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Hi Jill,

Sorry I've been so long in responding. My computer is upstairs and I'm in a

bad flare at present - so I come up here very little! Yes, it's true, I had

four babies in ten years with PA. However, as I stated, my symptoms were

relieved while I was pregnant. And so, I was pregnant for almost four of

those ten years! Now that I'm through having babies, I'm not doing so well.

I also home-educate my children - the older ones. I think that people do

what they have to do. If I didn't have to get up in the morning I wouldn't.

I know I would be doing so much worse than I am. I would give in to the

pain. I know this is true, because when my husband is home on Saturdays I

stay in bed most of the day. And I feel AWFUL! I know we all are at

different levels with this disease, and I do have lots of fatigue, but I

just do what I can at those times, and don't do what I can't! My husband,

and children, can be very helpful. I wish you well, and appreciate your

comments! Feel free to email me anytime. I've become quite knowledgeable

of pregnancy as you can imagine!


Re: [ ] Re: Pregnancy

> Cheryl~

> You had 4 babies in 10 years with PA? You're superwoman!! How did you


> with the fatigue? Or was it that bad for you? I have a huge energy

> problem...I used to be one that was on the go all the time. NOT anymore!!

> You've shown me it can be done though. Thanks for providing me with some

> optimism!!


> Hugs!


> Jill




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I breast fed all four of my babies, and I had one of my worst flares during

one of those times. I breast fed each of them for a year.


Re: [ ] pregnancy

> Very cool, and that makes complete sense. I have also heard about the


> feeding. I hope I am able to do that too when I have a little one.


> Thanks for the info.





> In a message dated 1/16/03 8:48:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> gynot@... writes:


> > Anyhow, along with the apparent connection between hormones and PA, she


> > there is a theory that antibodies present in the unborn baby (presumably

> > from my husband) may have an effect on symptoms. Whatever the reason, I


> > grateful. Also, I would recommend extended breastfeeding to all moms,


> > especially those with PA. Not only is it fantastic for mother and baby

> > physically, emotionally and spiritually, but I found the continued


> > changes kept my arthritis symptoms at bay, almost entirely, for six


> > while he nursed exclusively. As he nursed less, the symptoms returned.


> > we had a wonderful nursing relationship until he was almost 1 1/2, when


> > went on plaquenil -- it made my milk taste bitter and weaned

> > himself. Not only that, but it didn't help me a bit. Talk about

> > frustration! Glad to report life is so much better these days. It was

> > incredibly difficult being in so much pain and trying to care for a


> > -- but well worth it! Good luck to all who are going down the motherhood

> > path. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it ...

> >

> >

> > skana in nova scotia

> >

> >

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  • 6 months later...
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I think talking to your Dr. is the ONLY option right now. There are people

who have gotten pregnant on low doses of MTX and had completely healthy babies,

but if you are pregnant STOP TAKING IT NOW and contact your Dr. I am sure you

have already done this. Man, that's a lot to deal with!

In a message dated 8/5/03 1:40:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

celticangyl@... writes:

<< Ok,

I know i have to talk to my doc... BUT... I was on methotrexate 22.5 mg per

week for 3 mos appx and then they took me off due to liver enzymes for one

month, then I've been back on it for 1 month at 7.5 mg per week. I am one week

late on my period and have just taken an HGC blood test. I wonder what my

options are....



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I took the urine test yest. and it was negative, but the nausea is so

overwhelming right now it's not funny. So I asked for the blood HGC test and the

results will be in tom sometime. I've read a bit online and I should be ok with

the Remicade it's the methotrexate. I'm not due again until this friday to take

the mtx so my results will be here before I take it and I'll hold off until I

know 100%. It sure is alot to deal with, I'm extremely high risk anyway,

borderline diabetic and with all this crap going on with mom! UGH but I believe

I won't be given anymore than I can handle, at least that is what I keep tellin

myself =))) Thanks for the advice =)

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In a message dated 8/5/03 9:48:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

celticangyl@... writes:

<< I'm not due again until this friday to take the mtx so my results will be

here before I take it and I'll hold off until I know 100%. It sure is alot to

deal with, I'm extremely high risk anyway, borderline diabetic and with all

this crap going on with mom! UGH but I believe I won't be given anymore than I

can handle, at least that is what I keep tellin myself =))) Thanks for the

advice =)


I agree, MTX is the one to worry about. They have not proven yet what

Biologics do to babies, but so far so good. I would NOT take the MTX again,

since it

CAN cause serious defects. Let me know please! I am thinking about you!

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  • 2 months later...


I have a 9 month old baby and believe that my older sons autism was

caused by vaccines too.

I visited Dr. Amy Holmes (before she retired) while I was pregnant

and she said no vaccines for the baby. She also said NO dental work

for me (the Mom) while pregnant or breast feeding (including teeth

cleaning because I have amalgams.

We have not done any vaccines as of yet. We may do some after our

baby is 3 years old (it's a BIG maybe!)

Anyway, our baby (boy) is doing really great - but so was our older

son at this point. It's a huge worry, but I try to enjoy my baby and

not dwell on anything negative.

I wish you lots of luck (and a baby that is a good sleeper!)

Jules, and Shanes Mom

> Hello, I'm Zeb's mom and I just found out I'm pregnant. I truly

> believe Zeb's autism is caused from multiple things such as his

> prematurity and early vaccines in his fragile state, his frequent

> ear infections and medications and then further vaccines. I'm still

> concerned for the new baby. I will definitly do the vaccines

> differently and less antibiotics and probiotics if we have to do

> antib. Is there anything else you all recommend. I tried to do

> everything just perfect with Zeb's pregnancy and things went bad.


> there any enzymes of vitamins other than the usually I should take?

> Thanks ALisha

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And, my baby was diagnosed with ear infections at 6 weeks old. His

Ped. insisted he needed antibiotics. That was Thursday, I gave no

antibiotics and found a new dr. by the Monday - low and behold, the

ear infections had cleared up all by themselves.

Follow your instincts,


> > Hello, I'm Zeb's mom and I just found out I'm pregnant. I truly

> > believe Zeb's autism is caused from multiple things such as his

> > prematurity and early vaccines in his fragile state, his frequent

> > ear infections and medications and then further vaccines. I'm


> > concerned for the new baby. I will definitly do the vaccines

> > differently and less antibiotics and probiotics if we have to do

> > antib. Is there anything else you all recommend. I tried to do

> > everything just perfect with Zeb's pregnancy and things went bad.

> Is

> > there any enzymes of vitamins other than the usually I should


> > Thanks ALisha

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If it were me and I had it to do over again, I would take EFA's before,

during and after (especially if you're going to breastfeed) pregnancy.

EFA's are essential fatty acids and they are " essential " for so many things

for the fetus, especially brain development. They are so important they are

now added to baby food and baby formula! Your doctor probably doesn't know

anything about them and if asked, would probably tell you not to take them

or you don't need them, etc... but you do need them and so does your

developing baby! You can read more about efa's (a.k.a. fish oil) at

www.nordicnaturals.com . It is the same as eating a big meals of fish

without the risk of getting mercury from the seafood. Others may have more

sources of information where you can read more. Just do a google search on

essential fatty acids/pregnancy/fetal brain development. Good luck with

your pregnancy! KIM


> Hello, I'm Zeb's mom and I just found out I'm pregnant. I truly

> believe Zeb's autism is caused from multiple things such as his

> prematurity and early vaccines in his fragile state, his frequent

> ear infections and medications and then further vaccines. I'm still

> concerned for the new baby. I will definitly do the vaccines

> differently and less antibiotics and probiotics if we have to do

> antib. Is there anything else you all recommend. I tried to do

> everything just perfect with Zeb's pregnancy and things went bad. Is

> there any enzymes of vitamins other than the usually I should take?

> Thanks ALisha







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if you have amalgams i would seriously consider selenium as per my



a hair test would be useful

be careful of vitmain doses exceeding the rda.

i would post what you normally take.

also how long is it since the first pregnacy?

> Hello, I'm Zeb's mom and I just found out I'm pregnant. I truly

> believe Zeb's autism is caused from multiple things such as his

> prematurity and early vaccines in his fragile state, his frequent

> ear infections and medications and then further vaccines. I'm still

> concerned for the new baby. I will definitly do the vaccines

> differently and less antibiotics and probiotics if we have to do

> antib. Is there anything else you all recommend. I tried to do

> everything just perfect with Zeb's pregnancy and things went bad.


> there any enzymes of vitamins other than the usually I should take?

> Thanks ALisha

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I have had a baby since Allie's dx. I took EFA's like crazy. I ate

salads regularly and used the EFA blended oil like salad dressing. I

also took prenatal vits and if I ever ate fish, which wasn't often,

I took an extra pill of selenium for the day I consumed and a couple

days afterward. Zinc was my friend, as well.

I too have amalgams, but I also had them with my first daughter who

is typical. However, I am still breastfeeding my now 12 mo old

daughter because we chose not to vaccinate and I felt the need to

boost her immunity. I do not feel the amalgams contributed to Allie,

I feel several other things did, but I could be wrong. I do want to

have the amalgams in my mouth replaced after I wean Dinah. I also

suspect I had un dxed gestational diabetes for a lot of my preg and

wonder what implications that could have as I've met a lot of

gestational moms of ASD children. No proof, just a feeling.

When I became preg, I did the things above and prayed for knowledge

as what I could do to protect her. She is now a very fiesty,

outgoing 12 mo old. I know there is still a risk and am watching her

like a hawk. I do feel some piece because Allie regressed after a

combo of contracting chicken pox and a hepB shot at the same time of

illness. She was 9 mos, so we're already 3 mos past the regression

time for our ASD daughter.

Pray and enjoy the little one you are carrying!


> Hello, I'm Zeb's mom and I just found out I'm pregnant. I truly

> believe Zeb's autism is caused from multiple things such as his

> prematurity and early vaccines in his fragile state, his frequent

> ear infections and medications and then further vaccines. I'm


> concerned for the new baby. I will definitly do the vaccines

> differently and less antibiotics and probiotics if we have to do

> antib. Is there anything else you all recommend. I tried to do

> everything just perfect with Zeb's pregnancy and things went bad.


> there any enzymes of vitamins other than the usually I should


> Thanks ALisha

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> Hello, I'm Zeb's mom and I just found out I'm pregnant. I truly

> believe Zeb's autism is caused from multiple things such as his

> prematurity and early vaccines in his fragile state, his frequent

> ear infections and medications and then further vaccines. I'm still

> concerned for the new baby. I will definitly do the vaccines

> differently and less antibiotics and probiotics if we have to do

> antib. Is there anything else you all recommend.

After the baby is born, consider not using antimony-laden mattresses

and pajamas. Scroll down here to the antimony section



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You need to reduce the amount of additional metal exposure as much as

possible. Drink distilled water, not purified tap. Cook only in

stainless steel or cast iron. Don't have any dental work done. Read

labels very carefully on your prenatal vitamins. I was at the health

food store recently and just happened to pick up a bottle of the

vitamins I took when I was pregnant. I was shocked to see that

antimony was listed! My autistic son's hair test was off the charts

for antimony. Make sure the hospital knows you do not want him to

have the Hepatitis B vaccine (it is given at the hospital to all

newborns before they leave). You also need to make sure to get a

BabySafe cover for the crib mattress so he or she does not get

exposed to the antimony and arsenic. Check out www.criblife2000.com.

I got the autism diagnosis a couple months after my youngest was

born. My youngest was following in his brothers footsteps (crying

all the time etc.) I quickly made what changes I could. He is now 2

1/2 and is the most social, talkative, spunky little boy. I believe

the changes I did made all the difference.

> Hello, I'm Zeb's mom and I just found out I'm pregnant. I truly

> believe Zeb's autism is caused from multiple things such as his

> prematurity and early vaccines in his fragile state, his frequent

> ear infections and medications and then further vaccines. I'm still

> concerned for the new baby. I will definitly do the vaccines

> differently and less antibiotics and probiotics if we have to do

> antib. Is there anything else you all recommend. I tried to do

> everything just perfect with Zeb's pregnancy and things went bad.


> there any enzymes of vitamins other than the usually I should take?

> Thanks ALisha

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What changes did you implement with your youngest?

>I got the autism diagnosis a couple months after my youngest was

>born. My youngest was following in his brothers footsteps (crying

>all the time etc.) I quickly made what changes I could. He is now 2

>1/2 and is the most social, talkative, spunky little boy. I believe

>the changes I did made all the difference.







> > Hello, I'm Zeb's mom and I just found out I'm pregnant. I truly

> > believe Zeb's autism is caused from multiple things such as his

> > prematurity and early vaccines in his fragile state, his frequent

> > ear infections and medications and then further vaccines. I'm still

> > concerned for the new baby. I will definitly do the vaccines

> > differently and less antibiotics and probiotics if we have to do

> > antib. Is there anything else you all recommend. I tried to do

> > everything just perfect with Zeb's pregnancy and things went bad.


> > there any enzymes of vitamins other than the usually I should take?

> > Thanks ALisha






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Wrapping his mattress with a BabySafe cover to prevent exposure to

antimony & arsenic.

Only 1 vaccine per doctor's visit (but no MMR or DPT whatsoever).

Only bottled distilled water instead of purified tap.

Only cooking with cast iron or stainless steel.

I went GF while nursing.

> > > Hello, I'm Zeb's mom and I just found out I'm pregnant. I truly

> > > believe Zeb's autism is caused from multiple things such as his

> > > prematurity and early vaccines in his fragile state, his


> > > ear infections and medications and then further vaccines. I'm


> > > concerned for the new baby. I will definitly do the vaccines

> > > differently and less antibiotics and probiotics if we have to do

> > > antib. Is there anything else you all recommend. I tried to do

> > > everything just perfect with Zeb's pregnancy and things went


> >Is

> > > there any enzymes of vitamins other than the usually I should


> > > Thanks ALisha

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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We have done similar with our youngest (2 this weekend) though he had

the " r " part of mmr and dpt but his titers were checked preventing

boosters. We wrapped his mattress and cook with ss as well. I was

also able to nurse him his first year-my daughter did not gain weight

as a baby and was put on high cal formula. Not the best idea in

retrospect....our son is ahead developmentally and talks in 3-4 word

sentences. Who knows what actually helped or what didn't, but I am

certainly greatful for his health and happiness.


In , " cubicmonica " <cubicmonica@y...>


> Wrapping his mattress with a BabySafe cover to prevent exposure to

> antimony & arsenic.

> Only 1 vaccine per doctor's visit (but no MMR or DPT whatsoever).

> Only bottled distilled water instead of purified tap.

> Only cooking with cast iron or stainless steel.

> I went GF while nursing.





> > > > Hello, I'm Zeb's mom and I just found out I'm pregnant. I


> > > > believe Zeb's autism is caused from multiple things such as


> > > > prematurity and early vaccines in his fragile state, his

> frequent

> > > > ear infections and medications and then further vaccines. I'm

> still

> > > > concerned for the new baby. I will definitly do the vaccines

> > > > differently and less antibiotics and probiotics if we have to


> > > > antib. Is there anything else you all recommend. I tried to do

> > > > everything just perfect with Zeb's pregnancy and things went

> bad.

> > >Is

> > > > there any enzymes of vitamins other than the usually I should

> take?

> > > > Thanks ALisha

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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  • 3 months later...


I read 's post regarding 'pregnancy' and in many ways agree.

Although, I do know a woman who had severe candidiasis, cannot work in an

office, has a home business, and decided to have three children. She did

very well on her diet and care, ate strictly organic and so did her whole

family. (Her husband was rolling in the green stuff.)

She did in fact carry out pregnancies and had the three children. As far as

I know, they are all healthy. I have seen them, and they look and act

great. I have not been in contact with this person for some time. But if

the original person who entered this post about 'Pregnancy' would like, I

could call her and perhaps get her e-mail address (if she ever started to

use a computer, she used to stay away from them.) and ask her if it's okay

if anyone in the group may communicate with her about the matter. She would

probably oblige.


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  • 1 month later...

> interested in what supplements I might should take while I'm pregnant to

possibly ward off any > problems with Autism.

I read some research on the Internet that postulated that the susceptability

to autism of some kids may due to the mother being deficient in minerals,

specifically iron and 2 others - can't remember which ones - during the last

3 months of pregnancy. Anyone read this paper?

Supplemental minerals may be important if this is true. But do be careful

of taking iron, I'm not sure all forms are okay when pregnant - ask someone

who knows.


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do not eat fish or any seafood...

don't drink too much milk

> This is Zeb's mom and I'm 5 weeks pregnant. I'm interested in what

supplements I might should take while I'm pregnant to possibly

> ward off any problems with Autism. I can't take EFA's they increase

my migraines-unbearable level.

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Congratulations Zebs Mum !!

Hope all goes well .

Julea :o)

You have not converted a man just because you have silenced him.



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I consider myself an experiment in progress on this hypoallergenic

pregnancy deal. I've been dairy free and whole grain free the whole time,

except for a couple of minor dairy infractions on accident-- I'm due in 2

mos. I am thinking of eliminating soy now because my baby seems to get

hiccups more often when I drink it, still have to play around with that a

bit (can you tell I've become extremely paranoid??)

Dr. G did order a food screen on me in my 1st trimester and I tested

negative to everything except dairy and egg white. Very interesting, since

I LOVE dairy, have no apparent reaction to it, but for my son it's poison.

I virtually lived on dairy products while pregnant with him.

I'm doing everything differently this time around, so we'll see.

It'll be interesting at the least, even if my hair is gone and/or gray from

the whole ordeal. I'll be sure to keep ya'll posted. This second baby is

also a boy.



This (from one of my old posts) is in response to the two questions about

pregnancy... hope it helps.


Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

opinion of the Research Institute.

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  • 6 months later...

Wow, what an interesting website! Thanks for sharing...

One book I liked ALOT and referred to constantly throughout my

pregnancy was Adelle ' Let's Have Healthy Children. You can

find it used on various internet booksellers.


> Hi,


> Does anyone know any good information sources (books, websites...)


> all things related to pregnancy, getting pregnant and life with a

> toddler. Nutrition side is of course of major intrest. I've read


> on the subject from the WAP site and found this one quite


> (http://www.foresight-preconception.org.uk/).


> Just got married :).



> Petteri

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A couple of books that we liked:

Healthy Parents, Better Babies: A Couple's Guide to Natural

Preconception Health Care

by Francesca Naish, Janette

A Child Is Born

by Lennart Nilsson

Mothering Magazine's Having a Baby, Naturally: The Mothering

Magazine Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth

by Peggy O'Mara

Natural Family Living : The Mothering Magazine Guide to Parenting

by Peggy O'Mara

You could probably find them cheap on http://www.half.com/

Mothering magazine is also a good resource.

> Hi,


> Does anyone know any good information sources (books, websites...)


> all things related to pregnancy, getting pregnant and life with a

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  • 1 month later...

I am so sorry. I got PA after having three children. I had many fertility

problems before that. I did clomid. I had dye through the tubes. My heart

aches for you. There is nothing worse than wanting children and not being

able to conceive.

Ks. Di

[ ] Pregnancy



> Hello,

> I have not made any comments in a while, but I thought someone could help

> me. I have been off my meds: Vioxx & Methetrexate for 2 years now and I

> have been trying to get pregnant for a year and half. I have done some

> fertility tests and now I have been taking Clomid for 3 months to try to


> pregnant.

> Can any one tell me if you also had a hard time getting pregnant after

> having taken Methetrexate for a while, me 2 years. I did not try to get

> pregnant until after I was off of my meds., and birth control for 6 months

> in order to be safe and avoid birth defects. I am getting frustrated! I


> it takes some people a long time before they get pregnant & they do the

> fertility tests too, but I was taking a strong drug, Methetrexate which

> could possibly decrease fertility. All of my friends who got pregnant


> trying for a long time don't have my problems.

> Since I have been off the meds, my finger joints have swollen & I had to


> Occupational therapy. I live with pain every day & only take Tylenol

> Arthritis as needed. I was taking Prednisone for 5 months but had to stop

> because I was gaining too much weight & always eating.

> If any one has been going through the same situation, please give me a


> of hope, because I could use some encouragement. My OB Dr. tells me he has

> had patients who were taking Methetrexate and still got pregnant after


> off the med. for 3 months or more.

> Thank you,


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Just so you guys know, I believe there is a group like lyme-aid

for women with lyme who want to become pregnant. It was stared by the

most amazing woman. Her name is and she is from Utah. If you

do a search you will find it. She is very very nice and went through

her last pregnancy with Lyme and I think her baby is doing great. I

met her once in a doctors office up in Nevada.

So please look up that resource. Also Dr. , the pediatric LLMD in

Conn often consults with pregnant women with lyme over the telephone.

If you can't find either of these resources and you want the

information, let me know and I can look harder to find it for you.

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In a message dated 07/19/2005 10:22:55 AM US Mountain Standard Time,

gpages@... writes:

> I'd suggest you do more research, talking to people in the same situation,

> before making an educated decision. There are LOTS of e-mail lists out there

> on this subject.

******You need to talk to mothers/fathers of Lyme babies and children. I

know several who have told me, IF they knew they would pass their Lyme on to

their children, they would never have had a child. Then there are those who it

doesn't matter, they will deal with the problems as they happen.

******* " I " personally, could not live with myself having a baby and passing

this horrific disease to my child. However, I would adopt and give all my love

to a child who otherwise would not have a loving mother and father.

******This is a decison that " only " YOU and your hubby can make.....There are

lists all over the web with lyme mothers taking care of lyme children and

what they are going through. We have a lady here in Arizona who didn't know she

had Lyme (no symptoms or wasn't sick)......thought she just had a " cranky "

baby, but the problems kept getting worse......her child is not 7 yrs old and

every day is a struggle caring for this very very sick child. We have spoken on

the telephone ,many times and she tells me IF she had known she had Lyme and

could pass it to her baby, she would never have had a baby. She carry's a lot

of guilt and stress with the daily responsibilities of taking care of a Lyme

child. Different folks hand situations differently.

*****On the other hand when Catie and her son got sick it took a few years to

get them diagnosed and they were both very very ill. Now her son is 8 yrs

old and does his own juicing and will " teach " you a few things about

diet/nutrition. When he is in a crisis, he comes to his mother and tells her " I

need a

coffee enema " ......The child is amazing and can teach us a few things about

Lyme. He tells his mother when he needs his magnetic mattress to sleep on. He

should be made the " Lyme Poster Boy " .........

******Good luck on your decision, as it is one that only YOU and hubby can


Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels,

holding hands in the " chain of love " .....

Angel Huggzz

or Angel

L.E.A.P. Arizona, Inc.~~www.leaparizona.com <<<NEW



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