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Hi - I totally agree with your approach! kids grow up so fast - you always hear people say that but it isn't until you have your own and watch them grow up before your eyes literally overnight that you really realize it is true! And, in a short while they will want to be w/ their friends over their mom most of the time - a normal part of development, I'm sure, but still kinda bittersweet for us moms! :) So, definately enjoy the time with them. last week was our spring break, since I'm so programmed to get up early and workout I was able to do my workouts - but I kept them on the lighter side to enjoy the relaxation vibes! :) You definately need a downtime week. Just pikc up where you left off.

It is funny, I postponed and postponed starting this rotation b/c I was so intent on doing it "perfectly" but as it turns out I'm modifying and substituting and feelig perfectly fine with it and probably enjoying it more b/c it the "sress" part is removed.

Enjoy rollerskating later this week!Donna

From: <nancydewolf@...>Subject: Re: Wed - Total Muscle Shaping (from BSS3) Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 9:55 PM

Way to go on the workout, Donna! I know I've done this one but can't remember it. They're all starting to blend together for me these days!

I seem to be taking most of this week off. I'm catching up on sleep instead and when I've had time, I've wanted to hang out with the kids instead since I'm working more than I ever have before and even if they're doing their own things, just being near them, instead of off in my own world working out, feels much better to me (less mommy guilt, more connected, just feels more "right" even though I also am really wanting to workout too). I think when we have all summer together it will be much easier to keep to a regular workout schedule than this one week. Christmas break was pure hell, with having so much trouble at school, this break is so much more calm and enjoyable since we finally got past that, I want to enjoy being with them while they still enjoy being with me too! I think my plan is to just do what I can, when I can, if I can this week and then, assuming I only get in one or two workouts, do this entire week's worth

of workouts as a do-over (including Super Cardio) next week and move on from there. I'm not on the computer much this week either but when I can catch up on some posts, I'm enjoying reading about your workouts!

Wed - Total Muscle Shaping (from BSS3)

Hi Everyone,

Family room is still in shambles and I can't get to the TV w/ the VCR hooked up - so no FIRM Strength for today. I went with another 'tortoise' style workout though that I have on DVD. I did Huckabee's Total Muscle Shaping workout from the FIRM's Body Suclpting System 3 (BSS3). This one was the pre-cursor to the TransFIRMation series and included an incline box which was dubbed the "death box" by some - since I believe it wasn't as sturdy as the TransFIRMer and was also slippery. The idea is the same, though - it changes form an "aerobic" step, to an incline step to a tall step. I never had the death box - just the TransFIRMer (which is better in the sense that you can use it as a 6 or 8 inche step, a 14 inche step or an incline step, whereas the death box only had the option of a 6 inch step, 14 inch step or incline step).

ANYWAY - this was a very good/enjoyable workout. I know I have done it at least once before, but it has been YEARS. For some reason I never did the BSS3 workouts very often - not sure why, but my guess is a case of "too many workouts, too little time" (which is a case right there for limiting future purchases since I can't get to what I HAVE let alone new stuff!). This one is tortoise style so there was more emphasis on strength training than cardio. I think there were 3 cardio segments - one used the box as an aerobic step (6 inches), one was off the box (floor cardio) and one was done using the box on an incline. The cardio was pretty fast paced and pretty much cued as she moved, BUT, it was do-able for me. I may have missed a step here or there but it was repetitive enough that it wasn't too much of a problem. The strength stuff was your typical FIRM moves - lunges, squats, tall box

presses, sometimes compounded with upper body exercises as well. At the end you use the box in an incline position for chest flies, presses, push-ups, and abs. The last set of abs is done on the floor. The workout ends w/ a short stretch. overall, I liked this one a lot and need to pull it out again. I used mostly 5's, 8's and 10's. Back in the day, I would have gone heavier, but I'm just re-adjusting to these types of workouts so I'm sticking with a notch or two lighter to get form down and make sure I"m ready for more. My legs felt pretty fatigued form the start today - I think doing so much lower body intensive cardio yesterday (bike and TM) may have contributed to that.

After the workout, I added on the stretch segment from Core Fusion Pilates Plus, I like the stretch on this one a lot - gentle twists, etc.

Tomorrow, Fat Blaster is up - but I'm not sure what the state of my room will be - so I may have to sub another cardio/hare workout in. I can do one of the cardios from BSS3 or I can do 's cardio from teh TransFIRMation system. Was also thinking of Cardio Inferno (a PINK Firm that i did once) or maybe even Steamin' Cardio from the Kickbutt series. Not sure yet.

Take care!Donna


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