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New baby

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Congradulations! A big welcome to the precious baby!

Kathy On,Can

new baby

> Hi all,


> I finally had my baby, almost 2 weeks late, on Wed Jan 17 at 4:54pm

> after 2 1/2 wks of off & on pre-labour (not painful, but very

> frustrating), 2 days of early labour (which stopped every time my

> midwives came over), 17 3/4 hours of active labour and 9 minutes of

> pushing (my first labour was 9 hours)!


> Yael Arianne was born at home into her daddy's hands, and she weighed

> 7lbs 11oz.


> We're moving on Sat, so it'll be a while before I catch up with all my

> e-mails, but I look forward to getting back into the great conversations

> on the list.






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congratulations andrea!!!! sounds like things went great--so good to hear!!! you are either a brave or a crazy woman--moving this weekend??!!

good luck--hope we hear from you soon!!

brigit, in albany

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Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.

And good luck with your move. Quite a timing for moving!

I had to do it just four days after my first child was born.

I hope you get lots of help with everything!

a from Lafayette, Louisiana.

> Hi all,


> I finally had my baby, almost 2 weeks late, on Wed Jan 17 at 4:54pm

> after 2 1/2 wks of off & on pre-labour (not painful, but very

> frustrating), 2 days of early labour (which stopped every time my

> midwives came over), 17 3/4 hours of active labour and 9 minutes of

> pushing (my first labour was 9 hours)!


> Yael Arianne was born at home into her daddy's hands, and she weighed

> 7lbs 11oz.


> We're moving on Sat, so it'll be a while before I catch up with all my

> e-mails, but I look forward to getting back into the great conversations

> on the list.








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>> Hi all,


>> I finally had my baby, almost 2 weeks late, on Wed Jan 17 at 4:54pm

>> after 2 1/2 wks of off & on pre-labour (not painful, but very

>> frustrating), 2 days of early labour (which stopped every time my

>> midwives came over), 17 3/4 hours of active labour and 9 minutes of

>> pushing (my first labour was 9 hours)!


>> Yael Arianne was born at home into her daddy's hands, and she weighed

>> 7lbs 11oz.


>> We're moving on Sat, so it'll be a while before I catch up with all my

>> e-mails, but I look forward to getting back into the great conversations

>> on the list.



Wow! Congratulations !

Moving????? Just did that and know what it is!

let us know when you have a picture you can share on a website or email me

and I'll put on a page for all to see on my website!











Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA



" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


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KVMR Broadcaster/Programmer/Investigative Reporter, Nevada City CA

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Congratulations...and may I say what a beautiful name...

Sharon, Quakertown PA

new baby

> Hi all,


> I finally had my baby, almost 2 weeks late, on Wed Jan 17 at 4:54pm

> after 2 1/2 wks of off & on pre-labour (not painful, but very

> frustrating), 2 days of early labour (which stopped every time my

> midwives came over), 17 3/4 hours of active labour and 9 minutes of

> pushing (my first labour was 9 hours)!


> Yael Arianne was born at home into her daddy's hands, and she weighed

> 7lbs 11oz.


> We're moving on Sat, so it'll be a while before I catch up with all my

> e-mails, but I look forward to getting back into the great conversations

> on the list.








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Congrats, ! Good luck with the move!

Namaste, Gretchen

from Lexington, KY

Mama to Maya (5), Rhythm Joy (2), and Isabel (3 mos)



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  • 9 months later...

Congratulations.....hope the trip and ICPC goes smoothly for you. Let us

know when you are home and settled in with the new bambina..oh, yea, we want

pics, too!

> Hi everyone--


> Just wanted to share our big news with all of you. Mac is soon going to

be a big brother!! I am flying to CA on Wednesday (11/7) to pick up his new

baby sister. .

> Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we arrive home to Ohio

safely and healthy on Saturday!!

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Congratulations.....hope the trip and ICPC goes smoothly for you. Let us

know when you are home and settled in with the new bambina..oh, yea, we want

pics, too!

> Hi everyone--


> Just wanted to share our big news with all of you. Mac is soon going to

be a big brother!! I am flying to CA on Wednesday (11/7) to pick up his new

baby sister. .

> Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we arrive home to Ohio

safely and healthy on Saturday!!

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Jill ~


Here's hoping all goes well in the trip and after you all arrive safely at



> Hi everyone--


> Just wanted to share our big news with all of you. Mac is soon going to be

a big brother!! I am flying to CA on Wednesday (11/7) to pick up his new baby

sister. She is 10 weeks old, Chinese (like Mac) and has DS (also like Mac)!

She also had surgery shortly after birth for duodenal atresia when they also

inserted a g-tube due to her poor ability to suck. She has primarily been tube

fed since that time, but in the past few weeks has begun to drink minimal

amounts from a bottle which is very good news. She also has tetralogy of fallot

and will need heart surgery in the future--hopefully around late spring/early

summer. Currently she is doing very well, she is on one medication (Endural

(?)) and has been breathing on her own for almost 4 weeks and was released from

the hospital almost 3 week ago.

> Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we arrive home to Ohio

safely and healthy on Saturday!!




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Jill ~


Here's hoping all goes well in the trip and after you all arrive safely at



> Hi everyone--


> Just wanted to share our big news with all of you. Mac is soon going to be

a big brother!! I am flying to CA on Wednesday (11/7) to pick up his new baby

sister. She is 10 weeks old, Chinese (like Mac) and has DS (also like Mac)!

She also had surgery shortly after birth for duodenal atresia when they also

inserted a g-tube due to her poor ability to suck. She has primarily been tube

fed since that time, but in the past few weeks has begun to drink minimal

amounts from a bottle which is very good news. She also has tetralogy of fallot

and will need heart surgery in the future--hopefully around late spring/early

summer. Currently she is doing very well, she is on one medication (Endural

(?)) and has been breathing on her own for almost 4 weeks and was released from

the hospital almost 3 week ago.

> Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we arrive home to Ohio

safely and healthy on Saturday!!




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Congratulations! What exciting news. Is your daughter from China or of

Chinese descent? My daughter was adopted from China 4 years ago...that is

why I ask. Good luck with the new baby. Did everyone tell you that 1 child

+ 1 child = 4 children??? LOL! Have a safe trip.


Mom to (7, ds) and Grace (4)

> Just wanted to share our big news with all of you. Mac is soon going to

be a big brother!! I am flying to CA on Wednesday (11/7) to pick up his new

baby sister. She is 10 weeks old, Chinese (like Mac) and has DS (also like


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Congratulations! What exciting news. Is your daughter from China or of

Chinese descent? My daughter was adopted from China 4 years ago...that is

why I ask. Good luck with the new baby. Did everyone tell you that 1 child

+ 1 child = 4 children??? LOL! Have a safe trip.


Mom to (7, ds) and Grace (4)

> Just wanted to share our big news with all of you. Mac is soon going to

be a big brother!! I am flying to CA on Wednesday (11/7) to pick up his new

baby sister. She is 10 weeks old, Chinese (like Mac) and has DS (also like


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, Sue. That is a tough situation. I hope things work out for them, but

if the baby is subsequently dx'd with Down syndrome, you'll be the best

person there for mom and dad.


new baby

> Hi, sadly not my new baby!! My niece in law rang me this morning to

> tell me that her 8 month old daughter is going to have blood tests for

> ds. Apparantly 3 diffferent docotrs have made comments about her

> appearance though helen can't see anything particularly wrong. the baby

> has epicanthic folds, so does her dad (my eldest nephew), she has a

> palmar crease, so does her mum, she is very pale (I'd not heard this as

> a characteristic of ds before but helen was given it as a cause for

> concern), mum is a red head and very pale. There are other things too

> which make me suspect that she may well have ds though I haven't said so

> to helen yet. At the moment she is taking the news well tho in a bit of

> shock/denial, we'll have to wait on the test results to be sure. I

> have told her not to worry about the possibility of ds just yet, there

> is no point in searching for information and getting in a state of is

> she/ isn't she until the results come back. Doctors are saying there is

> a 50/50 chance either way, even they can't be sure becoz she isn't

> showing any developemental delays other than a slight wobble of her head

> when she tired, and she was also premmie. Anyway, I'll come back when I

> know for sure. I want to be a help to helen but really didn't feel it

> was the right time to come out with much about the joys and the

> difficulties of ds becoz I didn't want her to be looking for ds in every

> thing the baby does. If the baby doesn't have ds she'll feel a bit of a

> twit for imagining a lot wrong and if she does she'll have wasted two or

> three weeks of baby fun worrying. One thing is for sure tho, she is a

> well loved baby and obviously totally unconcerned herself!!!


> sue wong




> Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Everyone,

I brought my sister home from the hospital today, she has been having

contractions, but her Dr. said she could go home after they kept her

overnight and did a bunch of tests. She is on strict bed rest. The Dr. moved

up her C-section to next Friday, the 15th, she'll be almost 36 weeks by then.

Hopefully she'll make it that long.


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In a message dated 3/7/02 9:15:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, poggim@...


> Hi Everyone,

> I brought my sister home from the hospital today, she has been having

> contractions, but her Dr. said she could go home after they kept her

> overnight and did a bunch of tests. She is on strict bed rest. The Dr.

> moved

> up her C-section to next Friday, the 15th, she'll be almost 36 weeks by

> then.

> Hopefully she'll make it that long.


We'll keep our fingers and toes crossed Marisa. Just make sure she obeys

doc's orders!!!!!


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Congratulations, Laurie!! You will have to post some pictures of

your new angel. So happy it all went well for both of you.


> Hi Everyone,


> I don't thik I've posted since October, but I wanted everyone to


> that another healthy MGB baby girl has arrived. Grace came

> on May 17th at 2:25 am after 14 hours of labor and a c-section.


> is doing wonderfully.


> If I'm doing the math right,I am 21 month post op. I have already

> lost all the preganncy weight plus 2.5 lbs and I am still really

> swollen from 3 days of IVs. My appetite really increased the 2nd

> half of the pregnancy. I was a little scared about the futrue of my

> mgb, but immediately my appetite has returned to a much more

> reasonable mgb level which is taking a little getting used to.


> I am only 27 lbs away from my 1st goal weight and excited to get


> on the journey with mynew, beautiful daughter.


> Laurie Malony from Ohio

> surgery 9/20/00

> 319/209 prepregnancy /206.5 now

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Congradulations on the baby girl. Great news. So glad you are doing

well and I am sure things will go smoth now, it is great to hear that your

have lost and are back on track with the MGB eating. Thank God that DrR has

such talent.

Rosemary Commisso (1/26/01 297--192)

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Congratulations on your new daughter. How wonderful to see these healthy,

happy babies being born to mgb moms!

new baby

Hi Everyone,

I don't thik I've posted since October, but I wanted everyone to know

that another healthy MGB baby girl has arrived. Grace came

on May 17th at 2:25 am after 14 hours of labor and a c-section. She

is doing wonderfully.

If I'm doing the math right,I am 21 month post op. I have already

lost all the preganncy weight plus 2.5 lbs and I am still really

swollen from 3 days of IVs. My appetite really increased the 2nd

half of the pregnancy. I was a little scared about the futrue of my

mgb, but immediately my appetite has returned to a much more

reasonable mgb level which is taking a little getting used to.

I am only 27 lbs away from my 1st goal weight and excited to get back

on the journey with mynew, beautiful daughter.

Laurie Malony from Ohio

surgery 9/20/00

319/209 prepregnancy /206.5 now

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  • 7 months later...

Along with the Roloff's, we are also sharing our congratulations on the birth

of your new infant. Not only will you raise your child, but he will raise

you -- to a new level of empathy, compassion and wisdom. Your life will

never be the same.

Congratulations and welcome!


Bill, Aucott & Kids

From: " Roloff Family " <<A

HREF= " dwarfism/post?protectID=02921225307819313110\

5218031077247239041145042192209171188199 " >mroloff@t...</A>>

Date: Mon Dec 9, 2002 11:14 pm

Subject: Re: new baby

I realize that you may not believe this yet... but you are sooo.... lucky!

When that baby grows up, their resiliency may surpass your own. What else can

a parent hope for their child?

Be sure to develop that possibility--


LPA National president

P.S. Feel free to email (or call me) with questions at any time.

new baby


> we have a new baby that we were told has achondroplasia. This was a total



> to us. He is two weeks old now and so sweet. Were not sure what to expect

next since he doesnt show any signs of it yet, We have Kaiser Insurance.

Does anyone one else have any experience with Kaiser? Thank You, Redlands,CA


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> congratulations!! My son is 2 1/2 and has achondroplasia also. It was

> a surprise for us too. We have Kaiser in Northern California and have

> a TON of experience with their system at this point. I'd love to chat

> with you. If you e-mail me directly, we can swap phone numbers, too.

Lori Young


> new baby


>> we have a new baby that we were told has achondroplasia. This was a

>> total

> surprise.


>> to us. He is two weeks old now and so sweet. Were not sure what to

>> expect

> next since he doesnt show any signs of it yet, We have Kaiser

> Insurance.

> Does anyone one else have any experience with Kaiser? Thank You,

> Redlands,CA





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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

-- You're not babbling at all. Unfortunately, I would guess that the

most responsible answer is ... " who knows? " Your son could have

achondroplasia. He could have another type of dwarfism. Or he might not have

any form of dwarfism at all. You will just have to wait and see.

Regardless of what type of dwarfism your son does or does not have, welcome,

and good luck!

Dan Kennedy

On 3/22/03 11:32 PM, " " <lisavidak@...> wrote:

> Hello, I am looking for some help regarding diagnosis of

> achondroplasia. I am currently 37 weeks pregnant and was told last

> week that my son has below average limb measurements. I obtained a

> copy of his growth ultrasounds and found his femerol and humerol

> lengths to measure between the 3-5 percentile. The doctors tell me

> that he could just be shorter than the rest of the men and women in

> our family (ranging from 5'6 " to 6'5 " ). My husband is 6'5 " and I am

> 5'9 " . All of the information I have read leads me to believe that my

> son has achondroplasia. The doctors state that this is a possibility,

> but can not confirm it until after birth. Is this true? Can my son

> have such a deficit in limb measurements and not have achondroplasia?

> Regardless, my husband and I have pretty much decided that we will

> prepare for the diagnosis of achondroplasia. We feel that we are

> blessed with a son, and that is all that really matters.


> This is new territory for us so please excuse me if I come across as

> an idiot. I have so many questions. For example, I have read that if

> your child has a suspected diagnosis of achondroplasia, he or she

> should be delivered by means of a cesearan section to prevent

> unnecessary trauma to the brain and spinal cord that is possible with

> a vaginal delivery. Is this true? I am being induced on the 28th and

> am concerned that it is not planned to be a c-section.


> I guess I will end my babbling here, if anyone can answer my

> questions I would greatly appreciate it.


> Thank you for your time,


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