... & won't go to PathLabs!

take care,

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Keisha I must of missed this--tina has been busy again---but I am so

happy he gave you 60mg---this is great news!!!!!!!!! keep us posted

on how you feel!!!!!!!!!

Hi all -

> I've been a lurker for a while - going through the saga of

> hypothyroid like many of you.

> A little about me....

> I'm 41, have known I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) for 3+ years.

> Have erosion in my toes & function very well, with birkinstocks &

> comfy sneakers - the RA is under control with Methotrexate,


> Sufasalazine, & I also take 3-5 1 mg. of folic acid each day to

> counter act the methotrexate & sulfasalazine. I'll be getting rid


> the sulfasalazine soon....


> In August of 2002 I had an IUD inserted due to not being able to


> B/C Pills - (I get occular migraines) & my Rheumatologist had told


> while taking the methotrexate, if I ever were to become preganant

> she'd ask me to terminate. I already have 2 children (age 18 & 19)

> and did not want to have any more ....In January of 2003 I began

> spotting.... & had heavy cycles...thought it was the IUD. It went


> for a couple of months, called my ob/gyn...they said that was not

> normal, went in for an exam & an internal ultrasound, all A o.k. -

> went for blood work - - we have a diagnosis for you.... you have

> hypothyroidism.

> Went to see the Endo - couldn't get in until July. Started 50 mg


> Levoxyl, bumped up to 75 2 months later, bumped up to 88 2 months

> later, bumped up to 100 in January of 2004. Then I got a call last

> week from the Endo's office. The dr. was looking at recent


> & wanted me to go up to Levoxyl 112. I asked for a copy of my

> bloodwork. I received it Saturday and it was dated 9/19/03. I had

> had bloodwork after this on 11/25/2003 & 1/6/2004. I called and

> inquired - I guess they received updated bloodwork from PathLabs


> all of my prior bloodwork, with a modified result.... & only gave me


> copy of the September bloodwork. The doctor reviewed all results &

> decided I should go up to Levoxyl 112.

> I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them? I know they

> changed the reference guidelines not too long ago - but this seems

> strange! They did ask me to not go to PathLabs anymore.

> My September results are:

> Hypothyroid Profile

> T-Uptake © results 1.31 H reference values 0.75-1.23

> T-4, Total Thyroxine © results 10.2, reference values 4.5-12-0

> FTI, Free Thyroxine Index © results 13.4 H reference values 5.0-


> Under that it has, Amended report Original result: 7.8 date


> Modified result: 13.4 date 1/30/2004

> TSH, Thyrotropin © results 4.68, reference values uU/mL 0.35-5.50


> I have no idea as to what all this means - any help understanding

> would be greatly appreciated!


> I know a lot of people do not go by labs - I asked if the Dr.

> prescribes " natural " thyroid hormone & the office person said no :o(


> My cycles have improved slightly...and I feel more energetic - but

> tire easily. I have dry skin, always cold, dark circles under my

> eyes & I get a head rush sometimes when I stand up - feels like my

> head is caving in & what bugs me the most is my lack of

> motivation.....for cooking & simple tasks... & for enjoying some of

> the simple things in life, like going out at night - I'm ready for

> bed at 8:00 & I long to have the energy to want to do things at

> night - like go to concerts, etc.! Know what I mean?


> I eat in the Zone for most meals (balance of favorable carbs &

> protein http://www.zoneperfect.com/Site/Content/index.asp) I have

> eaten that way for over 5 years which probably is why I haven't

> gained all that much with the hypo. I was very angry when I found

> out that soy is awful for thyroid function. I had been using soy

> protein powder with my a.m. oatmeal & drank soy milk, ugh! Now my

> daughter calls me the soy police :o) ....I walk 2 miles in 30


> 5 X's per week.


> Well that's my story - it's nice to know that I have company with


> this fun stuff going on!!!!! Guess I just had to vent a bit! I go

> for repeat blood work beginning of March & will be sure to get a

> copy.... & won't go to PathLabs!

> take care,











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Tina, Hey how are you doin? me good- Doc just put me on 60 mg today-- I called

him and he said okay-- I was excited--- and I told him about this group and he

said you all seem to very nice people and he is glad I have you all to talk to -

I will keep you all posted in a few days on how I feel- keisha

tina83862 <tina83862@...> wrote:Keisha I must of missed this--tina has

been busy again---but I am so

happy he gave you 60mg---this is great news!!!!!!!!! keep us posted

on how you feel!!!!!!!!!

Hi all -

> I've been a lurker for a while - going through the saga of

> hypothyroid like many of you.

> A little about me....

> I'm 41, have known I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) for 3+ years.

> Have erosion in my toes & function very well, with birkinstocks &

> comfy sneakers - the RA is under control with Methotrexate,


> Sufasalazine, & I also take 3-5 1 mg. of folic acid each day to

> counter act the methotrexate & sulfasalazine. I'll be getting rid


> the sulfasalazine soon....


> In August of 2002 I had an IUD inserted due to not being able to


> B/C Pills - (I get occular migraines) & my Rheumatologist had told


> while taking the methotrexate, if I ever were to become preganant

> she'd ask me to terminate. I already have 2 children (age 18 & 19)

> and did not want to have any more ....In January of 2003 I began

> spotting.... & had heavy cycles...thought it was the IUD. It went


> for a couple of months, called my ob/gyn...they said that was not

> normal, went in for an exam & an internal ultrasound, all A o.k. -

> went for blood work - - we have a diagnosis for you.... you have

> hypothyroidism.

> Went to see the Endo - couldn't get in until July. Started 50 mg


> Levoxyl, bumped up to 75 2 months later, bumped up to 88 2 months

> later, bumped up to 100 in January of 2004. Then I got a call last

> week from the Endo's office. The dr. was looking at recent


> & wanted me to go up to Levoxyl 112. I asked for a copy of my

> bloodwork. I received it Saturday and it was dated 9/19/03. I had

> had bloodwork after this on 11/25/2003 & 1/6/2004. I called and

> inquired - I guess they received updated bloodwork from PathLabs


> all of my prior bloodwork, with a modified result.... & only gave me


> copy of the September bloodwork. The doctor reviewed all results &

> decided I should go up to Levoxyl 112.

> I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them? I know they

> changed the reference guidelines not too long ago - but this seems

> strange! They did ask me to not go to PathLabs anymore.

> My September results are:

> Hypothyroid Profile

> T-Uptake © results 1.31 H reference values 0.75-1.23

> T-4, Total Thyroxine © results 10.2, reference values 4.5-12-0

> FTI, Free Thyroxine Index © results 13.4 H reference values 5.0-


> Under that it has, Amended report Original result: 7.8 date


> Modified result: 13.4 date 1/30/2004

> TSH, Thyrotropin © results 4.68, reference values uU/mL 0.35-5.50


> I have no idea as to what all this means - any help understanding

> would be greatly appreciated!


> I know a lot of people do not go by labs - I asked if the Dr.

> prescribes " natural " thyroid hormone & the office person said no :o(


> My cycles have improved slightly...and I feel more energetic - but

> tire easily. I have dry skin, always cold, dark circles under my

> eyes & I get a head rush sometimes when I stand up - feels like my

> head is caving in & what bugs me the most is my lack of

> motivation.....for cooking & simple tasks... & for enjoying some of

> the simple things in life, like going out at night - I'm ready for

> bed at 8:00 & I long to have the energy to want to do things at

> night - like go to concerts, etc.! Know what I mean?


> I eat in the Zone for most meals (balance of favorable carbs &

> protein http://www.zoneperfect.com/Site/Content/index.asp) I have

> eaten that way for over 5 years which probably is why I haven't

> gained all that much with the hypo. I was very angry when I found

> out that soy is awful for thyroid function. I had been using soy

> protein powder with my a.m. oatmeal & drank soy milk, ugh! Now my

> daughter calls me the soy police :o) ....I walk 2 miles in 30


> 5 X's per week.


> Well that's my story - it's nice to know that I have company with


> this fun stuff going on!!!!! Guess I just had to vent a bit! I go

> for repeat blood work beginning of March & will be sure to get a

> copy.... & won't go to PathLabs!

> take care,











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Good for you Keisha! I'm thinking I've got to go by my gut instincts

& change Dr's as well!

The one I have is on the top doctor's list & he did say he treats by

symptoms mostly - but I heard from his office that he does not

prescribe armour.

take care & enjoy feeling well!!!!

Hi all -

> I've been a lurker for a while - going through the saga of

> hypothyroid like many of you.

> A little about me....

> I'm 41, have known I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) for 3+ years.

> Have erosion in my toes & function very well, with birkinstocks &

> comfy sneakers - the RA is under control with Methotrexate,


> Sufasalazine, & I also take 3-5 1 mg. of folic acid each day to

> counter act the methotrexate & sulfasalazine. I'll be getting rid


> the sulfasalazine soon....


> In August of 2002 I had an IUD inserted due to not being able to


> B/C Pills - (I get occular migraines) & my Rheumatologist had told


> while taking the methotrexate, if I ever were to become preganant

> she'd ask me to terminate. I already have 2 children (age 18 & 19)

> and did not want to have any more ....In January of 2003 I began

> spotting.... & had heavy cycles...thought it was the IUD. It went


> for a couple of months, called my ob/gyn...they said that was not

> normal, went in for an exam & an internal ultrasound, all A o.k. -

> went for blood work - - we have a diagnosis for you.... you have

> hypothyroidism.

> Went to see the Endo - couldn't get in until July. Started 50 mg


> Levoxyl, bumped up to 75 2 months later, bumped up to 88 2 months

> later, bumped up to 100 in January of 2004. Then I got a call last

> week from the Endo's office. The dr. was looking at recent


> & wanted me to go up to Levoxyl 112. I asked for a copy of my

> bloodwork. I received it Saturday and it was dated 9/19/03. I had

> had bloodwork after this on 11/25/2003 & 1/6/2004. I called and

> inquired - I guess they received updated bloodwork from PathLabs


> all of my prior bloodwork, with a modified result.... & only gave me


> copy of the September bloodwork. The doctor reviewed all results &

> decided I should go up to Levoxyl 112.

> I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them? I know they

> changed the reference guidelines not too long ago - but this seems

> strange! They did ask me to not go to PathLabs anymore.

> My September results are:

> Hypothyroid Profile

> T-Uptake © results 1.31 H reference values 0.75-1.23

> T-4, Total Thyroxine © results 10.2, reference values 4.5-12-0

> FTI, Free Thyroxine Index © results 13.4 H reference values 5.0-


> Under that it has, Amended report Original result: 7.8 date


> Modified result: 13.4 date 1/30/2004

> TSH, Thyrotropin © results 4.68, reference values uU/mL 0.35-5.50


> I have no idea as to what all this means - any help understanding

> would be greatly appreciated!


> I know a lot of people do not go by labs - I asked if the Dr.

> prescribes " natural " thyroid hormone & the office person said no :o(


> My cycles have improved slightly...and I feel more energetic - but

> tire easily. I have dry skin, always cold, dark circles under my

> eyes & I get a head rush sometimes when I stand up - feels like my

> head is caving in & what bugs me the most is my lack of

> motivation.....for cooking & simple tasks... & for enjoying some of

> the simple things in life, like going out at night - I'm ready for

> bed at 8:00 & I long to have the energy to want to do things at

> night - like go to concerts, etc.! Know what I mean?


> I eat in the Zone for most meals (balance of favorable carbs &

> protein http://www.zoneperfect.com/Site/Content/index.asp) I have

> eaten that way for over 5 years which probably is why I haven't

> gained all that much with the hypo. I was very angry when I found

> out that soy is awful for thyroid function. I had been using soy

> protein powder with my a.m. oatmeal & drank soy milk, ugh! Now my

> daughter calls me the soy police :o) ....I walk 2 miles in 30


> 5 X's per week.


> Well that's my story - it's nice to know that I have company with


> this fun stuff going on!!!!! Guess I just had to vent a bit! I go

> for repeat blood work beginning of March & will be sure to get a

> copy.... & won't go to PathLabs!

> take care,











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Hi Loriann,

Hope your Mom is doing o.k.! How is she doing with not treating the

RA? I feel so much better now than in the beginning. Hope she can

find the confidence in someone to help her. Sure is scary out there!

I'm going to check into a doctor that treats with Armour as opposed

to Levoxyl.

I am concerned with bone loss - my Rhuematologist is as well. Does

Armour cause bone loss?

You all have been so kind & helpful!!!!

take care,

> Hello ,


> Gosh you seem way to young (your my age by the way!) to have RA!

My mother

> has that and will not go to a dr. because she doesn't want to be

put on

> prescription meds that have contraindications and might make other


> worse...wish they had an " armour " like drug for RA! Seems to me

that your TSH is too

> high and that your tiredness probably stems from being Hypo. The

sooner you take

> charge of your own illness the better.


> That may require going to a different doctor......The synthetic

thyroid meds

> like synthroid are associated with bone loss and osteoperosis. My

mom also has

> osteoperosis and believe me you don't want to have that on top of

your RA.

> Hope that you learn a lot and arm yourself with it.... there are a

lot of girls

> here that are so unbelievably knowlegeable here that I feel blessed

being in

> this group, I know you will too!

> Warm Regards,

> Loriann


> > Hi all -

> > I've been a lurker for a while - going through the saga of

> > hypothyroid like many of you.

> > A little about me....

> > I'm 41, have known I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) for 3+ years.

> > Have erosion in my toes & function very well, with birkinstocks &

> > comfy sneakers - the RA is under control with Methotrexate,


> > Sufasalazine, & I also take 3-5 1 mg. of folic acid each day to

> > counter act the methotrexate & sulfasalazine. I'll be getting rid


> > the sulfasalazine soon....

> >

> > In August of 2002 I had an IUD inserted due to not being able to


> > B/C Pills - (I get occular migraines) & my Rheumatologist had

told me

> > while taking the methotrexate, if I ever were to become preganant

> > she'd ask me to terminate. I already have 2 children (age 18 &


> > and did not want to have any more ....In January of 2003 I began

> > spotting.... & had heavy cycles...thought it was the IUD. It went


> > for a couple of months, called my ob/gyn...they said that was not

> > normal, went in for an exam & an internal ultrasound, all A o.k. -

> > went for blood work - - we have a diagnosis for you.... you have

> > hypothyroidism.

> > Went to see the Endo - couldn't get in until July. Started 50 mg


> > Levoxyl, bumped up to 75 2 months later, bumped up to 88 2 months

> > later, bumped up to 100 in January of 2004. Then I got a call


> > week from the Endo's office. The dr. was looking at recent


> > & wanted me to go up to Levoxyl 112. I asked for a copy of my

> > bloodwork. I received it Saturday and it was dated 9/19/03. I


> > had bloodwork after this on 11/25/2003 & 1/6/2004. I called and

> > inquired - I guess they received updated bloodwork from PathLabs


> > all of my prior bloodwork, with a modified result.... & only gave

me a

> > copy of the September bloodwork. The doctor reviewed all results


> > decided I should go up to Levoxyl 112.

> > I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them? I know they

> > changed the reference guidelines not too long ago - but this


> > strange! They did ask me to not go to PathLabs anymore.

> > My September results are:

> > Hypothyroid Profile

> > T-Uptake © results 1.31 H reference values 0.75-1.23

> > T-4, Total Thyroxine © results 10.2, reference values 4.5-12-0

> > FTI, Free Thyroxine Index © results 13.4 H reference values 5.0-


> > Under that it has, Amended report Original result: 7.8 date


> > Modified result: 13.4 date 1/30/2004

> > TSH, Thyrotropin © results 4.68, reference values uU/mL 0.35-


> >

> > I have no idea as to what all this means - any help understanding

> > would be greatly appreciated!

> >

> > I know a lot of people do not go by labs - I asked if the Dr.

> > prescribes " natural " thyroid hormone & the office person said

no :o(

> >

> > My cycles have improved slightly...and I feel more energetic -


> > tire easily. I have dry skin, always cold, dark circles under my

> > eyes & I get a head rush sometimes when I stand up - feels like my

> > head is caving in & what bugs me the most is my lack of

> > motivation.....for cooking & simple tasks... & for enjoying some


> > the simple things in life, like going out at night - I'm ready


> > bed at 8:00 & I long to have the energy to want to do things at

> > night - like go to concerts, etc.! Know what I mean?

> >

> > I eat in the Zone for most meals (balance of favorable carbs &

> > protein http://www.zoneperfect.com/Site/Content/index.asp) I have

> > eaten that way for over 5 years which probably is why I haven't

> > gained all that much with the hypo. I was very angry when I


> > out that soy is awful for thyroid function. I had been using soy

> > protein powder with my a.m. oatmeal & drank soy milk, ugh! Now


> > daughter calls me the soy police :o) ....I walk 2 miles in 30


> > 5 X's per week.

> >

> > Well that's my story - it's nice to know that I have company with


> > this fun stuff going on!!!!! Guess I just had to vent a bit! I


> > for repeat blood work beginning of March & will be sure to get a

> > copy.... & won't go to PathLabs!

> > take care,

> >

> >

> >

> >





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count yourself extremely lucky to have a doctor who will listen to

you!!! I hope you do very well on this dose--remember to also take

vitamins that helps with the energy levels as well!!!! tina

Hi all -

> > I've been a lurker for a while - going through the saga of

> > hypothyroid like many of you.

> > A little about me....

> > I'm 41, have known I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) for 3+ years.

> > Have erosion in my toes & function very well, with birkinstocks &

> > comfy sneakers - the RA is under control with Methotrexate,

> Enbrel,

> > Sufasalazine, & I also take 3-5 1 mg. of folic acid each day to

> > counter act the methotrexate & sulfasalazine. I'll be getting rid

> of

> > the sulfasalazine soon....

> >

> > In August of 2002 I had an IUD inserted due to not being able to

> take

> > B/C Pills - (I get occular migraines) & my Rheumatologist had


> me

> > while taking the methotrexate, if I ever were to become preganant

> > she'd ask me to terminate. I already have 2 children (age 18 &


> > and did not want to have any more ....In January of 2003 I began

> > spotting.... & had heavy cycles...thought it was the IUD. It went

> on

> > for a couple of months, called my ob/gyn...they said that was not

> > normal, went in for an exam & an internal ultrasound, all A o.k. -

> > went for blood work - - we have a diagnosis for you.... you have

> > hypothyroidism.

> > Went to see the Endo - couldn't get in until July. Started 50 mg

> of

> > Levoxyl, bumped up to 75 2 months later, bumped up to 88 2 months

> > later, bumped up to 100 in January of 2004. Then I got a call


> > week from the Endo's office. The dr. was looking at recent

> bloodwork

> > & wanted me to go up to Levoxyl 112. I asked for a copy of my

> > bloodwork. I received it Saturday and it was dated 9/19/03. I


> > had bloodwork after this on 11/25/2003 & 1/6/2004. I called and

> > inquired - I guess they received updated bloodwork from PathLabs

> for

> > all of my prior bloodwork, with a modified result.... & only gave


> a

> > copy of the September bloodwork. The doctor reviewed all results


> > decided I should go up to Levoxyl 112.

> > I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them? I know they

> > changed the reference guidelines not too long ago - but this


> > strange! They did ask me to not go to PathLabs anymore.

> > My September results are:

> > Hypothyroid Profile

> > T-Uptake © results 1.31 H reference values 0.75-1.23

> > T-4, Total Thyroxine © results 10.2, reference values 4.5-12-0

> > FTI, Free Thyroxine Index © results 13.4 H reference values 5.0-

> 12.0

> > Under that it has, Amended report Original result: 7.8 date

> 9/20/2003

> > Modified result: 13.4 date 1/30/2004

> > TSH, Thyrotropin © results 4.68, reference values uU/mL 0.35-


> >

> > I have no idea as to what all this means - any help understanding

> > would be greatly appreciated!

> >

> > I know a lot of people do not go by labs - I asked if the Dr.

> > prescribes " natural " thyroid hormone & the office person said

no :o(

> >

> > My cycles have improved slightly...and I feel more energetic -


> > tire easily. I have dry skin, always cold, dark circles under my

> > eyes & I get a head rush sometimes when I stand up - feels like my

> > head is caving in & what bugs me the most is my lack of

> > motivation.....for cooking & simple tasks... & for enjoying some


> > the simple things in life, like going out at night - I'm ready


> > bed at 8:00 & I long to have the energy to want to do things at

> > night - like go to concerts, etc.! Know what I mean?

> >

> > I eat in the Zone for most meals (balance of favorable carbs &

> > protein http://www.zoneperfect.com/Site/Content/index.asp) I have

> > eaten that way for over 5 years which probably is why I haven't

> > gained all that much with the hypo. I was very angry when I


> > out that soy is awful for thyroid function. I had been using soy

> > protein powder with my a.m. oatmeal & drank soy milk, ugh! Now


> > daughter calls me the soy police :o) ....I walk 2 miles in 30

> mins,

> > 5 X's per week.

> >

> > Well that's my story - it's nice to know that I have company with

> all

> > this fun stuff going on!!!!! Guess I just had to vent a bit! I


> > for repeat blood work beginning of March & will be sure to get a

> > copy.... & won't go to PathLabs!

> > take care,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi , If you really like your doc, you could always just check it out with

him...just to be sure. You never know... There are things about my endo that I

don't like, but he does treat according to symptoms, and when I asked him to

switch me to Armour, he did--without me having to make a case for it like I

thought I'd have to do. I was surprised.

do you have copies of your labs that he ran?? I started getting copies of ALL my

labs. It's important. For instance, they tested me for ANA antibodies, and it

came back " borderline. " When I called the office, the medical assistant told me

my labs were " fine. "

Now I don't know about this. I have Hashi's, and I've read that folks with

Hashi's oftentimes show higher ANA antibodies without necessarily having lupus,

sceroderma, Sjogren's, and other autoimmune diseases. Here's the thing

though...I have symptoms of Sjogren's and sceroderma...mostly symptoms of

Sjogren's. gonna ask to find out what this " borderline " thing means. I wonder if

it means I might be in the beginning stages of another autoimmune disease.

Also, I was just reading the other day that folks with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

often have " borderline " ANA antibodies. I still don't understand what it all

means though.

If I hadn't had a copy of my labs though, I would never know it came back


anyway, feel free to post your lab results. I plan on posting mine when I get a

copy of them today.

take care, sheila

<suser@...> wrote:

Good for you Keisha! I'm thinking I've got to go by my gut instincts

& change Dr's as well!

The one I have is on the top doctor's list & he did say he treats by

symptoms mostly - but I heard from his office that he does not

prescribe armour.

take care & enjoy feeling well!!!!

Hi all -

> I've been a lurker for a while - going through the saga of

> hypothyroid like many of you.

> A little about me....

> I'm 41, have known I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) for 3+ years.

> Have erosion in my toes & function very well, with birkinstocks &

> comfy sneakers - the RA is under control with Methotrexate,


> Sufasalazine, & I also take 3-5 1 mg. of folic acid each day to

> counter act the methotrexate & sulfasalazine. I'll be getting rid


> the sulfasalazine soon....


> In August of 2002 I had an IUD inserted due to not being able to


> B/C Pills - (I get occular migraines) & my Rheumatologist had told


> while taking the methotrexate, if I ever were to become preganant

> she'd ask me to terminate. I already have 2 children (age 18 & 19)

> and did not want to have any more ....In January of 2003 I began

> spotting.... & had heavy cycles...thought it was the IUD. It went


> for a couple of months, called my ob/gyn...they said that was not

> normal, went in for an exam & an internal ultrasound, all A o.k. -

> went for blood work - - we have a diagnosis for you.... you have

> hypothyroidism.

> Went to see the Endo - couldn't get in until July. Started 50 mg


> Levoxyl, bumped up to 75 2 months later, bumped up to 88 2 months

> later, bumped up to 100 in January of 2004. Then I got a call last

> week from the Endo's office. The dr. was looking at recent


> & wanted me to go up to Levoxyl 112. I asked for a copy of my

> bloodwork. I received it Saturday and it was dated 9/19/03. I had

> had bloodwork after this on 11/25/2003 & 1/6/2004. I called and

> inquired - I guess they received updated bloodwork from PathLabs


> all of my prior bloodwork, with a modified result.... & only gave me


> copy of the September bloodwork. The doctor reviewed all results &

> decided I should go up to Levoxyl 112.

> I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them? I know they

> changed the reference guidelines not too long ago - but this seems

> strange! They did ask me to not go to PathLabs anymore.

> My September results are:

> Hypothyroid Profile

> T-Uptake © results 1.31 H reference values 0.75-1.23

> T-4, Total Thyroxine © results 10.2, reference values 4.5-12-0

> FTI, Free Thyroxine Index © results 13.4 H reference values 5.0-


> Under that it has, Amended report Original result: 7.8 date


> Modified result: 13.4 date 1/30/2004

> TSH, Thyrotropin © results 4.68, reference values uU/mL 0.35-5.50


> I have no idea as to what all this means - any help understanding

> would be greatly appreciated!


> I know a lot of people do not go by labs - I asked if the Dr.

> prescribes " natural " thyroid hormone & the office person said no :o(


> My cycles have improved slightly...and I feel more energetic - but

> tire easily. I have dry skin, always cold, dark circles under my

> eyes & I get a head rush sometimes when I stand up - feels like my

> head is caving in & what bugs me the most is my lack of

> motivation.....for cooking & simple tasks... & for enjoying some of

> the simple things in life, like going out at night - I'm ready for

> bed at 8:00 & I long to have the energy to want to do things at

> night - like go to concerts, etc.! Know what I mean?


> I eat in the Zone for most meals (balance of favorable carbs &

> protein http://www.zoneperfect.com/Site/Content/index.asp) I have

> eaten that way for over 5 years which probably is why I haven't

> gained all that much with the hypo. I was very angry when I found

> out that soy is awful for thyroid function. I had been using soy

> protein powder with my a.m. oatmeal & drank soy milk, ugh! Now my

> daughter calls me the soy police :o) ....I walk 2 miles in 30


> 5 X's per week.


> Well that's my story - it's nice to know that I have company with


> this fun stuff going on!!!!! Guess I just had to vent a bit! I go

> for repeat blood work beginning of March & will be sure to get a

> copy.... & won't go to PathLabs!

> take care,











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HI Sheila -

Unknowing about this post of yours - I had emailed you earlier that I

think I'll try to work with my Dr., instead of just cutting &


Hope you don't have another auto-immune disease rearing it's ugly

head!!! I found out that people with RA are suseptable to developing

hypothyroid - don't know if it goes the other way.....I'm thankful my

doctor has never had to prescribe steroids....but sometimes it's the

only option when diseases are out of control.

From now on I am going to ask for copies of all lab work - I'm


take care,

Hi all -

> > I've been a lurker for a while - going through the saga of

> > hypothyroid like many of you.

> > A little about me....

> > I'm 41, have known I have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) for 3+ years.

> > Have erosion in my toes & function very well, with birkinstocks &

> > comfy sneakers - the RA is under control with Methotrexate,

> Enbrel,

> > Sufasalazine, & I also take 3-5 1 mg. of folic acid each day to

> > counter act the methotrexate & sulfasalazine. I'll be getting rid

> of

> > the sulfasalazine soon....

> >

> > In August of 2002 I had an IUD inserted due to not being able to

> take

> > B/C Pills - (I get occular migraines) & my Rheumatologist had


> me

> > while taking the methotrexate, if I ever were to become preganant

> > she'd ask me to terminate. I already have 2 children (age 18 &


> > and did not want to have any more ....In January of 2003 I began

> > spotting.... & had heavy cycles...thought it was the IUD. It went

> on

> > for a couple of months, called my ob/gyn...they said that was not

> > normal, went in for an exam & an internal ultrasound, all A o.k. -

> > went for blood work - - we have a diagnosis for you.... you have

> > hypothyroidism.

> > Went to see the Endo - couldn't get in until July. Started 50 mg

> of

> > Levoxyl, bumped up to 75 2 months later, bumped up to 88 2 months

> > later, bumped up to 100 in January of 2004. Then I got a call


> > week from the Endo's office. The dr. was looking at recent

> bloodwork

> > & wanted me to go up to Levoxyl 112. I asked for a copy of my

> > bloodwork. I received it Saturday and it was dated 9/19/03. I


> > had bloodwork after this on 11/25/2003 & 1/6/2004. I called and

> > inquired - I guess they received updated bloodwork from PathLabs

> for

> > all of my prior bloodwork, with a modified result.... & only gave


> a

> > copy of the September bloodwork. The doctor reviewed all results


> > decided I should go up to Levoxyl 112.

> > I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them? I know they

> > changed the reference guidelines not too long ago - but this


> > strange! They did ask me to not go to PathLabs anymore.

> > My September results are:

> > Hypothyroid Profile

> > T-Uptake © results 1.31 H reference values 0.75-1.23

> > T-4, Total Thyroxine © results 10.2, reference values 4.5-12-0

> > FTI, Free Thyroxine Index © results 13.4 H reference values 5.0-

> 12.0

> > Under that it has, Amended report Original result: 7.8 date

> 9/20/2003

> > Modified result: 13.4 date 1/30/2004

> > TSH, Thyrotropin © results 4.68, reference values uU/mL 0.35-


> >

> > I have no idea as to what all this means - any help understanding

> > would be greatly appreciated!

> >

> > I know a lot of people do not go by labs - I asked if the Dr.

> > prescribes " natural " thyroid hormone & the office person said

no :o(

> >

> > My cycles have improved slightly...and I feel more energetic -


> > tire easily. I have dry skin, always cold, dark circles under my

> > eyes & I get a head rush sometimes when I stand up - feels like my

> > head is caving in & what bugs me the most is my lack of

> > motivation.....for cooking & simple tasks... & for enjoying some


> > the simple things in life, like going out at night - I'm ready


> > bed at 8:00 & I long to have the energy to want to do things at

> > night - like go to concerts, etc.! Know what I mean?

> >

> > I eat in the Zone for most meals (balance of favorable carbs &

> > protein http://www.zoneperfect.com/Site/Content/index.asp) I have

> > eaten that way for over 5 years which probably is why I haven't

> > gained all that much with the hypo. I was very angry when I


> > out that soy is awful for thyroid function. I had been using soy

> > protein powder with my a.m. oatmeal & drank soy milk, ugh! Now


> > daughter calls me the soy police :o) ....I walk 2 miles in 30

> mins,

> > 5 X's per week.

> >

> > Well that's my story - it's nice to know that I have company with

> all

> > this fun stuff going on!!!!! Guess I just had to vent a bit! I


> > for repeat blood work beginning of March & will be sure to get a

> > copy.... & won't go to PathLabs!

> > take care,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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