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, you may want to go back and re-read the Burrascano guidelines before

submitting to a spinal tap. Apparently, there's not a lot of evidence supporting

the idea that this is any more diagnostically useful than a WB. I don't recall

if he cites studies on this; but if he does, your doctor needs to be aware of

them before running you off for a highly invasive procedure.

Two positive WBs should be enough for anybody. Is this doctor a member of ILADS?


On Jan 20, 2010, at 4:50 03PM, Chiaravalloti wrote:

> Have you had a spinal tap? My doctor said if that comes out positive she is

putting me on the IV antibiotics. This is all new to me. I had two positive

western blot tests but now they are thinking they may be false positives for

some reason. They are also doing a serum test? along with the spinal tap. I hope

they can figure me out.


> Good Luck!






> From: bridget <blueyes7648@...>

> Subject: [ ] Re: allergies


> Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 12:08 PM







> thank you, I will talk to him. I am really trying to push him for IV

antibiotics, I have been on 2 antibiotics for a few months now, without much

improvement. ...any thoughts?

> Bridget




>>> Is it common to become allergic to my antibiotics? It seems like everytime I

take them, about 20 minutes later I have an allergic reaction that I have come

to recognize since I developed allergies to everything this last year.

>>> Thank You

>>> Bridget




>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------


>>> Lyme Disease News continually updated from thousands of sources around the

>>> net: http://www.topix. net/health/ lyme-disease


>>> MedWorm: The latest items on: Lyme Disease

>>> http://tinyurl. com/23dgy8


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Maybe its the bands that came back positive? There were 3 and they were the same

each time. I have had mono. Can that make a false positive? She also consulted

with an infectious disease doctor. I guess they are not totally convinced that

it is lyme yet. No she is not a LLMD. My husband is out of work right now and I

have multiple health issues in which I am hoping they are all connected somehow.

So funds are tight.





> From: bridget <blueyes7648>

> Subject: [ ] Re: allergies

> @group s.com

> Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 12:08 PM







> thank you, I will talk to him. I am really trying to push him for IV

antibiotics, I have been on 2 antibiotics for a few months now, without much

improvement. ...any thoughts?

> Bridget




>>> Is it common to become allergic to my antibiotics? It seems like everytime I

take them, about 20 minutes later I have an allergic reaction that I have come

to recognize since I developed allergies to everything this last year.

>>> Thank You

>>> Bridget




>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------


>>> Lyme Disease News continually updated from thousands of sources around the

>>> net: http://www.topix. net/health/ lyme-disease


>>> MedWorm: The latest items on: Lyme Disease

>>> http://tinyurl. com/23dgy8


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The fact that she consulted with an infectious disease doctor could explain a

lot. Infectious disease doctors don't understand Lyme as we do. Their

professional group made up their minds 25 years ago about what the disease is

and is not, and they haven't allowed themselves to be confused by any of the new

research done in the years since. The upshot at this point is that they think

that most people with Lyme are really hypochondriacs, which is why they're

repeating the test over and over.

I've never heard of mono making a false positive. (A dental infection can,

though.) There are some bands on the test that are suggestive of Lyme, and some

that are definitive. It doesn't make sense that you could have two " positive

tests " without having at least two of those definitive bands light up. If that

happened, you have Lyme. If it didn't, then the tests can't be called

" positive. " So I'm not sure what the issue here could be -- but then, I'm not a


I'd encourage you to read through the Burrascano guidelines carefully, and take

them to your doctor. And ask her seriously what she thinks a spinal tap will

give her that she doesn't have now, and what her issue is with the two positive

tests. If it were my spine, I'd want clear answers to these questions before I'd

let people go sticking big needles in my back.

The bottom line here is this: the CDC very specifically *does NOT* require even

one positive test for a doctor to diagnose Lyme. They say that doctors should be

able to diagnose it on the basis of symptoms alone, even if the test comes back

negative. So your doctor's weird obsession -- and getting two positives and

accepting neither is weird and obsessive -- is revealing how very little she

knows about the disease. She's doing a big expensive invasive test that,

according to the CDC, does not need to be done.

It's quite likely that most (if not all) of your health issues are connected via

your Lyme. Most of us on this list had that experience. Getting it resolved

should make a great many of them go away. I understand the wonderfulness of

getting insurance to cover as much as you can; but in the long run, you'll

probably save yourself a lot of time, money, and agony if you can get yourself

into the hands of a knowledgeable LLMD who will look at your current tests and

get the right kind of treatment started without further angst.


On Jan 21, 2010, at 4:56 58PM, Chiaravalloti wrote:

> Maybe its the bands that came back positive? There were 3 and they were the

same each time. I have had mono. Can that make a false positive? She also

consulted with an infectious disease doctor. I guess they are not totally

convinced that it is lyme yet. No she is not a LLMD. My husband is out of work

right now and I have multiple health issues in which I am hoping they are all

connected somehow. So funds are tight.


> Thanks





>> From: bridget <blueyes7648>

>> Subject: [ ] Re: allergies

>> @group s.com

>> Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 12:08 PM







>> thank you, I will talk to him. I am really trying to push him for IV

antibiotics, I have been on 2 antibiotics for a few months now, without much

improvement. ...any thoughts?

>> Bridget




>>>> Is it common to become allergic to my antibiotics? It seems like everytime

I take them, about 20 minutes later I have an allergic reaction that I have come

to recognize since I developed allergies to everything this last year.

>>>> Thank You

>>>> Bridget




>>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------


>>>> Lyme Disease News continually updated from thousands of sources around the

>>>> net: http://www.topix. net/health/ lyme-disease


>>>> MedWorm: The latest items on: Lyme Disease

>>>> http://tinyurl. com/23dgy8


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These are the bands that were positive if that helps. 23, 41 & 66. I read that

the Epstein-Barr virus which causes mono could cause a false positive test thats

what I asked. I can not recall which site I was on though. It seems like every

dr that sees these results think I most likely do not have lyme. Examples are my

primary which I do not have to much confidence in anyway, my cardiologist and my

EP. Makes me feel like its not the case. The orthopedic said I had it. I am so





>> From: bridget <blueyes7648>

>> Subject: [ ] Re: allergies

>> @group s.com

>> Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 12:08 PM







>> thank you, I will talk to him. I am really trying to push him for IV

antibiotics, I have been on 2 antibiotics for a few months now, without much

improvement. ...any thoughts?

>> Bridget




>>>> Is it common to become allergic to my antibiotics? It seems like everytime

I take them, about 20 minutes later I have an allergic reaction that I have come

to recognize since I developed allergies to everything this last year.

>>>> Thank You

>>>> Bridget




>>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------


>>>> Lyme Disease News continually updated from thousands of sources around the

>>>> net: http://www.topix. net/health/ lyme-disease


>>>> MedWorm: The latest items on: Lyme Disease

>>>> http://tinyurl. com/23dgy8


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  • 2 months later...
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yes i was outside on sunday and the wind was bad and cold coming off lake

michigan and now this morning i have a bad headache! i do have allergies and

thryoid problems too. also my teeth are so sensitive any one else have that


Sue Kaminsky <skaykam48@...>

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Rhonda: I am now in remission so off all meds; but when I was taking Enbrel, my

allergies disappeared! Doc said it was because they are an immunological

disease, too. I've never had a migraine but I can get really severe headaches

because of arthritis in my neck. You might want to see if there's anything

going on there that could be causing them.

Joanna Hoelscher

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Hi Rhonda,

Ugh, yes I have allergies seems like all the time, but spring and of all things

winter are the worst times for me. Where I live the winds in winter bring down

mountain cedar from the Rockies and it sets me off every time! It does seem

though that since the first flare I had in 2003 that my allergies are worse.

Allergies to foods and meds I never had before are manifesting now. I have been

on Allegra for almost three years now continuously to help control symptoms.

Hi Sue,

Were or are you on MTX? I was on it for a year and a half. I had great teeth

before I started taking it. During the course of the time I was on it I started

having sensitive teeth. Then my gums started receding and my teeth were becoming

lose in their sockets. I also started losing my hair, a lot of it! My rheumy

took me off MTX and it took about six months for the sensitivity to go away and

about that long before my gums began to rise back up again. But it left me with

teeth that now break easily. So it is possible for the meds to have an affect on

teeth. Ask your rheumy if that could be what is happening.

Gentle hugs,


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Hi Dalene,

  i was on mtx and then my liver function tests were coming back high so i had

to stop taking it. i use the sensitive toothpaste but that doesn't help. now

that you mentioned about the gum line i see mine is higher than it was. the

drugs that are suppose to make you feel better sure have bad side effects.

thanks alot sue

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  • 4 months later...


> I am writing to get some advice...I'm feeling at the end of my tether and

pretty discouraged in general about ever getting better. I relocated back to

Texas after spending 6 years in Ireland a few months ago. For the first couple

of months I was feeling really well (I've now been on the diet for six months)

compared to how I was feeling before. In the past month I feel I have gone

downhill again. I'm wondering how long a healing reaction can last? Also, I have

a lot of sinus congestion and strongly suspect allergies. I have spoken to

several people (almost everyone I know here has to take allergy medication) and

many are telling me they are suffering, especially since we've had ozone alert

days and over 100 degree temps every day...I am trying a homeopathic medication

at the moment but I'm not getting much relief. I really don't want to have to

resort to zyrtec since I've taken no medication in years. Do you have any advice

what might help me? I'm beginning to feel somewhat hopeless about ever being



@@ Hi there,

What is your name, please? We tend to address people by their name rather than

their email address.

The severity of healing reactions and the length of time you experience them

depends upon:

* how long you've had candida.

* the general condition of your body and your state of mind, i.e. how often or

severely your body has been exposed to toxins and/or traumatized during your

lifetime by injuries, disease, illness, losses and stress.

* how closely you follow the candida program (diet and supplements)

* how much detoxifying and healing your body can accomplish at one time.

Yes, many around you are taking conventional allergy medications, however, yet,

they don't get better. If this was the answer people would get better and would

not have these reoccurring problems. Therefore, allergy medication is NOT the


Zyrtec, is a synthetic antihistamine which will add unnecessarily more toxin to

your body which your body will have to address. Furthermore, it will suppress

what the detox/healing your body must do !

Therefore , not advisable and why bother when you can use a couple of

alternatives below. Also discontinue the homeopathic medication.

To assist in alleviating some discomfort from your sinus congestion you can use

a treatment or two from link below. Do not use too many treatments or you could

slow or halt healing.

Sinus & Nose Treatments


Lastly and however, addressing the cause i.e Candida is the true solution which

is accomplished with this diet program and the recommended supplements.

Take care,


group moderator

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> I am writing to get some advice...I'm feeling at the end of my tether and

pretty discouraged in general about ever getting better. I relocated back to

Texas after spending 6 years in Ireland a few months ago. For the first couple

of months I was feeling really well (I've now been on the diet for six months)

compared to how I was feeling before. In the past month I feel I have gone

downhill again. I'm wondering how long a healing reaction can last? Also, I have

a lot of sinus congestion and strongly suspect allergies. I have spoken to

several people (almost everyone I know here has to take allergy medication) and

many are telling me they are suffering, especially since we've had ozone alert

days and over 100 degree temps every day...I am trying a homeopathic medication

at the moment but I'm not getting much relief. I really don't want to have to

resort to zyrtec since I've taken no medication in years. Do you have any advice

what might help me? I'm beginning to feel somewhat hopeless about ever being



+++Hi there. Have you been on my diet and supplements for 6 months, since many

other programs fail for many good reasons, while my program does what is most

important, which is building up the immune system. If you aren't on my program

be sure to read:

How to Successfully Overcome Candida:


Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

In addition to what Ed wrote, you should read about what allergies actually ARE,

which are simply healing and detoxifying symptoms created by the body in

reaction to toxins - Read Healing Reactions Versus Allergic Reactions:


Then you can read more about allergies here:


The antibody theory upon which the medical field bases allergy shots is also

false (in the link above).

Remember there are no quick fixes and natural healing takes 1 month for every

year you've been unhealthy, and for most people today that is since before they

were born.

Also while your body is healing itself it will " retrace " all past symptoms,

diseases, illnesses, injuries, organ malfunctions, etc.:


The best in health, Bee

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Hi Bee,

Yes, I have been on your diet for six months now. That's partly why I'm feeling

discouraged. I've been working so hard and feeling that I should be further

along! I was doing better -feeling that my immune system was handling allergies

better before so I'm not sure...

Since I relocated I have been under some stress so I know that can set you back.

Also, how long can a healing reaction last? Would it last four or five weeks?

On a positive note, while my allergies seem to have suddenly gotten worse, I

have not had a cold in seven months whereas I used to get sick every couple of

months-I know that's progress and can see it other ways too..

Finally, is there any natural remedy for allergies (e.g. ragweed, pollen etc)

you can recommend?

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Hi Ed,

I have been on the candida diet religiously for the past six months, so felt I

should be further along at this point. When I first arrived back in Texas a few

months ago I seemed to be doing better than others around me without any

medication but in the past several weeks have suddently begun experiencing the


A question for you: Why not homeopathic medication? My congestion has been

pretty bad, I have difficulty thinking, functioning, sleeping etc when I can't

breathe! I'll have a look at the sinus treatments you posted.



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> Hi Bee,


> Yes, I have been on your diet for six months now. That's partly why I'm

feeling discouraged. I've been working so hard and feeling that I should be

further along! I was doing better -feeling that my immune system was handling

allergies better before so I'm not sure...


> Since I relocated I have been under some stress so I know that can set you

back. Also, how long can a healing reaction last? Would it last four or five



> On a positive note, while my allergies seem to have suddenly gotten worse, I

have not had a cold in seven months whereas I used to get sick every couple of

months-I know that's progress and can see it other ways too..


> Finally, is there any natural remedy for allergies (e.g. ragweed, pollen etc)

you can recommend?

+++Hi there. What is your name please?

IF you had allergies before starting on this program your body will be

" retracing " each and every episode while it is healing itself.

How long depends upon how long your symptoms lasted when you had them

originally, but at a rate of 1 month for every year.

Say for example your allergic reactions lasted 2 weeks at a time. 2 weeks is

about 3.8% of 1 month, and 3.8% of 30 days is about 1.1 days. So it will take a

little over 24 hours to get through the healing, detoxifying and rebuilding

needed during " retracing. "

Stresses can interfere somewhat so retracing could take longer.

There are things you can do to help alleviate the discomfort, which are in the

article Ed referred you to. But also you don't want to overtreat yourself

either, since overtreatment can interfere with the body's efforts.

Of course all healing comes from within, so consistently sticking to the program

is most important.

All the best, Bee

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> Hi Ed,

> I have been on the candida diet religiously for the past six months, so felt I

should be further along at this point. When I first arrived back in Texas a few

months ago I seemed to be doing better than others around me without any

medication but in the past several weeks have suddently begun experiencing the



> A question for you: Why not homeopathic medication? My congestion has been

pretty bad, I have difficulty thinking, functioning, sleeping etc when I can't

breathe! I'll have a look at the sinus treatments you posted.

+++Hi Samia,

I did not advise you to not do homeopathic treatments. They can be very helpful


Read the sinus treatments I wrote first, and then ask questions.


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> Hi Bee,


> I just want to add that I have read the articles on allergies and it makes

sense. I have been under some stress since my move back to the U.S. so I suspect

either an effect on my adrenals (I suffer from adrenal fatigue though am much

better than before) and therefore increased allergies and/or a healing reaction.

I will follow the recommendations for the allergies and hopefully it will help.

Would you recommend anything to help my adrenal fatigue e.g. an adrenal

supplement or to just take recommended supplements?

+++Hi Samia,

No one should take any kind of hormones anyway since they have a much more

powerful effect on the body. You want to treat the " cause " and not the symptoms

like doctors do, which we know doesn't work.

It's mainly Nutrients (diet+supplements) that provide your body with what it

needs to do its job.

Since you are stressed, not only from moving, but also because you are still

unhealthy, your adrenals are overstressed too. There are many things on my

program that help your adrenals since it is a very common issue.

Also since you are stressed now you should be doing regular deep breathing

exercises as explained here:


Also ensure you are taking 1 1/2 teaspoons per day of good ocean sea salt since

it is very important for the adrenals.

See Adrenal Malfunction and How to Improve It:


But again, don't overtreat yourself for anything, since healing comes from

within mainly with the " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements).

Cheers, Bee

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> >

> > Hi Ed,


> >

> > A question for you: Why not homeopathic medication? My congestion has been

pretty bad, I have difficulty thinking, functioning, sleeping etc when I can't

breathe! I'll have a look at the sinus treatments you posted.


> +++Hi Samia,


> I did not advise you to not do homeopathic treatments. They can be very

helpful indeed!


> Read the sinus treatments I wrote first, and then ask questions.


> Bee


@@ Hi Samia,

I think Bee missed your original post on this matter.

Anyway, the reason I advised you discontinue the homeopathic

treatments/medication for your sinuses is because they were not effective at

giving you any relief, according to your initial posted message.

Moreover, with the treatments for your sinuses I submitted for you to try, the

combination of too many treatments could slow or halt your healing process


Therefore, the ineffective homeopathic treatment is unnecessary and could be a

hindrance rather than a benefit. More is not better !

So, Samia, do try some of the Sinus treatments and see how they work out for

you. Try one or two treatments on the list and test their effectiveness for

relief. Give the treatments enough time to take effect before you discard them

and move to another.

Again don't do too many treatments at once or you could slow your healing rather

than progress forward.

Best in Health,


group moderator

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Hi Samia

Just a quick note of encouragement. My daughter had many 'life threatening

allergies' and is now free of most of them. Most of the food ones were of course

healing reactions and the enviromental ones have graduly eased as she has healed

on this amazing programe. Keep going don't lose heart.

Best wishes

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My name is Samia Geraghty...thanks for the info. I read the articles and started

taking much higher doses of vitamin C, which is probably what my adrenals need

as well...I'm already feeling better. Is there a high potency vitamin C that you

can recommend? At the moment I'm using Whole Foods brand vitamin C in powder


> >

> >

> >

> > Hi Bee,

> >

> > Yes, I have been on your diet for six months now. That's partly why I'm

feeling discouraged. I've been working so hard and feeling that I should be

further along! I was doing better -feeling that my immune system was handling

allergies better before so I'm not sure...

> >

> > Since I relocated I have been under some stress so I know that can set you

back. Also, how long can a healing reaction last? Would it last four or five


> >

> > On a positive note, while my allergies seem to have suddenly gotten worse, I

have not had a cold in seven months whereas I used to get sick every couple of

months-I know that's progress and can see it other ways too..

> >

> > Finally, is there any natural remedy for allergies (e.g. ragweed, pollen

etc) you can recommend?


> +++Hi there. What is your name please?


> IF you had allergies before starting on this program your body will be

" retracing " each and every episode while it is healing itself.


> How long depends upon how long your symptoms lasted when you had them

originally, but at a rate of 1 month for every year.


> Say for example your allergic reactions lasted 2 weeks at a time. 2 weeks is

about 3.8% of 1 month, and 3.8% of 30 days is about 1.1 days. So it will take a

little over 24 hours to get through the healing, detoxifying and rebuilding

needed during " retracing. "


> Stresses can interfere somewhat so retracing could take longer.


> There are things you can do to help alleviate the discomfort, which are in the

article Ed referred you to. But also you don't want to overtreat yourself

either, since overtreatment can interfere with the body's efforts.


> Of course all healing comes from within, so consistently sticking to the

program is most important.


> All the best, Bee


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Thanks, ...It helps to hear success stories!



> Hi Samia

> Just a quick note of encouragement. My daughter had many 'life threatening

allergies' and is now free of most of them. Most of the food ones were of course

healing reactions and the enviromental ones have graduly eased as she has healed

on this amazing programe. Keep going don't lose heart.

> Best wishes


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That's great, thanks Bee and Ed...I have read the articles and feel like I have

a better idea of what to do. Looks like I need to go to the website and


As regards the homeopathy, I think I can stop using it since as you said it

wasn't helping. However, I am going to take another dose of my constitutional

remedy which I get from a homeopath. I find it has helped me in my healing...

> > >

> > > Hi Ed,


> @@ SNIP


> > >

> > > A question for you: Why not homeopathic medication? My congestion has been

pretty bad, I have difficulty thinking, functioning, sleeping etc when I can't

breathe! I'll have a look at the sinus treatments you posted.

> >

> > +++Hi Samia,

> >

> > I did not advise you to not do homeopathic treatments. They can be very

helpful indeed!

> >

> > Read the sinus treatments I wrote first, and then ask questions.

> >

> > Bee

> >


> @@ Hi Samia,


> I think Bee missed your original post on this matter.


> Anyway, the reason I advised you discontinue the homeopathic

treatments/medication for your sinuses is because they were not effective at

giving you any relief, according to your initial posted message.


> Moreover, with the treatments for your sinuses I submitted for you to try, the

combination of too many treatments could slow or halt your healing process



> Therefore, the ineffective homeopathic treatment is unnecessary and could be a

hindrance rather than a benefit. More is not better !


> So, Samia, do try some of the Sinus treatments and see how they work out for

you. Try one or two treatments on the list and test their effectiveness for

relief. Give the treatments enough time to take effect before you discard them

and move to another.


> Again don't do too many treatments at once or you could slow your healing

rather than progress forward.


> Best in Health,

> Ed

> group moderator


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> Bee,


> My name is Samia Geraghty...thanks for the info. I read the articles and

started taking much higher doses of vitamin C, which is probably what my

adrenals need as well...I'm already feeling better. Is there a high potency

vitamin C that you can recommend? At the moment I'm using Whole Foods brand

vitamin C in powder form.

+++Hi Samia,

You are welcome for the info. Hopefully you slowly increased the doses so you

aren't getting loose stools.

It is also very important to slowly decrease high doses of vitamin C to 4,000 mg

per day, and not just stop taking them suddenly.

Ensure that Whole Foods powdered vitamin C only contains ascorbic acid, and not

anything else like calcium, magnesium, sodium (usually baking soda).

The brand I recommend is on my iHerb page, which is Now Foods brand, ascorbic

vitamin C, and it contains 2,250 mg per 1/2 teaspoon:


Also take at least 1,000 mg of a vitamin C tablet that contains co-factors of

vitamin C like bioflavonoids - see this for details:


Ensure you always take it with a meal, since it can be hard on the stomach, and

also rinse your mouth well afterward since it can be hard on your teeth.

All the best, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...


> Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has used the Tapas acupressure technique

for healing allergies? I am still suffering in spite of doing all the

recommended things. I have been on the program for about seven months, so I

don't know at what point I will no longer have these.


> In the meantime, I'm finding it difficult to function with them-there is an

ozone pollution alert here in Dallas daily, ragweed season, grass and mold is

high...it would be nice to be able to work, volunteer at my daughter's school,

do all the normal things I was able to do up until the last couple of

months...anybody have any success using that technique or acupuncture?


+++Hi Samia,

How long did you have allergies before starting on my program?


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Hi Samia,

Yes I have used Tapas before and have had a phone session with her, it's pretty

powerful stuff, you also should look into EFT, these are both based on clearing

the emotional debris stuck in your system. courtney

> >

> > Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has used the Tapas acupressure technique

for healing allergies? I am still suffering in spite of doing all the

recommended things. I have been on the program for about seven months, so I

don't know at what point I will no longer have these.

> >

> > In the meantime, I'm finding it difficult to function with them-there is an

ozone pollution alert here in Dallas daily, ragweed season, grass and mold is

high...it would be nice to be able to work, volunteer at my daughter's school,

do all the normal things I was able to do up until the last couple of

months...anybody have any success using that technique or acupuncture?

> >

> +++Hi Samia,


> How long did you have allergies before starting on my program?


> Bee


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I had the allergies for about 10 years before I started the program.



> > >

> > > Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has used the Tapas acupressure

technique for healing allergies? I am still suffering in spite of doing all the

recommended things. I have been on the program for about seven months, so I

don't know at what point I will no longer have these.

> > >

> > > In the meantime, I'm finding it difficult to function with them-there is

an ozone pollution alert here in Dallas daily, ragweed season, grass and mold is

high...it would be nice to be able to work, volunteer at my daughter's school,

do all the normal things I was able to do up until the last couple of

months...anybody have any success using that technique or acupuncture?

> > >

> > +++Hi Samia,

> >

> > How long did you have allergies before starting on my program?

> >

> > Bee

> >


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Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has used the Tapas acupressure technique for

healing allergies? I am still suffering in spite of doing all the recommended

things. I have been on the program for about seven months, so I don't know at

what point I will no longer have these.

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