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Re: Catching Bugs

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> I just cannot understand why they feed animals their own kind - it is

> clearly wrong!

I wonder how one would most effectively explain " it is clearly wrong! "

to the kinds of animals that, in nature, eat their own kind when they


Yours for better letters, Kate Gladstone -

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There are certain species of sharks who practice cannibalism. While in the womb there may be 15 or more baby sharks swimming around in her amniotic fluid. Only one can come out. The rest are eaten by the one shark because it needs their strength to survive. There are species of birds who practice bullying. The brothers and sisters will bully it to death, not letting it eat and biting it. The list goes on forever. How much attention has been given to human killers? Forensics, DNA studying, and so on and so forth. With an animal that kills one of it's own kind there isn't a second thought because it's nature. If humans were without weapons we would be killed by animals. The animals that practice killing their own kind at a young age is necessary and is caused by the environment they live in. People have had to eat their own babies when their cities were walled up by an enemy. Chickens develop diseases when they are fed their own kind. Humans do as well. It all comes down to

the digestive enzymes and the ph of the body of the animal. Lions and other big cats would have no problem eating a house cat or any other small cat for that matter. Their bodies' are over 70% more acidic than humans and they can eat live flesh. Live flesh contains microorganisms which are usually kept in check by the body's defense systems. When it dies, the microorganisms consume it to the bone unless a carnivore finds it first. It is not natural for the microorganisms to be drained and stored in tanks: then for the human body to be filled with embalming fluid, be put in a metal box and left there at a grave site to taunt the living organisms in the ground. The world's ecosystems have been destroyed by man and civilization. In a perfectly natural environment, there would still be killing. Murder is different. Dogs are bred to be hunters. Humans have mixed breeds so much that they are no longer hunters. I don't know if I heard that from this group or not but, anyway,

unless you live in a third world country, you're likely to never find a dog that is truly meant to hunt tirelessly. The real hunting dogs can tear a doberman pinscher in half. Someone on this group I think, said dogs evolved from wolves, the ultimate hunters. Dogs kill for sport alot of the time if they're given the chance and depending on what conditions they're raised in. So, the only answer I can give is that chickens aren't meant to eat other animals from the same species' parts indiscriminately, or at all. Ants are stepped on by humans and killed anytime someone walks in the grass on fertile soil. Sikhists have a religion that ties in with that. What's wrong about it is the fact that besides being caged up your whole life in a cell where it's hard enough to breathe, let alone move, your'e being fed your brothers and sisters. Kate Gladstone <handwritingrepair@...> wrote: Re:> I just cannot understand why they feed animals their own kind - it is> clearly wrong!I wonder how one would most effectively explain "it is clearly wrong!"to the kinds of animals that, in nature, eat their own kind when theycan. Yours for better letters, Kate Gladstone -handwritingrepair@... - telephone 518/482-6763 Handwriting Repair and the World Handwriting Contest http://learn.to/handwrite, http://www.global2000.net/handwritingrepair 325 South Manning Boulevard Albany, New York 12208-1731 USA Order books through my site! (Amazon.com link gets me 5% - 15% commission) And sign the "Politician Legibility Act"


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Mmmmmmmmm good point, but I believe it has been proven to constantly

eat one's own kind has bad affects.


> Re:


> > I just cannot understand why they feed animals their own kind -

it is

> > clearly wrong!


> I wonder how one would most effectively explain " it is clearly

wrong! "

> to the kinds of animals that, in nature, eat their own kind when


> can.



> Yours for better letters, Kate Gladstone -

> handwritingrepair@... - telephone 518/482-6763

> Handwriting Repair and the World Handwriting Contest

> http://learn.to/handwrite,


> 325 South Manning Boulevard

> Albany, New York 12208-1731 USA

> Order books through my site!

> (Amazon.com link gets me 5% - 15% commission)

> And sign the " Politician Legibility Act " Petition:

> http://www.iPetitions.com/petition/PoliticianLegibility


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In a message dated 5/30/2006 9:35:24 AM Eastern Standard Time, mikecarrie01@... writes:

I didn't know that about how holding them up and quarantining them may have stopped the pandemic. Alas.

The pandemic started in Europe, I think the first cases have actually been tracked toa certain town or region of France, but I don't remember with certainty. The disease spread amongst the troops and civilians in the area. Troops returning to England and the US carried it to those countries and other ships and travellers carried it to other parts of the world. Remember, there were a lot of colonial troops fighting in Europe too. There were Indians, Sudanese and other Africans, and so on. When those people went home, they took the flu with them.

Politics was part of the problem. The war was over and the civilians wanted the troops home NOW!! As a result, they were brought home, now! If the administrations knew of the disease or potent it could turn out I don't know. However, they were more afraid of the wrath of voters whose loved ones were being held in a foreign land and subject to a virulent disease, than having those soldiers bring said disease home. As a result, the disease spread around the world.

PS: Let's not forget that the politicians were also wanting to cut the costs of the big military as fast as possible so they could redirect that money into projects to get them re-elected. They did a gan up job too. The army went from several million to less than half a million in a few years. While Hitler was building up and the Japanese moving across the Pacific, US troops were training with wooden rifles, using boards as machine guns, and worn out trucks with signs labelling them "tanks".

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In a message dated 5/30/2006 10:14:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, mikecarrie01@... writes:

What worries me is that the balance has been thrown off, inside our bodies and in the environment. The good bacteria that keeps the bad bacteria in check is being killed by the bad bacteria run amok because of our environment and habits.

It really isn't that bad. The problem is that a lot of people neglect their healths and hygene. That allows them to carry more of the bad germs and more likely to spread it to others.

It is easy to get out of whack as far as the good bacteria go in your own system. What I do is to take probiotic capsules now and then that contain the good bacteria needed in the digestive tract. Yogurt is also supposed to help maintain the balance.

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In a message dated 5/30/2006 11:38:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, mikecarrie01@... writes:

It's possible some animals can be carnivores and some can't--it's the messing with this in ignorance that causes problems. It's thought that Mad Cow may have come from a tribe of human carnivores in New Guinea--some scientists brought tissue samples to the UK and US to study and it may have been discarded into the water system, but the more I read the more I think it was the other way around--westerners brought it to the natives there because the disease didn't show up until after westerners came there and it spread because of their practice of eating brains (and possibly from the flesh)--they ate the brains of a diseased person.

It could also be possible that it was westerners who simply put a name to the disease. I have read about those cannibals too, and it does seem that the disease existed for a very long time, they just simply thought it was one of the many things one could die from in the jungle.

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> " But some diseases do jump species. The regular swine flu travels

back and

> forth between humans and pigs and sometimes other species as well. "

They rarely become pandemics, though. I got the swine flu--it was a

little stronger than a regular flu (for me, anyway) but I got over

it, whereas the scare caused many people to get the vaccine, which

was dangerous and caused paralysis in some people. There is no

evidence that the bird flu will cause an epidemic, even it even does

mutate to the point where it will be contagious between people which

is merely a supposition and worst case scenario, let alone a pandemic.

> " The 1918 Great Flu epidemic probably also came from birds. "

There are a lot of theories, but no one knows or can know, since

there is no samples of it. There's also a theory that it had

something to do with the gases and chemicals of WWI--it happened

right after the war and hit the young and healthy which is very unflu-

like. It's also thought that the statistic of 20 million deaths could

be a very conservative estimate.

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> " AIDS isn't engineered. Researchers have recently traced it to a

species of

> monkey on the west coast of Africa. "

There's a lot of mystery surrounding HIV. HIV has actually not been

proven to cause AIDS. I heard that latest report and laughed--people

who don't know anything about AIDS may belief their half-hearted

attempt to say they've figured it out. Researchers willing to speak

out about it (not in fear of the system or not counting on the huge

amount of money available to AIDS researchers) have said that they

don't know what HIV actually is--possibly a piggy-back virus, as well

as that AIDS may be caused by a number of things all coming together

to cause a breakdown in the immune system, which is why it is often

seen in drug users and people with certain lifestyles that include

abuse of the body--not eating well, other diseases and breakdown in

the body, vaccines, etc. One homosexual himself said the large number

of AIDS cases in the early 80's was due to homosexuals having

multiple partners, in some cases hundreds (anal sex causes a

weakening of the immune system, a fact that was quickly hushed up in

the early 80's--I saw it myself: some American doctors and foreign

doctors were talking about what anal sex does to the body and then

suddenly they stopped and the information couldn't be found easily)as

well as a particular drug they were using--liquid inhalable nitrate,

called poppers, which is extremely damaging. Also, the parameters for

determining who has HIV are different in each country--much looser in

Africa, which pulls into the net people sick from malnutrition.

Then there's the funny coincidence of SV 40 (Simian Monkey Virus)

found in monkey kidney cells used to culture polio and given in polio

vaccines back in the 40's and 50's.

I've done a lot of research on vaccines and found out a lot of scary

stuff to the point where I'm afraid of talking about it, and only

mention it here because we Aspies are less apt to believe whatever we

hear and will dig deeper into things. Follow the money--drugs and

vaccines. AIDS drugs are BIG BIG money and I've read stories of

people doing okay on natural remedies, being forced onto the AIDS

drugs only to die. Vaccine bypass the immune system, namely the

mucosal lining, and cause weird and bad things to happen, besides

what it injected along with them directly into the system. Coverups,

articles disappearing from the archives, doctors speaking out losing

their licenses and being attacked, possible intentional issues and

that's all from me.

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" It is like I worry about taps - germs on taps - the door out of the

> public toilet after I have washed my hands - I have seen others leave

> without washing their hands. Touching any door handle, shaking hands -

> I have to not focus on it too much or I become obsessive about such. "

I am careful not to touch things in the public restrooms and wash my

hands after shaking someone's hands. I've noticed a difference in the

amount I get sick when I was my hands a lot. In the backlash from not

wanting to be obsessive I put it out of my mind and didn't care and

didn't wash my hands and I did get sick--flu, colds, and other bugs.

Usually when people think they have the 24-hour flu (haha, does that

even really exist? Flu has respiratory symptoms and these so-called 24-

hour flus don't), it's actually another bug that came from

uncleanliness related to food or touching something or another person.

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> " I have been horrified when visiting hospitals to see people ignoring

> the wash hands sign when arriving and leaving. There are big signs

> everywhere on some wards and yet people just either ignore or are

> blind to them. "

I'm always shocked at how many people don't wash their hands--they had

statistics once but I forgot what they were, but it was bad. In Jamaica

they have signs in restaurants for the employees which say 'Wash your

hands every 30 minutes' and they do it, here, many restaurant employees

never wash their hands. When I worked in a few fast food restaurants I

took note--it was bad. And when I couldn't observe I looked at the sink-

-it was dry. Not washing hands in hospitals is worse.

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> >


> " The Epidemic after WWI started in France. From there it infected

troops who

> were heading home after the war and was thus spread all around the


> fairly quickly. "

Or did it start in the troops?

I didn't know that about how holding them up and quarantining them may

have stopped the pandemic. Alas.

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> " I don't see how some of you guys handle the issue of germs. They

are everywhere. Mythbusters had a show about the toothbrush in the

bathroom and proved that it doesn't matter where you put the

toothbrush or anything else for that matter. The mouth has just the

same types of germs as the bottom of a sewer. "

What worries me is that the balance has been thrown off, inside our

bodies and in the environment. The good bacteria that keeps the bad

bacteria in check is being killed by the bad bacteria run amok

because of our environment and habits. And the drug resistant

bacteria is a threat. Bacteria, viruses and fungi are being carried

all around the world, thanks to international travel. And it's a

viscious circle--our bodies not being the healthiest because of the

environment we live in are sending these bugs into the environment,

and our environment not being the healthiest are sending the bugs

into us. Who knows what we're doing to our environment and our food

animals and food crops between what we're feeding them and genetic

modifications. Soils aren't clean, air isn't clean and water isn't

clean. Natures' controls are being killed--frogs and bats are

sensitive to pollution and they eat bugs that carry disease. The good

bacteria in soil, water and air are being killed--natures' cleaners

are compromised. It's all about balance and humans don't get it.

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> " Could you please tell me more about this (via personal email if


> like). I am a bit confused because in UK poppers are sold in shops,

> so are they illegal or not? "

Here you go:

What Are Poppers?

This virusmyth.com version of the history of poppers is disputed by

gay community historians, primarily because it is riddled with lies,

falsehoods and misleading statements.THE VIRUSMYTH.COM POPPERS STORY

The Rise and Fall and Rise of 'The Gay Drug'

By Ian Young

Steam Volume 2, Issue 4

" AHAH! HEH HEH HEH HEH! So! You won't take warning, eh? All the worse

for you... And now, my beauties - some thing with poison in it I

think. With poison in it! But attractive to the eye! "

The Wicked Witch of the West, in The Wizard of Oz

Poppers are back! You may have noticed. After almost dropping from

sight in the mid-to-late AIDies, they've risen to the surface again

in the Naughty Nineties - this time as an illegal, rather than a

legal, drug. I live in Toronto, an a friend who used to work in one

of the bathhouses here told me their basement was filled with crates

of the stuff until just a little while ago. In the dance clubs,

vendors wander around selling brown bottles out of shopping bags, or

you can order them from ads in the local gay rag, imported from

Quebec, where they're still legal.

They're not just in the big centers, either. When I visited Saskatoon

a few years ago, everyone on the dance floor of the gay bar seemed to

be snorting them. Of course, in the old days, we could buy them over

the counter at the Yonge Street head shops. Now they're banned -

which means the dealers will come to you.

Of all the drugs, legal and illegal, that have been funnelled into

the gay ghetto over the years, the cheapest and (apart from alcohol

and tobacco) most widely available was poppers. What the scientists

call 'nitrite inhalants,' poppers got their name because when they

were first manufactured, they came in small ampoules that

were 'popped' to release fumes. That was when they were only

available on prescription, for the occasional use of certain heart

patients. Once they became a snort 'em-anytime-fun-drug, having to

keep breaking open little ampoules tended to limit one's intake, and

since, as every child of the consumer society knows, more is better,

enter the familiar little brown screw-top bottle.

In the gay ghettos of the Seventies and early Eighties, poppers were

always at the center of the action. On any given night at, say, the

Anvil in Manhattan, a large percentage of the men on the dance floor

would have poppers in hand, and many of the rest would be helping to

pass the bottles around. Some disco clubs would even add to the

general euphoria by occasionally spraying the dance floor with

poppers fumes.

Rumaker, in his classic book A day and a Night at the Baths,

describes the tubs as " permeated with that particularly inert, greasy

odor of poppers. Wherever you went, the musky chemical smell of it

was constantly in your nostrils. " He found himself heading to the

single, small window, in order to gasp a few breaths of " something

other than the cold, kerosene smell of amyl. "

My own most vivid memory of poppers in action goes back to Fire

Island, sometime in the Seventies - that legendary time. Yes,

children, I was there, I remember it. I was vistiting friends in the

Pines, and was spending a couple of hours at the disco one night.

Across the room, I noticed an acquaintance of mine, the writer

Whitmore, dancing up a storm and inhaling liberally from a poppers

bottle which he kept in the pocket of his jeans. Somehow in the

course of the evening, the bottle broke, and the contents spilled all

over 's leg, giving him a terrible and very unsightly burn. It

made me wonder what kind of damage inhaling the stuff must do.

The original, medicinal form of poppers was amyl nitrate, a 'vascular

dilator' used by people with angina. They didn't snort it all night

of course. They just took a whiff of it on odd occasions when the old

ticker felt funny. Still, the product was worth quite a bit to

Burroughs Wellcome, the giant pharmaceutical company that owned the

patent and enjoyed a monopoly on sales.

Then, early in the Sixties, another angina medicine came along,

better, more convenient, and it didn't give you a headache:

nitroglycerin tablets. Suddenly, doctors had something else to

prescribe instead of those little tins of amyl. (In my collection, I

have an intriguing artefact from the Fifties, a little poppers tin

marked Burroughs Wellcome - Amyl Nitrate. It's also marked POISON.)

So it seemed amyl would go the way of snuff and smelling salts, and

the sales graph at BW started to head towards the floor.

Whoever thought up the next move was certainly brilliant in their

cynical inventiveness. It occurred to someone that there must surely

be other lucrative markets for amyl nitrate, with its characteristic

throbbing 'rush' and short-lived feeling of euphoria. Somewhere along

the line, contacts with the US military were sounded out, and before

long, poppers had found a new test market in the jungle battlefields

of Vietnam.

At the height of the Vietnam War the average GI made his tour of duty

a little more tolerable by getting strung out on a variety of mood-

alternating substances including grass, opium, heroin, and the

smorgasbord of amphetamines. The military in those days had a pretty

casual attitude to the drug use and quite a few backline supply

sergeants found they could use their Mob contacts from civilian life

to transport drugs from Southeast Asia to the US.

From '66 or '67 until the end of the American involvement in the war

in the mid-Seventies, drugs circulated between American cities and

the war zone, and when the war was lost, overseas operations were

transferred to Latin America, with cocaine and crack replacing heroin

as the drug of choice on the street. The CIA had its hand in this,

but that's another story. For the boys in 'Nam, nitrite inhalants

were a welcome addition to the chemical stew. They were legal, they

were easy to carry, and they were being shipped in from the States,

literally by the cratefull - touted as an antidote to gun fumes!

When the surviving GIs returned home, many of them were eager to keep

up their poppers habit, and under heavy pressure from the

manufacturers, the Food and Drug Administration made a ruling

sanctioning over-the-counter sales. Poppers became available without

prescription to the American public. Then about a year later, the

first reports of peacetime casualties began to come in. Terrible skin

burns, blackout, breathing difficulties and blood anomalies caused

poppers to be placed under restriction again.

But once you've let the genie out of the bottle, it's pretty

difficult to put him back. The ban on amyl quickly became ineffective

when an enterprising gay medical student in California, Clifford

Hassing, altered its atomic structure just slightly - it isn't hard

to do - and applied for a patent on butyl nitrite. The genie was

changing form, as genies will.

Soon, Hassing had been muscled out of his thoughtful little home-lab

operation by larger 'entrepreneurs,' nominally-independent operators

controlled by organized crime syndicates. They made further chemical

changes and came up with butyl and isobutyl nitrite - less pure, more

toxic, and even faster-acting than the original amyl. And with the

post-Stonewall rise of the urban, drug-based 'gay lifestyle,' gays

were seen as the ideal market sector for a new aphrodisiac.

At this point the FDA apparently wanted nothing more than to be done

with the whole business, and a modus vivendi was established. The

unwritten agreement seems to have been: public distribution of

poppers would be permitted - as long as they were labelled 'room

odorizer and marketed only to gay men. With this cynical unwritten

agreement, poppers became a multi-million dollar business for the Mob.

During the Seventies and early Eighties, much of the gay press,

including the most influential glossy publications, came to rely on

poppers ads for a huge chunk of its revenue, and poppers became an

accepted part of gay sex. There was even a comic strip called

Poppers, by Jerry Mills. The unwritten agreement was almost never

breached: poppers ads appeared only in gay publications. The few

exceptions were women's magazines with a large gay male readership,

like Playgirl.

Meanwhile, laboratory research on poppers had been quietly

proceeding, and a couple of gay activists had been paying attention.

Hank (on the West Coast) and Lauritsen (in the East)

formed The Committee to Monitor Poppers, collecting scientific data

on just what poppers were doing. What they found wasn't good. Apart

from causing localized damage to nasal membranes, poppers have been

linked to anemia, strokes, heart, lung, and brain damage, arterial

constriction, cardiovascular collapse, and, most tellingly, the blood

de-oxygenation, thymus atrophy, and chronic depletion of T-cell

ratio's associated with severe immune dysfunction.

Before the first official reports of AIDS in 1981, relatively few

voices had been raised to question what health problems poppers users

might be causing themselves. A few attempts were made to curb sales,

but the manufacturers always got around it by changing either the

chemical formula or the product name. And the gay press, dependent on

revenue from ads, did not care to blow the whistle on its own

advertiser. One researcher contacted McQueen, the Advocate's

editor, to warn him that poppers " strongly suppresses " the immune

system and could contribute to KS and Pneumocystis pneumonia. But

McQueen said he wasn't interested. The Advocate ran a series of ads

promoting poppers as a 'Blueprint for Health.'

While researchers and gay advocates warned of danger, the FDA stood

aside; as long as poppers were marketed as room perfume for fags,

they would do nothing. And one popper manufacturer circulated a

letter to all the gay papers, reminding them just who was " the

largest advertiser in the Gay press. " They certainly were that, and

their ads were obviously very effective. By 1978, poppers industry

profits topped $50 million a year. So just how were poppers promoted

in the gay media? A look through back issues of gay papers and

magazines reveals some interesting features.

An ad for " heavy duty " Bolt, a brand of " liquid incense, " shows a

couple of jock-strapped soldiers, buddies in 'Nam perhaps, sharing a

smoke beside a loaded machine gun. Military nostalgia? Another as

shows a bomb falling on a city, with the caustic caption " It's the

Rush Hour! " There are ads for a brand of poppers known as Crypt

Tonight - a deadly pun linking the crypt and the rock that can kill

even Superman. Another brand was called Satan's Scent, which

promised " a devilish aroma. " A brand called Cum showed its bottle as

a dripping cock and balls.

Going over these ads, it's striking how many of them feature bombs,

bullets, weaponry, and other symbols of death and destruction. The

most sinister of all is a full-page colour spread for a brand called

Hardware. It shows an open bottle of the product, surrounded by and

seemingly giving rise to the distinctive, death-seeding mushroom

cloud of an atomic (or hydrogen) bomb. In the head of this reddish-

gold phallic cloud are two human faces, their eyes closed, their

noses appearing to melt or dissolve. Between the faces is another,

subliminal image: the head of a snorting white bull. The text below

reads: " Intensely Powerful. "

Poppers ads often combined appeals to masculinity and potency with

this sort of overt or covered death imagery. At the same time, the

political right was sending gays messages that they deserved to die,

and information on the deathly effects of poppers was being

suppressed. The results for the gay community were a disaster. A

number of studies of the effects of poppers have strongly suggested a

link between poppers use and the appearance of Kaposi's sarcoma in

young gay men.

During the first few years of the AIDS epidemic, poppers came under

suspicion as a possible contributing factor. But after 1984, when the

Reagan administration pronounced a single retrovirus to be the only

cause of the growing list of AIDS illnesses, the health hazards of

poppers were dismissed. All attention and funding was directed to

HIV. Eventually, through the efforts of a few dogged activists and

researchers, state legislatures began to get into the act, and

finally, most jurisdiction made poppers illegal - in spite of a well-

financed campaign by a leading manufacturer, W.J. Freezer, the 'Pope

of Poppers.' But even then, information about poppers was still not

made widely available.

Now that the official explanation of AIDS has shown itself to have

holes big enough to drive a truck through, and has produced neither a

vaccine nor a cure, even some in the AIDS establishment are beginning

to rethink their 'HIV Does It All' position, and are taking a new

look at a range of other factors, including the health risks

associated with inhaling large amounts of nitrites.

An article by Lauritsen in June 13, 1994 issue of the New York

Native, 'The poppers-KS Connection,' summarizes the latest

developments. The National Institute on Drug Abuse is now

investigating a possible poppers-KS link, and even Dr. Gallo,

formerly the central pillar of HIV orthodoxy, is quoted as

reassessing the role of poppers in KS: " The nitrites, " he now

says, " could be the primary factor. "

A few years ago, I asked an old acquaintance, the Canadian AIDS

activist Lynch, to join with me in asking a popular gay paper

to stop advertising poppers. No, he said, poppers were great, and as

a matter of fact he used them all the time. This in spite of the fact

that he was battling serious lung problems! Well, poppers can be

highly addictive. Many gay men who use them find they're no longer

able to enjoy sex without them. Some can't even jack off without them!

Outlawing liquor during the Prohibition era didn't stop people from

drinking, it only caused a lot of grief and help the Mob get rich.

The recent artificial raising of cigarette prices in Canada was flop,

as cigarettes were smuggled over the border by the truckload. Recent

history has shown that outlawing any given drug causes far more

problems than it solves, and the banning of poppers is unlikely to

prove an exception.

The only thing that can make a difference is AEIOU: attitude,

education, information, organization, and understanding. In the

meantime, poppers are back. I have a couple of catalogues here, one

from New York City, the other from the West Coast, offering who knows

what ersatz variety of bottled nitrite inhalants - only they're no

longer 'room odorizer' or 'liquid incense' but 'video head cleaner'

and 'polish remover.' " Just like the old days! " is the slogan. You


Whitmore, Jerry Mills, McQueen, W.J. Freezer, and

Lynch are no longer with us. They all died of AIDS. Burroughs

Wellcome, of course, the original manufacturers of poppers, went on

to fame and fortune with its monopoly on another fine product, the

highly-toxic 'anti-AIDS' drug AZT. *

Ian is the author of several books of poetry, and editor of The Male

Muse and Son of the Male Muse, among others. The above article is

adapted from 'The Stonewall Experiment: A Gay Psychohistory',

published by Cassell.


More current information is available here:



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Ian Young's Fabricated 'Poppers Story', appears to be full of false

statements, lies and fantasy fabrications.


The Rise and Fall and Rise of 'The Gay Drug'

By Ian Young

Steam Volume 2, Issue 4

" AHAH! HEH HEH HEH HEH! So! You won't take warning, eh? All the worse

for you... And now, my beauties - some thing with poison in it I

think. With poison in it! But attractive to the eye! "

The Wicked Witch of the West, in The Wizard of Oz

Poppers are back! You may have noticed. After almost dropping from

sight in the mid-to-late AIDies, they've risen to the surface again

in the Naughty Nineties - this time as an illegal, rather than a

legal, drug. I live in Toronto, an a friend who used to work in one

of the bathhouses here told me their basement was filled with crates

of the stuff until just a little while ago. In the dance clubs,

vendors wander around selling brown bottles out of shopping bags, or

you can order them from ads in the local gay rag, imported from

Quebec, where they're still legal.

They're not just in the big centers, either. When I visited Saskatoon

a few years ago, everyone on the dance floor of the gay bar seemed to

be snorting them. Of course, in the old days, we could buy them over

the counter at the Yonge Street head shops. Now they're banned -

which means the dealers will come to you.

Of all the drugs, legal and illegal, that have been funnelled into

the gay ghetto over the years, the cheapest and (apart from alcohol

and tobacco) most widely available was poppers. What the scientists

call 'nitrite inhalants,' poppers got their name because when they

were first manufactured, they came in small ampoules that

were 'popped' to release fumes. That was when they were only

available on prescription, for the occasional use of certain heart

patients. Once they became a snort 'em-anytime-fun-drug, having to

keep breaking open little ampoules tended to limit one's intake, and

since, as every child of the consumer society knows, more is better,

enter the familiar little brown screw-top bottle.

In the gay ghettos of the Seventies and early Eighties, poppers were

always at the center of the action. On any given night at, say, the

Anvil in Manhattan, a large percentage of the men on the dance floor

would have poppers in hand, and many of the rest would be helping to

pass the bottles around. Some disco clubs would even add to the

general euphoria by occasionally spraying the dance floor with

poppers fumes.

Rumaker, in his classic book A day and a Night at the Baths,

describes the tubs as " permeated with that particularly inert, greasy

odor of poppers. Wherever you went, the musky chemical smell of it

was constantly in your nostrils. " He found himself heading to the

single, small window, in order to gasp a few breaths of " something

other than the cold, kerosene smell of amyl. "

My own most vivid memory of poppers in action goes back to Fire

Island, sometime in the Seventies - that legendary time. Yes,

children, I was there, I remember it. I was vistiting friends in the

Pines, and was spending a couple of hours at the disco one night.

Across the room, I noticed an acquaintance of mine, the writer

Whitmore, dancing up a storm and inhaling liberally from a poppers

bottle which he kept in the pocket of his jeans. Somehow in the

course of the evening, the bottle broke, and the contents spilled all

over 's leg, giving him a terrible and very unsightly burn. It

made me wonder what kind of damage inhaling the stuff must do.

The original, medicinal form of poppers was amyl nitrate, a 'vascular

dilator' used by people with angina. They didn't snort it all night

of course. They just took a whiff of it on odd occasions when the old

ticker felt funny. Still, the product was worth quite a bit to

Burroughs Wellcome, the giant pharmaceutical company that owned the

patent and enjoyed a monopoly on sales.

Then, early in the Sixties, another angina medicine came along,

better, more convenient, and it didn't give you a headache:

nitroglycerin tablets. Suddenly, doctors had something else to

prescribe instead of those little tins of amyl. (In my collection, I

have an intriguing artefact from the Fifties, a little poppers tin

marked Burroughs Wellcome - Amyl Nitrate. It's also marked POISON.)

So it seemed amyl would go the way of snuff and smelling salts, and

the sales graph at BW started to head towards the floor.

Whoever thought up the next move was certainly brilliant in their

cynical inventiveness. It occurred to someone that there must surely

be other lucrative markets for amyl nitrate, with its characteristic

throbbing 'rush' and short-lived feeling of euphoria. Somewhere along

the line, contacts with the US military were sounded out, and before

long, poppers had found a new test market in the jungle battlefields

of Vietnam.

At the height of the Vietnam War the average GI made his tour of duty

a little more tolerable by getting strung out on a variety of mood-

alternating substances including grass, opium, heroin, and the

smorgasbord of amphetamines. The military in those days had a pretty

casual attitude to the drug use and quite a few backline supply

sergeants found they could use their Mob contacts from civilian life

to transport drugs from Southeast Asia to the US.

From '66 or '67 until the end of the American involvement in the war

in the mid-Seventies, drugs circulated between American cities and

the war zone, and when the war was lost, overseas operations were

transferred to Latin America, with cocaine and crack replacing heroin

as the drug of choice on the street. The CIA had its hand in this,

but that's another story. For the boys in 'Nam, nitrite inhalants

were a welcome addition to the chemical stew. They were legal, they

were easy to carry, and they were being shipped in from the States,

literally by the cratefull - touted as an antidote to gun fumes!

When the surviving GIs returned home, many of them were eager to keep

up their poppers habit, and under heavy pressure from the

manufacturers, the Food and Drug Administration made a ruling

sanctioning over-the-counter sales. Poppers became available without

prescription to the American public. Then about a year later, the

first reports of peacetime casualties began to come in. Terrible skin

burns, blackout, breathing difficulties and blood anomalies caused

poppers to be placed under restriction again.

But once you've let the genie out of the bottle, it's pretty

difficult to put him back. The ban on amyl quickly became ineffective

when an enterprising gay medical student in California, Clifford

Hassing, altered its atomic structure just slightly - it isn't hard

to do - and applied for a patent on butyl nitrite. The genie was

changing form, as genies will.

Soon, Hassing had been muscled out of his thoughtful little home-lab

operation by larger 'entrepreneurs,' nominally-independent operators

controlled by organized crime syndicates. They made further chemical

changes and came up with butyl and isobutyl nitrite - less pure, more

toxic, and even faster-acting than the original amyl. And with the

post-Stonewall rise of the urban, drug-based 'gay lifestyle,' gays

were seen as the ideal market sector for a new aphrodisiac.

At this point the FDA apparently wanted nothing more than to be done

with the whole business, and a modus vivendi was established. The

unwritten agreement seems to have been: public distribution of

poppers would be permitted - as long as they were labelled 'room

odorizer and marketed only to gay men. With this cynical unwritten

agreement, poppers became a multi-million dollar business for the Mob.

During the Seventies and early Eighties, much of the gay press,

including the most influential glossy publications, came to rely on

poppers ads for a huge chunk of its revenue, and poppers became an

accepted part of gay sex. There was even a comic strip called

Poppers, by Jerry Mills. The unwritten agreement was almost never

breached: poppers ads appeared only in gay publications. The few

exceptions were women's magazines with a large gay male readership,

like Playgirl.

Meanwhile, laboratory research on poppers had been quietly

proceeding, and a couple of gay activists had been paying attention.

Hank (on the West Coast) and Lauritsen (in the East)

formed The Committee to Monitor Poppers, collecting scientific data

on just what poppers were doing. What they found wasn't good. Apart

from causing localized damage to nasal membranes, poppers have been

linked to anemia, strokes, heart, lung, and brain damage, arterial

constriction, cardiovascular collapse, and, most tellingly, the blood

de-oxygenation, thymus atrophy, and chronic depletion of T-cell

ratio's associated with severe immune dysfunction.

Before the first official reports of AIDS in 1981, relatively few

voices had been raised to question what health problems poppers users

might be causing themselves. A few attempts were made to curb sales,

but the manufacturers always got around it by changing either the

chemical formula or the product name. And the gay press, dependent on

revenue from ads, did not care to blow the whistle on its own

advertiser. One researcher contacted McQueen, the Advocate's

editor, to warn him that poppers " strongly suppresses " the immune

system and could contribute to KS and Pneumocystis pneumonia. But

McQueen said he wasn't interested. The Advocate ran a series of ads

promoting poppers as a 'Blueprint for Health.'

While researchers and gay advocates warned of danger, the FDA stood

aside; as long as poppers were marketed as room perfume for fags,

they would do nothing. And one popper manufacturer circulated a

letter to all the gay papers, reminding them just who was " the

largest advertiser in the Gay press. " They certainly were that, and

their ads were obviously very effective. By 1978, poppers industry

profits topped $50 million a year. So just how were poppers promoted

in the gay media? A look through back issues of gay papers and

magazines reveals some interesting features.

An ad for " heavy duty " Bolt, a brand of " liquid incense, " shows a

couple of jock-strapped soldiers, buddies in 'Nam perhaps, sharing a

smoke beside a loaded machine gun. Military nostalgia? Another as

shows a bomb falling on a city, with the caustic caption " It's the

Rush Hour! " There are ads for a brand of poppers known as Crypt

Tonight - a deadly pun linking the crypt and the rock that can kill

even Superman. Another brand was called Satan's Scent, which

promised " a devilish aroma. " A brand called Cum showed its bottle as

a dripping cock and balls.

Going over these ads, it's striking how many of them feature bombs,

bullets, weaponry, and other symbols of death and destruction. The

most sinister of all is a full-page colour spread for a brand called

Hardware. It shows an open bottle of the product, surrounded by and

seemingly giving rise to the distinctive, death-seeding mushroom

cloud of an atomic (or hydrogen) bomb. In the head of this reddish-

gold phallic cloud are two human faces, their eyes closed, their

noses appearing to melt or dissolve. Between the faces is another,

subliminal image: the head of a snorting white bull. The text below

reads: " Intensely Powerful. "

Poppers ads often combined appeals to masculinity and potency with

this sort of overt or covered death imagery. At the same time, the

political right was sending gays messages that they deserved to die,

and information on the deathly effects of poppers was being

suppressed. The results for the gay community were a disaster. A

number of studies of the effects of poppers have strongly suggested a

link between poppers use and the appearance of Kaposi's sarcoma in

young gay men.

During the first few years of the AIDS epidemic, poppers came under

suspicion as a possible contributing factor. But after 1984, when the

Reagan administration pronounced a single retrovirus to be the only

cause of the growing list of AIDS illnesses, the health hazards of

poppers were dismissed. All attention and funding was directed to

HIV. Eventually, through the efforts of a few dogged activists and

researchers, state legislatures began to get into the act, and

finally, most jurisdiction made poppers illegal - in spite of a well-

financed campaign by a leading manufacturer, W.J. Freezer, the 'Pope

of Poppers.' But even then, information about poppers was still not

made widely available.

Now that the official explanation of AIDS has shown itself to have

holes big enough to drive a truck through, and has produced neither a

vaccine nor a cure, even some in the AIDS establishment are beginning

to rethink their 'HIV Does It All' position, and are taking a new

look at a range of other factors, including the health risks

associated with inhaling large amounts of nitrites.

An article by Lauritsen in June 13, 1994 issue of the New York

Native, 'The poppers-KS Connection,' summarizes the latest

developments. The National Institute on Drug Abuse is now

investigating a possible poppers-KS link, and even Dr. Gallo,

formerly the central pillar of HIV orthodoxy, is quoted as

reassessing the role of poppers in KS: " The nitrites, " he now

says, " could be the primary factor. "

A few years ago, I asked an old acquaintance, the Canadian AIDS

activist Lynch, to join with me in asking a popular gay paper

to stop advertising poppers. No, he said, poppers were great, and as

a matter of fact he used them all the time. This in spite of the fact

that he was battling serious lung problems! Well, poppers can be

highly addictive. Many gay men who use them find they're no longer

able to enjoy sex without them. Some can't even jack off without them!

Outlawing liquor during the Prohibition era didn't stop people from

drinking, it only caused a lot of grief and help the Mob get rich.

The recent artificial raising of cigarette prices in Canada was flop,

as cigarettes were smuggled over the border by the truckload. Recent

history has shown that outlawing any given drug causes far more

problems than it solves, and the banning of poppers is unlikely to

prove an exception.

The only thing that can make a difference is AEIOU: attitude,

education, information, organization, and understanding. In the

meantime, poppers are back. I have a couple of catalogues here, one

from New York City, the other from the West Coast, offering who knows

what ersatz variety of bottled nitrite inhalants - only they're no

longer 'room odorizer' or 'liquid incense' but 'video head cleaner'

and 'polish remover.' " Just like the old days! " is the slogan. You


Whitmore, Jerry Mills, McQueen, W.J. Freezer, and

Lynch are no longer with us. They all died of AIDS. Burroughs

Wellcome, of course, the original manufacturers of poppers, went on

to fame and fortune with its monopoly on another fine product, the

highly-toxic 'anti-AIDS' drug AZT. *


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" I wonder how one would most effectively explain " it is clearly wrong! "

> to the kinds of animals that, in nature, eat their own kind when they

> can. "

The way I heard it explained was in regard to Mad Cow Disease: cows

are not carnivores so putting flesh into their feed causes weird things

to happen.


It's possible some animals can be carnivores and some can't--it's the

messing with this in ignorance that causes problems. It's thought that

Mad Cow may have come from a tribe of human carnivores in New Guinea--

some scientists brought tissue samples to the UK and US to study and it

may have been discarded into the water system, but the more I read the

more I think it was the other way around--westerners brought it to the

natives there because the disease didn't show up until after westerners

came there and it spread because of their practice of eating brains

(and possibly from the flesh)--they ate the brains of a diseased



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> " It is easy to get out of whack as far as the good bacteria go in

your own

> system. What I do is to take probiotic capsules now and then that

contain the

> good bacteria needed in the digestive tract. Yogurt is also

supposed to help

> maintain the balance. "

The problem, though, is, that it is way out of whack by the time you

feel the effects. There are no nerves in the intestines and no way to

know what is going on until it gets bad enough for the effects to be

felt. You might notice a few things early on, and just think your

body is cleaning itself out or it's sensitive, or you it's what

you're eating. If it gets bad enough to feel the effects and you take

probiotics, you might just be reducing the problem, not curing it. If

it's at that point, the bad bacteria has overtaken the good and a few

capsules probably won't be enough to do it--the yeast, fungi and

bacteria may go down a little but once you stop the probiotics,

they'll multiply again. You could have a problem with e-coli and

other bacteria and not know it, but be passing it on to others and

infecting yourself. Between antiobiotics, birth control pills,

toxins, stress, sugar, bad carbs and others, our systems can get out

of whack. You made hold your own for a while until you get older.

This constant fight can weaken the immune systems (there is one in

the intestines) and other parts of the body. We would really need to

be in a pure environment, eating really well and still practicing

cleanses and bowel health for things to be completely right.



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> >

> > " Could you please tell me more about this (via personal email if

> you

> > like). I am a bit confused because in UK poppers are sold in


> > so are they illegal or not? "

Sorry, that last article was a little graphic. I wanted to present

that point of view but here's a scientific one. The whole article on

this site is fascinating but this is just the part on poppers and

nitric oxide:



>Frequently Asked Questions

This document is based on the invaluable work of Dr. Heinrich Kremer.

While waiting for his book to be translated into English, I have

written this FAQ to explain some of the core concepts. Please also

visit our library for selected scientific articles.

So what is this Nitric Oxide stuff anyways?

Nitric oxide (NO) is a tiny, highly reactive molecule that is used as

a signalling substance in many types of cells, in both the immune

system and other cell systems such as nerves and blood vesssels. NO

has unique electromagnetic properties, and because it is so tiny it

can pass through cell membranes easily. NO can kill viruses,

protozoa, fungus and some bacteria because it binds to enzymatic

metalloproteins and suffocates the oxygen respiration. This is why

nitrates, which metabolize into NO, are used in the preservation of

meats. Unfortunately, NO can do the same thing to mitochondria, which

are ancient endosymbiotic bacteria. NO is also a metabolic byproduct

from inhaling poppers.

For nearly 100 years, scientists thought that NO was not made

endogenously in the animal organism. It was not until 1987 (1998

Nobel Prize) that Furchgott and Ignarro serendipitously discovered

that NO is an endogenous molecule used to relax blood vessels and

regulate blood pressure. It was later discovered that NO is also

involved in brain nerves, penile erection, mitochondrial regulation,

and the cell-mediated immune defense. Th1 and other immune cells use

NO gas to attack intracellular invaders and destroy defective cells.

Without the proper synthesis of NO gas, the immune system will be

susceptible to opportunistic infections. The crucially important " gas

mask " that protects animal cells from NO is glutathione. Too much NO

gas leads to glutathione deficiency and subsequent triggering of Type-

II counterregulation.

back to index

How do Poppers affect the immune system?

Poppers (aka amyl nitrate, as well as butyl, isobutyl, and isopentyl

analogues) are metabolized into nitric oxide (NO), which is used

endogenously by the body as a messanger substance. NO is a key

signalling molecule in the regulatory functions of the immune system,

as well as other cellular systems such as nerves. This discovery was

not made until the mid-nineties, are resulted in the award of the

1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine. Excess NO from poppers is

stored in the cells and later released into the bloodstream during

physical exertion. Excess NO in the bloodstream causes, among other

things, degenerative changes in the endothelial tissues leading to

Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). Rampant KS as seen in gay men, once thought to

be caused by viruses such as HIV or HHV6, has been quite strongly

correlated with the abuse of nitrite poppers (though it is still

possible to suffer from KS without using poppers)

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This is touchy, but there is another threat we pose to the environment.

the antibiotics we consume are passing through us and through water

filtration systems and into the waterways. The end result is that

bacteria in the waterways are affected by these passed antibiotics as

well as some of the animals that live in these environments.



" Who knows what we're doing to our environment and our food

animals and food crops between what we're feeding them and genetic

modifications. Soils aren't clean, air isn't clean and water isn't

clean. "

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Thanks for info'. Like I said I've seen these things in shops in UK,

with names such as liquid Gold etc.

> >

> > " Could you please tell me more about this (via personal email if

> you

> > like). I am a bit confused because in UK poppers are sold in


> > so are they illegal or not? "


> Here you go:


> What Are Poppers?

> This virusmyth.com version of the history of poppers is disputed by

> gay community historians, primarily because it is riddled with


> falsehoods and misleading statements.THE VIRUSMYTH.COM POPPERS STORY

> The Rise and Fall and Rise of 'The Gay Drug'

> By Ian Young


> Steam Volume 2, Issue 4



> " AHAH! HEH HEH HEH HEH! So! You won't take warning, eh? All the


> for you... And now, my beauties - some thing with poison in it I

> think. With poison in it! But attractive to the eye! "


> The Wicked Witch of the West, in The Wizard of Oz (SNIP)



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> " Erm...


> This is touchy, but there is another threat we pose to the


> the antibiotics we consume are passing through us and through water

> filtration systems and into the waterways. The end result is that

> bacteria in the waterways are affected by these passed antibiotics as

> well as some of the animals that live in these environments. "

Ah yes, isn't that fun. Filtered water to drink and shower in is

recommended. Here's some facts about this problem: a nationwide US

Geological Survey tested water in 30 states for 95 different

prescription drugs and found that 75 percent of the water tested

contained two or more drugs, 54 percent had more than 5 drugs, 34

percent more than 10, 13 percent more than 20. How they get into the

water supply: 40 percent of all antibiotic drugs are fed to livestock.

The manure from these is used as fertilizer (I particulary love this

one!)and the manure washes into the water supply, and drugs are flushed

down drains and toilets by people cleaning out their medicine cabinets,

hospitals and drug companies disposing of their old drugs and people

taking drugs and excreting them. Wastewater treatment plants do not

remove them. Each person takes in a bout three pounds of drugs each

from the environment. This problem is also contributing towards

antiobiotic resistant strains.

Here's some weird facts: pharmaceutical drugs in water trigger hormone

imbalances in fish causing the feminization of male fish (!)

Antidepressants found in water cause premature spawning in shellfish,

drugs that treat heart ailments prevent fish from repairing normal

damage to their fins.

How about other animals like dolphins who are sensitive? And mammals?

And humans?


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> " Thanks for info'. Like I said I've seen these things in shops in UK,

> with names such as liquid Gold etc. "

Yikes, so they are, I had no idea. DON'T anyone think they want to try

them--they are very dangerous and among the other problems they cause,

no one needs their immune systems weakened!!!!!



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