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Hi .

When I was in a clinical trial, they had provisions for obtaining the meds

after the

trial was over. It was to be provided for me after completing the study.

Maybe the one you are in has provisions like that. If not, ¹s advise to

contact the manufacturer is the best. This is really encouraging news and I

hope you continue having great results.


> Hello all!

> I hope everyone is having a good 4th. I haven't posted as I am/was

> going through a wicked flare. I had changed Dr's, and my new Rheumy

> seems to be taking my constant misery a lot more seriously than my

> old Dr. That brings me to why I am posting...

> He got me into a Kineret study, ( they are looking into taking

> Kineret 3x a week instead of daily injections ) I just took my 2nd

> dose of the blind study drug. It could have been a placebo or 400 mg

> of Kineret. There is no doubt in my mind I am taking Kineret! The

> difference is just incredible. I can walk without feeling like the

> tendons in my knees are too short, the stiffness is completely gone!

> That was yesterday, today the swelling in my wrists is almost

> completely gone, and I can take my rings off for the first time in 6

> mos. This stuff is just incredible. I feel like a whole new

> person. This gives a whole new meaning to independence day. :0)

> The question is, how much is this stuff gonna cost when the 6 month

> study is over and I have to pay for this out of my own, very shallow,

> pocket??? Any body out there know? Thanks again





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  • 3 weeks later...
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Dearest Debs...the Christmas in July sounds so wonderful...what a great


You are facing so much, my friend. You are ALWAYS in my heart & in my

prayers, even when I'm on the " quiet " side. Please don't ever forget


Perhaps someday when we get our duckies in a row we can really have a

great RA family get-together. I think you are so brave, and so

encouraging even when you aren't feeling good at all. I love you

bunches and count you as one of the blessings in my life.

I'm pooped as per usual...sleeping ten hours a night plus a 2 hour nap

most days, but always feeling so darn weak. Maybe I need to try the

Popeye method and eat a can of

spinach................................................NOT!!! Yikes,

what a thought! : )

Hugs & Prayers & Love to the Moon & Stars and back.....


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Hey Tess,

I am getting my ducks in a row and packed!!!!!!

I went for the CT scan today and after it was all over with, the tech came

out yelling at me that she can't see anything because I have so much metal in

my knee.........DUH!!!!! Hey I don't order the tests, I just go for them. I

told her that the DR already knows that it is fractured, he know thinks that

the cement he used in the original surgery is cracked. Just my luck. Hey, I

didn't go to medical school, the doc did! Yell at him, not the patient!!!!

Oh well, I am off the hook. I did as I was told and came home and promptly

took something for pain and laid down.

Try to have a good evening, sweetie,


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Thanks Iris,

Your concern means so much to me. Right now, I am taking it day by day, hour

by hour and at times, minute by minute.

I have two weeks to go and I need all the strength I can muster up. I will

keep in touch.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Dear Debs

It sounds as though you have a lot going on right now

and I know that we all wish we could take some of this

burden from you. Sometimes we just have to stand up

to our Docs and make them stop and take the time to

really listen.

A couple of years after my colon surgery, I began

having symptoms again but the test did not show what I

was expecting it to show so I was sent on my way. I

insisted that I be put on antibiotics because I

thought it had to be infection. The pain stopped

after I took them. I think we have symptoms way

before all of our modern tests show so it is important

to listen to our bodies. Even when a DOC is saying

" The tests do not show, " we know it something isn't


Keep on insisting. You'll be in my thoughts. I hope

you can hang on until surgery and not have any more

pain than you already have. Iris

Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> Hi All,


> Went to the ortho doc yesterday. He has scheduled

> surgery for 8/8/02. He is

> going to do an open procedure so I will have to be

> incarcerated in the

> hospital. I need to have a CT scan prior to surgery

> as he thinks that the

> cement in the patella is cracked. Last year before

> he redid my left knee, he

> had me go for a bone scan and the right knee lit up

> like a Christmas tree.

> The tech kept asking me if I had any pain in that

> knee and at the time, nope,

> just the left knee which needed to be revised. The

> doctor explained it that

> a knee replacement can " show " hot for up to one to

> one and half years. Me,

> not knowing any better, believed him. He says

> yesterday that that test is

> proof that something was going on in that knee as

> long as a year ago. It is

> OK that he didn't do anything about that as at the

> time I was asymptotic, but

> when I started complaining, he should not have given

> me such a hard time and

> made we wait for so long to get this corrected.

> Sending me home in tears

> that one day was just so wrong. He says that he is

> kicking himself in the

> butt for not looking closer at this test, but all I

> can do now is go forward

> and pray that this will be the last surgery on

> either knee for quite a while.



> My tummy condition remains the same, sometimes worse

> (like right now)

> sometimes not so bad. I have called the general

> surgeon and he is on

> vacation until 8/22. However, he has left orders

> that if I get any worse, I

> am to call his office and see one of his associates

> immediately. Both

> associates have been his assistants in the OR during

> previous surgeries.

> Nice man who cares about his patients. He knows

> that I am pretty good about

> judging what I need to do and when I need to see him

> or go to the ER.


> I went for iron infusion today FINALLY. Good thing

> I went when I did. My

> count came up very little from the last infusion, so

> the hematologist doubled

> the dosage and the nurse said that if I am having

> any type of surgery, I will

> need this iron desperately. I was supposed to go

> for the CT scan today, but

> was too tired. In fact, while getting my mail, I

> knocked the mail box & but

> a big gouge in my van. So I called and rescheduled

> for tomorrow.


> Tomorrow we do Christmas in July at my house. We

> watch Christmas movies,

> make Christmas cookies and decide what our holiday

> plans are going to be, how

> we are going to decorate the house and decide what

> we need for the upcoming

> season so we can start bargain hunting. We don't

> have much money, but we

> sure do have simple fun.


> Hope you all have a restful night!


> Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


> Debs in FL



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Oh Debs, I swear that half the people who work in medicine should have a

very thorough course in treating patients right, or get out of that

field!!!! Sheeeeeeesh. I am sorry you had to listen to that


I'm glad you're getting your duckies in a row, I'm trying to find mine

and make them stay! : )

Things are going to get better, kiddo...from our lips to God's ears.

Much Love & All the Hugs in my heart...


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How are you doing? Me, heck I know how things are going to turn out! But

what about you???? Are you seeing the rainbow yet or are the clouds still

obscuring your view? I am very worried about you sweetie!

Please give me a quick update on how Tess is! Today is a lazy day, no

appointments. Yippee!!!! Once the girls get up, the only place I am going

is to the post office and then to the pool and finally to the spa.

Well, my appointments are starting next week. Like a hamster on a treadmill.

Golly, I hate all of this stuff. The iron still hasn't kicked in yet, well

not as much as it did the last time. I must have really been a quart low!!!

OK, I am trying to keep my posts shorter. So I will talk to you later.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


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Hi Debs,

That was very unprofessional of the tech to yell at you. She should have

asked you before hand if you had any medal in your body and the doctor

should have told you to be sure you tell them that you do. We all feel

bad enough with the pain we have to go through without the so called

professionals making us feel emotionally worst.

Judy - in FL

> Hey Tess,


> I am getting my ducks in a row and packed!!!!!!


> I went for the CT scan today and after it was all over with, the

> tech came

> out yelling at me that she can't see anything because I have so much

> metal in

> my knee.........DUH!!!!! Hey I don't order the tests, I just go for

> them. I

> told her that the DR already knows that it is fractured, he know

> thinks that

> the cement he used in the original surgery is cracked. Just my

> luck. Hey, I

> didn't go to medical school, the doc did! Yell at him, not the

> patient!!!!


> Oh well, I am off the hook. I did as I was told and came home and

> promptly

> took something for pain and laid down.


> Try to have a good evening, sweetie,


> Debs



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Dearest Deb...I'm looking for the rainbow...been struggling a bit with

depression & anxiety. Last night was my first (and only I hope) bad

night in quite awhile.

You do have so much to do, Deb. I hope that iron kicks in and you feel

more strength. I'm glad you have a more relaxed day planned

today...remember if someone asks you to do somethig today, just put on

your sweet grin and say, " No, I have plans. " You need a lower stress


Keep us posted, and remember we're all cheering for you!

All the love & hugs I can muster up....


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Your simple fun sounds wonderful. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

The simple pleasures in life are the best.

I sure hope this is the last surgery on that knee. It¹s not to late for

another opinion!

Why has your doctor changed practices so many times in the last 2 years?

He keeps sending out red flags Debs. And he is giving YOU a hard time and

sending YOU

home in tears?????????????

Nervous ninny here is hoping he¹s a reputable doctor. You deserve the very

best care.

Your surgery is my birthday you know, and no way do I want anything but good


happening on that day!!!!! He is just sending out so many red flags that

I¹m hoping you

will opt for another opinion. I had an ortho that messed my knee up big

time, and when

I went looking for another ortho I found the best, most compassionate but

most important

SKILLED doctor I could ever hope for. My knee replacements are 5 years old

and are wonderful.

Before that he fixed botched surgeries and improved my quality of life so

much. I want the same

for you.

Sorry your belly is hurting so much. I hope they can do something to make

you more comfortable

while going through this knee surgery.



> Hi All,


> Went to the ortho doc yesterday. He has scheduled surgery for 8/8/02. He is

> going to do an open procedure so I will have to be incarcerated in the

> hospital. I need to have a CT scan prior to surgery as he thinks that the

> cement in the patella is cracked. Last year before he redid my left knee, he

> had me go for a bone scan and the right knee lit up like a Christmas tree.

> The tech kept asking me if I had any pain in that knee and at the time, nope,

> just the left knee which needed to be revised. The doctor explained it that

> a knee replacement can " show " hot for up to one to one and half years. Me,

> not knowing any better, believed him. He says yesterday that that test is

> proof that something was going on in that knee as long as a year ago. It is

> OK that he didn't do anything about that as at the time I was asymptotic, but

> when I started complaining, he should not have given me such a hard time and

> made we wait for so long to get this corrected. Sending me home in tears

> that one day was just so wrong. He says that he is kicking himself in the

> butt for not looking closer at this test, but all I can do now is go forward

> and pray that this will be the last surgery on either knee for quite a while.



> My tummy condition remains the same, sometimes worse (like right now)

> sometimes not so bad. I have called the general surgeon and he is on

> vacation until 8/22. However, he has left orders that if I get any worse, I

> am to call his office and see one of his associates immediately. Both

> associates have been his assistants in the OR during previous surgeries.

> Nice man who cares about his patients. He knows that I am pretty good about

> judging what I need to do and when I need to see him or go to the ER.


> I went for iron infusion today FINALLY. Good thing I went when I did. My

> count came up very little from the last infusion, so the hematologist doubled

> the dosage and the nurse said that if I am having any type of surgery, I will

> need this iron desperately. I was supposed to go for the CT scan today, but

> was too tired. In fact, while getting my mail, I knocked the mail box & but

> a big gouge in my van. So I called and rescheduled for tomorrow.


> Tomorrow we do Christmas in July at my house. We watch Christmas movies,

> make Christmas cookies and decide what our holiday plans are going to be, how

> we are going to decorate the house and decide what we need for the upcoming

> season so we can start bargain hunting. We don't have much money, but we

> sure do have simple fun.


> Hope you all have a restful night!


> Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


> Debs in FL



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I have been wanting to send you a message. But I wasn't on much, my car

broke down and I had to walk home. It was about 4 miles but it wasn't bad, I

have always loved to walk. Anyway I sure hope you are feeling better. I

also hope that the depression and anxiety are soon gone. It is so hard not

to get depressed when we have to deal with so much. I wanted you to know I

was thinking about you. Hope the sun comes out for you today.

Lynn (MeMom)

Tess_St_Pierre@... wrote:

> Dearest Deb...I'm looking for the rainbow...been struggling a bit with

> depression & anxiety. Last night was my first (and only I hope) bad

> night in quite awhile.


> You do have so much to do, Deb. I hope that iron kicks in and you feel

> more strength. I'm glad you have a more relaxed day planned

> today...remember if someone asks you to do somethig today, just put on

> your sweet grin and say, " No, I have plans. " You need a lower stress

> day.


> Keep us posted, and remember we're all cheering for you!


> All the love & hugs I can muster up....


> Tess





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Dearest Lynn...Yikes...4 miles? Golly, I hope you are ok and can rest



Thank you for thinking of me, even in the midst of your pain &


I got " unstubborn " and decided to do a prednisone taper. It is already

helping. Sometimes I have to be in pain & discomfort for several days

for me to FIGURE out something is wrong. The ol' denia;/dissociation

mechanisms still work...sheesh.

God bless you bunches...you're in my prayers, dear Lynn.

Love & Hope...


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I have been thinking of nothing else but your post from a day ago. I know

and I see the same red flags that you do. It does make me very uneasy. I am

just so confused and overwhelmed right now and quite frankly, so sick. I

need some resolution to one of my health problems. Yesterday, I was flat in

bed in so much pain, when Ron got home from work, I was ready to go to the

ER. As I was walking to the front door, I just could not get that foot over

the threshold. Knowing how the ER staff would treat me and possibly send me

home in no better shape than I am right now. I am just doing complete bed

rest, with some sips of liquids and the kids are doing the cleaning, cooking

and everything. Ron is off giving blood (no not for me) and then having a

haircut. His parents move to assisted living tomorrow so he is all in a

twitter about that. I think he wishes that he had flown up, but it was his

choice to stay here. Any time my knee moves, I can just hear the pieces

crunching around in my patella. The op reservations shows that he is going

to be doing either a partial or total patellarectomy. I see him again on

Monday to discuss the CT scan and the surgery. I am so scared and confused

right now. Most orthos won't even treat this condition for quite sometime

and I have already been suffering with this since February of this year.

Ooooh, the pain in my side, has just gotten really bad so I must close.

Pleas take care of YOU. I will talk to you soon and thank you for being my


Love and hugs,


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Dear Deb,

How wonderful that you have children that can help you

out when you are having so much pain. We I read your

post, I wished I could do something to help. Rest,

rest and keep us posted. Iris


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Hi Tess,

I really am okay, I was determine to do that walk. I am just sore and

very tired but fine. Hope the predisone is helping you.

Lynn (MeMom)

Tess_St_Pierre@... wrote:

> Dearest Lynn...Yikes...4 miles? Golly, I hope you are ok and can rest

> today.

> ((((((((((((((((((((((Lynn))))))))))))))))))

> Thank you for thinking of me, even in the midst of your pain &

> struggles.


> I got " unstubborn " and decided to do a prednisone taper. It is already

> helping. Sometimes I have to be in pain & discomfort for several days

> for me to FIGURE out something is wrong. The ol' denia;/dissociation

> mechanisms still work...sheesh.


> God bless you bunches...you're in my prayers, dear Lynn.


> Love & Hope...


> Tess




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I don¹t want to say anything to add to your anxiety, but I have a big mouth

and can¹t keep quiet either. You¹re in a lousy position being chained to

this doctor because everyone else is booked. Some doctors may see you in

cases of emergency. Maybe if you tell them the seriousness of it or even go

to and ER where another doctor is on call? I wish there was something you

could do. This is not a minor cut on the finger. The success of this

surgery will be the difference between walking and the wheelchair. You

deserve the very best.

Coupled with the adhesions, a trip to the Mayo might solve all your


I don¹t blame you for being scared and confused. It¹s hard to make

decisions when you are in so much pain.

I know you just want it over with and maybe you are to the point that you

wouldn¹t care if the vet did it as long as it was fixed!

My prayers are with you Deb. Only you can make the decisions, and if you

stay with this doctor, I hope you can have faith in him to do a good job.



> a,


> I have been thinking of nothing else but your post from a day ago. I know

> and I see the same red flags that you do. It does make me very uneasy. I am

> just so confused and overwhelmed right now and quite frankly, so sick. I

> need some resolution to one of my health problems. Yesterday, I was flat in

> bed in so much pain, when Ron got home from work, I was ready to go to the

> ER. As I was walking to the front door, I just could not get that foot over

> the threshold. Knowing how the ER staff would treat me and possibly send me

> home in no better shape than I am right now. I am just doing complete bed

> rest, with some sips of liquids and the kids are doing the cleaning, cooking

> and everything. Ron is off giving blood (no not for me) and then having a

> haircut. His parents move to assisted living tomorrow so he is all in a

> twitter about that. I think he wishes that he had flown up, but it was his

> choice to stay here. Any time my knee moves, I can just hear the pieces

> crunching around in my patella. The op reservations shows that he is going

> to be doing either a partial or total patellarectomy. I see him again on

> Monday to discuss the CT scan and the surgery. I am so scared and confused

> right now. Most orthos won't even treat this condition for quite sometime

> and I have already been suffering with this since February of this year.


> Ooooh, the pain in my side, has just gotten really bad so I must close.

> Pleas take care of YOU. I will talk to you soon and thank you for being my

> friend.


> Love and hugs,


> Deb

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Tess, glad to hear that you got out for a while. As far as

the " electrical " pains that could very well be from the herniations

pressing on some nerves. I had a similar thing happen recently in C5-

C6 of my upper neck. My whole right arm was sore for awhile then it

turned to the most horrific pain and my fingers went numb. As it

turned out, the herniated disc was pushing on some nerves and causing

all kind of havoc. Been going through Physical Therapy for 4 weeks

and it's finally getting better. I hope that they can do something

for you to relieve that pain.

Homemade Chili sounds really good right now. Would you mind sending

some via e-mail to me? ;)



> Hi All...the depression & anxiety has lifted a tad, but I am


> for that. I went out with Em to do a little grocery shoppng. My


> leg and lower back are not doing well, and awakened me several times

> last night from pain. The neurosurgeon gave me little hope of


> that...I'm not sure if I should seek out a second opinion or chalk

it up

> to my weight. The herniations are at L4, L5. But the last week or


> I've had strange " electrical " pains from my upper back through my


> The neurosurgeon said he would order a CT myelogram but at my

weight he

> wasn't sure how good it'd be. I've been dragging my right leg now

for 9

> months. Do you all have any thoughts?


> I did use the " mart-cart " as they call it at Em's store. The


> would do me good, but with the pain escalated today I decided to

use the

> cart.


> When we got home I made a big batch of homemade chili...put some in


> freezer for 'whenever', and the rest I'll heat up tomorrow for our

> supper. I think some things really do improve the next day. I used

> fresh local tomatoes in the chili so it'll be extra good.


> I'm still writing down my food and quitting, most nights, by 8.


> week I'm going to go get weighed, then only monthly thereafter.


> can really cause me problems so I just want a monthly check-in.


> I am so grateful for you all. You are all, and your loved ones, in


> heart & in my prayers.


> Hugs.....


> Tess

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Hi Tess. I¹m happy to hear that your depression is lifting. I hope you

have many cheerier days ahead. I wish you felt better, I know it would help

with the depression. Your herniations are the same ones my husband has. He

was having a lot of nerve pain in his foot, which was caused by the

herniations. It can cause drop foot. I don¹t know if that is what is

causing you to drag your leg, but it sounds like it can be. was lucky

that nerve block injections helped him immensely. He only had one round of

injections and it helped him to within 90%.

Enjoy your chili! I was in the cooking mood myself for the first time in

awhile. It¹s hard to cook when it¹s so hot and August was a scorcher for

us. I just made some carrot/celery soup and beef barley soup. My favorite

meals are just soup and salad, so I tend to made big batches of soups.

Keep up the good work Tess. I hope your food journal helps you to make

healthier choices. Diets and scales aren¹t necessary if you choose to

select foods that nourish rather than just taste good.

I love fruit and since it also tastes good, it¹s become my ³treat² instead

of cookies, ice cream and cakes. Plus it¹s loaded in vitamins and minerals!

The road to better health may have it¹s bumps and turns, but as long as you

stay on that road, you¹re bound to reap the benefits of your hard work.

Steering clear of as many chemicals as you can will help you make healthier

choices in your foods.

If there is anything I can do to help you make these choices, please feel

free to contact me on or off the list. My goals are to load myself up on

foods that are beneficial to combat the effects of RA.

I¹ve seen a major improvement and it¹s been worth my efforts.

I hope you have a great day.



> Hi All...the depression & anxiety has lifted a tad, but I am grateful

> for that. I went out with Em to do a little grocery shoppng. My right

> leg and lower back are not doing well, and awakened me several times

> last night from pain. The neurosurgeon gave me little hope of improving

> that...I'm not sure if I should seek out a second opinion or chalk it up

> to my weight. The herniations are at L4, L5. But the last week or so

> I've had strange " electrical " pains from my upper back through my neck.

> The neurosurgeon said he would order a CT myelogram but at my weight he

> wasn't sure how good it'd be. I've been dragging my right leg now for 9

> months. Do you all have any thoughts?


> I did use the " mart-cart " as they call it at Em's store. The walking

> would do me good, but with the pain escalated today I decided to use the

> cart.


> When we got home I made a big batch of homemade chili...put some in the

> freezer for 'whenever', and the rest I'll heat up tomorrow for our

> supper. I think some things really do improve the next day. I used

> fresh local tomatoes in the chili so it'll be extra good.


> I'm still writing down my food and quitting, most nights, by 8. This

> week I'm going to go get weighed, then only monthly thereafter. Scales

> can really cause me problems so I just want a monthly check-in.


> I am so grateful for you all. You are all, and your loved ones, in my

> heart & in my prayers.


> Hugs.....


> Tess




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Go Tess...good luck on your diet mom ent by moment...thrill at the

accomplishments and forgive the small deviations...that's all they

are...there are no failures,...a pause doesn't mean your done

trying...wishing you the best...I know the first few pounds are

tough....good luck marge

[ ] update

> Good for you Tess,I think you will have good success with your trying to

lose weight this time. Just don't be too hard on yourself on the days you

have a problem sticking to your eating plan and remember we are all here

cheering you on.


> Hugs

> June




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is sooooo cute! Great news on the progress you've seen already- 3

weeks down already!? The time is fleeting by! Keep us posted on her

continued success. As for the group meeting, that's a tough one, for me

anyway. Looking back, I can feel differently than I did when we had the

band- of course its easier now that I'm not going through it anymore. I know

that starting out with the band, there were a few occassions (very few) that

my dh and I decided to leave the band off when unwanted questions and stares

would be too much to deal with, and many other times that we welcomed the

stares and questions and made it educational, and even a game- I guess it all

depended on the circumstances, and the fact that we grew into the band as

well, so to speak. For the most part, you have to say, I don't care what

anyone thinks or says, and you deal with it. This being a mother's group,

you do have a chance at educating them about plagio, and it could be a

positive event (and your little one will be the center of attention!).

Knowing that mom's are there would make me feel better in that, they will

probably be more understanding about the band, than say, a 75 year old. I

will probably get a lot of flack for saying that, but that was my experience

anyway. Most moms (and not all) were very understanding and concerned, the

older generation thought there was something wrong with him and that I must

be torturing him with such a contraption- but that could be said for a

variety of ages, just the undeducated public more or less. Good luck with

the group and have fun with it, maybe thinking too much about what to do is

thinking too hard, wake up and go with whatever your heart tells you to do,

at that point, you may not care that it might turn some heads and start a

barrage of questions, and you just might be helping someone else that knows a

child that could use a band too. Good luck!!!

' Mom

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In a message dated 9/18/2002 10:23:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time, rella1234@... writes:

This being a mother's group,

you do have a chance at educating them about plagio

I have to say that i belong to a few different groups for parents on ...and i told them all about and his helmet. And most people either ask questions and try to understand and some just don't. But what i find interesting is i get people telling me that their baby has a flat spot on their head..and when i tell them that they need to push their ped's and go to a specialist...i always get "oh...i'll do that later" or "it's really not that bad" or the dr said we'll keep an eye on it.. There are so many people that are kind of in denial...like not my child..or it'll fix itself..and when i tell them that a lot of peds have this philosophy but in most cases it's not true..they donm't want to believe me. They listen..but it goes in one ear and out the other. I feel bad b/c they can do something..but they choose not to. And i try to educate them on it..and i do all i can..but i don't understand how they do nothing. And I can't keep pushing b/c that will only piss them off... I know it's hard..b/c when i first realized had soemthing wrong..it was hard to accept...and i wanted to believe it would just fix itself...but you have to come to reality and when i found out that this most likely wouldn't fix itself..i did everything i could to get his head fixed. It just really irritates me that people ignore it and think it will just go away. I even tell them to keep them off that side...limit the bouncy seat time and swing time and such....and they usually give excuses or just say ok...but i know they aren't really listening. And i tell them the younger they are the better correction...but they choose to wait till it's too late anyway. Anyway...i figured i would tell of my experiences. But i do have to say that most people are pretty understanding when it comes to Jusitn in his helmet in the groups. I send pictures to them too..and they always say how cute and all that....

Mom to

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<PRE>i'm sorry to hear that carol. i only wish you the best. i know it is a hard

decision to make, because what's next? it made me feel good too. if i had the

chance to go back to any drugs, it'd be enbrel and remicade. they did make me

feel the best. unfortunatly my body just could not handle the drugs. kathy

in il

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