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Re: 'Natural' Diet

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In a message dated 3/7/2006 6:39:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, rainbow@... writes:

Blood is blood, period.

The Bible does not say: "Only eat a little blood" now does it.

this is the same fuzzy headed logic that allows you to conceive of 'moral' murder!

I'm the Lord is fully aware that is it impossible to drain all the blood from an animal, yet we are given permission to eat them, except for those with cloven hooves that don't chew cud, which would be pigs and a few others. My logic is quite clear based on personal experience and knowledge of Biblical tradition.

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In a message dated 3/7/2006 7:16:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, rainbow@... writes:


Just shows how 'religious' most people are, now doesn't it?

Of course, disobeying God's laws gives them plenty of time to confess their sins and receive God's forgiveness, just before their pot luck picnic, right?

Now this is bordering on the offensive. How about a little vegetarian tolerance for us meat eaters?

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In a message dated 3/7/2006 8:46:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, inglori@... writes:

Vegetarianism I see as a goal for humanity in the future, but right now many are not yet ready for it. It's also a matter of body type. Some are not designed to live on veggies alone.

It is not meant for me. I enjoy salads and many vegetables, but my system can't exist on them alone. I tried a vegetarian diet for about 2 months and all I succeeded in doing was losing close to 25 pounds (I wasn't fat BTW, just well muscled and athletic, natural style, not the muscle mutants on wrestling) and I got sick often. Switching back to meat one meal per day put back on about 20 pounds in a few months and I wasn't weak and shaky anymore.

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Come on now guys... how about some of that hippie peace?

I say live and let live.

Vegetarianism I see as a goal for humanity in the future, but right now many are not yet ready for it. It's also a matter of body type. Some are not designed to live on veggies alone.

What I have most problem with is not aminals being killed for food, since that has been the natural course of things for millions of years. What I'm more concerned about is how they are treated while alive. In that respect I do think Temple Grandin has done a great service to that estimated half of the cows in North America who enjoys her more cow-friendly designs. I also wish they would have better lighting, more natural environment and love from their carers. Perhaps I should contact her and see if she can do something about the lighting too?


'Natural' Diet

> Ender: "But most Jews and Christians have no problem chowing down on a dead cow... even though The Book says rather plainly that it's a No...No..."

> "If it's okay for one person to ready it that way there is no reason some one else can't read that line or any other line to mean what

they want it to mean"


Just shows how 'religious' most people are, now doesn't it?

Of course, disobeying God's laws gives them plenty of time to confess their sins and receive God's forgiveness, just before their pot luck picnic, right?


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I would love to know how vegetarian Christians reconcile Jesus passing

out fishes to the multitudes to eat, and the last supper: if you're a

true Christian with the belief that Jesus committed no sins (if you

don't believe that, then it stands to reason Jesus was not the Christ,

and you therefore can't be Christian by definition) but yet he ate

fish and handed it out to others to eat, then there's a contradiction



> > Ender: " Hmmm... I didn't realize that Genesis had a prohibition on

> eating meat...


> 9:3 Says we are suppose to be vegetarians and 9:4 Says we shouldn't

> eat animals that have blood... Oh, I'm aware that as part of the

> process of butchering an animal you drain their blood but there is

> really no way to get it all out... "


> Right! Well, it is really not very politically correct today to bad

> mouth the enormous fish, chicken, beef industries. Not to mention the

> vast food processing, advertising, marketing, distributing

> industries, insurance, and doctor/medical/hospital industries. They

> employ countless millions of people, who might have to get a real life.


> From the Book of :


> 1:8 But purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself

> with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he

> drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he

> might not defile himself.


> 1:12 Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give

> us pulse to eat, and water to drink.


> 1:13 Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the

> countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's

> meat: and as thou seest, deal with thy servants.


> 1:15 And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer

> and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion

> of the king's meat.


> Besides Genesis, this was one of the Biblical passages that led me to

> vegetarianism.


> Rainbow


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On 7 Mar 2006 Rainbow . wrote:

> Blood is blood, period.


> The Bible does not say: " Only eat a little blood " now does it.

In a way it does.

Let's presume *arguendo* that the Bible is the true law. Then

that means that there would be nothing it which is wrong; more

to the point, an apparent contradiction can be resolved.

Since one can eat meat (under some passages) but blood is

forbidden, the bible must have a particular meaning to this.

One possibility is that one does not do as the Masai or Mongol

Horsemen who drink blood. " Okay, blood pudding is henceforth

treif. " So apparently one must prepare meat in such a way that

the blood is drained. Clearly this does not mean extract all

blood because that is impossible. (The particular rituals are

simply a way to put up a wall around what is prohibited, so for

example, meat would be salted and soaked to remove any remaining

excess blood.)

Probably it meant what has been handed down to us, which is that

the blood is drained and perhaps slaughter should be performed

accordingly. This is probably what was intended because the

ancient Jewish rituals were probably not significantly altered

in that regard.

Something a little similar to Rainbow's interpertation is also


It is recognized that at least ancient people would eat meat.

Meanwhile there is a command to abstain from things which are

part of meat, such as fat and blood. So ultimately people will

migrate to vegetarianism, but still be allowed to wear leather

(if the animal died on its own).

All of this makes a lot more sense than:

This qadi (sharia court judge) driving around Mecca

(where women can't drive), and he hits an errant pigeon. Being a

capable and pious qadi and knowing that it is haraam to kill an

animal in Mecca, he appears before himself, serves as a witness

against himself before himself, and sentences himself. To

killing another animal!


- s

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> > Ender: " But most Jews and Christians have no problem chowing down on a

dead cow... even though The Book says rather plainly that it's a No...No... "

Well, The Book says in at least one place that it's a yes-yes:

Deuteronomy 12:15-16.

Yours for better letters,

Kate Gladstone

Handwriting Repair and the World Handwriting Contest


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> I'm the Lord is fully aware that is it impossible to drain all the blood from

an animal, yet we are given permission to eat them, except for those with

cloven hooves that don't chew cud, which would be pigs and a few others.

The Bible also forbids most kinds of seafood (Leviticus 11:9-12).

Yours for better letters,

Kate Gladstone

Handwriting Repair and the World Handwriting Contest


http://learn.to/handwrite, http://www.global2000.net/handwritingrepair

325 South Manning Boulevard

Albany, New York 12208-1731 USA

telephone 518/482-6763


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> In a message dated 3/7/2006 8:46:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

inglori@... writes:


> Vegetarianism I see as a goal for humanity in the future, but right now

many are not yet ready for it. It's also a matter of body type. Some are not

designed to live on veggies alone.



> It is not meant for me. I enjoy salads and many vegetables, but my system

can't exist on them alone. I tried a vegetarian diet for about 2 months and all

I succeeded in doing was losing close to 25 pounds (I wasn't fat BTW, just well

muscled and athletic, natural style, not the muscle mutants on wrestling) and I

got sick often. Switching back to meat one meal per day put back on about 20

pounds in a few months and I wasn't weak and shaky anymore.

I had a very similar experience (though it took me longer than a few

months to decide that I couldn't make vegetarianism work for me).

So did Temple Grandin (she tried vegetarianism for a while, in hopes

to avoid cruelty to animals) and she also quickly found that her body

and mind just didn't work on a no-meat diet. I heard her discuss this

at one of her lectures, and she also writes about this somewhere in


Yours for better letters,

Kate Gladstone

Handwriting Repair and the World Handwriting Contest


http://learn.to/handwrite, http://www.global2000.net/handwritingrepair

325 South Manning Boulevard

Albany, New York 12208-1731 USA

telephone 518/482-6763


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Here is, 1. A general rule concerning fishes, which were clean and which

not. All that had fins and scales they might eat, and only those odd

sorts of water-animals that have not were forbidden, v. 9, 10. The

ancients accounted fish the most delicate food (so far were they from

allowing it on fasting-days, or making it an instance of mortification

to eat fish); therefore God did not lay much restraint upon his people

in them; for he is a Master that allows his servants not only for

necessity but for delight. Concerning the prohibited fish it is said,

/They shall be an //abomination to you/ (v. 10–12), that is, " You shall

count them unclean, and not only not eat of them, but keep at a distance

from them.’’ Note, Whatever is unclean should be to us an abomination;

/touch not the unclean thing./ But observe, It was to be an abomination

only to Jews; the neighbouring nations were under none of these

obligations, nor are these things to be an abomination to us Christians.

The Jews were honoured with peculiar privileges, and therefore, lest

they should be proud of those, /Transeunt cum onere—They were likewise

laid //under peculiar restraints./ Thus God’s spiritual Israel, as they

are dignified above others by the gospel-covenant of adoption and

friendship, so they must be mortified more than others by the

gospel-commands of self-denial and bearing the cross. 2. Concerning

fowls here is no general rule given, but a particular enumeration of

those fowls that they must abstain from as unclean, which implies an

allowance of all others. The critics here have their hands full to find

out what is the true signification of the Hebrew words here used, some

of which still remain uncertain, some sorts of fowls being peculiar to

some countries. Were the law in force now, we should be concerned to

know with certainty what are prohibited by it; and perhaps if we did,

and were better acquainted with the nature of the fowls here mentioned,

we should admire the knowledge of Adam, in giving them names expressive

of their natures, Gen. 2:20 </kjv/Gen/Gen002.html#20>. But the law being

repealed, and the learning in a great measure lost, it is sufficient for

us to observe that of the fowls here forbidden, (1.) Some are birds of

prey, as the eagle, vulture, etc., and God would have his people to

abhor every thing that is barbarous and cruel, and not to live by blood

and rapine. Doves that are preyed upon were fit to be food for man and

offerings to God; but kites and hawks that prey upon them must be looked

upon as an abomination to God and man; for the condition of those that

are persecuted for righteousness’ sake appears to an eye of faith every

way better than that of their persecutors. (2.) Others of them are

solitary birds, that abide in dark and desolate places, as the owl and

the pelican (Ps. 102:6 </kjv/Psa/Psa102.html#6>), and the cormorant and

raven (Isa. 34:11 </kjv/Isa/Isa034.html#11>); for God’s Israel should

not be a melancholy people, nor affect sadness and constant solitude.

(3.) Others of them feed upon that which is impure, as the stork on

serpents, others of them on worms; and we must not only abstain from all

impurity ourselves, but from communion with those that allow themselves

in it. (4.) Others of them were used by the Egyptians and other Gentiles

in their divinations. Some birds were reckoned fortunate, others

ominous; and their soothsayers had great regard to the flights of these

birds, all which therefore must be an abomination to God’s people, who

must not learn the way of the heathen.

Kate Gladstone wrote:

> Re:




> > I'm the Lord is fully aware that is it impossible to drain all the

> blood from an animal, yet we are given permission to eat them, except

> for those with cloven hooves that don't chew cud, which would be pigs

> and a few others.


> The Bible also forbids most kinds of seafood (Leviticus 11:9-12).



> Yours for better letters,

> Kate Gladstone

> Handwriting Repair and the World Handwriting Contest

> handwritingrepair@...

> http://learn.to/handwrite, http://www.global2000.net/handwritingrepair

> 325 South Manning Boulevard

> Albany, New York 12208-1731 USA

> telephone 518/482-6763


> you can order books through my site!

> (Amazon.com link -

> I get a 5% - 15% commission on each book sold)



> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship,

> support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.


> Don't forget, there are links to other FAM sites on the Links page in

> the folder marked " Other FAM Sites. "





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> http://www.blueletterbible.org/tmp_dir/c/1141794578-2195.html ...

The Blue Letter Bible commentary that Toni posted

comes, like most Internet Bible commentaries,

from Christian ideas about Jewish practices.

This makes it partly on-target and partly off-target as an explanation

of Jewish practices.

Rather than go boringly point-by-point through everything and

explain what the Blue Letter writers got right (and got wrong), may I

suggest that anyone here who wants an explanation of Jewish food-laws

should consult a trained-expert Jewish source - either a Jewish

(rather than Christian) commentary or, better yet, a rabbi?

(After all, you wouldn't search Buddhist sources for an explanation of

Hindu practices -

you wouldn't search Muslim sources for an explanation of Christian practices -

so why search Christian sources for an explanation of Jewish practices?)

Yours for better letters,

Kate Gladstone

Handwriting Repair and the World Handwriting Contest


http://learn.to/handwrite, http://www.global2000.net/handwritingrepair

325 South Manning Boulevard

Albany, New York 12208-1731 USA

telephone 518/482-6763


you can order books through my site!

(Amazon.com link -

I get a 5% - 15% commission on each book sold)

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" Well, how about we agree to disagree over the interpretation of

these passages from Genesis, after all they were written a long time

ago, by persons in a far off land, speaking a truly strange tongue. "

I agree to disagree.

" I know we agree that they are human interpretations of God's word. "

I disagree. The Bible is inspired by God, meaning the authors were

told what to write and wrote it. The Bibles that are printed today

are translated from ancient Hebrew and Greek texts which are nearly

identically written. The subsequent discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls

shows no significant deviation from the ancient texts.

The Bible as originally written (and in two languages) thus reaffirms

three times God's intent for man. Only the interpretations of the

original texts can be wrong, but even the interpretations do not vary

much as can be seen if you go here:


And you will see the following different interpretations:

The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the

Spirit of God was hovering over its surface.

New Living Translation © 1996 Tyndale Charitable Trust

NKJV - Gen 1:2 - The earth was without form, and void; and darkness

was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over

the face of the waters.

New King Version © 1982

NASB - Gen 1:2 - The earth was formless and void, and darkness was

over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over

the surface of the waters.

New American Standard Bible © 1995 Lockman Foundation

RSV - Gen 1:2 - The earth was without form and void, and darkness was

upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the

face of the waters.

Revised Standard Version © 1947, 1952.

Webster - Gen 1:2 - And the earth was without form, and void; and

darkness [was] upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved

upon the face of the waters.

Noah Webster Version 1833 Info

Young - Gen 1:2 - the earth hath existed waste and void, and darkness

[is] on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God fluttering on the

face of the waters,

Young Literal Translation 1862, 1887, 1898 Info

Darby - Gen 1:2 - And the earth was waste and empty, and darkness was

on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the

face of the waters.

J.N.Darby Translation 1890 Info

ASV - Gen 1:2 - And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was

upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face

of the waters

American Standard Version 1901 Info

HNV - Gen 1:2 - Now the eretz was formless and empty. Darkness was on

the surface of the deep. God's Spirit was hovering over the surface

of the waters.

Hebrew Names Version 2000 Info

Vulgate - Gen 1:2 - terra autem erat inanis et vacua et tenebrae

super faciem abyssi et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas

Jerome's Latin Vulgate 405 A.D. Info

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" Well, how about we agree to disagree over the interpretation of

these passages from Genesis, after all they were written a long time

ago, by persons in a far off land, speaking a truly strange tongue. "

I agree to disagree.

" I know we agree that they are human interpretations of God's word. "

I disagree. The Bible is inspired by God, meaning the authors were

told what to write and wrote it. The Bibles that are printed today

are translated from ancient Hebrew and Greek texts which are nearly

identically written. The subsequent discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls

shows no significant deviation from the ancient texts.

The Bible as originally written (and in two languages) thus reaffirms

three times God's intent for man. Only the interpretations of the

original texts can be wrong, but even the interpretations do not vary

much as can be seen if you go here:


And you will see the following different interpretations:

The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the

Spirit of God was hovering over its surface.

New Living Translation © 1996 Tyndale Charitable Trust

NKJV - Gen 1:2 - The earth was without form, and void; and darkness

was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over

the face of the waters.

New King Version © 1982

NASB - Gen 1:2 - The earth was formless and void, and darkness was

over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over

the surface of the waters.

New American Standard Bible © 1995 Lockman Foundation

RSV - Gen 1:2 - The earth was without form and void, and darkness was

upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the

face of the waters.

Revised Standard Version © 1947, 1952.

Webster - Gen 1:2 - And the earth was without form, and void; and

darkness [was] upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved

upon the face of the waters.

Noah Webster Version 1833 Info

Young - Gen 1:2 - the earth hath existed waste and void, and darkness

[is] on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God fluttering on the

face of the waters,

Young Literal Translation 1862, 1887, 1898 Info

Darby - Gen 1:2 - And the earth was waste and empty, and darkness was

on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the

face of the waters.

J.N.Darby Translation 1890 Info

ASV - Gen 1:2 - And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was

upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face

of the waters

American Standard Version 1901 Info

HNV - Gen 1:2 - Now the eretz was formless and empty. Darkness was on

the surface of the deep. God's Spirit was hovering over the surface

of the waters.

Hebrew Names Version 2000 Info

Vulgate - Gen 1:2 - terra autem erat inanis et vacua et tenebrae

super faciem abyssi et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas

Jerome's Latin Vulgate 405 A.D. Info

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I am getting confused with this whole topic - out of interest was Jesus

a vegetarian?


> > Tom: " The passages mean you cannot eat anything while it is


> nor can you drink its blood from its body before or after death, nor

> can you drain the blood from its body and drink it. "


> Well, how about we agree to disagree over the interpretation of


> passages from Genesis, after all they were written a long time ago,

> by persons in a far off land, speaking a truly strange tongue.


> I know we agree that they are human interpretations of God's word.


> Rainbow


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I am getting confused with this whole topic - out of interest was Jesus

a vegetarian?


> > Tom: " The passages mean you cannot eat anything while it is


> nor can you drink its blood from its body before or after death, nor

> can you drain the blood from its body and drink it. "


> Well, how about we agree to disagree over the interpretation of


> passages from Genesis, after all they were written a long time ago,

> by persons in a far off land, speaking a truly strange tongue.


> I know we agree that they are human interpretations of God's word.


> Rainbow


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Without question, he ate fish, at least, unless we're to expect that

he only fed everyone else fish. Whether he ate other meat, I'm not

sure if that's stated in the New Testament or not, as it likely wasn't

consider worth recording, much as we wouldn't be likely to record what

brand of toothpaste we used to brush our teeth. I don't recall the

contents of the last supper being specified, and even if so, what he

chose to eat that was on the menu. It would be quite logical if he at

least ate lamb, though.

> >

> > > Tom: " The passages mean you cannot eat anything while it is

> alive,

> > nor can you drink its blood from its body before or after death, nor

> > can you drain the blood from its body and drink it. "

> >

> > Well, how about we agree to disagree over the interpretation of

> these

> > passages from Genesis, after all they were written a long time ago,

> > by persons in a far off land, speaking a truly strange tongue.

> >

> > I know we agree that they are human interpretations of God's word.

> >

> > Rainbow

> >


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Now I'm thinking I should record my brand of toothpaste for future

generations that might wonder ;-)

> > >

> > > > Tom: " The passages mean you cannot eat anything while it is

> > alive,

> > > nor can you drink its blood from its body before or after

death, nor

> > > can you drain the blood from its body and drink it. "

> > >

> > > Well, how about we agree to disagree over the interpretation of

> > these

> > > passages from Genesis, after all they were written a long time


> > > by persons in a far off land, speaking a truly strange tongue.

> > >

> > > I know we agree that they are human interpretations of God's


> > >

> > > Rainbow

> > >

> >


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Now this is one of my stumbling blocks with religion is that people

tend to interpret as they like. I'm beginning to realise that things

should be taken in context and also to delve into what history backs

it up - as in, in the time it was written, what context would they

have meant it in then and not now.


> > Ender: " But most Jews and Christians have no problem chowing


> on a dead cow... even though The Book says rather plainly that it's


> No...No... "


> > " If it's okay for one person to ready it that way there is no

> reason some one else can't read that line or any other line to mean


> they want it to mean "


> Yep!


> Just shows how 'religious' most people are, now doesn't it?


> Of course, disobeying God's laws gives them plenty of time to


> their sins and receive God's forgiveness, just before their pot


> picnic, right?


> Rainbow


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>> It is not meant for me. I enjoy salads and many vegetables, but my system can't exist on them alone. I tried a vegetarian diet for about 2 months and all I succeeded in doing was losing close to 25 pounds (I wasn't fat BTW, just well muscled and athletic, natural style, not the muscle mutants on wrestling) and I got sick often. Switching back to meat one meal per day put back on about 20 pounds in a few months and I wasn't weak and shaky anymore.

Kate:> I had a very similar experience (though it took me longer than a few months to decide that I couldn't make vegetarianism work for me).

Same for me. I have never been as inbalanced as when I lived on a strict veggie- & fruit diet. I need cooked food, animal protein (fish), butter, and heavy carbs like potatoes, bread and pasta to keep me grounded. Others may need a lighter diet to fit their particular body type. There are no universal diet rules that will have the same effect on everyone. Some guidance can be found in Ayur-Veda, whttp://health.indiamart.com/ayurveda/tridosha.html hich helps you find your body-type and what kind of food is best for each type, but one may still need to modify it to suit one's unique needs - especially if you have many food sensitivities etc.


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I thought so too. That's why I asked for more of that hippie spirit. :-)


P.S. I also hope I made it sufficiently clear that my previous post about forbidding everything that most people enjoy - except TV - was a rhetoric joke.

Re: 'Natural' Diet

In a message dated 3/7/2006 7:16:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, rainbow@... writes:


Just shows how 'religious' most people are, now doesn't it?

Of course, disobeying God's laws gives them plenty of time to confess their sins and receive God's forgiveness, just before their pot luck picnic, right?

Now this is bordering on the offensive. How about a little vegetarian tolerance for us meat eaters?

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In a message dated 3/8/2006 12:20:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, mikecarrie01@... writes:

I once spent several hours with a list like this that a Muslim man had given me, researching the contradictions and providing explanations. I was able to answer all but two. I presented it to him, only to have him toss it out in a very aggravated way--he had not expected me to answer him, and I was in such a hurry to get back to him that I didn't make a copy. I would research them again for you if I was sure you did want me to, and are not just using the contradiction argument as a reason to dismiss the bible.

I wonder how he would have reacted had you given him a list of contradictions in the Koran?

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> I disagree. The Bible is inspired by God, meaning the authors were

> told what to write and wrote it. The Bibles that are printed today

> are translated from ancient Hebrew and Greek texts which are nearly

> identically written. The subsequent discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls

> shows no significant deviation from the ancient texts.


> The Bible as originally written (and in two languages) thus reaffirms

> three times God's intent for man. Only the interpretations of the

> original texts can be wrong, but even the interpretations do not vary

> much ...

What about Bible contradictions, such as those listed at



Yours for better letters,

Kate Gladstone

Handwriting Repair and the World Handwriting Contest


http://learn.to/handwrite, http://www.global2000.net/handwritingrepair

325 South Manning Boulevard

Albany, New York 12208-1731 USA

telephone 518/482-6763


you can order books through my site!

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I get a 5% - 15% commission on each book sold)

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I'd have to go through a lengthy explanation to explain them all.

For instance, the person who created the site states " The bat is not

a bird, " and rightfully so. We all know that. Yet the Bible says:

LEV 11:13 And these are they which ye shall have in abomination

among the fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination:

the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,

LEV 11:14 And the vulture, and the kite after his kind;

LEV 11:15 Every raven after his kind;

LEV 11:16 And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the

hawk after his kind,

LEV 11:17 And the little owl, and the cormorant, and the great owl,

LEV 11:18 And the swan, and the pelican, and the gier eagle,

LEV 11:19 And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing,

and the bat.

DEU 14:11 Of all clean birds ye shall eat.

DEU 14:12 But these are they of which ye shall not eat: the eagle,

and the ossifrage, and the ospray,

DEU 14:13 And the glede, and the kite, and the vulture after his


DEU 14:14 And every raven after his kind,

DEU 14:15 And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the

hawk after his kind,

DEU 14:16 The little owl, and the great owl, and the swan,

DEU 14:17 And the pelican, and the gier eagle, and the cormorant,

DEU 14:18 And the stork, and the heron after her kind, and the

lapwing, and the bat.

What gives?

Well, in Biblical times, animals were not classified like they are

today. We know that bats are flying rodents. But during that time,

anything that flew was a bird.

Then we have this foolishness. The site says:

" Insects do NOT have four feet, " and rightfully so. Yet the Bible


" LEV 11:21 Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that

goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap

withal upon the earth;

LEV 11:22 Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind,

and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind,

and the grasshopper after his kind.

LEV 11:23 But all other flying creeping things, which have four

feet, shall be an abomination unto you. "

What gives?

" Goeth upon all four " is a metaphor for " creeping. "

It is as simple as that.

Either, the person who created this site is clearly very ignorant,

or else just wants to find fault with the Bible.

Here we have:

" Snails do not melt "

PSA 58:8 As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away:

like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun.

But they do deflate as they dry up in the desert sun. The reducction

of size was what the thrust of the word " melteth. "

Any religious scholar worth his weight in salt would know these

things because they can be cross-reference with other non-religious

documents at the time in which the Bible was written.

You can find many Biblical expressions in translated Roman

literature, for example.



What about Bible contradictions, such as those listed at




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In a message dated 3/8/2006 1:07:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, rainbow@... writes:

What's your secret?

I sure could stand to lose those 25 pounds!

Basically its pretty easy. Cut back on your calorie intake and keep exercising. I just wasn't getting enough protein and calories and probably other nutrients to keep myself up. Losing weight that fast though isn't healthy, so I really don't recommend it. That is just what happened to me when I tried the vegetarian diet.

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