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Re: input please

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As per the leaky gut... I have Chronic Fatigue/ Neuro-

Immune Condition known to the ListServe as

. I know that as a young child (age 11-13) my

uncle who is a dentist, commented often about my

dilated pupils. This was never mentioned by any of

my primary physicians upon yearly physicals. This

is a sign that the CNS (Central Nervous System) may

not be functioning adequately.

As I got older, early 20's I developed extreme fatigue,

sleeping all the time and went to physician who

discovered I had thalassemia minor ( a form of anemia).

Nevertheless around the same time I started to get

severe adult acne. I know that the adult acne, the

extreme fatigue, headachey feelings and spaciness

are all related to the same condition. The adult acne

was due to my body's inability to release toxins. I

was constipated all the time. These toxins were

excreted through my skin in the form of acne. This

was due to the so called... " leaky gut " . Since

I have started the protocol, fiber plan ( I can

certainly describe further ), & eating the do's and

dont's .. Dr. Goldberg's dietary advice I have not only

felt better physically (more energy), but my acne has

been CURED! I was always suffering from extreme

gas pains and stomach discomfort. When our

bodies are not functioning efficiently many, many

things can go wrong... some people get different

things.. I know for a fact that I got acne, gas, constipation,

fatigue, spaciness/zoniness feelings, sensitivity to bright

lights, vaginal discharge and low grade fevers.

Hopefully ~ and I do not say this lightly.....................

as the new immune modulators circulate more findings

will come about as to how we can prevent, treat and

cure these symptons.

It is beyond illegal, truly horrific that the pharmaceutical

companies and / or medical profession would rather treat

symptons indefinitely than come up with a solution, a

cure. This is something we are all faced with and will

continue to be faced with until we fight back !


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In a message dated 3/22/2002 11:33:53 AM Central Standard Time,

ladams8@... writes:

> This is the first time I have ever seen exercised induced asthma


I'm sorry, but what is meant by " exercise induced asthma " ?


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I'm sure my immune problems are the link to my childrens problems. What I

cannot say with 100% certainty (without more science) is whether K was

already triggered into this in utero, or later on. I just wanted to point

out that the immune system activates under alot of different circumstances.

In cases where they just assume there is some type of permanent damage

(without any hard evidence) it's scientifically possible that they could be



>From: JOSKAT95@...



>Subject: Re: input please

>Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 21:14:59 EST



> But can you compare an adult system to that of a neonate? I don't think


>We know that an infant can suffer insults that would kill an adult and be

>fine. Is that because some of their systems at birth are so immature that

>they are not as easily damaged? I really think that we have to look at the

>maternal antibody issue. Now having said that please don't anyone ever


>that using the term maternal connotes any kind of control. What I would


>to see is a study on the percentage of ASD who have 1 or both parents with

>immune dysfunction based upon family history and blood work. History not

>being the best indicator. I am speaking for all the exercised induced

>asthmatics who think that everyone is supposed to cough after completing a

>run. Kathy -NNY


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In a message dated 3/22/2002 1:46:00 PM Central Standard Time,

ladams8@... writes:


Thanks. I thought that is what was meant. I had asthma as a child. When I

ran a lot, especially in cold weather, I would get an attack. The running

didn't cause the asthma, nor did the weather, but they did cause the attack.

The asthma was caused by allergies.

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It is normal to have an increase in pulmonary secretions after strenuous

exercise, and I am thinking in terms of push ups, sit ups and a two mile run

as strenuous. Exercise induced asthma is simply a respiratory system that

puts out more, so much more that the person begins to cough, and sometimes

vomit up mucous. I had a bronchospasm after a run so that is possible also.

Will that person only be triggered by exercise, in other words do they only

have asthma under those certain conditions? Sometimes but they are just as

likely to have asthmatic symptoms with other triggers. That is hard to

predict but I warn people to be aware of the possibility particularity during

weather changes, pollen season etc. A person with exercise induced asthma

might never need treatment, might only need treatment with exercise, or might

progress to needing treatment on a daily basis. Kathy -NNY

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I'm sorry, but what is meant by " exercise induced asthma " ?


It is asthma induced by exercise. What my son actually has is what I

refer to as exercise induced attacks, they truly aren't asthma

symptoms...though problems w/ breathing are involved he seldom

coughs...his pulse races, he turns dark red(especially his ears), gets

an instant crippling migraine, vomits, he is usually immobilized for a

couple of hours to recover. His Doctor calls it exercise induced asthma.

Best wishes,

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OK relating exercise induced asthma to environmental allergies. Allergies are

like a pot of water on the stove. If I turn on the fire of pollen, grass, pet

dander, and food the water will start to boil, if I add to the fire more fire

consisting of exercise the pot will boil over. So what caused the pot to boil

over? It was a cumulative effect. Studies were published in the national

journal of Otolaryngology about ten years ago on the relationship between the

ingestion of certain foods and the increase of fluid in the upper respiratory

tract resulting in increased fluid behind the ear drum resulting in hearing

loss and if infected an ear infection. The main foods were wheat and milk. It

is common knowledge that milk is a mucus producer in some people. Allergy

testing requires the person to produce an IgE antibody in response to an

allergen (milk) if they do not they are not considered allergic. Allergy

testing is unreliable in individuals with . When you are going between

the terms allergy and intolerance you are using medical definitions which may

not be applicable to kids with . I would suggest that if a child is

symptomatic or if the child has you avoid the offending foods and not be

concerned about the definition. Kathy -NNY

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I can't comment about the biological parents symptoms without knowing a lot

more information. Asthma and allergies are immune issues. Food issues very

often are immune issues. There is probably a familial link. Kathy -NNY

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I can't say for sure that is happening. But based on some of the research

out there, it does seem that there are discussions of immune responses when

reoxygenating after certain procedures. When the body is under stress, it

responds. Hopefully that response is protective.

I have read things where they are looking at altering the immune response

after surgeries, strokes, spinal cord and other injuries. They are looking

at how the immune response has both good and bad effects. Some are helping

to repair and protect, others are actually causing further damage. I think

that science is heading in the right direction as their knowledge evolves.

We just need to accelerate the speed of science for .


>From: JOSKAT95@...



>Subject: Re: input please

>Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 09:08:37 EST



> I thought all night about the ischemia leading to the immune response

>leading to an exacerbation of the problem and while I don't see the

>relationship between oxygen deprivation due to a mechanical cause I do see


>possible correlation with the subdural hematomas that occur around 26-27

>weeks in the neonate. The other thing that comes to mind is the individual

>with a spinal cord injury. Would the use of immune modulators right after


>injury, or within a prescribed amount of time mitigate some of the damage

>that results? I think a lot of research has to be done. Kathy



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> testing requires the person to produce an IgE antibody in response to an

> allergen (milk) if they do not they are not considered allergic. Allergy

> testing is unreliable in individuals with .

It's possible that the real problem is that virtually all traditional types


allergy testing (certainly it's true for skin testing) only test for


allergies, and not for allergies mediated by the other immunoglobulins. So,

it may not be that the tests are unreliable, so much as the proper test was

not performed.

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Hello everyone!

I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if i should

do test prior to seeing for Candida and Yeast? can

anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab are reliable

as my nutrionist said they are but I am not convinced?

has any one tested with them or greatplains lab.can

anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends as time is

running out and i need to do these tests.

Thnak you very much for all you help.


--- JOSKAT95@... wrote:




OK relating exercise induced asthma to environmental

allergies. Allergies are <BR>

like a pot of water on the stove. If I turn on the

fire of pollen, grass, pet <BR>

dander, and food the water will start to boil, if I

add to the fire more fire <BR>

consisting of exercise the pot will boil over. So what

caused the pot to boil <BR>

over? It was a cumulative effect. Studies were

published in the national <BR>

journal of Otolaryngology about ten years ago on the

relationship between the <BR>

ingestion of certain foods and the increase of fluid

in the upper respiratory <BR>

tract resulting in increased fluid behind the ear drum

resulting in hearing <BR>

loss and if infected an ear infection. The main foods

were wheat and milk. It <BR>

is common knowledge that milk is a mucus producer in

some people. Allergy <BR>

testing requires the person to produce an IgE antibody

in response to an <BR>

allergen (milk) if they do not they are not considered

allergic. Allergy <BR>

testing is unreliable in individuals with . When

you are going between <BR>

the terms allergy and intolerance you are using

medical definitions which may <BR>

not be applicable to kids with . I would suggest

that if a child is <BR>

symptomatic or if the child has you avoid the

offending foods and not be <BR>

concerned about the definition. Kathy -NNY<BR>




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> I don't think it's stupid at all, Post Traumatic Stress causes many

> of the things that are commonly seen in ASD's, and children who spend

> time in the hospital are exposed to more stresses, and illnesses at a

> time when their bodies are less likely to be able to handle it. I

> think the reason the Autism rate is higher in preemies may be the

> fact that the immune system and brain are not fully developed, but

> the stress of medical procedures surely doesn't help.


> Khris


The preemies are also vaccinated on the same schedule as a full-term

child due to the fear that they will catch something and their immune

system won't be able to handle the illness. Ironic isn't it?

Mom to 2 preemies

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My advice is that you call Dr. G's office and ask about the labs... I have

heard negative things about some labs but can't remember where. Maybe

another person on the list will have more specific advice.

A word of caution... our pediatrician is TOTALLY supportive of Dr. G's

protocol and was happy to order the complete initial lab work up for us. It

was very helpful having it completed prior to our initial appointment.

HOWEVER, our pediatrician did not use the same codes that Dr. Goldberg uses

to run the tests through insurance and it was denied. My husband asked if

the pediatrician would run it through again using the Dr. G codes (you can

ask Dr. G's office for them when you call about the labs). The pediatrician

did not want to do this, but when he saw our next order for lab work from

Dr. G (with the codes Dr. G used on them) he then felt comfortable sending

the initial blood work billing through insurance again using the Dr. G

codes. I think he felt uncomfortable the first time because our son had

never been diagnosed with an immune problem before, and he is basically not

an immune specialist. Once he saw (in writing) the codes that Dr. G had

used, then he felt OK about running the first round through under a

different code. It would be good to get this straight before you run the

tests... they are expensive! We are hoping things will be covered this


I want to add that our son has shown enough improvement in the last two

months that we would already consider the trip to have been totally worth

it, even if we never saw another ounce of improvement (but we hope to see a

lot more!). He has gone from spending three hours a night finishing the

schoolwork he couldn't get done during the day at school, to having maybe

ten or twenty minutes of homework. He can just keep on track better. He

still has a long way to go, but I am totally thrilled with what has happened

so far.


>On 3/23/02 10:31 AM, " Rifat Arshad " <kayarshad@...> wrote:

> Hello everyone!


> I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if i should

> do test prior to seeing for Candida and Yeast? can

> anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab are reliable

> as my nutrionist said they are but I am not convinced?

> has any one tested with them or greatplains lab.can

> anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends as time is

> running out and i need to do these tests.


> Thnak you very much for all you help.

> Ri


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Hi Caroline

Thank you for your Reply I live in the UK i have asked

my paedritcian to help me, he seemed reluctant but

said he will try to do some of them but not all of

them, that was 4 weeks ago i have not heard from him

as yet? what do you mean DR G's code? will it imply to

us in the uk

It is nice to see so many of you take time out to help

and advise first time parents like my self who has a

31/2 yr old with numerous problems but as yet


I am asking everyone out there,please can some one

tell of any good hotels as close to Dr g's offices as

possible as i do not have any knowledge of USA, i will

be travelling from the UK by myself and my child who

is a handfull, very hyperactive and have no idea how i

am going to cope but will do anything to help her. i

would rather have word of mouth and travelling advice

who has been through it. which is the nearest airport

to Dr G? what is the best way to get to his offices? i

will only be in the USA for the appointment and will

straight back again, so i do not have time to waste.

please if you have anyother advise please feel free to

share with a desperate mother.

Many thanks to all of you for your kind advice and

hope you have given me for my daughter and hope you

will try to help me on this occassion

--- & Caroline Glover <sfglover@...> wrote:






My advice is that you call Dr. G's office and ask

about the labs... & nbsp; I have<BR>

heard negative things about some labs but can't

remember where. & nbsp; Maybe<BR>

another person on the list will have more specific



A word of caution... our pediatrician is TOTALLY

supportive of Dr. G's<BR>

protocol and was happy to order the complete initial

lab work up for us. & nbsp; It<BR>

was very helpful having it completed prior to our

initial appointment.<BR>

HOWEVER, our pediatrician did not use the same codes

that Dr. Goldberg uses<BR>

to run the tests through insurance and it was

denied. & nbsp; My husband asked if<BR>

the pediatrician would run it through again using the

Dr. G codes (you can<BR>

ask Dr. G's office for them when you call about the

labs). & nbsp; The pediatrician<BR>

did not want to do this, but when he saw our next

order for lab work from<BR>

Dr. G (with the codes Dr. G used on them) he then felt

comfortable sending<BR>

the initial blood work billing through insurance again

using the Dr. G<BR>

codes. & nbsp; I think he felt uncomfortable the first

time because our son had<BR>

never been diagnosed with an immune problem before,

and he is basically not<BR>

an immune specialist. & nbsp; Once he saw (in writing)

the codes that Dr. G had<BR>

used, then he felt OK about running the first round

through under a<BR>

different code. & nbsp; It would be good to get this

straight before you run the<BR>

tests... they are expensive! & nbsp; We are hoping

things will be covered this<BR>



I want to add that our son has shown enough

improvement in the last two<BR>

months that we would already consider the trip to have

been totally worth<BR>

it, even if we never saw another ounce of improvement

(but we hope to see a<BR>

lot more!). & nbsp; He has gone from spending three

hours a night finishing the<BR>

schoolwork he couldn't get done during the day at

school, to having maybe<BR>

ten or twenty minutes of homework. & nbsp; He can just

keep on track better. & nbsp; He<BR>

still has a long way to go, but I am totally thrilled

with what has happened<BR>

so far.<BR>


Caroline <BR>





& gt;On 3/23/02 10:31 AM, & quot;Rifat Arshad & quot;

& lt;kayarshad@... & gt; wrote:<BR>


& gt; Hello everyone!<BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if i


& gt; do test prior to seeing for Candida and

Yeast? & nbsp; can<BR>

& gt; anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab are


& gt; as my nutrionist said they are but I am not


& gt; has any one tested with them or greatplains


& gt; anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends as

time is<BR>

& gt; running out and i need to do these tests.<BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; Thnak you very much for all you help.<BR>

& gt; Ri<BR>

& gt; <BR>





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Let me add couple of word about the credible lab.

Dr.G. does not like Great Smokies and Great Plains, so make your


He even ordered another food allergy panel for my son (one was done by Great

Smokies). I totally support Dr.G. in all issues, but I think that food

allergy from great Smokies is not that bad. Other tests (like stool culture,

etc.. does not have good validation, I am biologist myself and work in the

clinical lab,so I know what I am talking about) but to my opinion, food

allergy from Great Smokies is o'key. By the way, we still did not get

results from the other lab to compare. I do not remember the name, it is

somewhere in WA, but you can always ask in the office.


Re: input please


My advice is that you call Dr. G's office and ask about the labs... I have

heard negative things about some labs but can't remember where. Maybe

another person on the list will have more specific advice.

A word of caution... our pediatrician is TOTALLY supportive of Dr. G's

protocol and was happy to order the complete initial lab work up for us. It

was very helpful having it completed prior to our initial appointment.

HOWEVER, our pediatrician did not use the same codes that Dr. Goldberg uses

to run the tests through insurance and it was denied. My husband asked if

the pediatrician would run it through again using the Dr. G codes (you can

ask Dr. G's office for them when you call about the labs). The pediatrician

did not want to do this, but when he saw our next order for lab work from

Dr. G (with the codes Dr. G used on them) he then felt comfortable sending

the initial blood work billing through insurance again using the Dr. G

codes. I think he felt uncomfortable the first time because our son had

never been diagnosed with an immune problem before, and he is basically not

an immune specialist. Once he saw (in writing) the codes that Dr. G had

used, then he felt OK about running the first round through under a

different code. It would be good to get this straight before you run the

tests... they are expensive! We are hoping things will be covered this


I want to add that our son has shown enough improvement in the last two

months that we would already consider the trip to have been totally worth

it, even if we never saw another ounce of improvement (but we hope to see a

lot more!). He has gone from spending three hours a night finishing the

schoolwork he couldn't get done during the day at school, to having maybe

ten or twenty minutes of homework. He can just keep on track better. He

still has a long way to go, but I am totally thrilled with what has happened

so far.


>On 3/23/02 10:31 AM, " Rifat Arshad " <kayarshad@...> wrote:

> Hello everyone!


> I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if i should

> do test prior to seeing for Candida and Yeast? can

> anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab are reliable

> as my nutrionist said they are but I am not convinced?

> has any one tested with them or greatplains lab.can

> anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends as time is

> running out and i need to do these tests.


> Thnak you very much for all you help.

> Ri


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Hi, Rifat

From time to time people ask about traveling tips (I was in this situation

as well). I would advise to dig into old messages and you will find plenty

of information about hotel airport, etc..

good luck


Re: input please

Hi Caroline

Thank you for your Reply I live in the UK i have asked

my paedritcian to help me, he seemed reluctant but

said he will try to do some of them but not all of

them, that was 4 weeks ago i have not heard from him

as yet? what do you mean DR G's code? will it imply to

us in the uk

It is nice to see so many of you take time out to help

and advise first time parents like my self who has a

31/2 yr old with numerous problems but as yet


I am asking everyone out there,please can some one

tell of any good hotels as close to Dr g's offices as

possible as i do not have any knowledge of USA, i will

be travelling from the UK by myself and my child who

is a handfull, very hyperactive and have no idea how i

am going to cope but will do anything to help her. i

would rather have word of mouth and travelling advice

who has been through it. which is the nearest airport

to Dr G? what is the best way to get to his offices? i

will only be in the USA for the appointment and will

straight back again, so i do not have time to waste.

please if you have anyother advise please feel free to

share with a desperate mother.

Many thanks to all of you for your kind advice and

hope you have given me for my daughter and hope you

will try to help me on this occassion

--- & Caroline Glover <sfglover@...> wrote:






My advice is that you call Dr. G's office and ask

about the labs... & nbsp; I have<BR>

heard negative things about some labs but can't

remember where. & nbsp; Maybe<BR>

another person on the list will have more specific



A word of caution... our pediatrician is TOTALLY

supportive of Dr. G's<BR>

protocol and was happy to order the complete initial

lab work up for us. & nbsp; It<BR>

was very helpful having it completed prior to our

initial appointment.<BR>

HOWEVER, our pediatrician did not use the same codes

that Dr. Goldberg uses<BR>

to run the tests through insurance and it was

denied. & nbsp; My husband asked if<BR>

the pediatrician would run it through again using the

Dr. G codes (you can<BR>

ask Dr. G's office for them when you call about the

labs). & nbsp; The pediatrician<BR>

did not want to do this, but when he saw our next

order for lab work from<BR>

Dr. G (with the codes Dr. G used on them) he then felt

comfortable sending<BR>

the initial blood work billing through insurance again

using the Dr. G<BR>

codes. & nbsp; I think he felt uncomfortable the first

time because our son had<BR>

never been diagnosed with an immune problem before,

and he is basically not<BR>

an immune specialist. & nbsp; Once he saw (in writing)

the codes that Dr. G had<BR>

used, then he felt OK about running the first round

through under a<BR>

different code. & nbsp; It would be good to get this

straight before you run the<BR>

tests... they are expensive! & nbsp; We are hoping

things will be covered this<BR>



I want to add that our son has shown enough

improvement in the last two<BR>

months that we would already consider the trip to have

been totally worth<BR>

it, even if we never saw another ounce of improvement

(but we hope to see a<BR>

lot more!). & nbsp; He has gone from spending three

hours a night finishing the<BR>

schoolwork he couldn't get done during the day at

school, to having maybe<BR>

ten or twenty minutes of homework. & nbsp; He can just

keep on track better. & nbsp; He<BR>

still has a long way to go, but I am totally thrilled

with what has happened<BR>

so far.<BR>


Caroline <BR>





& gt;On 3/23/02 10:31 AM, & quot;Rifat Arshad & quot;

& lt;kayarshad@... & gt; wrote:<BR>


& gt; Hello everyone!<BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if i


& gt; do test prior to seeing for Candida and

Yeast? & nbsp; can<BR>

& gt; anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab are


& gt; as my nutrionist said they are but I am not


& gt; has any one tested with them or greatplains


& gt; anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends as

time is<BR>

& gt; running out and i need to do these tests.<BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; Thnak you very much for all you help.<BR>

& gt; Ri<BR>

& gt; <BR>





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Is the lab you are referring to Meridian Valley Labs in Kent, WA?

Pat Koltun

Re: input please



> Ri,


> My advice is that you call Dr. G's office and ask about the labs... I


> heard negative things about some labs but can't remember where. Maybe

> another person on the list will have more specific advice.


> A word of caution... our pediatrician is TOTALLY supportive of Dr. G's

> protocol and was happy to order the complete initial lab work up for us.


> was very helpful having it completed prior to our initial appointment.

> HOWEVER, our pediatrician did not use the same codes that Dr. Goldberg


> to run the tests through insurance and it was denied. My husband asked if

> the pediatrician would run it through again using the Dr. G codes (you can

> ask Dr. G's office for them when you call about the labs). The


> did not want to do this, but when he saw our next order for lab work from

> Dr. G (with the codes Dr. G used on them) he then felt comfortable sending

> the initial blood work billing through insurance again using the Dr. G

> codes. I think he felt uncomfortable the first time because our son had

> never been diagnosed with an immune problem before, and he is basically


> an immune specialist. Once he saw (in writing) the codes that Dr. G had

> used, then he felt OK about running the first round through under a

> different code. It would be good to get this straight before you run the

> tests... they are expensive! We are hoping things will be covered this

> time.


> I want to add that our son has shown enough improvement in the last two

> months that we would already consider the trip to have been totally worth

> it, even if we never saw another ounce of improvement (but we hope to see


> lot more!). He has gone from spending three hours a night finishing the

> schoolwork he couldn't get done during the day at school, to having maybe

> ten or twenty minutes of homework. He can just keep on track better. He

> still has a long way to go, but I am totally thrilled with what has


> so far.


> Caroline





> >On 3/23/02 10:31 AM, " Rifat Arshad " <kayarshad@...> wrote:


> > Hello everyone!

> >

> > I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if i should

> > do test prior to seeing for Candida and Yeast? can

> > anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab are reliable

> > as my nutrionist said they are but I am not convinced?

> > has any one tested with them or greatplains lab.can

> > anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends as time is

> > running out and i need to do these tests.

> >

> > Thnak you very much for all you help.

> > Ri

> >






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We fly in from Singapore, and stay at the Warner Centre Marriott, Woodland

Hills, about fifteen minutes away.

We rent a car from the Hertz desk there and drive. There are plenty of cabs

at the hotel too and we've taken one to Dr G's office as well. There is also

a Holiday Inn and a Hilton in the area.

Someone else on the list has posted a cheaper places recently as well - some

with kitchenettes. Dr G's office might have a list too.

You might want to have a car/limo pick you up at LA International - it saves

a bunch of hassle, and is only $10 - $15 more than a cab - after a long

journey you will appreciate it - door to door!

The code's referred to in the previous email are US standard diagnostic

codes for health insurance, and are not applicable in other countries. They

are useful to throw at US insurance companies like Cigna that operate around

the world, when they question a diagnosis though! Do use the diagnosis names

that Dr G's office uses. Avoid using anything that refers to mental

disorders as these are usually not covered by insurance outside the US (and

sometimes in the US) - Autism, ADHD might be regarded as a mental

disorder - PPP in the UK (owned by AXA now) certainly does! Immune

dysregulation, Allergy syndrome and neuro-cognitive dysfunction are the

typical diagnosis used for , and have official US codes. I have had to

get supporting letters from Dr G on numerous occasions to explain these to

ignorant insurance companies - and they do pay up - eventually.

Let me know if I can be of more help,

Re: input please

Hi Caroline

Thank you for your Reply I live in the UK i have asked

my paedritcian to help me, he seemed reluctant but

said he will try to do some of them but not all of

them, that was 4 weeks ago i have not heard from him

as yet? what do you mean DR G's code? will it imply to

us in the uk

It is nice to see so many of you take time out to help

and advise first time parents like my self who has a

31/2 yr old with numerous problems but as yet


I am asking everyone out there,please can some one

tell of any good hotels as close to Dr g's offices as

possible as i do not have any knowledge of USA, i will

be travelling from the UK by myself and my child who

is a handfull, very hyperactive and have no idea how i

am going to cope but will do anything to help her. i

would rather have word of mouth and travelling advice

who has been through it. which is the nearest airport

to Dr G? what is the best way to get to his offices? i

will only be in the USA for the appointment and will

straight back again, so i do not have time to waste.

please if you have anyother advise please feel free to

share with a desperate mother.

Many thanks to all of you for your kind advice and

hope you have given me for my daughter and hope you

will try to help me on this occassion

--- & Caroline Glover <sfglover@...> wrote:






My advice is that you call Dr. G's office and ask

about the labs... & nbsp; I have<BR>

heard negative things about some labs but can't

remember where. & nbsp; Maybe<BR>

another person on the list will have more specific



A word of caution... our pediatrician is TOTALLY

supportive of Dr. G's<BR>

protocol and was happy to order the complete initial

lab work up for us. & nbsp; It<BR>

was very helpful having it completed prior to our

initial appointment.<BR>

HOWEVER, our pediatrician did not use the same codes

that Dr. Goldberg uses<BR>

to run the tests through insurance and it was

denied. & nbsp; My husband asked if<BR>

the pediatrician would run it through again using the

Dr. G codes (you can<BR>

ask Dr. G's office for them when you call about the

labs). & nbsp; The pediatrician<BR>

did not want to do this, but when he saw our next

order for lab work from<BR>

Dr. G (with the codes Dr. G used on them) he then felt

comfortable sending<BR>

the initial blood work billing through insurance again

using the Dr. G<BR>

codes. & nbsp; I think he felt uncomfortable the first

time because our son had<BR>

never been diagnosed with an immune problem before,

and he is basically not<BR>

an immune specialist. & nbsp; Once he saw (in writing)

the codes that Dr. G had<BR>

used, then he felt OK about running the first round

through under a<BR>

different code. & nbsp; It would be good to get this

straight before you run the<BR>

tests... they are expensive! & nbsp; We are hoping

things will be covered this<BR>



I want to add that our son has shown enough

improvement in the last two<BR>

months that we would already consider the trip to have

been totally worth<BR>

it, even if we never saw another ounce of improvement

(but we hope to see a<BR>

lot more!). & nbsp; He has gone from spending three

hours a night finishing the<BR>

schoolwork he couldn't get done during the day at

school, to having maybe<BR>

ten or twenty minutes of homework. & nbsp; He can just

keep on track better. & nbsp; He<BR>

still has a long way to go, but I am totally thrilled

with what has happened<BR>

so far.<BR>


Caroline <BR>





& gt;On 3/23/02 10:31 AM, & quot;Rifat Arshad & quot;

& lt;kayarshad@... & gt; wrote:<BR>


& gt; Hello everyone!<BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if i


& gt; do test prior to seeing for Candida and

Yeast? & nbsp; can<BR>

& gt; anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab are


& gt; as my nutrionist said they are but I am not


& gt; has any one tested with them or greatplains


& gt; anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends as

time is<BR>

& gt; running out and i need to do these tests.<BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; Thnak you very much for all you help.<BR>

& gt; Ri<BR>

& gt; <BR>





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I frankly do not remember, I have invoice at home, so I can look tonight.

But they have website, so you will be able to find the location. Did you

hear something about this lab (good or bed). There website look pretty



Re: input please


Is the lab you are referring to Meridian Valley Labs in Kent, WA?

Pat Koltun

Re: input please



> Ri,


> My advice is that you call Dr. G's office and ask about the labs... I


> heard negative things about some labs but can't remember where. Maybe

> another person on the list will have more specific advice.


> A word of caution... our pediatrician is TOTALLY supportive of Dr. G's

> protocol and was happy to order the complete initial lab work up for us.


> was very helpful having it completed prior to our initial appointment.

> HOWEVER, our pediatrician did not use the same codes that Dr. Goldberg


> to run the tests through insurance and it was denied. My husband asked if

> the pediatrician would run it through again using the Dr. G codes (you can

> ask Dr. G's office for them when you call about the labs). The


> did not want to do this, but when he saw our next order for lab work from

> Dr. G (with the codes Dr. G used on them) he then felt comfortable sending

> the initial blood work billing through insurance again using the Dr. G

> codes. I think he felt uncomfortable the first time because our son had

> never been diagnosed with an immune problem before, and he is basically


> an immune specialist. Once he saw (in writing) the codes that Dr. G had

> used, then he felt OK about running the first round through under a

> different code. It would be good to get this straight before you run the

> tests... they are expensive! We are hoping things will be covered this

> time.


> I want to add that our son has shown enough improvement in the last two

> months that we would already consider the trip to have been totally worth

> it, even if we never saw another ounce of improvement (but we hope to see


> lot more!). He has gone from spending three hours a night finishing the

> schoolwork he couldn't get done during the day at school, to having maybe

> ten or twenty minutes of homework. He can just keep on track better. He

> still has a long way to go, but I am totally thrilled with what has


> so far.


> Caroline





> >On 3/23/02 10:31 AM, " Rifat Arshad " <kayarshad@...> wrote:


> > Hello everyone!

> >

> > I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if i should

> > do test prior to seeing for Candida and Yeast? can

> > anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab are reliable

> > as my nutrionist said they are but I am not convinced?

> > has any one tested with them or greatplains lab.can

> > anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends as time is

> > running out and i need to do these tests.

> >

> > Thnak you very much for all you help.

> > Ri

> >






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You are thinking of Meridian Valley labs in Kent, Washington.

They do IgG based allergy panels for 95 basic foods and a further 95 foods.

IgE based tests done in most labs are not reliable according to Dr G and we

have found this to be the case having done both. However allergy panels are

only indicative - a negative for a food might occur because the person has

not had that food before, and still may be allergic - we found this with soy

when substituting it for milk.

Re: input please


My advice is that you call Dr. G's office and ask about the labs... I have

heard negative things about some labs but can't remember where. Maybe

another person on the list will have more specific advice.

A word of caution... our pediatrician is TOTALLY supportive of Dr. G's

protocol and was happy to order the complete initial lab work up for us. It

was very helpful having it completed prior to our initial appointment.

HOWEVER, our pediatrician did not use the same codes that Dr. Goldberg uses

to run the tests through insurance and it was denied. My husband asked if

the pediatrician would run it through again using the Dr. G codes (you can

ask Dr. G's office for them when you call about the labs). The pediatrician

did not want to do this, but when he saw our next order for lab work from

Dr. G (with the codes Dr. G used on them) he then felt comfortable sending

the initial blood work billing through insurance again using the Dr. G

codes. I think he felt uncomfortable the first time because our son had

never been diagnosed with an immune problem before, and he is basically not

an immune specialist. Once he saw (in writing) the codes that Dr. G had

used, then he felt OK about running the first round through under a

different code. It would be good to get this straight before you run the

tests... they are expensive! We are hoping things will be covered this


I want to add that our son has shown enough improvement in the last two

months that we would already consider the trip to have been totally worth

it, even if we never saw another ounce of improvement (but we hope to see a

lot more!). He has gone from spending three hours a night finishing the

schoolwork he couldn't get done during the day at school, to having maybe

ten or twenty minutes of homework. He can just keep on track better. He

still has a long way to go, but I am totally thrilled with what has happened

so far.


>On 3/23/02 10:31 AM, " Rifat Arshad " <kayarshad@...> wrote:

> Hello everyone!


> I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if i should

> do test prior to seeing for Candida and Yeast? can

> anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab are reliable

> as my nutrionist said they are but I am not convinced?

> has any one tested with them or greatplains lab.can

> anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends as time is

> running out and i need to do these tests.


> Thnak you very much for all you help.

> Ri


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Thank you for your detailed reply,I wonder if you

would have the phone number for the hotel you stayed

in and how much was it. many thanks


--- R M <rmwilson@...> wrote:





We fly in from Singapore, and stay at the Warner

Centre Marriott, Woodland<BR>

Hills, about fifteen minutes away.<BR>

We rent a car from the Hertz desk there and drive.

There are plenty of cabs<BR>

at the hotel too and we've taken one to Dr G's office

as well. There is also<BR>

a Holiday Inn and a Hilton in the area.<BR>

Someone else on the list has posted a cheaper places

recently as well - some<BR>

with kitchenettes. Dr G's office might have a list


You might want to have a car/limo pick you up at LA

International - it saves<BR>

a bunch of hassle, and is only $10 - $15 more than a

cab - after a long<BR>

journey you will appreciate it - door to door!<BR>


The code's referred to in the previous email are US

standard diagnostic<BR>

codes for health insurance, and are not applicable in

other countries. They<BR>

are useful to throw at US insurance companies like

Cigna that operate around<BR>

the world, when they question a diagnosis though! Do

use the diagnosis names<BR>

that Dr G's office uses. Avoid using anything that

refers to mental<BR>

disorders as these are usually not covered by

insurance outside the US (and<BR>

sometimes in the US) - & nbsp; Autism, ADHD might be

regarded as a mental<BR>

disorder - PPP in the UK (owned by AXA now) certainly

does! & nbsp; Immune<BR>

dysregulation, Allergy syndrome and neuro-cognitive

dysfunction are the<BR>

typical diagnosis used for , and have official US

codes. I have had to<BR>

get supporting letters from Dr G on numerous occasions

to explain these to<BR>

ignorant insurance companies - and they do pay up -



Let me know if I can be of more help,<BR>



Re: input please<BR>



Hi Caroline<BR>


Thank you for your Reply I live in the UK i have


my paedritcian to help me, he seemed reluctant but<BR>

said he will try to do some of them but not all of<BR>

them, that was 4 weeks ago i have not heard from


as yet? what do you mean DR G's code? will it imply


us in the uk<BR>


It is nice to see so many of you take time out to


and advise first time parents like my self who has


31/2 yr old with numerous problems but as yet<BR>



I am asking everyone out there,please can some one<BR>

tell of any good hotels as close to Dr g's offices


possible as i do not have any knowledge of USA, i


be travelling from the UK by myself and my child


is a handfull, very hyperactive and have no idea how


am going to cope but will do anything to help her.


would rather have word of mouth and travelling


who has been through it. which is the nearest


to Dr G? what is the best way to get to his offices?


will only be in the USA for the appointment and


straight back again, so i do not have time to


please if you have anyother advise please feel free


share with a desperate mother.<BR>


Many thanks to all of you for your kind advice and<BR>

hope you have given me for my daughter and hope


will try to help me on this occassion<BR>


--- & amp; Caroline Glover

& lt;sfglover@... & gt; wrote:<BR>

& lt;HR & gt;<BR>

& lt;html & gt; & lt;body & gt;<BR>



& lt;tt & gt;<BR>

Ri, & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

My advice is that you call Dr. G's office and ask<BR>

about the labs... & amp;nbsp; I have & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

heard negative things about some labs but can't<BR>

remember where. & amp;nbsp; Maybe & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

another person on the list will have more specific<BR>

advice. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

A word of caution... our pediatrician is TOTALLY<BR>

supportive of Dr. G's & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

protocol and was happy to order the complete


lab work up for us. & amp;nbsp; It & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

was very helpful having it completed prior to our<BR>

initial appointment. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

HOWEVER, our pediatrician did not use the same


that Dr. Goldberg uses & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

to run the tests through insurance and it was<BR>

denied. & amp;nbsp; My husband asked if & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

the pediatrician would run it through again using


Dr. G codes (you can & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

ask Dr. G's office for them when you call about


labs). & amp;nbsp; The pediatrician & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

did not want to do this, but when he saw our next<BR>

order for lab work from & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

Dr. G (with the codes Dr. G used on them) he then


comfortable sending & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

the initial blood work billing through insurance


using the Dr. G & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

codes. & amp;nbsp; I think he felt uncomfortable the


time because our son had & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

never been diagnosed with an immune problem


and he is basically not & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

an immune specialist. & amp;nbsp; Once he saw (in


the codes that Dr. G had & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

used, then he felt OK about running the first


through under a & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

different code. & amp;nbsp; It would be good to get


straight before you run the & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

tests... they are expensive! & amp;nbsp; We are


things will be covered this & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

time. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

I want to add that our son has shown enough<BR>

improvement in the last two & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

months that we would already consider the trip to


been totally worth & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

it, even if we never saw another ounce of


(but we hope to see a & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

lot more!). & amp;nbsp; He has gone from spending


hours a night finishing the & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

schoolwork he couldn't get done during the day at<BR>

school, to having maybe & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

ten or twenty minutes of homework. & amp;nbsp; He can


keep on track better. & amp;nbsp; He & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

still has a long way to go, but I am totally


with what has happened & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

so far. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

Caroline & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt;On 3/23/02 10:31 AM, & amp;quot;Rifat

Arshad & amp;quot;<BR>

& amp;lt;kayarshad@... & amp;gt;

wrote: & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; Hello everyone! & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if


should & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; do test prior to seeing for Candida and<BR>

Yeast? & amp;nbsp; can & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab


reliable & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; as my nutrionist said they are but I am


convinced? & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; has any one tested with them or


lab.can & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends


time is & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; running out and i need to do these

tests. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; Thnak you very much for all you

help. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; Ri & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;/tt & gt;<BR>


& lt;br & gt;<BR>


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cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 & gt; & lt;tr & gt; & lt;td

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size=-2 & gt;ADVERTISEMENT & lt;/font & gt; & lt;br & gt; & lt;a<BR>

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target=_top & gt; & lt;img<BR>

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href= " http://ads.x10.com/?Z3lhaG9vbW9uc3RlcjcuZGF0=1017126517%3eM=215002.1818 " >h\


248.3328688.1261774/D=egroupweb/S=1705061616:HM/A=847665/R=2 & quot;<BR>

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src= & quot;<a

href= " http://us.adserver./l?M=215002.1818248.3328688.1261774/D=egrou " >h\


pmail/S=1705061616:HM/A=847665/rand=748028186 & quot; & gt; & lt;/td & gt; & lt;/tr & gt;<BR\


& lt;/table & gt;<BR>


& lt;!-- |**|end egp html banner|**| -- & gt;<BR>



& lt;br & gt;<BR>

& lt;tt & gt;<BR>

Responsibility for the content of this message


strictly with & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

the original author, and is not necessarily


by or the & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

opinion of the Research Institute. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;/tt & gt;<BR>

& lt;br & gt;<BR>


& lt;br & gt;<BR>

& lt;tt & gt;

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Warner Centre Marriott is

21850 Oxnard Street,

Woodland Hills

Ph: 1-818-887 4800

The rate is $169 for a twin bed Mon - Thursday and often they have a

weekend rate Fri - Sun of $84

Re: input please<BR>



Hi Caroline<BR>


Thank you for your Reply I live in the UK i have


my paedritcian to help me, he seemed reluctant but<BR>

said he will try to do some of them but not all of<BR>

them, that was 4 weeks ago i have not heard from


as yet? what do you mean DR G's code? will it imply


us in the uk<BR>


It is nice to see so many of you take time out to


and advise first time parents like my self who has


31/2 yr old with numerous problems but as yet<BR>



I am asking everyone out there,please can some one<BR>

tell of any good hotels as close to Dr g's offices


possible as i do not have any knowledge of USA, i


be travelling from the UK by myself and my child


is a handfull, very hyperactive and have no idea how


am going to cope but will do anything to help her.


would rather have word of mouth and travelling


who has been through it. which is the nearest


to Dr G? what is the best way to get to his offices?


will only be in the USA for the appointment and


straight back again, so i do not have time to


please if you have anyother advise please feel free


share with a desperate mother.<BR>


Many thanks to all of you for your kind advice and<BR>

hope you have given me for my daughter and hope


will try to help me on this occassion<BR>


--- & amp; Caroline Glover

& lt;sfglover@... & gt; wrote:<BR>

& lt;HR & gt;<BR>

& lt;html & gt; & lt;body & gt;<BR>



& lt;tt & gt;<BR>

Ri, & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

My advice is that you call Dr. G's office and ask<BR>

about the labs... & amp;nbsp; I have & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

heard negative things about some labs but can't<BR>

remember where. & amp;nbsp; Maybe & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

another person on the list will have more specific<BR>

advice. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

A word of caution... our pediatrician is TOTALLY<BR>

supportive of Dr. G's & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

protocol and was happy to order the complete


lab work up for us. & amp;nbsp; It & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

was very helpful having it completed prior to our<BR>

initial appointment. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

HOWEVER, our pediatrician did not use the same


that Dr. Goldberg uses & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

to run the tests through insurance and it was<BR>

denied. & amp;nbsp; My husband asked if & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

the pediatrician would run it through again using


Dr. G codes (you can & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

ask Dr. G's office for them when you call about


labs). & amp;nbsp; The pediatrician & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

did not want to do this, but when he saw our next<BR>

order for lab work from & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

Dr. G (with the codes Dr. G used on them) he then


comfortable sending & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

the initial blood work billing through insurance


using the Dr. G & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

codes. & amp;nbsp; I think he felt uncomfortable the


time because our son had & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

never been diagnosed with an immune problem


and he is basically not & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

an immune specialist. & amp;nbsp; Once he saw (in


the codes that Dr. G had & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

used, then he felt OK about running the first


through under a & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

different code. & amp;nbsp; It would be good to get


straight before you run the & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

tests... they are expensive! & amp;nbsp; We are


things will be covered this & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

time. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

I want to add that our son has shown enough<BR>

improvement in the last two & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

months that we would already consider the trip to


been totally worth & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

it, even if we never saw another ounce of


(but we hope to see a & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

lot more!). & amp;nbsp; He has gone from spending


hours a night finishing the & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

schoolwork he couldn't get done during the day at<BR>

school, to having maybe & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

ten or twenty minutes of homework. & amp;nbsp; He can


keep on track better. & amp;nbsp; He & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

still has a long way to go, but I am totally


with what has happened & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

so far. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

Caroline & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt;On 3/23/02 10:31 AM, & amp;quot;Rifat

Arshad & amp;quot;<BR>

& amp;lt;kayarshad@... & amp;gt;

wrote: & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; Hello everyone! & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if


should & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; do test prior to seeing for Candida and<BR>

Yeast? & amp;nbsp; can & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab


reliable & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; as my nutrionist said they are but I am


convinced? & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; has any one tested with them or


lab.can & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends


time is & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; running out and i need to do these

tests. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; Thnak you very much for all you

help. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; Ri & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

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Just to clarify: I don't need Meridian Valley's address or website. I was

simply trying to say that they were the " lab of preference " for Doctor

Goldberg. We've used their service twice in almost six years and we were

quite pleased.

Pat Koltun

Re: input please

> >

> >

> > Ri,

> >

> > My advice is that you call Dr. G's office and ask about the labs... I

> have

> > heard negative things about some labs but can't remember where. Maybe

> > another person on the list will have more specific advice.

> >

> > A word of caution... our pediatrician is TOTALLY supportive of Dr. G's

> > protocol and was happy to order the complete initial lab work up for us.

> It

> > was very helpful having it completed prior to our initial appointment.

> > HOWEVER, our pediatrician did not use the same codes that Dr. Goldberg

> uses

> > to run the tests through insurance and it was denied. My husband asked


> > the pediatrician would run it through again using the Dr. G codes (you


> > ask Dr. G's office for them when you call about the labs). The

> pediatrician

> > did not want to do this, but when he saw our next order for lab work


> > Dr. G (with the codes Dr. G used on them) he then felt comfortable


> > the initial blood work billing through insurance again using the Dr. G

> > codes. I think he felt uncomfortable the first time because our son had

> > never been diagnosed with an immune problem before, and he is basically

> not

> > an immune specialist. Once he saw (in writing) the codes that Dr. G had

> > used, then he felt OK about running the first round through under a

> > different code. It would be good to get this straight before you run


> > tests... they are expensive! We are hoping things will be covered this

> > time.

> >

> > I want to add that our son has shown enough improvement in the last two

> > months that we would already consider the trip to have been totally


> > it, even if we never saw another ounce of improvement (but we hope to


> a

> > lot more!). He has gone from spending three hours a night finishing the

> > schoolwork he couldn't get done during the day at school, to having


> > ten or twenty minutes of homework. He can just keep on track better.


> > still has a long way to go, but I am totally thrilled with what has

> happened

> > so far.

> >

> > Caroline

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >On 3/23/02 10:31 AM, " Rifat Arshad " <kayarshad@...> wrote:

> >

> > > Hello everyone!

> > >

> > > I am seeing Dr G in July and want to know if i should

> > > do test prior to seeing for Candida and Yeast? can

> > > anyone please tell me if Great Smokey Lab are reliable

> > > as my nutrionist said they are but I am not convinced?

> > > has any one tested with them or greatplains lab.can

> > > anyone recommend me someone Dr G recommends as time is

> > > running out and i need to do these tests.

> > >

> > > Thnak you very much for all you help.

> > > Ri

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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