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I am so happy for you!!!!! ;o

You Go Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Great news Prue! Sam has had a good week too :)

Mandi in UK

> Harry is going well at the minute. He was moved last Mon to sit with the

> other kids in class!! He lasted three days before sensory issues got to him


> they will try again this week. Isn't that great?


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Guest guest

how does harry feel about htis

three days in the trenches?

the rolling fields of england must have seemed a long way away.

> Harry is going well at the minute. He was moved last Mon to sit

with the other kids in class!! He lasted three days before sensory

issues got to him but they will try again this week. Isn't that great?

> Prue




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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Congratulations beth. How long have you had AIH? We don't hear often

enough about remissions. Keep us posted, we like to know they stay there!


[ ] good news

I had my Dr. appointment today and wanted to let everybody know the most

wonderful news I am now in remission!!! All labs are normal. I know I don't

post very often but I read them all every day and am very lucky to have all

of you to listen to and to listen to me. SO thank you all , ELisbeth

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Congrats Elisbeth!!

Trish and Kelsey

-- In , " elisbeth27 " <edowless@c...>


> I had my Dr. appointment today and wanted to let everybody know the

> most wonderful news I am now in remission!!! All labs are normal.

> I know I don't post very often but I read them all every day

> and am very lucky to have all of you to listen to and to listen to


> SO thank you all , ELisbeth

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Guest guest


How wonderful. I'm so happy for you. This is wonderful news. Keep doing what you are doing, because it obviously is working for you.

Wonderful news.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> I feel very fortunate to be alive and I'm just trying

to enjoy the little things in life and take one day at a time <

Way to go, Kenny!! Things sound like they are looking up for you!

Vivian H.

Vivian H.

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Hey Kenney I am so glad to hear you say one day at a time. That is all we can

do. I am glad you have found peace within yourself and can put your trust in

your new Dr. Injury's can do funny things to people especially when it turns

your life around completely. God Bless You and good luck to you in the future.


Good news

Hi everyone.

I had my appointment today at UCLA. The neurologist I saw believes I

suffered a spinal cord contusion as a result of my injury, which led

to the neuropathy I have been experiencing, but he said I will make a

complete recovery eventually. He ordered some bloodwork just to make

sure there isn't another cause for the neuropathy, but he expects the

tests to be normal. I wasn't ready for my sex life to be over at the

age of 25, so this is good news. Like I would like to thank

everyone for being supportive and I wish everyone the best. I am

taking Celexa for depression and I attend a depression support group

once a week. I feel very fortunate to be alive and I'm just trying

to enjoy the little things in life and take one day at a time.

Love to all,


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Ken -

Sometimes getting a doc that cares about you and helps

you out is better than anything else in the world. I'm glad

you've got some good help goin' on there on the left coast.


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  • 1 month later...

Great news !!

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----

Van: Weston


Verzonden: woensdag 24 september

2003 12:12

Aan: " Undisclosed-Recipient:; " @mx1.wanadoo.nl

Onderwerp: [ ] good


I got my lab results from Monday and

they were great. One of my liver enzymes was slightly elevated (AST was

36 and it should be below 30), but everything else was normal. My GI doc

told me that he would start tapering my prednisone down further if my labs were

good. He was not in the office on Tuesday but I should be hearing from

him today. I am so anxious to begin the process of getting off of the

prednisone. My face is beginning to show signs of the typical moon or

roundness that goes along with long term prednisone use. My weight was up

10 lbs, although for some reason Tuesday morning it was down 5 lbs from what it

had been on Monday. The sudden drop just convinces me all the more that

my weight being up is most likely just from the prednisone. I know I

shouldn't really complain because I've really been lucky to have as few side

effects as I've had from the prednisone. However, I will be glad to be

rid of it. Of course, it will be several months before I can get off of

it completely but it will feel so wonderful to be moving the dose down! I

asked my doctor about the Imuran and whether he would take me off of it

sometime down the road if my liver enzymes stayed normal once I was totally off

of prednisone. He told me that I will have to stay on the Imuran for life

even if my liver enzymes are never elevated again. I am on a low dose,

just 50 mg a day. He said he'd really like for me to be on 100 mg a day

but he dropped it to 50 in mid August when I had my last attack of acute pancreatitis

that landed me in the hospital. I suspect that if I can go a few months

without a bad pancreatitis attack, he may raise the Imuran.

Anyway, just wanted to share my good



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Dear , Congratulations on your recent blood test results. It is always nice to read when someone has good news to report!!! You take care and good luck on weaning off the Prednisone.

Shirlee (wa state)

----- Original Message -----

From: West

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That is good news indeed! I'm happy for you.


(the other Alabamian)

[ ] good news

I got my lab results from Monday and they were great. One of my liver enzymes was slightly elevated (AST was 36 and it should be below 30), but everything else was normal. My GI doc told me that he would start tapering my prednisone down further if my labs were good. He was not in the office on Tuesday but I should be hearing from him today. I am so anxious to begin the process of getting off of the prednisone. My face is beginning to show signs of the typical moon or roundness that goes along with long term prednisone use. My weight was up 10 lbs, although for some reason Tuesday morning it was down 5 lbs from what it had been on Monday. The sudden drop just convinces me all the more that my weight being up is most likely just from the prednisone. I know I shouldn't really complain because I've really been lucky to have as few side effects as I've had from the prednisone. However, I will be glad to be rid of it. Of course, it will be several months before I can get off of it completely but it will feel so wonderful to be moving the dose down! I asked my doctor about the Imuran and whether he would take me off of it sometime down the road if my liver enzymes stayed normal once I was totally off of prednisone. He told me that I will have to stay on the Imuran for life even if my liver enzymes are never elevated again. I am on a low dose, just 50 mg a day. He said he'd really like for me to be on 100 mg a day but he dropped it to 50 in mid August when I had my last attack of acute pancreatitis that landed me in the hospital. I suspect that if I can go a few months without a bad pancreatitis attack, he may raise the Imuran.

Anyway, just wanted to share my good news.


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, this is wonderful news! Keep up the good work!


[ ] good


I got my lab results from Monday and

they were great. One of my liver enzymes was slightly elevated (AST was

36 and it should be below 30), but everything else was normal. My GI doc

told me that he would start tapering my prednisone down further if my labs were

good. He was not in the office on Tuesday but I should be hearing from

him today. I am so anxious to begin the process of getting off of the

prednisone. My face is beginning to show signs of the typical moon or

roundness that goes along with long term prednisone use. My weight was up

10 lbs, although for some reason Tuesday morning it was down 5 lbs from what it

had been on Monday. The sudden drop just convinces me all the more that

my weight being up is most likely just from the prednisone. I know I

shouldn't really complain because I've really been lucky to have as few side

effects as I've had from the prednisone. However, I will be glad to be

rid of it. Of course, it will be several months before I can get off of

it completely but it will feel so wonderful to be moving the dose down! I

asked my doctor about the Imuran and whether he would take me off of it

sometime down the road if my liver enzymes stayed normal once I was totally off

of prednisone. He told me that I will have to stay on the Imuran for life

even if my liver enzymes are never elevated again. I am on a low dose,

just 50 mg a day. He said he'd really like for me to be on 100 mg a day

but he dropped it to 50 in mid August when I had my last attack of acute pancreatitis

that landed me in the hospital. I suspect that if I can go a few months

without a bad pancreatitis attack, he may raise the Imuran.

Anyway, just wanted to share my good



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  • 4 weeks later...


kindest regards,


At 03:01 AM 10/29/2003 -0000, you wrote:


> My 6 month post treatment results are in and I am still

> undetectable. For those of you that have followed the goings on

> before, during and after my treatment and have been encouraging -

> many thanks.


> Grace

> geno 1b




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great news, Grace! You go, girl! Blessings! Satya

Re: [ ] Good news

Congratulations!!kindest regards,BobKAt 03:01 AM 10/29/2003 -0000, you wrote: >>>>

My 6 month post treatment results are in and I am still undetectable. For those of you that have followed the goings on before, during and after my treatment and have been encouraging - many thanks.Gracegeno 1b

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Fantastic, Grace! Congratulations! You must feel super!

Love & Blessings, Karolyn

> My 6 month post treatment results are in and I am still

> undetectable. For those of you that have followed the goings on

> before, during and after my treatment and have been encouraging -

> many thanks.


> Grace

> geno 1b

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As Montgomery Burns from the Simpson's would remark...

Most excellent!


> My 6 month post treatment results are in and I am still

> undetectable. For those of you that have followed the goings on

> before, during and after my treatment and have been encouraging -

> many thanks.


> Grace

> geno 1b

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Ute,

I well remember those days when you were getting started on AP. We

exchanged a few posts. It is so exciting to hear how well you are

doing. I'm also glad you are one of the ones who, after getting

health back, feel obliged and led to carry the torch to others who

may not hear about it.

Here's to you, Ute!


> Dear friends,

> I'd like to share some good news I received recently. Since

I am doing so

> well on the AP I mention it frequently to people I come in contact

with. I

> also let it be known that anyone can give my phone number to


> sufferers who are interested in AP. About a year, or so ago a lady


> me on behalf of her elderly friend who had long standing, severe

RA and

> nothing worked for her anymore. We talked quite a while on the

phone and I

> shared what I have learned here on this list and from my own

experience. I

> also referred them to rheumatic.org for further information. A

short while

> ago the same lady called me back to let me know that her friend

did give AP

> a try and responded very well to it. After one year on AP she is

> practically pain free. She called to thank me. I felt so happy to

get this

> feedback. I am so grateful for this treatment and I was so glad to


> been able to help someone. I am so grateful for this list and all


> wonderful people who have helped me over the years. Thank you

Ethel and

> for hosting this forum so many more people can find relief

from their

> suffering.

> Take care,

> Ute

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The best thing anyone can do who suffers from these diseases is pass along

the good things that they have found. It is so great that your willingness to

share your experience has helped this lady after years of pain. Way to go!!!

Keep up the good work. After all none of us would be where we are today if

someone else hadn't taken the time to tell us about this treatment. Martha

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Hi Ute,

Thats the best news you could ever want.Keep sharing the news! Its

what we all need to do..conversion one by one.



-- In rheumatic , Ute Reeves <nowyoga@e...> wrote:

> Dear friends,

> I'd like to share some good news I received recently. Since I

am doing so

> well on the AP I mention it frequently to people I come in contact

with. I

> also let it be known that anyone can give my phone number to


> sufferers who are interested in AP. About a year, or so ago a lady


> me on behalf of her elderly friend who had long standing, severe RA


> nothing worked for her anymore. We talked quite a while on the

phone and I

> shared what I have learned here on this list and from my own

experience. I

> also referred them to rheumatic.org for further information. A

short while

> ago the same lady called me back to let me know that her friend did

give AP

> a try and responded very well to it. After one year on AP she is

> practically pain free. She called to thank me. I felt so happy to

get this

> feedback. I am so grateful for this treatment and I was so glad to


> been able to help someone. I am so grateful for this list and all


> wonderful people who have helped me over the years. Thank you Ethel


> for hosting this forum so many more people can find relief

from their

> suffering.

> Take care,

> Ute

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  • 1 month later...

Kathy in CA.

Great news. I'm so happy for you.

I just finished the last round of test for transplant eval yesterday. Marathon day at the hospital. I will go back on Tuesday the 13th for review and meet with the whole transplant team to find out if I passed or failed. I'm being worked up for live donor surgery. Probably 1-2 years away he said at last visit. I have not responded as well as some and it is so nice to hear of those who have good results.

I'm so happy and excited for you. Keep up the good work.

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I am glad to hear the good news. Sorry about the blood pressure though. I have not had a problem with high blood pressure because they put me on HCZT prior to my diagnosis because I was retaining so much fluid and never too me off of it. That would keep the blood pressure down. I would believe anything about the meds but we have to take them, it beats the alternative. Hope everything continues to go well for you and they get the b/p down.

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